Restoring a gallery on Android. How to restore photos on Android after resetting to factory settings. How to recover data on a memory card using Free File Recovery

Today we will look at special programs that will help us recover deleted photos on Android and other data lost for one reason or another.

The Android operating system is installed on most smartphones and tablets produced by manufacturers today. As with any system, various glitches occur in Android. It's not uncommon for your favorite photos and other files to disappear.

Today's article is not intended to identify the best data recovery program. We will only show which ones exist, and the user will choose the one that suits him. It is worth noting that where one program did not cope with the task, another can help and vice versa. It all depends on the specific case. So to say that some method is worse and some is better would not be entirely correct. For best results, it is recommended to open super user rights on your device. You can read how to do this in a separate article.

DiskDigger (Download)

Photo: DiskDigger

The program is available in two versions, paid and free. In the free version, it will help you recover only photos and videos. To recover video files, you will need to expand your rights to . The paid version has more functionality and allows you to find other lost files on your device.

Using the program is quite simple. After launch, the system will offer you two types of scans, basic and full. You will only be able to perform a full scan if you have root rights.

Once the scan is complete, you will see the files found on your device. Select the required ones and click on the “restore” button at the top. (photo 3)

Undeleter (Download)

Photo: Undeleter

The program allows you to recover deleted photos on Android without using a computer. It requires root rights and is capable of recovering more than a thousand different types of files. This program, powerful in its recovery ability, will help you recover any file erased, accidentally or as a result of a failure.

In the free version, it will only help you recover photos. To fully restore data, you must purchase a key. Verdict: Undeleter is a good program with a powerful scanning effect.

GT Recovery (Download)

Photo: GT Recovery

This free application for Android devices allows you to recover photos, SMS, history of various instant messengers, call logs and other lost files.

Works only if you have superuser rights. For those users who for some reason do not have root rights, manufacturers offer a version of the program for the computer. Through it, you can recover lost data by connecting your phone to a PC.

Restore Image (Download)

Photo: Restore Image

A small program that will allow you to recover lost data. Distributed free of charge. A special feature of this application is its light weight and the amount of resources consumed during scanning, which will be appreciated by owners of phones with low specifications. However, despite the fact that the program is undemanding to the phone's power, it does its job well.

DigDeep Recovey (Download)

Photo: DigDeep Recovey

Photo: DigDeep Recovey

Another program to recover deleted photos on Android. It has a powerful scanning effect not only on the phone, but also on the memory card. It does not require the user to have root rights, which does not prevent it from finding lost files.

The procedure for using the application is extremely simple. You open it and wait for it to scan your device. At the end of the scan, you will be shown which files were found and in what location. All you have to do is mark them and restore them. Well suited for finding lost images. Distributed free of charge.

Photo Recovery (Download)

Photo: Photo Recovery

Photo: Photo Recovery

A program created with the sole purpose of recovering deleted photos on Android. It is small in size and can simultaneously scan in two modes. You select a search area and Photo Recovery itself searches in the section you need. Due to the fact that the program was created to search for graphic files, it is highly likely to find missing photos. It has free software status.

Recover Deleted Photos (Download)

Photo: Recover Deleted Photos

This program, like the previous one, was created only to search for lost photographs. Positioned as the best tool for recovering lost images.

Scans both the phone's built-in memory and flash drives. Does not require open superuser rights. All you need is to install it on your Android device and start scanning. The program will find all photos that were lost. Distributed free of charge.

In today's article, we looked at several ways that will help the user get back his lost photos. The number of such programs is very large and does not allow us to cover them all in one article. However, the applications presented above fully cope with their tasks. Sometimes, due to various reasons, such a failure may occur that even the most powerful program will not be able to return your photos to you. To prevent data loss, it is recommended to always back up to another device or cloud storage, following the adage that you should not put all your eggs in one basket.

Dear readers! If you have any questions or comments on the topic of the article, please leave them below.

Accidentally deleting photos or important files from your phone is an unpleasant situation, and every smartphone or tablet user has probably encountered it. Deleted files can be recovered, although not with a 100% success rate, but if done correctly, the chances are quite high. In this article we will look at how to recover deleted photos on Android using specialized software.

How does recovering deleted files work?

It would seem that the photos were permanently deleted, because they are not visible in the gallery and file manager. Yes, this is true, but, nevertheless, as long as the user has not written new files over the deleted photos, you can try to return the old ones. The fact is that when erasing, the file itself is not deleted first, the record about it in the file system is simply deleted (size, name, occupied space and other service information), and the file itself is in its place, it’s just not visible.

For a better understanding, you can give the example of a lost card about a book in a library: the book itself is there, but there is no entry about it in the card index, and to find it, you need to go through the entire library manually. The same is the case with deleted photos on Android, only recovery programs are used here for searching. True, unlike the book example, a photograph (or any file) can be overwritten by a new file written over it. Therefore, remember - if you accidentally deleted a photo, then do not take any more photographs with your smartphone, do not write anything into memory at all, until you try to restore the data on it. This determines whether you can recover erased files.

Recovering deleted photos using a computer

To restore photos using a computer, USB debugging mode must be enabled on your Android device. If it is not activated, then enable USB debugging via . Perhaps your smartphone or tablet does not have such an item, then you need to first enable “ Developer Mode" How to do this is described. The preparatory activities are completed and we are moving on to the restoration process.

Recovering deleted photos on Android using Recuva

After the process starts, the program will begin searching for deleted photos in the memory of the Android device. After scanning is complete, Recuva will display a report on the photos found and a preview window in which select the photos you need and click the " Restore».

By the way, with Recuva you can recover files not only on Android, but also on any media, including your computer’s hard drive.

Recover photos on Android without a computer

You can return deleted photos without connecting to a computer, using the appropriate application on a smartphone or tablet, but under one condition: the Android device must have . It is necessary to remind you that by rooting your phone you act at your own peril and risk due to the fact that a rooted phone is removed from warranty service.

Recovering photos on Android using the Undeleter app

  1. Install the Undeleter application from Google Play and launch it. After launch, the program will check for root presence on the device.
  2. Choose where the photos were stored: internal or external.
  3. The memory analysis will start, after it is completed, switch to the “Images” tab, where if the analysis is successful, you will see the photos found.
  4. View photos and save the ones you want by clicking on the floppy disk image

Using the above instructions, you can recover not only deleted photos, but also any other files: audio, video, documents, etc.

Photographs and videos are an integral part of the life of a modern person. We try to capture all the moments of our lives, both important and not so important. From time to time, some photos have to be deleted, and, unfortunately, important photos are accidentally deleted along with the desired ones. Such inattention is very frustrating and causes a storm of emotions. But is there a way out? How to recover deleted photos from your phone? Do you need special programs for this? How to do this with or without a computer? How to prevent this?

Are they deleted forever?

Before you figure out how to recover deleted photos from your phone, you need to understand what happens after deletion. It is worth noting that no files disappear completely from the device. They are simply transferred as images to a separate system folder, which is regularly overwritten and replenished. It includes not only photos, but also calls, messages and information about games and program operation.

Obviously, the image data will not be stored for so long, so it is necessary to start restoring it as soon as possible, because the more the device is used, the more difficult it is to remove such precious information.

Is it possible to restore photos yourself?

In order to recover deleted photos from your Android phone, you need to have some skills. If this is your first time doing this, be prepared that it will take a lot of time and may not be successful. Therefore, if you have friends or acquaintances who know how to install special software packages and use them, it is better to contact them. Be prepared for the fact that some utilities for recovering deleted files will be paid.

Google: Photos and Drive

On devices with Android software, there is a synchronization function with several Google programs that automatically save photos not only in the device, but also on the server. One such application is Google Photos. If you previously configured your smartphone for such backup cloud storage, then within two months you can restore pictures from the recycle bin.

It’s the same story with Google Drive: go to the trash can and restore. The developers say that there is no time limit like Google Photos, but it’s still not worth the risk. This is the easiest way that explains how to recover deleted photos from your phone.


The DiskDigger program knows how to recover deleted photos from your phone. It helps to find a deleted file “without delay”. This program is installed separately from the Market and is great for beginners. But how to use it?

The program scans the device for PNG and JPG files. You can set your own search criteria, such as creation date, size or location. By the way, as soon as you deleted a photo, remember exactly where it was stored - on the memory card or in the device itself. It depends on this whether it is possible to recover deleted photos from your phone by implementing the following option.

Hexamob Pro for memory card

This program is capable of processing any memory card up to 64 gigabytes. Another disadvantage is that it works exclusively with phones that have superuser rights or are rooted.

As for the work itself, it’s worth downloading the program and unzipping it via a computer. After this, Hexamob must be transferred to a memory card and launched like any other application. After complete installation, you should select one of the suggested items:

  • Safe removal.
  • Selective recovery.
  • Global recovery.

Depending on what you choose, you need to act in accordance with the program prompts.

Android Data Recovery

This is perhaps the most common option for recovering photos deleted from your phone. This program works in tandem with a computer and is considered one of the most reliable. Android Data Recovery, like the applications described above, conducts a full scan of your device.

To get started, download the program to your computer. Before connecting your smartphone to your PC, you need to do several operations in the settings:

  • Go to the "About phone" item.
  • Click on "Build number" until your smartphone tells you that you are in developer mode.
  • Back in Settings, select Developer Options.
  • Check the box next to USB debugging.

Now you can connect your smartphone to a computer on which the downloaded program is already running. Click "Start" to scan and find deleted files. All you have to do is find the desired photo or video from the provided list and click the “Recover” button. If you can't, your phone may not be rooted. Only by rooting your smartphone will you be able to restore the footage that is so valuable to you.


The name of the program itself speaks about the area in which it works. Its undeniable advantage is not only the ability to restore photographs and video materials, but also to fully preserve their quality. Unfortunately, not all utilities can boast of this.

This program works on the same principle as the previous one. Although it is in English, its simple appearance and illustrations will help you understand everything easily. In it you can indicate the approximate size of the file you are looking for and its type (it was a photo or video).


Of course, when there is information on how to recover accidentally deleted photos from your phone, the work becomes easier. But the best thing to do is not only to be more careful, but also to create several backup copies. Make it a rule to upload all information from your phone to your computer or cloud storage. This will make it much easier to restore what you need.

Modern mobile devices cope quite well with the role of multifunctional devices, providing their users with the basic capabilities of computers, cameras, video cameras, players, radios, e-books and even remote controls. But despite the rather impressive list of positive qualities, this category of technology also has weaknesses associated with both software and hardware components.

Unfortunately, not all smartphone users, including Samsung, are aware that they are not immune to device malfunctions. They are only prompted to think in this direction by unforeseen problems that arise in the operation of gadgets. For example, the sudden disappearance of all files from the internal and external storage devices of devices. This article indicates possible scenarios for this failure and ways to recover lost files, including photos.

Reasons for deleting photos

  • Software update failed. Manufacturers of mobile devices assure that upon completion of the installation of the new firmware version over the air, access to all user files is restored. However, in practice, the situation can get out of control and, as a result, the process of deploying a software update leads to the loss of several gigabytes of valuable data.
  • There is not enough space on the device's internal storage. Files may gradually disappear if the device’s built-in memory runs out of free megabytes, which are so necessary for stable operation of the system. In this case, the OS eliminates digital records to free up space for its needs. Of course, the specialists responsible for the software try to prevent this from happening, but, unfortunately, the problem periodically occurs on some devices.
  • Incorrect operation of cleaning programs. The application store is full of programs that provide “services” for cleaning the device’s memory of various garbage. Unfortunately, not all of them can distinguish temporary files or the remaining “junk” of long-deleted software from user data that has simply been on the smartphone for a long time. Therefore, in addition to garbage, when clearing memory, “cleaners” quietly delete important digital records, including photographs.
  • Damage or complete failure of the memory card. Photos that are stored on a memory card, oddly enough, can also be lost. This can happen due to failures in the logical component of the drive (for example, when the integrity of the file system is violated), or due to partial or complete damage to the hardware (for example, when memory fails or wears out).

How to recover photos on Samsung phone

If photos disappear due to a software glitch, there is a chance to restore them at home. But if earlier this was done with minimal effort and time, now to return files you need to dance with a tambourine. Initially, almost all Android devices were recognized as USB drives. Data that was deleted from their internal storage was restored with simple and free solutions that support work with USB Mass Storage. Now all devices with a “green robot” on board work using the MTP protocol. For them, the methods that worked before are no longer suitable. In this case, it is necessary to use heavy artillery in the form of USB debugging, root rights and special software that can work with the memory of Android devices.

It happens that for some reason SMS messages disappear from your smartphone. Find out how you can restore them in our next material:

Preparing the device

To “make friends” of a Samsung device with a file recovery program, you need to do the following preparatory work:

  • Getting root rights is a must. Without them, the program will not be able to contact all sectors of the device’s memory and return data. The methods for obtaining special privileges are unique for each Samsung device, so you must go through this preparation stage yourself.
  • Enable developer mode and USB debugging. This must be done so that the program can connect to the phone and perform the operation to return files.

Enable Developer Mode and USB Debugging

  1. On your phone, launch the Settings app.

    To launch the Settings application, you can use the icon on the desktop or the button in the notification shade

  2. Go to the "About device" section.

    You can find the “About Device” section at the very bottom of the “Settings” application.

  3. Find the line “Build number” and quickly click on it 5 times to activate developer mode. A notification that this mode has been successfully enabled should appear at the bottom of your device’s screen.

    To successfully activate developer mode, you need to quickly click on the “Build number” field

  4. In Settings, find the new “Developer Options” section and go to it.

    If Developer Options doesn't appear in the list, try restarting the Settings app

  5. In it, find the “USB Debugging” option and activate it by checking the box.

    One tap is enough to activate “USB Debugging”

Recovering images using a computer

On the Internet you can come across a fairly large selection of programs that can solve problems with deleted files. Some are distributed free of charge, but have a limited set of features. Others provide a wide range of features, but you need to pay the developers to access them. The first category includes programs such as 7-Data Android Recovery, Remo Recover for Android, Tipard Android Data Recovery and Wondershare Dr.Fone for Android. When writing this instruction, we used the last program from the list above. You can also use other solutions, since they all have a similar set of functions, simple interface and tips.

  1. Download, install and run a program on your computer that will help you recover lost files.
  2. Connect your Samsung phone with USB debugging enabled to your computer using a working USB cable.
  3. After detecting your device, the program will tell you what further manipulations you need to perform to get the files back. In the case of Dr.Fone for Android, click on the “Data Recovery” button and give your consent to connect the program to your mobile device. A corresponding request window should appear on the screen of your Samsung device.

    Click on the “Yes” button to allow pairing with your phone

  4. Tick ​​the categories of data that need to be restored and proceed to the next step.

    To restore photos you need to select the “Gallery” category

  5. Provide all installed program components at the stage of obtaining information about the device or while scanning its memory.
  6. After completing the search for all files, in the program window, go to the “Gallery” folder. In it you will see all the deleted files that the utility managed to find. Select the ones you need and restore them with the corresponding button.

Please note that memory cells tend to be overwritten by other data. Therefore, it is advisable to do the recovery without delay, before new files are recorded on the phone. If this has already happened, then be prepared for the fact that after scanning the memory with the utility, you will not find the necessary photos. Unfortunately, an unsatisfactory result may await you even if the device was flashed or its settings were reset. In both options, memory is re-allocated, which significantly reduces the chances of successfully returning lost data.

Recovery without PC

You can try to recover missing photos without using a computer. To perform such a difficult task, rescue applications found in the Google Play Market are suitable. True, as in the case of utilities on a PC, to effectively use tools from the Android system store, you must have root rights on the device.

To recover photos on your mobile device, you can use the GT Recovery program. It works with almost all gadgets with Android OS on board. You can still find it in the same application store. It is distributed free of charge and has two versions. The first requires root rights to work with memory, while the second can function on a smartphone without them. We still recommend using the version that requires rooting, as with it you will have a better chance of recovering your data.

  1. Install the application and launch it on your phone.

    In addition to photos, GT Recovery can recover other types of data

  2. Proceed to photo recovery by clicking on the corresponding button on the main screen.

The Android platform provides its user with a lot of opportunities. One of these is working with photography, that is, taking, storing, editing, and including deleting images. In this regard, many people ask quite logical questions: “What should I do if I deleted a photo on Android? How and, in general, is this possible?”

In a parallel computer environment, there are a lot of methods for resuscitating files, but on mobile platforms such functionality, alas, has clearly limited capabilities. Before recovering deleted photos on Android (Samsung, Sony, Huawei and other manufacturers), it is important to know that all the information that was sent to the Trash does not disappear anywhere, at least some time. Deleted data is written to free clusters, and the system simply gives permission to the platform to overwrite it. And while this process (overwriting) has not occurred, there is always the possibility of resuscitation of the files.

So, let's figure out how to restore photos on Android after deletion and what tools we need for this. Here we have only two options - resuscitation with the help of a PC and without it. Depending on the choice, the tools will differ.

Via PC

First of all, let's look at how to recover deleted photos on Android using a personal computer or laptop. This is the simplest and most universal option that does not require any specific knowledge and skills.

In this case, we will work with the gadget as if it were a regular computer hard drive. Before you restore photos on Android from Samsung, Sony or other manufacturers, you need to connect the device to the PC via a USB interface. After connecting to your computer, your smartphone or tablet will ask you for permission to transfer data along this route. Having agreed with the choice, you will see the gadget’s storage device and an external SD card, if one was installed, in the list of devices on your PC.

Some models from the Middle Kingdom are extremely finicky in terms of drivers, so the device may not be detected the first time it is connected. In this case, you need to install the necessary proprietary software on your computer, which can be downloaded from the official website of the manufacturer of your device, or found on specialized forums and amateur resources.

Before you restore photos on Android after deletion, you will need to select the appropriate utility for resuscitating files. Among other applications of this kind, we can highlight two “monsters” that reanimate, as they say, everything and everyone - these are Recuva and 7-Data Android Recovery. This software has an enviable demand among both amateurs and users, along with high expert ratings and a lot of positive reviews.


Rekuva is the most universal application for recovering photos on Android from any smartphone or tablet. The program is easy to learn, and no specific skills are needed here, especially since domestic localizers have done their best and all menu branches are clear and also have a clear description.

After you connect your gadget to your computer, you can launch the utility and, by selecting the desired media from the drop-down list, wait for the files to be scanned. After this, the program will provide a complete list of chains that can be revived in one way or another, including photo recovery on Android.

It should also be noted that all elements in the drop-down list are assigned a specific color. A green marker is a complete resuscitation, a yellow one is partial with some conditions, and a red one means that, alas, it will not be possible to restore the photo on Android. The last option can be attributed to advanced cases, when a lot of time has passed since the deletion and the clusters on the drive have already been overwritten.

7-Data Android Recovery

This is highly specialized software aimed specifically at resuscitating files on this platform. Using the utility, you can also easily and quickly restore photos on Android. In its functionality, the program resembles Rekuva, but, unlike the latter, it can work with all types of memory. That is, to resuscitate not only data from external or internal storage devices, but also directly from the gadget’s RAM.

After launching the program, it will ask permission to scan the internal memory of the phone and SD card, after which it will display a list of files to be recovered. She immediately rejects hopeless options, so there are no flowers here, like Rekuva’s. But there is a convenient preview where you can see a preliminary image of the image being reanimated and thereby select only what you really need.

Recovery without PC

If you do not have access to a computer or laptop, and you really need to recover data, then you can use less effective, but sometimes very effective applications.

It’s worth mentioning right away that most utilities of this type will only work correctly with super-user rights, that is, with firmware or root class access installed. Otherwise, the percentage of normal data recovery is significantly reduced.


This utility works like a computer “recycle bin”, when all deleted files are placed in a separate folder, after which they can be revived with a couple of clicks. What is noteworthy is that the program does not require root rights at all, and data recovery occurs in a matter of seconds.

Moreover, it is not the actual volume of photos that accumulates in the “basket”, but only the names and the code part, so there should be no problems with free space. As a last resort, you can set up automatic cleaning of the application from “garbage” after a certain period of time. But then neither Rekuva nor any other software will help. The program is distributed through Google Play.

GT Recovery

One of the clear advantages of this software is its versatility. GT Recovery will work on any, even the most outdated or, conversely, new gadget, from any manufacturer. And if the “Trash” sometimes gets picky with the same “Huawei” or “Xiaomi”, then for this utility everything is the same - it will search and resuscitate files on all devices that you offer it.

The fly in the ointment here is the restrictions on user rights, that is, root access is required for the application to work correctly. There is a modification in Google Play that does not require super-administrator rights, but, as mentioned above, the capabilities of the program are very limited.

The software works according to an already familiar principle: it scans the drives of your mobile gadget, and then displays a list of files, where the user has to select those that he wants to restore. The recovery rate of the full version is very high, so we can recommend the utility to everyone and those who are not deterred by obtaining root rights.

Titanium Backup

This utility is a complete analogue of the “Recycle Bin”, or rather, on the contrary, the latter is considered a semblance of “Titanium”, because Titanium Backup is a whole complex for saving your data, from all devices.

After launching the application, it will completely scan your device and present a detailed list of everything that has been deleted and will be protected by the utility. The software handles user data very carefully, so even game saves will not be affected when working with the utility.

Application Features

As with the Recycle Bin, here you can configure cleaning periods, types of data accepted, the number of duplicates of important files, and much more. It is possible to control not only photos, videos or music, but also SMS with phone numbers, which is very convenient.

The only fly in the ointment that will be a critical point for some is the system requirements of the application. The utility “eats” quite a lot of RAM, so owners of weak smartphones and tablets are better off looking at other options that will not “hang up” the already demanding Android platform so much.