They steal content. Content theft - what to do, who to complain to, how to protect it. How to find stolen photos

Good afternoon, dear readers of the Webmaster's Notes blog!

In today’s article I decided to talk to you about one quite interesting and popular topic among experienced bloggers - stealing content from a website or blog.

What kind of scoundrels plagiarize and why do they do it? If the content is stolen, is this a serious problem for ?

How to identify those who stole an article from your Internet resource?

These are just stupid people who don't know how to connect two words. I want to tell people who do this that it will end badly. Take my word for it.

I think you know the proverb: no matter how long the rope twists...

So quit this dirty business and start over with a clean slate.

My article was stolen. How serious is this problem?

I think any blogger who puts his whole soul into writing articles will be very upset to see that his article was stolen and the material was posted on another Internet resource without a link to his blog.

Well, it's a shame, it's such a shame. Well now. The main problem is different. Look. You've published a new article, and it's not there yet.

A super-mega-stupid comes to your resource, copies the entire new article and, rejoicing in his idiotic luck, posts it on his miracle blog. The search engine scans his article faster than yours and it appears first in the search results. How do you like this option?

Of course, such a scenario happens quite rarely due to the fact that search engines trust new blogs less and scan them less often, unlike old and time-tested ones. But still, this can happen!

In this case, search engines may decide that you have abused their trust and... Agree, events are not unfolding in your favor. You have been accused of stealing content!

After this, the search engine may turn its back on you and, for example, demote your resource to . This will reduce the number of visitors and therefore decrease.

But don't be upset. The big advantage of this situation is that there are few such content thieves.

Basically, most bloggers are normal, quite adequate people who will not engage in such idiocy, working to their own detriment and making such unforgivable mistakes in the blogosphere.

Again, I repeat that you need to identify scammers in a timely manner. We wrote an article, published it, and a day later, another day, check to see if plagiarism has appeared.

In a week, this article will be indexed and appear in the search results. The need for verification will simply disappear. I will tell you how to calculate plagiarism later.

It goes without saying that search engines improve over time and update their working algorithms for the better.

The Google system seems to have learned to distinguish unique content from plagiarism. This may be due to the greater speed of indexing Internet resources.

On Yandex the situation is worse. Indexation extends over days and weeks. Although the reasons for slow indexing on Yandex may be different.

However, I want to point out one cool feature in this search engine that will help you fight content thieves.

How to protect your blog from theft?

In Yandex, the webmaster panel has a tab for adding original texts. Before publishing an article, you need to copy the text from it and paste it into a special field.

The text will be assigned the exact time and date of publication. Then you can safely publish your article on the blog. Cool feature, isn't it? I use it all the time!

So let those who steal my texts fight the Yandex sanctions. So, I hope you remember this method and put it into practice.

I would also like to recommend you a good service - Go there and after registration you will be provided with a special code.

You just need to paste it into the header.php file of your blog template.

After placing the code, when copying any text from your Internet resource, a special link pointing to the source will be inserted along with the text:

Read more: http://page where the text was copied/

Change Read more to Russian text. To do this, go to the menu of this service and retype.

I would like to note that this service is a poor assistant in terms of protection against plagiarism. It simply serves as a reminder to those who copy it to include a link to the original source.

That's all. And the Read more inscription itself can be easily erased after inserting the text.

Yes, by the way, writing to search engine support is a waste of time, and in general this is not their competence. So save your time!

Well, now let's talk about other ways to combat theft. How else can you punish for content theft?

Many bloggers resign themselves to this, give up and allow such things to happen. But in vain. There are ways to combat cyber theft, believe me.

One of the methods of struggle is to stop the operation of the Internet resource of the plagiarist author. A little later I will describe how to do this.

You can also bring him to justice in accordance with copyright law. But involving the court is, of course, stupid.

Well, think for yourself. Who stole your content? A stupid schoolboy who lives at the expense of his parents. If the multi-million dollar corporation Google stole your text, then it would be understandable. And it's a waste of time. And ours is not America, but Russia. This will all look funny.

There is another more effective method. This is what I want to tell you about.

Suppose you have identified a scoundrel who is stealing content from your blog. What are the next actions? First, you need to look and write down the domain name of the Internet resource on which your content is present.

Well, after that, write a complaint against the owner of this resource. Write your complaint to three addresses: the author-plagiarizer himself, his hoster and the domain registrar.

To calculate the addresses of the hoster and domain registrar, follow this link: this service -

Enter the domain name in the special field and click the “Show” button:

Domain information will appear. Pay attention to nserver, registrar and admin-contact:

nserver - (this is my hoster)

registrar - my domain registrar REGRU-REG-RIPN

To clarify and verify information about copying of your content, write in your complaint the exact address of the page of your blog from which the text was stolen, as well as the address of someone else’s page on which your text was inserted.

Then don’t forget to indicate two dates: when you published your article and when it was stolen from you. This is how it's done! Now you know what to do with such scoundrels.

We identify people who steal blog articles

Well, now about one more important point. I think I've lost sight of him. You need to somehow find the thief of your content! Then I'll continue.

It's actually not a big deal. Just go to this service -

Simply enter the address of the page you are checking in the special field and click the “Go” button.

After these steps, a list of sites and blogs that contain a copy of the text of your article will appear. However, this service is not the only one of its kind. You can look for any other one.

You can also use the Advego Plagiatus program. I wrote about it in my previous article about.

OK it's all over Now. It seems like I covered all the points.

I look forward to your comments with questions or additions. Do not forget subscribe to the blog newsletter.

See you again, friends. Bye.

Updated: 2018-8-13

Oleg Lazhechnikov


How can you influence the owners of sites that steal content, or search engines, if the owner does not want to resolve anything peacefully? For now we are considering only official methods, although in principle, if someone knows unofficial ones, you can also tell me...

My humble experience

As a rule, I am very reluctant to fight violators, because I simply don’t have time, and sometimes it’s a pity to waste time. After all, everyone probably knows that this is quite difficult. Therefore, I don’t specifically look for anything, but readers report cases of content theft to me (thanks, guys!). However, when they tamper significantly, then like it or not, you should write to the authors of the site and ask them to remove it. Usually at this stage in 50% of cases after correspondence the issue is resolved. Those who run a website for people, in principle, it is not difficult for them to do this; their reputation is more valuable.

But there is another category of people who take advantage of the fact that the legislation in the Russian Federation is crude, copyright protection works only through the courts (and there are few precedents). These people steal without a twinge of conscience, saying that everything posted on the Internet is free for distribution. Here they can steal small things, as well as entire sites with the help of parsers and grabbers. Therefore, don’t ask such people, you won’t achieve anything. In principle, it’s not so important to me whether someone stole from me or not (if we’re talking about sites), but I wouldn’t want such copied articles to end up in search engine results and people to come to them instead of my articles.

Accordingly, it turns out that the only thing that can be done from the obvious is to write to the author of the resource, write to the hosting, and then try to complain in the search engines.

Letter to the author of the resource

The first step is to contact the author of the resource where you saw your content (text or photo). I usually look for a contact page with links to social media groups or profiles. And if there is nothing of this, this means that you can, in principle, not look for ways to contact. Most likely the site was made in semi-automatic mode and it is not SDL.

Here is one example of a very recent letter to the authors of one of the blogs that they tore up a large number of my photographs from Samui.

Hello! It's not good to steal photos and content. If you did this by accident, please remove it. If intentionally, then within a few days I will send complaints to all search engines, your hosting, and the registrar. I have the source files of the photographs, which means I can go to court.

- here is a list of links to plagiarism

I assume that not only in these articles there are stolen photos, and not only mine. I have already noticed several photos from other bloggers I know, I think the guys will support me in my complaints. I will study your site with passion. But I hope we can resolve this issue peacefully.

Letter to hosting

The second stage - you can write letters to the hosting. You can easily find it out from WHOIS, for example. By entering the domain, we will see nserver, which can be used to easily calculate hosting. True, third-party servers are occasionally used, then you can calculate it by the site’s IP. You can also try writing to the domain registrar, but they always seem to send. At least I was always refused due to the lack of a court order.

Hosting can sometimes help. They helped me. Yes, they did not block the account of the negligent site owner, but they somehow influenced him, and pages with copy-paste disappeared from the site. I read that the worst thing if hosting is in Ukraine, or somewhere else abroad, is that they never make contact at all. Such hostings are also called bulletproof. But any hosting can ask for an official court order, but few people will go to court... And here, as agreed, you can threaten with damage to your reputation, for example.

I wrote letters with approximately the following content (depending on the specific situation).

Hello! You have registered the site XXXX.XX, which hosts other people's articles and photographs without permission. I assume that it mostly consists of stolen content (copypaste).

Below are examples of articles taken from my personal blog. In addition to the text, photographs were also taken, some of them include me, my wife and my son. Again, we did not give permission for this. Most of the photos still have the “site” watermark, and they are also downloaded to addresses from my server, which only confirms my authorship, although I also have the sources.

— here is a list of links to originals and plagiarism

On top of that, the rest of the articles were also stolen, I know the blog owners whose they are. There is also an assumption that articles are stolen using a parser. Please take steps to remove pages that violate my copyright.

Complaint to Google and Yandex

If the hosting turns out to be bulletproof (ignores any complaints), then Google and Yandex remain. Below are links where you can complain.

Unofficial methods

To be honest, I haven’t studied the topic of black methods at all, since I don’t often have to fight (I don’t specifically look for stolen content), and somehow it’s not good or something. What immediately comes to mind is to buy some links on completely off-topic sites (porn sites?) in SAPE and indicate there as an acceptor the site that violates your rights. In theory, search engines should not like this.

Also, for sure, you can order the site to be broken or send a bot attack on it. True, I don’t know how much it costs, maybe it’s not worth it from a financial point of view.

Copyright protection in court

There remains the last and most difficult method - court. As a rule, few people decide to do this, because they will have to spend both money and time on the process. But if you win, sometimes you can recoup all costs. True, here we are more likely talking about the theft of photographs, especially for commercial use, and not about text.

It seems to me that when copyright litigation becomes commonplace, the number of attempted thefts should decrease. I think that even now large publications have already stopped taking photographs without permission, because it is easier to pay a couple of hundred rubles and buy them on photo stocks or directly from the photographer, especially since many of them will allow you to use them for free while maintaining copyrights.

How to find stolen content

To search for texts, you can use the eTXT program, having previously received a list of links to pages on your site and loaded them into Operations/Site Check.

And if you are looking for photos, then Google Image Search will help you. You can either search on Google itself in the images section by uploading a file or providing a link to it.

It's easier and faster to install the Search by Image for Google application for Firefox (I don't know what they are called in other browsers). Then on any site on any picture, you can right-click and in the context menu there will be a Search Image on Google item.

How to protect content from theft

In my opinion, it is almost impossible to protect content from a technical point of view. Popular advice about installing scripts that prohibit copying and disabling the right mouse button is true only from fools and only causes inconvenience to site users. And those who copy-paste content frequently easily bypass all prohibitions. Moreover, this is often done automatically, rather than manually.

Therefore, there is only one way out - to make sure that your pages are indexed as quickly as possible. If the blog is old, then this happens quite quickly, if the blog is young, then this is the problem. True, if the blog is young and has not yet been particularly prominent anywhere, then they are unlikely to take anything from it, they simply will not know about it. It is also worth knowing that trust sites with duplicate content will most likely be higher in search engine results than the originals. In fact, search engines don’t care about originality as much as we, authors, do.

I will list what you can try to speed up indexing and protect content:

  • Worry about authorship on Google+. I won’t go into detail, this deserves a separate post and has already been covered in many places. In short, you need to place a link to your Google+ profile on every page with the rel=author attribute, and also add a link to your blog in the links section of your profile (under My Posts). Don't forget later micro markup check.
  • Before publishing, you can add the text of the post to the “Original Texts” of Yandex. I don’t know to what extent this is taken into account when determining the original source, but who knows? To avoid wasting time, use the Webmaster Yandex plugin. A post is added in one click.
  • After publication, you need to place links to your post on all social networks, in your profiles and groups (Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter). The Nextscripts Social Networks Auto-poster (SNAP) plugin helps a lot here. It automatically cross-posts to configured accounts when publishing. All this should speed up indexing.
  • You will have to add it to your Google+ profile manually, since the ability to cross-post to G+ in the SNAP plugin is paid. And you can post to the Google+ group through this service. By the way, posting a link in G+, in addition to speeding up indexing, as far as I understand, also speaks about the original source.
  • If your profiles/groups are not promoted, then you can buy publications and tweets in promoted groups and accounts.
  • It is important to publish posts regularly so that robots know that the site is being updated. When I first started, the fast robot arrived within 2 weeks, now he comes here often. But again, only on the main page, and in new sections he is a rare guest.
  • There is a manual way to add it to the Google index, almost instantly. You need to go to Google Webmaster Tools, select “View as GoogleBot”, add a link and click “Crawl”. See the screenshot below, it’s clearer there.
  • There is also a similar method of adding to the Yandex index through Addurilka, but no matter how much I tried, in my opinion it does not work and does not affect indexing.

P.S. The information is quite simple and banal, but nothing more serious has yet to be applied. I would be glad to add additional information, especially if someone knows how to more competently write a letter to the hoster with links to laws.

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    • Oleg Lazhechnikov

        • Oleg Lazhechnikov

          • Oleg Lazhechnikov

Hello dear readers of the site. That's what it means! “They steal content from my website or blog! What to do?". I have been asked this question more than once by both blog readers in the comments and sent letters by mail.

Well, since this topic is so relevant, I decided to write a whole post on this issue... I think some of the advice from it will be useful for many... First, let's think carefully about who steals content mainly, what What kind of people are they and is it scary at all when content is stolen from us!

Well, first of all, it’s certainly offensive, isn’t it? You sit, you try, you write an interesting, high-quality post, and then BAM, some kind of idiot came, there’s no other way to call him, an ordinary freak, and he copied and pasted your work, your creation... Okay, some guys, they put a link to the source, but then there are swindlers who will simply copy it for themselves and will not indicate your site as the primary source.

Secondly, if you just wrote, for example, a blog post, search engines have not yet indexed it, and a freak comes along, copies your text to his blog, and his post is indexed faster, then search engines may think that it’s you They copied the content, not from you! How do you like this arrangement? This is where sanctions come from, as well as a decrease in positions and a decrease in attendance and, accordingly, less income...

Are you probably already upset? Not worth it! Not everything is as scary as it seems. Well, think for yourself, will normal, adequate people steal content? Of course not! Would I really copy an article I liked, read on another resource, onto my blog without permission and without providing a link to the source? Pfff... Of course not!!!

So who is doing this bad thing? Right! Idiots! These are mostly young schoolchildren and not quite normal people, people who want to somehow promote their website (blog), but because of their stupidity and lack of knowledge of how to do it CORRECTLY and what CONSEQUENCES there may be for stealing content without asking, they make mistakes like this...

In principle, there is no need to worry about the theft of content “not immediately”. That is, if you wrote an article for a website (blog), and it was copied and pasted a week later. In this case, the article on your website has probably already been indexed and the search engines have ticked the box, “This is your article.”

But if articles are copied on the fly, then that’s a different matter. Imagine, you wrote a blog post, for example, and 5 minutes later it was copied... If the search engine indexes the freak’s site faster, then it turns out that you have copied-paste. It is possible that your resource will be lowered in the search results...

Yes, search engine algorithms are constantly improving. In general, Google seems to now be able to determine the original source of content... Yandex doesn’t exist yet... Who writes what... But still, you shouldn’t hope for it, you need to fight copy-paste...

Before I tell you about how I personally fight content theft, first I would like to answer a question from one of my readers. It sounds like this: “Alexander, look, my content was stolen! How can I prove that he is mine? Maybe I stole it, not from me! Well, I’ll write to the hoster, complain, write to Google and Yandex, so what? So anyone can write, but how can I prove that I am the author of the text? Thank you!"...

Good question. I have an answer to this question. I want to tell you my vision of the situation... Many people write on their websites and blogs that fighting content copying is impossible, useless, and generally a disastrous, thankless task. Some people just write “kill it”... I have a different opinion on this matter. There is no need to score - we need to punish!

You can punish in different ways, you can make sure that the person’s website is closed, I’ve already done this a couple of times, it seems to be successful, below I’ll tell you how it’s done. You can punish according to the law in court, but many people just don’t want to bother. People think that this is all hemorrhoids, boring, that the court will send you with your claim to somewhere else, etc., and in general, that all this is crap! I do not think so.

If you take this issue seriously, study the law and make every effort, then the person who copied and pasted your content can seriously get hit... You must understand that your rights are being violated!

You are the author of the text, you worked on its creation, you invested your time and energy into it, why can someone do what they are allowed to do with impunity, why can someone take credit for it? You can definitely win any case in court if you want! The freak will not only get a slap in the face, he will also pay you monetary compensation for moral damages... It may be written in a funny way, but it’s not really a joke...

All those people who say that it is impossible to protect the content on the site, that no one can prove anything in court later, that it is all nonsense, are mistaken. Either they don’t know anything about protecting their rights or they simply don’t want to bother.

Extract from the civil code:

Therefore, the content on the site is subject to copyright. I will not go into the details of the defense. Study the law! Let me, as I said above, tell you how to deal with copy-paste freaks yourself!

So, you have found a person who blatantly copies content from your website (blog). What to do?

You need to find out the domain address of this site and write a complaint about it to the hoster, domain name registrar and the domain owner himself. Look at the address, go here and enter it in the field (without http://). There we are interested - nserver, e-mail and nic-hdl.

Here is an example of my blog site:

e-mail[email protected]
nic-hdl— REGTIME-REG-RIPN, company e-mail [email protected]

It turns out is the address of the company where my blog is located.

e-mail is my e-mail.
[email protected]— e-mail of the domain name registrar.

Well, if I copy-paste, God forbid, your content on my blog, then you can complain about me to both the hoster and the domain name registrar. Like, this guy Alexander Borisov copied my content to his blog. You also need to indicate the address of the page of your website (blog) from where the content was stolen and the address of the page of the website (blog) where the content was posted. In addition, indicate in the letter the date of creation of your content and the date of theft for proof.

Don’t forget to write me a letter and tell me how bad I am... =) Oh well! It's a joke at my expense, I don't steal content and I don't advise you to. I don’t have to write, write to the thieves. In general, now know what you need to do - immediately write to the providers.

Want it tougher? I wrote about this above... Think... So! Now let's look at how to find your copied content on other sites? Everything is done very simply. There is a service that will help you with this. Enter the address of the page you want to check into the line, click “Go” and it will give you a list of resources where it will find copies, if any... There are other services, there is no point in listing them all...

There are various programs that can be used to identify copy-pastors, for example Advego Plagiatus.

Here's another service to help you - Tracer. Register on it (everything is in English, but nothing terrible), get the script code, place it in the main file of your site (blog), for wordpress, by the way, I recommend footer.php and now after someone copies the text from of your site it will automatically substitute

Read more: http://page_where_copied_content.html

To replace Read more with your own text, go to the Script - Customize Attribution menu and change it as you need! In general, this service will not help you if an attacker steals content manually and erases everything. This is probably true, purely to remind people, they say, “copied - paste the link”!!!

Basically everyone copies content through code. Press ctr + u, select the desired part of the text and ctr + c. Ready! There is no protection from this, if anyone knows, you can write in the comments! There is no point in simply protecting text on a website from copying if they want to...

Yes, by the way, I didn’t write about the letter to the search engines Google and Yandex complaining about copying. It is pointless. Google is silent and rightly so, it’s none of its business, and if it does respond, it will be after a few months. Yandex responds like this:


The Yandex search engine is only a mirror of the Internet, so we are not competent to understand issues of plagiarism. To protect your copyright, you apparently need to contact the owners of the specified site and the provider on whose server it is located. If a site ceases to exist, it will be deleted from the Yandex search database automatically. However, we are improving the algorithms that distinguish source text from plagiarism. If you have an example of a search query where the site that copied the content ranks better than yours, please send us an example, it will be very helpful.

Conclusion: you shouldn’t write to search engines. First of all, you need to write to the hosters, I wrote about them above.

This is where I will end the post, friends! Remember, if you write “All rights reserved” in your copyright, then protect your rights, don’t let any assholes steal your work, value yourself and your efforts. Well, in general, copying content has a good side - if content is stolen, it means it’s cool and interesting... This is a fact...

P.S. How do you like the article? I advise you not to miss information about new free video courses and blog competitions!

Best regards, Alexander Borisov

Content theft These days it is a very common phenomenon. There are thousands of sites that live off the texts of others and, what is most offensive, appear higher in search results than the originals. Search engines are pursuing an active policy to detect and eradicate plagiarism, but, alas, so far with varying degrees of success. Today we will look at this painful topic from different angles and decide what to do if your content is stolen and whether you need to do anything about it at all.

It’s worth noting right away that texts can be stolen from you in three ways:

  • Automatically
  • Manually
  • Combined

Texts are automatically stolen when so-called texts are connected to your RSS feed. grabbers, robots, brazenly stealing your articles and posting them on other sites. Grabbers really like full texts of articles with pictures.

However, they have one weak point: by stealing, they take your text and simply link to the image, downloading it from your site. This nuance gives a wide scope for creativity, so let's start asserting our copyrights right now! Here are a few barriers that, although they won’t provide a 100% guarantee, will make life difficult for text thieves.

Barrier No. 1 Announcements in the RSS channel

If you use the FeedBurner service, enable the Summary Burner function in the “Optimize” tab, setting the number of characters you need for display (for example, mine is 450). Thus, robots will not be able to steal entire texts from you, and will not be able to take pictures from you.

Barrier No. 2 Internal links in the article

Many SEO specialists will confirm to you that internal linking is gut. However, it also has one more significant advantage: if your article is stupidly tampered with all its content, then the links to the pages of your site are tampered with automatically.

Barrier #3 Context

Robots don't read your texts when they are stolen. This means that texts can use context. For example, you are writing an article and refer to part of a question that is covered in more detail in another material, something like this:

You can insert your name into the text if appropriate. In a word, make sure that the context indicates that you are the author of the article, and not someone else, and so that people who read your article on other sites recognize you by your handwriting. In this case, the theft of content will be like a bone in the throat for the thief, and he will have to rework all your text, which is not in his interests.

Barrier No. 4 Watermarks and other tricks

As I wrote above, grabbers steal text and link to your images. I was very touched when I accidentally saw my articles on a copywriter’s blog. The pictures were taken from my blog and featured my logo and domain name.

If you have a similar situation, replace the picture on your blog with something else or duplicate it, but with a different name. You can write whatever you want on the old one.

For example:

or insert another image altogether. Everything is limited only by your imagination. The disadvantage of this method is that if the thief notices the substitution, he will simply change the picture.

Barrier No. 5 Bad texts

If you know that a grabber often visits you and steals your content, give him a “decoy” and let him choke. Write some crooked text, oversaturated with keywords, and feed it to the grabber. Once the thief takes the bait, get rid of the evidence on your site.

This technique is good when the site is still very young and just beginning to develop. There are almost no visits at the initial stages, but there are many vultures who love to profit from “fresh blood”. The method is good, but be careful, because in this way you can compromise yourself in front of your audience and search engines.

Barrier #6 Complaints

If your articles are distorted word for word, then you can try to complain about content theft: to the hoster, search engine support service, etc. There is no telling how long this will take, so please be patient.

Legislation in RuNet in this regard is not particularly advanced, especially since the Russian-speaking audience lives not only in Russia. Do not write angry letters or comments to the thief; this, as practice shows, is an ineffective method.

This is what automatic theft was about. When thieves work manually, everything is much more complicated. For the most part, when people pick up your articles, they do . As a result, the output is your interesting article, but which is no longer yours. It's like drawing a picture. It seems that the colors are the same and the tones are similar, but everything is written differently.

In this case, you can at least be proud, because if your material was seen, read, processed and adopted, then it is clearly interesting, and your work was not in vain. In the end, theft is also work, only not creative, but mechanical.

Barrier #7 External links

Thieves, as a rule, don’t bother announcing newly stolen posts. The same cannot be said about honest webmasters. Don't forget to announce your new materials (or old ones that haven't been announced yet). Thus, you will kill two birds with one stone:

  1. Let more people know about your articles
  2. Get external links from social networks, which is already a plus against stolen content without links

Lyrical note

At worst, even if your material was stolen, only the text was stolen. Your readers will recognize your style no matter where they encounter it, and people will be able to read new materials first of all from you. Moreover, the more popular your blog becomes, the less willingly articles are stolen from it.

Content theft is a problem, but search algorithms are improving every day, and it’s only a matter of time before they mercilessly and surely mow down all plagiarism, taking harsh sanctions against thieves. Well, until this happens, we will try to protect ourselves as best we can.

Content theft can be defined as copying and posting your materials on other sites without providing a link to the source.

If we put aside ethical considerations and look only from an SEO point of view: what harm does this do?
1) Firstly, the evil copy-pastor will appropriate your laurels, and, if the article is especially interesting, your potential visitors. Visitors mean traffic, and traffic means money. I think there is no need to explain further.
2) Secondly, the search engine may mistake a copy of the article for the original, and your source for a duplicate. Thus, your “unique” article will be no better than copy-paste.
3) If theft becomes widespread, the PS may consider that your site consists of little less than entirely copy-paste, and will not trust such a site (and, as a result, rank it highly).

Having figured out what the consequences may be if you allow theft to go unpunished, let's move on to how to deal with theft.
I wrote several ways on my blog, but over time I studied this problem, new thoughts appeared, which I will publish here)

1) If the project is serious and money is invested in promotion, there is no need to worry too much. The project will form a so-called trust, the PS will trust it, and will easily separate the copy-paste on “leftist” sites from yours.
But if you do not intend to invest money in the project, or this is just your cozy blog from which interesting articles are stolen, then read on.

2) Having discovered copy-paste, the first thing you should do is contact the owner of the domain (look at the e-mail in whois). You can also attach a link to
Quite an effective method if the target items are measured in units. But if theft becomes widespread, this method becomes too tedious, so read on.

3) Before naming the next method, you need to understand how content is usually stolen. In most cases, automatic grabbing occurs using scripts. Manual theft is on a much smaller scale. What I mean is that disabling the right mouse click, as many do, is not only ineffective, but also creates inconvenience for your real visitors. Whoever needs it will do it, and no amount of mouse manipulation can stop him.
Also, embedding direct links to yourself into the text is not so effective - grabbers easily cut these links.
Instead, you can insert small inserts into the text, such as:

© source

Or something similar that will clearly indicate your rights in relation to the content. Since now it won’t be a problem to prove your authorship, you can safely hand over the list of copy-paste sites to Plato.
You can also frame inserts with a tag with the display:none style:
© source
This is done so as not to distract your real visitors. And so that the real thief does not immediately find out that he was caught red-handed;)

4) You can also embed the following construction into the text itself:
echo "$REMOTE_ADDR";
This displays the visitor's IP. The grabber will, of course, steal the text with its IP. Now, when you find the texts stolen from you, you will be able to find out the IP where they were stolen from. And then you arrange hellish cloaking on it: you can give doorway or porn instead of normal texts. Well, or just give him the 404 page. It all depends on your imagination:)

5) It is worth remembering that a grabber is not an artificial intelligence that can easily recognize where the content is. Therefore, it makes sense to confuse him a little. To do this, you need to frame the text with a couple of different tags: divs, close/open new divs inside the text. Moreover, this must be done randomly, and not according to a specific scheme.
Thus, the grabber will not be able to correctly grab the beginning of the text, and there is a high risk that instead of the true content, it will grab something wrong. Well, or the text will not be completely compressed, which is also quite good.
Of the minuses: with such actions you can confuse not only grabber bots, but also search engine bots. Of course, PS bots are much smarter, but it’s not worth giving them a huge mess of tags.

Of course, there are other ways to protect yourself, but I think it’s unnecessary to list them. It is impossible to completely protect content - who needs to protect it anyway. In the end, by brutal retyping from the monitor into word.
In my opinion, it is not worth using absolutely all methods. Personally, I like the third and fifth methods the most, both in terms of ease of use and effect.