Enable sleep mode. How to easily wake up your computer from sleep mode

Most personal computer users have probably heard more than once that you should not turn your computer on and off frequently, as this can shorten its service life. Indeed, when the electrical power is turned on and off, so-called transient processes occur in the computer, during which the computer equipment is subjected to large additional loads. The result of such loads is accelerated wear of computer components. In view of the above, it would be wise to turn off the computer as little as possible, only when absolutely necessary. However, on the other hand, a PC that is always on consumes electricity, and a laptop that is always on drains the battery. To save money and battery life, you can use convenient and practical features such as sleep mode, hibernation and hybrid mode.

What is hibernation mode?

Hibernation mode is an energy-saving mode of the computer operating system, in which all data about the current state of the operating system is written to the operating memory, and then the computer switches to a low-power mode. Thus, after waking up the computer from sleep mode, all windows and programs remain in the same form as they were before activating sleep mode. The main advantage of sleep mode is that the computer returns to its working state very quickly - literally in a couple of seconds. In the Windows XP operating system, this mode was called standby mode.

What is the difference between sleep mode and hibernation?

Hibernation mode is a power-saving mode designed primarily for laptops. When the computer goes into hibernation mode, all open documents, programs and windows are saved not in RAM, but in a special file on the hard drive, after which the computer shuts down completely. The main advantages of hibernation are the complete absence of power consumption and the absolute reliability of data storage, unlike sleep mode (if there is a power failure during sleep mode, data will most likely be lost). The disadvantage of hibernation is the relatively long time it takes for the computer to return to a working state.

What is hybrid sleep mode?

Hybrid sleep mode is a power-saving mode designed primarily for desktop computers. This mode is a kind of compromise between sleep mode and hibernation, because when entering hybrid sleep mode, all open documents and program windows are saved in memory on the computer's hard drive (as in hibernation mode), but the computer does not turn off, but goes into a low-power mode (as in sleep mode). When using hybrid sleep mode, the risk of data loss is significantly less than during sleep mode, and the computer wakes up faster than with hibernation. On desktop computers, hybrid sleep is typically enabled by default instead of hibernation.

Configuring settings for sleep mode

To configure settings for sleep mode (or hibernation mode), you need to go to power management. Open menu Start, go to Control Panel, to section system and safety and select Power supply.

In the next window, select your power plan and click on Setting up a power plan.

Here you can specify the time after which the display will turn off when inactive, as well as the time after which the computer will go into sleep mode. Such options can help save electricity or laptop battery power if you are away on some business and leave the computer on.

You can also assign actions to the power button and sleep button, and set the option to require a password when resuming from sleep mode. For laptops, you can also select the action to take when closing the lid.

In the settings of the power and sleep buttons (or the laptop lid), you can determine the desired action: sleep, hibernate, or shutdown.

Exiting sleep mode can be done in different ways, depending on the settings: by pressing any key on the keyboard, a button on the mouse, or just pressing the power button. Exiting hibernation mode can only be done using the power button.

If you want to enable or disable waking your computer when you press any button on the keyboard, go to Control Panel and select device Manager(if you are viewing by category, switch to icons). Then in Device Manager, right-click on the name of your keyboard and select Properties, go to the tab Power management and check (or uncheck) the checkbox Allow this device to wake the computer from standby mode.

Setting up the computer to wake up from the mouse follows exactly the same principle.


To access all sleep mode settings, right-click on the desktop and select “Personalization” (for Windows Vista and 7) or “Properties” (for Windows XP earlier versions) from the context menu.

Select the “Screensaver” section and click the active link “Change power settings”. In the new dialog box, open the “Hibernate Settings” menu and select the desired value for the “Put the computer to sleep” command. This will enable the laptop to automatically switch to this mode.

You can configure your laptop to go into sleep mode when you close the lid and return to working mode when you open it. To do this, in the Screen Saver section of the Personalization dialog box, go to the Power Options settings.

From the menu on the left side of the window, select “Action when closing the lid”, and then activate the “Sleep” value for the corresponding option. If you need to protect data on your computer from unauthorized persons, here you can activate the command to request a password when you wake up. Then, when the laptop wakes from sleep mode, it will be impossible to start the system without entering the password.

In addition, you can assign the system action “Go to sleep mode” to the laptop’s power button. To do this, set the corresponding option to “Sleep” in the same dialog box in which you configured the operating system action when closing the laptop lid.


Setting up automatic sleep mode can be done not only on a laptop, but also on a desktop computer. The user's actions in this case will not differ from those described above.

Helpful advice

After making all the necessary settings, do not forget to confirm the changes made by clicking OK or “Apply”, otherwise the new settings will not take effect.


  • notebooks translation

If you urgently need to turn off your computer as quickly as possible without simply unplugging the power cord, or you work with a large number of programs that take a long time to save and open, or your computer takes too long to boot when turned on, then you can use “ Sleeping regime».


Video on the topic

Scientists have calculated that a person spends about a third of his life on dream. It is also known that the great inventor Leonardo da Vinci devoted only 15 minutes a day to bliss. You can reduce the number of hours spent in bed by qualitatively increasing the level of your energy potential.


The change can dramatically affect the need for rest. Changes must be made towards increasing the quality and decreasing the quantity of food. The fresher and more natural the products on your table, the less energy your body needs to spend on processing them. The fact is that natural, raw foods that have not been subjected to heat or chemical treatment contain special enzymes that allow food to digest itself. Consequently, the body has more energy for more useful activities.

Movement is life. We all know this golden rule from childhood, but we don’t always follow it. Meanwhile, the increase in movement is directly related to the number of “ dream new hours. Paradoxically, the more we move, the less time the body needs to spend sleeping in order to saturate the brain and other cells of the body with oxygen. Moreover, training, walking and any other physical activity can make dream deeper, which allows you to spend significantly less time on it.

They say that advanced yogis who meditate for long periods of time during the day completely lose the need for sleep. Therefore, if you devote at least a small part of your time to sitting in silence, it will more than pay off with sobriety of thinking and extra hours of wakefulness.

Completely give up stimulants that promise you energizer activity. Energy drinks, coffee and even seemingly harmless tea give a false feeling of vivacity, for which you will have to pay with your health one way or another. The most effective drinks that can energize you without consequences are freshly squeezed juices. A glass of water with lemon in the morning is a great start to a vigorous day full of energy.

Video on the topic


Any changes at first can give a completely different result than you expect from them. Don't stop - after your body goes through a period of ridding itself of accumulated toxins, your body's strength will increase significantly.

Helpful advice

Before moving on to any practices related to reducing sleep time, make sure that you really have something to do with yourself in the free hours that appear.

Sometimes it’s convenient to pause work for a while computer(for example, during a lunch break), and then turn it on exactly at the moment of work when you left it - with programs running and documents open. For this purpose, the Windows operating system provides a sleeper mode.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - administrator rights.


Go to the Start menu and find Control Panel. Click on the “Hardware and Sound” section, and inside it, find the “Power button action” item. It is in the list in the left area of ​​the window. You can also click on the “My Computer” shortcut on your desktop and select the tab called “Control Panel” on the left side.

Set what action you want the computer to perform when you press the power button - namely, “Sleep”. Now every time you press the power button on the system unit, the operating system will pause and shut down. Set the necessary settings in the “Password protection on wake-up” item. If you select “Request a password” and you have not set a password for your account, the operating system will ask you to set one.

Try to create a difficult password so that it is not connected to anything, but is some combination of upper and lower case characters. Click on the "Save Changes" button and you will be returned to the previous section. Go to the section “Setting the transition to sleep” mode» and set the necessary parameters. This way you can leave the computer while it is sleeping mode it will go away on its own after a certain period of inactivity.

When a sleeper is activated mode and the operating system saves the current data to the hard drive. When frequently “visiting” a sleeping person mode and on a hard drive, a lot of space on the hard drive will be spent on storing temporary files, so you shouldn’t constantly keep the computer on mode e sleep - wakefulness. Try to use this function on your computer as a last resort. As a rule, the computer should regularly “rest” so that all components do not overheat and work normally. mode e.

Often the input password to log into the operating system becomes an unnecessary function. How can I turn it off? It won't take you long to remove this customization option.


Open your computer's control panel. Find the user account settings menu, there you can change all the login information for the operating system, set or delete a password, change the system user name, add a new one, and so on.

Select the "Change Account" option on the right side of the window. To navigate through the menu, use the left and right arrow buttons and the Backspace key. Click once on the account whose login settings you want to configure.

Click on "Remove" password" To complete this procedure, you will need to enter it in the setup window that appears to confirm that you are the owner of the computer.

If you want to log into Windows without entering the installed account password, start your computer in safe mode. To do this, when you turn on the computer, press the F8 key. In the operating system boot options that appear on the screen, select safe mode. Log in to Windows using a different account.

The Windows operating system has several computer shutdown modes - these are normal mode (which completely turns off the PC), hibernation mode and sleep mode. The last two shutdown methods are justified when the user wants to interrupt work for a while, but there is no need completely, and he wants to immediately return to his work environment, with all open programs and documents. What sleep mode is and how it differs from the one discussed earlier will be discussed in this article.

Computer sleep mode. What it is?

Hibernation or sleep mode is a state of a computer that is turned off, in which information about the current state is stored in, applications remain running and wait for operations from the user. At the same time, the screen goes dark, the hard drive and the central processor stop. Power remains on the RAM and other electronic components that ensure the system starts from this state. We can say that the computer is not turned off, but paused, and at the same time consumes very little electricity compared to full operation. To “wake up” the computer, simply move the mouse or press a key on the keyboard, after which the user can continue working from where they left off.

What is the difference between sleep mode and hibernation mode?

At first glance, hibernation is similar to sleep mode and is intended to do the same thing as sleep mode. But the processes that occur when the computer turns off into hibernation are somewhat different. When a user issues a hibernation command, the computer saves the current system state not in RAM, but in . After which the monitor, hard drive and cooling system turn off. Those. hibernation is an even deeper sleep with even lower energy consumption, because... there is no need to apply voltage to the RAM, but only to the internal clock and a minimum of components needed to start the system.

Hibernation mode is more intended for laptops in order to maximize battery conservation in this mode. If for a desktop computer power consumption in sleep mode is not so important, then for a laptop this aspect comes to the fore. The price for such savings is a longer start from deep sleep compared to simple sleep mode. But in any case, the system startup time is much faster than startup after a complete shutdown.

How to put your computer to sleep

Let's look at turning off the computer into sleep mode using Windows 7 as an example, as the most common system at the time of publication of the article.

Most PC users do not know how to disable sleep mode in Windows 7, and sometimes it is necessary to do this, since it is not always convenient for the user.

Initially, sleep mode is a mechanism for reducing power consumption.

During normal operation, computer data loss does not occur in this state. If there is a sudden shutdown, data can be recovered from the hard drive.

Sleep mode for laptops and PCs

There are several types of such “sleep”:

  1. Simple. All files and documents are open on the PC. When entering this state, all initial data is saved in the PC memory, and then the system unit goes into energy-saving operation.
    The process is a bit like pausing while listening to audio or a movie.
  2. Hibernation. This “sleep” option is used on laptops, since it is the most economical and uses less battery energy. All information is first saved on the hard drive, after which the computer goes into an energy-saving state.
  3. Hybrid type. Enabled by default on desktop PC software. All parameters and files are saved on the hard drive before turning on, and the system unit automatically switches to an energy-saving state.
    When the lights are turned off or other power failures, all information is easily restored from drive C.

Disabling sleep mode on a desktop personal computer

If you don't need the hibernation feature and don't know how to disable sleep mode in Windows 7 settings, then use the following recommendations.

Go to Start – Control Panel.

The settings we will need are in the “Category” section. Go there, then enter the “Hardware and Sound” item.

there, select the “Power Options” section, where you can change the current settings.

However, changing settings is possible if the user knows the administrator account.

This is where the “Sleep Mode Settings” will be. Click the button.

The “Power plan settings” window will look something like this, as shown in the picture below. Here you can disable the computer from going into sleep mode in Windows 7.

In order for your computer to be in working condition all the time, the settings must be set as shown in the picture below, that is, the “Never” position to turn off the display and go to sleep.

Advice. To disable sleep, go to the plan that is currently active. Next, go to the section “Transfer the computer to sleeping mode", where you need to select the "Never" function. After this, save the settings.

How to disable Windows sleep mode (7, 8.1, 10)

The main function of sleep mode is to save energy. But sometimes this mode can cause some inconvenience. For example, when watching movies or TV shows via the Internet.

To further disable sleep mode, you can enter the advanced settings of Windows 7, and then click the bird next to Sleep.

In the Allow Hybrid Sleep settings, tap the Disable feature.

To disable the automatic sleep function, select the “Never” function in the settings.

To do this, enter the number 0 in the minute status line. Click “Apply” and “OK”.

In the same sequence where there is a “Sleep after” value, you can disable sleep mode in the Windows 7 settings.

How to disable hibernation mode on a laptop?

The laptop has a “sleep” function, but it’s different. To change it, it is recommended to do other steps.

You, as a user, will need to change the current settings in the mode of switching power from the battery and from the network power supply.

So, in similar settings described above, you will see two values:

  • "On battery"
  • "Offline."

To enter the settings, you need to right-click on the computer panel:

The “Taskbar and Start Menu Properties” functions will appear, then go to “Power Options” - “Plan Settings ... “Balanced”, as shown by the red arrow in the illustration, go to “Change advanced settings ...”.

In the parameters, find “Sleep hibernation” and set the value to “0”.

How to disable hibernation in Windows 7 (useful things)

Guide: How to disable sleep mode on Windows 7

You can not only change the hibernation settings as described above, but also in a different format.

For the correct operation of laptops, a system file hiberfil.sys is created on drive C.

Information about the RAM of Windows 7 is entered into this file when switching to one or another energy-saving mode.

If you disable the “sleep state” in the standard way, the file cannot be deleted, which means you will have to do it manually. This will free up several gigabytes of memory on your hard drive.

However, to enter this system file, you must enter the account password.

In system files, the document looks like it is shown in the illustration below.

How to enter the command line in Windows 7? To do this, go to Start – Run, or type command line through the search.

Many users find it annoying when their computer or laptop goes into sleep mode. This usually happens after the computer has been idle for some time or after closing the laptop lid.

The computer behaves this way in order to save electricity or battery power on the laptop. But, if saving money doesn’t matter to you, then you can disable this feature.

In this article we will talk about how to prevent your computer from going into sleep mode. The article will be relevant for Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10.

Configuring the computer to go into sleep mode through the Control Panel

If you want to prevent the computer from going into sleep mode after closing the lid or being idle for a long time, you can change the appropriate settings in the Control Panel and disable this feature. This workaround works the same in all versions of Windows, starting with Windows 7.

So, first you need to go to the “System and Security” section and then to the “Power Supplies” subsection. If you can’t find this subsection, then use the search in “Control Panel”. There is a search bar in the upper right corner of the Control Panel window. Enter “Power Options” there and you will immediately find what you need. In Windows 8 and Windows 10, you can go to the power settings using the menu that opens with the Windows + X key combination.

After opening the “Power Options” subsection, you you need to go to the power plan settings. Please note that you need the settings for the exact power plan you are using. If you use several power supply schemes, then the settings described below must be repeated for each scheme.

After opening Power Options you need to select the “Never” option for the “Put the computer to sleep” function. Here you can also configure the time after which the computer screen will turn off if the computer is idle. After making all changes to the settings, do not forget to click on the “Save Changes” button.

After these manipulations, the computer will no longer go into sleep mode when idle. But, sleep mode can still be used when closing the laptop lid. To disable this feature as well, return to "Power Options" and go to the "Action when closing the lid" section.

After that a window will appear in front of you in which you can configure the behavior of the laptop when you press the power button, when you press the sleep button and when you close the lid. Moreover, for each of these actions, you can configure two options for the computer’s behavior, depending on whether it is running on battery power or on mains power.

To prevent the computer from going into sleep mode when closing the lid change the "Sleep" value to "No action required" for the action when closing the lid.

Configuring the computer to go into sleep mode through Settings

The Windows 10 operating system has an alternative to the Control Panel, the so-called Settings menu, which can be opened using the Start menu. Among other things, this menu can be used to configure the current power plan. For this you need to open “Settings” and go to the “System - Power and sleep” section.

In this section of Settings, you can configure when the computer should turn off the screen and go into sleep mode when the computer is inactive for a long time.

Configuring the computer to go into sleep mode via the Command Line

You can also prevent your computer from going to sleep using the command line. For this and run the following commands in it:

  • powercfg -x -standby-timeout-ac 0
  • powercfg -x -standby-timeout-dc 0

These commands prevent the computer from going into sleep mode (set to "never") while running on AC power (command with the -standby-timeout-ac option) and while running on battery (command with the standby-timeout-dc 0 option).

It should be noted that the described commands work equally well in Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10.