The screen resolution is set to an unsupported monitor: how to solve the problem in a Windows environment. How to find out and change screen resolution (image is too large)

Question from a user


I had an error with the image... One game was launched, for some reason the error suddenly appeared: "... that the AMD video driver was stopped due to...", and then I noticed that everything on the monitor screen became large .

Also, if earlier I could place a hundred shortcuts on the desktop, now there are already 10 - and almost half of the space is gone! How so, what needs to be done to return everything to its previous state?


Good time everyone!

This happens due to the fact that the optimal screen resolution (in your case, the video driver may have crashed, and because of this the resolution has gone down).

In general, if explained in simple words, then screen resolution- this is the number of points along which the picture is built on the monitor. Of course, the more dots, the clearer and more accurate the contours of the image.

Each monitor has its own optimal resolution, which, in most cases, is worth choosing (if you set the resolution higher than the recommended one, then the text and some elements will become too small and difficult to read, if less than the recommended one, everything on the screen will become large, like from the author of the question).

So, let's get down to business...

Ratio to screen diagonal

In general, as I said above, each monitor has its own optimal resolution, which (usually) is what Windows sets by default (at least if you have all the necessary drivers installed). In some cases this doesn't happen...

Permission is related to monitor diagonal . The larger the diagonal, the higher the resolution, as a rule. If anyone doesn’t know, the diagonal is measured in inches (1 inch = 2.53 cm).

What is diagonal and how is it measured (1 inch = 2.53 cm)

Just below I have given a table that relates the diagonal of the monitor and its resolution (please note that the numbers are relative (although this is most often the case), because each manufacturer sets its own parameters).

Diagonal Permission Designation Format (aspect ratio)
15.0 1024x768 XGA 4:3
15.6 (laptop) 1366x768 HD 16:9
17.0 1280x1024 SXGA 5:4
17.0 1440x900 WXGA+ 16:10


1600:900 or Full HD 16:9
19.0 1280x1024 SXGA 5:4
19.0 1440x900 WXGA+ 16:10
20.1 1400x1050 SXGA+ 4:3
20.1 1680x1050 WSXGA+ 16:10
20.1 1600x1200 UXGA 4:3
20.8 2048x1536 QXGA 4:3
21.0 1680x1050 WSXGA+ 16:10
21.3 1600x1200 UXGA 4:3
22.0 1680x1050 WSXGA+ 16:10
22.2 3840x2400 WQUXGA 16:10
23.0 1920x1200 WUXGA 16:10
24.0 1920x1200 WUXGA 16:10
26.0 1920x1200 WUXGA 16:10
27.0 1920x1200 WUXGA 16:10
30.0 2560x1600 WQXGA+ 16:10

Also, monitors can have different aspect ratios (square-shaped, elongated rectangular, etc.). The table below just links the resolution to the aspect ratio.

Setting the optimal resolution

By the way, to find out the current monitor resolution, you can use online services:


If you do not have video driver icons in the tray, on the desktop, or in the Windows Control Panel, you most likely do not have video drivers.

Also, if they are not there, you will not be able to change the resolution (there will simply not be an optimal option in the list). Until you install new drivers (or update the “old ones”), the problem cannot be fixed.

I have a detailed article on updating video adapter drivers on my blog, I recommend you read it:

In the IntelHD video driver (nVidia, AMD)

This is one of the easiest ways to quickly change many screen parameters: resolution, brightness, contrast, color gamut, refresh rate, etc.

If you have a video driver installed, then you just need to use the tray icon next to the clock (or right-click anywhere on the desktop). In my case it is IntelHD, in yours it may also be AMD (Ati Radeon) or nVidia (GeForce).

In the settings, as a rule, you need to open the main parameters section (in IntelHD this is “Basic Settings”. In general, many parameters and menu variations depend on the version of your video driver: it is unrealistic to provide all possible options in the article ☺).

You need to alternately change the resolution - choose the one that is most convenient and comfortable for work. Focus first on what is recommended. If the elements on the screen are too small, try moving the resolution down 1-2 points, making it a little smaller.

On Windows 7

If you have Windows 7, then you just need to right-click on any free space on the desktop, and select “Screen Resolution” in the menu that appears, see the screenshot below.

Next, in the "Resolution" tab, you can see what you currently have selected and what else you can set. The optimal resolution is usually marked as “Recommended” (see screenshot below). Most often, they choose either the best option or 1-2 points lower (so that the picture and text on the screen are larger, important for monitors with a large diagonal).

Screen customization in Windows 7

On Windows 8/10

Press a combination of buttons Win+R, then enter the command desk.cpl and press Enter. See screenshot below.

Next, the “Screen” section will open and you can change many parameters: brightness, text (font) size, resolution, etc. Open additional settings, see what resolutions you can set (see example below).

By the way, if you don’t have such a list, and the optimal resolution is not indicated at all, most likely (as I said above) you simply don’t have a video driver. Try updating it (I provided the link to the article above).


If you have an old CRT monitor (these are so thick ☺, there are few of them now, but they are used in some places) - be sure to check sweep frequency (measured in Hz).

This parameter should not be less than 85 Hz (at 60 Hz, the flickering of the monitor is very noticeable, which causes discomfort and). It's even better if you set it to 100 Hz.


If you are working on a computer with Windows 7 installed, then most likely you need to change the resolution monitor you will not have to. The Windows 7 operating system is good, among other things, because it automatically installs the necessary drivers for the video card and monitor, and also selects the optimal one for your monitor screen resolution.

However, if the need to change the resolution still arises, go to the desktop and right-click on it. A drop-down menu will appear on the screen, from which select the line “ Permission screen" (you can also get to this menu item through "Start - Control Panel - Appearance - Adjust screen resolution").

In the window that opens you will see your current settings. The “Screen” line must indicate the name monitor, which you are using, in the line " Permission" - the currently set screen resolution; in the "Orientation" line - the orientation of your screen ("landscape" or "portrait"). Typically, in the line " Permission"next to the current dimensions in brackets is indicated "recommended" - that is, this is the resolution that the system considers most suitable for your monitor. If you want to change it, click on this line and drag the slider with the mouse to the value you need.

Click the "Apply" button. The selected settings will take effect immediately and a window will appear asking “Save these screen settings?” You can choose "Save" or "Cancel". If you do nothing, the change will be canceled after a few seconds.

If the new resolution suits you, click “Save”, followed by the “OK” button.

When running on systems older than Windows 7, it may indeed be necessary to manually change the resolution monitor, since these systems do not always select the optimal option. To do this, right-click on the desktop on any empty space and select “Properties”.

In the window that opens, go to the “Options” tab. The type of your monitor, under which there is a section “ Permission screen." Here, use the slider to select the resolution you need, then click “Apply” and, if the selected resolution suits you, the “OK” button. After this, the selected resolution will take effect.


  • how to change monitor resolution

If permission screen monitor does not meet your requirements, you can change it in the settings of the computer’s operating system. With its change, the clarity of the display of texts will change and the number of elements that can be placed on the desktop space will change.


In Windows XP, the resolution is selected in the properties window screen, to launch which you need to right-click on the workspace free from shortcuts and select the “Properties” line in the context menu. In the settings window screen go to the “Settings” tab. You can get to this tab in another way: press the WIN key and launch the control panel, and in it click the “Appearance and Themes” link. In the “Select a task” list there will be the line you need “Change screen».

Section "Resolution" screen" is located in the lower left part of the Settings tab. Move the slider with the left mouse button to select the desired value and click the “OK” (or “Apply”) button. The utility will change permission and will open a dialog box with a timer - if you don’t like the look of the desktop in the selected resolution screen, then you don’t need to press anything. Without receiving confirmation, the utility will return the previous value and you can try another option.

Sometimes permissions screen contains only a few values, none of which provide acceptable image quality. Typically this means that the OS is using

What is screen resolution? This is a parameter on which the clarity of the picture on the monitor depends. The higher the resolution, the smaller the pixels—colored elements (dots) that make up a digital image, like a mosaic.

When the screen resolution is low, the pixels become larger and their total number becomes smaller, so the picture looks grainy and blurry. If you look closely, it all consists of small squares, which is especially noticeable on thin lines and contrasting color transitions. Icons and windows appear disproportionately large at low resolutions, and their edges often extend beyond the screen.

At the minimum resolution (800x600), the Windows 7 desktop looks like this:

At high resolution, the number of pixels increases and, accordingly, their size decreases, so the image looks naturalistic and clear, without graininess. At maximum resolution (1366x768), the Windows 7 desktop looks like this:

The maximum permissible resolution depends on the technical properties of the display matrix and the capabilities of the video card. If you had to install Windows 7 yourself, you must have noticed that immediately after installation the minimum screen resolution is 800x600, and you cannot change it to a higher one, even if you have an ultra-modern, powerful video card. This is because the system uses basic video, the purpose of which is to provide at least some visibility of what is happening on the computer. To “squeeze” the maximum out of hardware, you need to install the appropriate drivers.

How to change screen resolutions?

After installing the video driver, the screen resolution is automatically set to the optimal one and its settings become available to the user. You can set one of several standard resolutions using the Windows 7 “Adjust Screen Resolution” tool.

  • Go to the control panel and from the sub-items of the “Appearance and Personalization” category, select “Adjust screen resolution”.

  • Another way to access this setting is the “Screen Resolution” item in the desktop context menu.

  • Clicking on one of these items opens the “Screen Settings” window. The resolution setting is available from the list item of the same name, next to which there is a drop-down menu. Inside the menu there is a scale with a slider, by moving which you can change the screen resolution from minimum to maximum. This setting varies on different computers, and this, as already mentioned, depends on the properties of the display matrix and the capabilities of the video card.

  • Having set the desired value, click the “Apply” button. After this, the resolution will change, and a window will appear on the screen asking you to save the change. If you are satisfied with everything, press the confirm button; if not, do not press anything: after a few seconds, the display parameters will return to their previous settings.

That's all the setting is - the screen resolution changes immediately, you don't need to restart the computer for this.

Setting a custom screen resolution in Windows 7

Modern monitors and laptop displays display images best when operating at the resolution recommended by the manufacturer. But the list of available permissions in Windows 7 may not contain what you need, that is, system tools will not help you. To install a non-standard resolution, you will need third-party software. These could be proprietary utilities from monitor manufacturers or programs for setting up video. As an example, let's look at one of these programs - PowerStrip - a utility for overclocking and fine-tuning video cards. It, among other things, allows you to change the screen resolution within a wide range.

  • Download PowerStrip from the link and install it on your computer.
  • To adjust the display resolution, in the main PowerStrip window, in the “Connected Monitor” section, click the “Change” button.

  • To create an inf file where the settings profile of the selected monitor will be stored, click “Create”.

  • In the “Monitor Information” window, in the “Output Options” section, set the desired vertical and horizontal display resolution, then click the button with the floppy disk icon to save the profile.

  • To apply the settings, you need to restart the computer, click on the PowerStrip icon in the system tray, select “Display Profiles” from the menu and point to the saved profile.

  • By clicking the “Settings” button here, you can get to the section for changing screen parameters. In this window you can set a different resolution and create several more profiles.

Troubleshooting after changing screen resolution

Sometimes, due to setting an unsupported display resolution, after loading Windows 7, only a black screen with a cursor is displayed and nothing else. In this case, the settings must be returned to standard. This is done like this:

  • Restart your PC by pressing the F8 key before restarting Windows.
  • From the advanced startup options menu, select “Safe Mode.”

  • After starting the system, go to the screen resolution settings and set one of the standard values, preferably low (then you will change it).

After that, reboot to normal mode, change the resolution to optimal and the problem will be solved.

Some monitors may not have a screen resolution that matches what Windows offers.

If you have an Nvidia video card installed, you can add your screen resolution in one of the following ways:

Method 1.

1) Launch Nvidia Control Panel.
2) Open Display → Change Resolution → Add Permissions... → Create Custom Resolution
3) Set the parameters you need, test them and add it to the list for selection
4) Select it and use it.

Method 2.

Using the registry, add the permission you need to the parameter NV_Modes

Which is along the path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video\(some number)\0000

You can also find other threads containing the parameter NV_Modes and also add the screen resolution you need to them.

Method 3: Before installing the driver.

Open the file "nv_disp.inf" in the folder C:\NVIDIA\Win7\xxx.xx (where xxx.xx is your driver version) and find the value

Below him in NV_Modes there will be all available screen resolutions, add yours there.

But it happens that even after the above manipulations, a new resolution is not added. In this case, you will have to use special programs to force the addition of a user permission.

PowerStrip- A program for managing the parameters of the video subsystem of your computer, supports a huge variety of video cards. A program that supports video cards from a wide range of chipsets and suppliers, simultaneously, under any operating system. The program provides access to over 500 controls over your display hardware, including color correction tools, screen geometry period level settings, and driver-independent clock controls.

Screen Resolution Manager- A program that allows each computer user to set their own screen resolution. In addition to resolution, you can adjust color depth, frequency, brightness and contrast, color gamut and other settings that will automatically take effect after loading a specific user’s profile.

To make your computer screen settings as comfortable as possible for your eyes, you need to know how to change the screen resolution of your personal computer or laptop monitor.

Screen resolution is an indicator that determines the clarity of the display of all icons, pictures, that is, graphics in general. It is important to determine what will be best for the monitor.

Changing an extension using built-in OS features

The higher the resolution, the better the clarity of the display. For example, a 22-inch display will have a standard resolution of 1680*1050, which is optimal and maximum for this screen.

All available sizes are available in the settings; it is advisable to choose the largest one offered.

Follow the instructions to change the image resolution of your display:

  • Go to the operating system desktop. Right-click on it and select screen options, as shown in the figure below;
  • In the window that opens, you can adjust the size of text, icons and other system elements in real time. You can also adjust the screen orientation. To go to the selection tab, enter the word “resolution” at the top in the search bar;
  • Select “change screen resolution”;
  • Click on the drop-down list as shown in the figure and select the standard recommended one. Save the new settings.

Important! It happens that the recommended resolution is higher than the display. That is, the size of the final image does not correspond to the screen size, so some elements of the desktop may disappear from the user's field of view. Adjusting your monitor will resolve this issue. In the selection options, choose not the recommended one, but the one that fully displays all the elements of the desktop. At the same time, all graphics must be clear.

Several common types of expansion and corresponding display sizes:

  • 1024*768 – perfect for screens of 15 or 17 inches. In a display with a resolution of 1024*768 pixels, the color depth is 16 bits;
  • 1280*1024 – intended for displays whose size is 19 inches;
  • Types of monitors measuring 24 inches most accurately convey the image at a resolution of 1920*1080. All displays with these parameters are FullHD.

Adjusting the screen refresh rate

The higher the display refresh rate, the correspondingly better the image quality. That is why, in addition to size, it is necessary to pay attention to this parameter. To change the refresh rate follow the instructions:

  • Go to the control panel. In the search bar, enter “Screen” (without quotes);
  • In the proposed search result, select the item that is responsible for the screen refresh rate, as shown in the figure;
  • Set the refresh rate to the highest possible. This will eliminate possible periodic flickering of the monitor.

NVIDIA Software

How to find out the right resolution for your display? This can be done on the official website of the manufacturer or in the instructions that come with the device.

On the boxes of monitors and laptops from Samsung there is information on how to set the correct resolution and what to do if the real one does not match the declared one.

Using a special program that is preinstalled on all computers equipped with an Nvidia family video card, you can also adjust the resolution of the user's monitor. Follow the instructions.