Installing WordPress. Various Easy WordPress Installation Options

Hello, dear readers of the blog site! Today I decided to offer you material that will tell you how and where to download, and subsequently install, the WordPress engine for your website manually with a description of all the details.

Almost all modern paid hosting allows you to produce fast WordPress. However, firstly, everyone has the right to an alternative method, and secondly, the manual method will allow you to understand some of the nuances, along the way acquire useful knowledge, and, well, penetrate deeper into the very essence of this action.

In general, this publication will not be superfluous for some webmasters who are accustomed to bringing everything to perfection and will help to clarify many important points. I will say more, manual installation of WP is in many ways more reliable.

How to download WordPress for free and bind a database using wp-config.php

The first step is to download the WordPress CMS files to your computer. Installation package latest version of the engine in the original it is in English, but there is also a Russian-language version of the official website, from where you can download WordPress in Russian completely free of charge:

After downloading, you need to unpack the archive, which has a .zip extension. Right-click on the archive and select “Extract all...” from the context menu and unpack the distribution into a folder selected or created specifically for this:

Then you need to find the configuration file wp-config-sample.php, the content of which looks like this:

Fragments underlined with red lines must be edited. To understand what to replace with, you must have a ready-made MySql database (creating a database is described in detail). The last step of this operation will give the resulting information:

Now all this data needs to be written instead of the fragments highlighted in the previous screenshot in wp-config-sample.php. Moreover, usually the first three lines, underlined in red, change, and the next three, highlighted in brown, remain unchanged (but not always), this nuance will need to be clarified with your provider. Of course, those who, like me, are Sprinthost clients, do not need to do this.

  • Record "database_name_here" based on the example, replace it with “wellsturbo_wn01” (database name);
  • Instead of " username_here" We also set “wellsturbo_wn01” (username). In most cases, the username and database name are left the same to avoid confusion. But “username” may differ from “database_name”, and you can configure this yourself when creating the database. In any case, they will differ if you add new users to a particular database subsequently;
  • Changing the value "password_here" to “9Tezog9Hw726L35gf” (database access password);
  • The next three parameters usually do not need to be changed, but, as I already said, it all depends on your hosting settings.

Next, we proceed directly to editing the configuration file. To do this, you can use any suitable program. For my part, I can recommend Notepad++ (). So, after the changes made, the contents of wp-config-sample.php will look like this:

Now we save the changed file in the same folder, but first we need to rename it to wp-config.php. By entering the necessary information into wp-config, we thereby We connect the database with the site. This completes the preparatory part, you can proceed directly to uploading WP files to the hosting server.

How to upload WordPress files and install the engine on hosting

Before installing WordPress on your hosting, be sure to make sure that the provider’s server meets the following parameters: PHP version must be at least 5.2.4, and MySql must be at least 5.0. I strongly doubt that any advanced hoster may lack suitable characteristics, but I must warn you. In addition, the following conditions must be met before installing the engine:

  • Have a registered one (read about employment verification and purchasing a domain name);
  • For the correct operation of the future project on which the site will be located.
  • It is necessary to have a Mysql database, I mentioned this above.

So, it’s time to upload WordPress to the web server for subsequent installation. Of course, you can use the hosting control panel interface for this. The appearance of the file manager there can be anything, it all depends on the type of admin panel of your hoster. On Sprinthost, for example, a panel created in is used, so the page for uploading files looks like this:

If you want to install the engine through the admin panel interface, then it would be more efficient to download the packaged WP archive from your computer to the server, unpack it (the capabilities of any modern provider allow you to do this without problems), and then properly modify wp-config.php there the scheme described above.

However, I will describe the process of loading WP using Filezilla (full material). Working with files using specialized software is convenient and practical, so I recommend this method to you. So, open Filezilla and connect to the server.

After the connection is established, on the right side of the program window, which is responsible for displaying the folders of your web projects, open the root directory of the site on which we will install WordPress. In our example it is "»:

At the root there is already a public_html directory containing the index.php file, which is responsible for displaying the hosting provider’s stub, indicating that the place for the site on the Internet is already ready. It can be easily removed. So, we will upload WP files to this directory.

Now on the left side, which displays the directories on your computer, open the “Wordpress” folder created when unpacking the downloaded distribution. Then select all the files in it using the Shift button on the keyboard, right-click and from the context menu that appears, select the “Upload to server” option:

With this action you initiate the download of WordPress to the server. During online downloading, you will observe how files will gradually appear in the right half of the open Filezilla window. After the process is complete, check the “Failed transfers” line at the very bottom, where files that for some reason were not downloaded will be marked. In this case, you will need to try again for them.

But such situations arise extremely rarely; in general, the operation goes off without a hitch. So, after all WordPress files are on the hosting, you will need to enter the following line into the address bar of your browser:


It goes without saying that you will have to replace the “” domain with your own as part of the URL. After this, press ENTER, as a result of which the installation manager form should appear:

You fill out the fields where you indicate the name of the site, the user name, and not your own, but an absolutely arbitrary one, which will subsequently serve as a login when entering the admin panel (so you understand, the more complex it is, the better). As for the password, the installer immediately offers a ready-made, tricky password, so you can leave that too.

Also check the box if you want your project not to be indexed by search engines (for example, if you are going to use it for testing). But for a full-fledged website that you plan to promote to the fullest, naturally, the checkbox is not needed. After these simple steps, press the button "Install WordPress". As a result, after a short time the following picture will be shown:

That's it, the engine is installed. Using the selected login and password, you can immediately log into the WordPress control panel by clicking the appropriate button and create a freshly created website.

It is advisable to write down the authorization data and keep it in a safe place. By the way, a very safe and convenient tool for storing passwords is one that I have been successfully using for quite some time. After installing WordPress, the permanent login link will look like this:


Naturally, you should enter the name of your website or blog in the address bar of your browser instead of On this page there will be a branded WordPress login form:

That's all for today. Subscribe to receive fresh materials, which I hope will be educational and useful for you. As a final step, I suggest watching a video that offers a somewhat alternative option for installing WP through the interface of the administrative panel of one of the hosting providers.

Also, each hosting provider has its own control panel for users: standard ones, such as cPanel, or custom ones, which are typical only for individual services. The set of available functions, ease of management, etc. will depend on the interface. I always prefer to work with files through the file manager in the hosting panel; Beget has it very convenient!

Installing WordPress on hosting

Before installing WordPress on your hosting, you need to do the following operations.

Download the files of the latest Russian version of the engine from the official WordPress website Unpack the archive on your computer and use an FTP manager to transfer the engine files to the server in the root folder. For example, www/domain name.

The next step is to create a MySQL database. To do this, in the hosting control panel, find the MySQL item, there specify the database name, user and password (use any of them). Then, among the files uploaded to the server, find wp-config-sample.php and rename it to wp-config.php. Now open this file in the editor and enter the following data (you came up with the first three yourself, the next two are standard):

  • DB_NAME – database name;
  • DB_USER – user name;
  • DB_PASSWORD – password;
  • DB_HOST – database server;
  • DB_CHARSET – encoding (UTF-8).

Enter in the browser line, where is the domain name of your site.

If everything is done correctly, the following field will appear in front of you:

Here you need to indicate the name (header) of the site (you can change it later), username, password and real email address. That's all, the installation has been successfully completed.

Now you know how to install a WordPress website on hosting. In the next step you need for your blog as well. For any controversial issues, or if problems arise when working with hosting, please contact your provider. He is obliged to provide you with all the necessary information and help you solve problems. You can also ask questions in the comments to the article.

You can clearly see how to properly install WordPress on your hosting in the video.

Good luck getting started with WordPress!

WordPress is well known for its easy installation. In most situations, installing WordPress is a very simple process and takes less than five minutes from start to finish. Many web hosts offer tools (like Fantastico) to automatically install WordPress. However, if you want to install WordPress yourself, the following guide will help you. And with automatic, it became even easier.

Famous installation in 5 minutes more detailed information about this process.

Necessary things

Before you begin the installation, you will need to know a few things.

You need to know this

You need access to your site, its directories and software for the installation process. This:

  • Access to your site (shell or FTP)
  • Text editor
  • FTP client (if you are installing WordPress on a remote server)
  • The browser you are using.

This needs to be done

Start installation with:

  1. Checking your server for compliance with the minimum requirements of WordPress.
  2. Get the latest version of WordPress.
  3. Unpack the resulting file into a folder on your computer.
  4. Print this page to have on hand during installation.

The famous 5-minute installation

Below are brief instructions for those who are already familiar with the installation process of various web applications. More further.

That's all! If you did everything correctly, the WordPress installation should have been successful.

Installation in detail

Download and extract the WordPress distribution by following the link

  • If you will be installing WordPress on a remote web server, download and extract the WordPress distribution onto your computer using your favorite web browser.
  • If you have access to a web server and experience working with console applications, you can download WordPress directly using wget (lynx or other software that runs in console mode) to avoid incomplete loading of information on a slow Internet connection:
    • wget
    • Unpack the distribution using:
      tar -xzvf latest.tar.gz

      The WordPress distribution will be unpacked into a folder called wordpress in the same folder (directory) where you downloaded the latest.tar.gz archive.

  • If you have No web server access or experience with console applications, you can download WordPress directly using ZipDeploy.

Step 2: Create Database and User

If you use the services, you may already have a pre-installed database for WordPress, or your hosting provider allows you to create it automatically. Contact technical service. support to the hosting provider or use it to find out all the nuances of creating a database and creating users.

If you still need to create a database and user yourself, use the instructions below: , instructions or.

If you are installing WordPress on your own web server, please refer to the instructions or to create a database and user for the WordPress installation.

Working with cPanel

If your hosting provider uses , you can use the instructions below to create a database and user so you can install WordPress.

  1. Sign in.
  2. Click on the link MySQL Databases.
  3. If you don't have a WordPress user listed Users, create it:
    1. Select the user for WordPress (for example, "wordpress") and enter their name in the field UserName.
    2. Select a password (preferably if it includes characters presented in upper and lower case, special characters, numbers and letters) and enter it in the field Password.
    3. Select the username and password you just created.
    4. Click Add User.
  4. If you don't have a WordPress database listed Databases, start it:
    1. Select a name for your WordPress database (such as "wordpress" or "blog") and enter it in the field Db, press Add Db.
  5. In field Databases, select your WordPress Database username using the dropdown list User, then in the drop-down list Db select database. Check availability everyone check the box Privileges, then click Add User to Db.
  6. When you return to the main window MySQL Account Properties, will display information about the database you just created. You should see the name of the user you just added to the database (with ALL PRIVILEGES checked) and additional information Connection Settings to use or scripts to connect to the database. The PHP code will look like this:
$dbh = mysql_connect(" hostname", "username", "") or die (" message"); mysql_select_db(" databasename"); Change the values hostname, username, databasename, as well as the password you chose. (Attention field hostname should matter in most cases localhost.)

Working with phpMyAdmin

If your web server has , follow the instructions below to create a database and user for later WordPress installation.

Attention: These instructions are for phpMyAdmin version 2.6.0; therefore, the appearance of phpMyAdmin may differ from the appearance of phpMyAdmin installed on your web server.

  1. If the database intended for installing WordPress has not yet been created in the drop-down menu on the left Database, then create it:
    1. Select a database name for WordPress (for example, "wordpress" or "blog"), enter it in the field Create new database and press Create.
  2. Click on the icon Home located in the upper left corner of the window to return to the main program page, then click Privileges. If the user has not yet been created to install WordPress, create one:
    1. Click Add a new User.
    2. Select a username for WordPress (for example, "wordpress") and enter it in the field User name. (Make sure the field Use text field: selected from the drop-down list.)
    3. Select a password (preferably if it includes characters presented in upper and lower case, special characters, numbers and letters), and enter it in the field Password. (Make sure the field Use text field: selected in the drop-down list.) Re-enter the password in the field Re-type.
    4. Write down the username and password you just created.
    5. Leave all list options unchanged Global privileges.
    6. Click Go.
  3. Go back to the skisk Privileges and click on the icon Check privileges, related to your user for WordPress. In section Database-specific privileges select the database you just created for WordPress and in the drop-down list specify Add privileges to the following database. The page will automatically reload and make changes to the user privileges automatically for the selected database. Click Check All to check all user privileges again and click Go.
  4. On the report page, pay attention to the server name that comes after the entry Server: at the top of the page. (Most often it means localhost.)

Working with MySQL client

Step 4: Placing Files

Now you need to decide where exactly the WordPress blog will be located on your website:

  • In the root directory of your website. (For example,
  • In a subdirectory (subdirectory) on your website. (For example,

Attention: The location of the root directory in your file system can vary significantly depending on the hosting provider and the software they use. Ask your administrator or your system administrator exactly where the root directory is located.

Placing files in the root directory

  • If you want to host files on a web server - use your favorite client to upload everything content wordpress folder (but not the folder itself) to the root directory of the web server.
  • If the files are already located on the web server and you are using access to install WordPress, transfer everything content wordpress folder (but not the folder itself) to the root directory of the web server.

Placing files in a subdirectory

  • If you want to host the files on a web server, then rename the wordpress folder to the name you want, then use your favorite client to upload the folder to the web server's root directory.
  • If the files are already located on the web server and you are using access to install WordPress, transfer the entire contents of the wordpress folder to the web server into a folder you created in advance with the desired name, which is located in the root directory.

Step 5: Start installation

Launch your favorite web browser to begin installation.

  • If you have placed the WordPress files in the root directory of your web server, then go to this link:
  • If you placed your WordPress files in a subdirectory called blog for example, go to:

Solving problems when starting the installation

Common installation problems

The following describes common problems that arise during system installation. For more detailed information and troubleshooting of WordPress installation, please refer to the Installation Guide and Troubleshooting Guide.

I see a lot of Headers already sent errors. How to fix it? You may have made a mistake while editing wp-config.php.

  1. Download wp-config.php (if you have access to ).
  2. Open it in your favorite .
  3. Make sure the first line contains nothing other thanNO
  4. Make sure the last line contains nothing other than ?> , and what comes after it NO no text, no spaces, no empty lines.
  5. Save the file, download it again if necessary, and refresh the page in your browser.
At the beginning of the installation, the error "Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-config.php:1) in ..." often appears. Open the wp-config.php file in text editor, for example notepad. Select "Save file as...", select ANSI encoding instead of UNICODE or UTF. Refresh the page.My page comes out gibberish. When I look at the source I see a lot of "" tags. If the tags are being sent to the browser, it means your is not working properly. All PHP code is supposed to be executed before the server sends the resulting to your web browser. (That"s why it"s called a processor.) Make sure your web server meets the requirements to run WordPress, that PHP is installed and configured properly, or contact your hosting provider or system administrator for assistance.

I keep getting an Error connecting to database message but I"m sure my configuration is correct. Try resetting your MySQL password manually. If you have access to MySQL via shell, try issuing: SET PASSWORD FOR " wordpressusername "@" hostname " = OLD_PASSWORD (" password "); If you are using a version of MySQL prior to 4.1, use PASSWORD instead of OLD_PASSWORD . If you do not have shell access, you should be able to simply enter the above into an SQL query in phpMyAdmin. , you may need to use your host's control panel to reset the password for your database user.

My image/MP3 uploads aren't working. If you use the Rich Text Editor on a blog that"s installed in a subdirectory, and drag a newly uploaded image into the editor field, the image may vanish a couple seconds later. This is due to a problem with TinyMCE (the rich text editor) not getting enough information during the drag operation to construct the path to the image or other file correctly. The solution is to NOT drag uploaded images into the editor. Instead, click and hold on the image and select "Send to Editor."

Installing Multiple Blogs

More detailed information is available at the following link Installing Multiple Blogs.

  • Installing WordPress on your local computer
  • If you have a fairly powerful home computer and the Internet connection speed allows for powerful data exchange with the network, you can avoid using the services of hosting providers by using your computer as a server. The following guides will help you understand how to install a web server and WordPress on your local computer at home.
  • Local WordPress Installation on MacOS X with MAMP (Basic Guide)

Installing WordPress Locally on MacOS X (Detailed Guide)

We will get acquainted with all the ways to install this CMS on a server (hosting). If you need a more detailed explanation of the process, then click on the line “Step-by-step installation of the engine” in the content below. There will be a lot of images, be careful all the necessary elements are numbered. This will make the whole process easier to understand. Let's start))

The content of the article:

How to install WordPress on hosting or server

First, we need to upload the CMS files to the server in the folder of your domain of the future site. The folder can have any of two names, either www or public_html. We upload files to the server using any FTP client you like. In some cases, files can be uploaded via SSH. I will explain to you using FileZilla as an example.

Uploading files to the server using an ftp client

  1. In this line you can type the name of your site, or come up with any other name. It doesn't really matter.
  2. This is an important field; it is here that you need to indicate the IP address of the server on which the site will be hosted (the address can be obtained from the hosting provider).
  3. Field for specifying the port. As a rule, this is port 22, but in some cases, for a secure connection, port 21 is indicated. If you have your own server, the port may be different.
  4. Selecting a file transfer protocol. We need an FTP protocol corresponding to port 22. In the field below you must select “Normal FTP connection”. In some cases, other types of connection to the server are chosen.
  5. Specify the input type as “Normal”.
  6. “User and Password” fields - in them you need to specify the data from your FTP account, which the hosting provider sends to your e-mail. It may be that the letter with such information did not arrive. In this case, contact your provider with a request to send these login details to the FTP server. In some cases, in the admin panel of your hosting, there is a tool for creating an FTP account for the site. Accordingly, you yourself come up with a name and password to log in. If the server is home, then most likely the data corresponds to your administrator profile.
  7. Click “ok” to save the connection configuration.
  8. Then click “Connection”.

If you successfully log in to the hosting server, you need to transfer the engine files.
This is what transferring files to the server looks like:

  1. Site folder on the server. The engine files need to be moved to the window below.
  2. File directory window. We transfer everything from the engine folder in the direction of the arrow to the next directory window. Or rather, exactly in the site folder.
  3. After the files are downloaded, you will see the corresponding message “Downloads completed” at the bottom of the working window.

Step-by-step installation of the WordPress engine

After all the above has been done, you need to change the name of the configuration file “wp-config-sample.php” to “wp-config.php” in the site folder. With an automatic installation, no such plan is required. The installer itself will create the corresponding configuration file. This is exactly the action that needs to be done only when installing WordPress manually.

  • In the first line- with the name “define (‘DB_NAME’, ‘database_name_here’)”. We change the name ‘database_name_here’, this name changes to the name of your database. For example, the database name is “dogis”. Accordingly, this value will take the following form: “define (‘DB_NAME’, ‘dogis’)”.
  • In the second line- with the name “define (‘DB_USER’, ‘username_here’)”. Which is responsible for the username of the Mysql database. You should replace 'username_here' with the username of the database. For example, the database user name is “Sedora”, the line should be something like “define (‘DB_USER’, ‘Sedora’)”.
  • Third line— “define (‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘password_here’).” Responsible for the password for our Mysql database. For example, the password for the database is 5454his. The line must have the corresponding contents "define('DB_PASSWORD', '5454his')".
  • Fourth line— there is no need to change the Mysql server name.
  • Fifth line— responsible for the encoding, must correspond to the value in the image.

After that, move down to the line containing wp_.

The page shows lines with information for connecting to the Mysql database.

Those users who install WordPress manually must repeat the information entered as in the “wp-config.php” file.
And for automatic installation, I will repeat the information you need to enter.

  1. Mysql database name. In this field we indicate the name of the database. We fill it out in the same way as in the case of manual installation.
  2. Username from the Mysql database. Enter the username from the database.
  3. The user's password for the database, respectively, enter our password.
  4. Database server. You don't need to touch anything in this line.
  5. Table prefix. As I mentioned above in the description, manually filling out the WordPress configuration file. This wp_ value should be changed to a longer one in order to increase security. The recommended value is five characters, use lowercase Latin characters. In the example above, I wrote this table prefix in the form “photo_”.
  6. The last fields to fill out are on this page.

    1. Site name, in the field you need to write the name of the project.
    2. Username. Under this name you will log in to the admin panel. Accordingly, we come up with a more complex name. This will reduce the risk of site hacking.
    3. Here you enter the password with which you will log in. It is also better to come up with a very complex password. Then write down all the information on a separate piece of paper or copy and save. All this is required to enter.
    4. Email address. Please provide a real mailbox. If necessary, you can create such a box specifically for the domain in Yandex Web Master.
    5. Be sure to uncheck the box and allow search engines to index your site. Of course, at the beginning, this ban can be left. But in this case, after filling the site with content, the correct action would be to remove the ban in the admin panel settings. Otherwise, the site simply will not appear in the search.
    6. Now all we have to do is click the “Install” button.

    Login to WordPress admin panel

    Once the installation is complete, you will see a corresponding system notification. You will then be asked to log into the administrative part of the site. When logging in, enter the username and password that you previously recorded.
    At the end you should see a page like this:

    This is exactly what the admin panel should look like. In this review, you learned everything about the correct installation of this CMS. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this process. Moreover, thanks to such instructions, the installation seems very simple.

    After installation, take your time, review and familiarize yourself with the functionality of this engine. Then it will be easier for you to navigate your control panel. Installing WordPress on your hosting and server is identical to this guide. Thank you for your attention))). I will be very glad to see your comments, this article will serve as a good guide for you. In the next review we will talk about. I wish you success in implementing your projects.

Installing WordPress on different platforms with our guide is a convenient solution for creating a blog! We'll show you how to install on shared hosting, VPS, and local Windows or Mac computers.

WordPress is a free and open source CMS that you can easily install on your hosting account. Web developers use WordPress to create many different websites. Both simple blogs and complex e-commerce sites are created using WordPress. Due to its simplicity and capabilities, WordPress has become one of the most popular CMS in the world. Ease of installation is another reason for the popularity of WordPress.

Installation steps:

  1. Download the WordPress files.
  2. Upload the WordPress files to your hosting account.
  3. Create a MySQL database and assign users to it.
  4. Complete your WordPress setup using the 5-minute installation wizard.

These are the steps to manually install WordPress. It's worth mentioning that many premium hosting companies such as Hostinger offer the option of installing WordPress using an auto-installer. It literally takes a few clicks to get WordPress up and running on your hosting account.

If you decide to create a website on WordPress, then this guide is for you. We will look at options for both installing WordPress using an auto-installer, and using the well-known 5-minute WordPress installation manually.

Before you begin this guide, please ensure you have the following:

  • Access to your hosting control panel
  • FTP client (optional)

How to Install WordPress on Hostinger

Option 1 – Install WordPress using Hostinger Auto-Installer

Installing WordPress using Auto-Installer Hostinger's process is quite fast. It will only take a few minutes and your WordPress site will start working:

  1. Login to the Hostinger control panel and click on the icon Auto-Installer.
  2. Enter WordPress in the search field. You will be shown the latest version of WordPress. Click on it.
  3. Fill in the required details:
    • Address (URL) URL of your WordPress site. Leave the field blank if you want to install WordPress at the root of your domain.
    • Language (Language) – select your WordPress language.
    • Administrator Username– You will use this username when logging into your WordPress dashboard.
    • Administrator Password– the password you will enter when logging into the WordPress admin panel.
    • Administrator Email- Your e-mail address. It is recommended to enter a valid email because it will be used to reset your password and receive notifications.
    • Name of the site (Website Title) – the name of your WordPress site.
    • Website subtitle (Website Tagline)– the subtitle of your site, used to briefly describe the site.
  4. Click the button Install.

That's all! You can now log in to your admin panel and start creating your site.

Option 2 – Manual WordPress Installation

If for some reason the automatic installation of WordPress is not suitable for you, or you just want to learn how this CMS works, you can install WordPress manually. The steps you need to follow to manually install WordPress are:

  1. Upload WordPress files to your hosting account via an FTP client.
  2. Create a MySQL database.
  3. Open your domain in a browser and launch the WordPress installation wizard.

Open the folder wordpress in your FTP client and upload all the files in the folder to your hosting account.

NOTE: In this tutorial, we use FileZilla to upload files, but you can use any FTP client.

Step 3 – Create a MySQL Database

WordPress dynamically generates content every time a user visits. All this information is stored in a database. Therefore, you need to create it.

You can create a MySQL database in the control panel HostingerMySQL Databases. Enter the section and enter the following data:

  • MySQL Database Name
  • MySQL username
  • Password

IMPORTANT: Make sure to write down your personal MySQL data - you'll need it later.

Step 4 – Run the 5 Minute WordPress Installation Wizard

At this stage, the installation files must be uploaded to the server and the database has already been created. After this, you can begin the installation process. Login by opening your domain name through a browser.

Installing WordPress consists of 6 steps:

  1. Select your language and click Continue.
  2. WordPress will ask you for your database details etc. Since you already have them, click the button Forward!
  3. Database MySQL. Click the button Send, as soon as you're done.
  4. Run installation.
  5. Install WordPress:
    • Name of the site - the name of your site.
    • Username administrator username.
    • Password administrator password.
    • Your email administrator email address.
    • Visibility for search engines If you enable this feature, WordPress will try to prevent your site from being indexed.
  6. To come in

How to Install WordPress on Hosting Using cPanel

If your hosting requires the use of cPanel to manage your account, this part of the guide is for you. Below you will find two options for installing WordPress on hosting using cPanel.

Option 1 – Install WordPress using Softaculous Auto Installer

Due to its simplicity and good service, Softaculous has gained quite a popularity among hosting service providers who use cPanel. With Softaculous you can install a large number of CMS and applications in just a few mouse clicks.

Follow these steps to install WordPress using Softaculous:

  1. After logging into cPanel, find the icon Softaculous and click on it.
  2. Click on the icon WordPress. It should be on the very first page of Softaculous.
  3. You will see a WordPress installation window with quite a lot of different settings:
    • Choose Protocol– select a protocol for your WordPress site. If you have SSL installed, it is recommended to install WordPress on the protocol HTTPS.
    • Choose Domain– if you have subdomains or additional domains in your cPanel, you can select them here.
    • Installation directory (In Directory)– enter your WordPress installation directory. If you want to install WordPress on your root domain, leave this field blank.
    • Site Name– enter the name of your WordPress site.
    • Site Description– Enter a short description of your site here.
    • Enable Multisite– enable or disable this function. It allows you to create multiple WordPress sites using one WordPress installation.
    • Admin Username– select a username for your administrator account.
    • Admin Password– password for your administrator account.
    • Admin Email– enter your email address. It is recommended to enter a valid email because it will be used to reset your password and receive notifications.
    • Select Language– WordPress supports many languages. Select your language here.
    • Select Plugins– select plugins to preinstall.
  1. Click the button Installation and Softaculous will begin installing WordPress.

Option 2 – Manually Install WordPress in cPanel

To manually install WordPress in cPanel, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Download WordPress installation files.
  2. Upload them using cPanel File Manager.
  3. Create a MySQL database.
  4. Run the WordPress installation.

Step 1 – Download WordPress Installation Files

You can download the latest version at the moment. Click the button Download WordPress to start downloading. Save the archive, you will need it in the next step.

Step 2 – Upload WordPress Files Using File Manager

There are several ways to upload files to your hosting account. One of them is uploading files using File manager:

  1. Login to cPanel and open File Manager.
  2. Open the directory public_html and press the button Send.
  3. Click Select a file and select the archive downloaded to Step 1.
  4. Once the download is complete the status bar will turn green. Click on the button Return to “/home/username/public_html” .
  5. Select the .zip archive and click the button Extract (Extract), then Extract File(s) (Extract files) to continue.
  6. The WordPress files are located in a folder called wordpress. If you do not want your site to be accessed through this address, you need to move the WordPress files directly to the directory public_html. To do this, go to the folder wordpress, select all files and click the button Move.
  7. Remove wordpress in the destination path and move the files with the button Move File(s)(Move files).
  8. Finally, holding down the key CTRL, select the folder wordpress and .zip archive with installation files and click the button Delete. Next you will see a confirmation window, click the button Confirm(Confirm).

Step 3 – Create a MySQL Database

There are two options for creating a MySQL database in cPanel. You can do this manually, via the section Database(check out this guide for more information) or use MySQL Database Wizards. The second option is more user friendly:

  1. Login to cPanel and click the icon MySQL Database Wizard.
  2. Enter the name of your database.
  3. At this point, enter your username and password. Recommended to use Password generator, as it generates random and complex passwords. Once you are finished, click the button Create a user.
  4. Click All rights and click Next step.
  5. That's it, the MySQL database along with the user account has been successfully created.

IMPORTANT! Record accesses to your MySQL database. You'll need them next time Step.

Step 4 – Start the 5 Minute WordPress Installation Process

At this stage, the installation files must be uploaded to the server and the database has already been created. After this, you can begin the installation process. Open your website through a browser and follow these instructions:

  1. Select the desired language and click Continue.
  2. WordPress will query your MySQL data etc. Since you already have them, click the button Forward!
  3. In this window, enter your MySQL details and MySQL hostname. You can find out your hostname in the section Database MySQL. Click the button Send, as soon as you're done.
  4. WordPress will check if a connection to the MySQL database is available. If no errors occur, click Run installation.
  5. At this stage, enter the site name and administrator details, then click Install WordPress. We strongly recommend that you enter your real email address, as it will be used to recover the password for the admin part of the WordPress site in case it is lost.
  6. That's it, the WordPress installation has been completed. Click the button To come in to login WP admin panel.

How to Install WordPress on Ubuntu 16.04 VPS

Installing a WordPress plugin

In addition to making your site look stylish, we may want to expand its functionality. Even though WordPress is a fully functional content management system, there are endless ideas for expanding its capabilities.

Plugins are extensions to your WordPress website that can be used for a variety of needs. New features for your admin console, improving SEO optimization settings, improving site statistics and analytics, speeding up work and increasing productivity, or simply expanding the functionality of the site - for any occasion there is a WordPress plugin in the plugin directory