Improving the performance of Windows 10. Video on how to disable unnecessary services in the top ten. Viruses and malware

Every user always wants his computer to work as quickly as possible, but he has absolutely no idea how to do this. There is a risk of downloading virus programs onto your PC for overclocking or cleaning, but they will not speed up your equipment, but on the contrary, will only cause harm. Let's look at how to configure and improve the performance of a computer on Windows 10 using already proven methods. Popular methods to help increase PC performance.

Overclocking to full speed: setting up Windows 10 for maximum performance

Computer startup

When you start your PC, in most cases the programs you installed start working. Some of them may be completely unnecessary and harm your operating system. Programs greatly slow down your computer when running in the background. You may not even realize that some of them are enabled, and the speed leaves much to be desired. To improve performance, you just need to disable some programs in the startup menu.

Clearing the Temp folder

In the Windows 10 operating system, which stores files both temporarily and temporarily, a lot of unnecessary files remain. In other words, it slows down your system due to the large presence of services and various programs that fill the Temp folder.

How to clean up a disk

How to turn off services that are not needed

These are the main quick ways to speed up your computer. Disabling services and programs that are not useful, but only slow down the system.

How to correctly configure the settings in Power Options

How to increase computer performance on Windows 10: professional tips

  1. Be careful about what you install on your computer. Sometimes some programs do not connect together and they very often turn out to be antiviruses. Especially if there are two of them on the computer, otherwise the entire operating system may crash.
  2. Sometimes the problem may not be hidden in dangerous programs or even viruses, but in the contamination of the computer components themselves. You should carefully clean the PC from dust with a dry cloth. Try not to touch small parts. After cleaning, the computer runs faster and overheats significantly less.
  3. Keep in mind that performance improvements are not always good for your computer. For example, the “High performance” setting entails high battery consumption. This applies to laptop owners. It is better to use such functions on a computer that does not need to be charged.
  4. Reinstalling the operating system, as a rule, always has a good effect on the performance of the computer. Unwanted programs, those that you do not use, viruses that were undetected during scanning, or various applications that only slow down the operation of the system itself will be completely removed.
  5. Be sure to choose the right PC components. If something is chosen incorrectly, or, for example, the RAM does not match the data, and sometimes it is completely loaded. In this case, it is better to purchase new components.
  6. You can use special programs to clean unnecessary files, caches and other garbage. They increase the speed of the computer several times in all cases. The main thing is to download from a trusted source. And never forget to check the list of what the file cleaning program wants to remove!
  7. Updating drivers is a great help for your PC. Especially the update for the motherboard chipset. New versions are also relevant for other devices.
  8. Regularly scan your computer for viruses. It is best to be in the hands of a reliable antivirus. In this case, you will not risk losing all your data and information.

Setting up desktop graphics

Visual effects in the Windows 10 operating system use a lot of resources. If the user has an old computer, then disabling effects will speed up the PC somewhat.

First way

Second way

Video: How to configure maximum performance in Windows 10

There are many ways to improve computer performance. The methods are simple and you can always apply them to take care of your equipment and clean up unnecessary files. In addition, convenient and fast use of a PC brings pleasure and does not cause irritation, which is important. And most importantly, do not resort to untested methods, otherwise the computer’s situation may worsen.

Windows 10 desktop

The main problem of the "ten" is that it has a lot of background processes. And if the computer has less than 4 gigabytes of RAM, then this number of unnecessary processes becomes critical. Even well-equipped PCs and laptops are sometimes unable to work properly with Windows 10. Therefore, you need to know how to speed up the operating system and make it give up a bunch of unnecessary processes and useless options. The task is not that difficult. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions, since you will have to disable some options in the very depths of the OS. And there, one wrong move can destroy the entire system. Therefore, you need to act carefully. Why speed up Windows? This is necessary for the user to work comfortably at the computer. After all, when the car slows down it is simply impossible to work. After setting all the necessary parameters of the “tens”, the PC will work like a clock.

Acceleration methods

There are several options that can help you optimize your operating system and make it run faster.

  • However, they will not improve overall PC performance. Here you will need to replace the hardware. Startup programs.
  • Often they become the main cause of brakes. You can get rid of them using standard Windows options or using third-party programs Windows Defender options.
  • The standard OS antivirus can also greatly slow down your computer. Especially if one of the resource-intensive features is enabled Spy functions "tens".
  • They run in the background (hidden from the user), but also load the system. And they can’t be turned off so easily Tiles in the Start menu. Live tiles are beautiful and convenient.
  • But they consume their share of RAM. And if no one uses them, then why not remove them altogether? Graphic effects.
  • When the windows open smoothly, the interface elements slowly fade out - it’s beautiful. But RAM eats these delights mercilessly. They can also cause brakes. Cluttered system partition.

If there is catastrophically little space on the hard drive, then the system may completely refuse to work. And the brakes may be due to lack of disk space

All of the above reasons can theoretically affect the performance of a PC or laptop in a negative way. then it is better not to use them at all (especially on old machines). They are always in the system tray and start automatically along with the OS. As a result, they themselves load Windows.

Startup programs

Read also: How to disable startup of Windows programs? Methods for all versions

A certain number of programs are loaded along with the operating system. Some of them are necessary because they are components of system drivers. But for the most part, the startup list is just junk. And it wouldn’t hurt to remove some utilities from this list.

This can be done easily using the tens system capabilities. And it is not at all necessary to install third-party software or delve into the registry to do this. Just one utility is enough.

Press the key combination "Win+R" and the tool appears "Run." Enter the command in the line "taskmgr" and click "OK" or "Enter" on keyboard.

The main task manager window will open. But only basic information will be displayed. And we need detailed information. Click "More details."

Now go to the tab

Now you need to carefully review the list of programs and determine which ones are not needed and without which the system can work normally. For example, you can disable the same One Drive. This will not harm the OS. But most users don't need it. Right-click on the program name and select from the drop-down menu "Disable."

You can also disable other applications in the same way. However, do not touch system applications and software that comes with drivers. Otherwise, the OS may become unstable. After disabling all programs, restart the PC or laptop.

Windows Defender features

Read also: 5 simple and effective ways to clean your computer from viruses: use paid and free programs

It is known for certain that at least one function of the standard Windows antivirus loads the OS beyond measure.

It's called Control Flow Guard (CFG). And you just need to turn it off. There will be no harm to security from this. The fact is that CFG is protection against “exploits” that take advantage of RAM vulnerabilities.

However, such malicious software is extremely rare. And this option uses a lot of OS resources all the time. Open the menu"Start" , looking for an item"Windows Defender Security Center"

and click on it. Scroll the window to the end and see the inscription"Protection against exploits." This block is what we need. Click on the item

Now you need to select the item in all lines "Off" default". Only after this the exploit protection will be deactivated.

Now the standard antivirus will not mercilessly use the resources of the computer and operating system. It is worth considering, however, that sometimes Windows Defender will persistently persuade the user to return everything to its place. But you shouldn't agree.

Disabling spy functions "tens"

Read also: Windows Update: How to disable? Methods for Windows 7 and Windows 10

Windows 10's spying tendencies are well known. Telemetry, keylogger and other invisible utilities for collecting information work in the background and do not allow themselves to be detected even in the list of processes. They're just pretending to be system options.

The worst thing is that you can’t simply remove them (like regular programs). And Windows itself won't help here. All that remains is to use third-party applications. One of the best is Destroy Windows 10 Spying. The program is free. It can be downloaded from the official website. No installation required.

Run Destroy Windows 10 Spying (DWS) as administrator. To do this, go to the directory with the downloaded program, find the file "DWS.exe" and right-click on it. Select from the drop-down menu

The main program window will open with a large button "Destroy Windows Spying NOW!"(under the console), but it’s too early to click on it. First you need to configure the settings for disabling spyware. Go to the tab "Tools".

In the tab "Settings" There are settings to disable some options. You only need to move the sliders to the on state in some of them. You only need to turn off the items "Disable Windows Defender" And "Create Restore Point". All other switches must be in position "On". After that, move back to the first tab.

Now you can click on the big blue button. The spy modules will begin to disable. The entire process will be displayed in the console.

Once the process is completed, the program will ask you to reboot the machine. You need to agree to this, since some actions can only be continued after a reboot. As soon as the OS starts again, there will be no trace of the spyware modules left.

Live tiles in the Start menu

Read also: Task Scheduler - what to disable without damaging Windows?

The guys from Microsoft met users halfway and returned the Start menu to Windows, which was shamelessly removed in version 8 of the OS.

However, the menu turned out to be anything but classic. The new feature was live tiles that launched Metro apps. However, users reacted to this idea more than coolly.

However, such malicious software is extremely rare. And this option uses a lot of OS resources all the time. Open the menu And no one wants to use the application data. Therefore, live tiles can be disabled. Or better yet, completely remove the Metro applications to which they are attached. You can do this using the wonderful system console. , let's go to the catalog"Windows PowerShell" , select an object with the required bit depth, right-click on it and select and click "Additionally"

"Run as administrator." Now in the terminal window you should enter the command"Get-AppxPackage | Select Name, PackageFullName" and press"Enter".

It will show a list of all applications installed on the system. Moreover, they will be displayed as specified in the OS. This means that they can be painlessly removed by adding this particular name to another command. Let's move on to removal. For example, we need to uninstall the One Note application. We look for his full name and enter it into the team"Get-AppxPackage PackageFullName | Remove-AppxPackage" instead of a phrase"PackageFullName". You can use asterisks instead of typing the entire application name. So, the command to remove One Note will look like this:“Get-AppxPackage *OneNote* | Remove-AppxPackage" . Paste this command into the terminal and click

"Enter". That's the whole process. Other applications are uninstalled using a similar algorithm.

The main thing is not to make mistakes as a team. If the error is minor, then nothing will happen at all. But if you replace a couple of elements, you can completely “kill” the operating system.

Has the “ten” become covered with a shell and crawls at the speed of a turtle? Surely you have already read a lot of valuable instructions on how to speed it up, such as disabling “unnecessary” services and visual effects, cleaning startup, etc.

I don’t see the point in writing about the same thing for the 100,500th time. Instead of retelling well-known hackneyed advice, I want to focus on what is usually not talked about. The methods for increasing performance that you will read about below do not require deep knowledge or significant effort. I will say more: most likely, you are familiar with them, but for some reason you did not think that they were capable of speeding up your computer. Nevertheless, it is true.

F1comp talked about why the operating system needs to be updated in . It was mainly about security, but closing loopholes through which viruses leak onto a computer is not their only purpose. Besides this, they:
  • Fixes errors that lead to crashes and slowdowns in Windows components, devices and applications.
  • Add new functions to the system.
  • Optimize equipment operation.
  • Increases performance, fault tolerance and stability of the OS.

In a word, updates help the old Windows “keep up” with the development of technology. The same applies to hardware drivers.

You don't need to do anything to regularly automatically install operating system updates—in Windows 10, this feature is enabled by default. It's enough not to touch her.

To update device driver versions, it is safest to use proprietary software from their manufacturers. However, some users prefer not to bother, but to entrust everything to some third-party “auto-update” program. Although such a decision has the right to life, it carries a serious risk, because it is unknown where these programs replenish their bases from. What is known is that modified and self-written drivers from such databases often do not solve, but rather create additional problems. For example, they crash Windows loading or lead to equipment failure.

Delay startup programs

Almost every self-respecting Windows application “considers it its duty” to register in autorun during installation on a PC in order to start working with the system, lengthening the loading time, and constantly hang in the RAM, eating away part of its capacity. When there are a lot of such applications, the performance, and especially the speed of starting the computer, decreases significantly. But what if you need them all?

In order to maintain a balance of performance, security and ease of use on a PC, some programs can be switched to delayed autostart so that they start not with Windows, but after 5-10 or more minutes, when the system is fully loaded and enters operating mode.

It is convenient to configure delayed autorun of programs using a free utility, which our site has already talked about. You can also use Windows' own Task Scheduler.

Before you create a task to run any program in the scheduler, remove it from the startup list in the task manager (or in another utility that you use to manage startup). Next, launch the scheduler.

In chapter " Actions» click the « button Create a task».

I think almost every Windows user knows how to create scheduled tasks, so I won’t go into detail about everything. To configure delayed launch of the program, we only need the sections “ Triggers", where the basic conditions for completing the task are specified, and " Actions».

By opening the " Triggers", press the button " Create" In the window " Creating a trigger» expand the list « Start task» and select the option that suits you best – for example, when logging in.

Below - in the subsection " Extra options", check the box " Postpone task until» and specify the delay time.

Open the tab " Actions" and press " Create" Next from the list " Action" select " Starting the program", and in the field " Program or script» specify the path to the application executable file (in my example, this is the Firefox browser).

Configure the rest as you wish.

Remove unused apps

Yes, just delete it. Don't think that unused programs just sit on the disk like books on a shelf and don't affect anything. They influence how. Even if the application is not registered in startup, some of its components are loaded into RAM unnoticed by the user and go online to check the license, updates, etc. In addition, unnecessary programs take up space on the system partition of the disk and clog the registry with their entries. Yes, and the background scan of the disk by an antivirus, without this rubbish, could speed up several times.

Don't turn off your computer

Many users are accustomed to shutting down their computer by shutting down Windows. If the operating system is installed not on an SSD, but on a regular hard drive, restarting sometimes takes a good ten minutes. Plus, sometimes it takes the same amount of time to download programs. In short, from the moment you press the power button until you start working on your PC, it can take about half an hour.

Why waste precious time? Instead of completely shutting down your laptop, use sleep mode, which saves all open windows, programs, and documents to RAM. It only takes 5-15 seconds for Windows 10 to wake up from sleep. In this case, everything that was on it before going to sleep remains on the desktop.

On desktop PCs, use hybrid sleep instead of sleep. Under it, current data is stored not only in memory, but also on the hard drive - in case of a power outage.

Remove unnecessary things from Start

The Start menu in 10 is not optimally configured by default. A clutter of flickering tiles, most of which you probably don't need, not only reduces productivity, but also prevents you from quickly finding the applications you need.

Remove any tiles from Start that you don't use. Especially with animated pictures. The programs associated with them will remain in place. Removing a tile is like removing a shortcut from your desktop.

To remove an unnecessary tile, right-click on it and select " Unpin from Start screen».

Unload your desktop

The desktop is a convenient space for storing shortcuts and small documents that should always be at hand. But some users use it as a repository for all their treasures, for example, family photo archives and a film library.

Placing multi-ton folders on the desktop significantly slows down the loading and operation of the OS, which is especially noticeable with a small amount of RAM. Replace heavy folders with shortcuts. This will not create unnecessary inconvenience for you and will have a positive effect on the performance of your computer.

By the way, Windows 10 now has a feature for creating additional virtual desktops (created by pressing the Win+Ctrl+D combination). They increase the usable space for placing open windows, but if you abuse it or forget that there are several hefty files running somewhere, you won’t be surprised that Windows mercilessly slows down.

To check how many desktops you currently have open and what is on them, click the " Task View"(by default it is third from the right on the taskbar). Close everything you don't use.

Use cleaners and tweakers wisely

Very many Windows users fiercely trust various programs to clean, optimize and speed up the system. Yes, it is convenient and sometimes effective, but if you keep such programs constantly running (as some of them require), they will not speed up, but rather slow down the computer.

You should run tweak cleaners during normal PC use no more than once a month. It's like spring cleaning your house. You don't do it every day, do you?

Low memory? Enable ReadyBoost

Some budget laptops and netbooks have a bottleneck - small RAM capacity. To work comfortably under Windows 10, you need no less than 4 GB, but what to do if the computer does not accept more than two? Use a USB flash drive or SD card that supports ReadyBoost technology as additional memory.

The speed of data exchange with removable media is, of course, lower than with RAM, but significantly higher than with a paging file on a hard drive. ReadyBoost allows you to use unused space on flash drives and SD cards as a buffer for storing system data and programs that, if there was not enough space in the RAM, would be unloaded into the page file.

ReadyBoost technology allows you to use up to 8 removable devices with a capacity of 1 GB or more as additional memory. At the same time, their reading speed must be at least 2.5 MB/s (4 KB blocks), and their writing speed must be at least 1.75 MB/s (512 KB blocks).

How to enable ReadyBoost:

  • Connect the removable device to your computer, find it in Explorer and open “ Properties».
  • Go to the tab " ReadyBoost" and check " Use this device" or " Provide this device with ReadyBoost technology" In the first case, you can determine for yourself the amount of space that will be used for the buffer. In the second, the system will give it all the free space. Files stored on the media will remain intact.

  • Save the setting.

After this, the flash drive can still be used as a drive, but the space given up by ReadyBoost will not be detected in File Explorer.

If your computer's operating system is installed on an SSD, ReadyBoost will not provide a noticeable performance boost. Use a swap file.

Create restore points

Some “useful” tips for speeding up Windows include a recommendation to disable System Restore. Regular creation of rollback points supposedly consumes CPU time and hard drive space. This is true, but in reality, creating a point takes only a second, and only the latest changes in the registry and a list of files that should be restored from the WinSxS storage are saved in it.

I recommend not only not disabling the system restore function, but also creating rollback points manually after all major changes to the OS. This does not in any way affect the current performance of Windows, but it significantly shortens its recovery time in case of failures.

The shortest way to create a restore point:

  • Go to the context menu of the icon " This computer"on the desktop. Open " Properties" Click in the left transition panel of the window that opens " System protection».

  • In the protection settings of the next window, select the system disk partition and click " Create».

Transfer the operating system to the SSD

This is perhaps the best thing you can do to improve the performance of your computer. Transferring Windows and programs from a regular hard drive to an SSD will greatly speed up even the slowest and outdated PC, which cannot or is not economically feasible to upgrade in other ways.

Transferring does not mean that you will have to reinstall the system and all programs on a newly purchased SSD drive. There are applications that transfer information from an old drive to a new one with almost no user interaction. One of them is a free and multifunctional disk manager.

Copying a system from one media to another in AOMEI Partition Assistant is accompanied by step-by-step prompts. You just need to connect both drives to the computer, launch the application, select the option “ OS transferSSD orHDD" and follow the instructions, which are very simple.

The operation usually takes several hours. While it is running, the computer is unavailable for use. After copying is completed, all you have to do is remove the old hard drive from the machine and install a new one in its place. The settings and file locations on the new drive will be exactly the same as on the old one, so you won't even have to change your habits. Although no, you get used to good things quickly. Once you've tasted the true performance of an SSD, you'll never want to go back to working on an HDD again.

Also on the site:

How to speed up Windows 10: 10 ways you weren't told about updated: August 16, 2017 by: Johnny Mnemonic

One of the most common questions regarding Windows 10 is how to make it faster (especially true for laptops and netbooks). In this guide, we'll talk about why Windows 10 slows down and how to speed it up, what affects its performance, and what actions can make it faster in certain situations.

We will not consider improving performance by replacing hardware (for example, a hard drive from an HDD to an SSD), but only those cases that cause Windows 10 to slow down and how to fix it, speeding up the Windows system.

In other articles on a similar topic, there are often comments such as “I use a program that speeds up the computer and the computer does not slow down.” Personal opinion on this issue: automatic “accelerators” are useless and when using them it is advisable to understand what exactly they do and how.

Checking startup programs

One of the most common reasons why Windows 10, as well as previous versions of OS users, is slow is programs or applications that automatically launch when the system starts: they not only increase the startup time of the computer, but can also reduce performance during normal operation.

Many users may not even know that they have anything in startup, or be confident that there is only what is needed to work, but in most cases this is not the case.

Below are examples of some programs that can run automatically and consume computer resources, but at the same time be useless in normal operation.

  • Programs from printers and scanners - whoever has a printer, scanner or MFP, they are automatically loaded along with programs from their manufacturer. At the same time, no one uses them, we scan and print without these programs. Therefore, you can safely disable them in startup.
  • Programs for downloading something, for example, torrent clients, file downloaders, etc. - if you don't automatically download files from the Internet, then you don't need to use uTorrent, MediaGet or anything like that at startup. Remove them from startup. If necessary (when loading a file that must be opened through the appropriate program), they will start themselves. Please note that constantly running and distributing something through a torrent client (sharing), especially on a laptop with a regular hard drive, can lead to poor performance, in other words, slowdowns.
  • Cloud storages such as OneDrive, Yandex Drive, Google drive, etc., which you do not use. For example, in Windows 10, OneDrive starts by default. If you don't use it and don't need it at startup, remove it or disable it from startup.
  • Unknown programs or applications – You may have various programs in your startup list that you know nothing about and have never used. These could be programs from the laptop or computer manufacturer, or maybe some programs that were installed together with other programs without your knowledge. They can be disabled experimentally, for example, all programs named Toshiba can be disabled and restarted. You will see that nothing will change, since the programs in the startup do not directly affect the operation of the system and you can disable them all. But I don’t recommend that you disable your antivirus; it’s better to leave it on.

If you want the system to work faster, save only what is really necessary, as I said above, for example, antivirus, the rest can be disabled.

Also, in addition to programs in startup, view the list of installed programs in the “Programs and Features” section in Control Panel. Remove anything you don't need and keep only the software you use on your computer.

How to speed up the Windows 10 interface

Often on computers and laptops with the latest updates, the Windows 10 interface slows down. In some cases, the cause of the problem is the CFG (Control Flow Guard) function, enabled by default. It is aimed at protecting against exploits that use memory access vulnerabilities.

If, for the sake of speed, you abandon some protection measures to improve performance, you can disable the CFG function.

Processes that use CPU and memory in Windows 10

Sometimes it happens that the incorrect operation of a background process causes a drop in system performance. You can see such processes using the Task Manager.

Windows 10 tracking features

Many people know that Windows 10 spies on its users. And if I personally don’t have any problems with this, then from the point of view of the impact on system speed, such functions can have a direct impact.

For this reason, stopping them may be entirely appropriate. For more information about these features and how to disable them, read How to disable Windows 10 tracking.

Optimizing applications in the Start menu

After upgrading or installing Windows 10, you'll find a set of live app tiles in the Start menu. They also use system resources (albeit to a small extent) to update and display information. Do you use them?

If not, remove them from the Start menu or disable live tiles (right click - unpin from start screen) or delete them.


Another reason why Windows 10 is slow for most users is the lack of original drivers. This often applies to video card drivers, as well as SATA drivers, chipset and other devices.

Despite the fact that Windows 10 seems to be able to automatically install a large number of original hardware drivers, it is worth going to the device manager (by right-clicking on the “Start” button) and looking at the properties of devices (first of all the video card) in the “Driver” tab. . If Microsoft is listed as the supplier, download and install drivers from the official website of the manufacturer of your laptop or computer, and if it is a video card from NVidia, AMD or Intel, install depending on the model.

Graphic effects and sounds

I don't think turning off graphics effects and sounds can significantly improve the speed of Windows 10 on modern computers, but on an older PC or laptop you can get some performance improvements.

To turn off graphical effects, right-click the Start button and select System, then on the left, Advanced system settings. On the Advanced tab, under Performance, click Options.

Here you can select “Ensure the best performance” by disabling all Windows 10 animations and effects at once. You can also leave some of them, without which it is not very convenient to work - for example, maximizing and collapsing dialog boxes.

Alternatively, press Windows Key (Logo Key) + I, go to Accessibility - Other Options, and turn off Play Animation in Windows.

Also, in Windows 10's Settings, under Personalization - Colors, turning off transparency for the Start menu, taskbar, and action center can have a positive impact on the overall performance of a slow computer.

To turn off event sounds, right-click the Start button and select Control Panel, then click Sound. In the Sounds tab, you can turn on the Silent sound scheme, and Windows 10 will no longer need to access your hard drive when searching for files and start playing sound on certain events.

Unwanted and malware

If your system is not noticeably slowing down and no method is helping, then malware and unwanted programs may be showing up on your computer, and many of these programs are "invisible" to antivirus programs, no matter how good your antivirus is.

I advise you to occasionally scan your computer in the future using additional utilities such as AdwCleaner, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware or Himan Pro, in addition to your antivirus.

If you notice that browsers have become slow, you should look at the list of extensions and disable all unnecessary and unknown ones. Often they are the problem.

What not to do to speed up Windows 10

Here's a list of some things I wouldn't recommend doing to speed up your system that are often recommended all over the internet.

  • Disabling the Windows 10 page file is often recommended if you have a significant amount of RAM to extend the life of SSD hard drives and similar things. I wouldn't do this: firstly, there is a high probability of no performance gain, and some programs may not even run without a page file, even if you have 32GB of RAM. In this case, if you are a beginner, you may not even understand why they do not start.
  • Frequently “clean your computer of debris.” Some on a daily basis or automatically clear the browser cache from the computer, clean the registry, clear temporary files using CCleaner and similar programs. Although using such utilities can be useful and sometimes convenient, your actions may not always lead to the desired result, you need to understand, preferably understand, what a particular program does. For example, clearing the browser cache is only necessary if problems occur in the browser. The cache itself in browsers is designed specifically to speed up page loading and really speeds up the browser.
  • Disable unnecessary Windows 10 services. Same as with the page file, especially if you're not very good at it - when there's a problem with browsing the Internet, a program, or something else, you may not remember that the problem is caused by a disabled service. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful with services and before disabling them, always look at what it is responsible for. You can view it on the Internet.
  • Use programs in startup "To speed up your computer." Remember that changes may not only not speed up, but also slow down the system.
  • Disable file indexing in Windows 10. Except when an SSD drive is installed on your computer.
  • Disable services. This was discussed above.

Additional Information

In addition to all of the above, I can recommend:

  • If the version is not pirated, then keep your system updated (however, this is not difficult, because updates are installed forcibly, whether you want it or not, unless the service is disabled), monitor the state of the computer, programs at startup, and the presence of malicious software.
  • If you are a more experienced user, use licensed or free software from official sites, and have not encountered viruses for a long time, then you may want to consider using only Windows 10's built-in protections instead of third-party antiviruses and firewalls. But this advice is only for experienced ones.
  • Monitor the free space on the system partition of your hard drive. If it is not enough (less than 3-5 GB), it can lead to performance problems. Moreover, if your hard drive is divided into two or more partitions, I recommend using the second of these partitions only for storing data, but not for installing programs - they should better be placed on the system partition (unless you have two physical disks) .
  • I strongly do not recommend keeping two or more third-party antivirus programs on your computer. Many people have probably encountered the fact that installing two antiviruses resulted in the system refusing to work. There is no need to do this.

It is also worth noting that the reasons for the slow operation of Windows 10 can be caused not only by some of the above, but also by a number of other problems, sometimes more serious: for example, the hard drive begins to “crumble,” processes overheat, and others.

If you have any questions, write in the comments.

That's all. All the best.

The performance of any operating system decreases over time, and a computer or laptop running Windows 10 will begin to slow down. Sometimes there is not enough time for complete maintenance, and sometimes there is not enough money.

We'll give you 10 tips to speed up your PC.

P.S. All tips were tested on a test virtual machine version 1607 (build 14393.105).

1. Tint the interface

A transparent Start menu looks nice, but it (slightly) slows down your computer's performance. Turn off transparency to help direct resources in the right direction.

Start - Settings - Personalization - Colors - Make Start Menu, Control Panel, and Action Center transparent Off

2. Disable special effects

Visual beauty is best left for games.

Right click on “Start” - Control Panel - System and Security - System - Advanced system settings - Settings - Visual Effects tab

To turn off unnecessary animations and special effects, select Get the best performance. You can also select Special Effects and manually uncheck visual effects that you can do without.

3. Clean startup

Does your PC take a long time to boot after turning it on? Perhaps there are a lot of unnecessary programs in startup.

For convenience, sort programs by the Impact on startup column and disable unnecessary and most resource-intensive ones.

Important: If you are an inexperienced user, we recommend that you carefully study the list and figure out which of these programs are system programs and which are simply wasting resources. It's very easy to do - just google the name.

4. Work on mistakes

Use the standard Windows 10 tool to find and fix problems. This simple method helps correct a number of standard errors.

Right-click on “Start” - Control Panel - Troubleshooting - under the System and Security section, click “Troubleshooting” - Next

5. Give 10 seconds

To speed up your PC boot when you turn it on, you can reduce the Boot Menu Time-out

Right click on “Start” - Control Panel - System and Security - System - Advanced system settings - Startup and Recovery - Settings

Opposite the line Display a list of operating systems, set the value to 10 seconds.

6. Don't listen to advice

Windows 10 is trying to be useful ( It would be better if Skrepysh were returned! - approx. ed.) and tells you how to use the new interface features. Unfortunately, this feature may impact performance. Disable it:

Start - Settings - System - Notifications and Actions - Get tips, tricks and tricks when using Windows Off.

7. Clean the disk

Another method that is relevant for any version of Windows. Disk Cleanup will improve performance and free up hard drive space.

In the search bar, type “Disk Cleanup” - Run the program - Clean up the disk (yes, sometimes everything is so simple. - Ed.)

8. Remove pre-installed software

Have you ever used pre-installed programs? Most likely, you have never even opened them. Remove this garbage, as well as all software that you have not used for more than a year.

Right click on “Start” - Control Panel - Uninstall programs in the Programs section - Remove everything unnecessary

There is no unnecessary software on our virtual machine :)

9. Watch your diet

Do not use Energy Saving mode unless necessary.

Right click on “Start” - Control Panel - System and Security - Power Options - Select a scheme - High performance or Balanced

Settings are not active on desktop

10. Reboot your PC

Try simply restarting your PC. No, all jokes aside - this will unload the RAM and is guaranteed to reset processes that begin to excessively consume system resources.

By the way, not everyone knows that turning off and restarting a PC is not the same thing. Windows 10 uses Fast Boot, which saves a snapshot of your system to get you up and running faster. How this was missing before!

Hello, IT department, have you tried turning it off and on?