Types and characteristics of electric lamps. What types of lighting lamps are there: an overview of the variety of types

When building a house or undergoing major renovations, we always have the question of proper lighting.

You can “without bothering” use lighting sources that are traditionally, year after year, used throughout the entire former Soviet space, i.e. type "Ilyich's light bulb".

Or you can take advantage of the progress of the industry and purchase modern systems. To give preference to a particular lamp, you need to remember what is your highest priority and maintain a balance between service life, energy consumption, and their appearance.

It is necessary to mention that in the case of choosing lighting lamps, the principle “What is more expensive is economical”. The high cost of the lighting lamp is more than compensated by the savings in electricity bills. Currently, manufacturers provide us with a huge variety of lamps, so choosing the right one according to the criteria that you have planned for your own will not be too difficult!

Consider the classification of lamps for home lighting

  • You cannot touch such a light bulb without gloves. Since when touched with bare hands, a grease stain forms on the light bulb, and, subsequently, darkening and burnout, i.e. fails;
  • they are sensitive to changes in network voltage;
  • The gloss effect leads to glare on the surface, which causes rapid eye fatigue.

The modern market presents 3 categories of halogen lamps with narrow, medium and wide beam angles. The concentration of illumination depends on the size of the angle. This means that the halogen lamp that we buy for reading is not at all suitable for uniformly illuminating the entire room. You can insert such a light bulb into the socket by wearing rubber gloves, or without touching the light bulb itself, but only the packaging.

There are 2 types of halogen lamps: 12 V and 220 V. For the former, an additional transformer is required. According to experts, 12 V lamps are distinguished by a light that is pleasant to the eye, close to daylight, while 220 V lamps emit a brighter and less natural light. This category of lamps can be installed in a room or corridor.

Fluorescent lamps

Fluorescent lamps in the interior

Such lamps are widely used not only in residential premises, but also in offices. We know a fluorescent lamp as a cylindrical hollow tube with electrodes at the edges. Mercury vapor is pumped into such a tube under pressure. When an electrical discharge occurs, mercury vapor begins to produce ultraviolet radiation, under the influence of which a phosphor applied to the inner surface of the tube creates a cold blue light.

The percentage of conversion of electricity into light for such a lamp is 5 times greater than for an incandescent lamp.

Due to the presence of mercury vapor inside the lamp, disposal of such lamps must be carried out with special care: under no circumstances should they be broken or thrown into a trash container. There are special collection points for used fluorescent lamps.

Currently, we are offered not only tubular fluorescent lamps for office equipment, but also lamps designed to fit standard bases. Such lamps are called “energy-saving fluorescent lamps.”

The most common compact light bulbs resemble a twisting spiral in shape..

In this case, the range from 2700 to 3000 Kelvin would be preferable, due to the fact that this temperature segment demonstrates the yellowish glow of the usual sunlight. The color on the packaging is usually indicated in words. Look for models that say “warm white” or “soft white.”

Base type

Base types

When choosing an LED lamp by base type, you must choose the option that was before. For example, when a regular E27 threaded base is screwed into a chandelier, you need to buy an LED with exactly the same thread.

If you decide to install a spotlight, you must choose a lamp with a GU 5.3 base. The following thread types are used in nightlights and sconces: E27 and E14 (Mignon).

The shapes of LED lamps are varied: round, elongated, pear-shaped. Your choice in this case should be based on your taste and design of the lamp.

Important for LED bulbs is the presence of a heat sink, which removes the temperature from the LED block. If the proposed model does not have a cooling system in the form of an aluminum ribbed surface, you should not buy such a light bulb.

It happens that manufacturers of inexpensive products install a radiator in the form of a plastic outlet. Experts do not recommend buying such products, because plastic has many disadvantages and, in comparison with aluminum, it does not have such high cooling efficiency. It is worth remembering that frosted bulbs do not allow you to see the presence of a radiator.

Work resource

  • power
  • base type
  • color rendering coefficient
  • manufacturer information
  • warranty period
  • Colorful temperature
  • light flow
  • barcode.

If, when looking at the packaging, you couldn’t find most of the parameters with your eyes, you should doubt the quality of such products.

When giving your preference to one or another LED lamp, you should pay attention to the product itself: all fastening elements must be made without irregularities, gaps and roughness.


The company is a manufacturer - the information is quite important to the consumer. The quality of the products we purchase depends on the manufacturer. I would like to say that both foreign and domestic companies produce highly reliable products.

Manufacturers of LED lamps for home

Advantages of LED lamps:

  • efficiency, after all, such a lamp has minimal electricity consumption, and the high cost pays off with small bills for light
  • duration of operation (5-10 years)
  • heat transfer at a minimum. LED bulbs practically do not heat up, which provides the necessary safety. This is very important when you need many light sources.
  • high degree of strength. The body of such light bulbs is made of plastic, which prevents the risk of breaking and injury from small fragments
  • does not contain mercury vapor
  • no problems with disposal


  • high cost, but considering the long term, they are the most profitable.
  • requires special lamps. For long lamp operation, strict adherence to the permissible power of the lighting device and its power is necessary.

LED lamps have the fewest disadvantages

LED lamps- This is a real breakthrough in the development of lighting systems; they are increasingly popular when choosing home lighting devices.

Be sure to pay attention to the power of such a lamp. When replacing incandescent lamps with LED lamps, you can use a simple but effective method of dividing the power by 8. This means that an “Ilyich light bulb” with a power of 60 W will be replaced by an LED with a power of 7.5 W.

Choose the right lamp light spectrum

Color spectrum
  • Consider the price of the lamp. Quality cannot come cheap. A low price is a sign of a low quality product, the service life of which will not be long, and the desired savings will not be achieved. It is better to buy a product from a well-known manufacturer, preferably a European one.
  • Pay attention to the LED pulsation during operation. The presence of pulsation or flickering will indicate the poor quality of the rectifier in the lamp power supply. The light emitted by such a lamp can cause vision impairment.
  • Check the base holder and the quality of the radiator, because... These parameters are responsible for the life of the lamp.

A very necessary purchase for your home will be an LED lamp with a built-in motion sensor and night mode.
In the dark, the lamp automatically turns on the standby lighting, and when a person appears, it turns on full brightness.

This option will be ideal for lighting a technical room, as well as a corridor or a bathroom.

At the end of the article, I would like to say a few words about the quartz lamp. Such a purchase will become a reliable assistant for parents during the season of the spread of infectious diseases. Its purpose is to stop the infection. This lamp can treat skin diseases, as well as joints, diseases of the nervous and respiratory systems. The choice of such lamps is huge. They differ in technical characteristics and range of procedures.

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  • Preface

    Correctly selected types of lighting lamps also allow you to save money on paying bills for consumed electricity.


    Household lighting lamps are an indispensable part of apartments. The types of electric lamps on sale allow you to create comfort in the room. All types of lamps have their own technical characteristics, which can be found on this page. Correctly selected types of lighting lamps also allow you to save money on paying bills for consumed electricity.

    Lamps differ in the nature of light and operating conditions. However, they have one common part - a threaded base with which they are connected to the lighting wires in the socket. The dimensions of the base and cartridge are strictly standardized. Information about the base is always given on luminaires and lamps.

    Types of lamp bases

    In domestic conditions, lamps with three types of bases are used: small, medium and large, or, in technical terms, E14, E27 and E40. The numbers in the name indicate the diameter of the base in millimeters. The most common base size is E27. The E14 base is often called “mignon” (translated from French as “small”). The E40 socket is used for street lighting lamps with a power of 300, 500 and 1000 W.

    In addition to bases that are screwed into the socket using a thread, there are types of pin-type lamp bases. They are called G-sockets. Their main types are G5, G9, 2G10, 2G11, G23 and R7s-7. G-bases are used in compact fluorescent and halogen lamps to save space. Using two or four pins, the lamp is attached to the lamp socket.

    Incandescent lamp power

    One of the most important characteristics of a lamp is the power of incandescent lamps. It is always indicated by the manufacturer on the cylinder or base, and the luminous flux that comes from the lamp and is calculated in lumens depends on it. Do not confuse the light output of a lamp with the level of light it emits: an energy-saving lamp with a power of 5 W will shine no worse than a 60 W incandescent lamp. As a rule, data on light output is not recorded anywhere, so when choosing a lamp you need to rely on the advice of sellers or use the data in the table “Light efficiency of different types of lamps”.

    Table “Light output of different types of lamps”

    Lamp type Luminous output
    Standard lamp
    Kryptonian 8-19
    Halogen 14-30
    Mercury 40-60
    Luminescent 40-90
    Compact fluorescent 40-90
    Sodium 90-150

    Luminous efficiency means that per 1 W of power the lamp produces a certain number of lumens of light. Based on the data in the table “Light efficiency of different types of lamps”, an energy-saving compact fluorescent lamp will be four to nine times more economical than an incandescent lamp. A standard 60 W lamp produces approximately 600 lumens, while a compact lamp has the same value at 10 - 11 W.

    Electric incandescent lamps: types, characteristics, power and voltage in them

    Electric incandescent lamps are the very first source of electric light, which appeared in household use back in the middle of the 19th century. Since then, it has undergone many changes, but the principle of its operation remains the same.

    All types of incandescent lamps consist of a vacuum glass cylinder, a base on which contacts and a fuse are located, and a filament that emits light. The filament coil is made of tungsten alloys that can easily withstand the operating combustion temperature of + 3200 °C. When current is passed through a conductor of small cross-section and low conductivity, part of the energy is spent on heating the spiral conductor, causing it to begin to glow in visible light. To prevent the filament from burning out instantly, an inert gas, such as argon, is pumped into the cylinder of modern lamps.

    Despite such a simple device, there are many types of incandescent lamps, which differ in the shape, size and material of the cylinder. There are also different wattages of incandescent lamps from 40 to 250 W for domestic use. High power incandescent lamps are used in industry.

    For example, decorative lamps (candles), in which the balloon has an elongated shape, stylized as an ordinary candle. As a rule, they are used in small lamps and sconces. Glass cylinders of painted lamps have different colors and are used for decorative purposes. In mirror lamps, part of the glass bulb is coated with a reflective compound to direct the light into a compact beam. Such lamps are most often used in ceiling lamps to direct light downward and not illuminate the ceiling. The voltage of an incandescent lamp is quite low and does not allow efficient conversion of thermal energy into a light beam. Local lighting lamps operate at 12, 24 and 36 V. They are used in hand-held flashlights, emergency lighting, etc. They consume little energy and therefore provide low illumination.

    Let's look at the characteristics of an incandescent lamp that will help you choose the right type. LON is still popular, despite some disadvantages. The main one is the very low efficiency - no more than 2-3% of the energy consumed. Everything else goes to generating heat. The second disadvantage is that LON is unsafe from a fire safety point of view. For example, an ordinary newspaper, if placed on a 100 W light bulb, flares up in about 20 minutes. LON cannot be used in small lampshades made of plastic or wood. In addition, such lamps are short-lived. Their service life is approximately 500-1000 hours. The advantages include low cost and ease of installation: LONs do not require additional devices for operation.

    Types of household halogen incandescent lamps

    Halogen incandescent lamps have the same operating principle as incandescent lamps. The only difference between them is the gas composition in the cylinder. In such lamps, iodine or bromine is mixed with an inert gas. As a result, the temperature of the filament increases and tungsten evaporation decreases. That is why the service life of halogen lamps is two to three times longer than that of incandescent lamps, and the lamps themselves are more compact.

    Since the heating temperature of glass increases quite significantly, household halogen lamps are made from quartz material. They do not tolerate contamination on the bulb: do not touch the bulb with an unprotected hand, otherwise the lamp will burn out very quickly. There are different types of halogen lamps, some of which are discussed further on this page.

    Linear halogen lamps are used in portable or stationary floodlights, which often have motion sensors installed. Halogen lamps with a mirror coating are very often used in built-in lamps mounted in plasterboard structures.

    The disadvantages of halogen lamps include sensitivity to voltage changes. To avoid this, you should purchase a special transformer that equalizes the current.

    Types of fluorescent fluorescent lamps

    Types of fluorescent lamps differ significantly from LON in operating principle. Under the influence of electric current, mercury vapor burns in the glass bulb of such a lamp instead of a tungsten filament. The light of a gas discharge is practically indistinguishable because it is emitted in the ultraviolet. The latter makes the phosphor that coats the tube walls glow. This is the light we see. Externally and in connection method, fluorescent lamps also differ significantly from LON. Instead of a threaded cartridge, there are two pins on both sides of the tube that must be inserted into a special cartridge and turned in it.

    Types of fluorescent lamps have a low operating temperature.

    You can touch their surface without fear. The large glow surface creates an even, diffused light. That is why such lamps are sometimes called fluorescent lamps. In addition, by varying the composition of the phosphor, you can change the color of the light emission, making it more acceptable to the human eye. The service life of fluorescent lamps is almost 10 times longer than incandescent lamps.

    However, such lamps cannot be connected directly to the electrical network, which is due to the physical nature of their glow. You can’t just throw two wires over the ends of the lamp and plug the plug into the socket. To turn it on, special electronic ballasts are used, as well as starters, which seem to ignite the lamp at the moment it is turned on. Most luminaires for fluorescent lamps are equipped with built-in lighting mechanisms such as electronic ballasts (ballasts) or chokes.

    Marking of fluorescent lamps

    Fluorescent lamps have the following markings:

    • LB - white light;
    • LD - daylight;
    • LE - natural light;
    • LHB - cold light;
    • LTB - warm light.

    The letter marking of a fluorescent lamp is usually followed by numbers: the first indicates the degree of color rendering, the second and third indicate the glow temperature. The higher the degree of color rendering, the more natural the lighting is for the human eye. The light emitted by the lamp depends on the temperature of the glow: 2700 K - super warm white, 3000 K - warm white, 4000 K - natural white or white, more than 5000 K - cool white (daylight). Thus, a lamp marked LB840 will produce white light with very good color rendering and a temperature of 4000 K.

    Types of energy saving lamps

    When compact types of energy-saving lamps appeared on the market, this created a real revolution in lighting technology. The variety of their species is very great. They differ not only in power, but also in the shape of the discharge tubes. In addition, it was possible to eliminate the main inconveniences of fluorescent lamps - their bulky size and the inability to use conventional threaded sockets. Now the ballasts are mounted in the lamp base, and the long tube is rolled into a compact spiral. The advantages of a fluorescent energy-saving lamp are obvious: there is no need to install electronic ballast to start using special lamps. However, like other fluorescent lamps, it has disadvantages:

    • poor performance at low temperatures (at -10 °C and below they begin to glow dimly);
    • long startup time (from several seconds to several minutes);
    • presence of low-frequency hum from electronic ballast;
    • incompatibility with dimmers;
    • high cost;
    • intolerance to frequent switching on and off;
    • the presence of harmful mercury compounds in the composition (such lamps require special disposal);
    • flickering when using switches with backlight indicators.
    • No matter how hard manufacturers try, the light of fluorescent lamps is not yet very similar to natural light and hurts the eyes.

    In addition to energy-saving lamps with ballasts, there are also many varieties without built-in electronic ballast. They differ in the type of base.

    A high-pressure mercury arc lamp (HALV) produces light by arcing mercury vapor. Such lamps are started using ballasts. They have high light output: 50 - 60 lm per 1 W. The disadvantage is the spectrum of light: the light of these lamps is cold and harsh. DRL lamps are most often used for street lighting in cobra-type lamps.

    Types of household LED incandescent lamps for home

    Household LED lamps were first developed in 1962 and have since been gradually introduced into the lighting market. According to the principle of operation, LED incandescent lamps are the most common semiconductor, in which part of the energy, when an electric current passes through it, is released in the form of radiation or light visible to the human eye. The color of the radiation depends on the semiconductor material.

    Such household LED lamps for the home are ten times superior to LON in all respects: durability, luminous efficiency, efficiency, durability, etc. There are various types of LED lamps on sale, which differ in lighting power, performance, size, durability and other characteristics.

    The only drawback is the price, which is approximately 100 times higher than the price of a conventional incandescent lamp. However, work on these unusual light sources continues, and we can expect that a cheaper example will soon be invented.

    When purchasing a lamp, it is important to know what type of lamp is suitable for it, because in the vast majority of cases it is not included with the lighting fixture. Today, lamps are presented in a large assortment in stores. They differ in shape, size, power consumption and base. The socket is the part of the light bulb that allows it to be mounted in the lamp socket and through which current is supplied.

    The bases are made of metal or ceramic. Inside they are filled with electrodes (part of the lamp), and on the outside there are contacts. For each lamp, a specific socket is used, into which a lamp with a suitable base is installed. Before buying a chandelier, it is important to know what type of socket is suitable for it, and, accordingly, what kind of lamp.

    In addition, the lamps have to be changed periodically because they do not last long. In order to make the right choice and not get confused in all the variety of light sources, it is important to know what types of light bulbs and types of bases there are. In addition to the base, when purchasing a lamp, it is also important to take into account the maximum power of the lamp, voltage, dimensions and connection diagram of the chandelier.

    What types of bases are there?

    Due to the variety of lamp bases known today, a classification has been developed according to which all types of lamp bases are usually divided into groups. Among them, two groups are considered the most common: threaded and pin.

    A threaded base, or as it is also called, a screw base, is considered traditional. It is designated by the Latin letter E. The threaded base is widely used for many types of lamps, including household ones. The letter is usually followed by a number; it shows the diameter of the thread. The most common screw bases are designated E14 and E27. There are also sockets for powerful lamps, for example, E40.

    The pin base is considered slightly less popular; it is designated by the letter G, which shows the gap between the contacts in millimeters. The scope of application of the pin base is also wide - it is suitable for many lamps: halogen, fluorescent and ordinary incandescent lamps.

    In addition to the traditional ones, there are several other types of sockets that are less common, but are nevertheless used for various types of lamps.

    • Plinths with recessed contact (R). They are mainly used for high-intensity appliances that operate on alternating current.
    • Pin (B). Allows you to quickly replace the lamp in the socket thanks to asymmetrical side contacts. They are an improved analogue of threaded bases.
    • With one pin (F). Such plinths come in three subtypes: cylindrical, corrugated and specially shaped.
    • Soffit (S). Most often, light bulbs with this base are used in hotels and cars. Their distinctive feature is the double-sided arrangement of contacts.
    • Fixing (P). Area of ​​application: special spotlights and lanterns.
    • Telephone (T). They are equipped with control panel lamps, backlights, and signal lamps in automation panels.

    Often the lamp marking consists of more than one letter. The second letter usually indicates the subtype of lighting fixture:

    1. V – base with tapered end
    2. U – energy saving
    3. A – automobile.

    In this video, a specialist will talk in detail about the different types of plinths:

    Types of light bulbs

    We will talk about the most common lighting lamps, those that are usually used in home and industrial premises. These include incandescent, halogen, energy-saving, fluorescent and LED lamps.

    It is rightfully considered the most widespread of all types of lamps and is probably familiar to everyone. It gained popularity due to its low cost, simplicity of design and familiarity. Used in the simplest lamp models. However, despite its wide popularity, the incandescent lamp is inferior in technical characteristics to its “brothers”. Its service life is approximately 1000 hours, but this is not the most serious drawback. The fact is that during operation, vapors are formed inside the lamp, which provoke clouding of the bulb, so the brightness decreases over time. The color rendering index is approximately 90%. The predominant tones in the light spectrum are yellow, so the light from an ordinary incandescent lamp resembles sunlight. Most, if not all, incandescent lamps come in E14 and E27 sockets.

    There are incandescent reflector lamps. Their main and only difference from simple lamps is the silver-plated surface. This helps direct the light to a specific point, which is why these lamps are used to create directional light. In stores you can find reflector lamps with the designation R50, R63 and R80, where the number is the diameter of the lamp. Just like simple incandescent lamps, reflector lamps have an E14 or E27 threaded base.

    Halogen lamp

    Can last four times longer than an incandescent lamp. Its lifespan is approximately 4000 hours. Color rendering index – 100%. The technological process for producing halogen lamps involves adding a certain amount of iodine or bromine. This contributes to better light output, which is 20-30 lumens/watt. Moreover, the consistently high light output is maintained throughout the entire service life and does not decrease, like a conventional incandescent lamp.

    Being smaller in size than conventional lamps, they are more varied in shape, and accordingly, their areas of application are wider. Their sockets can be as follows: G9, G4, R7S, GU10.

    Energy-saving lamps

    This term is usually used when talking about a small fluorescent lamp. Such light bulbs have gained extraordinary popularity due to the fact that they can reduce energy costs. They are sold everywhere, and installing them in place of an old incandescent lamp is not a problem, since this does not require any modifications.

    Thanks to the latest production technologies, energy-saving lamps have a compact size, various power options, a variety of shapes, but always have a long service life and efficiency. However, it is important to remember that such lamps “do not like” frequent switching on and off. There is an opinion that this shortens their life.

    Today, compact energy-saving lamps can be purchased with almost all types of sockets: E14, E27, GU10, G9, GU5.3, G4, GU4.

    Fluorescent lamps

    They are sometimes called tubular or linear because of their characteristic shape. The letter T on the tube indicates the diameter, and the number after it indicates the diameter in inches (eighths). For example, T12 (diameter 12/8 inch=3.8 cm).

    LED bulbs

    The term “energy saving” can also be applied to them, but this is not their main advantage. The main thing is the incredibly long service life, which ranges from 25,000 to 100,000 hours. If we convert this amount into years, we get 3-12 years of continuous work. Light output is almost one hundred percent.

    In addition, LEDs do not heat up significantly, so it is advisable to use such lamps in rooms where the temperature regime is strictly observed. Standard sockets allow the use of LED lamps.


    This video demonstrates different types of lamps:

    Among all electrical installation and installation products, lighting equipment has the richest assortment. This happens because lighting elements carry not only purely technical characteristics, but also design elements. The possibilities of modern lamps and fixtures, their design diversity are so great that it’s easy to get confused. For example, there is a whole class of lamps designed exclusively for plasterboard ceilings.

    Numerous types of lamps have a different nature of light and are operated under different conditions. To figure out what type of lamp should be in a particular place and what are the conditions for its connection, it is necessary to briefly study the main types of lighting equipment.

    All lamps have one common part: the base, with which they are connected to the lighting wires. This applies to those lamps that have a base with a thread for mounting in a socket. The dimensions of the base and cartridge have a strict classification. You need to know that in everyday life, lamps with 3 types of bases are used: small, medium and large. In technical language this means E14, E27 and E40. The base, or cartridge, E14 is often called “minion” (in German from French - “small”).

    The most common size is E27. E40 is used for street lighting. Lamps of this marking have a power of 300, 500 and 1000 W. The numbers in the name indicate the diameter of the base in millimeters. In addition to the bases, which are screwed into the cartridge using a thread, there are other types. They are pin type and are called G-sockets. Used in compact fluorescent and halogen lamps to save space. Using 2 or 4 pins, the lamp is attached to the lamp socket. There are many types of G-sockets. The main ones are: G5, G9, 2G10, 2G11, G23 and R7s-7. Fixtures and lamps always contain information about the base. When choosing a lamp, you need to compare these data.

    Power lamps- one of the most important characteristics. On the cylinder or base, the manufacturer always indicates the power on which it depends. lamp luminosity. It's not the level of light it emits. In lamps of different types of light, power has completely different meanings.

    For example, Powersave lamp at the specified power of 5 W it will shine no worse incandescent lamps at 60 W. The same applies to fluorescent lamps. The luminosity of a lamp is calculated in lumens. As a rule, this is not indicated, so when choosing a lamp you need to rely on the advice of sellers.

    Light output means that per 1 W of power the lamp produces so many lumens of light. Obviously, an energy-saving compact fluorescent lamp is 4–9 times more economical than incandescent lamps. You can easily calculate that a standard 60 W lamp produces approximately 600 lm, while a compact lamp has the same value at 10-11 W. It will be just as economical in terms of energy consumption.

    Incandescent lamps

    (LON) is the very first source of electric light that appeared in household use. It was invented back in the mid-19th century, and although since then it has undergone many reconstructions, the essence has remained unchanged. Any incandescent lamp consists of a vacuum glass cylinder, a base on which the contacts and fuse are located, and a filament that emits light.

    filament coil made of tungsten alloys that can easily withstand the operating combustion temperature of +3200 °C. To prevent the filament from burning out instantly, in modern lamps some inert gas, such as argon, is pumped into the cylinder.

    The principle of operation of the lamp is very simple. When current is passed through a conductor of small cross-section and low conductivity, part of the energy is spent on heating the spiral conductor, causing it to begin to glow in visible light. Despite such a simple device, there are a huge number of types of LON. They vary in shape and size.

    Decorative lamps(candles): the balloon has an elongated shape, stylized as a regular candle. Typically used in small lamps and sconces.

    Painted lamps: Glass cylinders have different colors for decorative purposes.

    Mirror lamps are called lamps, part of the glass container of which is coated with a reflective composition to direct the light in a compact beam. These lamps are most often used in ceiling lights to direct light downward without illuminating the ceiling.

    Local lighting lamps operate under voltage of 12, 24 and 36 V. They consume little energy, but the lighting is appropriate. Used in hand-held flashlights, emergency lighting, etc. LONs are still at the forefront of light sources, despite some disadvantages. Their disadvantage is their very low efficiency - no more than 2–3% of the energy consumed. Everything else goes into heat.

    The second disadvantage is that LON is unsafe from a fire safety point of view. For example, an ordinary newspaper, if placed on a 100 W light bulb, flares up in about 20 minutes. Needless to say, in some places LON cannot be used, for example, in small lampshades made of plastic or wood. In addition, such lamps are short-lived. The service life of LON is approximately 500–1000 hours. The advantages include low cost and ease of installation. LONs do not require any additional devices to operate, like luminescent ones.

    Halogen lamps

    Halogen lamps They are not much different from incandescent lamps, the operating principle is the same. The only difference between them is the gas composition in the cylinder. In these lamps, iodine or bromine is mixed with an inert gas. As a result, it becomes possible to increase the temperature of the filament and reduce the evaporation of tungsten.

    That is why halogen lamps can be made more compact, and their service life increases by 2–3 times. However, the heating temperature of glass increases quite significantly, which is why halogen lamps are made of quartz material. They do not tolerate contamination on the flask. Do not touch the cylinder with an unprotected hand - the lamp will burn out very quickly.

    Linear halogen lamps used in portable or stationary floodlights. They often have motion sensors. Such lamps are used in plasterboard structures.

    Compact lighting devices have a mirror finish.

    On to the cons halogen lamps sensitivity to voltage changes can be attributed. If it “plays”, it is better to purchase a special transformer that equalizes the current strength.

    Fluorescent lamps

    Principle of operation fluorescent lamps seriously different from LON. Instead of a tungsten filament, mercury vapor burns in the glass bulb of such a lamp under the influence of an electric current. The light from a gas discharge is practically invisible because it is emitted in the ultraviolet. The latter makes the phosphor that coats the tube walls glow. This is the light we see. Externally and in connection method, fluorescent lamps are also very different from LON. Instead of a threaded cartridge, there are two pins on both sides of the tube, which are secured as follows: they must be inserted into a special cartridge and turned in it.

    Fluorescent lamps have a low operating temperature. You can safely rest your palm on their surface, so they can be installed anywhere. The large glow surface creates an even, diffused light. That's why they are also called fluorescent lamps. In addition, by varying the composition of the phosphor, you can change the color of the light emission, making it more acceptable to the human eye. The service life of fluorescent lamps is almost 10 times longer than incandescent lamps.

    Disadvantages of fluorescent lamps is the impossibility of direct connection to the electrical network. You can’t just throw 2 wires over the ends of the lamp and plug the plug into the socket. To turn it on, special ballasts are used. This is due to the physical nature of the glow of the lamps. Along with electronic ballasts, starters are used, which seem to ignite the lamp at the moment it is turned on. Most luminaires for fluorescent lamps are equipped with built-in lighting mechanisms such as electronic ballasts (ballasts) or chokes.

    Marking of fluorescent lamps is not similar to simple LON designations, which only have a power indicator in watts.

    For the lamps in question it is as follows:

    • LB - white light;
    • LD - daylight;
    • LE - natural light;
    • LHB - cold light;
    • LTB - warm light.

    The numbers following the letter marking indicate: the first number is the degree of color rendering, the second and third are the glow temperature. The higher the degree of color rendering, the more natural the lighting is for the human eye. Let's consider an example related to the glow temperature: a lamp marked LB840 means that this temperature is 4000 K, the color is white, daylight.

    The following values ​​decipher the lamp markings:

    • 2700 K - super warm white,
    • 3000 K - warm white,
    • 4000 K - natural white or white,
    • more than 5000 K - cool white (daytime).

    Recently, the appearance on the market of compact fluorescent energy-saving lamps has made a real revolution in lighting technology. The main disadvantages of fluorescent lamps were eliminated - their bulky size and the inability to use conventional threaded cartridges. The ballasts were mounted into the lamp base, and the long tube was curled into a compact spiral.

    Now the variety of types of energy-saving lamps is very large. They differ not only in their power, but also in the shape of the discharge tubes. The advantages of such a lamp are obvious: there is no need to install electronic ballast to start using special lamps.

    Economical fluorescent lamp replaced the conventional incandescent lamp. However, like all fluorescent lamps, it has its drawbacks.

    Fluorescent lamps have several disadvantages:

    • such lamps do not work well at low temperatures, and at –10 °C and below they begin to shine dimly;
    • long startup time - from several seconds to several minutes;
    • a low-frequency hum is heard from the electronic ballast;
    • do not work together with dimmers;
    • relatively expensive;
    • do not like frequent switching on and off;
    • the lamp contains harmful mercury compounds, so it requires special disposal;
    • If you use backlight indicators in the switch, this lighting equipment begins to flicker.

    No matter how hard manufacturers try, the light of fluorescent lamps is not yet very similar to natural light and hurts the eyes. In addition to energy-saving lamps with ballasts, there are many varieties without built-in electronic ballast. They have completely different types of base.

    Glow principle high pressure mercury arc lamp(DRL) - arc discharge in mercury vapor. Such lamps have high light output - 50–60 lm per 1 W. They are launched using ballasts. The disadvantage is the spectrum of the glow - their light is cold and harsh. DRL lamps are most often used for street lighting in cobra-type lamps.

    LED bulbs

    LED bulbs- this high-tech product was first designed in 1962. Since then, LED lamps have gradually been introduced into the lighting market. According to the principle of operation, an LED is the most common semiconductor in which part of the energy in the p-n junction is discharged in the form of photons, that is, visible light. Such lamps They have simply amazing characteristics.

    They are ten times superior to LON in all indications:

    • durability,
    • light output,
    • efficiency,
    • strength, etc.

    They have only one “but” - the price. It is approximately 100 times the price of a conventional incandescent lamp. However, work on these unusual light sources continues, and we can expect that we will soon rejoice at the invention of a cheaper model than its predecessors.

    Note! Due to the unusual physical characteristics of LEDs, real compositions can be made from them, for example, in the form of a starry sky on the ceiling of a room. It is safe and does not require much energy.

    The consumer market offers today lighting lamps of various prices. At the same time, their consumer and technological properties also differ significantly from each other.

    There are several types of lighting lamps:

    • - fluorescent lamps;
    • - halogen lamps;
    • - LED lights.

    Let's consider each type to identify the main consumer and technological features.

    Brief overview of lighting lamps

    Incandescent lamps

    For quite a long time, incandescent lamps had absolutely no competition in the market. The shape of incandescent light bulbs can be different, as well as their power, the minimum power is 15 W, and the maximum is 300 W.

    Modern incandescent lamps come in two varieties: krypton and coiled. Krypton incandescent lamps use the inert gas krypton. Their power ranges from 40 to 100 W. At the same time, krypton bulbs, unlike conventional ones, have greater light output.

    Bispiral lamps, which produce light due to a complex arc-shaped tungsten filament, also have increased light output. The surface of incandescent lamps can be transparent, opal or mirror.

    Despite the fact that the luminous flux of frosted lamps is less (for light frosting - by 3%, for milk lamps - by 30%), they are popular, mainly because of the more diffused light, which is pleasant for visual perception. The luminous flux of lamps coated with a mirror layer is quite large.

    Fluorescent lamps

    Recently, fluorescent lamps of various powers (from 8 to 80 W) have become widespread. Their glow occurs due to phosphors, which are exposed to ultraviolet radiation from a gas discharge. Lamps of this type provide soft, diffused light.

    Compared to incandescent lamps, the efficiency of fluorescent lamps is much higher, and the luminous flux at the same power is 7-8 times greater. There is also a big difference in service life.

    For fluorescent lamps it is 10-20 times longer than for incandescent lamps. The disadvantage of fluorescent lamps is sensitivity to temperature and flicker of light.

    Halogen lamps

    Lamps of this type are almost 100% brighter than conventional incandescent light bulbs. They have different shapes and types, depending on this, the light can be scattered or represent a concentrated beam.

    Thanks to such diversity halogen lighting lamps, giving rich, beautiful shades, are quite often used in design solutions. The use of their bright light and excellent color rendering makes it easy to experiment with lighting, creating unique effects.

    Halogen light is used both for general lighting and for detailed illumination and highlighting certain areas of the living space.

    The variety of halogen lamps is divided into:

    • - hanging;
    • - point (built into a suspended ceiling);
    • - wall;
    • - built into furniture, walls;
    • - rotating (the direction of light is adjusted by turning the lamp holder);
    • - fixed models.

    Modern designers pay special attention to “crystal” spotlights (glass chains of crystals are suspended on a metal structure) and “starry sky” lamps (a collection of miniature lamps that resemble a cluster of stars), which perfectly transform a room, adding unique accents to its design.

    Spotlights in modern apartments are especially popular.

    LED lighting lamps

    Today, lamps using LEDs, have also become widespread. Their key feature is low energy consumption, which will certainly appeal to every owner.