Which type of refrigerator control is better? Dimensions and volume of the refrigerator. Temperature conditions in the chambers

By controlling refrigerators we mean, first of all, choosing a specific temperature operating mode. Changing the temperature regime can be carried out using electromechanical or electronic temperature regulators (an electromechanical regulator has electrical contacts, but an electronic one does not). In both cases, you manually set the refrigerator's operating mode by turning the temperature control knob. An electronic regulator can be installed in the same place where an electromechanical one is usually installed, and have the same handle for switching cooling modes.

Selecting the operating mode of the refrigerator using an electromechanical temperature controller is called electromechanical control, and using an electronic controller is called electronic mechanical control. Both types of control are used on mass-produced refrigerators and freezers in the low price range of domestic and foreign production. Electromechanical control is used both on the simplest small-sized refrigerators and on large ones; electronic mechanical control is mainly used on small-sized refrigerators.

If electronics are used only to regulate temperature, then you will not notice external differences and will not feel any difference in controlling the refrigerator. In both cases, the refrigerators will have the same control knobs inside the refrigerator compartment or outside it on the hood above the door or on the top end of the cabinet.

The differences in control using electromechanical and electronic devices lie in the principles of temperature control. Electromechanical devices regulate the temperature in the chamber according to the temperature of the coldest point on the surface of the evaporator, and electronic devices according to the readings of the air temperature sensor in the chamber itself.

The advantages of electromechanical control are simplicity and reliability. Electromechanical devices are less sensitive to deviations from the nominal value and voltage surges.

The disadvantage of electromechanical control is the approximate temperature control. In refrigerators with electromechanical control, it is almost impossible to maintain an accurate temperature due to the inertia of the system. With electromechanical control, you set the conditional cooling mode from the least cold to the maximum. Each mode corresponds to approximate food storage temperatures.

At the second stage of mastering the production of electronic devices in refrigerators, they began to install an electronic unit with a control panel on the upper end of the cabinet or on the canopy above the door. The electronic control unit combines an electronic temperature controller and a control panel. The control panel includes color light indicators for food storage and freezing modes, switching keys, as well as an alarm. The electronic unit is installed on Atlant refrigerators from the Minsk plant, Krasnoyarsk Biryusa models and many European models.

Control using an electronic remote control with keys and digital thermometers is usually called “Electronic control”.

Devices placed on an external control panel not only increase ease of use, but also create a positive aesthetic perception. The electronic control panel has become a decorative element of the refrigerator.

The main advantage of an electronic temperature controller over an electromechanical controller is its higher control accuracy. Increased accuracy of temperature control is required in luxury and high-comfort refrigerators. The smaller the deviation of the temperature and humidity of the air in the refrigerator chamber from the nominal values, the better the quality of the product is preserved.

Accurate maintenance of the set temperature is especially important for storing supercooled but not yet frozen foods. The original quality of fresh food is best preserved if it has been quickly cooled and then stored in the "fresh" compartment/compartment at a temperature close to the freezing point of water. The smaller the temperature deviation from 0°C, the longer the freshness of the products remains. In the “freshness” chambers and compartments of modern electronically controlled refrigerators, at temperatures on the verge of water freezing, food products retain their freshness at least 3 times longer than at higher temperatures in the refrigerator compartment.

Accurate temperature maintenance is also important for long-term storage of large quantities of frozen food. Even a short-term increase in the temperature of a frozen product leads to a reduction in shelf life. With large volumes of products, slight deviations in storage temperature can cause significant losses due to spoilage.

Regulation using electronic devices allows you to maintain the set temperature in the refrigerator chamber with an accuracy of tenths of a degree, regardless of changes in temperature and humidity of the surrounding air.

The next stage in the development of electronic control of refrigerators was the introduction of a display on the remote control with digital temperature indicators, first only in the freezer compartment, and then in the refrigerator compartment. Digital display allows you to check the actual storage conditions of products. When you press the key, numbers appear on the display indicating the temperature in the refrigerator compartment in degrees.

Most often, the electronic control panel is placed on the upper end of the cabinet and on the canopy above the refrigerator door, less often on the front surface of one of the doors and on the jumper between the doors. Refrigerators of the same brand may have different options for the location of electronic control panels. For example, Electrolux two-chamber refrigerators have versions with electronic control panels both above the top door and on the jumper between the doors. The location of the control panel on the jumper between the doors of a tall refrigerator is more convenient to use than above the upper door.

Refrigerators from Electrolux, Liebherr and other European companies have an electronic remote control with a display above the top door and the ability to control climate parameters.

More advanced electronic control systems provide the ability to set temperature and humidity values ​​and control whether the climatic parameters in the chambers comply with the conditions you set. You can set the temperature and humidity in the chamber at your discretion and see the actual values ​​on the display screen.

The electronic control panel on the front surface of the door most clearly emphasizes the increased comfort of the refrigerator. Hinged and vertical refrigerators from AEG, Ariston, Bosch, Liebherr, Whirpool, and Korean brands have electronic remote controls on the front surface of the door. In American Frigidaire refrigerators, the electronic control panel is installed on the freezer door (left) above the chilled water and ice dispenser. In Japanese 5-drawer 4-chamber Sharp refrigerators, the electronic control panel with temperature and humidity control is located on the refrigerator door (top right). Icons of the stored products are displayed on the display.

An electronic control panel with color light indicators and digital temperature indicators clearly informs, allows you to change and control modes, enable various functions without opening the refrigerator door.

In addition to stationary control panels, the most prestigious and expensive refrigerators may have remote controls that allow you to control, for example, a built-in TV from a distance.

The most advanced and expensive control systems are found in prestigious and exclusive models of American, European, Korean and Japanese refrigerators. In addition to the functions listed above, they allow you to control the loading of different types of products, their timely consumption, automatically warn about emergency failures of the cooling system and diagnose malfunctions.

Electronics help to select the most economical operating mode depending on the environmental conditions and the load of the refrigerator with food, as well as separately regulate the temperatures in the chambers. Freezers with electronic controls and a digital display can set different modes for freezing and storing frozen foods.

Instead of the term “electronic control” in catalogs and advertising documents for imported refrigerators, various foreign terms are used: “Digital control system”, “Odd logic control system”, “Electrocool” (LG), “Sixth Sense” (Whirlpool), “Fuzzy” control" (“Fuzzy Control” is an English term used in catalogs of European companies).

The more prestigious the refrigerator, the more elements it contains that increase ease of use.

The power switch on the control panel allows you to turn off the refrigerator without unplugging the plug from the socket.

The emergency alarm will warn of power outages during power outages.

“Quick freezing mode” ensures preservation of the structure, gastronomic, nutritional and taste properties of the original product. The “Quick Cooling” fan mode helps to quickly reduce the temperature of large quantities of fresh food immediately after they are placed in the refrigerator compartment. Rapid cooling helps to extend the freshness of food.

A loud beep and a flashing red alarm light warn you if the door is not closed properly or the temperature in the chamber has risen above the permissible limit.

“Economy mode” allows you to set the optimal temperature for storing food with minimal energy consumption. At the end of the economy mode, the normal operation of the refrigerator is automatically restored.

Vacation mode allows you to leave frozen food in the refrigerator when you go on vacation or a business trip. The refrigerator operates with minimal energy consumption. The empty refrigerator compartment is maintained in a “standby mode” (about 15°C) to prevent the formation of mold and unpleasant odors.

The memory indicator on the remote control will inform you when the temperature of frozen food increases during your absence.

The “Quick Chill” mode for wines and drinks in the freezer/low-temperature compartment helps quickly cool wine or drinks to the optimal temperature for taste and enjoyment before consumption. Light and sound signals will tell you when the wine can be served.

The display with digital thermometer and humidity indicator in the multi-temperature wine cooler clearly shows the state of the drinks at any given time. Electronic control maintains ideal conditions for long-term storage of various types of wine and allows you to quickly bring the wine in the bottle of your choice to the optimal consumption temperature.

The “self-diagnosis” function helps in emergency situations to determine the cause of a malfunction and promptly take the necessary measures to eliminate it.

The “clean water” system ensures the supply of well-purified water cooled to 8-12 °C through a closed door, ideal for drinking and cooking. An alarm will warn you if the water purification filter is clogged. The indicator light will remain on until you turn off the hazard warning lights using a special button.

The ice maker's dispenser dispenses exactly a glass of ice cubes, or crushed ice, through the closed freezer door with each key press.

A built-in TV in the center of the refrigerator door, which requires virtually no additional installation space, helps solve the problem of lack of free space in a small kitchen.

The built-in voice recorder helps in communication between family members with different work and study modes.

The highest comfort is provided by models with a built-in personal computer. A built-in personal computer with Internet access allows you not only to record the dates and places of loading products into the refrigerator compartments, to control their consumption in accordance with shelf life, but also to make purchases and receive recipes for preparing various dishes via the Internet.

The increase in purchases of electronically controlled refrigerators reflects the desire of consumers for comfort at home and stimulates the introduction of electronics in refrigerators. The displacement of refrigerators with electromechanical control by models with electronic control has become a trend of our time. Almost all large enterprises have electronically controlled refrigerators in their product range.

When choosing a refrigerator, evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of its control system and how much the increase in price is justified for ease of use. When choosing a refrigerator control system, you must take into account that you will have to pay twice for additional ease of use: upon purchase and during operation. Repairing electronic controls is more complex and more expensive than repairing electromechanical controls.

Our company repairs refrigerators of the brands Atlant (Belarus), Electrolux (Sweden) and Vestfrost (Denmark).

By electronically controlling a refrigerator, most people mean the ability to use a regulator to change the temperature to ensure optimal storage of various types of food. This opinion is not entirely accurate, since control systems for household refrigeration appliances (HRAs) can perform a very large list of functions, ranging from adjusting the cooling intensity to controlling the amount of food on the shelves. The functionality of the electronic control of a refrigerator depends primarily on the type of system and on the specific purpose of the household appliance (industrial, household refrigerators, freezers, etc.).

Types of BHP control systems

Most refrigerator models have built-in thermostats that allow you to set the desired temperature in the refrigerator and freezer. According to the operating principle, all regulators are divided into two groups: electromechanical and electronic. Based on the appearance of the regulator, it is often difficult for the buyer to determine which group it belongs to, since each type of regulator can be installed inside the refrigerator and have a temperature switch knob. The main design difference between them is that electromechanical regulators are equipped with electrical contacts, while electronic ones do not have them.

Small-sized budget models of household refrigerators are most often equipped with electromechanical thermostats, since they are cheaper and easier to manufacture than electronic ones. The principle of operation of these regulators is that the temperature of the coldest point on the evaporator is recorded, and based on it, the temperature regime is regulated. Obviously, the air temperature inside the refrigeration chamber may differ by 1-2 degrees from the surface temperature of the evaporator, therefore electromechanical regulators are not installed in equipment that must provide a strictly defined temperature regime without errors.

Despite the simplicity of design and low cost, electromechanical regulators have a number of advantages, the main ones:

Easy to operate;


Resistance to voltage surges;

Extremely low probability of failure and significant deviation of the actual temperature from the nominal value on the regulator.

In most cases, large household and industrial refrigeration equipment are equipped with electronic thermostats. Unlike electromechanical ones, their principle of operation is based on recording the air temperature in the refrigerating chamber using special sensors and maintaining the required temperature conditions. This type of thermostat is highly accurate.

Additional capabilities of BHP electronic control systems

On some modern BHP models, an electronic control unit is installed together with an display panel on which the temperature in the refrigerator and freezer is displayed. The unit itself has indicators and switches for various modes. Such an electronic refrigerator control system may include not only a temperature controller, but also control of air humidity, fan intensity, chamber load level and other characteristics. Also, some control units are designed not only to adjust various characteristics, but are also equipped with the function of independently determining the optimal cooling mode and maintaining it in the refrigerator and freezer compartments.

In addition to functions aimed at cooling and maintaining optimal temperature conditions in the refrigerator compartment, modern BHPs can be equipped with a number of built-in functions designed to ensure maximum comfort, safety and uninterrupted operation. A built-in TV, voice recorder, ice maker dispenser, water purification system, emergency diagnostic system, alarm in case of malfunction - this is not a complete range of additional equipment that can be built into the refrigerator.

Particularly convenient and functional are BHPs with a built-in computer, since if desired, they can be connected to a local network for controlling household appliances (Smart Home system) and adjust the operating modes of the refrigerator from a distance. In addition to adjusting the air characteristics in the refrigeration chamber, such electronic control can provide control over the availability of the necessary products (set in the program by the owner); if the food you need is not on the shelves, the refrigerator control system will send an SMS message to the owner’s mobile phone. With such a refrigerator, you don’t have to worry not only about the safety of food, but also about your diet - the equipment itself will remind you what and when to buy.

Undoubtedly, the main advantage of the control unit installed on the outer surface of the refrigerator door is the ability to regulate the temperature, turn on and off additional modes and functions without opening the refrigerator. The external control panel on the refrigerator can perform not only a direct function, but also a decorative one - a block with LED sensors and elegant switches organically complements the design of the BHP model. For example, some models of Zigmund & Shtain refrigerators have built-in touch control units; They are not only very comfortable and multifunctional, but also have a modern and original design.

Some refrigerator models are equipped not only with a built-in external electronic control unit, but also with a remote control. This technique provides the highest level of comfort for its owner, because you can switch modes, turn on the built-in TV and adjust other additional functions of the refrigerator without even going near it. Purchasing a refrigerator with an electronic control system is an easy way not only to preserve perishable food items, but also to provide the highest level of comfort in the kitchen.

A refrigerator is a household appliance that we don’t have to buy every day. Therefore, you need to approach such a purchase with awareness in order for your refrigerator to serve you much longer. Our article will help you understand the huge selection of refrigerators on the household appliances market.

Which refrigerator to choose - what to look for when buying?

1.Refrigerator class:“A”, “A+”, “B”, “C” characterizes the amount of energy consumed.

European manufacturers classify all their refrigeration products with letters from A to G, which indicate a particular level of consumption and electricity consumption per year.

A class is the lowest energy consumption, G class is the highest. Class B and C refrigerators are considered economical. D denotes the average value of electricity consumed. If you are looking for a very economical refrigerator, then look for modern models with the Super A or A+++ designations.

2. Painting quality. Open the refrigerator and see how well the paint is applied.

Maksim: I came to the store, chose a refrigerator, they brought it home to us, it was covered in stickers, when they started removing the stickers, they came off along with the paint, and in the upper corner of the refrigerator, they also found errors. It’s good that another 14 days have not passed, the refrigerator was safely returned to the store and another one was chosen.

3. Compressor. Even if you are assured that the refrigerator is good, made in Russia, pay attention to the compressor manufacturer.

Valery: We bought a refrigerator, we were assured that this refrigerator was made in Russia, the assembly was Russian, but the compressor turned out to be Chinese, which later caused problems with the refrigerator. So be sure to keep in mind that the compressor is not Chinese.

Built-in or free-standing refrigerator?

Recently, there are no limits to the imagination and interior design of modern kitchens. Therefore, built-in refrigerators are increasingly in demand in the household appliances market.

Advantages of a built-in refrigerator:

Built-in refrigerators can be completely hidden from view, and only the electronic panel of the refrigerator for controlling and regulating the temperature can be left in sight.

  • When choosing a built-in refrigerator, you don't have to be tied to the design of the refrigerator. Since a built-in refrigerator can be completely covered with decorative panels, this refrigerator may completely lack a body, but this will not affect its versatility in any way.
  • Ergonomics of a built-in refrigerator
  • Low noise level. Due to the walls that surround it and serve as sound insulation.
  • Space saving. A fully built-in refrigerator can be combined with a washing machine and a kitchen table. A built-in refrigerator will help you save significant space. An excellent choice for small kitchen areas.

The most important thing when choosing this refrigerator is to take into account all types of proper operation and the required dimensions.

Advantages of a free-standing refrigerator:

  • Moving. Unlike a built-in refrigerator, a freestanding refrigerator can be moved to any location convenient for you without difficulty.
  • Design. You can choose the color of the refrigerator, the model, or buy a refrigerator with a built-in electronic control panel.
  • Price. Freestanding refrigerators are much cheaper than built-in ones.

Reviews from people who made their choice:


I have a small kitchen, so the built-in refrigerator was a great space saver. Now we are enjoying dinner with our whole friendly family. Previously, we had to take turns having dinner))). We weren’t attached to the brand, we have Samsung, we’re happy!!!


We live in a rented apartment, so we opted for a free-standing refrigerator. We move often, so as much as I would love to have a built-in refrigerator, it's not practical yet.


I work in an office that has a strict interior, and a free-standing refrigerator just doesn’t fit in there, it’s somehow homey. Now we have found a way out. We disguised a small built-in refrigerator as a bedside table.)))


I like a frequent change of environment, I often do repairs, so we purchased a free-standing white refrigerator, because it is expensive for our family to purchase a new refrigerator every two years. And I can get creative with decorative stickers.

How many chambers should there be in a refrigerator?

There are three types of refrigerators for home use: single-chamber, double-chamber and three-chamber.

Single chamber refrigerator- This is a refrigerator with a large refrigerator compartment and a smaller freezer compartment. This refrigerator may be suitable for a small family or a summer house.

Double chamber refrigerator- This is the most common type. It has a refrigerator and freezer compartments located separately from each other. The freezer can be located at the bottom or at the top. If you often use the freezer and the refrigerator is high, then an option with a lower freezer would be more acceptable, where the number of drawers can be from two to four, which allows you to store different products separately from each other.

In three-compartment refrigerators added - which is also very convenient. The products are not frozen, but their safety is ensured.


I changed the refrigerator specifically so that it would have a freshness zone. A very convenient thing. I keep cheese there all the time! I bought the meat in the evening and put it in the zero zone, and in the morning I do what I want. I don’t wait for defrosting and I’m not afraid that the product will spoil. And fish exactly the same!


And my wife and I, in the old fashioned way, preferred the classic, single-chamber refrigerator. Ehh! It’s a habit, it’s hard for old people to change their minds, well, we’re very happy! I hope it will last for our lifetime.


Since I am a thrifty housewife and have a husband and two children, I chose a refrigerator with a lower chamber and three shelves, I have plenty of meat there and I freeze fruits into compotes and prepare semi-finished products for the family. Everyone is full and happy!

Which control to choose, electromechanical or electronic?

Refrigerators are controlled using electronic and electromechanical devices.

Electromechanical control - this is a regular thermostat with a division from 1 to 7, which we set manually, depending on what temperature we want to set.

Advantages: It is very reliable and easy to operate, and is also protected from power surges, which is its advantage. That is why many people prefer this type of control; it can also be called semi-automatic.

Flaws: inability to maintain accurate temperature.

Typically has a built-in panel on the refrigerator doors with a dial display that shows the temperature in the refrigerator and has control buttons.

Advantages: Precise temperature control, which prolongs the shelf life of products, also allows you to set different temperatures in individual chambers, and humidity control. An alarm that goes off when the temperature rises or the doors are open, self-diagnosis.

Flaws: since the electronic control consists of many LEDs and touch buttons, that is, it has a complex design, and therefore has high requirements for high-quality power supply. Voltage surges will lead to breakdowns and costly repairs.

Do you need electronic control of a refrigerator - reviews:


As for electronic and conventional control, it is simple. Since time immemorial, the thermostat in refrigerators has been a bellows of gas that expands or contracts depending on temperature. At elevated temperatures, the bellows presses on the switch and turns on the compressor; when it decreases, it turns off.

Well, in electronically controlled refrigerators there are temperature sensors in each chamber, the signal from them goes to the processor, the temperature is calculated and compared with the set one. Therefore, any deviation of the temperature from the set one does not exceed one degree. This allows you to create a freshness zone in which the temperature is above zero by a fraction of a degree; nothing freezes in it, regardless of the other settings of the refrigerator.


New is best. Progress is moving forward. Electronics better and more accurately maintain the temperature in the chambers. No-frost is “dry freezing” (literally “without ice”). Apart from a slight reduction in chamber volume, no other shortcomings were noticed.


We purchased a Samsung, with a display installed on the front panel of the refrigerator, the temperature is displayed with an accuracy of one degree. I can also set different temperatures in the chambers. I couldn't be happier with this purchase. Along with the refrigerator, we purchased a voltage stabilizer that prevents voltage surges. Since we were warned that voltage surges are dangerous for these refrigerators.

What should a refrigerator be made of? Materials.

1. Stainless steel
– this is an expensive material, so stainless steel refrigerators are much higher in price and are usually from reputable elite German or European companies (Liebherr, Bosh, Amana, Electric, etc.)

Advantages. Long term service. Unlike plastic, a stainless steel refrigerator does not leave scratches.

Flaws. Fingerprints are clearly visible on it. The surface of this material requires special care. It is recommended to wash the surface 3 or 4 times a year with special stainless steel care products.

2. Carbon steel with a polymer coating it is a relatively cheap steel that is used in the production of household appliances

Advantages. A relatively inexpensive refrigerator, it does not require such careful maintenance; it is enough to wipe it with a cloth when it gets dirty.

Flaws. Scratches remain.

3. Plastic. The shelves are mainly made of plastic, pay attention to the markings, this may be indicated on the shelves PS, GPPS, ABS, PP. If the mark is affixed, this indicates certification.

Which color should I choose and is it worth buying a colored refrigerator?

White refrigerator is still the most common in the home appliance market.

Advantages . Reflects heat rays and contributes slightly to energy savings. The most hygienic and matches any color scheme of the kitchen interior. Allows the application of decorative stickers. Some coatings can be written on with colored markers and can also be easily removed with a rag. White refrigerators can be chosen in different shades.

Flaws . Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that any contamination will be visible on such a refrigerator, which will require more frequent maintenance.

Colored refrigerator.
There are more than 12 different colors available on the market.

Advantages. Creative interior. On a colored refrigerator, all the imperfections are not as visible as on a white one. The matte surface does not leave fingerprints.

Flaws. When choosing a colored refrigerator for a long service life, you need to take into account changes in your taste, fashion, and interior. It will also require additional costs, since you will have to pay more for a colored refrigerator.

What determines the price of a refrigerator? Expensive refrigerators.

  1. Steel. Stainless steel refrigerators are significantly more expensive.
  2. Dimensions. Depending on where you are purchasing the refrigerator, for a small or large apartment, for a private house, for a large or small family. The most expensive models are very large or very small, but functional refrigerators.
  3. Number of cameras. The refrigerator can have up to three chambers. Three-compartment refrigerators are usually more expensive, as they contain the newfangled and popular.
  4. Automatic defrosting systems: drip is cheaper and – it is more expensive.
  5. Compressor. The refrigerator can have one or two.
  6. Energy class"A", "B", "C"
  7. Control system- mechanical or electronic. The electronic control system of the refrigerator affects its price to a greater extent.

Which brand of refrigerators is better? Specialized brands. Reviews.

Brands that specialize in refrigerators.

  • Swedish – ELECTROLUX;

From American brands can be called such as: AMANA, FRIGIDAIRE, NORTHLAND, VIKING, GENERAL ELECTRIC, and MAYTAG

And of course Korean-made refrigerators such as: LG, DAEWOO, SAMSUNG.

These are relatively inexpensive refrigerators with multifunctional capabilities.

Belarusian refrigerator: Atlant.

Türkiye/UK: EYELID
Ukraine: NORD. The Donetsk refrigerator plant "Donbass" has recently developed joint developments with the Italian company BONO SYSTEMI.

What brand of refrigerator do you have? Which is better? Reviews.


When choosing a refrigerator, I paid attention to reviews, the warranty period provided by the manufacturer, and the availability of service centers in your city. I chose BOSCH. I'm very pleased.


The LIEBHERR refrigerator is a good thing from a German brand. Over the course of 2 years, the refrigerator was defrosted 2 times in order to wash it. There was only frost without people. Although this is a refrigerator without the No Frost function. Due to the magnetic door seals, the refrigerator is of excellent quality, which does not allow warm air to be sucked into the chamber (which can cause ice to form). I am very pleased with the refrigerator. If you take it, I think you won’t regret it.


Refrigerator Atlant. The previous refrigerator was from Atlant, which served us faithfully for 12 years, but still, the years take their toll, the rubber bands wore out, the refrigerator began to leak, and we decided to buy a new one; we also chose this company. Silver color, with top chamber. Low noise level, does not require defrosting. I hope it will serve us just as well.


Refrigerator Hotpoint-Ariston. In the absence of electricity, it can work autonomously for 19 hours. Dimensions 200x60x67 cm, weight 60 kg, color white. With one compressor, two chambers, two-door. Freezer compartment at the bottom, volume 128 liters. Cooling to -18 degrees, in the freezer there are 3 transparent drawers, through which the contents of the drawers are clearly visible. 1 small compartment for freezing ice. The volume of the refrigerator compartment is 235 liters, the shelves are made with an antibacterial coating and are also made of impact-resistant glass and are height adjustable. the freshness zone with zero temperature is located below where you can store fish and milk. The price is reasonable. We are happy with our purchase. So I recommend it.


Bosch refrigerator. The first is a reasonable price. Energy efficiency. When it's quiet, you can't hear it at all. The second is capacity. The fruit container is large and roomy and has a bottle hanger. Container for odorous products such as fish and other foods. Our new Bosch has a regulator located on the doors, everything is clear in regulation and there is a backlight. Very nice appearance. We are proud of our purchase! One disadvantage I can name is the transparent glass shelves; I don’t like that they quickly get dirty. And we are very pleased!


I chose Samsung because there is a service center in our city and I was satisfied with the price-quality ratio, so far I’m happy.

Our LG is already seven years old. When moving, they were dragged to the 7th floor. and from 7 floors, and 300 km. They delivered the refrigerator without any problems! I wipe the inside with a microfiber cloth. The refrigerator is dry, does not emit odors, is well ventilated, and food is stored for a long time. Not big, but roomy. 3 chambers, freezer without frost.


I like all of Liebhera)))) The price is a little high, if they are the best, then I’m ready to spend money.


I like Electrolux, my parents suffered from bitter experience with it, my attitude towards it has now changed. But there is also a positive experience, I like that there are 2 compressors, because... When the refrigerator compartment broke down, we used the freezer.


I like Bosch, they are excellent in operation. AEG say that the walls are painted, and this is a big disadvantage when choosing. Although beautifully executed inside.

We tried to explain this article to you as much as possible and wish you, when buying a refrigerator, to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of each model and make the right choice.

Which refrigerator is better, in your opinion?

To tell what modern refrigerators are, you need to convey to the reader a lot of different information. Technological progress has diversified this technique so much that one can talk about it endlessly. Based on the principle of cold production alone, there are four types of this technique. But if we talk about household refrigerators for the home, you can forget about this and focus only on compression models.

Household compression refrigerators

On the market of household refrigerators, more than 90% of models are compression. I will not dwell on the details of how the compression unit works. Let me just say that it is the motor-compressor that ensures the circulation of refrigerant throughout the entire refrigerator system.

A refrigerator may have one or two (rarely three) compressors. Large equipment with two or more chambers usually has two compressors. One compressor serves the freezer, the other serves the refrigerator compartment.

The advantage of a two-compressor unit is more precise temperature control in each chamber. The cameras become independent of each other. You can turn them off and defrost them separately. This, of course, pleases, but the cost of a two-compressor refrigerator is always 20% - 30% higher than the cost of its “brother” with one compressor. It `s naturally. After all, the price of the compressor forms the basis of the cost of the refrigerator.

Refrigerant type

A refrigerant is a substance that does not freeze at low temperatures. It circulates in a hermetically sealed refrigeration unit and provides cooling to the chambers. One of the first refrigerants was freon. Today this substance has been replaced by a newer, modern type - R600a (isobutane). This is a natural gas that is absolutely harmless to the environment and safe for humans.

Refrigerator chamber layout

Two-chamber models have different chamber locations. The freezer compartment is located either at the top (above the refrigerator compartment) or at the bottom (under the refrigerator compartment); less common is the vertical arrangement of two chambers, which is typical for two-door cabinet-style refrigerators. In modern refrigerators, each of the chambers closes independently (has a separate door).

Temperature conditions in the chambers

Depending on the nominal temperature in the evaporator, refrigerators are divided into four groups. You can find out which group a particular model belongs to by the star markings.

  • One asterisk (*) means the maximum freezer temperature is -6 degrees. It is recommended to store products at this temperature for no more than two weeks.
  • Two asterisks (**) – temperature in the chamber -12. Products can be stored in the freezer longer (a month to a month and a half).
  • Three stars (***) – at a temperature of -18, the shelf life of products increases to six months. This temperature is considered the most optimal for freezing food.
  • Four (****) – the highest degree of cooling is -24. These models have a mode for ultra-fast freezing of food.

The refrigerator compartment is intended for short-term storage of food, so the temperature in it should not fall below zero.

In addition to these two traditional chambers, not long ago another chamber appeared in modern refrigerators - the so-called “freshness zone”. This is a special compartment with a temperature of 0 degrees. It closes tightly and thus insulates itself from the refrigeration chamber. It is useful and convenient to have an additional “zero camera”. It is good to store fresh herbs, vegetables, fruits and many other products here.

Defrosting systems

The movement of air inside the chambers can be natural or forced. Many modern models are characterized by a forced air circulation system. This system is called No Frost (“no frost”). With this system, the formation of ice in the chamber is eliminated and thus there is no need to defrost the refrigerator.

With a drip defrosting system, the evaporator is located on the rear wall of the refrigerator compartment. While the compressor is operating, ice forms inside the chamber. When the compressor is idle, the ice thaws, drops flow down the back wall and through the drain hole water enters the container (tray) above the compressor. From there, thanks to the heating from the compressor, the water simply evaporates. This defrosting process goes unnoticed by the user and does not require his intervention. The drip system is reliable and is more suitable for those who do not want to pay a lot for new appliances, since models with a drip system cost less than refrigerators with the No Frost system.

Each of the modern defrosting systems has its pros and cons. There are refrigerators that have both systems (a freezer without a fur coat, and a drip effect in the refrigerator compartment). Refrigerators with manual (non-automatic defrosting) are already a thing of the past and are practically not produced.

However, any refrigerator, no matter what defrosting system it has, should sometimes be disconnected from the power supply for hygienic cleaning.

Energy saving class

Initially, there were seven energy consumption classes for household appliances. They were designated by Latin letters: A, B, C, D, E, F, G. Class A equipment (including refrigerators) has the lowest energy consumption, and class G is the most consumable devices in terms of electricity. But with the advent of even more energy-efficient technology, the old scale was no longer enough, and new classes were added: A+; A++; A+++ or Super A.

Today's market is dominated by models of the most economical classes A, A+, A++, Super A, B; it is rare to find class C. Equipment of a lower class, for example class D, is difficult to find on sale today. If there are such refrigerators, then these are obviously outdated models.

Noise level

All compressor refrigerators will make noise when operating. In different models, this parameter varies in the range from 20 to 50 dB. The norm for home appliances is no more than 53 dB. It is normal for a refrigerator if the noise from it does not exceed 45 decibels at a distance of one meter from the body.

It is usually the compressor itself that is humming. If the refrigerator has two compressors, the noise level will be higher. However, this is not always justified. One cheap compressor can make more noise than two expensive quality ones.

Models with the “No Frost” system will be noisier than regular models. The rotation of the fan blades provided by this system adds noise to them.

Refrigerator control type

The refrigerator control can be either electromechanical or electronic.

With an electromechanical system, the refrigerator control panel is a combination of one or two knobs (rotary controls) and a pair of buttons. Everything is simple, reliable and inexpensive (such control is typical for inexpensive models).

The electronic system externally consists of a set of touch buttons around a small display. Here the entire control process is entrusted to electronics.

If a relative temperature is created with a mechanical relay, then the electronic control system makes it possible to set an absolutely precise temperature in the chambers.

Built-in refrigerator models

Refrigerators can be classified according to how they are installed. Everyone knows what a free-standing refrigerator looks like. This is a separate structure that does not require any installation. You can place such a device anywhere, and if you rearrange the furniture, you can move it wherever you want.

A built-in model differs from a freestanding refrigerator in that it does not have its own external casing. This is understandable, because in this case the refrigerator is completely covered by furniture. There are semi-built-in models, when only the electronic control panel is exposed outside, and the entire main structure is hidden in the furniture. In all other characteristics, built-in models are almost no different from conventional refrigerators.

The range of built-in models is smaller, and the prices are slightly higher.

Organization of internal space

The rational use of the useful volume of the refrigerator largely depends on the number of shelves and the possibility of rearranging them, on the set of various containers for butter, eggs, containers for bottles, baskets for vegetables, etc. Shelves for products can be solid (glass or plastic) or metal lattice. Some modern models even have a so-called home minibar inside.

Additional functions

Many additional options make refrigerators even more convenient to use.

So, many models provide for reversing the doors, if it is convenient for you to open the refrigerator from the other side.

Sometimes there are models with legs (front) and wheels (rear), so that if necessary, the refrigerator can be lifted and rolled to another place.

The antimicrobial coating of the chambers helps eliminate unpleasant odors and extends the shelf life of products.

It is convenient when the refrigerator beeps when the door does not fit tightly.

It's also a good idea if the control panel is lockable (child lock). But the more such innovations, the higher the price of equipment.

Exterior design

In appearance, modern refrigerators vary in shape, color, and size. Now refrigerators are not only white as before, but are available in any other colors and can also have exclusive designs on the body and even take on the appearance of a cabinet or bedside table.

Price category

All refrigerators offered by modern manufacturers can be divided into three categories:

  • Inexpensive (budget) - the lower threshold of this price category is $150 (small-volume refrigerators), the upper limit is 500 (medium-volume models). This category includes domestic refrigerators “Biryusa”, “Stinol”, “Indesit”, “Atlant”, “Minsk” and others. As well as some models from popular foreign manufacturers such as LG, Daewoo, Samsung, Ardo and many others.
  • The average price category is from $500 to $1000. Almost every well-known manufacturer has a considerable number of models in this price category in their assortment. Here you can find two and three-chamber refrigerators with excellent technical characteristics. You can also find built-in models that are fashionable today.
  • The extra-class category includes expensive models ranging from $1,100 to $15,000. The most advanced models, as a rule, are large in size, with three-dimensional cameras, with a unique design and the presence of all kinds of the latest technologies, including a built-in TV and Internet access.

Good luck in your search for the best technology.

There are no identical ovens. They are all different in some way. But before purchasing such equipment, we need to decide on its management. Management may vary. If you take a set of oven, which consists of sets of techniques - this is the oven itself and the hob, then their control with each other can be joint or separate.

There are two ways to control ovens:

Types of all ovens:

These ovens themselves are controlled in different ways. The control display is located on the front wall, maybe on top of the door or on the side. All this depends on the model and type of unit, as well as on their size.

Oven control can be divided into three types:

    • mechanical
    • electronic

TO mechanical control This could include a simpler unit, such as gas ovens. Often mini-ovens are controlled using switches, and there can be two, three or four of them. Two switches are used to set the time and temperature, while the other sets the mode or function in which we will cook. These switches are located on the right side of the front wall of the oven. They work by turning a switch. A more convenient method is recessed switches, as they are easy to clean and prevent accidental activation.

Touch control is mainly present in modern models. This control has a display on which you can select the program you need by touching your fingers. It can be combined with an electromechanical control method, which also contains, in addition to the touch screen, switches and buttons. The electromechanical control method is a touch panel with additional elements - with switches.

Electronic method The controls are similar to touch controls; they also have a control panel with a display. Unlike touch controls, electronic ones have buttons. This control method allows us to control and monitor the cooking process. It can automatically set the desired temperature and cooking time. Allows you to record your own recipes and store them in the oven memory.

All these control methods are different from each other. In simpler models, as well as gas or mini ovens, mechanical control is found. In expensive and multifunctional ovens you can find other types of controls. All these technology controls, namely touch, electronic and electromechanical, are interconnected and somewhat similar.

Benefits of e-governance:

  • attracts attention with a stylish and original look;
  • allows you to more accurately set the cooking time and temperature in the oven;
  • has a fairly large number of functions and modes;
  • allows you to record and save your recipes.

Advantages of mechanical control:

  • such control is highly reliable;
  • Anyone can buy ovens with such controls, because they are not so expensive;
  • resistant to voltage surges and surges;
  • easy to use and also very easy to maintain.

Each consumer focuses on the oven model that is convenient and easy to handle. After all, this is of great importance. Most a reliable control method is electromechanical. Touch controls for ovens are also in demand, as opposed to mechanical ones.