Apple id account. The “Sign in to the iTunes Store” window with someone else’s Apple ID - why it appears and what to do

Hello! The appearance of various incomprehensible signs, with even more incomprehensible warnings, on the iPhone and iPad is always unpleasant. And when in this window, on top of everything else, someone else’s data is indicated, it’s a total disaster. This is exactly how my friend felt when his newly purchased iPhone received an information warning like this: “Login to the iTunes Store. Enter your Apple ID password for [email protected]».

It would seem a common situation, but there are several important nuances:

  • The iPhone seems to be new, just purchased.
  • Your Apple ID and iCloud are safely specified in the settings.
  • But this Apple ID account, for which you are asked to enter a password, is unknown to anyone.

And now what i can do? Where can I get it? And why does the iTunes Store so intrusively (when you click on the “Cancel” button, after some time the warning appears again) asks for this password? There are several options, now I’ll tell you in more detail, let’s go!

Option 1: Take it back to the store

The surest way. Remember! When a window pops up on a “new” iPhone asking you to enter data from someone else’s Apple ID, this is not normal. If the previous owner’s account was entered on it, then this iPhone was activated earlier. So contact the place where you purchased the device with the question “what kind of nonsense?” and the demand to replace/give back the money is quite the correct action in this situation.

But this case did not suit us. Why? It's simple! It turns out that when purchasing, my friend asked me to upload “toys and programs” there - especially since they offered it all for free! Why not take advantage? And that’s why we move on to the second solution to the problem...

Option 2: Fix it yourself

He asked for something, but no one gave him the password for this Apple ID (with which games were downloaded). And here is the most important thing:

If you downloaded an application (game) to your iPhone or iPad using a “foreign” account, then to operate this program (for example, to update) you will need the password from this “foreign” account.

In this case, one of the applications (downloaded in the store) required updating - so the sign “Login to the iTunes Store” appeared with enviable frequency. If you don’t know the password, then the best solution would be to simply uninstall this program and then the iTunes window will disappear. True, since the specific name is not indicated, you may have to delete absolutely everything. And in some, especially severe cases -...

But it’s much better than clicking the “Cancel” button every few minutes (or hours) trying to close an annoying window.

Important warning! If you suddenly decide to download applications in this way (using someone else’s account - this is very common on the Internet), then NEVER (even for 1, 2, 3 seconds!) enter it in Settings - iCloud (you can get permanent blocking). Only your account should be there. Always.

The paragraph above is simply a cry from the heart. It hurts :)

Returning to the topic of the article, I would like to note that on iPhone and iPad you should always use only your academic record. Then all sorts of windows asking you to log into the iTunes Store with someone else’s Apple ID data will not appear. And if they do, it will only be with your account. This means that entering the correct password will not be difficult.

iTunes (or as it is often called tuna by Russian-speaking users) is a free program from Apple, available for Mac and PC. It lets you organize and organize media content on your computer, lets you watch videos and listen to music, and lets you manage apps for your iPhone, iPad, and iPod, including purchasing and downloading them from the iTunes Store.

In order to make purchases of various programs for iPhone and iPad, you need to authorize your computer in iTunes. To do this, in turn, you need to have an account in the App Store, iTunes installed on your computer, and a working connection to the Internet.
If you have all this, then we suggest you read the step-by-step instructions on how to authorize your computer in iTunes.

There is a limit on the number of computers simultaneously authorized in iTunes, which is five. Therefore, in order to log in from the sixth computer, you will need to deauthorize on any of the five already authorized ones. In addition, it is useful to perform deauthorization every time you work on someone else's computer. If you leave it in the authorized state, then anyone can use your account to say paid applications and use your money in an unauthorized way.

To deauthorize your computer in iTunes, you need to follow these steps:

You can deauthorize in another way. To do this, go to the iTunes Store and left-click on the triangle to the right of your email address. In the menu that appears, select Sign Out (if you selected Russian localization during registration), or Sign Out (if you registered for English-language data).

Also, once a year, you have the opportunity to deauthorize all computers at once by following these steps:

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about authorizing and deauthorizing your computer in iTunes.

Content stored on a PC disk does not require the user to think about authenticating and authorizing the computer. However, if you need to copy movies, music or other files purchased from iTunes Store, you can no longer do without authorization.

Unfortunately, in Russia the fact that a computer is iTunes should be authorized, only a few know - those very rare users who buy content rather than downloading it from pirated sites for free. But every Yabloko person should be able to authorize a PC - given that the anti-piracy fight in the Russian Federation is rapidly gaining momentum, this simple skill will definitely come in handy in the near future.

After you check the Internet, install and launch iTunes, proceed as follows:

Step 1. In the main menu of the media combiner, click on the “ Account" and select the option " To come in».

In some versions iTunes The place of the “Account” tab may be taken by the “Store” tab.

Step 2. In the window that appears, enter your email address and password for your Apple account. Then click " To come in».

So you will realize authentication iniTunes .

Step 3. Click on the tab again Account", move the cursor to the item " Authorization" and in the menu that appears, select the option " Authorize this computer».

Step 4. Enter your password Apple ID again.

To find out the number of people attached to Apple ID computers, you need to hover over the tab " Account" in the main menu and select " View" Opposite the item " Authorization of computers" and the information you are looking for will be present.

How to deauthorize a computer in iTunes?

Under no circumstances should you leave someone else's account authorized. computer. If the owner Apple ID makes such an oversight, the computer user will not only have access to paid applications (which the owner of the gadget bought with his own money), but also the opportunity to purchase new content from iTunes Store– from a card that is linked to the account.

Step 1. Click on the tab " Account» in the main menu iTunes.

Step 2. Hover your cursor over " Authorization" and in the menu that appears, select " Deauthorize this computer».

A common question among domestic users of Apple equipment is: what does “Deauthorize your Audible account” mean? Audible is an Amazon-owned company that sells audiobooks; account authorization Audible V iTunes allows the user to listen to books downloaded from the retailer's website directly in the media combine. distributes only English-language literature - which is why this portal has not been heard of in Russia.

Step 3. Enter your password Apple ID and click the button Deauthorize" If the procedure is completed successfully, you will see a message like this.

After this, you don’t have to worry about the safety of the content and money on the card.

How to reset all authorized computers at once?

Once a year holder Apple ID has the ability to reset all authorized computers at once with one click - even if the computers themselves are not at hand. To do this, the user needs to perform the following operations:

Step 1. Click on the tab " Account" and select the section " View" In the same way, we previously found out the number of authorized computers.

Step 2. On the page " Account Information» look for the item « Authorization computers" If for one Apple ID If 2 or more PCs are authorized, then next to the information about the number of computers there will be a button “ Deauthorize everything» (« Deauthorize All»).

Clicking this button will reset all computers that are logged into iTunes using your Apple account password.

The instructions are relevant for iTunes 12. In less modern versions of the media harvester, deauthorization of all computers may be performed differently.

If you need to reset all computers for the second time in a year, you will have to contact the American Apple support service (available at and write a request in English. The request will be satisfied within 24 hours if the user iTunes will correctly indicate the required details (mail address, country of residence).

What to do if iTunes constantly asks you to authorize your PC?

Complaints that iTunes When trying to play purchased media files, they require authorization (when the PC is already authorized), and they multiply on the Internet. A user who encounters this problem sees a message similar to this on the screen:

It is not entirely known why the error occurs, but Apple knows how to fix it and willingly shares this information. According to the manufacturer, you should delete and recreate the folder " SC Info"– this directory is very important for correct operation iTunes. Here is a detailed algorithm of actions for Windows PC owners:

Step 1. First of all, close iTunes.

Step 2. Make visible hidden files and folders– the directory you are looking for is exactly that. Click on the button " Start" and type into the search bar " Folders settings" Then select the section of the same name.

In the window that appears, go to the “ View", further in the block " Additional options" Scroll the list of options to the very bottom - last you will find the item " Show hidden files, folders and drives" Place the cursor next to it.

Finally, click " Apply" And " OK».

Step 3. Go to disk WITH– you will see the hidden folder “ ProgramData».

Open this folder, then follow the path " Apple Computer» — « iTunes" In the last directory you will find the folder “ SC Info", which is where all the problems come from.

Send this folder to " Cart».


PC authorization in iTunes– a unique mechanism of protection against carelessness; with its help, Apple encourages users of Apple technology to monitor which computers they use to log into their accounts.

However, the mechanism, apparently, has not been brought to perfection - and this is not the subjective point of view of the author, but the opinion of many iPhone and iPad owners, whom iTunes tormented by constant demands to log in. Apple recommends solving the problem by deleting the " SC Info"(which is then created automatically), but this method does not always give results. If deleting the folder does not help, the user has no choice but to contact support for help and hope that Apple employees will help.

In order to download and play media content distributed through the iTunes Store online store, it is not enough to install the multifunctional multimedia player of the same name on your personal computer and be a registered user; you must also authorize the PC on the specified Internet resource. The essence of authorization is to remember the individual characteristics of a computer or laptop in the iTunes Store database and “link” them to the buyer’s Apple ID.

The PC authorization operation on the store website is performed using the iTunes program. To avoid security problems and ensure proper operation of the player, it is recommended to use the latest version or regularly update the software. Launch the digital media player installed on your computer and select “iTunes Store” → “Login” (1) from the program window menu or simply click on the login icon (2). User authentication is only possible if the device being used is connected to the Internet. Enter the Apple ID field in the panel that appears on the screen iTunes

the correct identifier, usually an email address and serving as a user account, and in the Password field - the corresponding set of characters and click the “Login” button.

After successful authentication in the program (and therefore on the store’s website), you can authorize the laptop or PC you are using to provide it with the provided rights to access purchased files with music, movies and other multimedia content. To authorize an electronic device in the online store, select the menu item in the program window “iTunes Store” → “Authorize this computer...”.

The authorization procedure can also be launched through the main menu of the iTunes program. By default, it is hidden. To show the main menu of the player for a short time, press the “Alt” key and then select the item “Store” → “Authorize this computer ...”. If you want to leave the main iTunes menu displayed, you must press the key combination “Ctrl” and “B”. In earlier versions of the iTunes player for the Windows operating system, the interface is slightly different and, most likely, you will need to set the display of the authorization procedure call-up item or look for it in the “Add-ons” menu. In the corresponding fields of the appeared panel Computer authorization

We enter the same Apple ID user ID and the correct password for it, and then click the “Authorize” button.

As a rule, problems with performing this operation do not arise if the limit on the number of authorized devices, which is five PCs or laptops, is not exceeded. If you need to work with purchased multimedia files on an over-limit computer, one of the previously used devices should be deauthorized. The same procedure should be followed when reinstalling the operating system.