Computer science test on computer. Test "Composition of a personal computer, operating system" test in computer science and ICT (grade 10) on the topic. The shortcut differs from real files in that

Test "Computer device"

Exercise : Read the question carefully, then choose the appropriate answer from the options, there can be only one answer.

Question 1. A computer is -

    device for processing analog signals;

    a device for storing information of any kind.

    multifunctional electronic device for working with information;

    electronic number processing device;

Question 2. Computer performance (speed of operations) depends on:

    processor clock speed;

    volume of information processed.

    speed of pressing the keys;

    monitor screen size;

Question 3. A system of interconnected technical devices that input, store, process and output information is called:

1. software;

2. computer software;

3. hardware.

4. system support;

Question 4. Device for visual reproduction of symbolic and graphic information -

1. processor;

2. keyboard.

3. scanner;

4. monitor;

Question 5. Which device is not located in the system unit?

1. video card;

2. processor;

3. scanner;

4. hard drive;

5. network card;

Question 6. A disk drive is a device for

1. reading/writing data from external media;

2. storing commands of the executable program.

3. long-term storage of information;

4. processing commands of the executable program;

Question 7. Which device is not a peripheral?

1. hard drive;

2. printer;

3. scanner.

5. web camera;

Question 8: A printer with an ink print head that, under pressure, shoots ink from a series of tiny holes onto the paper is called

1. sublimation;

2. matrix.

3. jet;

4. hard;

5. laser;

Question 9. A program is a sequence...

1. commands for the computer;

2. electrical impulses;

3. zeros and ones;

4. text characters;

Question 10. When you turn off the computer, all information is lost...

1. on a floppy disk;

2. on the hard drive;

3. on a CD-ROM disk;

4. in RAM;

Question 11. For long-term storage of user information, the following is used:

1. external memory;

2. processor;

3. disk drive;

4. RAM;

Question 12: Before turning off the computer, you can save information:

1. in RAM;

2. in external memory;

3. in processor registers;

4. on the disk drive;

Question 13. The smallest addressable part of computer memory:

4. machine word;

Question 14. The magnetic disk is intended for:

1. information processing;

2. information storage;

3. entering information;

4. information output;

Question 15. Where is the currently running program and the data it processes stored?

1. in external memory;

2. in RAM;

3. in the processor;

4. on the input device;

Question 16. A compact disc designed for repeated recording of new information is called:

Question 17. A program is...

1. processed information presented in the computer memory in a special form;

2. an electronic circuit that controls the operation of an external device;

3. description of the sequence of actions that the computer must perform to solve the given data processing task;

4. a software-controlled device for performing any type of work with information;

Question 18. Information is called data if it is represented...

1. in the form of text from a textbook;

2. in numerical form;

3. in binary computer code;

4. in the form of commands for the computer.

Explanatory note

While studying the course “Informatics and ICT”, we got acquainted with one of the sections “Information and information processes”. After which, having familiarized ourselves with this section, we found out that information processes in the lives of people and society, in nature and technology, are of the same nature and come down to four main processes: collection, storage, transformation and transmission, these are the actions performed on information , and occur with the help of a computer. In the section “Computer Design” we studied the operating diagram of a computer (von Neumann principles), the fundamentally modular principle of constructing a computer, and the structure of a computer. Studying the section is completed.

The purpose of the test using the test method is determined by identifying the level of knowledge and skills of 8th grade students in the section “Computer Design”.

1. Identify the level of knowledge development of 9th grade students in the section.

2. Develop the skill of working independently without relying on the theoretical position of the textbook, using your knowledge.

3. Develop composure and accuracy when performing tests.

For each correct answer, one point is assigned, for a total of 18 points. The assessment of the test work will be calculated as a percentage, where:

100% - 95% (18-17 points) - mark “5”

94% - 75% (16-13 points) - mark “4”

74% - 51% (12-9 points) - mark “3”

less than 50% (less than 9 points) - mark “2” with subsequent retake, but the final mark will be one point lower.

Key to the test paper

Test on the topic “Computer structure”

Option 1.

1. For calculations, information processing and computer control, it is used...

A) Memory B) Processor

C) Monitor D) Printer

2. To enter text information into the computer, use...

A) Mouse B) Printer C) Processor D) Keyboard

3. To enter audio information into the computer, use...

A) Microphone B) Mouse C) Printer D) Speakers

4. All programs and data necessary for the operation of the computer are placed in ...

A) ROM (read only memory) B) Processor

C) RAM (Random Access Memory) D) Monitor

5. To display information on paper, use...

A) Scanner B) Printer C) Monitor D) Processor

6. Which of the following devices is used to store data in a computer?

A) Hard drive B) Scanner C) Processor D) Disk drive

7. Mark the “extra”

A) Laser disk B) Hard disk C) Floppy disk E) Printer

8. Complete the row MONITOR, PRINTER, PLOTTER

A) Keyboard B) Mouse C) Speakers D) System unit

9. Random access memory (RAM) is located...

A) on floppy disks B) on hard drives C) on microcircuits D) on laser disks

Option 2.

1. To store data on a computer,…

A) Processor B) Memory C) Disk drive D) Monitor

2. To enter graphic information (drawings, drawings, etc.) from a paper sheet, use ...

A) Scanner B) Printer C) Monitor D) Keyboard

3. Which of the following devices is a computer output device?

A) Scanner B) Keyboard C) Mouse D) Printer

4. After turning off the computer's power, all information is lost.
which was...

A) on the hard drive B) in ROM (read only memory)

C) on a floppy disk (floppy disk) D) in RAM (random access memory)

5. To output audio information, use...

A) Monitor B) Scanner C) Microphone D) Speakers

6. Which computer device Not Is it part of the system unit?

A) Processor B) Disk drive C) RAM D) Printer

7. Mark the odd one out

A) Scanner B) Mouse C) Keyboard D) Processor

8. Complete the row MICROPHONE, SCANNER, MOUSE
one of the words below (according to meaning)

A) Keyboard B) System unit C) Headphones D) Monitor

9. Which one modern storage media with the highest capacity?

A) Hard disk B) Floppy disk (floppy disk)

C) Laser (optical) CD-R disk D) Flash drive (flash drive)

Test on the topic "Information around us"

Option 1.

1. Give the most complete answer.

Information is...

A) information about the world around us
B) what is broadcast on TV in news broadcasts
C) weather forecast
D) what is printed in the newspaper

2. Which type of information is not found in your computer science textbook?
A) numeric B) text

C) graphic D) audio (sound)

3. Drawings, paintings, blueprints, diagrams, maps, photographs are examples...

A) numerical information

B) text information

C) graphic information

D) sound information
E) video information

4. Everything we hear - human speech, music, birdsong, rustling leaves, car signals - refers to...

A) numerical information

B) text information
C) graphic information

D) sound information
E) video information

5. Indicate the sense organ through which a healthy person receives most of the information.

Option 1.

1. Give the most complete answer.

Computer Science is...
A) ability to use a computer
B) the science of information and methods of storing, processing and transmitting it using a computer
C) ability to write computer programs

2. Information presented in a form suitable for processing by a computer is called...
A) file B) data

C) program D) memory

3. Quantitative characteristics of objects in the surrounding world -age, weight, height of a person, population, reserves of usefulminerals, forest area, etc. - are presented in the form ...

A) numerical information

B) text information
C) graphic information

D) sound information
E) video information

4. Everything that is printed or written in any of the existing languages ​​refers to ...

A) numerical information

B) text information
C) graphic information

D) sound information
E) video information

5. Through which sense organ does a person receive tactile information?

Answers: 1a, 2d, 3c, 4d, 5a 1b, 2b, 3a, 4b, 5c


1. What is information?
A) This is what a person hears in class.
B) This is what the person writes.
C) Information about the world around us.
D) Computer science.

2. What is a keyboard?

B) A device for storing information.
B) Device for processing information.
D) Device for entering information.

3. What is a processor?
A) A device for printing information on paper.
B) Device for processing information.
B) Device for entering information.
D) Device for storing information.

4. What is computer software?
A) Devices for processing information.
B) The totality of all computer devices.
B) Devices for input and output of information.
D) The totality of all computer programs.

5. What devices are used to display information?
A) Printer, processor, speakers.
B) Keyboard, monitor, printer.
B) Monitor, printer, speakers.
D) Monitor, processor, printer.

6. What groups of keys exist?
A) Functional, symbolic, cursor, special, additional.
B) Upper, middle, lower, additional.
B) Alphabetic, numeric, additional.
D) Russian, English, official.

7. What is a Desktop?
A) Picture on the screen.
B) Icons on the monitor screen.
B) Windows operating screen.
D) Folders, files and documents.

8. What is a window?
A) The program in which a person works.
B) Picture on the monitor screen.
B) Icon on the monitor screen.
D) The area of ​​the screen in which the program is used.

TEST “Information around us”

Students are asked to choose one correct answer or find a match. The test lasts 40 minutes (1 lesson)

Test evaluation criteria:

Score “2” from 30 to 54% correct answers

Score “3” from 55 to 69% correct answers

Score “4” from 70 to 84% correct answers

Score “5” from 85 to 100% correct answers

Correct answer options are highlighted in red

Matching question 10 – correct answers in one color

1. Give the most complete answer. Information is...

a) what is broadcast on TV in news broadcasts;

b) information about the world around us

c) what is published in newspapers

d) what is printed in the newspaper

2. Give the most complete answer. Computer science is...

a) computer skills

b) the science of information and methods of storing, processing and transmitting it using a computer

c) ability to write computer programs

3. Indicate the sense organ through which a healthy person receives most of the information

a) eyes

4. Actions of a person with information, indicate the unnecessary:

a) reading a newspaper

b) observation

c) solving an example in mathematics

d) cooking lunch

5. Using pictures or icons, use the following method of encoding information:

a) numerical

b) graphic

c) symbolic

6. Using numbers, the following method of encoding information is used:

a) numerical

b) graphic

c) symbolic

7. Using alphabetic characters, the following method of encoding information is used:

a) numerical

b) graphic

c) symbolic

8. Visual forms of presenting information, indicate the unnecessary:

b) TV

c) diagram

d) photograph

e) drawing

9. Match each type of information indicated in the left column with its description given in the right column (connect with arrows)

Type of information

Presentation form

Quantitative characteristics of objects in the surrounding world - age, weight, human height, population, mineral reserves, forest areas, etc.

Video information

Anything printed or written in any existing language

Audio information

Drawings, pictures, blueprints, diagrams, maps, photographs

Numerical information

All we hear is human speech, music, birdsong, rustling leaves, car signals

Text information

Sequences of images - movies, cartoons, etc.

Graphic information

Computer science test for 5th grade for the 1st half of the year

1. What devices are the main ones?

A. System unit, monitor, keyboard, mouse,

B. System unit, monitor, keyboard

C. System unit, monitor, keyboard, scanner

2. The monitor screen is called

A. Windows Window

B. Windows Desktop

C. Windows Panel

3. A device for outputting information from a computer onto paper?

A. Monitor

B. Keyboard

C. Printer

4. What devices are the main ones?

A. System unit, scanner, speakers, monitor, keyboard, mouse,

B. Speakers, headphones, scanner, printer, microphone, keyboard

C. Speakers, headphones, scanner, printer, microphone

5. Windows is:

A. Graphics program

B. Operating system

C. Text editor

6. What computer devices are used to enter text:

A. Monitor

B. Keyboard

C. Speakers

7. The “Documents” item contains:



C.Document shortcuts

8. The shortcut differs from real files in that:

A. His icon has a triangle on it.

B. It has an arrow on its icon.

C. His badge has letters

9. Taskbar:

A. Displays icons of files available on the disk

B. Displays icons of open files

C. Displays icons for closed files

10. The “Programs” menu item in the “Start” menu contains:

A. Discs and shortcuts

B. Shortcuts and files

C. Files and folders

11. The basket is used for:

A. File storage and sorting

B. Storage of deleted files

C. Storage of created documents

12. The window title contains:

A. Window panel name

B. Program name

C. File name and program name

13. Opening a window means:

A. Open document

B. Run the program

C. Click the window icon in the taskbar

14. How to move a window?

A. Hover the mouse over the border and drag

B. Hover the mouse over the status bar and drag

C. Hover the mouse over the window title and drag

15. The Start menu allows you to:

A. Find the files you need

B. Configure Windows

C. Get Windows Help

16. The correct way to turn off your computer is:

A. Alt+F4 → Shut down computer →Yes

B. Start → Shut down Windows → Yes

C. Start → Shut down Windows → Shut down computer→ Yes

17. Files may have the same name if

A. have different volumes

B. created on different days

C. stored in different folders

18. Is it possible to recover a file after emptying the Recycle Bin?

A. Yes, always

B. Yes, if no more than 30 days have passed since deletion

19. An open window always means

A. A running program.

B. Connected printer.

C. Dialogue with the computer

20. To call the context menu, you need

A. Double-click the left mouse button on the object on the screen.

B. Right-click an object on the screen.

C. Press the enter key

21. On the Desktop there are

B. Folder and file icons.

C. Notebooks and books.

22. When copying a folder, it is copied

A. The folder along with the files in it.

B. Folder contents only (no folder).

C. Only folder without content

25. In order to create a folder, you need

A. In the context menu, select Create-folder

B. Double-click the left mouse button

C. Press the enter key

Computer science test for 5th grade for the 2nd half of the year

1. An incorrectly typed character in a word can be deleted:

2 The alphabet is switched with the keys:

C. Ctrl right

3. Notepad is

A. Printing program

B. Drawing Application

C. Text editor

4. Keyboard is:

A. Output device

B. Input device

C. One of the Personal Computer blocks

5. Which keys move the cursor:

6. When the Caps Lock light is on:

A. Only Russian letters are entered

B. Special characters are introduced

C. Capital letters are entered

7. In what folder is the Calculator located?

A. My documents

B. My computer

C. Standard

8. How to switch to engineering calculator mode

C. Edit - paste

9. Enter key:

A. Cancel key

B. Enter key

C. Move the cursor to the next line

10. In order to change the font size in Notepad, you need

A. Menu file-create-font

B. Edit-insert-font

C. Format-font

11. How to put information on the clipboard?

A. Select a fragment, Edit →Copy

B. Select a fragment, Edit →Copy to file

C. Edit → Copy

12. How to get information from the clipboard?

A. Select a fragment, Edit →Cut

B. Select All →Edit →Paste

C. Edit → Paste

13. Copy menu key combination:

14. Paint is a program that allows you to:

A. Perform calculations

B. Process texts and pictures

C. Create and process drawings

15. The tools in the graphic editor are...

A. Line, circle, rectangle

B. Pencil, brush, eraser

C. Select, copy

16. Palettes in the graphic editor are...

A. Line, circle, rectangle

B. Pencil, brush, eraser

C. Color Sets

17. What is the tool for?on the toolbar of the graphic editor Paint?

B. To determine color;

C. To change the scale

18. What is the tool for?on the toolbar?

A. For color selection;

B. To set the attributes of the picture;.

C. To enter text;

19. What is the tool for? on the toolbar?

A. Changes line width

B. Paints with a brush

20. Before you start drawing you need to:

A. Select background color

B. Select tool

C. Select Tool Properties

21. If you hold Shift, then...

A. The fragment will be copied

B. The polygon will be regular

C. The fragment will be cut out

22. In order to Clear a drawing, you need to

A. Edit-delete

B. Edit - copy

C. Drawing-clear

23. In order to change the Palette, you need to:

A. Drawing - Attributes

B. Drawing - Palette

C. Palette – Change palette

24. You can use the FlipRotate command using a keyboard shortcut:

25. What is the name of the instrument?

A. Filling

B. Palette

C. Sprayer

Test Graphic editor Paint.

    To select a rectangular area of ​​the drawing;

    To select an area of ​​a free-form drawing;

    To enter text;

    For drawing a broken line.

    To enter text;

    For drawing rectangles;

    To select an area of ​​a free-form drawing;

    To select a rectangular area of ​​the drawing.

    To remove fragments of a picture;

    For drawing free-form lines;

    To enter text;

    To change the scale, view the picture.

    To set the active color as in the selected fragment of the picture;

    To fill closed areas with the selected color;

    To remove fragments of a picture;

    For drawing free-form lines.

    To select a fragment of any shape;

    To enter text;

    To draw a polygon;

    For drawing curves.

    To enter text;

    To select a color;

    To set the attributes of a picture;

    To save a fragment of a drawing.

    Which key must be held down when drawing in a graphics editor in order to get a circle rather than an ellipse?

    Which key must be held down when drawing in a graphics editor in order to get a square rather than a rectangle?

    How to change the background color in the Paint graphics editor?

    Single left-click on the desired color in the palette;

    Single right-click on the desired color in the palette;

    Double-click the left mouse button on the desired color in the palette;

    Double-click the right mouse button on the desired color in the palette.

TEST “Key assignment”

Question 1. Which key deletes the character to the right of the cursor?

1. Backspace
2. Delete
3. Insert

4. Page Up

Question 2. Which key turns insert (replace) mode on and off?

1. Num Lock
2. Tab
3. Insert
4. Enter

Question 3. Which key moves the cursor to the beginning of the line?

1. End
2. Page Up

4. Page Down

Question 4. What letter will be printed when you press the key combination Shift+S(ы) if the keyboard is in Russian capital letters mode?

1. capital letter S
2. small letter s
3. capital letter Y
4. small letter s

Question 5. What is the Num Lock key used for?

1. to turn uppercase/lowercase mode on and off
2. to turn on and off the digital mode of the small keyboard

3. to turn insert/replace mode on and off
4. to switch Russian/English language mode

Question 6. Which key moves the cursor down a page?

1. Page Down

2. Page Up
3. End
4. Tab

Question 7. Which key is used to cancel the selected action, to exit the menu?

1. Enter
2. Shift

3. Insert
4. Esc

Question 8. When you press which key, the cursor will not move?

1. Enter
2. Ctrl
3. Tab
4. space

Question 9. If you press the key combination Shift + 4 in Russian letters mode, it will print...

1. "$" sign
2. number "4"
3. sign ";"
4. all characters shown on this key will be printed

Question 10. What is the keyboard used for?

1. for entering alphanumeric and graphic information

2. for entering digital information and control commands

3. for entering alphabetical and audio information
4. for entering control commands and alphanumeric information

TEST “Working with files”

To rename a file you need to:

    select it

    right mouse button


    enter a new name

    press ENTER key

To copy a file you need to:

    select it

    right mouse button


To create a file you need:

    right mouse button

  1. select the type of file to be created

    enter his name

    press ENTER key

To open a file, double-click or:

    select it

    right mouse button

To close a file, click the button in the upper right corner of the screen

To delete a file you need to:

    select it

    right mouse button

  1. in the request window that appears, select YES

    select it

    press DEL key

    press ENTER key

TEST “Mastering the Windows system environment”

    To open NOTEBOOK you need to select:




    If a command is written in gray, then it


    Not available

    Automatically executed

    The menu bar contains:

    Character Headings

    Submenu headings

    If a command is ticked, it:


    Not available

    Automatically executed

    Does not run automatically

    What is not a window element:

    • Scroll arrows


      Menu bar

6. The image that appears on the screen after loading WINDOWS is called:



7. The window title contains:




8. Which key must be pressed to go to a new line?

9. The icons on the desktop are called:


10. The DELETE key deletes the character standing

Test By topic: "Device computer"

Option 1

1. A common property of Babbage's machine, the modern computer and the human brain is the ability to process:

A) numerical information; B) audio information;

B) text information; D) graphic information.

2. Mass production of personal computers began in:

A) 40s; IN) 80s;

B) 50s; G) 90s

3. Indicate the correct statement:

A) the computer consists of separate modules connected to each other by a backbone;

B) a computer is a single, indivisible device;

C) the components of the computer system are irreplaceable;

D) a computer system is capable of meeting the requirements of modern society indefinitely and does not need to be modernized.

4. Specify the computer device that processes information:

B) monitor; D) keyboard.

5. Computer performance depends on:

A) type of monitor; B) supply voltage;

B) processor frequencies; D) the speed of pressing the keys.

6. Which device has a harmful effect on human health? A) printer; B) system unit;

B) monitor; D) keyboard.

7. When you turn off the computer, all information is erased: A) on the floppy disk; B) on the hard drive;

B) on a CD-ROM disk; D) in RAM.

8. The smallest addressable element of RAM is: A) machine word; B) byte;

B) register; D) file.

9. The properties of ROM are:

A) only reading information; C) rewriting information;

B) energy dependence; D) short-term storage of information.

10. The main purpose of the hard drive:

A) transfer information;

B) store data that is not always in RAM;

B) process information;

D) enter information,

11. In order for the processor to be able to work with programs stored on the hard drive, it is necessary:

A) load them into RAM;

B) display them on the monitor screen;

B) load them into the processor;

D) open access.

12. Indicate devices that are not information input devices: A) keyboard; B) monitor;

B) mouse; D) scanner.

13. Specify a statement that characterizes a dot matrix printer: A) high printing speed; B) silent operation;

B) high quality printing; D) presence of a print head.

14. Keyboard is:

15. The key completes entering the command:

A) Shift; B) space;

B) Vasksrace; D) Enteg.

16. Punctuation marks are printed:

A) with the Shift key;;

B) by simply pressing a key

B) with the Alt key;

D) with the Stl key.

17. Acoustic speakers are:

A) audio information processing device;

B) audio information output device;

B) a device for storing audio information;

D) audio information input device.

Test By topic: "Device computer"

Option 2

1. The first computers were created in:

A) 40s; B) 70s;

B) 50s; D) 80s

2. Which device has the fastest information exchange speed?

A) CD-ROM drive; B) floppy drive;

B) hard drive; D) RAM chips.

3. Specify true saying:

A) The motherboard contains only those blocks that process information, and the circuits that control all other computer devices are implemented on separate boards and are inserted into standard connectors on the motherboard;

B) The motherboard contains all the blocks that receive, process and output information using electrical signals and to which all the necessary input/output devices can be connected;

C) On the motherboard there is a system data bus, to which adapters and controllers are connected, allowing the computer to communicate with input/output devices;

D) All devices of the computer system are located on the motherboard and communication between them is carried out through a backbone.

4. What device is designed to store information?

A) external memory; B) processor;

B) monitor; D) keyboard.

5. In order to preserve information, floppy disks must be protected from: A) cold; B) magnetic fields;

B) light; D) changes in atmospheric pressure.

6. The processor processes information:

A) in the decimal number system;

B) in binary code;

B) in BASIC language;

D) in text form.

7. In which direction from the monitor is the maximum harmful radiation? A) from the screen forward; B) from the screen down;

B) from the screen back; D) from the screen up.

8. Processor speed is characterized by: A) the number of operations per second;

B) the number of programs running simultaneously;

C) the time of organizing communication between the ALU and RAM;

D) dynamic characteristics of input/output devices.

9. Smallest addressable part of RAM:

A) bit; B) file;

B) kilobyte; D) byte.

10. A characteristic property of RAM is:

A) energy dependence;

B) energy independence;

B) rewriting information;

D) long-term storage of information.

11. To transfer information use:

A) floppy disk; B) disk drive;

B) RAM; D) processor.

12. During execution the program is:

B) on the keyboard; D) on the hard drive.

13. Indicate the concepts characteristic of an inkjet printer: A) low print quality; B) ink;

B) laser beam; D) print head with rods.

14. A mouse is:

A) information output device;

B) symbolic information input device;

B) manipulator type input device;

D) information storage device.

15. Specify a device that is not an output device:

A) monitor; B) printer;

B) keyboard; D) sound speakers.

16. Purpose of the Vask keysrace:

A) entering a command;

B) deleting the character to the left of the cursor;

B) printing capital characters;

D) go to the top of the page.

17. A scanner is:

A) information processing device;

B) information storage device;

B) a device for entering information from paper;

D) a device for outputting information onto paper.

"Computer device".

Question 1. A computer is -

1. device for processing analog signals;

2. a device for storing information of any kind.

3. multifunctional electronic device for working with information;

4. an electronic computing device for processing numbers;

Question 2. Computer performance (speed of operations) depends on:

1. processor clock speed;

2. volume of information processed.

3. speed of pressing the keys;

4. monitor screen size;

Question 3. A system of interconnected technical devices that input, store, process and output information is called:

1. software;

2. computer software;

3. hardware.

4. system support;

Question 4. Device for visual reproduction of symbolic and graphic information -

1. processor; 2. keyboard.

3. scanner; 4. monitor;

Question 5. Which device is not located in the system unit?

1. video card 2. processor;

3. scanner; 4. hard drive;

5. network card;

Question 6. A disk drive is a device for

1. reading/writing data from external media;

2. storing commands of the executable program.

3. long-term storage of information;

4. processing commands of the executable program;

Question 7. Which device is not a peripheral?

1. hard drive; 2. printer;

3. scanner. 4.modem;

5. web -camera;

Question 8. A printer with an ink print head that, under pressure, ejects ink from a rowand the smallest holes in paper are called

1. sublimation; 2. matrix.

3. jet; 4. hard;

5. laser;

Question 9. A program is a sequence...

1. commands for the computer; 2. electrical impulses;

3. zeros and ones ; 4. text characters;

Question 10. When you turn off the computer, all information is lost...

1. on a floppy disk; 2. on the hard drive;

3. on CD-ROM disk ; 4. in RAM;

Question 11. For long-term storage of user information, the following is used:

1. external memory; 2. processor;

3. disk drive ; 4. RAM;

Question 12: Before turning off the computer, you can save information:

1. in RAM; 2. in external memory;

3. in processor registers; 4. on the disk drive ;

Question 13. The smallest addressable part of computer memory:

1. byte; 2.bit; 3.file; 4.machine word;

Question 14. The magnetic disk is intended for:

1. information processing; 2.information storage ations ;

3.Input information; 4. information output;

Question 15. Where is the currently running program and the data it processes stored?

1. in external memory; 2. in RAM;

3. in the processor ; 4. on the input device;

Question 16. A compact disc designed for repeated recording of new information is called:

1. CD-ROM;

2. CD-RW;


4. CD - R ;

Question 17. A program is...

1. processed information presented in the computer memory in a special form;

2. an electronic circuit that controls the operation of an external device;

3. description of the sequence of actions that the computer must perform to solve the given data processing task;

4. a software-controlled device for performing any type of work with information;

Question 18. Information is called data if it is represented...

1. in the form of text from a textbook;

2. in numerical form;

3. in binary computer code;

4. in the form of commands for the computer.

100% - 95% (18-17 points) - mark “5”

94% - 75% (16-13 points) - mark “4”

74% - 51% (12-9 points) - mark “3”

less than 50% (less than 9 points) - mark “2” with subsequent retake, but the final mark will be one point lower.

Key to the test paper

Goal: to consolidate and control students’ knowledge on the topic “PC Devices”, to develop the ability to work independently.
1. Select your input device:
A) Monitor;
B) System unit;
B) Keyboard;
D) Mouse.
2. Select an output device:
A) Monitor;
B) System unit;
B) Keyboard;
D) Mouse.
3. Select a device for storing and processing information:
A) Monitor;
B) System unit;
B) Keyboard;
D) Mouse.
4. Select a cursor control device:
A) Monitor;
B) System unit;
B) Keyboard;
D) Mouse.
5. A printer is a device for...
A) entering information into a computer from paper;
B) displaying information on paper;
C) displaying information on a computer screen;
D) output of audio information.
6. Printers are:
A) laser;
B) matrix and inkjet;
B) inkjet and laser;
7. Types of monitors:

D) inkjet, matrix, laser.
8. Types of system units:
A) monitors on a cathode ray tube, liquid crystal, touch;
B) Horizontal and vertical;
B) wired and wireless;
D) mechanical, optical.
9. Optical and mechanical are:
A) Monitors;
B) Mice;
B) Keyboards;
D) System units.
10. The keyboard consists of the following blocks:
A) alphanumeric, official;
B) alphanumeric, service, additional, functional, cursor control keys;
C) alphanumeric, additional, functional, cursor control keys;
D) alphanumeric, service, additional, cursor control keys.

11. The first mouse was from...:
A) Trees;
B) Stone;
B) Plastics;
D) Gland.
12. In what part of the system unit is the video card located:
A) On the back panel;
B) On the front panel;
B) In the internal;
D) On the top panel.
13. Power supply, motherboard, processor - these are the components:
A) Monitor;
B) Printer;
B) Keyboards;
D) System unit.
14. To connect to the Internet you need:
A) Printer;
B) Web camera;
B) Modem;
D) Headphones.
15. To work with audio information you need:
A) Speakers, headphones, microphone;
B) Columns;
B) Headphones;
D) Microphone.
16. Select the main advantage of cathode ray tube monitors:
A) they are colored;

D) they are sensory.
17. Select the main advantage of LCD monitors:
A) they are colored;
B) they consume less electricity;
C) image quality is better;
D) they are sensory.
18. Select an additional computer device:
A) Columns;
B) Monitor;
B) Mouse;
D) Keyboard.
19. Select the main computer device:
A) Columns;
B) Modem;
B) Printer;
D) System unit.
20. Primary and additional devices are connected to...
A) Monitor;
B) System unit;
B) Keyboard;
D) Printer.
21. The keys from F1 to F12 are called:
A) alphanumeric;
B) official;
B) cursor keys;
D) functional.

Correct answer codes.
No. Right answer
1 V
2 A
3 B
4 G
5 B
6 G
7 A
8 B
9 B
10 B
11 A
12 V
13 G
14 V
15 A
16 V
17 B
18 A
19 G
20 B
21 G

From 0 to 10 points – score “2”
From 11 to 15 points – score “3”
From 16 to 19 points – score “4”
From 20 to 21 points – score “5”