Emergency phone numbers for children. "112" is a single emergency number. How to call an ambulance from a mobile phone

03 may not give the desired result - some mobile phones do not support dialing numbers consisting of 2 digits.

Remember also that calls from mobile phones of any cellular operator to emergency service numbers (ambulance, police, fire and rescue, emergency gas service) are free. You can complete them even with a zero balance.

In addition to the above numbers, you can also use the single emergency number - 112. You can call this number if your SIM card is blocked, or if it is not there at all, as well as if you have a zero or negative balance.

Calling the right ambulance can reduce your wait time and possibly save the victim's life. Try to convey information to the operator as clearly and clearly as possible. You will definitely be asked certain questions that will take some time, so if the situation is really extreme and there are several victims, it is worth reporting this immediately, without waiting for the question. In addition, in the most serious cases, you can immediately call rescuers (01 from the city, 010 - MTS and Megafon, 001 - Beeline, 901 - Sky Link), they will call the ambulance themselves.

In large cities, the waiting time for an ambulance should not be more than 20 minutes. In small settlements there is no such exact figure, but assistance must be provided immediately. If you are suddenly unfairly denied an ambulance, immediately report it to the police.

Video on the topic


  • how to call an ambulance from a mobile phone in the region
  • Emergency telephones, children's ambulance telephone

If your child gets sick, do not self-medicate and guess why this could happen - call the pediatrician immediately. There are many dangerous diseases that can have serious consequences if you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner.


If an illness occurs on weekdays and hours, call the children's clinic and have a doctor come to your home. State his full name, age, home address and illnesses. The pediatrician will visit you during the day, examine the child and prescribe an examination or write a referral to the hospital. You need to wait for the doctor and provide him with access, especially if you live in a private house and have... The dogs need to be locked, the gates need to be opened.

If a child falls ill in the evening, on weekends or holidays, when the children's clinic is closed, call an ambulance immediately. Also, an ambulance should be called if there is a high temperature or shortness of breath, cyanosis of the skin, nasolabial triangle or redness appears, the child has lost consciousness, been burned or injured, that is, in all cases when there is no time to wait for a pediatrician from the clinic and the child needs immediate medical attention. Send one of your relatives or neighbors to meet the ambulance, turn on the lights near the entrance or house, remove the dogs and get ready for a trip to the hospital.

In some cases, if you wish, you can go to private medical clinics or pay for the services of a private family doctor who will visit you on the first call. This option is suitable for wealthy people and does not cancel calling an ambulance in emergency situations. The only thing that can be changed is to go with the child for treatment in a private clinic or in a paid ward of a regular hospital.


  • call a pediatrician

The procedure for calling an ambulance in Moscow the same as in any other city in Russia. If there is a need for her services, you only need to use the phone, dial the desired number and explain to the person on duty what happened and how to find you.


Pick up the handset from a landline telephone if you need to call an ambulance in a residential building, office or other place where there is a landline telephone. The procedure is similar if you are using a payphone. In this case, you don’t need a card: calls to all emergency services (police, gas emergency service, rescue service) from payphones are free.

When you hear a continuous buzzer, dial 03 and wait for an answer.

Dial 03 on the keypad of your mobile phone and press the call key if you are a Beeline subscriber.

Dial 030 on the keypad of your mobile phone if you are an MTS or Megafon subscriber.

Wait for a response.

Be prepared to say yours if you are calling an ambulance for yourself or another person who needs help. If you call an ambulance for a stranger who cannot speak (for example, is unconscious), try to give at least an approximate age. For example, he looks about thirty years old, unconscious.

Give the address where the ambulance should arrive. If you call doctors to your home, give the house number, the building, if any, and the apartment itself, and the intercom code.

If you or another person needs an ambulance on the street, try to look at the address of the nearest house (its number and street name) or ask passersby about it. Or use other landmarks: metro station, name of a shopping center, etc. The main thing is that the team that goes to the call must know exactly where to look for you, and the dispatcher must orient them correctly.

Please also tell the person on duty the telephone number where the ambulance team can contact you. If both landline and mobile are available, give both.

Helpful advice

In emergency cases, medical care in Moscow, as well as in Russia as a whole, is provided free of charge. However, it is better to always have your passport and compulsory health insurance policy, or at least photocopies of them, with you.


  • how to call an ambulance from the city

Severe traumatic brain injury, acute pain, massive bleeding and other life-threatening conditions require emergency medical attention. It is provided by employees of a special organization called “Emergency Medical Care”. How to call them?

You will need

  • - telephone


To call an ambulance, dial 03 on your phone. If you are calling from a mobile phone and this combination of numbers is not supported by the operator, try dialing 030303 or 030. In case of a negative balance, you can call an ambulance by calling the Unified Rescue Service - 112.

Clearly describe to the dispatcher the situation that forced you to seek help. State the gender and age of the victim/illness, main complaints, and current condition. Dictate the address to which the medical team should go. If you are on the street or in an area unknown to you, name the main landmarks by which the ambulance driver will find you. Leave your phone number to the dispatcher; they may need it to clarify any details of the information.

If you are in, clear the passage for the ambulance team. Prepare a chair for the doctor or paramedic, and a place for a bag with equipment and medications. Find the patient's medical records, cardiograms. Remember the medications he constantly takes, as well as medications to which he has had an allergic reaction. Write down the information on paper to share with your doctor.

Meet emergency personnel near the entrance if possible.

Answer all questions asked by health care providers honestly. Do not hide the fact of alcohol abuse, drug abuse, registration at a psychoneurological dispensary. Describe all the circumstances that preceded the deterioration of the condition. If you tried to help the person yourself before the specialists arrived, tell the doctor or paramedic about this.

Be polite. Remember that the health status of the victim depends on the ambulance staff.

Video on the topic

Mandatory medical care under the compulsory medical insurance policy helps to obtain a list of certain services. When a patient is called on weekdays and at certain hours, a general practitioner or pediatrician comes to the home. If you need to receive medical care at another time or call a specialist at home, you can contact a private clinic, where paid services are provided at any convenient time of the day or night.


Wealthy patients can afford to call a doctor of any specialty to their home at any time convenient for them. At home, receive not only a paid consultation and basic treatment recommendations, but also, if necessary, conduct a number of laboratory tests and perform an ECG. A doctor can make a diagnosis not only from private medical clinics. All clinics provide both free medical services based on the existing compulsory insurance policy, and paid ones. For example, a specialist is not required to respond to a patient’s call; if there is only a compulsory medical insurance policy, a general practitioner will come to the call. If the patient is willing to pay, a doctor of any specialty can leave the clinic and provide services that can be provided at home.

If you have a landline phone at hand, call an ambulance by number “03”. You can call an ambulance from your mobile phone by dialing “030” or “112”. The dispatcher must state the reason for the call, the gender and age of the victim. Then, using a special program, he will determine which medical profile is best to send. For various symptoms, a linear, cardiological, psychiatric or pediatric team, an ambulance, etc. go to the patient.

If the description of the situation does not require emergency measures, the call may be forwarded to the emergency department of the nearest clinic. The dispatcher also needs to provide the full address and telephone number for contact. In response, he reports that the call has been accepted, names the time it was registered and repeats the address for control.

Having called an ambulance, you need to prepare for their arrival. If it’s already dark or the area is difficult to navigate, you should meet a car on the street. It is important to check that the intercom is turned on and to lock or tie up animals so that they do not interfere with the work of doctors.

The internal rules of ambulance work do not require doctors or paramedics to take off their shoes or take off their outer clothing in the apartment. It is only permissible to offer them to put on shoe covers if they are available in the home first aid kit. It is worth keeping in mind that assistance may be needed to transport the patient, and two people may be required to accompany him. When going to the hospital, it is important to take your passport, insurance policy and money for the return trip.



20.11.2013 №360

On amendments to the Russian system and numbering plan, approved by order of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2006 No. 1422

In accordance with Part 3 of Article 26 of the Federal Law of July 7, 2003 No. 126-FZ “On Communications” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, No. 28, Art. 2895; No. 52, Art. 5038; 2004, No. 35, Art. 3607; Art. 2005, Art. 1752; Art. 636; Art. 3431; 1, art. 8; 2008, no. 1941; 2010, no. 705; Art. 3408; Art. 2011; Art. 901; Art. 3535; 4284, Art. 4590; Art. 4333; Art. 7351; ; 2013, No. 19, Art. 2326; No. 27, Art. 3450), as well as subparagraph 5.2.10 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 2, 2008 No. 418 (Collection of Legislation Russian Federation, 2008, art. 4825; 2009, art. 378; 2010, No. 13, Art. 1502; No. 26, art. 3350; No. 30, art. 4099; No. 31, art. 4251; 2011, No. 2, art. 338; No. 3, art. 542; No. 6, art. 888; No. 14, art. 1935; No. 21, art. 2965; No. 44, art. 6272; No. 49, art. 7283; 2012, No. 20, art. 2540; No. 37, art. 5001; No. 39, art. 5270; No. 46, art. 6347; 2013, No. 13, Art. 1568; No. 33, art. 4386),


1. Introduce into the Russian system and numbering plan approved by order of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2006 No. 142 “On approval and implementation of the Russian system and numbering plan” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 8, 2006 , registration No. 8572) as amended by the orders of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2008 No. 118 “On amendments to the order of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2006 No. 142” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation February 2, 2009, registration No. 13237), dated July 15, 2011 No. 187 “On amendments to the order of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2006 No. 142” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 17, 2011, registration No. 21646) and dated June 15, 2012 No. 158 “On introducing changes to the Russian system and numbering plan, approved by order of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2006 No. 142” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 6, 2012 , registration No. 24829), the following changes:

a) paragraph 32 shall be supplemented with the words “as well as the numbers of the relevant emergency operational services: “101”, “102”, “103”, “104.”;

b) paragraph 32 1 should be stated as follows:

"32. 1 For access of subscribers and users of mobile and fixed telephone services:

the “Child in Danger” telephone line uses the same numbers “121”, “123”;

to the unified citizen support service for consultations when receiving state and municipal services electronically, a single number “115” is used.”;

c) paragraph 46 should be supplemented with the following paragraph:

“Number format for access to the corresponding emergency operational services: “101”, “102”, “103”, “104.”;

d) in paragraph 1 of Table No. 3 to the Russian Numbering Plan in the column “Value of the DEF code”, replace the numbers “970-979” with the numbers “972-979”;

e) in paragraph 12 of Table No. 4 to the Russian Numbering Plan, the column “Name of telecommunication services” should be stated as follows: “Access to telematic communication services”;

f) in paragraph 13 of Table No. 4 to the Russian Numbering Plan, the column “Name of telecommunication service” should be stated as follows: “Access to communication services for data transmission”;

g) in Table No. 7 to the Russian Numbering Plan, paragraphs 1 and 2 should be stated as follows:

1. 100-109 Range for 3-digit numbers of federal services
100 Time service
101 Fire protection and emergency response service
102 Police
103 Ambulance Service
104 Gas network emergency service
105-109 Reserve
2. 110-119 Numbers of services introduced in the Russian Federation for the purpose of harmonization with European legislation in the field of communications
110-111 Reserve
112 Unified emergency call number
113 Reserve
114 Reserve
115 Unified citizen support service for consultations when receiving state and municipal services electronically
116ХХBlocking electronic payment cards
117 Reserve
118ХХAccess number to the information and reference systems of the local telephone operator
119 Reserve

h) in paragraph 3 of Table No. 7 to the Russian Numbering Plan in line “122”, the column “Assignment of a range of numbers for access and service numbers” should be stated as follows: “Reserve”.

2. Send this order for state registration to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

Minister N.A. Nikiforov

Accidents can happen anywhere, at any time. This can happen to you when you move around the Russian Federation and the countries of the European Union or while at home.

In case you are in an emergency situation, or witness an accident, fire, burglary, you can call 112 to report the problem.

In Russia, number 112 is a single number for calling emergency services:

Fire Department;


Emergency medical services;


Number 112 is available free of charge. If you are outside the reception area of ​​your network, in the event of an emergency, you can dial “112” and the phone will search for an emergency number within the networks available in the region. Number 112 can also be dialed without money in your account and even without a SIM card in your phone.

112 does not replace existing emergency numbers; you can also call 01, 02, 03, 04 from a landline and 101, 102, 103 and 104 from a mobile phone.

The number 112 is also a single European emergency telephone number, available throughout the European Union (EU), free of charge.

The 112 number is used in some non-EU countries (such as Switzerland and South Africa) and is available worldwide on GSM mobile phone networks.

When can you call 112?

Number 112 in Russia is intended for use in emergency situations and for obtaining advice on security issues and methods of protection against emergency situations.

If you have an emergency or problem that requires immediate assistance from first responders. Just dial 112 and they will help you. Do not call 112 in cases of receiving information of a nature other than an emergency. There are other phone numbers for this, look them up in phone books.

Children should also be taught how to call 112.

What should you do when you call 112?

Stay calm and speak clearly. Notify the system operator-112 that you have a problem that requires immediate response:

Fire Department;

Emergency response;


Emergency medical services;

Emergency gas network service;


The operator will ask you to answer some questions. You must answer all questions, the main thing is to be calm. They will definitely come to your aid.

Be prepared to answer the operator's questions in detail. In a life-threatening situation, the operator will continue to ask questions while first responders head to the scene.

Examples of emergency situations when you should call 112?

In all cases that are happening now or have just happened:

In the entrance, on the floor, there is a strong smell of gas from the apartment;

Road traffic accident;

You have become a victim of domestic violence;

You witnessed a crime;

There is a breach of public order;

Emergency medical assistance is required.

Goals of creating the system-112

The main goals of creating the 112 system in the Russian Federation are:

Organization of calls to emergency services using the “one window” principle;

Organization of a set of measures to ensure faster response and improved interaction between emergency services during calls (incident reports);

Implementation of the requirements for harmonizing the method of calling emergency services in the Russian Federation with the legislation of the European Union.

Purpose of the system-112

System-112 is designed to provide information support to unified duty and dispatch services of municipalities and to solve the following main tasks:

Receiving calls (incident reports) by number “112”;

Receiving from the telecom operator information about the location of the person who called “112” and (or) the subscriber device from which the call was made (reporting an incident), as well as other data necessary to ensure a response to the call (reporting an incident) ;

Analysis of incoming information about the incident;

Sending information about incidents, including calls (reports of incidents), to the duty dispatch services of emergency operational services in accordance with their competence to organize an emergency response;

Providing remote psychological support to a person who contacted “112”;

Automatic restoration of connection with the user (terminal) equipment of the person who called “112” in the event of a sudden connection interruption;

Registration of all incoming and outgoing calls (incident reports) by number “112”;

Maintaining a database of the main characteristics of incidents, the beginning, completion and main results of emergency response to received calls (incident reports);

Ability to receive calls (incident reports) in foreign languages.

The main number for calling emergency medical services in Moscow is the number 103 (call from landline and mobile phone)

In addition, there is number 112 - calls from mobile phones; works when the SIM card is blocked, in the absence of a SIM card, and also in the absence of funds on the phone account. Operators respond in both Russian and English.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Specialists of the Emergency Medical Aid Station named after. A.S. Puchkova is always ready to come to your aid in word and deed. However, it is important to know in which cases it would be right to call an ambulance, and in which cases, we have no doubt, you can cope on your own.

The most common is of course calls due to high temperature during colds and flu. Temperature varies. Everything that is not higher than 39-40 degrees can often be cured on your own and, in general, is a normal protective reaction of the body to the presence of viruses in it and passes in 2-3 days. This is the case when the local doctor of your clinic will always help you, and before his visit, simple and well-known therapy at home. The rest (higher temperature and a longer period of exacerbation) is a good reason to call a team of doctors (paramedic) to your home.

If we are talking about an acute pathology, a sudden illness, a sharp deterioration in the condition of a chronic patient, or a serious injury - of course, you need to immediately call “103”. If help is required for a patient suffering from one or another chronic disease without an exacerbation, No the need to contact emergency medicine specialists is not their prerogative.

The fact is that ambulance teams do not have the right to prescribe systemic treatment and drugs for regular use (for example, for hypertension, etc.), leave any certificates and write prescriptions. In case of chronic diseases, it is important to constantly monitor the patient, to be able to assess his condition over time, and, if necessary, to adjust therapy (replacing the drug or its dosage). If there are no indications for inpatient treatment, the patient must be observed by a local doctor or specialist doctors at a district clinic. An ambulance can only provide one-time (emergency) assistance, which is not always right for the patient. Therefore, there is no need to unnecessarily expose your body to potent drugs (and these are what emergency workers mainly use, because they are not faced with the task of long-term systemic treatment.

Often, after completing a call, ambulance workers leave a so-called “asset to the clinic,” that is, they call the local or on-duty doctor from the district clinic to the patient. But this you can do it yourself, without forcing the team to travel to the patient only to then call and get a local police officer for him. The doctor from the clinic will come on weekends and holidays. Moreover, a doctor should be called from the clinic at the patient’s actual location, regardless of where he is registered and which clinic he is attached to, whether the patient has an insurance policy or not - the doctor will come to the house in any case.

For a minor injury that is not life-threatening, you should go to the emergency room yourself at your place of residence - they will provide full assistance and prescribe further treatment. If the emergency room doctor deems it necessary to carry out further treatment in a hospital, he will write a referral and call a team to transport the patient to the hospital.

There are 24-hour emergency departments for children and adults to provide assistance to the population in connection with diseases that do not require emergency hospitalization (fever, cough, runny nose, headache, etc.). A qualified doctor (pediatrician or therapist) responds to calls and can provide emergency medical care at home and give recommendations. In cases where the doctor suspects a disease requiring hospital treatment, he will give a referral or call an ambulance for medical evacuation of the patient.

There is basic information that the dispatcher will need when receiving a call. As a rule, the connection with the operator “103” occurs within a few seconds, however, by calling the number “103” during the hours of mass calls, you can hear the information from the answering machine: “Hello. You have called the Unified Dispatch Center for Ambulance and Emergency Medical Care of the city of Moscow , please do not hang up, we will answer you as soon as possible." If this happens, you must wait for the operator’s response. After the operator has answered you, please provide the following information:

What happened (answer as fully as possible to the questions that the ambulance dispatcher will ask you). This will help determine which team (ambulance or emergency) you need at the moment or whether you need to consult a doctor by phone
- phone number from which you are calling
- the address where the patient is located (in cases where the patient is on the street, it is necessary to indicate clear landmarks; in cases of calling to an apartment, indicate: the place of the closest entrance to the house, the number of the entrance, floor, combination lock)
- last name, first name, patronymic (if known)
- date of birth (if known) or age of the patient
- caller's surname

Clear and complete answers to these questions will help the ambulance team quickly reach the sick or injured person. You should indicate the access routes to your home if they are difficult (road repairs, for example). If the incident did not occur in the apartment, then the exact landmarks and access routes should be indicated! If possible, organize a meeting for the arriving brigade and indicate where and who will meet the brigade.

After the dispatcher checks the address and phone number again (the dispatcher must clarify Moscow district to eliminate errors). Next, he says which team has been sent to you (ambulance or emergency medical care team) or he switches you to the doctor at the advisory panel to clarify the situation.

After being received by Service 103 and immediately processed at the Dispatch Center, the call is transferred to the Substation closest to the patient. In Moscow today there are 58 of them. Dozens of teams are on duty at the Substation around the clock, ready for urgent departure.

After you call “103” the dispatcher will decide which team to send to you. At many substations, in addition to linear teams, there are specialized teams. This could be: a pediatric, psychiatric team, etc. In order to make it easier for the dispatcher to figure out which specialist is needed for your specific call, you must clearly and correctly report what happened. Even in the case of a road traffic accident (RTA), it is necessary to indicate the approximate number of victims, if there are children among the victims or not, etc.

The problem of accessibility and access of the ambulance team to the patient is one of the most important in our work. Ambulances are equipped with blue flashing lights and a specialized sound signal, which allows them to have priority on city roads. However, not all road users treat the lights and sirens on properly. It is not uncommon today that some drivers strive to organize “racing competitions” with ambulance cars, endangering the lives of ambulance staff, the patient in the car and their own lives. When entering narrow alleys, our teams are faced with the problem of getting to the required address, because... sometimes the entire passage is blocked by private cars. Car owners would do well to think about preserving the passage for ambulances or any other emergency services.

It often happens that the brigade is given an inaccurate address. If possible, the patient’s relatives should meet the team at the entrance to make it easier for the Ambulance team to find the address, or indicate their address as accurately as possible with a clear answer to the dispatcher’s question 103. Sometimes citizens calling the Ambulance do not provide the code lock or intercom number, which also leads to to delay the arrival of the brigade.

An urgent request for citizens, who have pets, remove your pets before the ambulance arrives. Your friend may become very nervous and inadequately accept the presence of the team, he may rush at the 103 employees, and then he will have to provide assistance not only to the patient, but also to our employees. The damage received during encounters with some pets can be more severe than the disease for which the team arrived.

Lonely people may be advised to contact neighbors who might be able to meet the ambulance crew.

If something happened to you or your friends and you have transport and the patient’s condition allows you to get to a nearby hospital on your own, then you can do this without waiting for an ambulance to arrive. In any hospital in the city you will be admitted and given first aid, and if necessary, hospitalized.