Tariffs for data transmission using Thuraya IP. Two-way satellite Internet VSAT Two-way satellite Internet vsat

Telephone communications and the Internet operating via satellite have long become a part of modern life. VSAT technology, created on the basis of experimental developments in the 60s of the last century, has become widespread in the new century. You can buy satellite equipment in our online store.

How does satellite communication work?

The process requires three components: a satellite, a relay signal, the operator's network control center and the client's equipment. The main link is a powerful complex for receiving and transmitting information flows, which is at the disposal of a central ground node.

The system is based on the use of the following satellite equipment:

Our online store offers a wide range of equipment for organizing high-quality satellite communications and data transmission at speeds up to 30 Mbit/s.

This system was first used in Alaska, and has been actively used around the world since the 90s. It consists in organizing data transmission via geostationary satellites. The first antenna models had dimensions of up to 9 m, but today these are devices up to 2.5 m in diameter and belong to the class of small satellite stations.

We have in our assortment several modifications of various VSAT components for building an individual satellite station of the configuration you need. And to consult on this matter and choose the necessary model according to the parameters, call us. We will select the necessary model for you.

Having trouble choosing? You

Satellite broadband provides high speed upstream and downstream traffic and meets any requirement for accessing multimedia Internet applications.

This service is aimed at small and medium-sized businesses and individual users (HOME and SOHO) and provided anywhere in Russia(!) VSAT network.

Two-way Internet via satellite is:

  • high-speed Internet access (outgoing traffic up to 819 kbit/s, incoming traffic up to 2 Mbit/s);
  • the ability to connect to remote offices and branches;
  • a single Internet provider for all branches and offices;
  • complete independence from terrestrial channels;
  • wide coverage area (the entire territory of Russia);
  • full compatibility with all platforms;
  • speed of deployment and scalability (expandability);
  • no last mile problem;
  • flexible tariff policy;
  • 24 hour customer support service.

Two-way satellite Internet does not require a terrestrial return link, since the reception and transmission of data to the satellite is carried out by one set of equipment.

Bidirectional satellite access to the Internet using the LinkStar subscriber terminal provides data transmission in the direction from the Subscriber to the System Center (request channel) at a speed of 1024 Kbit/sec, and in the direction from the System Center to the Subscriber (response channel) up to 10 Mbit/sec.

The hardware implementation of the network equipment meets the requirements of the open standard for DVB-RCS systems.

Advantages of two-way Internet:

  1. High data transfer rates;
  2. Complete independence from terrestrial communication channels;
  3. Wide coverage area (almost the entire territory of the CIS, part of Eastern Europe and Asia);
  4. Compactness, simplicity and low cost of subscriber equipment;
  5. QoS system (quality of service management);
  6. Control and management of the operation of subscriber terminals is carried out from the HeliosNet system control center.

Possibility of providing additional services:

  1. High-speed satellite Internet access;
  2. Sending and receiving email;
  3. Guaranteed file delivery;
  4. News and content transmission services;
  5. Distance education and video conferencing;
  6. Organization of corporate Intranet and Extranet networks;
  7. Organization of virtual private networks (VPN);
  8. Connection and operation of POS terminals;
  9. VoIP.

Prices and tariffs

Tariff plan "Individual"

Unlimited tariffs with a fixed monthly subscription fee.
For small businesses and individuals.

All prices include VAT.

Tariff plan "Corporate"

For corporate clients

Rate Forward/reverse channel speed Traffic Price Cost of additional traffic
Name Kbps Volume of included traffic, GB Subscription fee, rub.* 1 MB, rub.
Reserve up to 1024 / up to 256 2 7000 10
Start up to 1024 / up to 256 3 10000 5
Standard up to 2048/ up to 819 5 15000 3
Assets up to 2048/ up to 819 10 28700 2,6
Maxi up to 2048/ up to 819 25 65200 2,5

*per one subscriber terminal

All prices include VAT.

Cost of equipment, installation and connection of satellite terminals.

Cost of satellite terminal

depending on the VSAT configuration (selected antenna diameter, transceiver power, modem type, presence of telephone module, cable length):
ranges from 60 000 before 100 000 rubles (excluding VAT).

Cost of VSAT installation and connection

calculated for each Client on an individual project according to the Client’s specific tasks and requirements.
Approximately from 15 000 rubles

You can find out the cost of the satellite terminal and connection for you by sending us your application



VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal)- a small satellite earth station, that is, a terminal with a small antenna. Used in satellite communications since the early 90s.

According to the international classification, VSAT includes satellite stations with antennas less than 2.5 meters. As a rule, VSAT uses a simplified procedure for obtaining frequency permits.

NEIS-Telecom Siberia employees install a 1.8 m VSAT antenna

Setting up the VSAT GILAT 1.2m antenna at the Biysk traffic police

Typical VSAT installation 1.2 m

Mobile point SB RF antenna VSAT 1.2 m


The emergence of VSAT is associated with an experimental satellite telephone network in Alaska, created in the late 60s during experiments with the ATS-1 satellite. The network consisted of 25 earth stations installed in small villages. The experiment was successful and was continued. It is worth noting that at that time the “smallest” satellite station had an antenna with a diameter of 9 m and cost about 500 thousand dollars.

Further development and reduction in cost of VSAT systems led to the creation by Equatorial of cost-effective satellite communication systems based on VSAT, which gave impetus to the emergence of new companies offering VSAT equipment. The market began to develop rapidly, and competition on it increased sharply. Finally, the whales of the telecommunications business paid attention to the market and, without further ado, began to buy companies that were successfully developing in the market. American telecommunications giant AT&T acquired Tridom. Ku-band VSAT pioneer Linkabit has merged with M/A-COM, which has become a leading supplier of VSAT equipment. Hughes Communications subsequently acquired the division from M/A-COM.

This is how Hughes Network Systems was born. Scientific-Atlanta, a manufacturer of large satellite communications stations, entered the VSAT equipment business with the acquisition of Adcom. GTE Spacenet initially provided VSAT services using equipment from other suppliers. Equatorial merged with Contel in 1987, which simultaneously acquired the VSAT division of Comsat. And in 1991, GTE Sapacenet acquired Contel. In 1987, the company's founders created a new company - Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd. for VSAT production. Thus, a main pool of players in the VSAT production market was formed, which continues to this day.


VSAT consists of two main parts, ODU (OutDoorUnit) - an external unit, that is, an antenna and a transceiver, usually 1-2 W and IDU (InDoorUnit) - an internal unit or satellite modem.

An outdoor unit (ODU) is an outdoor unit installed at the antenna focal point that transmits modulated radio signals to and from the hub via satellite. The ODU consists of a solid-state amplifier (SSPB, BUC), a low-noise block (LNB) downconverter, and a polarization selector (OMT). BUC and LNB are connected to separate OMT ports. This configuration allows the reception of a signal with a certain type of polarization and the transmission of a signal with a different type of polarization, usually orthogonal. The interconnect cable has F-type connectors. Factory VSAT antennas are equipped with a feed and OMT.

An internal unit (IDU) is a small tabletop device that converts information passing between analog communications on the satellite and local devices such as telephones, computer networks, PCs, TVs, etc. In addition to the basic conversion programs, IDUs may also contain additional features such as security, network acceleration, and other features.

Work principles

A VSAT-based satellite communication network includes three main elements: a central earth station (if necessary), a relay satellite and VSAT user terminals.

The central earth station in a satellite communications network performs the functions of a central node and provides control of the operation of the entire network, redistribution of its resources, fault detection, tariffing of network services and interfacing with terrestrial communication lines. Typically, the central station is installed in the network node that receives the most traffic. This could be, for example, the main office or computer center of a company in corporate networks, or a large city in a regional network.

VSAT subscriber station A VSAT subscriber terminal usually includes an antenna-feeder device, an external external RF unit and an internal unit (modem). The external unit is a small transceiver or receiver. The internal unit ensures the connection of the satellite channel with the user's terminal equipment (computer, LAN server, telephone, fax PBX, etc.).

VSAT network relay satellites are built on the basis of geostationary relay satellites. This makes it possible to simplify the design of user terminals as much as possible and equip them with simple fixed antennas without a satellite tracking system. The satellite receives the signal from the earth station, amplifies it and sends it back to Earth. The most important characteristics of a satellite are the power of onboard transmitters and the number of radio frequency channels (trunks or transponders) on it. To ensure operation through small subscriber stations such as VSAT, transmitters with an output power of about 40 W are required. Modern VSATs usually operate in the Ku frequency range of 11/14 GHz (one frequency value for reception, another for transmission), there are also systems using the C range of 4/6 GHz, and the Ka range of 18/30 GHz is also now being mastered.

The transmitting and receiving equipment and the antenna-feeder device are usually built on the basis of standard equipment available on the market. The cost is determined by the size of the antenna and the power of the transmitter, which significantly depend on the technical characteristics of the relay satellite used. To ensure communication reliability, the equipment usually has 100% redundancy.

Channel-forming equipment ensures the formation of satellite radio channels and their connection with terrestrial communication lines. Each of the suppliers of satellite communication systems uses its own original solutions for this part of the central network, which often excludes the possibility of using equipment and subscriber stations from other companies to build a network. Typically, this subsystem is built on a modular basis, which makes it possible to easily add new blocks to increase its throughput as traffic and the number of subscriber stations in the network grow.

Modern VSAT ensures that the VSAT owner receives information at speeds of up to 4 Mbit/s (in multicast mode up to 30 Mbit/s) and transmits information up to 1..2 Mbit/s.

Modern VSATs have one or more Ethernet ports and built-in router functionality. Some models, through expansion, can be equipped with 1-4 telephone ports.

Current situation

As of 2007, there are more than a million VSATs in the world, of which more than 500,000 are in the United States alone. In Russia at the end of 2006 there were about 5,000 VSATs, but the pace of VSAT deployment is very high and as of November 2007, 17,675 stations were installed.

A significant increase in the number of VSATs in 2007 occurred due to the implementation of Federal target programs - Universal Communication Service (public Internet access points) and Education (Internet in Russian schools).

Consumers of the Russian VSAT market can be divided into four segments:

  1. Government agencies
  2. Large corporations with an extensive network of branches and representative offices.
  3. Medium and small regional businesses.
  4. Private users (satellite Internet).

Active users of VSAT are marine vessels, which use stabilized antennas that allow satellite tracking despite changes in the vessel's course. Currently, almost all passenger cruise ships have a marine VSAT installation on board. Typically, the main challenge for maritime users is choosing the right VSAT operator with unlimited coverage around the world. As well as automatic transition from one satellite to another while sailing.

NEIS-Telecom Siberia employee adjusts mobile VSAT antenna

Major VSAT manufacturers in the world:

Advanetch Wireless (Canada);

Codan (Australia);

Hughes Network System (USA) - HughesNet (DirecWay), HX;

Gilat (Israel) – SkyEdge;

ViaSat (USA);


NDSatCom (Germany);

Istar (Russia).

The typical cost of an enterprise-class VSAT for the end client is about 2500..3000 US dollars. For mass access to satellite Internet services, VSAT kits are offered, usually with limited network functionality, priced at 14-30 thousand rubles.

Deploying VSAT and connecting it to the network takes from 1-2 hours for simple standard installations to 4-6 or more for “problematic” ones (with searching for satellite visibility, installing non-standard supports, etc.). If special preparation of the site for the antenna support is required (soil drilling, concreting, welding, etc.), then installation time can increase significantly.

The main use of VSAT is the organization of broadband Internet access, telephone communications, data transmission for corporate networks, video conferencing, distance learning, and reservation of terrestrial communication channels.

It is used mainly outside large cities, where there are no reliable and high-speed terrestrial communication channels.

(c) This material uses an article from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Satellite Internet is a technology for providing Internet access through an artificial Earth satellite (AES), which acts as a relay between the earth station (TSSSS) and the subscriber's transceiver equipment. Modern technologies make it possible to use subscriber stations with small-diameter antennas; such stations have an abbreviation consisting of the English letters VSAT, which in Russian is read as “visat”.

More recently, Satellite Internet technology included two connection methods: one-way satellite Internet and two-way satellite Internet. Currently, one-way satellite Internet is obsolete and is practically not used anymore. Further, Satellite Internet means two-way satellite Internet.

Communication satellites, located at a considerable distance from the earth, can provide radio signal coverage to very large areas. For example, one satellite can cover all of Europe and the central part of Russia at once, or just 2-3 satellites can cover the territory of all of Russia. Thus, where for thousands of kilometers around there is not a single “wired” Internet provider and there is not a single cellular communication provider, satellite communication technology can easily provide stable and high-speed access to the Internet!

Advantages of Satellite Internet

Let's list the main advantages of Satellite Internet compared to other wireless Internet technologies:

  • Access possible anywhere. The main and main advantage of two-way satellite Internet (as opposed to one-way) is the ability to access the Internet where there are no “terrestrial” Internet providers. All you need for this is a place to install the antenna, direct visibility to the satellite and the availability of power.
  • Simplicity and versatility of the modem. Once installed and configured, the equipment does not require any maintenance from the user to maintain its functionality. At the output of any satellite modem, the user receives a standard computer network port (Ethernet), to which you can connect a PC, WiFi router, server, M2M controller, video surveillance recorder or any other network device;
  • High-speed Internet. A satellite link can provide speeds of up to 40 Mbit/s at the reception and before 12 Mbit/s for transmission from the subscriber! Unlike connection technologies via 3 channelsGor4G, the speed in which may vary depending on the network load, the satellite communication channel is stable and is guaranteed to provide speed in accordance with your tariff plan (TP) 1.
VSAT concept

VSAT(Very Small Aperture Terminal) literally translates as “terminal with a very small aperture” (antennas).

These are satellite communication ground stations, the technical characteristics of which comply with the requirements of MCE-P Recommendations S.725-S.729.

Among the main requirements:

  • VSAT stations belong to the Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) and must comply with the requirements of the Radio Regulations;
  • for operation, the frequency ranges allocated for the FSS are used (14 and 6 GHz on the uplink and 11-12 and 4 GHz on the downlink);
  • the diameter of the antennas is in the range of 0.9-3.5 m;
  • information transmission speed from the station - from 1.2 to 2.048 Mbit/s;
  • stations are installed directly at the user’s location, and the density of their placement in a limited area can be very high;
  • stations can operate autonomously, control and management of the work of stations in the network is carried out centrally;
  • stations can be used to transmit data and telephony in digital form and in receive-only (simplex) or receive/transmit (duplex) modes;
  • The stations use a low-power radio transmitter (from several units to tens of watts) with mandatory limitation of the emitted power for the safety of users.

VSAT networks are built on the basis of geostationary relay satellites. This makes it possible to simplify the design of user terminals as much as possible and equip them with simple fixed antennas without a satellite tracking system. To ensure operation through small-sized subscriber stations such as VSAT, satellite transmitters must have an output power of about 40 W.

Since VSAT stations belong to the Fixed Satellite Service, satellite networks can be built on their basis to provide the services provided by this service, i.e. data transmission, voice transmission, image transmission, video conferencing, Internet access; multimedia.

VSAT - small satellite ground station

VSAT(English) Very Small Aperture Terminal) - a small satellite ground station, a terminal with a small antenna, used in satellite communications since the early 90s.

According to the international classification, VSAT includes satellite stations with antennas less than 2.5 meters. As a rule, VSAT uses a simplified procedure for obtaining frequency permits.


The emergence of VSAT is associated with an experimental satellite telephone network in Alaska, created in the late 60s during experiments with the ATS-1 satellite. The network consisted of 25 earth stations installed in small villages. The experiment was successful and was extended. It is worth noting that at that time the smallest satellite station had an antenna with a diameter of 9 m and cost about 500 thousand dollars.

Further development and reduction in cost of VSAT systems led to the creation by Equatorial of cost-effective satellite communication systems based on VSAT, which gave impetus to the emergence of new companies offering VSAT equipment. The market began to develop rapidly, and competition on it increased sharply. Finally, the whales of the telecommunications business paid attention to the market and, without further ado, began to buy companies that were successfully developing in the market. American telecommunications giant AT&T acquired Tridom. Ku-band VSAT pioneer Linkabit has teamed up with M/A-COM to become a leading supplier of VSAT equipment. Hughes Communications subsequently acquired a stake in M/A-COM.

This is how Hughes Network Systems was born. Scientific-Atlanta, a manufacturer of large satellite communications stations, entered the VSAT equipment business by acquiring Adcom. GTE Spacenet initially provided VSAT services using equipment from other suppliers. Equatorial merged with Contel in 1987, which simultaneously acquired the VSAT division of Comsat. And in 1991, GTE Sapacenet acquired Contel. In 1987, the company's founders created a new company - Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd. for VSAT production. Thus, a main pool of players in the VSAT production market was formed, which continues to this day.


VSAT consists of two main parts, ODU (OutDoorUnit) - an external unit, that is, an antenna and a receiver, usually 1-2 W and IDU (InDoorUnit) - an internal unit or satellite modem.

An outdoor unit (ODU) is an outdoor unit installed at the antenna focal point that transmits modulated radio signals to and from the hub via satellite. The ODU consists of a solid-state amplifier (SSPA, BUC), a low-noise block (LNB) downconverter, and a polarization selector (OMT). BUC and LNB are connected to separate OMT ports. This configuration allows the reception of a signal with a certain type of polarization and the transmission of a signal with a different type of polarization, usually orthogonal. The interconnect cable has F-type connectors. Factory VSAT antennas are equipped with a feed and OMT.

An internal unit (IDU) is a small tabletop device that converts information passing between analog communications on the satellite and local devices such as telephones, computer networks, PCs, TVs, etc. In addition to the basic conversion programs, IDUs may also contain additional functions, such as security, network acceleration and other features.