Standard paper sizes for printing - all you have to do is choose! Sizes of all paper sizes

When analyzing solvency by groups of assets and liabilities (A1, A2, A3, A4, P1, P2, P3, P4), assets are grouped by degree of liquidity:

  • A1 - the most liquid assets;
  • A2 - quickly realizable assets;
  • A3 - slowly selling assets;
  • A4 - hard-to-sell assets.

Liabilities are grouped according to the degree of urgency of their payment:

  • P1 - the most urgent obligations;
  • P2 - short-term liabilities;
  • P3 - long-term liabilities;
  • P 4 - permanent (stable) liabilities.

To view specific lines for assessing balance sheet liquidity for the new balance sheet, you can follow the links in the table above.

Assets2015 2016 2017
Passive2015 2016 2017
Payment surplus (+) or deficiency (-)2015 2016 2017
2015 2016 2017
A1-P1 must be greater than zeroA1-P1>0A1-P1>0A1-P1>0
A2-P2 must be greater than zeroA2-P2>0A2-P2>0A2-P2>0
A3-P3 must be greater than zeroA3-P3>0A3-P3>0A3-P3>0
A4-P4 must be less than zeroA4-P4<0 A4-P4<0 A4-P4<0
If all conditions are met, then the company is absolutely solventYes or noYes or noYes or no
If all conditions are not met - a solvency crisisIs there no crisis or is there?Is there no crisis or is there?Is there no crisis or is there?
Limited solvency - in other casesLimited?Limited?Limited?

Best regards, Alexander Krylov,

The financial analysis:

  • One of the ways to aggregate the balance. Aggregation is the “enlargement” of items to simplify analysis, since the fewer lines, the easier it is to analyze them Asset 2011 2012 2013 Non-current…
  • To perform this analysis, a table is compiled into which data from the balance sheet is copied Name 2011 2012 2013 Assets taken into account in the calculation 1. Intangible assets 2.…
  • This table is generated based on the values ​​of the aggregated balance sheet for a number of years Asset 2011 2013 Absolute change, thousand rubles. Growth, % Non-current assets Value for 2011…
  • The balance sheet prepared for the financial analysis of the activity and condition of the enterprise for three years is as follows: Indicator Indicator code 2011 2012 2013 ASSETS OF THE ENTERPRISE I. NON-CURRENT...
  • Analysis of the dynamics of liabilities answers the question by how much liabilities have changed during the period of analysis. This change is shown in absolute values ​​and as a percentage Passive 2011...
  • The analysis of asset dynamics is based on a comparison of absolute and relative changes in various interrelated balance sheet asset items. The difference or opposite direction of changes allows us to judge the nature and...
  • Asset structure. The assets of the enterprise are divided into 2 large groups: non-current assets (immobilized funds), the service life of which is more than 12 months; current assets (mobile assets), service life...
  • Structure of liabilities - the ratio of the shares of various types of liabilities and equity in the total amount of liabilities of the enterprise. Liabilities are sources of own and...
  • The calculation of net assets occurs as follows: We count the assets that are taken into account in the calculation We count the liabilities that are taken into account in the calculation We subtract liabilities from assets - this is...
  • Financial stability is determined, firstly, with the help of coefficients, and secondly, with the help of a three-component indicator of financial stability. First, I will give a list of coefficients: Equity ratio, Agility coefficient...

The use of paper and products made from it has become firmly established in our everyday life. But rarely does anyone think that format sizes in centimeters, inches strictly regulated special standards ( GOSTs, ISO etc.). Certain sizes of sheets of paper are used for drawings, others for printing books and booklets. And other formats are created for making envelopes. Don't believe me? Then let's plunge into the mysterious world of ordinary sheets of paper together.

Establishment of world standards

At the end of the 18th century. was done by the German physicist Lichtenberg interesting discovery, which, a century and a half later, would influence paper standards around the world. Scientist identified a unique property of a rectangle. To put it simply: we have a rectangle whose sides have a ratio equal to the root of two. When “folding” a figure in half along the larger side, in the resulting rectangle the ratio of length and width remains unchanged.

This unique property existed at the beginning of the 20th century. laid as the basis by the developer of modern paper formats - Walter Porstmann. Initially the system had the name DIN 476, it unified existing standards.

From Germany the Porstmann standard began "march through Europe". Before the start of World War II, it was recognized in 8 countries (including the USSR). By 1975, it was released under the ISO system and adopted as an official United Nations standard. Currently only Japan, Canada and USA they did not accept it as the main one.

World standard

The current standard is based on the principle of the metric system. It is based on a sheet of paper with an area 1 sq.m. (A0). As already noted, the length to width ratio is approximately 1/1.414 (or root 2).

Includes 3 groups with relatively similar sizes:

  • A – the original (zero) sheet format has an area of ​​1 sq.m;
  • B – unlike the previous one, in the zero format the smallest side size is 1 m (the proportions between the sides correspond to the “A” format);
  • C – designed for envelopes under the “A” series sheet (the original dimensions are increased by about 8%).

The most popular format is A4, for technical documentation - A2, less often A3.

Advanced Standard

Format/size Series A/cm Series A/inches Series B/cm Series B/inches Series B/cm Series B/inches
84.1 × 118.9 33.11 × 46.82 100.0 × 141.4 39.37 × 55.67 91.7 × 129.7 36.10 × 51.06
1 59.4 × 84.1 23.39 × 33.11 70.7 × 100.0 27.83 × 39.37 64.8 × 91.7 25.51 × 36.10
2 42.0 × 59.4 16.54 × 23.39 50.0 × 70.7 19.69 × 27.83 45.8 × 64.8 18.03 × 25.51
3 29.7 × 42.0 11.69 × 16.54 35.3 × 50.0 13.90 × 19.69 32.4 × 45.8 12.76 × 18.03
4 21.0 × 29.7 8.27 × 11.69 25.0 × 35.3 9.84 × 13.90 22.9 × 32.4 9.02 × 12.76
5 14.8 × 21.0 5.83 × 8.27 17.6 × 25.0 6.93 × 9.84 16.2 × 22.9 6.38 × 9.02
6 10.5 × 14.8 4.13 × 5.83 12.5 × 17.6 4.92 × 6.93 11.4 × 16.2 4.49 × 6.38
7 7.4 × 10.5 2.91 × 4.13 8.8×12.5 3.46 × 4.92 8.1 × 11.4 3.19 × 4.49
8 5.2×7.4 2.05 × 2.91 6.2 × 8.8 2.44 × 3.46 5.7 × 8.1 2.24 × 3.19
9 3.7 × 5.2 1.46 × 2.05 4.4 × 6.2 1.73 × 2.44 4.0 × 5.7 1.57 × 2.24
10 2.6 × 3.7 1.02 × 1.46 3.1×4.4 1.22 × 1.73 2.8×4.0 1.10 × 1.57

In addition to the basic sizes, the use of extended ones is allowed. To do this, the larger side of the sheet increases several times, while the length of the smaller side remains unchanged. In this case, an increase of 2 times is practically not used. This "deviation" is used to develop drawings, for example, in architecture.

Size Basic Extended/x2 Extended/x3 Extended/x4 Extended/x5 Extended/x6
A0 84.1×118.9 168.0×118.9 252.0×118.9 336.0×118.9 420.0×118.9 504.0×118.9
A1 59.4×84.1 - 178.4×84.0 237.8×84.0 297.3×84.0 356.8×84.0
A2 42.0×59.4 - 126.1×59.5 168.2×59.5 210.2×59.5 252.3×59.5
A3 29.7×42.0 - 89.2×42.0 118.9×42.0 148.7×42.0 178.4×42.0
A4 21.0×29.7 - 63.1×29.7 84.1×29.7 105.1×29.7 126.1×29.7
A5 14.8×21.0 - 44.6×21.0 59.5×21.0 74.3×21.0 89.2×21.0

It's interesting that in USSR, despite the fact that the DIN-476 standard (which formed the basis of the world standard) was recognized at the beginning of the twentieth century, the designation of paper sizes differed from the generally accepted one. So, for example, for size “A” there was a designation of 2 numbers. This number indicated the number of times it was necessary to “unfold” the base sheet along the long (first number) and short (second) side. In this case, sheet A4 was taken as the base, which was designated by the number 11 (A3 - number 12, etc.).

US standard

The New World’s commitment to “old” traditions was also reflected in paper standards. Standards applied as basic in the USA and Canada built per unit of length - inch. They are also used as additional ones in a number of other countries in both Americas.

Classification inch cm Compliance with international standards
A 8.5×11 21.6 × 28.0 A4 (21.0 × 29.7)
A (option) 8.5×14 21.6 × 35.6 -
IN 17×11 43.2 × 27.9 A3 (29.7 × 42.0)
WITH 17×22 43.2 × 55.9 A2 (42.0 × 59.4)
D 22×34 55.9 × 86.4 A1 (59.4 × 84.1)
E 34×44 86.4 × 112.1 A0 (84.1 × 118.9)

Standard of the Land of the Rising Sun

Japan, and this is what we are talking about, also has its own national standard. At the same time, they are not consigned to “oblivion” and “old” formats are used at the same time.

The parameters of size “A” correspond to the formats of the global classification. This is where the correspondence ends. Already the “B” series differs from the previous one not by 1.41 times, as in ISO, but by one and a half. Series "C" is missing altogether.

Japanese Series B/Format Japanese B/cm series Shiro Kuban/format Shiro kuban/cm Ki Cuban/format Ki cuban/cm
B0 103.0 × 145.6 - - - -
B1 72.8 × 103.0 whole sheet 78.8×109.1 whole sheet 63.6×93.9
B2 51.5 × 72.8 half 54.5×78.8 half 46.9×63.6
B3 36.4 × 51.5 quarter 39.4×54.5 quarter 31.8×46.9
B4 25.7 × 36.4 eighth part 27.2×39.4 eighth part 23.4×31.8
B5 18.2 × 25.7 one sixteenth 19.7×27.2 one sixteenth 15.9×23.4
B6 12.8 × 18.2 - - - -
B7 9.1 × 12.8 - - - -

Paper characteristics

Having considered the history of the origin of paper and the main sizes that are used in the world in its production, it is necessary to pay attention to the issue of quality characteristics. If you think that paper just has to be white (well, colored in certain cases), you are mistaken. Please review the information below carefully.

The main items that you need to pay attention to when purchasing a pack of paper for office equipment include:

  • whiteness of the canvas;
  • density;
  • product quality (grade).

Three important properties of paper


It is an important property, as it allows the light flux to be uniformly reflected in all directions. In this regard, the higher this indicator, the more saturated and high-quality the images on the prints will be.

To increase the indicator, during production they introduce certain chemical bleach ingredients. As well as certain dyes that neutralize the yellow color that is inherent in cellulose. The percentage of whiteness is regulated by relevant standards.


Another important parameter that you should pay attention to when choosing paper is its thickness. The value of the indicator determines the property of the product when absorbing ink. The latter should be distributed evenly over the paper, without penetrating deeply. Therefore, the sheet must have the same density over the entire surface area.

Therefore, when determining the required paper, it is necessary to take into account the existing equipment for which the paper is purchased. High density paper used for laser printers is not recommended. and for jet-setters it’s the other way around.

Another important condition that ensures sheet density is its resistance to bending. During the printing process, paper is exposed to so-called “feed mechanisms”. As the sheet passes through the rollers, it becomes deformed. In case of high humidity or low density, there is a high probability of curling.


This indicator affects not only the “beauty” of printed information (text, pictures, etc.), but, importantly, the durability and performance of office equipment.

Despite the fact that the sheets of paper look almost the same, you can determine its quality even with the naked eye. Low quality paper will have heterogeneous, “granular” structure. It is a known fact that waste from the woodworking industry is used in the production of sheets. However, the higher the cellulose content in the final product, the lower the quality of the latter. The standard is the wood content in the final product from 1/5 to 1/2 volume. At a higher content, “spots” of resin will be noticeable on the paper. Repairing printing equipment after using such paper will more than offset the imaginary savings obtained from its purchase.

Paper quality categories

1 Higher (category A). Top quality paper. Suitable for equipment from all manufacturers, including high-speed models. It has maximum whiteness and uniform density. Suitable for both single- and double-sided printing. There are no foreign impurities.

2 Standard (category B). Products in this category have increased quality indicators. It is allowed to be used on office equipment if the manufacturer of the latter does not place additional restrictions on the consumables used. The most convenient combination of price and quality.

3 Primary (category C). The most budget option that can be used for office equipment. Minimum acceptable characteristics of hardness, whiteness, etc. Suitable for printing documents with minimum quality requirements. It is not recommended to print images on such paper.

Paper products that do not meet the specified criteria are not suitable for copying equipment. Its use, for example, for a printer, is fraught with serious damage to the latter.


According to research by the German magazine "Print", the leader among manufacturers of paper products is the company International Paper (USA). Her annual income is more than 29 billion dollars with the production of about 13 million tons of products. The concern confidently holds second place Stora Enso(a joint Swedish-Finnish company) – issue order 12 million tons of products per year and income of 10 billion euros. Finns take third place. UPM produces just over 10 million tons of products.

The following paper manufacturers are represented on the domestic market:

Company Quality category Specific gravity
"A" 3-3,5%
Zoom Ultra "A" 2-3%
Ballet Premier "A" 2-2,5%
Ballet Classic "IN" 10-10,5%
Kym Lux "IN" 7,5-8%
Zoom Extra "IN" 5-5,5%
Xerox Business "IN" 4,5-5%
SvetoCopy "WITH" 26-27%
Snow Maiden "WITH" 21-21,5 %
Xerox Performer "WITH" 3,5-4%


When purchasing a package of paper, the buyer can find out some of the characteristics of the sheets. The manufacturer must indicate on the wrapper:

  • sheet size (A3, A4, etc.);
  • their quantity (usually 500 pcs.);
  • paper density (from 65 to 280 grams per 1 sq. m);
  • Recommendations for use - for inkjet or laser printing devices, copiers, letterpress, etc.

To avoid deterioration and paper damage, follow these simple tips:

  • paper should be stored horizontally;
  • optimal room temperature – 2 0 degrees, humidity should not exceed 50% ;
  • exposure to direct sunlight is not advisable;
  • factory packaging protects the sheets from moisture, do not store the opened pack outside the packaging;
  • It is not recommended to store paper on the floor to avoid drafts and temperature changes;
  • before use, paper that has been stored in a colder room, leave for several hours for “acclimatization” (up to 3 days in winter). This will allow you to maintain the “correct” structure of the sheet and avoid its deformation.

A little history of paper

Since ancient times, humanity has been looking for a material that is durable enough and easy to manufacture for writing. “Writing” does not just mean writing letters. This term has been used to define the process of creating important records − books containing doctrines, laws, customs. Used for writing stones, clay tablets, papyrus, birch bark. That is, those natural materials that were abundant in a given geographical area.

But most of them had their drawbacks:

  • fragility;
  • difficulty in processing;
  • inconvenience of use and others.

According to scientists and researchers of antiquity, paper was invented in ancient China in the 1st century AD. Initially it was made from silk threads. They were cooked by adding vegetable glue. Then, using a wooden frame, the resulting substance was removed onto a smooth surface. Dried and pressed. The format of the resulting paper depended on the size of the frame used. Later, in production they began to use hemp fibers, tree bark.

Like everything valuable, the secret of paper production was stolen. And already in the second half of the 1st millennium they knew about him in Asia, Egypt, and a little later - in Europe.

Europeans continued to improve paper production technology. For example, vegetable adhesive was replaced with animal-based glue. These improvements made it possible to obtain a more durable material that did not allow the ink used in writing to pass through.

Development of paper production in Medieval Europe contributed to partial mechanization of production. The leader in production was Netherlands. The production facilities of which were provided with paper countries of the European continent and the state of Muscovy(as Rus' was called at that time).

Practically until the beginning of the 19th century. paper was made by hand, using a method that came from China. The raw material used was rags - rags made of linen or cotton. The use of wood has already become widespread at the beginning of the 19th century. And by the end of the century, paper production would become the largest branch of industrial production, which uses advances in the field of mechanical engineering and chemistry.

Pre-war paper machine

    Yes, indeed, these formats are not changing; they have a certain size, which is determined by international standards. This will be the case in Russia and Turkey, for example. Which is very convenient, because we use documents everywhere. They come from the A0 format (there is one). It has an area of ​​one square meter. And everyone else divides it in half and they are already measured. This is the arithmetic.

    Whatman sheet formats are determined according to the published and approved standard: GOST2.301-68

    The main sizes of paper sheets produced at all factories in the country are:

    • A1 (594841 mm): Used in professional layout and design;
    • A2 (420594 mm.): A professional option for artistic works by masters from different fields of art. It is most often used in printing houses for printing banners, by students for diploma and term papers. DPI lovers will also like this format: it is quite extensive and will fit harmoniously into the surroundings;
    • A3 (297420 mm.): A4 sheet format increased by 2 times; optimal for professional student work assigned in educational institutions. Paintings, floristry, decorative panels, collages made in this size look elegant, miniature, and are a universal holiday gift
    • A4 (210297 mm.): a universal option for creative people, especially children starting to learn to draw. The A4 sheet format is suitable for small sketches with ink, felt-tip pens, pencils, gel pen, as well as for printed materials. Widely and often used in printing houses.

    PHOTO: Painting made on A1 sheet format

    Depending on the functional purpose, various types of formats, sheets of paper can be processed with special components or have a unique structured surface, for example: watercolor paper, perforated paper, decorative colored paper, pastel paper. When working with oil art tools, thicker, moisture-resistant paper is used, most often canvases stretched on a stretcher.

    a very convenient thing in this matter)) has already helped out several times))

    In accordance with ISO standards, which are international, paper is divided into a number of series (A, B, C). Below is a table with these series, format and sizes.

    As can be seen from the table, A series paper is mainly used for documents. To prepare documents in Russia, A4 paper is used.

    Series B paper is typically used for printing products. And C series paper is used for envelopes.

    Format A1 - 841cm by 594cm - this is the largest format, the so-called drawing paper, format A2 - 420cm by 594cm - this is a sheet of exactly half of whatman paper cut crosswise, format A3 - 297cm by 420cm - this is again A2 format cut crosswise, but A4 format - 210cm by 297cm is the most common paper format on which everything is usually printed and photocopied.

    I used to get confused all the time, although I only use the A4 format; I need other formats to select passports or picture frames. Thanks to this drawing, everything became clear. I’m no longer confused. I hope it’s useful to you too.

    The size of the A series formats (established by the International Standard for Paper Formats, ISO 216, based on the metric system of measures, based on the format of a paper sheet having an area of ​​1 m - size A0).

    format size: width x length (mm)

    For technical documents, formats with a large aspect ratio are used, which are formed by repeatedly applying one of the standard formats along the long side of the sheet. For example, for Series A the following additional formats can be created.

    I first encountered paper formats at the institute. Only then did I find out that the format called

    A1 has a size of 841 by 594 millimeters,

    A2 has a size of 420 by 594 millimeters,

    A3 has a size of 297 by 594 millimeters,

    but the most popular format, which is now in the office, in the store, and in the university, is A4. Its format measures 210 by 297 millimeters.

    The largest format is A0 (841 mm by 1189 mm.)

    Then - A2. A2 will have a size of 420 mm. by 594 mm.

    After that it will be A3 format. A3 format has a size of 297 mm by 420 mm.

    The smallest format is A4. And we see format 4 almost every day and use it during photocopiers.

    A4 has a size of 210 mm by 297 mm.

    I think my answer helped you.

    Wish you luck.

    A1, A2, A3, A4 are international formats indicating paper sizes.

    The A1 format measures 841 millimeters by 594 millimeters;

    A2 format measures 420 millimeters by 594 millimeters;

    A3 format measures 297 millimeters by 594 millimeters;

    The A4 format has a size of 210 millimeters by 297 millimeters (the most common format).

    A1 format size - 841x594

    A2 format size - 420x594

    A3 format size - 297x420

    A4 format size - 210x297

    All series (A, B, C) of existing paper formats comply with the global standard ISO 216

    Dimensions of A series formats:

    A0 format - 841 cm * 1189 cm

    A1 format - 841 cm * 594 cm

    A2 format - 420 cm * 594 cm

    A3 size - 297 cm * 594 cm

    A4 size - 210 cm * 297 cm

    A5 format - 148 cm * 210 cm

    A6 format - 105 cm * 148 cm

    Below is a table of sizes of formats of all series:

    The standard paper sheet size is ISO 216, an international standard.

    You can easily calculate the sheet size yourself if the sheet size is A0. Its area is 1 square meter and dimensions are 8411189 mm. The following sheet sizes are obtained by dividing it by half:

    A1 594mm x 841mm

    A2 420mm x 594mm

    A3 297mm x 420mm

    A4 210mm x 297mm

    Each image file format contains information about its width as well as its height in pixels. The most convenient way to judge the image size is the file volume in megabytes.

    A1 - size in mm - 594 x 841, CMYK 300dpi - 265.5 mb

    A2 - size in mm - 420 x 594, CMYK 300dpi - 132.8 mb

    A3 - size in mm - 297 x 420, CMYK 300dpi - 66.4 mb

    A4 - size in mm - 210 x 297, CMYK 300dpi - 33.2 mb

Popular formats. Dimensions in cm, mm, inches. Size table.

Summary tables with the sizes of sheets of paper in popular formats A, B, C in millimeters, centimeters and inches are presented on the pages:

General background information and technical specifications for paper sizes are listed below.

Select the desired paper size and unit of measurement - the calculator will automatically recalculate the dimensions.

A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 mm cm inches → 21.0 × 29.7
B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 mm cm inches → 25.0 × 35.3
C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 c10 mm cm inches → 22.8 × 32.4

Formats A, B, C

In the modern world, three paper size formats are popular - A, B, C (ISO 216 standard). The dimensions of sheets of these formats are taken into account in the manufacture of writing paper, paper for printers and faxes, envelopes, etc. Each format has a range of paper sheet sizes from 0 to 10 (standard sizes): A0-A10, B0-B10, C0-C10. Type size 0 specifies the largest sheet sizes, type size 10 is the smallest, that is, A1 is smaller than A0. If we compare the corresponding standard sizes of these formats with each other, then sheets of format A are the smallest, C - medium, B - largest. The dimensions for format C are obtained as the geometric mean of A and B, that is, the square root of the multiplication of dimensions A × B. Format C was created from the consideration that sheets of format A (document) fit into sheets of format C (envelope). Total: A0-A10< C0-C10 < B0-B10.

The aspect ratio of the sheet of each format with a certain degree of error is expressed as: 1: 1.4142. Each subsequent standard size of a sheet of paper within one format is half the size of the previous one: the height of the subsequent standard size is equal to the width of the previous one, the width of the next one is ½ the height of the previous one. For example, A5 is A4 folded in half, since [height of A5 = width of A4] and [width of A5 = ½ height of A4]. Thus, knowing the size of a sheet of any standard size, you can calculate the sizes of others without resorting to tables.

In accordance with the standard, the largest sheet is in B0 format (1000 × 1414 mm), the smallest sheet is in A10 format (26 × 37 mm), which is comparable to the size of a modern stamp. The most common format in everyday life is A4.


ISO 216 defines the permissible errors in paper dimensions during production:

  • ±1.5 mm (0.06 inch) for sheets with sides not exceeding 150 mm (5.9 inch)
  • ±2 mm (0.08 inch) for sheets with sides from 150 to 600 mm (5.9 to 23.6 inch)
  • ±3 mm (0.12 in) for sheets with sides greater than 600 mm (23.6 in)

Other formats

In addition to formats A, B, C, there are paper formats 2A0, 4A0, A3+, RA, SRA, C7/6, DL and others.

Formats 2A0 and 4A0 are not described in the ISO 216 standard, but are in the DIN 476 standard (Germany). Formats 2A0 and 4A0 define sheets larger than A0. The table shows the dimensions.

The A3+ format is known, the dimensions of which are not described in the ISO 216 standard. The format is often used in printing. Its dimensions are 329 × 483 mm or 12.9 × 19 inches. The aspect ratio is 1:1.468, which is different from the standard 1:1.4142

There are rarely used formats, we list them: A2 Extra, A3 Extra, A3 Super, Super A3, A4 Extra, A4 Super, Super A4, A4 Long, F4, SO B5 Extra, A5 Extra and others.

In industry and printing, the following formats are used: RA (0-4), SRA (0-4), C7/6, DL.

FormatSize (width × height)
RA0860×122086.0×122.033.9 × 48.0
RA1610×86061.0×86.024.0 × 33.9
RA2430×61043.0 × 61.016.9×24.0
RA3305×43030.5 × 43.012.0×16.9
RA4215×30521.5 × 30.58.5×12.0
SRA0900×128090.0×128.035.4 × 50.4
SRA1640×90064.0×90.025.2 × 35.4
SRA2450×64045.0×64.017.7 × 25.2
SRA3320×45032.0×45.012.6 × 17.7
SRA4225×32022.5 × 32.08.9 × 12.6
C7/681×1628.1 × 16.23.2×6.4
D.L.110×22011.0×22.04⅓ × 8⅔