Saved passwords in ie. The password is not saved in internet explorer. Manage saved passwords in the browser. How to disable saving passwords

When visiting some sites, registration is required, and the password and login are saved in the browser so that the next time you visit there will be no problems entering them. When surfing the Internet correctly, different resources require different combinations of login and password, so automatic access to them makes life much easier. If you are using a different computer or logging in through a new browser, you need to know the saved password. I’ll tell you in my article how to quickly find it in different browsers and, if you want, change it to a new one.

How to View Saved Passwords in Chrome

The algorithm of actions in the most popular browser, which I use myself, is very simple:
— go to the “Manage and configure Google Chrome” section and open the “Settings” item,

We look for the “Passwords and Forms” heading, hidden in “Advanced Settings” at the very bottom and click Configure.

After this, the “Passwords” window will open in front of you. In which all passwords for sites are stored. On the left will be the website address followed by the login and password. To view the password, click “Show”.

How to view saved passwords in Opera

First, go to “Settings” using the speed dial Ctrl+F12, then go to the “Security” tab on the right, look for the “Passwords” heading and click on “Manage saved passwords”.

After that, the “Passwords” window will open in front of you in which you will see all your saved passwords, just like in the chrome browser, you just have to click on “Show”.

If for some reason it is not possible to use the browser’s own resources, then you can use the Unwand.rar utility, which will search for the wand.dat file that stores passwords to resources.

How to view saved passwords in Yandex Browser

I start the search from “Settings” and activate the icon in the form of parallel lines located on the panel.

At the bottom of the page there is "Advanced settings". In the “Password and Autofill” line you need to use “Password Management”.

Passwords will appear in the window that opens if you previously selected the password saving option. You can also display the password by clicking on the “Show” button.

How to view saved passwords in Internet Explorer

Considering the fact that the browser stores the codes in encrypted form, it is not possible to access them as easily as in other browsers.
I suggest taking the simplest route by downloading the IE PassView app. After launching the utility, complete information about passwords, logins and web resources in list form that were used in Internet Explorer will appear on the screen.

Download IE PassView -

Today, a free utility, WebBrowserPassView, is available, revealing the mystery of the veil on all resources. You don’t even have to download it, since it runs from any media. The software will quickly detect all codes automatically and, if desired, quickly print them out. However, some difficulties in the case of encrypted information may arise with Opera, IE and Apple's Safari.


In the upper right corner of Internet Explorer, select the "Tools" button. In the drop-down menu, find the last item, it is called “Internet Options”.

In the “Internet Options” window that appears, find the “Content” tab and click on it.

In the “Contents” tab, find the “Autofill” item. Opposite this item is the “Options” button, click it.

When the “Autofill Settings” window appears in front of you, you should check the boxes for those items for which you need to activate this function. In this case, you will need to enable automatic saving for the “Usernames and passwords on forms” option.

Check the last box “Display a prompt before saving passwords.” This feature will allow the user to control the saving of each specific password they enter in a convenient pop-up window format.

Click the “Ok” button in the “Autofill Settings” tab, and then click “Ok” again in the “Internet Options” window. Now the settings are activated, and from now on your browser will enter passwords on its own as soon as you click on the “Login” form. password».


If several people use the computer, but you have your own account with a password known only to you, then the automatically filled data is not available to other users.

If you are not sure that only you have access to the computer, you should not use the function of remembering passwords and logins. Otherwise, the user's personal data may end up in the hands of strangers.

Helpful advice

If you want to delete the saved password, then on the authorization page, double-click in the login field. All logins available in the browser memory will open. Use the arrow keys to select the login you want to delete, and when the desired login is activated, press delete. A window will open confirming the deletion of your login and password. Confirm deletion.


  • internet explorer password

Each user in Internet he has his favorite sites that he visits every day. To avoid remembering and writing down all your passwords, you can save them directly to Internet. A few simple steps will help you save passwords in Internet.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - browser (Opera, Safari, IE, Chrome, Mozilla).


When you visit the next site, enter your name (login) and an invented password, your browser will ask you to save your password. Two options will be offered: “yes” and “no”. To save password, you need to click "yes". Then next time the browser will show your password automatically as soon as you enter your name. If you disable this function, you will not receive an offer from the browser.

In order to restore remembering, you need to select the “Tools” tab if you are using Internet Explorer, or the “Tools” tab if you are using Mozilla. Next you need to perform the following steps. In IE, go to the “Internet Options” menu, then go to “Contents”. Then go to the “Autofill” section and click the “Options” button. There you need to check the necessary boxes. In Mozilla, go to the “Settings” menu, “Security” section, and check the boxes for the desired option about saving passwords.

If you no longer need one or more passwords, you can just as easily. To do this, in IE you should go to authorization by double-clicking on your login. A window will appear with all the passwords you have saved. Select the desired login (arrow buttons) and press Del. It's even easier in the Mozilla browser. While on the same “Protection” tab, you will see the “Saved” button. By clicking on it, a list of your logins will appear. By deleting the selected name, you will delete your password to him.

If you have the Opera browser, go to the “Settings” tab, then “General settings”. Click on the "Forms" button. There you will see the “Passwords” column. This column stores all passwords for all sites. You can edit or delete passwords. To save any password on , you will be asked to save your password. Click on the "Yes" button and password will be saved automatically.

If you have a Chrome browser, you can go to “Settings”, then click the “Show passwords” tab. Next, find the site you need and edit passwords or delete them. To save password, when entering data for the first time, you will be asked to save your password. Click on the "Yes" button.

For those using the Safari browser, saving passwords is even easier. Go to your browser. Next, select the "Action" menu. Click on the Settings and Autofill tab. Next, click “Usernames and Passwords.” Here you can edit various passwords from . To save passwords, when you enter the site, a pop-up window will appear in which you should click the “Save” button password».

Video on the topic

Saving your username and password in the browser is an automatically installed feature. Which is not always convenient for several users working on the Internet from one computer. It’s good that the developers of the Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox browsers provide the ability to disable this function, which makes it possible not to save your name and passwords when browsing the Internet.

You will need

  • - Internet;
  • - popular browser;
  • - PC mouse.


If you want to disable the autocomplete feature in Internet Explorer 6 and higher, go to the “Tools” menu. In it, select “Internet Options”. In the properties window that opens, go to the “Contents” tab. Find the “Personal Information” section in it and click on “Autofill”.

A new window will open in front of you with the “Use Autofill” section. You will see a list of functions where this command is used. To prevent your username and passwords from being saved, uncheck the “Forms” and “Usernames and passwords on forms” boxes. Use the OK button to confirm your choice.

From now on, the data you enter will not be saved, but the data already remembered will remain. If you want to completely clear the autofill memory, use the Clear Passwords and Clear Forms commands in the same window.

In the Mozilla Firefox browser, go to the “Tools” tab. If the command line does not appear at the top of your browser window, press the Alt key on your keyboard. Select the "Settings" command. In the window that opens, go to the “Privacy” tab. In the History window, you have Firefox set to "remember history." Click on the arrow and select: “will not remember history.” You can also clear your browsing history.

Go to the "Protection" tab. In the “Passwords” window, uncheck the “Remember passwords for websites” option. Using the "Exceptions" button, add sites for which you need. To see what passwords are saved in your browser, click Saved Passwords. In the window that opens, you can selectively delete or leave them using the appropriate buttons.

When deleting passwords, be sure that you will not need them. Copy them to a safe place so that in the future, if necessary, you can easily restore them.

Video on the topic

Remembering a lot of complex, and therefore reliable, passwords is unrealistic and unnecessary. There are simple and accessible services and methods for storing passwords. They allow you to quickly access your data and copy it to log into your sites.

The set of characters, the alternation of uppercase and lowercase letters, the use of numbers - everything that people have come up with and use as a password is very difficult to keep in mind.

It’s good if you visit a couple of especially favorite sites, but what if these are dozens of resources, a bunch of payment systems, plus your favorite social networks?

The task of remembering passwords becomes insurmountable. First you need to determine what strong passwords should be.

What should never be used when creating passwords?

Names of yourself and family members;

Nicknames of your pets;

Dates and years of birth: your own, relatives, children;

A set of Russian words in Latin letters.

The first three points are clear: all this data can be found on social media pages in the public domain.

The fourth point is very unreliable. Don't listen to some advisors. From the very first letters selected by the robot, all subsequent letters and the entire word are very easily guessed.

You can check it yourself: try typing a Russian word in English register. The search robot will immediately offer decryption options in the tips. Password cracking programs are even faster and more sophisticated. Adding numbers will not save the situation for long.

A complex password is a good password

Two basic rules for choosing a strong password:

It must be long (10-12 characters),
- it must be absolutely illogical, meaningless.

In order not to rack your brains, use password generator services. The generated password will be created according to the parameters you specified and will be almost impossible to guess, as well as remember.

If you can’t remember, where should you store it?

The safest way to store passwords is the good old fashioned note. Not a single Trojan or virus can jump to you from the Internet or computer and steal your passwords.

Write down passwords in Notepad or Notepad (available on any computer). All you have to do is copy and paste the desired password into the required login field on the site. Disadvantage of this method: if the system is infected with viruses, you risk losing data. Or they will simply be taken away from you by criminals. Be safe.

Use programs and browser applications specifically designed for storing passwords or virtual file storage.

Even if you keep a file with passwords in cloud services like Yandex Disk or Dropbox, this will keep your passwords safe. Very high degree of security for storing passwords.

Find browser apps like LastPass for Chrome.

The service is very convenient, but Google will store your passwords. If this doesn't bother you, use it. It's really very convenient. Open the site, enter data and agree to save. Everything will be “on the shelves” - websites, logins, passwords.

Since passwords must be complex to guarantee the security of accounts and pages, remembering them is an empty, hopeless and unnecessary exercise.

It is better to use the proposed methods for storing access to resources. They are created to make life easier for Internet users.

All modern browsers have a password saving feature that allows you to log into your favorite sites automatically and eliminates the need to enter your password manually each time. However, sometimes you need to access a site from another computer or mobile device, but you can’t remember the secret word on your own. In this case, you can find out the password in the browser, and in this article we will tell you how to do this.

Viewing passwords in Internet Explorer

Getting to saved passwords in IE is not so easy. To get started, click on the gear icon in the upper right corner or select “Tools” in the menu bar. From the list that opens, select “Internet Options”.

In the window that appears, select the “Content” tab and click the “Options” button in the “Autofill” section. Another window will appear in which you should click the “Manage Passwords” button. After this, Credential Manager will open with a list of all sites for which passwords are saved in IE.

To find out the required password, click on the arrow next to the site name. A form will open with detailed information about the site, but the password in it will be replaced with dots. To see it, click the “Show” link. You may have to enter the password for your Windows user account.

It is worth noting that in this way you can view passwords in modern versions of Internet Explorer. For older ones (IE6/7/8/9), you will have to use one of the third-party utilities to view passwords - for example IE PassView.

Viewing passwords in Firefox

Finding your saved passwords is much easier in Firefox. In modern versions, starting with Firefox 29, click the menu button in the form of three horizontal bars in the upper right corner and select “Settings”. In previous versions, open “Tools” in the menu bar and select “Settings” from the list that appears.

In the Settings window, open the Security tab and click the Saved Passwords button. By default, passwords are hidden. To see them, click the “Show Passwords” button and in the dialog box that appears, confirm that you really want to do this.

Viewing Passwords in Google Chrome

Viewing passwords in the Google Chrome browser is also not too difficult. Click the menu button in the form of three horizontal bars in the upper right corner and select “Settings”. At the very bottom of the page, click the “Show advanced settings” link. Scroll to the “Passwords and Forms” item and click on the “Manage saved passwords” link.

By default, passwords are replaced with dots. To find out the required password, select the site in the list and click the “Show” button. It is possible that you will be asked to enter your account password.

Viewing passwords in Opera

To view passwords in the Opera browser, click the Opera button in the upper left corner and select Settings. On the page that opens, go to the “Security” section and click the “Manage saved passwords” button. Here, too, you need to select the site and click the “Show” button to see the password hidden by the dots. In this case, depending on the settings of your operating system, you may also be required to enter a password for your Windows account.

Quite often, when visiting web pages and sites where you need to register and “log in” to the site, it prompts you to save the entered data (login and password). This was done so that in the future, when you visit this site, you will already have entered the data and you will not have to re-enter and remember it. As for passwords, it’s a completely different story, because you need to remember it every time (especially important if you surf the Internet correctly and use different passwords on different sites). Therefore, such a function in browsers makes “Internet life” much easier.

Now let's imagine a situation where you need to log into a website through a different browser or on a different computer altogether. But your data is not saved in it and you will either have to remember the password and rummage around in your head to find it, or restore it through the website, and this sometimes leads to the password being changed to a new one. This, in turn, will lead to the fact that in your old browser you will not be able to access the site as usual, because the password is already new and you need to enter it again and save it.

In general, let's quickly get to the point so that you don't get confused at all.

How to find out the password in the Internet Explorer browser?

This browser has a high degree of security, especially regarding passwords. They are stored in encrypted form and you will not be able to view them through the browser itself. To do this, it is better to use a free program IE PassView

The program has a Russian language, but it must additionally be downloaded from the official website and installed. In principle, it is not particularly needed, because all you have to do is download and run it.
As a result, the following window will appear, which lists all sites with saved logins and passwords:

The program provides the ability to save, copy or find these passwords. But I think you still don’t need it. We saw the password and okay.

How to view the password in the Opera browser?

If you have Opera 12.16 or from this series, then all the passwords there were also well protected. In the settings, you can only see the sites for which passwords are saved, but you cannot see the data we need.
Opera hides passwords in the wand.dat file, which is hidden from prying eyes and is also encrypted. But you can still watch it.
First of all, we need a program to open such a file. It is called Unwanted. Because I did not find the official website of the developers, then I give you the opportunity to download from this site. I guarantee that it does not contain viruses:

Now we need to know where the password file is located in Opera. I will show you how to quickly find it, without turning it on (although it is located in them).
Copy and paste the following line into the address bar of your Windows Explorer. To put it simply, copy the line below for your operating system and paste it into the address field:

For Windows 7 and 8: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Opera\Opera

For Windows XP: %USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Opera\Opera

For speed, I advise you to copy the wand.dat file from this folder somewhere to a more convenient place, even to the Desktop.
Because your next action will be to run the Unwand.exe file from the folder (in which you already have this program)

which will immediately prompt you to indicate the path to the desired file:

If everything was specified and done correctly, the result will be like this:

Now let's consider if you have Opera 20 or Next.
This is a new browser from Opera and it is designed for the now popular Chromium engine, as it has become “fashionable” to do among companies now. But stop being distracted and let’s move on to finding and viewing the password.

Top menu -> Settings:

chapter Privacy and Security, button Manage saved passwords:

Well, I think there’s no need to explain further:

How to view the password in the Mozilla Firefox browser?

In this browser everything is a little simpler and you don’t need to download anything. But... you can from the same ones that developed for Internet Explorer.
Downloaded, launched and done:

Well, if you don’t want to try this method, then we’ll go the standard route...

We find Settings:

tab Protection, "Saved Passwords" button

and in this final and necessary window there will be all the passwords. I rarely use this browser, so I don’t have passwords. But in order not to leave you without a picture, I took it from the Internet.
By the way, in this window you can not only view passwords (the "Display Passwords" button), but also copy the data (right-click on a line) to then paste into a form on another site or into a document. On the one hand, it’s just as convenient and you don’t even need to display them

How to find out the password in the Google Chrome browser?

In fact, these instructions are suitable not only for it, but also for all browsers based on it (from Yandex, Mail, Rambler, etc.).

We go to the main menu (the icon is different for many) and select Settings or Options:

In this tab we need a subcategory Passwords and forms. If it is not there, you can click on the link Show advanced settings at the very bottom:

after this the line we need and the link should appear Managing saved passwords which we press:

here you can see passwords (by clicking on the desired line), as well as sites and logins

This concludes my article on how you can view and find out passwords in Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Opera and Google Chrome browsers. Thank you for your time.

Almost every modern person works with the Internet. To surf the Internet, he needs to enable a special program. It's called a browser. Such software has various settings and parameters that greatly simplify surfing the Internet. For example, you can create bookmarks here. You are also allowed to save passwords. In Internet Explorer, this process is carried out with some difficulties. More precisely, not all users know how to work with this Internet browser. Therefore, next we will look at everything related to passwords in Explorer. Why save them? Where can I find? How to view or delete? The answers to all this and more will certainly be found below. In fact, even a novice PC user will be able to cope with the tasks. Just follow the instructions below. They will cover the basics of working with passwords in Explorer.

Why do you need to save?

Every user who regularly works with the mentioned browser can save passwords in Internet Explorer. But why is this necessary?

Saving a password is a standard Internet browser option. It helps you remember the entered password on a particular page. If desired, the user can save the mentioned element and then log into the web resource with automatic authorization. It is very comfortable. The main thing is to know how to act correctly in a given case.

The saved password can be viewed at any time. But in the case of Internet Explorer, this can be problematic. Next we will look at this process in more detail.

First visit to a resource on the Internet

In Explorer, saving passwords is enabled by default. This means that the user will be able to immediately cope with the task. To do this he will need:

  1. Go to any website in Internet Explorer.
  2. Specify your login and password for authorization.
  3. Click on the button responsible for logging in under a specific name.

Now you need to look at the upper right corner of the Internet browser. A message will appear here asking you to remember the password for a particular nickname on the selected web portal. To confirm the procedure, just click on the “Save” button.

Enabling autosave

Sometimes it turns out that automatic saving of passwords in Explorer is disabled or the user himself deactivates such a function. It can be turned on at any time.

To avoid confusion, the user must adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Launch Internet Explorer.
  2. Click on the "Service" button. It is usually located to the right of the browser's address bar.
  3. Click on the "Internet Options" line.
  4. Open the "Contents" section. We are talking about the "Autofill" field.
  5. Click on the control called "Options".
  6. Check the box next to "User names and passwords".
  7. Confirm the actions taken.

Now saving passwords in Internet Explorer will not be difficult. Automatic data storage option is enabled. All the user needs to do is agree to save the password after the next authorization in the system.

Autofill to help

Another way to remember your login information for various sites is to use an autofill form. Saving passwords in Internet Explorer this way couldn't be easier. The user simply begins to enter authorization data in the provided fields, after which the system completes the procedure itself. All that remains is to confirm your login to the site.

To enable autocomplete in Explorer, you will need:

  1. Visit the "Service" menu item. It is usually expressed by a button with a gear icon.
  2. Go to "Properties" - "Contents" - "Options".
  3. Check the box next to the "Forms" menu item.
  4. Double-click on the control labeled "Ok".

It is done. Now the user must log in to the site. That's all. Autofill forms will work as normal. After these steps, the user will be able to use the mentioned option without much difficulty.

Looking at the saved data

How to view saved passwords in Internet Explorer? Doing this, as we have already said, is problematic. More precisely, users will encounter some difficulties during the implementation of the task.

The thing is that it is not so easy to view saved information in Explorer. You will have to have some knowledge and prepare the operating system. Otherwise, it will be impossible to cope with the task at hand.

To view saved passwords in Internet Explorer 11 (or any other version), the user will need:

  1. Launch an Internet browser. You need to wait until it is fully loaded.
  2. Open the main browser menu. To do this, you need to click on the button with the image of a gear.
  3. Look in the "Properties..." section.
  4. Go to "Contents" - "Autofill" - "Options".
  5. Click on the "Manage..." button.
  6. Select the site for which the password was saved.
  7. Click on the "Show" hyperlink.
  8. Specify the operating system password.

That's all. Now in the window that appears, the user will see the saved password. There is nothing difficult or incomprehensible about this.

Important: if the operating system does not have a password for protection, you will not be able to see information about passwords in Explorer. That is why problems may arise during the implementation of ideas.

For older browser versions

Where can I view saved passwords in Internet Explorer? In older versions of the software, users will not find the "Manage Passwords" buttons. And that’s why it’s sometimes really difficult to see saved passwords in Explorer. No such problems were found in Internet Explorer 11.

If you need to study the list of passwords for older versions of browsers, it is recommended to use additional software. For example, for Explorer 9 (and below) they use software called IE PassView.

Instructions for bringing your idea to life look like this:

  1. Launch IE PassView. It is advisable to initialize the application first and then save passwords.
  2. Look at the list that appears on the screen.

This will conclude the matter. Fast, simple and very convenient. But that is not all. We found out how you can view saved passwords in Internet Explorer 11 and more. You can find the corresponding data on your PC manually. But in the case of Explorer, you will have to try.

Location on PC

Where can I view saved passwords in Internet Explorer? To cope with the task, the user will have to try. The thing is that Explorer data is encrypted. And you won’t be able to easily detect them on a PC. You'll have to look for passwords in the operating system registry. The data being studied from Explorer will not be found in computer folders. This is normal.

How to find saved passwords in Internet Explorer? The guide to bringing your idea to life has approximately the following form:

  1. Press Win + R.
  2. In the line that appears, type the command regedit.
  3. Click on the "Enter" button.
  4. Use the search bar to find the path HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\IntelliForms\Storage2.

This is where the encrypted Explorer passwords will be found. But as a rule, such a technique is used extremely rarely in real life.

Deleting data

We found out how to view saved passwords in Internet Explorer. Now we can talk about removing them. There are different options for the development of events. Let's start with the simplest layout.

To delete saved passwords in Explorer, you must:

  1. Go to your browser settings.
  2. Click on the line labeled "Properties...".
  3. Open "Contents" - "Options".
  4. Click on the button labeled “Delete...”. It is available in all versions of the Internet browser.
  5. Check the box next to "Passwords".
  6. Click on the button responsible for completing the procedure.

In a few minutes, users will be able to enjoy the results achieved. Users will delete all saved passwords without much difficulty.

Removal via the registry

Where are the saved passwords in Internet Explorer? The answer to this question will no longer make you think. How can you get rid of the relevant information?

We have already studied one of the possible layouts. It occurs most often in practice. But if you want, you can do it differently.

As was emphasized earlier, users can find passwords from Explorer in encrypted form in the PC registry. This should be used to achieve the task at hand.

Once the operating system registry is cleared, passwords will be removed from the OS. This technique works for all browsers. And for it it is best to use software called Ccleaner. This application is distributed free of charge and is in the public domain.

It is proposed to act as follows:

  1. Download and install any version of CCleaner. You can use the Portable build. It does not need to be installed on your PC.
  2. Run the previously mentioned utility.
  3. Open the "Cleaning" section.
  4. Check the boxes next to the items related to Internet Explorer.
  5. Click on the "Analyze" button.
  6. Wait for the operation to complete. It usually takes a few seconds.
  7. Click on the control called "Cleaning".

Once the process is completed, the user can close the application and go to the Internet browser. Data from the browser, along with passwords and even logins, will be deleted. It is very comfortable!

Now you understand how to find saved passwords in Internet Explorer. And how can you see them and delete them too. The procedure will not cause any real difficulties. Internet Explorer? From now on, even a novice user will be able to answer such a question.