Social networks VKontakte search. Searching for people in VKontakte without registration - finding a person is easy

When searching for a person, all means are good and the first thing that comes to mind is to use the functionality of the social network Vkontakte, since the number on this site exceeds the population of Russia. There are many ways to search for people, and this is also influenced by various factors, which we will consider later. Let's assume that you don't have a VKontakte account, or logging into the social network from the device from which you plan to search is unsafe, but this is not a hindrance. It is possible to search for a person without registration.

Search for people on VKontakte without registration and authorization

From the VKontakte main page you can no longer go to the people search page, so immediately copy and paste the following url into the address bar: First of all, you should enter the user's last name and first name, of course, if you know this data. The name may have different variations, for example: Alexander, Sasha, Sanek - it is advisable to check them all.

The person could also provide their data in English; you should check this option if you didn’t find anything in Russian.

You can select the Region (Country and city of residence), after which the school where the person you are looking for studied (or is still studying) will be available with the ability to select the year of graduation and the letter of the class and the university (with faculty, department and year of graduation).
If you know the age, indicate the range from and to, which includes the full number of years of the desired person. Next in the filter lists are gender (three options), marital status, selection of accounts with an avatar and filters that most likely will not help much in the search, but on the other hand allow you to more accurately specify a person: (life position, work, military service). At the very end is the date of birth - year, month, day.
But remember that when creating an account, the user may not have specified the parameters by which you are looking for him - this will make it difficult to find a person on VKontakte. Therefore, after using each filter, you should check the list of people, if, of course, their number is within reason.

Search for people on VKontakte after authorization

If you are registered on VKontakte, it is better to go to the site and only then look for the right people. In order to go to the search, you need to select the item, then in the column on the right click on Search for friends. Filters that help you find the same ones (will open if you click on Advanced search) + it is possible to search on third-party services Facebook, Twitter, Odnoklassniki and Google+, but everywhere you need to have an account on the described sites.

Search by photo on VKontakte

If you have a photo of a person, you can use Google search and check if there is a page with such a photo on the Internet. This method is not exact, but I will give it because it is quite interesting.

1.Go to

2. Click on the photo icon

3. Upload a photo from your computer or add a link

4. We search and analyze search results.

Using domain search in search engines

You can also try to find a person through search engines by specifying the domain in order to clarify where to conduct research. To do this, we will use the special command First Name Last Name (you can specify the city for a more accurate selection). How it looks in Yandex:

Search in thematic groups

There are communities on VKontakte that purposefully search for people. Almost every city has a separate group, which significantly narrows the scope of the search.

It is enough to offer news with a detailed description and photo, if available, and wait for the administrators to publish your application. Perhaps someone is also looking for you and will see your post. You can always use it to know whether they are looking for you or not.

What to do if you can’t find a person on VKontakte

The user could get banned or not register at all on this social network. However, if you are sure that he has a VKontakte account, you can try to look for him among his circle of acquaintances, relatives and friends.

So, we have looked at all the different ways to find people on VKontakte that are relevant for 2018. Today, it is impossible to find a person by email and phone number on the social network VKontakte. The most accurate search filters are last name, first name and city of residence, since many users do not like to fill out their account information, so other filters may lead to nothing. And remember: if a person does not want to be found, he will do everything to hide his data, for example, create with deliberately false information.

Today we will talk to you about a very interesting topic. We'll tell you about searching for people on VKontakte without registering on the site. In other words, you may not even be registered on a social network, but you can find the right person. Of course, not everyone knows about this secret, so to speak. Searching for a person in VKontakte without registration is available only to some. For those who are more or less versed in search engines. We will explain this topic to you simply. So that you can easily and simply find any person on VKontakte without registration within a few minutes after reading the article.

Beware scammers!

Before I tell you about an absolutely safe method of finding a person by last name, I would like to warn you that there are fraudulent services on the Internet. Which, as it were, will find you the right person by name on VKontakte, however, at a minimum they will withdraw some money from your mobile account without even notifying you about it. We recommend searching for people on VKontakte of this kind, without registration, on your own, without resorting to the help of third-party sites. Just read our article and do everything according to the instructions. Believe me, there is absolutely nothing complicated in this method.

Safely search for people by last name

Now let’s talk directly about searching for people on the social network Contact without registration and by last name. There is a method that works 100% and is absolutely safe. All you need to do is enter “ last name” in the Google or Yandex search engine. Without quotes and with the name of the person you are looking for. You will see search results for various profiles. Registration on a social network, as you already understood, you will not need for this.

Searching for people on the VKontakte social network without registration is carried out precisely according to this principle. There will most likely be quite a lot of results. Since, as a rule, there are a lot of namesakes for almost every person. So, it’s very good if you also know the name of the person you are looking for. Enter it next to it, press Enter and see what happens. Thus, we filtered out unnecessary people. Likewise, if you know that this user lives, for example, in Moscow, add the name of the city. The end result is something like this: “ last name first name city.” Thus, you can find a person in VKontakte without registering directly on the site. By the way, this method also works.

You should also know that this method will not display all users of the VKontakte social network, but only those who have opened their profiles for indexing by search engines.

How to open/close a VKontakte page from indexing

Finding a person on VKontakte even without registration is possible, now you understand this. Let's talk now about how to close/open your page in Contact for search engines.

  • Go to “My Settings” on VKontakte in the main menu;
  • "Privacy" tab;
  • Scroll down the page and look for the column “Who can see my page on the Internet”;
  • Accordingly, if you want to open your account for indexing by a search engine, set it to “Everyone”. If not, choose another option.
Now you know not only how to find someone on VKontakte using Yandex or Google, but also something new about settings on the social network.

Social networks were created for communication between people of different ages, nationalities, life positions and hobbies. Using the VKontakte network, you can easily find like-minded people, join interesting communities and groups, make acquaintances with people from any city, expanding your circle of friends who are close to you in spirit!

There are also cases when you need to find a specific person with whom you have lost contact, for example, a classmate, a friend from college or a colleague. The VKontakte social network will easily help you with this. You can find a person both by certain criteria (last name, age, city) and by photograph, if you have a photo of the person you are looking for.

To perform any actions on a social network, the first thing you need to do is create your own personal page by registering on VKontakte. Perhaps someone is looking for you on the Internet, so by indicating your real data and filling out the proposed form, you increase the chances of your friends finding your account.

Looking for a person based on data

Open your personal page, there is a menu to the left of your photo, select the “Friends” tab. Next, in the window that opens, click on “Search for friends” on the right. You can immediately enter your last name and first name into the search box, but in order to significantly narrow the range of candidates offered to you, we find the “Search Options” drop-down menu on the right. Also note that some people write their name in transliteration.

Now you need to fill in all the parameters that you know about the person:

  • Region – here we set the country and city of residence;
  • School - the system will give you a list of educational institutions in the city that you selected earlier, select the number or name of the school, class, year of graduation. A great opportunity to find lost classmates;
  • University – choose a higher educational institution in the city, faculty, year of graduation. All your classmates who have a VKontakte page will become visible to you;
  • Age, gender, marital status - if you don’t know the exact age of a person, you are given any range “from” to “to”; everything is clear with gender; the “marital status” tab gives several options, you can skip it if you are not sure about your status;
  • With a photo - the search will return all the people who have a photo uploaded on their personal page, this makes it easier to recognize the person;
  • Currently on the site - the system will show a list of those who are currently online;
  • Life position – this tab allows you to select the main criteria of a person’s worldview (attitude towards smoking, what is important for him in life and in people, and much more);
  • Work – enter your place of work and position;
  • Military service - this position is attractive to those who want to find army friends. Select the country, part number and year of service;
  • Additionally - this option will significantly narrow the circle of people, provided that you remember the exact date of birth of the person you are looking for;
  • Search in other services - allows you to search for people on social networks such as Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Google, Twitter.

It is not necessary to enter data into each criterion; by filling out even a few of them, you have every chance of finding the person you need, unless, of course, he deliberately registered under a fictitious name or pseudonym.

Finding a person from a photo

Yes, this possibility also exists, and it gives quick results, provided that the person has his own page on a social network and the privacy mode is not set in his personal settings.

The most famous service that efficiently searches for people by photo is Google. We go to the site, find the icon with the image of a camera on the right in the search bar. Click on the icon:

You need to upload a photo of the person you are looking for from your computer:

IN in this case, as an example, a photograph of Evelina Khromchenko, a leading stylist, was uploaded, the search result was rich, and here is Evelina’s personal VKontakte page:

Search through communities “Looking for you”

If the first method does not produce results, you can resort to the help of special communities that help you find a person in the selected city. For example, you need to find a friend from Minsk. Select a group:

We are looking for the group “Looking for you” in the VKontakte search.

We go to the group, in the feed we find “Suggest news”

We offer news in the “Looking for You” community

We upload a photo of the person we are looking for, write information that can help in the search, and wait for people who know this person to respond. Don't forget to monitor comments on your post; not everyone likes to write in private messages.

In this article I will try to fully cover such a topic as searching for people on VKontakte without registration and absolutely free. Most professional psychologists would agree that it is people who suffer greatly from the inability to fully and correctly communicate with others and who suffer greatly from loneliness.

With the help of the Internet, namely social networks, a person gets the impression of full communication. But as it turns out, this also has its advantages: you can safely be yourself without adapting to others, communicate with completely different people (and no matter what their social status is, no matter what they look like), you can safely express your opinion. To be honest, many people allow themselves to do things on the Internet that they would never allow in real life. But even on the Internet, in various social networks, more and more often there is a need to find a specific person, while often having very little information about him. Below we will describe several very simple ways to find the person you need in contact without registration and for free.

VKontakte search for people without registration

For example, you need to find a specific person, and you definitely have information that he has definitely passed the VKontakte registration and has his own page, then finding him will be quite easy. Even if you have your own “VKontakte” page, such a search can be done not from your page, but incognito. VKontakte makes promises to all its users to protect all personal information and it may immediately seem that searching the network is impossible without registration, but as it turns out, searching for any person in VKontakte without registration is very simple.
Method No. 1
Go to the main page “in contact” and click on the following link where it says “forgot your password”, it is located directly under the “Login” button:

Next, select the following line: “if you don’t remember the phone number or don’t have access to the phone, then click here”

click and you get to the main menu for VKontakte users, and there it is very easy and simple to find absolutely any already registered person.

Method No. 2
Here is another very simple option for searching for your friends or non-friends, no matter who you are actually looking for, this is a method of searching in VK using a user directory. To search in this way, you just need to place the following link in the search bar of your browser: and in front of your eyes, if you have done this simplest operation correctly, the following page will open:

Then, in the “Search” column, indicated in the figure, boldly enter the data of the person you require. This is how we make it easy on Vkontakte to search for people without registration.

Method number 3

Searching for people through the Yandex search system

It is very easy to search for a person who is registered on VKontakte through “Yandex”, that is, through a Yandex search. The point here is that by registering on almost all social networks, everyone by default agrees that their data will be visible in the Yandex search network. As a rule, not many, i.e. The vast majority do not change the standard settings, and almost 99.9 percent of people can also be found this way. For such a search, enter the following link into the search line:
Such a page will pop up, and there you can intuitively enter the information you have about the person and select the social network where you need to find him.

Social network In contact with is constantly developing and improving and thereby expanding one of the main useful qualities of the social network as searching for people in contact. Everything changes: searches and applications, sections and chats, editors and players, security and much more. All this is designed to create convenient functionality, adapt the social network to the user and make it even more popular. VKontakte users sometimes do not have time to follow innovations, and are often dissatisfied with them. The power of habits is great... Many have probably noticed that the function of searching for people in Contact has changed significantly.

How can you now search for the right people on your favorite social network? The top line contains a form where you can enter any information or question and search by any criteria. You know how to search for audio/video recordings and communities or public pages. You are interested in finding people. The functionality here remains unchanged. But an innovation is the ability to find not only news from a community or group, but also news from a network user who interests you. As for the user search function, the changes did not affect the selection criteria.

Search for people in contact by last name or without

With even minimal data, it is possible to find a relative or just an acquaintance online, although not without problems. It is advisable to know other parameters in addition to the last name. This could be an educational institution, a job, or a year of birth. And sometimes knowing some additional information about him, for example, his interests, can help in finding a person.

If the person is not found, it means your data is incorrect or has changed (last name, for example). Or it may be that the person you are looking for knowingly entered false information about himself. You should not search for a user by name - no one has canceled the variability of names.

  • To start searching, enter the required parameters in the form and click the button "search" or " enter".

  • If it doesn't work out the first time, don't despair. Change the request categories, remember other details of the person you need: study, age, work, etc. until the search yields positive results.

Searching for people in contact without registration

  • It is possible, to do this you need to type or click on the link