Smartphone and iPhone: looking for the difference. How is an iPhone different from a smartphone? Which gadget is better

Users often ask how an iPhone differs from a smartphone? The question is really interesting, although it is posed incorrectly - after all, the iPhone is also a smartphone. It’s just that in recent years its name has become a household name, as, for example, in the case of copier, because Xerox is the name of a company that also produces photocopiers.

Smartphone(from the English smartphone, that is, “smart phone”) is a mobile phone that successfully combines the functions of a pocket computer. With it, you can not only call friends, but also play games, watch videos, listen to music, surf the Internet and much more.

iPhone is a series of smartphones produced by Apple.

And what happens? And by calling an iPhone a smartphone, you won’t be wrong at all!

What is the difference between smartphones and iPhone?

Now let's talk about what makes the iPhone different from other smartphones.

Perhaps the first and most important thing is the operating system. Our website has already talked about it. This operating system is interesting because it is used exclusively on devices from Apple, so you will not find it on smartphones or tablets from other manufacturers. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other hand, it is bad. It’s good, because Apple polishes its operating system to perfection, so it often works much more stable than other operating systems. The bad thing is that it is impossible to install it, for example, on an LG phone.

The second important difference is the small model range. So, for a long time, Apple released only one model, which was later joined by the iPhone 5c. The same applies to the screen size, although in the sixth generation two devices were released at once - one with a screen diagonal of 4.7 inches, and the second - 5.5 inches. Now look at the huge selection of devices based on the Android OS - the difference is simply fantastic. So if you don't like the look of the iPhone, you don't have much choice but to start looking at devices from other manufacturers.

As for appearance, there is nothing unusual here. In previous years, Apple could shock with the appearance of its devices (remember, for example, the iPhone 4 with a glass back cover), but now it is an ordinary smartphone. Of course, it is distinguished by the presence of expensive materials, but all this invariably affects the cost of the device. But on the back there is a corporate logo - a bitten apple.

iPhones do not have a memory card slot. This, one might say, is an Apple signature feature. Of course, you can always choose an iPhone with a large amount of memory, but the price difference will be several thousand rubles, while the cost of a fast and high-quality flash drive does not exceed a thousand rubles. However, in fairness, we note that many manufacturers are now refusing memory card slots. Fortunately, not all.

Some disadvantages include the non-removable battery in the iPhone. In our opinion, this should not be considered a disadvantage. Firstly, in most modern smartphones the battery cannot be replaced (except by service), and secondly, it lasts 2-3 years, while the average replacement period for a smartphone is only one year.

As for everything else, including characteristics, availability of applications, shooting quality, etc., in this regard, the iPhone is no different from other devices based on Android or Windows Phone. What's better? It's up to you to decide. You can go to some electronics hypermarket and compare the iPhone with another smartphone you like.

Be that as it may, we found out that the iPhone is also a smartphone that has its own characteristics.

What to choose: Samsung Android or iPhone 5s, iPhone 5, iPhone 7, iPhone SE, iPhone 4? Which one is cooler and safer. This question remains unanswered as both types have their pros and cons. The iPhone is not only expensive, it is very expensive, but Android is not only for the poor. Now this comparison is outdated - some flagship Android devices are close to the price of an iPhone.

Although Apple is still the largest and most powerful technology company in the world, it has only recently responded to trends and technological innovations.

The first waterproof smartphone from this company was the iPhone 7. This solution has already been used for a long time in the Android Xperia Z1. There is a similar case with the dual camera in the iPhone 7 Plus - this solution is successfully used in Android.

Android also has features that you won't find in iOS - external memory cards, dual SIM cards, wireless charging, fast boot are just the beginning of the list, but you won't find all these features together in any device.

Let's be honest - most owners of iOS or Android smartphones are not demanding users. The phone works, it has everything you need, including applications especially for Android, which has 84 percent market share.

Therefore, any self-respecting developer would like to be in its place, especially since Gmail, Maps, Chrome, virtual assistant and even the keyboard are better than Apple analogues. In addition to the price - this is a closed Apple system and an open one, in Android - third-party manufacturers can add their services.

However, iOS has an advantage in some aspects, such as security and guaranteed updates, and iPhones work like Swiss watches.

When a company provides a new system update, it is immediately available to users. It even includes older models - for example, the latest version of iOS 10 is also available for users of the iPhone 5, which came out a few years ago.

In Android, updates to older models are rarely seen. Additionally, updates often have to wait for the manufacturer to update their overlay.

Apple users are statistically more likely to pay (if you have money for an expensive phone, you will also have money to buy apps or games).

My observations - choose iPhone or Android

In 2007, Apple presented its development and thus began the battle: “iPhone versus Android and Microsoft.” At first it was not difficult, but more than 6 years have passed since the presentation of the first Android smartphone HTC Dream, better known as the Era G1.

This allowed Google devices to spread their wings and in many ways overtake Apple. Here are some reasons why Android smartphones beat iPhones.

Choosing between Android and iPhone – changes and stores

Android allows the user to truly choose every element, to suit every taste - starting with wallpaper, going through icons, and ending with a complete system change.

In the case of an iPhone, you can’t make so many changes, although if there is a Jailbreak, then the road is open for changes.

As for their stores, for some time the play brand officially surpassed the App Store in terms of the number of available applications.

The only problem and eternal struggle is where there is a lot of everything - there is also a lot of garbage. Personally, I believe that the Play Store has great alternatives for paid games and programs.

What's cooler: iPhone or Android - replaceable batteries and memory cards

Today's smartphones are lightweight, but their life cycle is through daily charging, which means that after about a year of heavy use, the battery should be replaced with a new one.

In most Android devices, you can simply open the flip and replace the power source. On an iPhone, this task seriously interferes with the device and voids the warranty.

While modern smartphones have up to 128 GB of internal memory, there are still definitely more popular models equipped with 16 GB or even 4 GB.

Without the ability to use a memory card, this space will quickly be exhausted and personally, when working with an Apple product, I see the frustration of users when I have to decide what to delete.

Additionally, the price difference between individual versions is usually disproportionate to how much you can actually spend on a good quality MicroSD card.

Which is better to take an Android or an iPhone – prices and equipment

Apple's smartphones have been on the market for almost 8 years, but their availability depends on your budget - although the iPhone 4s on the latest software version is not jet-speed.

In turn, we will find many Android phones that offer much more. So, even for a few hundred dollars, thanks to the Chinese initiative, you can find a good functioning device,

Wireless charging, heart rate monitor, dust and water resistance, various types of displays, gestures, additional sensors and much more made Android missing on the iPhone.

This is similar to NFC, which recently arrived in iOS products, but its capabilities are limited to payments only and it is not available everywhere.

What is the difference between Android and iPhone – iTunes and MicroUSB

Android users cannot imagine that by connecting their phone or tablet to a computer, they will be forced to use an additional program to access the built-in memory to transfer photos or music.

In the case of the iPhone, we are limited to iTunes, which often irritates every interaction between the smartphone and the computer. Required permissions, archives and synchronization, complex transmission system and limitations associated with the number of interacting PCs.

Of course, there are alternatives to iTunes, but either way you need to have it running to even transfer the ringtone to your phone.

With MicroUSB we can connect a cable or charger to our smartphone at any time. This standardization allows you to avoid spending money on buying a regular USB cable.

Additionally, if manufacturers decide to use the C-port more widely, the biggest benefit of Apple's patent will cease to exist, as will the point of using it.

Of course, the iPhone also has its advantages, but the most important of them is long-term support from the manufacturer. Let's summarize.

Bottom line - comparison of Android and iPhone

iOS and Android are currently the most popular operating systems available on mobile devices. According to the analytical report, Android Samsung continues to lead in smartphone sales, with 29 percent of the market. Huawei came in second with 23 percent and Apple with 11 percent.

iOS and Android are very different, so our choice should be guided mainly by our expectations and needs.

First of all, this system gives us a guarantee of continuous software updates. When a company introduces a new product, it automatically appears on all users and equipment, often including older models.

Another advantage of iOS is its compatibility with other devices. Both the operating system, applications, and other devices such as iPad are synchronized. Sharing data between all Apple devices is very easy. In addition, there are many devices on the market that work with iOS smartphones, such as a smart light, sports camera or smart kettle.

Many people also talk about ease of use as one of the advantages of iOS. In fact, this system is not complicated - all applications work quickly and very efficiently. Apple recently introduced tools for people with visual or hearing impairments. Such objects are especially appreciated by the general public.

What are the disadvantages of the Apple device system? First of all, iOS has a small amount of personalization options. Smartphones with this system are definitely intended for people who value design and simplicity more than the advanced configuration of the device.

Because the system is closed, we cannot change the original icons, download other software, or install widgets.

The disadvantage is the relatively high price. Apple devices still have a higher price even for flagship Android models. Their price remains at a high level even several months after release.

For whom is it better to choose Android? Most people can boast that it is an open system. Thus, the user has the opportunity to independently intervene in the system.

For example, when installing an application from external sources. Due to the openness of the system, users can add their own applications and modifications to the system. You can also download the new look.

Another advantage is the variety of devices. With a full range of phones available in the market, there is something for everyone. Variety also applies to prices - you can now buy devices with similar features to Apple, but at a much lower price.

One of the main disadvantages of this system is the low level of security. It is not protected from viruses and Trojans. This is mainly due to the ease of installation of software and applications that come from an unfamiliar source.

Another problem is fragmentation. Manufacturers are slow to update and many cheap models will never see the new version of the system. If there is already some update, it is usually only for more expensive models, and soon after release.

An often cited disadvantage is “freezing.” This problem even applies to equipment even with very good parameters. This is mainly due to the lack of system optimization for specific hardware, which causes the phone to freeze frequently and creates performance issues.

There is no doubt that for one there is an advantage, for others it can be a disadvantage. So for so many years, the war between iOS and Android, the question of choosing one or the other cannot be resolved. What about you, which system do you prefer? I'm interested in your opinion!

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Today, a person who is planning to purchase something that receives calls and accesses the Internet is faced with a choice between a smartphone and an iPhone, and this is presented as a choice between different types of devices. But in essence, the iPhone is just a line of smartphone models from Apple, and ignoring this fact is a very successful and effective marketing ploy. It will not be possible to compare the general with the specific, so we will act like retailers: we will classify everything that is not an iPhone as a smartphone. And we’ll find five differences, like in children’s pictures.


Smartphone- a mobile communication device that combines the functionality and external features of a mobile phone and a PDA. It definitely allows you to connect to the Internet. Runs on specially developed mobile operating systems.

iPhone- a smartphone from Apple Corporation, which currently exists in five generations and several variations, running the iOS operating system (or iPhone OS) and possessing a set of necessary functions for this class of devices.


The difference between an iPhone and any other smartphone cannot be fundamental, due to the fact that it belongs to the same type of device. However, one difference is immediately apparent: someone bit the apple on the back panel - it’s an iPhone (or a replica of an iPhone). All other smartphones can be decorated with any logos they like, but the apple is a symbol of Apple, and no one takes aim at it.

The iPhone has no external differences from many smartphone models, but we can talk about the high quality of the build and materials. Aluminum, tempered glass, and expensive plastic are also found in models from other manufacturers, but only Apple guarantees this for any generation of iPhones. Traditionally, this has been placed in the latter's benefits column, and for good reason, given the ever-lowering quality standards in this area.

The technical differences are already more interesting. iPhones are equipped with a non-removable battery, which theoretically raises concerns about the need to frequently contact a service center. Most smartphone models allow you to replace the battery yourself, sometimes even with a higher capacity. But modern iPhones have solid bodies, which increases the reliability of the devices both in the eyes of the average person and in reality.

iPhone 5

iPhones do not support memory cards: it is believed that the internal one is enough for them. And the internal storage, depending on the model and configuration, can reach 64 GB. Memory cards of this size are rare in smartphones, so Apple wins here. If there is, of course, an urgent need for tens of GB and a serious amount of money in your pocket, the more memory, the more expensive the iPhone.

However, an iPhone is always more expensive than a smartphone with similar characteristics. And more expensive than the one that has superior characteristics. Many people believe that this price is exclusively for the brand, not determined by anything other than the apple. The statement is true, but the demand for iPhones is not falling.

As for software, the difference here, although subjective, is expressive. Apple fans praise iOS for its simplicity, responsiveness and reliability, while opponents criticize all of the above. The iOS operating system is installed only on Apple devices; it is not available to other smartphones. But they have the broadest capabilities and functionality of Android or the efficiency of Windows. Branded applications like iTunes and Siri also belong only to iPhones, although whether this is an advantage or a disadvantage is a controversial issue.

Conclusions website

  1. Only on the back of the iPhone there is an apple - the Apple logo.
  2. The iPhone is always built with high quality and from expensive materials; smartphones are very diverse in this regard.
  3. iPhones of any generation have a non-removable battery and no slot for a memory card.
  4. An iPhone will almost always cost more than a smartphone with similar characteristics.
  5. The iPhone and only the iPhone runs iOS, smartphones run different systems.

Today there is a real struggle between iPhones and smartphones. Users of modern devices argue every now and then about the advantages of this or that device. But before we say which is better, it’s worth understanding what distinguishes one from the other.

iPhone VS smartphone: who wins?

The success of iPhones is largely based on the popularity of the brand, although many smartphones can give it a head start

One of the main differences between the devices is cost. Many people are sure that the iPhone is just a device with good advertising. Apple, first of all, made a good marketing move, thanks to which now even those who frankly cannot afford their products buy their products. While many modern smartphones have surpassed phones with the Apple logo in quality.

So, what is the difference between these devices:

  • Materials. iPhones are made from tempered glass and durable plastic, making these gadgets quite resistant to mechanical damage. Of course, some smartphone companies also use similar materials, but they do not do it systematically, and in Apple products this feature is part of the overall brand concept.
  • Battery. All iPhones have a battery built into the body of the device, which means it cannot be removed; you need to contact a service center. It's different for smartphones. Today, more and more manufacturers are following the same trend.
  • Memory card. A specific feature of iPhones is that you cannot insert an SD card into them, since these gadgets have built-in memory. Its quantity can reach 64 GB. Memory cards with a similar capacity are practically not used on smartphones, so this is more of an advantage than a disadvantage of Apple phones.
  • Appearance. If smartphones exist in thousands of different design variations, then for Apple products a precisely defined design is used - each subsequent model is supplemented with design elements, but the basics remain the same.

You can talk for a long time about which device is better, but in the end it all depends on your needs and financial capabilities.

Telephone is a means of communication through which you can make calls and send messages.

Smartphone is a device equipped with an operating system and advanced capabilities. You can play games in it, surf the Internet, download an application and perform any action.

iPhone is a product of Apple Corporation. The phones of this brand are similar in design, and also have the same operating system and store. It is impossible to install the Apple Store and IOS firmware on any other mobile device except those from Apple.

Phone differences from smartphone and iPhone:

  • Absent operating system.

There is no store and ample opportunities to use the device. There may be a weak camera and browser, but of poor quality, since the main focus of the phone is to make calls and exchange SMS messages.

  • Limited functions.

You cannot share the Internet, post a photo on a social network and perform a number of common actions available on any smartphone.

  • Price.

It can cost a couple of hundred rubles, while smartphones and iPhones cost several thousand or tens of thousands.

Differences iPhone from smartphone:

  • operating system.

Smartphones can be linked to any store and have a different operating system, depending on the brand. The iPhone has a single system and store on all devices. No mobile from another brand can install an Apple Store.

  • Price.

The cost is significantly higher. So, a tenth generation Apple phone costs about a hundred thousand rubles, while a powerful smartphone can be bought for a couple of tens of thousands.

  • Design.

All Apple devices are distinguished by the fact that they have a bitten apple on the back panel. Regardless of the generation and color of the device, the logo is invariably in the same place.

  • Absence memory cards.

The iPhone does not have a memory card, unlike most mobile phones; at most, you can buy additional memory in Icloud for a certain amount.

  • Back panel.

The iPhone's back panel never opens. All connectors for SIM cards and headsets are located on the bottom and sides of the case. Most phones have an opening back where you can remove the battery and SIM card.

What to buy: smartphone, iPhone or phone

The main thing is to pay attention to the capabilities of the devices and decide whether you need it. For example, not everyone likes to take photos and actively communicate on social networks. There are those who do not write a message for any questions, but call. It makes no sense for such people to buy anything other than a phone, since after paying several tens of thousands, a powerful device will only be used for calls, which is not advisable.

There is no need to rely on others when choosing a means of communication, you need to think about individual capabilities and needs. iPhones are being actively promoted now, but who uses all the capabilities of this phone? Apart from a good camera, this powerful device is capable of a lot. Most people buy it because of fashion and a powerful camera.

Smartphone Features.

  • Versatility.
  • Multifunctionality. You can install programs, surf the Internet and actively work, powerful.
  • Easy to use.

As a rule, it does not have complicated operating schemes and has a simple interface that anyone can understand.

The three different types of technology have their own advantages and disadvantages. The most correct decision in this matter is to consider your own needs and make a choice based on them.