How long does it take for a moderator to check a new name in a contact? How to change your name in VKontakte

The social network VKontakte, or as it is also called VK, is increasingly gaining popularity. Currently at its peak of popularity. Millions of Internet users use this social network to communicate with friends and acquaintances. Many people have a desire or need to replace the VKontakte name on their personal page. For example, incorrect data was entered, or a unicorn simply whispered to you in a dream that it would be cooler to give it a different name, or even give it three stars.

If you have the time and desire to wait, then simply send a request to the administration and wait for a response. If your request is adequate, then most likely everything will be fine, but no one will definitely approve the requests of the “unicorn from the dream”. And maybe, just having a good laugh, reject it with a light click from the divine mouse, the VKontakte administration. Most simple requests with common names are missed by the system itself very quickly; most likely, the social network has a database of simple and common names; problems occur only in cases of unusual names. And if you are reading this text, you have a similar question. Therefore, let's consider this issue in more detail.

VKontakte bug

Users have discovered a very interesting bug or system error. With the help of which you can change your first and last name absolutely, whatever you want or whatever your imagination and keyboard is enough for.
In this case, you first need to unpin your page from your mobile phone. Through it, your page receives protection from hacking and fraud, and changing names without administration cannot be called anything else. To do this, there is one proven way to attach a number to another page or register a new account for this phone number. Now you need to return to the tab with the page on which you want to change the name and go to the personal data section. You will see that this page is not attached to any number.

Next you should go to invite_confirm. A registration window will appear on the screen. Enter the required first and last name. Click next and you will be asked for a phone number. There is no need to enter the number. We return to the tab, update the page, the first and last name data has been changed. Now you can safely return the phone number to its rightful place. But keep in mind that you cannot do this too often, otherwise the system will not allow you to attach the number to the next page. However, for this method it is enough to change the “place of residence” number a couple of times. You can delete the second page that contains the phone number.

Purely theoretically, this will be a fictitious marriage, but sometimes you won’t go to such lengths for the sake of a beautiful surname.

For this method, it’s tedious to add as a friend a person with the last name we need, who will undoubtedly be ready to help you. As a last resort, register a page of your pseudo love. In the questionnaire, put the status, married / married, depending on gender, and indicate the desired user as your spouse. After this, the user confirms this connection by changing his marital status indicating your page. Now you can change your last name.

Bypassing the system using the developer panel

This method works with one hundred percent results. But there are small nuances in it, such as you need to install a browser, since the most common profixins will not allow you to deceive the system so harshly, and carefully studying this text before doing anything is worth understanding and only then proceeding.

If you have already tried all the methods and they were not relevant. And this happens very often and ninety percent of the methods found on the Internet no longer work, since the system quickly closes all the holes that users find. Then the method with the developer panel will help you. To do this, you need to install Opera browser version 12.17. go to the page on which you want to change your first or last name. Go to edit personal data, on the line with the name, right-click and select the “inspect element code” section; depending on the version of your Windows, the line may be named differently, but most likely it will always be the bottom one.

This will open the developer panel. Don’t be alarmed by the number of unclear characters; the required line will be highlighted. A dark blue or grayish shading of the line means that this is the element you wanted to replace. In this highlighted line we find your name that needs to be changed, double-click to activate it and change this word to the desired name or symbols. Now you can close the work panel with a cross, scroll down the page and click on the save button that appears. It is worth remembering that this method works once a week, so think carefully before changing. You can also use this method to change your last name, middle name, in general, everything that is changed in your passport for money and weeks of waiting, free of charge and in a few minutes.

Changing your name via Android

You can also try to bypass the system on your phone; perhaps surviving old versions of the VKontakte application will help you bypass picky moderators.

We go to our VKontakte page from a device on the Android platform. We open the menu by swiping the screen from left to right. If you have a menu at the bottom, then your device has an updated version and it is unlikely to help you deceive the administration. Next, click edit page. In the first and last name fields, enter the desired data, scroll down and click save.

Changing the name written in Cyrillic to English

Recently, English-language names have become fashionable. But moderators, in principle, reject requests from Russian citizens to change the spelling of their names from Cyrillic to Latin. To do this, you should go to Google’s online store and download an application to change your IP address. Next, in the upper right part of the browser, find the application icon and change the view “from Russia” to the view “from the USA”. Thus, the VKontakte website system will recognize you as a foreign user and automatically change your data to English.

How to change your last name on VKontakte ? If you are faced with this question, then this article is just for you. Below we will provide a detailed algorithm for changing any personal data in your profile, including your last name.

How to change your last name on VKontakte?

Changing any information about yourself on this social network is quite simple. Log in to your page: immediately below your photo there is a button “Edit profile”, by clicking on which you can make changes to your data: last name, first name, date of birth or other information relating to you.

After you correct the necessary data, you must click the “Save” button at the bottom of the page (if you do not do this, everything that you have changed will not be saved). After clicking the button, the site administration will automatically send an application to change personal data.

The fact is that this site requires writing the first and last names of users only in Russian letters and only in full, without diminutive or abbreviated forms. Therefore, each time after editing a profile, a corresponding application is sent and the site moderators consider the admissibility of saving the changes.

How long does it take to receive a response and what should I do if my name change is refused?

Typically, the site administration makes decisions on received requests to change personal data fairly quickly - within about half an hour. But failures still sometimes occur, and it is likely that the request will be processed within 24 hours. If after this time you have not received approval to change the data, then you need to write a letter to technical support. There, the request can also be processed both very quickly (at a low level of service load) and within 24 hours. In any case, you will be informed of the approximate waiting time for a response when you fill out the form.

If you are refused to change your personal data, you can contact the support service again. In your appeal, please indicate that you were denied, and also describe the reason for the change in personal data. Your application will be reviewed, and if there are indeed grounds for changing your personal data, your last name will be changed.

When registering on the VKontakte social network, each user must indicate his first and last name. Some people initially provide inaccurate information, while others decide to change them over time. And there can be many reasons for changing a name. Some people might want to change personal data, but they don’t know how long the name in VK is checked by the administrator. Today we will look at how to change the name in VKontakte, and how much the name is checked by the administrator in VK.

Officially, all users are warned when performing an action to use their real names in full form.

Judging by the various existing strange names, including those written in Latin letters, such restrictions did not exist before. And if the name is changed now, the user will forever lose the previous unusual name.

In what cases may it be necessary to change the name in VK

In life, completely different situations may arise that entail the need to change the name on VKontakte, among them are:

  • valid change of first or last name in the passport. For the administrator, such a version will look implausible, so if this is really the case, you will have to provide a scan of the document;
  • changing your last name after getting married is a suitable reason for girls;
  • a person needs to change the degree of anonymity, hide his real name or surname. Relevant for people entering the civil service, running a business, and others. This reason for changing a name is also relevant for residents of Ukraine in connection with the latest trends and laws.

To change the name on VKontakte, we indicate real and compelling reasons. We present our arguments.

To convince the administration to accept the application, you can use this option: tell them that a fictitious name is currently being used, but you, as a private user, have decided to reveal your real initials to the world. In any case, the original and unique reason for changing the name will only benefit the user, since he will not have to wait long for the administration’s decision, and the likelihood of a positive outcome will be very high. The main thing is to write the truth.

How long does it take for a new name to be checked by the VK administrator?

Every time something new happens on VKontakte, new rules and laws appear. If before it was possible to change your first and last name at least 100 times a day. At the same time, using various options that only had enough imagination. Now the site administration is restricting such actions.

VK moderators

After changing the data, an application is created, which can be checked by moderators. We have to wait for her approval. This will take time. It depends on how busy the moderators are with applications. If the moderators are free, they will quickly review your application. But, as a rule, everyone is busy, so the verification takes several days.

On average, the process takes a few minutes, but due to the creation of a large number of fake accounts, the verification process has become more stringent.

Therefore, the process of changing your first and last name can last up to several days.

On average, technical support is expected to respond to such requests within 10-15 hours, but there are no clear deadlines for making a decision.

How to change your name in VK: step-by-step instructions

The procedure for changing a name on VKontakte is quite simple and includes the following steps:

To perform a similar operation from the VK application on Android, you need to perform the following steps:

The same steps are performed for the VK application on iOS:

  • you need to open a personal profile;
  • click on “…” in the upper right corner;
  • A drop-down menu will appear;
  • select “edit page” from the list;
  • write the necessary information in the first two lines;
  • Click the “done” button in the upper right corner.

Possible problems when changing your name in VK

  • If your application to change your name is rejected, wait for a certain time change, submit the application again, or contact the site administration personally.
  • The name does not change to English or written in transliteration - for foreign language users, the name is transliterated into Latin automatically, just indicate the USA or any European country in the settings;
  • If you don’t receive a response to your request after several days, you need to delete the existing one and repeat the request.


Changing the VK name is quite easy, but the procedure requires checking with the site administration. How long this will last, one might say, depends on luck and how the card falls. You can use special tricks from programmers to bypass administration checks or create the appearance of a fictitious marriage on the Internet. If you really need to change your name in VK, then the administration will definitely accommodate you. Because it prevents the process of creating fake accounts.

In 2017, on the social network Vkontakte you can easily change your initials. This may be required for various reasons, one of which is: when registering, you indicated a shortened name, and you want to change it to your full name. There are also cases when users change their first and last names on a whim, for the sake of interest.

In general, read below for detailed instructions on how to change your first and last name in VK. And remember one thing, in some cases you will have to wait for approval from the administration.

How to change your first and last name in VK

It doesn't matter what your reason is for changing your initials. The only important thing is how to do everything so that no troubles arise.

Instructions for computer:

  • Go to your profile;
  • Find the drop-down menu bar in the upper right corner of the window, next to your avatar.
  • Then click on the triangle and select “Edit” in the list that appears.
  • The master data editing panel will open. Here you have the opportunity to change your first name, last name, gender, date of birth...
  • Edit your initials and click “Save.”
  • If you chose a rare name or made a mistake when changing it, then it is quite possible that the check will take a long time. Therefore, be careful when entering letters on the keyboard. Well, and, of course, try not to be too clever.
  • If such a name does not exist, it may not be approved.
  • After approval, personal data will be automatically changed.

How to change your name in VK. Why does authentication take time?

The administration of the social network considers it correct if users indicate their real initials. It is preferable not to use abbreviations. If you are not vigilant in these aspects, many people will use individual accounts as advertising pages. For example, they will write down the name of the company. They exist for something like this.

Another reason why changes are controlled is that VK is a social network whose main task is to find people and communicate. If you have an inaccurate name, they will not be able to find you or contact you. Maybe this is what you want, however, VKontakte was created precisely for open communication. Based on the same considerations.

How to change personal data without checking the administration in VK

A girl can change her last name on VK, unlike her first name, without the intervention of the administration, and therefore without wasting time.

This is due to the fact that people get married and their last names may officially change. You can implement the idea as follows:

  • Open your page;
  • Click “Edit” in the upper right corner;
  • Now let's proceed carefully. Change your marital status to “In love” and don’t save the whole thing just yet;
  • Then copy your husband’s “id*******” and paste it into the appropriate box;
  • All that remains is to save the data. You now have strong arguments for the right to change your last name;
  • The status has changed to “In love” and it is possible to edit the last name (indicate it in the feminine gender).
  • Click “Save” and look at the result.

How to change your last name on VK quickly

VKontakte does not check some list of popular surnames:

Maksimov, Gusev, Gus, Semyonov, Kurochkin, Safarov, Martsinkevich, Vasiliev, Andreev, Filatov, Sokolov, Ivanov,
Cat, Kuzmin, Yusupov, Dove, Owl, Fox, Maltsev, Bykov, Tkachenko, Owl, Fox Maltsev, Bykov, Kolesnikov, Tikhonov, Kharchenko, Vinogradov, Kulikov, Korneev, Malikov, Markelov, Zubov, Nikitin, Golubev, Tsar, King and others.

Paste this name into the last name field and save the changes.

Users who were registered on VKontakte 8 years ago should remember that at that time it was possible to change their first and last names without any problems. In the future, it was necessary to provide collateral in the form of votes, but now changing the specified data is possible only after verification by the administrator. We will show you how to go through this procedure from start to finish.

First of all, you need to go to your page. Under your avatar there is a link “Edit page”, click on it.

In the “Basic” tab you will see all the basic data about yourself, including first name, last name, gender, marital status, etc. You need to write a new first and last name, and then click on the “Save” button.

The page will reload and you will see that the application has been accepted. Now you need to wait for approval from the moderator, this takes some time.

If you want to cancel your application, click on the link of the same name.

An important nuance. Pay attention to the rules that are written in the window:

It is customary on VKontakte to use only real names in full form, written in Cyrillic. For example: Yan Ivanov, Anna Petrova. Therefore, some requests for name changes are checked by moderators. Please wait for approval.

Please note that for foreign language users, names are automatically transliterated into Latin. Therefore, applications to write Russian names in Latin letters are rejected.

Thus, you will not be able to assign yourself a name in Latin if you have a Russian name. How then do many users use the Latin alphabet? The secret is simple: they write the name during registration, and this information is not checked by administrators.

How to change first and last name in the mobile application?

Now information for those who are accustomed to using the VK mobile application.

Select “Settings” from the menu.

We write the first and last name (or one thing) in the window with basic information. Be sure to click on the “Save” button.

A window appears saying that the request to change data has been accepted.

If we go to the “Edit Page” section, we will see that the new name is being checked.

You can cancel your application at any time.