We scan receipts from stores and manage finances on Android. Earn money by scanning QR codes from receipts via Android

An online cash register receipt is an extremely informative document that contains a large number of details that identify the payment from the buyer or client. A cash receipt can be checked for authenticity by certain interested parties - and for compliance with the requirements for indicating key details. But why? How can I check a cash receipt?

Who and why can check an online cash register receipt?

An online cash register receipt is a rather technologically advanced “product” in itself. First of all, it should be noted that such a check can be presented in two versions - paper and electronic. Paper ones are almost no different in appearance from the usual KKM checks of older generations. But in terms of content - more than that, due to the fact that several fundamentally new details appeared in it at once (due to the requirements of Law No. 54-FZ).

Electronic is, in fact, an electronic copy of a paper one - with almost the same details. Such a check can be executed in the form of a file of a special format or saved (and this option can be considered typical) in the cloud with the ability to access it via a link on the Internet.

A paper check is issued in any case. An electronic receipt from the online cash register (or a link to it) must be sent to the buyer upon his request (and provided he provides contact information - mobile phone number or e-mail).

This rule has exceptions:

  1. Only paper check is issued to the buyer if the store makes sales in an area where, in accordance with the criteria established by law, there is no connection to the Internet (currently such areas include the territories of settlements with a population of up to 10 thousand people).
  1. Only an electronic receipt is issued when making a purchase online.

Both types of receipts are generated at the online cash register with the direct use of its key technological component - the fiscal drive, and are stored in its memory. In addition, data on payment by cash receipt must be transferred in the prescribed manner to the Federal Tax Service (through the mediation of the Fiscal Data Operator).

Thus, an online cash register receipt in all cases must meet the following criteria:

  1. It must contain all the details required by law.
  1. It must be generated by the fiscal storage of an online cash register that meets the requirements of Law No. 54-FZ.
  1. It must be presented in two versions, unless otherwise provided by law.
  1. Information on the check must be sent to the Federal Tax Service via the OFD.

At the same time, all 4 specified signs, in general, are interconnected as unified criteria for the correct functioning of an online cash register. If at least 1 is present, then with a correctly functioning online cash register, this most likely automatically means that the remaining 3 will be observed.

The signs in question are the subject of checking an online cash register receipt. The following may be interested in such a check:

  1. The store itself- to make sure that his online cash registers are in order, and when checking, the Federal Tax Service will not have a reason to issue fines for non-compliance with the procedure for using cash registers.
  1. Federal Tax Service- to find out whether the online cash registers are in order, and if it turns out that this is not the case, let business owners know about it, and in cases provided for by law, initiate sanctions against the outlet.
  1. Buyers- to ensure that they have genuine cash receipts in their hands, which, if necessary, can be used for the purposes provided for by law. For example - present for warranty repair purposes, use as reporting documents when traveling on a business trip.

What are the ways to check the authenticity of a cash receipt?

Now there are three of them:

  1. Using a mobile application for checking checks, which was developed by the Federal Tax Service.
  1. Use of resources on the websites of fiscal data operators.
  1. Personal visit to the Federal Tax Service with a check.

Let's consider all the methods in more detail.

Checking a receipt using a QR code through the Federal Tax Service mobile application

First of all, download the application in question. Links to the application pages in Google Play and the App Store are located at the bottom of the kkt-online.nalog.ru page (by the way, this is a very informative page on the Federal Tax Service website - it reveals in detail a large number of nuances of using the online cash register).

Install the mobile application of the Federal Tax Service “Verification of cash receipt” of JSC GNIVC on your smartphone

Then we find the menu item “Check receipt”.

The camera is immediately activated. You need to point it at the QR code, which is printed at the bottom of the cash register receipt (as an alternative, you can enter the initial data manually).

The application automatically scans the code and recognizes the payment information encrypted in it, on the basis of which the receipt can be verified.

If everything is in order with the check, an inscription about this will appear on the screen. If not, a message about this will also be shown on the display.

The following buttons may be available on the scan result page:

  • “Report to the tax office”;
  • "Get a check."

The first button allows you to send a complaint to the Federal Tax Service - that the check did not pass the check. With a certain probability, this will mean that the store that issued the check does not use the online cash register or has configured it incorrectly. The Federal Tax Service will subsequently take the complaint into account when checking.

The second button allows you to receive an electronic copy of the check directly on your smartphone screen - it is downloaded from the Federal Tax Service servers. If you wish, you can compare the contents of an electronic check and a paper one. Copies of cash documents requested from the Federal Tax Service through the application are stored in the “My Receipts” section.

A very remarkable option of the application from the Federal Tax Service is the generation of a personal QR code for the buyer.

It can be shown from the smartphone screen to a salesperson in a store to quickly transfer contacts to him in order to request an electronic copy of the receipt.

This QR code usually immediately appears on the start page of the application (on the “Business Card” tab).

The seller, using his scanner, will ensure that the relevant contacts are read, and then send an electronic receipt to the buyer from the online cash register.

Checking a cash receipt for authenticity through OFD services

The next way to check a receipt is to use special OFD services. The advantage of this method is the ability to use a regular computer rather than a mobile gadget (and there is no need to install anything, since the check will be carried out on the site through a browser).

The disadvantage of the method of checking the receipt in question is that you can only use the service of the OFD with which the store has entered into an agreement on the transfer of fiscal data to the Federal Tax Service. The buyer may not know about such an OFD in advance, and will have to act at random - trying to check receipts on different websites of popular OFDs.

Please note that in many cases the cash register receipt still indicates the name of the OFD and the address of the Operator’s website. Despite the fact that in the list of online cash register receipt details listed in Art. 4.7 of Law No. 54-FZ there is no such requirement; the indication of information about the FDD on the check is provided for by the Formats of fiscal documents - if FFD 1.05 or 1.1 is used at the cash desk. But not all users have switched to these formats yet, and if FDF 1.0 is used, then indicating information about the OFD on the receipt is recommended, but not required.

If you were able to reliably find out information about the OFD, through which the information about the check was transferred to the Federal Tax Service (or there is reason to believe that the proposed OFD will be the one needed), then in general, to check the check it is necessary:

  1. Go to the OFD website and find the page on which the check is checked.
  1. Enter the required check details.

Most often, some data from the list is required:

  • fiscal attribute of the FPD document;
  • online cash register number assigned upon registration with the Federal Tax Service;
  • serial number of the fiscal drive;
  • fiscal sign of a check;
  • date and amount of payment.

Depending on the specific OFD, the details that need to be specified on the check verification page may differ. But, as a rule, they do not go beyond the above list.

  1. View the results of the check verification.

Depending on them, you can respond to the results of the inspection in the manner prescribed by law.

    ofd.yandex.ru/check .

  1. OFD Taxcom - receipt.taxcom.ru.



  1. OFD.ru - check.ofd.ru.

... and other fiscal data operators registered in the Federal Tax Service register.

Personal visit to the Federal Tax Service

An alternative, offline option for checking a check is a personal visit to the Federal Tax Service with a cash document. However, the technical capability for such a check may not be available at every Federal Tax Service office.

The fact is that this check is carried out using a special scanner, which is publicly available. This technology, in fact, can be considered as a further step in the development of the platform previously used by the Federal Tax Service for checking receipts generated at cash registers with EKLZ - that is, cash registers, which preceded online cash registers. The use of these platforms was regulated by letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated July 12, 2010 No. AS-37-2/6454.

Thus, the interested person needs to call the territorial office of the Federal Tax Service in advance with a question about the availability of the technical ability to check the check using the scanner installed in the department. Perhaps they can tell you the nearest Federal Tax Service office - if there are several of them in the city, where such a device is available.

What nuances might there be?

Please note that a situation is possible in which a purchase is made in a locality in which retail outlets have the right to use online cash registers without connecting to the OFD and without transferring payment data to the Federal Tax Service (currently these are localities with a population of no more than 10 thousand people ). Such a preference can be quite in demand, since in this case a business entity can significantly save on OFD services (about 3,000 rubles per year only for basic services, to which additional costs may be added - for example, for sending electronic receipts via SMS).

Fiscal data from a cash register used offline is still transferred to the Federal Tax Service, but disproportionately less frequently compared to the online mode. Namely - only when re-registering the cash register or when deregistering it. The owner of the cash register must bring a fiscal drive to the Federal Tax Service, from which the necessary data will be read.

In such a scenario, there may not be information on the check on the Federal Tax Service or OFD servers at the time of verification - simply because they did not have time to transfer it there. In this case, the specified methods for identifying the authenticity of a check will not work. But if desired, the issue of checking a fiscal document can be resolved by contacting the Federal Tax Service privately for advice. Department specialists will tell you how you can make sure that the check is correct.

Video - how to check an online cash register receipt:

Greetings to all, my dear friends! Today we will review another cool “innovation”, which is even on the main page of Yandex.

Recently, interest in discount apps has clearly increased. An example of this is the mass download and installation of Edadil. Good news: after the next update, cashback appeared in Edadil.

Initially, the service did not return money; it was a regular aggregator of discounts.

Accordingly, that's how I used it.

Screenshot from the site http://corp.edadeal.ru

And when I found out that “crocodile” now gives cashback, I began to use the service more actively.

And testing this updated version, I was very impressed with it, because it really helps you save money.

Well, enough of the introduction, it's time to start saving!

Source - 8×6.ru.

  1. Download the application on the website (links below)
  2. Install on your phone (links for iOS and Android are provided below)
  3. Are you starting up?
  4. Register
  5. Go to any store (the list can be viewed inside the application), buy goods
  6. Save the receipt
  7. In the program, click “cashback”, scan the receipt
  8. The system will confirm it
  9. After successful moderation, funds will be available to you
  10. You make a request to withdraw finances to Yandex.Money or to your phone

That's it, we've gone through the full cycle of steps.

Isn't this a hoax?

When the crocodile service began to issue cashbacks, people began to doubt: is this not a scam?

Why would a service with promotions and discounts suddenly start paying for purchases?

Edadil is a service that actually provides cashback

I even came across in reviews that there was definitely some kind of catch hidden in the way “Edadil” works.

I will dispel your doubts: there is no trick! And we are paid cashback for choosing certain brands.

Nothing like that, just stimulating consumer interest in certain products.

Where can I get the application?

First- on the official website of the service - http://corp.edadeal.ru/cashbacks

How to log in: registration and other nuances

If you have already installed Edadil and want to get cashback, but don’t know how to use the application, I’ll tell you.

First, how to register.

The registration procedure is standard, with entering your phone number, email, your username and password.

Initially, “Edadil” is the brainchild of Yandex, I mentioned this at the beginning of the article.

Currently, the company owns a 10% stake in the service and is investing effort and money to make the application better.

Therefore, without hesitation, you can use your password and login used in Yandex.

Easy registration way

To simplify the task of logging into the application, I advise you to log in via social networks.

Entry options:

  • "In contact with";
  • Facebook;
  • Google.

Without logging in, the application does not work fully ! You’ll be able to get acquainted with the offers, but you won’t be able to get a freebie. It will also not be possible to create shopping lists or make changes to “favorites”.

After installation, you can briefly familiarize yourself with all the features and navigation.

To understand, in general, whether such a service will be useful.

As for me, it will definitely come in handy!

The Edadil app can be downloaded for free

Which supermarkets are participating in promotions?

Users who download the application can find information about discounts in all popular supermarkets:

  • "Pyaterochka"; We learned to save a lot in this store. How - .
  • "Crossroads"; About this network of products. It has a bunch of ways to get cashback.
  • "Polushka";
  • "Ship"; Want to know how to get cash back on your purchases at this store? !
  • "Daughters and sons"; Children are the flowers of life. What follows from this? Yes, the fact is that you don’t need to spare anything for them, buy everything you need, but...
  • "Girlfriend" and many others.

In large cities, the list of stores sometimes reaches 50 items!

All in all, there is plenty to choose from.

Update the list daily - new retail chains are regularly added.

It’s convenient that Edadil offers promotions and cashback for purchases in stores that are located close to your home or workplace.

To take advantage of the opportunity, you need to allow the smart device to read your current location.

Looking out the window, you will definitely see “Perekrestok” or “Pyaterochka” with a great offer.

The distance will be indicated, as will the number of items.

Don't get lost.

What is the range?

In “Edadil” you will not find a complete catalog of the retail chain’s products.

This is the place for you if you decide to save money and get cashback.

How to use the features that the interface offers? You can quickly create a shopping list using the stars I talked about above.

  • Don't forget to log in to your account!
  • At the top of the page, select a city - all supermarkets are at your fingertips!

Refund button location

Where can I find the cashback tab in Edadil? It is located at the bottom of the window, on a gray background, next to other working windows . In the old version of the program, you had to scroll through the menu to scan the code.

With the new update, everything is simpler - now the button is at the bottom of the page.

It looks like a small blue circle with a camera inside.

What if the button disappears?

If Edadil does not have a cashback button, then the phone has possible problems:

  • Android installed below 5.0;
  • The settings prohibit updating the application;
  • Account is not activated.

Requires Android at least 5

How to deal with glitches?

  • , especially if the cashback tab has disappeared from “Edadil”, but was previously there.
  • Second option— try installing the program on another gadget (phone with a higher version of Android, tablet) and test it on a new device.
  • Third— tear everything to hell, install Edadil again.
  • And the best option : contact technical support, the guys there are very responsive.

"Email" for communication: [email protected]

Didn't find the tab?

Sometimes they ask the following question: “ I updated the application, why is there no cashback tab in Edadil?»

It looks like besides updating the app, it's time for you to buy a new gadget.

Since android 5, the tab appears flawlessly.

For all users whose devices run modern operating systems, this menu item appeared automatically.

What to do if the application is buggy?

If you use a mobile phone on Android, then do this:

  1. Remove the service from your smart phone.
  2. In the “menu” go to settings, in the application tab select “PlayMarket”.
  3. Reset all updates, programs, and cache.
  4. Reboot your phone.
  5. Install “Edadil” and enjoy it for your health!

For Yabloko owners everything is much simpler:

  1. Select “Edit” and press “delete”.
  2. Reboot your iPhone.
  3. In the AppStore, install the program again, and “voila” - everything works perfectly!

There is also an app for Apple

Options for receiving cashback on Edadil

Not yet aware of how cashback from the Edadil app works?

I’ll tell you everything point by point, this is how I did it:

  1. I found the “cashback” tab, clicked on the cell, looked at the offers and options.
  2. I went into the store. I bought the necessary goods.
  3. Now I don’t throw away the check, but take it with me. And sometimes I grab other people’s checks!
  4. How to take a photo? Below, on the right, in the money back menu, I found a blue button and clicked on it.
  5. The camera turned on and took a scan. If you have a lot of checks, don’t wait for each one to be moderated. Click on the blue button and download the rest.
  6. I earn cashback after the system confirms that the check is real.
  7. Sent money to Yandex.money or received a refill on your phone.

How does cashback work in Edadil?

Here are a few main types of promotions and conditions, for a refund:

  • Money is transferred for one unit of goods.
  • Funds will be received for the total amount. The more you take, the higher the percentage .
  • Every third (sixth, tenth) product item is a gift.

To study in detail, I simply click on each name in turn. I assess the situation to see how beneficial it is for me. How can I find my old receipts? All of them are stored in the application memory. We go to a specific tab and view the history.

Spent money on shopping? Some of them can be returned!

Accumulation system. Is it profitable or not?

Now Edadil offers to save purchases.

  • Come, say, to a supermarket, and here you are offered an offer: buy 6 ice cream cones and get a bonus.
  • Most likely, you will choose one, because where to put the rest?
  • Now everything is thought out: if you visit six times and buy one each, you will still receive a refund. Of course, if you scan each receipt.

Intermediate goals

Developers carry out some actions for intermediate purposes.

For example, to get 100 rubles. you need to buy 3 cans of salmon, 200 rub. — 6 cans, 300 rub. - 9 cans.

If you no longer plan to buy canned food, you only have a bonus for three pieces in your account, you can withdraw your 100 rubles by clicking on the green button.

Shall we count?

One more trick : sometimes a bonus is given only for a certain product on the account. For example, every third mayonnaise purchased from a brand.

If the offer is especially tempting, you need to go to the store as quickly as possible!

The same smart shoppers who use cashback in the Edadil app can rake discounted products off the shelves.

And you will have to be content with sandwiches for dinner. If you want something tasty and cheap, you have to move.

How to send an image of a receipt to the application?

Step-by-step instructions on how to scan a receipt: There is nothing complicated!

Below is how to do everything clearly:

  1. The “QR code” looks like a square with a specific pattern. If you don’t quite understand what it is, where I put everything on the shelves.
  2. Turn on the menu, go to the “wallet”, where the cashback tab is.
  3. Click on the camera image. The camera will start working and an image of the surface you are shooting will appear on the screen.
  4. The edges of the picture will be gray, and in the center there will be a clear square, camera footage.
  5. Point this square at the “QR code” from the receipt.
  6. If everything was done correctly, a message will appear: “check uploaded successfully.” Click on the “Got it” button.

What to do if you couldn't scan the code?

Why does this happen? Let's figure it out now.

How to solve a problem:

  • Your camera's flash may not be working or the area is not well lit. Move closer to the window or turn on the light.
  • Try scanning other receipts. It is possible that this one is damaged. It happens that the cash register does not work well.
  • Restart the application and mobile.
  • As a last resort, delete the application and install it again.
  • Nothing helped? Contact support. They'll tell you. Verified. See email above.
We scan receipts and make money from it!

How long does moderation take?

Usually, checks do not freeze—you quickly receive a notification about a successful download.

Maximum, a couple of hours. I read that up to 5 days is in case of failures.

The process is easy to control - successful scans are moderated.

“The check is being verified,” the system says.

When installed, Edadil requests permission to send notifications to the owner. This function should not be neglected. Convenient to find out about enrollments.

Cashback didn't work?

Edadil doesn't give you cashback? There may be a problem with the scanned code. In this case, you can order a manual check from the service. To do this, you need to click the “report a bug” button.

There may be several options why there is no cashback:

  • It is possible that all conditions of the promotion have not been met. For example, a certain number of products were not purchased.
  • or the promotion has ended.

Brief background and a little about commissions

  1. I received my first check at Pyaterochka, and when I got home I entered it into the system.
  2. The next day, a real bummer awaited me - a notification came out that the check had not been accepted because more than 3 hours had passed since the purchase.
  3. It’s unpleasant, but now I know that there’s no need to hesitate.
  4. I pay with a bank card or don’t wait to scan. The Edadil service did not credit me with cashback at Pyaterochka, it only gave me experience.

Card or cash: what should we do and is there a difference?

A small nuance : It’s better to pay by card than by cash. If you pay in rubles at the checkout, the time to scan the code is only three hours. If you give me plastic at the checkout, you’ll have a day to get the cache back.

There is no limit on the number of registered codes.

The same applies to money - whatever is credited is yours.

By the way, this green crocodile provides cashback without commissions.

That's why money - net income, no need to share with anyone.

You can scan a receipt even if there is no Internet on your mobile phone.

If there is no free “wi-fi” and “4G”...

  1. If there is no access to the network, and you want to get a bonus, then I scan without the Internet.
  2. The main thing is that the cherished three hours do not pass.
  3. I come home, connect, and... oh, miracle!
  4. Receipts were sent from the program's memory. The main thing is that under the time in which they were made.

How much will they return?

Now we come to an important question.

How much do they return?

Depends on the promotion: starting from 10% and almost up to 100% refund .

All cashback is credited to your account in the service, and it can be withdrawn at any time.

Yes, yes, I wrote everything correctly: in Edadil you don’t need to save up the minimum wage for months. Any amount can be withdrawn from the account. There are no limits or restrictions on payments.

Where to withdraw money?

There are two options:

  1. Electronic wallet "Yandex.Money".
  2. Mobile replenishment (Megafon, Tele2, Beeline, MTS).

And we will continue.

Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to transfer funds directly to a bank card.

Therefore, this operation will have to be carried out through a Yandex wallet.

To transfer funds to your card, log into your Yandex.Money account, go to the “transfers” section and transfer money.

However, you will have to pay a commission - 1.5% of the amount.

  • There are no commissions when withdrawing to a mobile phone. Therefore, this method is more in demand.
  • Money arrives in a matter of minutes.

What should I use my refund for?

How to spend cashback? Everything seems clear here. For new, everyday purchases. Or top up your mobile phone. I bought food and sent cashback wherever you need it.

At such moments, you clearly realize that you did not stir up all this to collect some ghostly points, which you later exchange for frying pans and knives, but you hear the crunch of real bills in your pocket.

And you spend them at your own discretion: you can, for example, spend cashback in the Yandex.Food application - you get such a circulation of money in Yandex services! Well, or you don’t have to spend money on paying for a mobile phone.

It's a fairy tale!

How to get cashback from Edadil store receipts and not screw it up?

be careful: There are a number of conditions that must be met in order to benefit:

  1. Read how long the promotion on the product lasts. It happens that I came in the next day, and the lafa was already over.
  2. If there is a promotion on chips with crab, this does not mean that the discount also applies to the flavor with salami.
  3. Sometimes you have to buy in bulk - instead of one stick of sausage, buy two. Everything is spelled out in the conditions.
  4. At the checkout, please note: the receipt must have a “QR code”. Stores with an antediluvian cash register may be guilty of not having one. .
  5. If you buy products and they are not recognized as participating in the promotion, click on “report an error.”

Please read the terms and conditions of promotions carefully.

Little tricks

How to cheat on Edadil to get more cashback? This is one of the most popular questions from users. There is no need to deceive anyone !

But you can cheat a little: for example, especially smart people manage to grab other people's receipts from the supermarket basket.

I'm also particularly thoughtful, and why not?

Sometimes sellers also sin in the same way - brazenly use their official position.

In principle, there is nothing wrong with this: I suggest you use this method of increasing the cash in your bank account.

But you came up with this yourself, I didn’t say anything!

There is one more trick - use not one service, but several at once!

Other cash back programs

In the case of scanning receipts, no one forbids us to use several services at once.

Therefore, why not install the applications “Qrooto”, “Cheaper Together”, etc. along with “Edadil”?

What is "Qrooto"? - , but let me remind you: it awards points, not rubles.

To give myself some seriousness, I came up with this stupid system: buy a product - get 10 points, that sounds so respectable, but in fact - one ruble.

True, they give you a ruble for bread.

So after 300 loaves, you can finally withdraw money from your account (when you accumulate 3000 points). Yeah…

Allows you to scan only three receipts from one store with a purchase interval of 90 minutes.

“Cheaper together” is a strange service.

Everything seems to be the same, but you also get benefits from your friends’ purchases if they choose the same product.

For me, it’s some kind of bullshit. But I'm not trying to dissuade you.

Keeping track of money is also fun. This is probably what at least 90% of our readers think. And six months ago I would have agreed. But not today.

Oddly enough, everything changed with the advent of QR codes on receipts. By scanning them, you can save all expenses into the iPhone’s memory for later analysis.

Here we will teach you how to take control of your money. AND your life will never be the same.

Why are QR codes printed on receipts?

On June 1, 2017, the Russian tax authorities obliged stores to print a special QR code on each receipt. This is necessary to independently verify the legality of any business (there is additional information on this matter).

But that's not what we're interested in.

If you scan a paper check using a special program, you can get an electronic version of it.

You can import it into a convenient finance manager to eventually get a visual structure of your expenses for any period and see gaps in the budget.

🔎 What is needed for this:

Step 1. Download the app Checking a cash receipt from the tax office for the digitization of paper receipts.

Step 2. Download the program Alzex Finance Pro, which supports the import of electronic receipts.

Step 3. Open the application Checking a cash receipt and scan the QR codes on all the receipts you have on hand.

Step 4. Go to the main menu of the application and select Receiving an extract.

Step 5. Select the time interval and JSON data format (to get data for the current date, leave the Until field empty).

Step 6. Click the button Get download and wait until the data is loaded.

Step 7 Click on the export button and select the application Alzex Finance Pro.

Everything is very simple, and more clearly in the video:

All receipts that you import into this mobile application fall into the section Unconfirmed transactions.

The program automatically selects a category for each item based on the data you entered previously. For example, Milk will fall into Products.

During import, you can select those receipts that do not need to be added to the list. And those already available in the application will not be duplicated.

Choosing software for accounting funds

To control your income and expenses, we recommend using the Alzex Finance application.

And besides the ability to import electronic receipts, it has other advantages.

💸 Why we chose Alzex Finance Pro:

Import of electronic receipts. Using this mobile application, you can import data from the tax application and significantly speed up entering your expenses.

Multiplatform. The service works not only on iPhone and Android, but also on Windows. This allows you to use it on a large number of devices simultaneously.

Simple and convenient interface. Beginners will definitely be pleased with the ease of working with the program, and experienced users will find a large number of precise settings.

Separation by users. You can manage your household finances together with your family and friends. For each of them, you can configure rights to edit specific sections.

Planning. You can mark regular payments that will be added to the list of expenses automatically. This could be household services, rent, loans.

Debts and loans. You have the opportunity to record funds even in categories that are rarely found in other similar applications.

Multicurrency. You can make entries not only in rubles, but also in other world currencies - including cryptocurrencies. Their course is synchronized via the Internet.

And these are just the global features of the mobile application that we liked.

I think everyone will be able to find many more interesting opportunities in it.

A little about the capabilities of the software

The application interface is divided between five sections: overview, accounts, budget, debts and reports.

Review. The main menu of the application, through which you can go to the full list of transactions, view your list of events and tasks, add a transaction or receipt, and so on.

How to add a new transaction:

Step 1. Click the button Add transaction in the main menu of the application.

Step 2. Select direction:

Consumption- what you spent
Income- what you earned
Translation- internal movement of funds: put cash into the account or vice versa, and so on

Step 3. Decide which of your accounts the operation is connected to: your wallet, your wife’s wallet, your stash, bank cards, and so on.

Step 4. If necessary, adjust other transaction features: date, category, family members, projects, additional tags, and so on.

Step 5. Save the operation.

From section Review you can also familiarize yourself with reference books - find out the current exchange rates (including cryptocurrencies), change all categories used in the application (family members, groups for transactions).

Here you can create templates for repeating operations, get acquainted with the user manual, assign rights to users, and so on.

Accounts. Using this section you can view the status of all your accounts. By clicking on any of them, you can get a list of operations specifically for it.

Budget. This section will help you budget specific amounts for certain expense items. For example, you can spend no more than 10 thousand on entertainment - here you can see the progress of achieving this “goal”.

Debts. A list of expenses that you have not yet made but should do. For example, it is convenient to record the costs of repaying loans here. Here you can write what is owed to you.

Reports. View categories in the form of a convenient pie chart that clearly shows the structure of income or expenses.

Save money from your emotions

It's easy to start recording your expenses so you can cut down on unnecessary ones. It’s more difficult to do this regularly and not give up in the end. And it’s even more difficult for beginners who make the same mistakes.

💡 Mistake #1. If you're trying to create as many categories as possible for record keeping, stop. A few big ones are enough: an apartment, a car, groceries, entertainment.

For self-analysis, you do not need to know exactly how much money you spend on fruits - it is more important to understand the position of products in the cost structure.

If you see that you have eaten your entire salary this month, it’s time to think about it.

💡 Mistake #2. If you forgot to record any transaction, don't despair. Most likely, it will not affect the overall picture and will not prevent you from navigating the situation.

There is no need to worry too much if you lost a receipt and did not have time to scan it, or did not write down one item.

The structure of your expenses will change, but not so critically. You will still clearly see that you are spending too much on the same car repairs, and it is better to think about replacing it.

Now your budget is under control

With it, you can even simply collect all the receipts throughout the month, and then scan them and easily view expenses in a structured form.

This will help you find and close gaps in your budget, look for ways to save money and new ways to earn money.

Alzex Finance- without support for importing electronic receipts, synchronization between devices, separation of user roles, multicurrency, reports
Alzex Finance Pro- with support for the full set of application capabilities for only 299 rubles.
Checking a cash receipt- tax application for scanning QR codes and creating electronic receipts
Alzex Finance- for Android
Official website of the application- here is the PC version

Thanks to the tax office and the developer Alzex Finance, who made our life easier.

FinPix is not just a unique scanner of cash receipts in Russian, but an application for complete accounting of household finances.

  • Recognition of cash receipts in Russian. The application recognizes individual items in a receipt, highlights the product name, price, quantity, discount, cost;
  • Bank SMS recognition. If some SMS from banks are not recognized, you can send us examples from the application and we will add support for new formats;
  • Accounting for income, expenses, transfers between accounts, as well as debts, loans, deposits, and currency exchanges based on them;
  • Maintaining accounts, tracking their balances;
  • Maintaining several separate budgets within the application;
  • Using categories and subcategories to classify expenses. For convenience, you can configure which categories individual products belong to, then FinPix will automatically determine the category for familiar products;
  • Indication of transactions in any ISO 4217 currencies, automatic conversion of values ​​into different currencies at the rate on the date of expenditure (the necessary rates are downloaded from the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation);
  • Analysis of the structure and dynamics of income and expenses on the corresponding diagrams;
  • Viewing the transaction log in the form of a list with the ability to filter by categories and periods, accounts and sources of income, text search for transactions;
  • Export the main application data to an xlsx file, import data in the same format, which can be used both for creating backup copies and for exchanging data when jointly managing the family budget by several family members;
  • The data in the exported xlsx file is adapted for analysis in office applications, incl. a summary table of expenses by categories and periods is immediately created in the file;
  • FinPix is ​​a free application, the only paid functionality in it is uploading the names of goods in receipts when exporting to xlsx (does not apply to those expenses that were entered into the application manually or imported).

Note: The process of recognizing a receipt from photographs can take a long time - up to several minutes. The processing time depends on the quality of the receipt itself, the quality of the photographs, as well as the performance of the device. When receipt recognition is started, you can continue working with the application, incl. take photographs of other receipts. In this case, the application will recognize checks one after another. The FinPix application itself does not send receipts anywhere - recognition occurs directly on your phone or tablet, incl. data about your expenses remains only yours.

Start using FinPix for home accounting, scan receipts, and you will find out the structure of your expenses without much effort. In addition, along the way, you will create your own database of prices for goods in different stores, save for yourself information about which goods, how many and where you bought previously, and you will be able to track personal inflation. Whether you're making repairs or going on vacation, save detailed expenses so you can accurately plan them next time.
Download the FinPix accounting and receipt scanner application for Android you can follow the link below.

In simple words cashback- This is a return of part of the money spent on purchasing a product or paying for a service. We are already familiar with such types as cashback on bank cards and cashback services specializing in online purchases on the Internet.

Cashback on bank cards has been used for quite a long time; the first cards with a similar option appeared back in the 80s in the United States of America. In Russia, such cards became available only in the mid-2000s. Bank cashback works as follows. The bank has partner companies that are interested in promoting their product or service, and the bank, for its part, is interested in you making non-cash payments using its card. As a result, when you pay with a card at a partner store, the bank receives part of the money from your purchase for attracting a client and pays a percentage of the amount received to you for using his card. Everyone wins, the store received a client, the bank made a cashless payment, and you receive part of the money from your purchase.

Cashback services specializing in online trading work on almost the same principle as bank cashback. These services also have affiliate programs with online stores. The price of goods on online trading platforms includes money for advertising, which the cashback service receives if you made a payment through its website. In other words, if you paid for an item through , he receives part of the money from the purchase, a percentage of which he gives to you. This method has become very popular due to the increase in the volume of purchases in online stores.

A completely new step in the development of cashback is that it allows you to receive part of the money by scanning a cash receipt. Their main difference is that the money is returned to you not by a bank or cashback service, but directly by the manufacturer of the goods. To attract customers, they need to hold promotions and mobile applications make it easy for them to organize this. Look, to carry out the promotion in the store, it is necessary to carry out a number of activities, from agreeing on conditions to reprogramming cash registers. With the help of mobile applications, all this can be avoided. You receive a cash receipt; by scanning it, part of the money from the purchase will be returned to your account. As a result, the manufacturer carried out a promotion without involving the store, you received part of the money back, and the mobile application received information about your purchase. Everyone wins without much effort.

From July 1, 2017, changes were adopted to the trading rules, according to which each retail outlet must provide a cash receipt with a QR code print. All major retail chains have already switched to this system and, most likely, you will not have problems scanning your receipt. The QR code allows you to read information about all products included in the receipt.

Let's look at the most popular cashback services and determine the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

The main mobile phones that will allow you to get some of your money back are Edadil, Qroоto, inShopper, Disconto. Each of them has its own pros and cons. I will talk in detail about each of them.

1. Mobile application "Edadil"

The Edadil application itself is quite extensive and cashback is not its main function. The application provides information about promotions held in large retail chains, children's stores, cosmetic stores, supermarkets specializing in the sale of alcohol and household goods, restaurants and gas stations. It is important to note that all promotions will be displayed in real time in your city, provided that you have geolocation enabled on your device. Using the application, you can easily find the product you are interested in at the most attractive price. Edadil also provides coupons for a discount or gift. The application is equipped with an online map on which you can find the nearest store, get information about its operating hours and promotions.

The cashback function in the application is quite well developed; all groups of food products are present without exception, from dairy products to animal feed. The list of products is frequently updated, the terms of promotions are spelled out in detail and clearly. The way it works is simple: you buy goods from the list, scan the QR code of the receipt and part of the money from the purchase in rubles is returned to your account. This application does not have a limit on the number of scanned receipts per day, there is only a time limit. To receive cashback after paying by bank transfer, the receipt must be scanned within 24 hours, making a payment in cash - within 3 hours. After scanning the receipt, it is sent for verification, which can last up to 24 hours, after which the application will send you a notification about the result of the verification. All receipts you scanned are saved in history, where you can always view them.

Overall, the application is worthy of attention. Even if you don’t plan to make purchases to receive cashback, Edadil will allow you to track promotions in stores in your city, you can also receive coupons for discounts or gifts, and this is a plus of the application. No obvious disadvantages were found in it. The only thing that may confuse the user is the conditions for receiving cashback on some products. For example, you will not receive cashback for some goods, namely, if it was participating in a store promotion at that time. Also, for some products, cashback is awarded only when purchasing a certain quantity of this product. And for some promotions you can take part only once or several times. Please note that in Edadil, only certain items are included in the list of products eligible for cashback. If it is indicated that you will receive part of the money from the purchase for milk “Veselaya Derevnya” 2.5% fat content 1 liter, then if you buy milk of the same brand, but with a different percentage of fat content or packaging, you will not receive cashback, and if you also take into account that this position may have additional conditions (not to participate in the store’s promotion, or you need to buy several pieces at once), then, accordingly, the chances of receiving part of the money from the purchase are reduced significantly. But on the other hand, this allows Edadil to provide a high percentage of refunds on purchases, as they say, “rarely, but aptly.” And one more thing - only Edadil conducts some promotions in which the refund amount is not fixed, but is calculated as a percentage of the price for which you purchased the product (for example, buy a package of coffee and receive a refund of 20% of its cost).

2. Mobile application "Qrooto"

This application is aimed directly at receiving part of the money from a purchase; it does not contain information about promotions held in stores in your city, such as in Edadil or something similar. The application interface does not contain anything superfluous, everything is simple and clear. It is possible to view a list of products and the history of scanned receipts. The list is updated frequently, it contains products of subcategories: drinks, dairy products, bread, confectionery, groceries. From time to time, Qrooto offers cashback promotions for medicines.

The application's operating scheme is the same as that of Edadil. We scan the QR code of the receipt, which contains the auction item, and receive a refund of part of the amount spent. You should know that money is returned to your account in the form of points (1 ruble – 10 points).

The list of goods often contains both specific product names and group promotions, for example, any bread in a receipt or a brand promotion, for example, all Pepsi products, regardless of packaging. And all this cannot but please. Qrooto provides more favorable conditions for receiving cashback; there are no restrictions on the number of times you can participate in the promotion. The app awards points for items on the list regardless of whether you bought it at a discount in the store or not.

Qrooto checks receipts very quickly; literally within a minute after scanning you will receive information about the verification and the accrual of points to your account. The app has a limit on scanning receipts per day. In one day, you can scan no more than ten receipts, and no more than 3 from one store. You have 24 hours to scan the receipt after purchase, regardless of whether it was a cash or non-cash payment. Also, at least 90 minutes must pass between the time the checks are punched, for example, one check was given to you at the checkout at 09:00, and the second at 09:15. Accordingly, you will not receive cashback for the second check.

Qrooto offers its users an affiliate program called “Refer a Friend”, which allows you to get money into your account for inviting friends. When they register in the application indicating your invitation code (you can find out the invitation code in the application) and scan their first receipt, you will be awarded 100 points, which is equal to ten rubles. Your friend, in turn, will receive 99 points, which is equal to 9.9 rubles, immediately after registration by entering your invitation code. The number of friends you invite is not limited.

Summarizing the above, I would like to note that the advantages of the Qrooto application include loyal conditions for cashback promotions, instant receipt verification and the presence of group promotions in the product list. Also useful is the “Invite a Friend” option. The disadvantages of the application are a small percentage of money back from purchases, a limitation on the number of receipts per day and the time between them. The application is certainly interesting, but you won’t be able to count on receiving a large percentage of cash back with it.

3. Mobile application “inShopper”

It also specializes exclusively in returning part of the money from purchases. The application interface is no different; you can also view a list of cashback promotions and receipt scanning history. Products are divided into “products” and “beauty and care” groups; promotions for medicines appear periodically.

The application works the same way as the ones listed above. You receive a cash receipt, scan the QR code, after processing the receipt, cashback in rubles or discount coupons are credited to your account. inShopper can check a receipt within 48 hours, but in practice it takes no more than 3 hours. There are no restrictions on the number of scanned receipts per day, the main thing is that no more than 14 days have passed since the date of purchase. Most of the list of cashback promotions consists of brand promotions, for example, on all products of the REXONA brand. The list also includes cashback promotions for groups of products (for example, cashback for any onion) and promotions for certain products.

The conditions for receiving cashback vary; in some promotions you just need to purchase the product, in others you need to buy the product for a certain amount and these are not the most loyal conditions for receiving cashback. One of the main differences between inShopper is that in some promotions cashback is awarded as a discount coupon in M ​​Video, 585 Zolotoy, Eldorado, Euroset, Litres and others stores. I consider this a disadvantage of the application, since it is not always possible to have time to use the coupon. By the way, coupons have a certain period of use, and not everyone needs them, unlike “real” money. The application has the “First Receipt” promotion, you just need to scan your first receipt and even if it does not contain cashback promotion products, you are guaranteed to be credited with 20 rubles to your account. The promotion can be used once.

inShopper also offers its users an affiliate program “Refer a friend and get 50 rubles.” It works as follows. You send your friend a link to download the inShopper application, if he goes and downloads the application using your link, he receives 50 rubles into his account, and you receive 50 rubles after he scans his first receipt. Please note that the receipt scanned by your friend must contain promotional goods, with the exception of group promotions, for example, “any bread/shampoo”, and the conditions do not apply to the “First Check” promotion. You can invite no more than 3 friends immediately after registration; the opportunity to invite more will appear only after you have scanned a receipt with a promotional item using the 1 receipt = 1 friend system.

In general, the application is interesting. The advantages include a high percentage of return of funds spent on purchases, the “First Check” and “Refer a Friend” programs. The presence of group and brand promotions in the list of products is also good news. Among the disadvantages of inShopper, I would include rewards in the form of coupons for discounts and not the most loyal conditions for some promotions.

4. Mobile application "Disconto"

Discount is an application designed only for receiving cashback from checks. At the moment the application is not being developed. The list of shares is practically not updated and consists of 3 – 10 positions, and precisely positions! There haven’t been group or brand promotions here for a very long time. Currently the list contains two confectionery items, one grocery item and three household chemicals. Looking at Disconto, one gets the impression that it was simply abandoned. Some users write in reviews that before (in 2016) Disconto was the best application for receiving cashback and I willingly believe them, but it’s 2018 and we have what we have.

The cashback system here is slightly different from those already mentioned. In order for you to receive part of the money from your purchase, you need to go to the list of products, select the one you bought, in the product tab, click the “Go to receipt photo” button, from the list that the application will give you, select the store where you bought a product, on the next tab you have to indicate the quantity of this product in the receipt and then proceed to PHOTOGRAPH the receipt. The entire receipt must be visible in the photographs, so that information about the name of the store, the date and total amount of the purchase, and the QR code of the receipt are visible. If it is not possible to place the receipt in one frame, then you can take several photos and add up to 5 photos. After this, the check will be sent for verification, where it will be checked within 48 hours.

Disconto has no restrictions on the number of receipts per day, the main thing is to take a photo no later than 5 days after purchase.

The conditions of cashback promotions are more or less loyal, but everything is spoiled by the fact that you can only get part of the money back for a certain product once.

To sum it up, I would like to say that the app is disappointing at the moment. A small number of cashback promotions, which you can only participate in once, is an undeniable disadvantage. Of the advantages, perhaps, the only thing that can be noted is that Disconto does not have the lowest percentage of refunds.

Methods for withdrawing funds from applications

There are 3 ways to receive funds from your account - transferring funds to, replenishing a mobile account and withdrawing to a bank card. I will try to analyze each of them in more detail.

First, you should know that apps may have a minimum withdrawal amount. In Edadil there is no such amount; you can withdraw at least 5 rubles, at least 500 rubles. In Qrooto, the amount varies depending on the withdrawal method: for transferring to a card, the minimum amount is 10 rubles, and for transferring to Yandex Money and topping up a mobile phone - 300 rubles. With inShopper, the minimum withdrawal amount is 300 rubles, and with Disconto you can withdraw from 200 rubles.

    The first way to withdraw funds from your account- this is a transfer to a bank card (MIR, VISA, MasterCard). This method can only be used in the Qrooto application. To transfer funds, you need to indicate in the application the current account of your card, the BIC of your bank, the recipient's full name and card number. After filling out the required information, the money will be debited from your account in the mobile application and credited to your card, after which you can withdraw it through an ATM.
  • The second way to withdraw funds from your account– this is a transfer to Yandex Money. This method is available in the Edadil, inShopper (charges 1% of the amount for this transfer) and Qrooto applications. To transfer, you need to indicate your Yandex Money account number through the application, the funds will be debited from your account in the application and transferred to Yandex Money. When the funds are transferred, you can transfer them to a bank card, top up your mobile phone account or pay for goods in the online store. Please note that when transferring from Yandex Money to a bank card, a commission may be charged.
  • The third way to withdraw funds from your account– this is a replenishment of the mobile account balance of leading cellular operators (MTS, Beeline, Megafon, TELE 2). It is provided by Edadil, inShopper (charges 4% of the amount for this transfer), Qrooto, Disconto. Everything is simple here, you indicate your phone number in the application and money from the application account tops up your mobile phone.


In conclusion, I would like to say that each of the above applications is unique in its own way. There is no specific one that meets all requirements. Somewhere the percentage is higher, but the conditions for receiving cashback are more stringent, somewhere it’s the other way around. Some applications support the function of withdrawing money to a bank card, while others do not. Therefore, I advise you to test all four. You can easily scan one receipt in all applications at once, and thus your chances of receiving part of the money from your purchase will increase significantly.

Answering the question “Is cashback from checks a new way to earn money or another scam?”, we can say this, the system really works, the money is returned. Of course, you shouldn’t count on big profits, but within a month you can actually get some money back from checks to top up your mobile phone. It all depends on how you approach it. If you purchase goods participating in cashback promotions every time you visit the store and comply with all the necessary conditions, then you will be able to return a considerable amount, which will definitely be enough for another trip to the store. If you make purchases in the same way as before, without placing special emphasis on cashback promotions, then due to the extensive list of products in four applications, you will easily save an amount sufficient to top up your mobile phone, and, therefore, everything it was not in vain. And perhaps only store cashiers can consider cashback from receipts, because they have enough receipts left by customers, by scanning which they can receive part of the money, without spending a single ruble on the purchase. This is called earnings.