Download a program for image processing in Russian. Instant online photo processing

Home Photo Studio- a simple program for processing photos. Once again I am convinced that the times of huge in size and difficult to understand graphic editors (monsters) are gone like a bad dream.

Just about five years ago, firms producing calendars and collages were considered a thriving business, which also retouched and improved your photographs, giving them various effects... now it’s even funny to remember them, because there are photo processing program with which any novice computer user can quickly and easily create miracles with their photos that are difficult even to describe in words.

Pay attention to the angry faces of passers-by or passengers of public transport - these are former employees of photo studios who charged you exorbitant amounts of money for any manipulations with your photographs! Now they are all unemployed - they have been replaced by a simple photo processing program “Home Photo Studio”!

Here are some of the program's features...

The simplicity and ease of the “Home Photo Studio” program begins with its very launch...

This menu will greet you and help you quickly start processing your photos.

The program interface is concise and understandable - even a one-year-old child can understand it.

When you hover over any element, a tooltip appears.

Here several screenshots of the program

Pay attention to the line indicated by the arrow. After clicking on it, a bunch more options for filters or effects will appear.

That's right - this photo processing program can replace the image viewer built into the system.

Separately, I would like to note the concern of the manufacturers in terms of supporting users of the program. The help is done at the highest level - every action that can be performed on photographs is described in great detail...

For example…

The official website of the “Home Photo Studio” program also deserves attention. There is a whole training section...

At the end of the list of simple lessons you will find a link to a whole page of video lessons on the program...

(these are not all video tutorials - the list continues downwards, I just captured only four)

Download “Home Photo Studio” (57 MB)

The relatively large size of the program is explained by the various frames, filters, etc. built into it. But this does not at all prevent you from downloading it very quickly from the official link below - the manufacturers’ servers are simply supersonic.

I would just like to draw your attention to the last window that appears when installing the program...

Uncheck the boxes if you do not need “add-ons” from Yandex. If you do catch them, my article on this pressing and painful topic will help you get rid of bars and unnecessary panels in your browser.

The photo processing program “Home Photo Studio” is distributed as a paid product with a 10-day trial period of free use. You can purchase it at a significant discount if you complete the free registration offered to you after installing the program.

Today I decided to tell you once again how to find similar pictures and photos on your computer for free. Moreover, I haven’t identified and deleted these extra files in my long-suffering laptop for a very long time. We will talk about a very small, light and simple, fast and absolutely free program called Find.Same.Images.OK from a trusted manufacturer (probably a dozen of their (his) wonderful useful works are already described on the site). I’ll get ahead a little and tell you that this search engine for similar pictures and photographs on the computer impressed me very much with its speed and quality of finding duplicates. The result was simply incredible...

Many years ago, on the pages of this site, I already told you about a wonderful graphic viewer called XnView and emphasized that it is more than just a program for viewing images. Today I want to present you with a short review of the XnShell utility from the same time-tested manufacturer, as you probably already guessed from its name. This is nothing more than a convenient, functional, practical and free image converter for the Explorer context menu. How to conveniently and quickly convert photos Personally, I really like this concept (additional items in the Explorer context menu) - right-click on the computer mouse on...

Personally, I am very pleased that the manufacturers of the famous image editor called “PhotoMASTER” are not sitting idly by and are constantly developing their wonderful and high-quality digital product. With each new version, the program acquires new functions and capabilities, but surprisingly, it remains just as simple, easy to use and convenient. I suggest you check this out once again and get acquainted with the new capabilities of this powerful photo editor. PhotoMASTER 5.0 Today I will not describe again all the basic functions of the PhotoMASTER program with a huge number of different effects and filters (you can read my...

I’ll tell you one little secret for novice, inexperienced users (others probably already know it) - you can search on the Internet not only for answers to questions asked to search engines using the text method, but also for similar images. The article will focus on searching by image through the most popular search engines in our latitudes - Yandex and Google. And so that you understand completely correctly, let me clarify - we will search on the Internet for an image that is on your computer and we need to find its original source, a copy with a different resolution, a different size or quality. How to find a similar picture Constant...

Today I’ll tell you how to instantly transfer photos and videos from your phone to your computer via WI-FI. The fact is that quite recently, a new useful function appeared in the proprietary image viewer of the Windows 10 operating system called “Photos” - import from a mobile device via a WI-FI network. Let's find out how to activate it (yes, you need to do this yourself with your own hands), how to transfer photos over the air to a PC and where to look for them later. Transferring photos and videos from your phone to your computer via WI-FI Having read about this new “trick” on the Internet, I immediately rushed to it...

If you do not convert files from one format to another very often and do not want to install the best, most powerful, omnivorous converter on your Windows operating system, then you will certainly enjoy the simple conversion of files directly from the context menu with just one click, using the free computer program File Converter. Converting files from the context menu It’s very simple - download the File Converter program from the link at the end of the article (the capacity of your system will be determined automatically)... ...don’t be afraid of the standard warning... ...agree with the license for non-commercial use... ...and install it... Reload after that computer (system) completely...

I want to recommend you a stunning and delightful site today. With its absolutely free help, you can in a few seconds apply very original and impressive effects, frames, filters and templates to your photos, of which there are “only” pieces out there. Fun effects and templates for photos You know what usually happens: you upload your photo to the service, apply a wonderful filter or template to it for free, but to download it, they require money. I just hate such cunning and greedy services! So, the brief review below will not be about such a “slippery” site, but about an absolutely free, simple,…

I don’t know about you, but I personally love convenient, simple and understandable computer programs in which stunning results are achieved with just a couple of mouse clicks or moving a slider... such as the new photo editor called PhotoMASTER. I have nothing against professional monstrous graphic editors (to master only the basics of work in which you need to graduate from university), but 99% of users usually just need to quickly improve their family vacation photos (remove defects, increase sharpness, apply a fashionable filter or effect to pictures... ) — this is what the program described below is designed for. PhotoMASTER is a clear photo editor. This wonderful…

Which program is better to process photos? If you ask such a question to any relatively advanced user, the answer will be that this is Adobe Photoshop. Of course, we can say that this is the first program among all, except for two disadvantages that are noticeable for ordinary users: Adobe Photoshop is paid and quite complex. For professionals, this is certainly not an obstacle, but I would like to talk about programs for, so to speak, ordinary people. After all, most often not many functions are needed for home photo processing. Therefore, in this article we will focus on other programs, even if they are less popular, but at the same time, in terms of their set of tools, they are practically not inferior to Adobe Photoshop.

Paid photo editors


Among paid photo editors, one of the most popular is CorelDRAW.CorelDRAW– one of the most popular graphic editors. This editor is actively used by both professionals and amateurs. This is explained by the fact that CorelDRAW has a convenient interface, a large set of tools for editing graphic images, creating new ones, and also makes it possible to obtain high-quality images.

Possibilities This editor allows you to work with both the color and shape of the image: stretching, shrinking, resizing, etc. When working in CorelDRAW, you can easily combine images with various inscriptions. Therefore, CorelDRAW computer graphics are more suitable for creating emblems, logos, book and advertising layouts than for photo processing. With the advent of the Corel Photo-Paint editor in the coreldraw package, the possibilities have expanded significantly; now more attention can be paid to the processing of graphic images.

Recently a program has appeared designed to create Corel R.A.V.E animations. Nowadays, the most valuable programs are those that can combine the functions of various graphic editors that allow you to implement complex design solutions. Such a program can rightfully be considered CorelDRAW Graphics Suite . It includes coreldraw, thanks to which you can realize various creative ideas. But it is worth noting that this product is not free, for example the cheapest version CorelDRAW Home & Student Suite X7 costs 6387 rubles in the online store.

In addition to this editor, there are also many others. Such as:


ACDSee this is a complete set of all possible actions for processing, converting, viewing photographs of many well-known formats. The only drawback of this application may be the price, which starts from 1200 rub.

Fotoslate 4

Fotoslate 4– a tool created for designing and printing digital photographs. The special feature of this editor is the ability to print as photo albums, standard notebooks, as calendars or as postcards, and even logos for T-shirts. Templates can be customized manually. BMP, JPG, TIFF and PDF formats are supported. But such pleasure costs about 30 dollars USA.

PortraitPro Ideal for dummies, as it allows you to enjoy automatic processing of selected areas. But it costs about 40 dollars USA.

PhotoSHOW PRO 7.0 is another example of an editor that allows you to create cute slideshows and even animated photo presentations. The tools include about 150 effects, various animations, titles, screensavers and collages. The cost of this beauty about 1400 rub..

Photo for documents Pro 8.0– an ideal find for editing documents. It is quite suitable for use at home, although it is even used in salons. Features include ready-made photo formats, background and clothing replacement. Evaluate the program at 1650 rub..

Photoinstrument 7.4– this program is designed to enhance and retouch images. Thanks to these tools, you can eliminate minor imperfections and even perform virtual makeup. In addition, you can thoroughly rejuvenate yourself. But you have to pay for such a toy about 50 dollars USA.

If you are a lover of templates, then you need PhotoShine 4.9, which has over 680 templates divided into categories, for example: children, love, holidays. Easy to use, but costs about 40 dollars USA.

Free photo processing programs

Among the free tools you can find something much more interesting.

So, first let's look at a program that is found on almost all computers, Microsoft Office Picture Manager. The program has flexible management options, allows you to add shortcuts to frequently used images, and share several images. Picture Manager has the minimum required set of functions for image processing: changing color, brightness and contrast, cropping, rotating and flipping, red-eye correction, and you can also change the size of the picture.

After editing a picture, you can save it either in the original file or create a new one. Sometimes, in order to send images, you need to compress them to a certain size - this feature is also available in Picture Manager.


In addition to this, you can use for example:

An excellent analogue of the popular ACDSee is the program XnView. The developers have done their best and put into it many functions that are worth trying for yourself.

Hornil StylePix

We also recommend using the discovery of Korean programmers Hornil StylePix. The program contains fifty filters, retouching, photo correction, working with layers, grading and filling, highlighting areas, removing red eyes. It's a pleasure to work with her.

LightBox Free Image Editor

Another find for beginners can be LightBox Free Image Editor. Which, in addition to the standard editing functions, also offers its own highlight - Remove Color Casts, which improves the overall effect of the photo by eliminating the gray shades of the face.


Many people consider this program to be a free analogue Adobe Photoshop, although the developers themselves really don’t like this wording. GIMP is free software and a high-quality application for photo retouching and creating original images. The program supports more than thirty image formats. GIMP has a wide range of different functions for photo processing, for example, tools for color correction, color balancing, brightness, contrast, saturation, and desaturation.

The program also makes it possible, using various masks, filters, layers with different types of overlays and blending modes, to perform the following operations: crop photographs, correct perspective, remove distortions, simulate the use of various color filters, return lost detail, and much more. GIMP also has a user-friendly interface, and learning to work with it will be quite easy.


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Distorted color rendition, incorrect exposure, lack of sharpness - all this can spoil the impression of the most worthy composition. We have selected five popular programs that will help you fix all the “jambs” of your photos.

They're all free and easy to use, with auto-correction for lazy users and manual correction for those who know what needs to be fixed and want to experiment.

1. Photos app (Microsoft)

This application is included in the package of pre-installed Windows 10 applications. Convenient viewing of photos, beautiful albums by date and quick photo editing.

Here you can automatically enhance a photo, rotate it, crop it, remove red-eye, and save a photo with a “cluttered” horizon.

Improve function

There are also different filters, light, color, contrast, temperatures and other usual parameters. Everything is clear, beautiful and simple.

2. Ashampoo Photo Commander Free

"Optimize" function

A fairly simple free program with the ability to automatically optimize photos and manually adjust them. Regular tools and filters, you can create a calendar or collage in a minute.

Calendar created in Ashmpoo


Photoscape interface

There is auto-correction for hue and contrast; you can choose from three saturation modes or edit it manually. You can set an area in the photo in which the colors will be more saturated. Sharpness, filters, different backlight levels.

Auto-correction functions

In addition, here you can quickly and easily make a collage, a GIF, and divide a photo into several separate parts, which will be saved as separate photos in a folder.

Splitting a photo

4. Zoner Photo Studio 17 (Russian version) and Zoner Photo Studio 18


A convenient tool for quick photo correction. True, before you start working in the program you need to register and follow the link, but all this goes quite quickly. Initially, you are provided with the PRO version for 30 days, after which the program will return to the regular free version.

There is a convenient explorer with which you can select the photo you need, quick auto-correction Edit→Adjust→Quick Fix, changing size and orientation, adding text and changing various parameters - exposure, color temperature, etc.

Quick Fix function

However, it is more convenient to adjust everything not through the menu, but in the Develop tab. Here you can quickly change different settings manually or click Automatically.

Photo correction

The Editor tab has all the tools for more thorough work with photos and pictures - brushes, fills, erasers, various shapes, text, symbols, in general, everything that is in a regular photo editor. And filters - where would we be without them?

This version has a slightly different interface, but has all the functions for both professional and quick photo processing. To enable auto-correction, you need to click “Quick fix”.

Quick fix

In general, the program has quite a lot of possibilities, both for professional photo processing and for those who want to quickly and easily edit photos.


View photos in Picasa

An excellent cataloger and photo viewer from Google with all the necessary functions for photo correction. "I'm feeling lucky" feature launches auto-correction, there is also automatic contrast and color correction.

There are a great many programs for photo processing, but not all of them deserve attention. Some can offer the user only basic functionality that meets the needs of beginners, while others have in their arsenal an impressive list of features suitable for professionals in their field.

What are the criteria for choosing a photo editor?

1. Functionality. First of all, the scope of application of the program depends on this indicator. If the application is universal, there is simply no need to install additional software. A very important indicator is support for the most common formats, such as TIFF, JPEG, GIF, PNG and others.

This also includes the program’s ability to work with CMYK and RGB color models, as well as the convenient implementation of the most popular tasks.

2. Interface. An unsuccessful work panel can turn anyone off. Its organization should be logically thought out and include simplified, quick access to built-in tools thanks to a combination of hot keys. In addition, for better understanding of the editor, a high-quality translation of the interface into Russian is important.

3. Advanced features. Multifunctionality is a clear sign that developers do not stand still, using modern approaches to improve the program. Thanks to additional modules and plugins, the user can adapt applications for a variety of tasks.

Let's look at the list of the most popular editors to understand which one will meet your needs.

The name of this program has long been on everyone’s lips and this is quite justified. It owes its popularity to its wide range of source material editing capabilities, support for a large number of popular image formats, not to mention basic image correction such as brightness, contrast and saturation. The downside is that it is expensive, which makes the program suitable for a professional audience.

Perhaps the most popular Photoshop substitute, and most importantly, it’s free. A notable feature of the program is the fact that it was created by a group of enthusiasts who turned it from a simple application into an effective assistant for working with any graphics.

The user's goals can be realized thanks to a variety of built-in filters to improve the image and remove unnecessary defects. You can create your own workspace by grouping the required set of functions. As an addition, the ability to expand functionality using third-party modules.

Another free program, created as a student project, and now has the support of Microsoft. An excellent indicator is the high efficiency of work, a convenient interface that allows you to display the working toolbar in separate windows, as well as the ability to call functions by simply pressing a few keys.

All extensions are available on the official page of the application, the list of them is voluminous, but descriptions for them are available only in English.

List of not so popular, but worthy alternative programs:

1. Seashore – editor for the Mac OS operating system. A free application suitable for the average user. All available functions are located in one window, which contains both basic tools (pencil, eraser, brushes, fills, selection, etc.) and various effects.

2. Artweaver is a free graphic editor aimed at amateurs and professionals. Capable of performing all basic functions and equipped with the necessary tools for professional processing.

3. Pixia - English version of Japanese origin. The arsenal includes all popular editing techniques and tools. It will appeal to both beginners and experts.

4. PhotoPlus SE - a comprehensive program for image processing and video editing. Suitable for common tasks such as removing red eye or unwanted blemishes.

5. Photoscape is a completely Russian-language application with impressive capabilities. Creating collages, animations, editing screenshots - this is just a small part of its potential.