Messenger low-orbit satellite communication system. Projects. Spacecraft equipment matrix

Messenger (satellite communication system)

"Messenger"- Russian multifunctional personal satellite communication system (MSPSS), built on the basis of low-orbit spacecraft. The purpose of the system is to provide communication services on a global scale. The system is being developed by order of the Russian Federal Space Agency. The lead developer, operator and operating organization is JSC Gonets Satellite System.

System composition

Currently, the Gonets-D1M system is in the stage of trial operation. The space segment is a group of 5 low-orbit spacecraft (2 1st generation Gonets-D1 and 3 2nd generation Gonets-M). The ground infrastructure consists of a system control center and four regional stations in various regions of Russia (European part, Southern Siberia, Far North and Far East). In 2011-2015 It is planned to deploy the Gonets-D1M system, including up to 16 spacecraft and 7 regional stations. Increasing the number of spacecraft in the system will significantly improve its tactical and technical characteristics, such as communication session waiting time and information delivery time.

At the moment, it is planned to launch 8 Gonets-M devices in 3 launches. The first launch is scheduled for February 15, 2013 (3 Gonets-M devices No. 14, 16, 17). The following satellites are planned to be launched in the 1st quarter of 2014.

The Gonets-D1M system is being created within the framework of the Russian Federal Space Program for 2006-2015. At JSC Information Satellite Systems named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev" ordered 8 new Gonets-M satellites. The next generation of Gonets-M1 satellites will also be developed there.

Purpose of the system and services based on it

The main purpose of the Gonets system is both the transmission of packetized data between system subscribers and the provision of communication between subscribers and public networks. The equipment and software of spacecraft and user terminals are designed in such a way that the system does not require continuous presence of subscribers in the radio visibility zone of the spacecraft. In the absence of radio visibility, the message is buffered in the user terminal or in the spacecraft and transmitted at the first opportunity. Currently, the following services are implemented on the basis of the Gonets system:

  • global data transfer
  • determining the location of a mobile object and transmitting coordinate information
  • personal communication between system subscribers on a global scale
  • transmission of broadcast messages to groups of subscribers
  • collection and transmission of telematic information
  • construction of departmental communication subsystems

The system's subscriber terminals are available in stationary and mobile (for installation on a mobile site) versions. The main weight and size limitation of subscriber equipment is the size of the antenna, which in the mobile version has a round body surface with a diameter of 216 mm.

If the sender and recipient of the message are within the coverage area of ​​the same regional station, the data is transmitted directly between their terminals via the spacecraft. If the sender and recipient are located in different regions, the data is transmitted from the sender through the spacecraft to the nearest regional station, then through a ground communication channel to the recipient's regional station, and then from there through the spacecraft to the recipient's user terminal. It is also possible to transfer data to an Internet address.

The message delivery time currently ranges from one to two minutes, if the sender and recipient are within the visibility range of one spacecraft, to 6 hours. As the orbital constellation continues to be deployed, the maximum time for information delivery will decrease.

Applications and consumers

The use of the Gonets satellite system is typical for mobile satellite communication systems:

  • communication in remote regions
  • transport monitoring
  • monitoring of environmental and industrial facilities
  • communications in disaster zones
  • communication in the interests of various departments and ministries

The main users of the Gonets system are currently both government agencies (Border Troops of the FSB of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Navy, etc.), as well as commercial organizations and industry enterprises (JSC Roshydromet, Federal State Unitary Enterprise SNPO Eleron , Scientific Research Institute of the Arctic and Antarctic, State Institute of Applied Ecology, LLC "Ecological Company of Sakhalin", etc.).

A typical application of the MSPSS “Gonets-D1M” is the collection and transmission of sensor information from stationary or mobile objects in hard-to-reach areas (for example, monitoring of drilling rigs, meteorological stations, transport), the transmission of confidential information between remote subscribers, as well as the collection and transmission of information about the location of mobile devices. objects (transport). Services based on the system are provided on a global scale.


Technical characteristics of spacecraft

Composition of the orbital constellation

Launch date Name Device type No. in group Notes
19.02 . Messenger D1 No. 1 1996-009A 23787
19.02 . Messenger D1 No. 2 1996-009B 23788
19.02 . Messenger D1 No. 3 1996-009C 23789
14.02 . Messenger D1 No. 4 1997-006A 24725 Withdrawn from the system in 2000
14.02 . Messenger D1 No. 5 1997-006B 24726 Logged out
14.02 . Messenger D1 No. 6 1997-006C 24727 Withdrawn from the system in 2000
28.12 . Messenger D1 No. 10 2001-058D 27058 Withdrawn from the system in January 2004
28.12 . Messenger D1 No. 11 2001-058E 27059 Withdrawn from the system in December 2008
28.12 . Messenger D1 No. 12 2001-058F 27060 Withdrawn from the system in May 2006
21.12 . Messenger-M No. 1 2005-048A 28908 Was not put into operation due to repeater failure
08.09 . Messenger-M No. 12 2010-043C 37154 In use
28.07 . Messenger-M No. 13 2012-041B 38734
28.07 . Messenger-M No. 15 2012-041D 38736 In operation (since November 20, 2012)



Currently the constellation consists of 5 satellites. A fully deployed Gonets-D1M system should consist of 12 satellites. There should be 3 satellites in each of the 4 orbital planes. .

System Messenger-D1 Messenger-D1M
Number of satellites,
PC. general (planes * satellites on the plane)
6 (2 * 3) 12 (3 * 4)
Maximum/average waiting time for a communication session, hour 2.5/1.5 1.3/0.8
Information transfer rate, kbit/sec 2.4 up to 9.6 “up”; up to 64 "down"
Frequency range, MHz 259.5-265.2 300-400
Probability of error per character 10 −4 10 −5
Coding Block Convolutional (k=7, r=1/2)
Access protocol TDMA ALOHA
System throughput, Mbit/day 10 2 10 3
GPS/GLONASS/autonomous location accuracy, m 100/-/- 10/10/800


Additional Information

The Gonets-D1 satellite is the civilian equivalent of the military Strela-3.

Links, sources

  • "JSC Information Satellite Systems named after Academician M. F. Reshetnev"
  • Shortening distances for a moment (review of low-orbit satellite communication systems)
  • Lisov I.“Gonets-M” and “Cosmos-2416” were launched (Russian) // «

Based on the closed joint-stock company (CJSC) Satellite System Gonets, formed in 1998.

The company is engaged in the development, production, management, operation and provision of communication services of satellite systems, including the sale of terrestrial telecommunications equipment, the implementation of scientific and technical achievements in the field of communications,

OJSC "Satellite System "Gonets" is the operator and operating organization of the multifunctional personal satellite communication system (MSPSS) "Gonets-D1M".

The ground infrastructure of the system consists of a system control center, a communications complex control center, central and regional stations, a flight control center, and a ballistic center. Ground stations of the MSPSS "Gonets-D1M" are located in Moscow, Zheleznogorsk (Krasnoyarsk Territory), Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and on the Tiksi Peninsula.

The diameter of the radio visibility zone of each regional station of the system is about five thousand kilometers, which allows for 100% coverage of the territory of Russia, as well as most of the territory of Europe and Asia.

Work on the program for a personal satellite communication system based on low-orbit spacecraft of the Gonets type began in 1991. In July 1992, two spacecraft of the Gonets-D demonstration project were launched and a network of ground-based subscriber stations was deployed. This made it possible for the first time in the world to demonstrate a working prototype of a communication system on low-flying spacecraft.

In 1998, on the initiative of Rosaviakosmos, the parent organization for the creation of the NSPSS "Gonets" was established - CJSC Satellite System "Gonets". The company was entrusted with the functions of the lead developer of the space system and operator for the operation and provision of personal satellite communication services based on the NSPSS "Gonets" The deployment of the system was carried out in order to demonstrate the capabilities of transmitting various types of information in the interests of government consumers using low-orbit satellites.

After the successful launch of three spacecraft (SC) in December 2001, nine Gonets-D1 spacecraft are operating in orbit.

Management of the orbital constellation of spacecraft and the functioning of the communications complex is provided by the divisions of JSC Satellite System Gonets and its branches in Moscow, Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Since 1998, cooperation with enterprises of Kazakhstan began - a project to create the Kazakhstan segment of the NSPSS Gonets, within the framework of which a regional station of the “Messenger” system was deployed near Almaty.

To complete the formation of the constellation, it remains to launch three satellites into orbit, the launch of which

By the decision of the Federal Space Agency dated December 30, 2011 on the organization of work on the control of spacecraft of the Multifunctional Space Relay System (SC MCSR) "Luch", OJSC "Satellite System "Gonets" was involved as a co-executor for work with the SC MCSR "Luch". Together with OJSC "Information satellite systems named after academician M.F. Reshetnev" company performs the functions of a system operator and develops and provides services based on the system.

Based on the closed joint-stock company (CJSC) Satellite System Gonets, formed in 1998.

The company is engaged in the development, production, management, operation and provision of communication services of satellite systems, including the sale of terrestrial telecommunications equipment, the implementation of scientific and technical achievements in the field of communications,

OJSC "Satellite System "Gonets" is the operator and operating organization of the multifunctional personal satellite communication system (MSPSS) "Gonets-D1M".

The ground infrastructure of the system consists of a system control center, a communications complex control center, central and regional stations, a flight control center, and a ballistic center. Ground stations of the MSPSS "Gonets-D1M" are located in Moscow, Zheleznogorsk (Krasnoyarsk Territory), Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and on the Tiksi Peninsula.

The diameter of the radio visibility zone of each regional station of the system is about five thousand kilometers, which allows for 100% coverage of the territory of Russia, as well as most of the territory of Europe and Asia.

Work on the program for a personal satellite communication system based on low-orbit spacecraft of the Gonets type began in 1991. In July 1992, two spacecraft of the Gonets-D demonstration project were launched and a network of ground-based subscriber stations was deployed. This made it possible for the first time in the world to demonstrate a working prototype of a communication system on low-flying spacecraft.

In 1998, on the initiative of Rosaviakosmos, the parent organization for the creation of the NSPSS "Gonets" was established - CJSC Satellite System "Gonets". The company was entrusted with the functions of the lead developer of the space system and operator for the operation and provision of personal satellite communication services based on the NSPSS "Gonets" The deployment of the system was carried out in order to demonstrate the capabilities of transmitting various types of information in the interests of government consumers using low-orbit satellites.

After the successful launch of three spacecraft (SC) in December 2001, nine Gonets-D1 spacecraft are operating in orbit.

Management of the orbital constellation of spacecraft and the functioning of the communications complex is provided by the divisions of JSC Satellite System Gonets and its branches in Moscow, Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Since 1998, cooperation with enterprises of Kazakhstan began - a project to create the Kazakhstan segment of the NSPSS Gonets, within the framework of which a regional station of the “Messenger” system was deployed near Almaty.

To complete the formation of the constellation, it remains to launch three satellites into orbit, the launch of which

By the decision of the Federal Space Agency dated December 30, 2011 on the organization of work on the control of spacecraft of the Multifunctional Space Relay System (SC MCSR) "Luch", OJSC "Satellite System "Gonets" was involved as a co-executor for work with the SC MCSR "Luch". Together with OJSC "Information satellite systems named after academician M.F. Reshetnev" company performs the functions of a system operator and develops and provides services based on the system.

Company "Information Satellite Systems" named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev" acts as the lead executor of the most important projects included in state programs in the field of astronautics:

  • Federal Space Program for 2006-2015;
  • Federal target program “Maintenance, development and use of the GLONASS system” for 2012-2020.

In addition, ISS JSC implements a number of commercial projects in the interests of foreign customers.

Personal connection

Currently, low-orbit multi-satellite personal communication systems, including groups of small spacecraft, are becoming increasingly widespread. Their creation is one of the activities of ISS JSC. Having a relatively small size and low manufacturing cost, such satellites are capable of solving many important applied problems.

JSC "ISS" is working on the creation of a personal satellite communication system "Gonets-D1M". It is designed to solve the following problems:

  • monitoring the condition and location of mobile vehicles and cargo;
  • environmental, industrial and scientific monitoring;
  • communications in remote regions with undeveloped infrastructure;
  • emergency communications;
  • organization of global departmental and corporate data transmission networks;
  • creation of paging systems.

Today, the basis of the Gonets-D1M system is the modern Gonets-M spacecraft. At the same time, the company is implementing the Gonets-M1 promising satellite project.


The Gonets-M personal communications spacecraft are designed to organize communications and transmit data, including electronic mail, with messages recorded in an on-board storage device, stored and subsequently transmitted to the user. The tasks of satellites of this series also include providing telephone and fax communications for subscribers located in the radio visibility zone, and transmitting messages about the location of user terminals using GPS/GLONASS. In addition, Gonets-M devices are used for environmental and scientific monitoring purposes.

The Gonets-M satellites are launched into a circular low-Earth orbit at an altitude of 1350-1500 km. This makes it possible to install small-sized transmitting and receiving equipment on Earth.

For satellites of this class, it is planned to launch from the Plesetsk cosmodrome in blocks of 3 spacecraft using Rokot launch vehicles.


The new generation Gonets-M1 spacecraft are designed to provide noise-free satellite communications with the ability to access public networks and the Internet in a mode as close to real time as possible. In addition, the tasks of these satellites include radiotelephone communications between mobile and stationary users in the radio visibility zone of spacecraft, collection and transmission of data on the state of mobile objects and the location of subscribers. The Gonets-M1 spacecraft will significantly increase the number of subscribers served by the Gonets-D1M multifunctional personal satellite communication system.


Company "Information Satellite Systems" named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev" is Russia's largest developer and manufacturer of telecommunications spacecraft. In terms of their technical characteristics, the satellites created at the enterprise, which provide communications, television broadcasting, and Internet access, compete on equal terms with the products of the world's leading manufacturers.

Unified satellite platforms of the Express-1000 (medium class) and Express-2000 (heavy class) families are the latest solution that ISS JSC offers to the market. On their basis, the enterprise is currently creating all telecommunications spacecraft, which differ from each other in size, throughput and power, depending on customer requirements. In accordance with global practice, the active life of satellites based on these platforms is 15 years.

The intended purpose of the Express-AM8 telecommunications spacecraft is to provide telecommunications services in Russia, as well as countries in Europe, Africa, South and North America, and provide presidential and government communications. The customer of the satellite is Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Space Communications”. As the lead contractor for the project, the Information Satellite Systems enterprise named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev" is responsible for the development and production of the service systems module, integration and testing of the satellite, as well as the creation of a dynamic software simulator. The main subcontractor, Thales Alenia Space France, provided the supply of the repeater and antennas.

The Express-AM8 communications and broadcasting satellite was created on the basis of the modern Express-1000HTB platform. The mass of the spacecraft is about 2100 kg. The power allocated to the payload is about 5880 W, the active life is 15 years. The satellite has 42 transponders in the C-, Ku- and L-bands.

The launch of the spacecraft is scheduled for 2015.

The main task of the Yamal-401 spacecraft is to provide communications, television broadcasting and data transmission throughout Russia. The satellite was created under a contract with the operator Gazprom Space Systems. Company "Information Satellite Systems" named after Academician M.F. Reshetev" within the framework of the project was responsible for the lead development, integration, testing of the spacecraft and the ground control complex. OJSC Gazprom Space Systems carried out the manufacture of the payload (together with Thales Alenia Space France), the development, supply and integration of on-board equipment for the service control channel, the earth station for the service control channel and other technical equipment of the low-voltage control system, as well as quality control. Some of the platform’s qualified equipment was also supplied by the customer, Gazprom Space Systems OJSC, under a contract with Thales Alenia Space France.

Yamal-401 is the third spacecraft (after Express-AM5 and Express-AM6), developed and manufactured on the basis of the Express-2000 heavy platform. The satellite's mass is about 3000 kg, the power allocated to the payload is 11 kW, and its active life is 15 years. The spacecraft is equipped with 6 antennas and 53 transponders in the C- and Ku-bands, which allows for round-the-clock and continuous relaying of signals throughout Russia.

The launch of the Yamal-401 satellite took place on December 15, 2014. The operating point of the spacecraft is 90 degrees east longitude.


The Express-AM5 spacecraft is designed to provide digital television and radio broadcasting on the territory of Russia, solve problems of mobile presidential and government communications, provide a package of multiservice services (telephony, video conferencing, data transmission, Internet access), as well as create communication networks on based on VSAT technology.

The satellite was developed and manufactured by order of the operator FSUE “Space Communications”. Within the framework of the project of JSC “Information Satellite Systems” named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev" was responsible for the design, development, manufacturing, testing, preparation for launch and commissioning of the spacecraft. The main partners of ISS JSC in the project were FSUE NIIR and MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates. The Russian company carried out development work on the design, development, manufacture and delivery of the payload module, and the Canadian company MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates, in turn, manufactured the repeater and antenna systems.

There are 10 antennas and 84 C-, Ku-, Ka- and L-band transponders installed on board the Express-AM5 spacecraft. Its guaranteed active life is 15 years, the total power of the platform is about 15 kW, and its weight is about 3400 kg. The unified satellite platform Express-2000, developed at ISS JSC, was used as a module for the service systems of the spacecraft.

"Express-AM5" is the first satellite in domestic practice, created using an electric propulsion system, which ensures a phased launch of the spacecraft - first into a transfer orbit, and then into a working orbit. This scheme allows the most efficient use of the capabilities of the launch vehicle.

The launch of the Express-AM5 satellite took place on December 26, 2013. The operating point of the spacecraft is 140 degrees east longitude.

The Express-AM6 telecommunications satellite will provide access to the Russian population, government agencies and commercial users to modern high-quality telecommunications services, including multi-program digital television and radio broadcasting and the Internet anywhere in the country.

The Express-AM6 spacecraft, like the same type Express-AM5 satellite, was created under a contract with the operator FSUE Kosmicheskaya Svyaz with the involvement of the same partners - the Russian FSUE NIIR and the Canadian company MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates. The distribution of work among project participants remained unchanged.

The payload of the spacecraft includes 11 antennas, 72 active transponders of the C-, Ku-, Ka- and L-band. The satellite with a 15-year active lifespan is manufactured on the basis of the Express-2000 heavy platform developed by ISS JSC. The total power of Express-AM6 is about 15 kW, weight is about 3400 kg.

To launch the spacecraft, just like in the Express-AM5 project, an electric propulsion system was used. Thus, the satellite was first launched into a transfer orbit, and then to the operating point of 53 degrees east longitude in geostationary orbit.


The Express-AT1 spacecraft, created at ISS JSC by order of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Space Communications, is intended for direct high-definition television broadcasting, providing high-quality communication services and data transmission on the territory of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the terms of the contract, specialists from the Information Satellite Systems company named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev" designed, developed, manufactured the spacecraft, carried out its integration and testing, and also created a dynamic software simulator. In addition, the company provides the operator with technical support during the operation of the satellite. The subcontractor of ISS JSC for the repeater and antennas was Thales Alenia Space France.

The base platform for Express-AT1 was the Express-1000HTV platform. The mass of the spacecraft with a 15-year active life is about 1800 kg, and the power allocated to the payload is 5.6 kW. The satellite has 32 active transponders operating in the Ku frequency range.

Express-AT1 was launched into orbit in tandem with the Express-AT2 spacecraft on March 16, 2014. The satellite operating point is 56 degrees east longitude.


Communications, television broadcasting, data transmission - these modern services are provided using the Express-AT2 satellite, developed and manufactured by ISS JSC for the orbital constellation of the Russian operator FSUE Space Communications.

The same co-executors took part in the process of creating the spacecraft as in the Express-AT1 project: ISS JSC as the main contractor responsible for the design, development, manufacturing, integration, testing of the satellite, creation of a dynamic software simulator and technical support during operation, and Thales Alenia Space France as the main subcontractor that supplied the repeater and antennas.

The Express-AT2 satellite was created on the basis of the Express-1000K platform, its mass is about 1250 kg, and the power allocated to the payload is 3 kW. The spacecraft is equipped with 16 transponders operating in the Ku-band and serving to distribute high-definition direct television broadcasting programs, as well as provide fixed and mobile communications services, data transmission, and high-speed Internet access. The coverage area of ​​the spacecraft covers the entire territory of the Far East, which makes it possible to actively develop information resources in this region of Russia.

The launch of the Express-AT2 spacecraft together with the Express-AT1 satellite took place on March 16, 2014. Currently, Express-AT2 is operating for its intended purpose in an orbital position of 140 degrees east longitude.


The project to create the Yamal-300K telecommunications satellite was implemented at the Information Satellite Systems company named after academician M.F. Reshetnev" in the interests of the operator Gazprom Space Systems. The mission of the spacecraft is to provide the territory of Russia and the CIS countries with all modern communication services.

The ISS company developed, manufactured and commissioned the satellite in orbit, and also prepared the ground control complex. The payload supplier was the customer of the satellite. OJSC Gazprom Space Systems also developed on-board equipment for the service control channel, an earth control station and other subsystems of the ground control complex.

The base for the spacecraft was the Express-1000N platform. It made it possible to place on board the Yamal-300K a payload that the customer initially planned to install on two satellites from another manufacturer. The spacecraft, weighing almost 1,900 kg and having a payload power of about 5.9 kW, has a 15-year active lifespan. 26 relay trunks provide all types of modern communication services in the C- and Ku-frequency ranges.

The joint launch of the Yamal-300K and Luch-5B satellites was successfully carried out on November 3, 2012.


The AMOS-5 satellite, created by order of the Israeli operator Space Communication Ltd., is designed to provide communications, broadcasting and broadband information transfer services in Africa, Europe and Asia. In accordance with the terms of the contract, specialists from ISS JSC not only developed and placed into orbit a telecommunications spacecraft, but also created a ground control segment. The company also provided the operator with personnel training services and provides the customer with technical support during the operation of the satellite.

The AMOS-5 telecommunications spacecraft was created on the basis of the Express-1000N unpressurized medium-class platform, which guarantees it high technical characteristics and a 15-year active life. The satellite has 36 transponders in the C- and Ku-bands. The power available for the payload is 5880 watts.

In this project, the French branch of the European company Thales Alenia Space acted as a subcontractor for ISS JSC for repeaters and antennas.


The KazSat-3 telecommunications satellite with a 15-year active life period was created at ISS JSC by order of the Republican Space Communications Center JSC of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of the unpressurized middle-class platform Express-1000NTV. It is designed to provide communication services, television broadcasting and data transmission on the territory of this state.

In accordance with the terms of the contract, the Information Satellite Systems company named after Academician M.F. Reshetnyova" was responsible for the design, development, manufacturing, integration and testing of the KazSat-3 satellite. In addition, the enterprise created the main (“Akkol”) and reserve (“Almaty”) ground control complexes. Also, ISS JSC provided the operator with services for personnel training and technical support during the operation of the satellite.

The power allocated for the satellite payload is 5.3 kW, its mass is about 1743 kg.

KazSat-3 is equipped with a communications payload manufactured by Thales Alenia Space Italia S.P.A. (Italy). It has 28 Ku-band transponders installed, which provide communication services to the territory of Kazakhstan.

The KazSat-3 satellite was launched on April 28, 2014, paired with the Luch-5V relay satellite.


The Lybid telecommunications spacecraft was created at JSC Information Satellite Systems named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev" commissioned by the Canadian company MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd. (MDA) in the interests of Ukraine. During the implementation of the project, ISS JSC is responsible for the development, manufacturing, testing of the satellite, as well as its preparation for launch and commissioning in orbit. MDA supplied the spacecraft with a transponder and antennas.

Lybid must provide communications, television broadcasting, data transmission in Ukraine, India, and Africa. It is manufactured on the basis of the modern Express-1000NT platform. The active life of the spacecraft is 15 years, the mass is about 1800 kg, the power allocated to the payload is 5880 W. There are 30 Ku-band relay channels installed on board the satellite.

Manufacturing of the Lybid spacecraft has been completed. The satellite is in safekeeping at ISS JSC until the customer makes a decision to launch it.


The main purpose of the multifunctional space relay system (MCSR) is information support for rocket and space technology (RST) objects flying in low orbits (up to 2000 km altitude) for various purposes. With the help of the Luch MCSR, information is exchanged in real time between RCT objects, primarily the Russian segment of the International Space Station, and their flight control centers. Today, the Luch-5A, Luch-5B and Luch-5V relay satellites, which make up the Luch MCSR orbital constellation, provide the ability to continuously maintain communications with Soyuz-MS manned transport spacecraft and transport cargo ships Progress-MS during launch, flight, docking with the Russian segment of the ISS, undocking and landing of the descent vehicles.

MCSR "Luch" provides the ability to control the launches and flights of launch vehicles (launch vehicles and upper stages), implement technology for controlling missile technology objects from flight control centers outside their radio visibility zones.

The Luch MCSR is tasked with transmitting signals from emergency beacons to the data collection centers of the international space search and rescue system COSPAS-SARSAT and signals from data collection platforms at the Roshydromet information receiving station. In addition, the Luch MCSR is used to transmit corrective signals from ground-based differential correction and monitoring stations to consumers of global navigation systems.

The Luch relay system also makes it possible to conduct television reports and conduct video conferencing.

The multifunctional space relay system MCSR "Luch" was put into trial operation in February 2016.


The creation of navigation spacecraft by JSC Information Satellite Systems named after Academician M.F. Reshetnyova" has been engaged since the 1960s. Today the company is the only domestic enterprise where satellites for this purpose are designed and manufactured.

Currently, space navigation in Russia is provided using the Global Navigation Satellite System GLONASS. ISS JSC is the lead developer of its space complex, which includes satellites and a ground control complex. The GLONASS system is designed to generate a continuous field of navigation signals, with the help of which highly accurate determination of the coordinates and speed of movement of objects equipped with special receivers is possible. Its stable operation is the key to the successful solution of many defense, economic, social, scientific and production problems.

The GLONASS system is based on 24 spacecraft in a medium circular orbit at an altitude of 19,100 km. They are located in 3 orbital planes - 8 satellites in each. In addition, the guarantee of the stable functioning of the orbital constellation is the orbital and ground reserve of spacecraft.

Today, the GLONASS system includes modern GLONASS-M satellites, designed and manufactured by the Information Satellite Systems company named after academician M.F. Reshetnev". They provide navigation signal coverage of the entire globe. The company also creates promising Glonass-K spacecraft, the first of which has already been launched into orbit and is undergoing flight testing.


"Glonass-K" is a promising spacecraft of the GLONASS Global Navigation Satellite System. Compared to their predecessors - the Glonass-M satellites - they have improved technical characteristics and an increased active life. Their main difference from previous generation spacecraft is that in addition to emitting frequency division navigation signals in the L1 and L2 bands, they will also emit a civil navigation signal with code division in the L3 band. This will significantly increase the accuracy of navigation determinations, up to tens of centimeters.

Glonass-K satellites are multifunctional. A special radio-technical complex is installed on board to work in the international search and rescue system for people in distress COSPAS-SARSAT.

The first spacecraft of this type was launched into orbit in 2011, the second in 2014. Currently, ISS JSC is also creating advanced navigation satellites - “Glonass-K” of the second stage.

Navigation spacecraft of the new generation Glonass-K are launched from the Plesetsk cosmodrome by a Soyuz-2-1b launch vehicle with a Fregat upper stage.


Glonass-M satellites form the basis of the orbital constellation of the GLONASS system. They provide navigation information and precise time signals to land, sea, air and space users. Devices of this type continuously emit four navigation signals with frequency division in two frequency ranges - L1 and L2.

Operating as part of 24 Glonass-M spacecraft, the Russian global navigation satellite system provides the location of objects with an accuracy of about 5 meters for civilian users.

The Glonass-M spacecraft are launched into orbit one at a time by a Soyuz-2 launch vehicle with a Fregat upper stage from the Plesetsk cosmodrome or as part of blocks of three satellites by a Proton-M launch vehicle with an upper stage. Briz-M" from the Baikonur cosmodrome.


The cartographic model of the Earth needs to be periodically updated, and its geophysical parameters must be regularly updated. These problems are solved with the help of space geodesy.

JSC "Information Satellite Systems" named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev" is the only enterprise in Russia where geodetic spacecraft are developed and manufactured. The company's current project in this area is the creation of the GEO-IK-2 satellite system.


Company "Information Satellite Systems" named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev" is responsible for the creation of a new generation space geodetic system based on the GEO-IK-2 spacecraft. They will make it possible to carry out high-precision geodetic measurements and thereby meet the needs of Russian science in updating the cartographic model of the Earth and clarifying its geophysical parameters. The orbital constellation of the system will consist of two satellites.

Purpose of the GEO-IK-2 system:

  • construction of a high-precision geodetic network in a geocentric coordinate system;
  • solving a number of applied problems that require prompt determination of the coordinates of ground points, including:
    • creation of regional geodetic networks;
    • Earth remote sensing;
    • determination of the marine geoid;
    • monitoring of ice conditions.

The satellites will be launched into a working sun-synchronous orbit with an altitude of about 1000 km and an inclination of 99.4º by a Rokot launch vehicle with a Briz-KM upper stage from the Plesetsk cosmodrome.

Research and Experiments

Before being used in spacecraft, new technologies, instruments, and materials need to be tested and obtained flight qualifications. Small satellites are well suited for solving this problem; they are launched into orbit by accompanying cargo, have a low mass and low cost. Such spacecraft are also developed and manufactured at the Information Satellite Systems company named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev".

ISS JSC involves representatives of other enterprises, scientific organizations, teachers and university students in the process of creating small spacecraft. Thus, during the implementation of projects, not only scientific, technical and experimental, but also educational problems are solved. This makes it possible to train teams of young specialists who have practical experience in creating a satellite - from developing design documentation to controlling a real spacecraft during operation. This educational method is called project-oriented learning technology, and satellites, in the design and manufacture of which representatives of universities took part, are often called student satellites.


The small research spacecraft "Yubileiny" was created at JSC "ISS" as part of a campaign to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite. It is designed to transmit audio messages, as well as photo and video images telling about this significant date and other important events taking place in the space industry. A radio channel has been organized on board the spacecraft in the international experimental and amateur radio frequency range of 435 MHz and 145 MHz. Data transmitted with its help are received at any point on the Earth when the spacecraft passes in radio visibility zones above them.

During the creation of Yubileiny, ISS JSC developed a promising multifunctional unpressurized satellite platform, which formed the basis for subsequent small spacecraft of the enterprise.

The satellite was launched on May 23, 2008. The project resulted in a number of applied experiments, including testing in space conditions of a magnetic-gravitational orientation and stabilization system, new instruments for orientation to the Earth and the Sun, solar panels made of gallium arsenide of a new configuration, and nanocoatings for radiation protection of on-board instruments from cosmic radiation.


The scientific and experimental spacecraft "MiR" was launched into orbit to test promising developments in space conditions. As a result of his work, flight confirmation of a number of the latest technical solutions of ISS JSC, as well as other related enterprises and organizations, was obtained. In particular, new materials and promising elements of thermal control, power supply, orientation and stabilization systems have proven themselves to be positive. During the launch of the satellite, an experiment was carried out with a survey camera, and during its operation - with an Earth remote sensing camera, as a result of which more than 350 images of the surface of our planet were obtained with a spatial resolution of 250 m per pixel.

"MiR" was developed and manufactured on the basis of the same unified platform as the Yubileiny spacecraft. This is the second satellite created with the involvement of teachers and students of the Siberian State Aerospace University. The spacecraft received its name in honor of the founder and first director of the enterprise, Mikhail Reshetnev.


Currently, specialists from the Information Satellite Systems company named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev" are working on the project of a small spacecraft for remote sensing of high spatial resolution and multispectral imaging "ISS-55". It is designed for multispectral remote sensing of the earth's surface in order to obtain highly informative images in the visible and infrared ranges of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum, ensure prompt delivery of data via radio channel, process and provide information to a wide range of consumers.

"ISS-55" is created on the basis of the new universal platform "NT100-01", the configuration of which allows the use of spacecraft to solve problems of high-precision imaging of the Earth's surface in the visible and infrared ranges, as well as, if necessary, retargeting the satellite to photograph objects not covered subsatellite swath. The payload mass of the spacecraft will be about 50% of the total mass of the satellite, equal to 180 kg.

The main target equipment of the ISS-55 satellite is optical-electronic equipment of high spatial resolution with a resolution of less than one meter. In addition to it, the spacecraft will be equipped with a multispectral imaging system of medium spatial resolution with a resolution of less than thirty meters, which will include a Fourier video spectrometer and an infrared imaging system.

The information obtained using the ISS-55 satellite can be used for monitoring emergency situations, mapping and control of water resources, land use, agriculture and forestry.

The launch of the spacecraft is scheduled for the end of 2015.

Structurally, the Gonets-M1 spacecraft consists of the following main elements:

  • service systems module (platform) - developed by JSC ISS;
  • payload module (LP) - developed by THALES.

The design of the spacecraft body - a non-hermetic design - is made in the form of a rectangular prism. The power base of the spacecraft body is four longitudinal struts and honeycomb panels. The panels located along the +OZ and -OX axes are the spacecraft payload panels; instruments and equipment of the repeater and the antenna module are installed on them, respectively. The remaining panels house the spacecraft service systems equipment. Since the orientation of the spacecraft is organized in such a way that the plane XOY of the spacecraft is aligned with the Sun-object-Earth plane, and the spacecraft axis (OX) coincides with the radius vector, then the planes of the spacecraft body located along the +OZ, -OZ axes are constantly in shadows, which creates the most favorable conditions for using them as radiation surfaces for discharging heat from on-board equipment located on them. On the panels located along the +OZ and -OZ axes, service system equipment and repeater equipment with high heat generation are installed.

The spacecraft has the following antenna composition:

  • 1 antenna D1;
  • 6 D2 antennas;
  • 1 antenna D3;
  • 2 C-band antennas;
  • 4 CIS antennas;
  • 4 NAP antennas.

D2 antennas are placed on folding structures made of honeycomb panels, which transfer them from the starting position to the working position. The transmitting antenna D1 and two C-band antennas are installed permanently on the top plate of the PN. The D3 antenna is installed permanently on the central tower (PN design element). The KIS antennas are placed in pairs on the upper panel of the PN and the lower panel of the instrument compartment. The NP antennas are located on the lower panel of the instrument compartment. The solar battery consists of two wings, each of which is mounted on a rotating device, which ensures that the solar battery is oriented towards the Sun during the operation of the spacecraft in orbit, its rotation around an axis parallel to the OZ axis of the spacecraft. The propulsion system of the correction system is installed in the software along the -ОY axis, the line of thrust action passes through the center of mass of the spacecraft. The thrust vector is directed along the -OY axis of the spacecraft, which, when issuing a correction pulse, is oriented in the plane of the spacecraft's orbit. The optical instruments of the attitude control system are placed in such a way as to ensure the required location of their fields of view: POS - to the Earth, POS - along the -ОY and +OX spacecraft axis, DMDS along the (-OY spacecraft) axis. The magnetometer is mounted on a tilting rod.

Spacecraft equipment matrix



Quantity, pcs.




SC "Messenger-M1"




AFU PN (antenna module)


Antenna D1


Antenna D2


Antenna D3


C-band antenna




Filtering devices



Brackets, fastening elements





Receiving antenna


Transmitting antenna




Filtering devices



Onboard control complex



CJSC Scientific and Technical Center "Module"




NP (with antennas)

FSUE NPP "Radiosvyaz"

Attitude and stabilization system



17M23 (KA 14F31)

Angular velocity measurement unit

CJSC NPP "Medicon"

Solar orientation device

NPP "Geophysics-Cosmos"

Earth orientation device

NPP "Geophysics-Cosmos"

Electromechanical actuator

UDM DM-1-10

SPC "Polyus"

Electromagnetic device


Static type sun sensor







Thermal control system

Heat pipes



SC "Glonass-K", "Luch-5A",

Electric heaters



KA 17F13, 14F132

EO of SK pipelines



KA "Gals", "Express-A", "Express-AM"



SC “SESAT”, “Express-AM”,



SC “SESAT”, “Express-AM”, “Amos-5”

Correction system

Correction block



SC "Luch-5A",

KB "Khimmash"

Test neck



SC "Yamal-300", "Amos-5"

Interblock pipelines SK



Power supply system

OJSC "Saturn"

OJSC "Saturn"

SPC "Polyus"

Radiation monitoring system

Mechanical systems


Separation device



Spacecraft design

Housing (with general assembly elements)


Qualification as part of ICM, SI


Fuel (hydrazine)

"OSCh" or GKhCh-3

Cable network



Balancing weights



Qualify as part of the ICM spacecraft


Weight (payload (including PN AFU)), kg Weight (dry), kg Spacecraft mass (maximum), kg Spacecraft mass (at the design stage), kg Platform PDS power (for payload (over the entire orbit)), W PDS power (KA), W Design
# CharacteristicMeaning
1 125,5
2 216,5
3 450
4 430
5 1xExpress-500
6 400
7 2000
8 Leaky

Orbit characteristics

CAC, year
# CharacteristicMeaning
1 10