The best long range portable radios. How to choose portable radios. LPD channel frequencies

No matter how simple and trivial it may seem, the “range” of your walkie-talkie, first of all, depends on its power. The stronger the transmitter, the more coverage you can expect. Here it is worth understanding that the communication range of portable and stationary walkie-talkies differs significantly in favor of the latter.

In addition, another parameter must be taken into account. For example, the connection between what types of walkie-talkies. After all, you can communicate with a portable radio with a stationary base, or with another stationary base. In the first case, it is possible to ensure a maximum communication range of the radio of 15 km. In the second, when communicating between two stationary bases equipped with antennas and amplifiers, a radio range of 100 km can be achieved. And, for example, car radios can provide a communication range of 50 km with a stationary radio. A radio range of 20 km is ensured when communicating between two vehicle types of these devices.

However, not all so simple. Another important accessory that, along with power, has an equal impact on the communication range is the antenna. More details about it are at the end of the article.

The world around us is diverse.

Look around - a variety of landscapes appear before your eyes. The city, with its high-rise buildings and dense traffic, the countryside, with open spaces and fields. Amazing mountain peaks and mesmerizing turns on intercity highways. The smoothness of river water and the sound of the sea surf.

It’s easy to guess that the range of the radio, among other reasons, is greatly influenced by the terrain. It is because of this that you should be careful about the range of the walkie-talkie you buy. For example, CB radio stations are excellent for forests, roads or highways. For mountains, hikers, cyclists - LPD or PMR range.

Another nuance - manufacturers note the maximum operating range of their walkie-talkies under ideal conditions. That is, when the tests were carried out, there was no interference in the form of high-rise buildings, noise from radio broadcasts, other radios, etc. Accordingly, even the most powerful radio station in adverse conditions can provide a range much lower than that declared by the manufacturer.

Optional equipment.

As mentioned above, the greater the power, the greater the range of the radio. There is an unspoken rule - 1 W is equal to approximately 1 kilometer. Although, this is all very conditional and the final figure will still depend on the terrain, power, antenna, amplifier and other conditions.

In order to organize a radio communication range of 100 km, you need to take care of purchasing power amplifiers and antennas. Remember that the relationship between amplifier power and communication range is not directly proportional. In other words, you can increase the power by 10 times, but the communication range will hardly double.

The antennas can be used for both stationary radio stations and car radios. In the second case, you need to pay special attention to the method, as well as the location of the antenna. In addition, it is worth considering that the length of the antenna must be equal to the wavelength, which is not always feasible, of course. For example, in the CB band, with its wavelength of 11 meters, it is difficult to imagine such a large antenna on the roof of a car.

Attention to detail is important.

It is not surprising, but in addition to the environment, the range of the radio can be influenced by such parameters as:

  • Battery charge - the longest range is achieved with a 100% battery charge.
  • For portable walkie-talkies - its position in space - with the help of experiments it was proven that a large communication range is achieved with a strictly vertical position of the gadget, with the antenna away from the head.
  • Sources of interference in the working air can be other radios, the ground underfoot, military bases and other objects.

Radio stations, or walkie-talkies as they are popularly called, occupy an important niche in the field of wireless communication and communications. Walkie-talkies are used by both government agencies and civilians for a variety of purposes. The most popular radios are where there is no access to regular cellular networks. The radio station device allows you to simultaneously generate and receive a radio signal of a certain frequency (wavelength). It is the operating frequency that determines the type to which the walkie-talkie can be classified. Depending on the frequency range and other technical characteristics, walkie-talkies are divided again into appropriate groups (for hunting, professional, amateur, automobile, tourist, etc.).

Separately, all walkie-talkies are divided into license-free and those that require registration. As a rule, license-free devices have restrictions on power and the number of channels used. It is important to understand that there is no universal device that would work equally well in all ranges. There are radios that are well suited for working in open areas but at the same time are not suitable for urban conditions, and vice versa, there are radio stations specially designed for working in the city. Today, walkie-talkies of several main frequency ranges are widely used: 1) LPD/PMR (433-446 MHz), 2) CB (CB radios 27 MHz), 3) VHF (138-174 MHz), 4) UHF (400-470 MHz). Let's take a closer look at the best market offers for each type of walkie-talkie.

CB band radios

CB (Citizen Band - civilian band) radios have become widespread due to their relatively high power and communication range. In Russia, it is allowed to use CB radio stations with a power of up to 10 W. They are effective in establishing communication over long distances between vehicles in open areas. Such walkie-talkies are often called car radios, as they are often used by truckers, taxi services, and cargo transportation services. The only disadvantages of this type of radio station are the mandatory presence of a large antenna and a large battery. There are a large number of CB radios on the market, but we will only look at some of the leading models. A worthy representative of this type of walkie-talkie is a portable device that supports the CB standard (26.965-27.405 MHz).

Power up to 4 W allows you to establish high-quality communications over long distances. Great functionality and additional functions in a compact body will allow you to be in touch, both in the vehicle and not in it. The weight of the radio without battery is only 190 grams. At a price of 9,000 rubles, Alan 42 is a pretty good option for a good walkie-talkie for truckers. Another version of a mobile radio station for a car, a popular model Megajet MJ-600.

It has great functionality and is easy to manage. As befits a professional device, it has the ability to use emergency channels, and the total number of channels is 240. The built-in noise suppressor, together with an output power of 10 W, ensures high-quality communication between car drivers over long distances. Additionally, the MJ-600 is equipped with an external PTT and a special bracket for mounting in a vehicle. Other CB radios from the manufacturers range have similar characteristics. Midland, Yosan, M-Tech, TTI.

VHF radios

Walkie-talkies operating at a frequency of 138-174 MHz (VHF), like CB-band radios, have an advantage in open spaces, while they are more compact and can be carried even in your pocket. The antennas of such radios are much shorter, but the power is correspondingly lower than that of CB radios. Such walkie-talkies are used mainly as walkie-talkies for hunting or fishing. These include both amateur and professional devices. The leaders in the VHF radio market (and not only) are companies such as Kenwood, Motorola, Yaesu, Vertex. A striking representative of this type of radio is the amateur portable radio. Kenwood TH-F5 with increased transmitter power.

The output power is 7 W, which provides a communication range of up to 10 km. This inexpensive radio has good functionality, and the operating frequency can be set directly using the keyboard. The durable housing, reliably protected from dust and moisture, allows you to work in any conditions. Features include automatic noise suppression, monitoring of weak signals with accelerated scanning of communication channels and frequencies. Kenwood TH-F5 provides communication in the city at a distance of up to 4 km. which by the standards of the VHF range is not small. Compact dimensions, powerful transmitter and low price make this radio the flagship of this market segment. If you are focused on purchasing a high-tech device with all the functions, you can pay attention to the walkie-talkie Motorola GP 360.

This walkie-talkie is perfect for use by teams of enterprises and organizations; it supports tone signaling and selective calling. Other advantages of this walkie-talkie include a removable antenna, vibration- and shock-resistant housing, as well as a Ni-Mh battery that promotes long-term operation of the walkie-talkie (about 17 hours).

With this professional model, you don’t have to worry about the signal quality even in the most extreme situations and hard-to-reach places. There is even an automatic alarm function - a signal for help to a selected person or group of people. For this reason, Motorola VHF radios are often used by security services and other organizations. Accordingly, such a walkie-talkie costs an order of magnitude more than an amateur one. Therefore, when choosing, you should first take into account your requirements for the device, the functions that the walkie-talkie must cope with. There are walkie-talkies that combine two frequency ranges. For example Yaesu VX-6R can operate in both VHF and UHF bands (at frequencies 420-470 MHz).

This universalism makes it possible to work on more than 1000 communication channels, and use the radio in a variety of areas - from hiking to security activities. This walkie-talkie remains operational after diving to a meter depth, has a rubberized, comfortable body and a backlit display that allows you to operate the device in the dark. Moreover, the VX-6R has functionality that allows you to access the Internet.

A semi-professional walkie-talkie of this type is suitable for almost any purpose. UHF radios (operating at a frequency of 400-470 MHz) tolerate electromagnetic interference well in urban environments, but not so well when used in open areas. That is why a modern portable radio must operate in at least two frequency ranges. The difference between UHF and VHF radios also lies in the length of the antenna - UHF radios are more compact and have a shorter antenna. The output power of such radios is not comparable to the power of VHF devices. But, on the other hand, it is in the high-frequency range up to 470 MHz that license-free low-power radios operate. The fact is that PMR/LPD frequencies are in the UHF region.

PMR/LPD radios

If you want to buy a simple, inexpensive walkie-talkie, then your choice should be a device that works in either LPD or PMR format. These simple ham radios are ideal for sports, license-free use, or as a personal communication and safety device in an emergency. LPD (Low Power Device) radios operate at frequencies of 433.075 and 434.775 MHz. They are very often used for civil radio communications in our country, since their output power is limited to 0.1 W. Such means of communication are very convenient and have a built-in portable antenna. Typically, LPD radios operate on 69 channels and support up to 38 CTCSS subcodes (per channel). This allows multiple groups of people to talk freely on the same channel, the only difference being the subcode number. PMR range radio stations (Private Mobile Radio) are widely used in Europe, but are now actively spreading in Russia. They, like LPD radios, operate in the UHF frequency range (446–446.100 MHz) and are also low-power devices. It is allowed to freely use PMR radios with a power of up to 0.5 W.

LPD/PMR radios are also amateur, semi-pro and professional. They are most often used in construction, security guards, and athletes. Such products can be perfectly used in the family, both on vacation and at home, for example, as a baby monitor. There are many excellent solutions on the LPD/PRM radio market. For example, walkie-talkie Voxtel MR950 with a range of up to 10 km and a power of 0.5 W. It has the best price/quality ratio today. In autonomous mode it can work up to 38 hours and weighs only 350 grams. Among LPD radios, communication products from Midland have proven themselves well. In particular, the walkie-talkie Midland GXT1050.

This radio is sold as a set of 2 pieces and has enhanced protective properties. This walkie-talkie has a camouflage body color and can produce signals that imitate the sounds of animals, which is why it is very popular among hunters. The presence of a sensitive microphone allows you to communicate even in a whisper. License-free walkie-talkies from well-known brands such as Motorola, Kenwood, ICOM, Jet, JJ-Connect. Often LPD and PMR range transceivers are combined in one device. Such radios can be used in various fields.

We looked at the main ranges of walkie-talkies, from which you can choose exactly the device that will be needed to perform specific tasks. If you need an inexpensive amateur radio, you can pay attention to LPD radios, but if you are a car enthusiast, it is better to choose a radio from the CB range, and finally, if you need a powerful professional radio, most likely a device operating at high VHF/UHF frequencies will suit you. There are other selection criteria - case protection, water resistance, availability of accessories, but all of them are secondary. Below is a table of the best walkie-talkies available today for each frequency range. To simplify the selection, the area of ​​application is indicated for each radio.A complete list of all walkie-talkie models from top manufacturers can be found in the corresponding section of our website.

Walkie Talkie

frequency range

Power, W

Communication range, km

Number of channels

Weight, g

Walkie talkie type

CB (26.965-27.405 MHz)


CB (26.065-28.305 MHz)


4 Range over 15 km 5

Despite the rapid development of communication technologies, walkie-talkies do not lose their popularity. The main advantage of this technology is autonomy. It does not require an Internet connection to operate, does not require cell towers, and is not interested in the presence of satellites. Previously, only radio amateurs and professional rescuers, foresters, drivers, and representatives of other professions used walkie-talkies. As time passed, portable radios became lighter, more convenient to use, and more affordable. Today it is the best addition to traditional means of communication, used by tourists, hunters, fishermen, and truckers.

For civil radio communications without licensing, you can use three frequency bands: CB - 27 MHz (any type of antenna and transmitter up to 10 W), LPD - 433 MHz (power up to 0.01 W), PMR - 446 MHz (0.5 W). Devices in the 433-446 MHz band can only have integrated compact antennas. In other cases, you need to obtain a permit. Most of the stations presented on AliExpress have a universal purpose. However, some of them are better used in the city, others in the field. Therefore, the rating categories were divided according to the intended purpose of the models.

The best walkie-talkies for hunting and traveling with AliExpress

There are no specialized radios for hunters, fishermen or tourists. However, there are characteristics that are worth paying attention to. An ideal model should work well in an overgrown forest and with changes in relief, and should react neutrally to changes in solar activity and high humidity. It is also worth paying attention to the power, the ability to operate autonomously for a long time and the availability of different sensitivity modes. Most models from AliExpress are programmed to operate in ranges prohibited for individuals. They will have to be re-flashed, or obtained a license and permission.

5 KSUN X-30

The most powerful battery
Price on AliExpress: from 2134 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

KSUN X-30 has excellent power (8 W) and an optimal range of 3 to 5 km. The frequency range is between 400–470 MHz. The battery capacity is 6000 mAh, so you can take the radio with you even on the longest trips. According to the manufacturers, it can work offline for up to 7 days, 72 hours talk time. There are other nice additions, such as automatic shutdown to save energy, as well as a low battery reminder. By the way, the charger has a standard plug, no adapter is needed.

Now this model is one of the most popular walkie-talkies on AliExpress. It leads in the number of orders and positive reviews, surpassing even such a giant as Baofeng. Users note high sound quality and noise reduction, good battery. The disadvantages include a small range - in the city the station operates at a distance of up to 2 km.

4 Zastone ZT-X6

Best build quality
Price on AliExpress: from 1775 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Thanks to its low weight, this model from Zastone can be called the best walkie-talkie for outdoor trips. Its height is only 96 mm, width – 55 mm. From a distance, the walkie-talkie may seem like a toy, but under the simple body there is serious stuff hidden. The assembly is excellent, the quality of the signal is pleasantly pleasing, usually it is quite enough for hunting or fishing. In open areas, communication does not disappear at a distance of 5–10 km; in a forested area, the radio can reach up to 3 km; in the city – up to 1.5 km. The battery of this station is removable, so it can be charged in a field or in the forest from an ordinary power bank.

The radio requires firmware for standard and permitted PMR frequencies. You can configure it using a cord and a headset, they are included in the kit. Among the disadvantages of this model, some users mention a weak battery and problems with signal in forest or mountainous areas. Also, the disadvantages include the lack of a display and the limitation of the frequency range to 430-460 MHz.

3 Retevis H777

Compact and easy to use walkie-talkie
Price on AliExpress: from 1353 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The ergonomic and stylish design of the model is somewhat reminiscent of the appearance of the popular Baofeng station BF-888S. At the top there are antenna modules and an excellent flashlight. The dimensions of the radio are relatively small: its height is 115 mm, width – 60 mm. Due to its compactness, the device fits well in the palm of your hand, making it convenient to take with you on a hunt or on a hike. The transmitter power is enough to transmit a signal over a distance of up to 3 km in line of sight.

The model operates in the UHF frequency range: 400-470 MHz. Experienced users recommend immediately flashing the radio to the frequencies allowed for use without registration (LPD and PMR). Thanks to this, you can safely communicate with the owners of other devices without interfering with the operation of various services. If you believe the reviews, the 1000 mAh battery holds a charge for 24 hours. Buyers consider the only disadvantage of H777 to be the unpleasant smell of plastic, which quickly disappears.

2 Baofeng UV5R

The best radio exchange. Ideal for hunting
Price on AliExpress: from 1544 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Baofeng is one of the most famous manufacturers of radio equipment from AliExpress. UV5R is a reliable station with dual U/V frequency range: 400-520 MHz/136-174 MHz. The optimal range is 5 km. Users are attracted by the low price and the ability to simultaneously be on two frequencies from different ranges. The battery capacity is enough for 24 hours of autonomous operation. Setting up and flashing the device is not difficult.

This particular model is perfect for paintball players, truckers and motorists moving in a convoy. Even fans of extreme recreation have appreciated the capabilities of the walkie-talkie: reviews write that the UV5R works well in the mountains and in areas where no one has gone before. A nice addition will be the ability to choose the design of the case. For hunting and fishing, a device with a camouflage pattern is suitable, but for office use it is better to buy a solid black walkie-talkie.

The table shows the best characteristics of walkie-talkies, depending on the purpose of purchase. It is these parameters that truckers, motorists and extreme recreation enthusiasts should pay attention to. If the device is purchased for personal use, you can choose any portable model with a mid-frequency range. It is also recommended to pay attention to the degree of protection of the case from moisture and mechanical damage, because weather conditions can change at any time.

frequency range

Radius of action


Antenna type

For truck drivers

CB 26–30 MHz

More than 10 W

With long pin

Car radios

CB 26–30 MHz

Magnetic based

Portable universal models

UHF 420–470 MHz

VHF 134–174 MHz

With short pin

For hunting and fishing

VHF 134–174 MHz

UHF 420–470 MHz

With long pin

1 TYT TH-UV8000D

Good power. Capacious battery
Price on AliExpress: from 3351 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

TYT TH-UV8000D is a mobile hand-held transceiver in a waterproof case that is perfect for use in the field. It was appreciated by hunters, mushroom pickers, fishermen and tourists. One of the advantages of this model is the wide frequency range of 136–174 MHz and 400–520 MHz. The walkie-talkie has 128 communication channels and an output power of 10 W. The device fits perfectly in the hand, its weight is just under 300 grams. The radio is made of good plastic, the build quality is not satisfactory.

The package includes two antennas, instructions, a 3600 mAh lithium battery, a charger and a clip holder. The operating radius can reach 10 km, but it is better to use the device at a distance of no more than 5 km. Buyers from AliExpress agree that the TH-UV8000D can be considered the best Chinese walkie-talkie with excellent functionality. They consider the only drawback to be the lack of Russian language.

The best car radios from AliExpress

A good walkie-talkie for a motorist is a matter of safety. Stations operating on the 27 MHz frequency of the CB band are popular among taxi drivers. Truckers tune their radios to 15 AM (amplitude modulation). On air you can hear information about traffic jams, checkpoints, and road conditions. Therefore, when choosing the best walkie-talkie, you need to pay attention to the presence of AM mode. The number of communication channels also matters. For a taxi driver in a small town, 40–120 channels will be enough; in megacities, you need to take a walkie-talkie with 240–450. It’s good if the model has a noise suppressor, a large memory for storing channels, a convenient monitor, and a frequency indication.


The most budget car radio
Price on AliExpress: from 3111 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The ANYSECU CB-40M is often chosen by truckers. This model is inexpensive and has the simplest and most intuitive controls. There are no unnecessary functions here, only the most necessary for communication. By default, the station is tuned to the DE band (25.615–30.105 MHz), there are 10 channel groups, a scan function and a keypad lock. The output power of the transmitter is in the range of 4–8 W, the receiver - 1 W. The station body dimensions are 109*109*28 mm, it weighs about 310 grams.

Reviews note that this car radio has good sensitivity and average noise reduction. There is no interference, it does not heat up during operation, regardless of the selected mode. The signal range reaches 10 km in the city and 4 km on the highway. The disadvantages of the device include the fact that the modulation is rather dull due to the small size of the speaker. But there is no point in comparing the characteristics of a car radio with full-size stationary models.

4 Retevis RT-9000D

Range over 15 km
Price on AliExpress: from 8316 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The Retevis RT-9000D model is an almost ideal car radio. It has excellent sensitivity and an impressive range of more than 15 km. There are five multi-function keys that can be programmed as you wish. Each buyer chooses the frequency range and channels from four possible options, this is very convenient. This model also provides different types of scanning, including the CTCSS/DCS function.

The disadvantages include the large weight of the device (almost 1 kg), but for motorists this disadvantage will be insignificant. The main device is installed directly into the car; it will not need to be moved to another place. Also, some buyers note popping noises in the noise canceler. Because of this, using the walkie-talkie may be uncomfortable.

3 QYT KT-8900D

Better noise reduction. Excellent sensitivity
Price on AliExpress: from 4876 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

KT-8900D is an inexpensive basic walkie-talkie with a convenient menu and updated functionality. Thanks to its compact size, it can be installed at home or in a car, so many people consider this model to be a car model. An additional advantage is the impressive sound volume, as well as customizable monitor backlighting. The frequency range here is standard: VHF 136–174 MHz, UHF 400–480 MHz. For better communication, you should use the device at a distance of up to 5 km, although the seller from AliExpress promises a communication range of more than 10 km.

The assembly is excellent - no play, the PTT is comfortable, backlit. The quality of the microphone in the PTT allows you to get quite acceptable sound. Based on reviews, the power regulator of this model is quite sensitive. This may make it difficult to adjust the volume to a comfortable level. But for a car radio this is not a problem, because the sound will be partially muffled by extraneous noise.

2 Baojie BJ-218

The most compact model of a car dual-band station
Price on AliExpress: from 5503 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

A stationary model with minimal weight and small dimensions: its height does not exceed 105 mm, width – 30 mm. The compact car radio has a two-line LCD display. The frequency range here is also good: 136–174 MHz (UHF) and 400–470 MHz (VHF). The device does not operate at a frequency of 27 MHz, therefore, it is unlikely to be suitable for long-distance drivers. Manufacturers claim that the maximum communication range is more than 10 km.

The seller from AliExpress sends instructions in two languages: Chinese and English. This is good, although there is definitely a lack of Russian-language guidance. Fortunately, the control joystick is quite convenient; all functions can be quickly configured intuitively. The menu and display are very similar to those of the Baofeng Series 5 radios. The remote push-to-talk switch is made of plastic and contains control buttons, a microphone, and a PTT key. Connection to the radio station is via an RJ-45 connector.

1 TYT TH-9800

Powerful CB radio operating in 4 bands
Price on AliExpress: from RUB 12,182.
Rating (2019): 4.9

TH-9800 is an excellent car radio that operates not only on classic CB frequencies, but also in the VHF range. It also makes it possible to listen to the airwaves, something not all budget models can boast of. The device operates in the ranges of 27, 50, 144 and 430 MHz, has 809 memory channels and 6 hypermemory channels that save all settings. Modulation: AM and FM (reception only). The model is based on the Yaesu-8900, but the manufacturer equipped the radio with a new processor and slightly modified the board.

Among the advantages of the TH-9800, buyers from AliExpress cite a convenient menu, a large LCD screen and simple adjustment of settings. There is also a function to automatically turn off the backlight and lock the keys, thanks to which energy consumption is significantly reduced. The reviews mention only one drawback - the model is intended for experienced users. It is better not to take it as your first car radio because of the complicated setup.

The best walkie-talkies from AliExpress

The radio stations presented in this category can be safely considered universal. These are compact devices that are often used for playing airsoft or paintball, quests, organizing communications in the country and during hikes. The main feature of these models is ease of operation. These stations would make a great gift for an adult friend or child.

5 Baofeng BF-T1

The most compact portable radio station
Price on AliExpress: from 1932 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

One of the most interesting walkie-talkies from the Baofeng brand was this mini-model BF-T1. The dimensions of the station including the antenna are 108*55*21 mm. The output power is 2 W, the UHF frequency range is within 400–470 MHz. There is also an FM radio (65-108 MHz), a 3.5 mm headphone jack and an LED flashlight. A 1500 mAh battery will ensure stable operation for a long time. The product package is impressive: each buyer receives headphones, English-language instructions, clips and belts as a gift.

Reviews note the clear controls of the radio, excellent audibility and clarity of sound. The only caveat is that you will need to spend time reflashing the device. The seller from AliExpress claims that the Baofeng communication radius reaches 3–5 km. In the city this figure is lower, approximately 2 km. A mini-station is perfect for communicating with children at a short distance, but for serious purposes it is better to buy another model.


Stylish and modern design
Price on AliExpress: from 1968 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The portable radio from KSUN attracts attention with its modern design. This model is available in several versions, differing in body color, power (from 3 to 8 W) and battery capacity (from 2200 to 8000 mAh). Each device will operate in standby mode for at least 10 days. The signal range is within 5–10 km, the UHF frequency range is from 400 to 470 MHz. It features automatic channel scanning, voice control, a low battery alert and a 9-level noise reduction system.

AliExpress users praise the KSUN KSM3-B for its stylish design and compactness. The thickness of the case is only 15 mm, dimensions are 115 * 50 mm. The miniature and lightweight walkie-talkie (weight – 218 g) is convenient to take with you on a trip, hunting or hiking. The build quality is good, but there is not enough protection against moisture and dust. There are no complaints about the operation of the radio station: the signal is stable, channels are easy to set up, and the sound is clear.

3 BaoFeng UV-S9

Portable walkie-talkie for truckers from the Baofeng brand
Price on AliExpress: from 1765 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

UV-S9 is another worthy portable model from Baofeng. The frequency range here is quite decent: VHF 136–174 MHz, UHF 400–520 MHz. For entertainment, you can turn on the FM radio; it picks up waves in the range of 65–108 MHz. The device has a built-in RX CTCSS/DCS scanner, as well as a powerful LED flashlight. The battery capacity is 2800 mAh, which is enough for uninterrupted work while hunting. The communication radius reaches 10 km in the field; in the forest this figure decreases. But even in multi-story buildings, walkie-talkies operate at a distance of at least 2 km.

This model is often purchased by truckers and extreme recreation enthusiasts. The battery can be recharged using a USB cable, so the stations are perfect for use in the field. You can choose another kit that will include a device for charging the battery in the car. If we talk about disadvantages, users mention weak antennas and the need to improve the modulation.

2 BaoFeng UV-82

Best range. The most complete set
Price on AliExpress: from RUB 1,796.
Rating (2019): 4.9

UV-82 is one of the most successful portable models from the Baofeng company. It has an impressive dual band of 136-174 and 400-520 MHz and a range of up to 20 kilometers on flat terrain. Unfortunately, when used in a car, this figure decreases by 2–3 times. The microphones are very sensitive, they even pick up a whisper. A 2800 mAh lithium battery ensures operation of the device throughout the day.

Another undoubted advantage of Baofeng products is the most complete set, compared to competitors. The set includes two walkie-talkies, antennas, wall adapter, belt clip and charger. Also, the AliExpress seller includes a headset and a detailed user manual in each box. The disadvantages buyers note is that the channel name can only be flashed when connected via a cord. In addition, many people do not like the buttons on the battery to be too loud.

1 Retevis RT628

Best sound quality. Rugged housing
Price on AliExpress: from 972 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The Retevis RT628 is ideal for hunting because it has a durable body and excellent signal in open areas. This portable radio is not afraid of rain, wind and dirt, it will even withstand immersion in water. Its power is 0.5 W, dimensions are 160*55*28 mm. The device runs on three AA batteries and has a headset jack (2.5 mm) on the body. The microphone is very sensitive, and there is noise reduction. The sound is of the highest quality under any conditions. The radio is easy to attach to your belt; the kit includes clips.

Reviews on AliExpress praise this model for its stable signal, loud and clear sound. Despite the “childish” design, the build quality is close to ideal. The only drawback of the Retevis RT628 is that the range is too short. Even in open areas it rarely exceeds the 2 km mark. This will be enough for hunting, but there is no point in buying such a model for truckers.

Of course, no one buys a walkie-talkie spontaneously. As a rule, its purchase is preceded by a long and painful choice. There are a huge number of these gadgets that need to be reviewed before settling on something that meets the need.

However, this is not all. According to many professionals, the choice of a walkie-talkie depends on the specifics of its operation. Simply put, the conditions under which it will be used. Why is this happening? The thing is that there is no ideal walkie-talkie suitable for everything.

How to choose the right radio?

First, you need to understand a little about markings. For example, walkie-talkies may differ in operating ranges:

  • HF - amateur band. Frequencies - from 0.1 to 28 MHz.
  • SV - civil band. The wavelength is about 11 meters. Frequencies - from 26 to 30 MHz.
  • LB - service range. Wavelength - 6 meters. Frequencies - from 30 to 50 MHz.
  • VHF - high frequency range. In the Russian Federation, you must obtain permission to use it (rent a frequency). The wavelength is about 2 meters. Frequencies - from 136 to 172 MHz
  • UHF - ultra high frequency range. It can be either professional or amateur. The wavelength is about 70 centimeters. Frequencies - from 420 to 473 MHz.

It is quite logical that out of all this variety, it is sometimes very difficult to understand which radio to choose is best. That is why it is so important to immediately decide how and where you will use it.

For example, a city needs one type of these devices. And it is very difficult to use them outside the city. In addition, maybe you need a stationary radio for your car? Or can you easily get by with a portable one?

We will try to describe in more detail which radios are best used in rough terrain. Let's figure out which range is best to work with in dense urban areas, and also try to answer the question of what kind of radio to buy for a car.

For example, if you need to choose a walkie-talkie for working in rough terrain, then the best option would be options with a low frequency range, for example, 27 MHz. The wavelength of such devices is 11 meters (this is an approximate value). Let's take into account the fact that a wave can go around an obstacle equal to only half its length. As a result, we come to the conclusion that such waves will be able to cope with obstacles in the form of thick trees and small hills.

This range also has a downside - for example, sensitivity to interference. If there are electromagnetic disturbances within the range of a low-frequency radio, problems will begin. This, by the way, is one of the reasons why such devices are undesirable to use in the city.
Usually, The 27 MHz band is called the CB band, so-called civil. In order to use it, there is no need to obtain licenses or register devices. I just bought it and forgot about it. It is very comfortable. Walkie-talkies that can operate in this range are most popular among taxi drivers, radio enthusiasts, and rangers.

For the city, one of the most important parameters for a walkie-talkie is its resistance to interference on the air. There are a huge number of them in any large settlement. Therefore, in this case, the best walkie-talkie is one that operates in the high-frequency range. She is not afraid of any electromagnetic disturbances. It is compact and has a modern stylish design. Such radios operate in the VHF (136-174 MHz) and UHF (400-470 MHz) ranges.

  • Or a stationary one.
  • Or portable.

The advantages of a stationary one are that you won’t see any wires or adapters in the cabin. All this is efficiently hidden during installation. In addition, these radios are powered by a car battery. This is the key to stable operation.
At the same time, the disadvantage of stationary devices is their immobility. You will not be able to use them outside the car. According to this parameter, portable radios, the best models of which have excellent

In everyday life, it is impossible to imagine our life without cellular communications, which, unfortunately, cannot be used in places that are difficult to reach in terms of location and natural terrain. The panacea in this case is the walkie-talkie. It is definitely included in the equipment of amateur drivers, truckers, climbers, extreme tourists, hunters and fishermen. Representatives of special services (police officers, rescuers, doctors, taxi drivers, couriers, security guards) also use compact radios for operational communication.

Depending on the purpose and frequency of operation, when purchasing a device, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • weight, dimensions, body material;
  • antenna type;
  • operating power;
  • frequency range for which a license is/is not required;
  • operating time without recharging in different modes;
  • number of channels;
  • additional functionality (noise reduction, flashlight, SOS channel, etc.).

The best car radios

For most motorists, especially those traveling long distances, radio stations are extremely popular. This allows them to quickly learn about road accidents, weather conditions, and traffic police posts. Using a walkie-talkie, you can quickly ask for help. In the city, this device will also be useful: traffic jams, accidents, repair work - information about everything is provided very quickly.

3 President Lincoln II ASC

Display backlighting for every taste
Country: France
Average price: 25,000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

This radio has a self-explanatory name. Yes, it costs as much as a presidential plane, which did not allow it to rise higher in the ranking, but it also provides corresponding opportunities. Some of them are purely visual, such as multiple display backlight options. Others are aimed at expanding functionality. Just look at the support of five (!) frequency modulations. Users also respond extremely positively to the noise suppressor’s performance. In general, although expensive, it is a very high-quality radio station for truck drivers.

Device p Operates at frequencies 615 - 30.105 MHz, pSupports AM/FM/LSB/USB/CW. There isintegrated manual/automatic noise reduction. When the operator begins to speak, aautomatic transmission activation.The built-in SWR meter expands the operational capabilities of the device.

2 MegaJet MJ-333

Best price in this category
Country: South Korea
Average price: 5000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Radios from MegaJet are among the most popular among domestic motorists. This is understandable, because the company produces high-quality and easy-to-use radios at a very reasonable price. There is not the same variety of functions as in more expensive devices, but the MJ-333 copes with the main task perfectly. In addition, the case is very compact, which means there is room for it even in a passenger car.

What attracts attention from useful functionality: p frequency shift is supported without turning off the device by 5 kHz to switch between Russian and European grids, eThere is a noise suppressor operating in spectral mode.The owners also cite a loud speaker (3 W) and support for external speakers as undoubted advantages. The model provides operational pSwitches to the 9th (emergency) channel.

1 Optim Voyager

Walkie-talkie with high-quality night mode
Country Russia
Average price: 5700 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The Optim Svyaz company performed significant work in preparing the model, taking into account the wishes of users of previous developments and market trends in the CB range. As a result, we have a proprietary monoblock body design, standard equipment (walkie-talkie, headset, mounting hardware, instructions) and expanded capabilities. The use of cast aluminum increased the strength and security of the car accessory.

In reviews, its owners point out the high contrast of the color LCD display with night mode, a large amount of information placed on it, including a status indicator. 6 convenient function buttons can be customized to your liking. The antenna condition is monitored by an integrated SWR meter. Using the shortcut keys, both the general channel and the SOS systems are activated. Among the advantages are the presence of spectral and threshold noise suppressors, two types of modulation, and scanning options at different levels. One of the minuses is energy consumption in standby mode with the clock on, which, as the manufacturing company’s engineers say, can be reduced to almost “0” by setting the supply voltage to less than 12.5 V.

The best radios that do not require a license

In our life, almost everything that is possible is regulated by law. Of course, control over radio frequencies was not spared either. If you do not need to use special channels, then you should opt for license-free models operating in the CB, PMR and LPD bands. These are exactly the ones we have selected for you.

3 "ARGUT A-54"

Optimal combination of price and functionality
Country Russia
Average price: 8500 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The radio station can be called the most professional among amateur ones. In addition to working with LPD and PMR bands, the device supports 199 channels. It is also worth noting the high-quality work through a repeater, DTMF (dual-tone coding system). The function of copying settings between radios will also be very useful. Finally, the A-54 has an FM radio. This is of little use for work, but sometimes it is also necessary to rest. The advantages include Battery capacity 2300 mAh, programming via computer. The housing is protected not only from mechanical influences, but also from moisture according to the IPX5 standard.


Long range
Country: USA
Average price: 5000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The kit includes 2 walkie-talkies, which attract attention with their unnoticeable appearance in nature and light weight (123 grams). This equipment runs on both AA and alkaline AA batteries, which is very convenient for hunting, fishing or hiking. The battery (Ni-MH) is not the most modern, and its capacity of 800 mAh is inferior to a number of analogues. But the energy saving mode and charge indicator will help avoid the inconvenience associated with energy consumption.

The design has a backlit display, but the antenna in this model is not removable. The device supports LPD/PMR standards in a comfortable frequency range. Its range of action is up to 15 km with favorable terrain. In total, the transmitter is equipped with 77 channels, which are quite enough for communication between participants in road traffic or outdoor recreation. Among the advantages, they note the presence of channel scanning and monitoring functions, voice activation through a headset, vibration alert, and the ability to connect a headset.


Reliability in operation
Country: China
Average price: 2345 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

A very practical and also inexpensive device for all occasions supports LPD/PMR/FRS/GMRS standards. Its body is compact, but made of durable materials that can withstand mechanical stress and high humidity. The display is backlit, so the model is convenient to use at any time of the day and in adverse weather conditions. The design is well thought out, the antenna is removable.

One of the best devices is rated at 5 W, which can be adjusted. The model supports CTCSS, DCS encoding, its channel range includes 199 possible channels. It offers users a wide range of functionality. There are options for connecting headphones and a sensitive microphone, PTT, and channel scanning. If necessary, the conversation timer can be easily activated. Among the advantages in the reviews, users highlight good, but imperfect noise reduction, volume control, a long-lasting lithium-ion battery with a charger included, charge indication, and a keypad lock option.

The best walkie-talkies for hunting and fishing

It would seem that it makes no sense to purchase special walkie-talkies for use in hunting or fishing. But this is not entirely true, because such a pastime implies being in conditions where radio signal transmission is not the best. Trees and uneven terrain prevent the passage of waves. You will learn which models are worth paying attention to by viewing this category.

3 "Terek RK-401"

The best dust and moisture protection
A country:
Average price: 8500 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The case in a minimalist design perfectly withstands any bad weather thanks to the degree of dust and moisture protection IP67. You can not only go fishing or hunting in rainy weather, but also swim across a river or other body of water with a walkie-talkie. The professional device received a high output power of 10 W. It is produced in 2 bands - UHF, VHF, which you should pay attention to before purchasing. Owners call it the most effective due to its range in open areas of up to 15 km, high-quality sensitivity during reception and transmission, the presence of an operating mode through a repeater, and the ability to connect an external antenna.

The walkie-talkie is fully equipped with everything you need, including batteries and a clip for easy carrying. Balanced functionality allows you to communicate effectively in nature, tuning in to 16 channels. One of the main advantages of the model, often mentioned in reviews, is the extended operating temperature range (from -40 to +60 degrees) and the capacity of the 3270 mAh lithium-ion battery, which is enough for 72 hours of active calls.


High quality speaker
Country: Japan
Average price: 13,000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Kenwood was once very popular among radio amateurs. Now the quality of their products has dropped somewhat, and prices have risen, but the TK-2406M can still be recommended for purchase. This walkie-talkie is capable of operating in a wide temperature range (from -30 to +60 degrees), has the lowest weight and good protection from water (IPX5 standard), but, alas, cannot boast of a variety of functions. Among the advantages mentioned in the reviews, first of all, good sound quality thanks to a 1000 mW speaker.

Settings can be programmed using a computer. In addition to the noise reduction function, scrambler capabilities are provided.Voice activation via headset is supported. Disadvantages of the device: nSupports only VHF and weak battery power, chargeThe battery doesn't last long.

1 "Soyuz 4"

Powerful battery and speaker
Country Russia
Average price: 4000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

This 2-band device fits perfectly in the hand thanks to its ergonomic shape, textured back wall, and anti-slip side inserts with 3 buttons. A high degree of dust and moisture protection IP54 allows truckers and outdoor enthusiasts to take it with them on the road. The model operates at frequencies of 136-174/400-520 MHz, which is very convenient. Moreover, the range of action is up to 10 km with minimal noise. The radio is designed for 128 channels, which are entered using a multifunctional keyboard. The response of the buttons is of high quality, as is the entire assembly.

To improve comfort, the manufacturer offers 3 display backlight options. The built-in flashlight, radio, and adjustable headset evoke only positive emotions in users. The functionality is quite solid. Here you can set a TOT transmission time limit, there are options for an emergency signal ALARM, keypad lock, and talk timer. Great advantages - the ability to remotely program from a computer, 1500 mAh lithium-ion battery capacity, additional support for DTMF signals, 1000 MW speaker power.

The best inexpensive walkie-talkies: budget up to 2000 rubles.

Budget models of walkie-talkies are not always of low quality, as is commonly believed. Reliable manufacturers that produce products under well-known brands offer devices with a guarantee that have only the most popular functionality. Therefore, inexpensive equipment is focused on an individual approach when choosing.

3 "Griffin G-44"

Functional housing design
Country Russia
Average price: 1950 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

A high-quality and inexpensive VHF radio for short-distance communication has a practical design, low weight (150 grams), and optimal configuration. The model supports 16 channels, while the communication quality is always the same. This is confirmed by employees of various enterprises who use the gadget to improve communication among themselves and save time.

The device is equipped with a powerful and durable lithium-ion battery with a capacity of 1500 mAh, which can be charged once a day during active communication. Despite the urban purpose of the model, it is also used when going hunting or fishing. Efficiency is observed when used in open spaces, in forests or mountainous terrain, this indicator is noticeably reduced. Among the advantages in the reviews, owners cite clear audibility, fast charging, and the presence of an adapter and clip in the kit.

2 "Soyuz 2"

Best build quality
Country Russia
Average price: 1850 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The model is available in several body colors. It fits comfortably even in a graceful woman's hand. Despite the inexpensive materials used, the body is durable and reliable for long-term use. The radio maintains excellent performance at extremely low temperatures. Moreover, the device weighs only 160 grams. This purchase should be considered for use in residential areas, as the model supports the UHF standard.

The transmitter power can be adjusted, the sensitivity is quite suitable for solving the stated problems. Support for 16 channels eliminates problems with ease of communication. The 110 mAh lithium-ion battery holds a charge well. A nice option from the manufacturer is the ability to program via PC. Users include the presence of a built-in flashlight, a removable antenna, and noise reduction with an adjustable response threshold as advantages.

1 Baofeng BF-888S

Efficient programmable radio
Country: China
Average price: 1000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

For a budget price, radio users receive a fairly decent set of functions that provide all their communication needs within a populated area at a distance of up to 7 km. On the highway, the radius is reduced to 1.5 km. For the supported option, XP software is most often used, the installation of which guarantees long-term uninterrupted operation of the device. This is confirmed by the reviews of the owners. Frequency range - 400-470 MHz.

Of the most significant technical characteristics, it is worth paying attention to the equipment with 16 channels, 166 CDCSS subchannels, 39 CTCSS subchannels, as well as a power of 5 W. The compact case weighs only 150 grams without the antenna, which, by the way, is included in the package. The walkie-talkie also comes with a battery, charger, belt clip and lanyard for wearing on your hand. The Li-Ion battery has a good resource of 1500 mAh. This model has a built-in LED flashlight, which is a plus. Users consider its flickering type to be a disadvantage.

Best Walkie Talkies

In some cases, the conditions for using walkie-talkies are limited by dress code or other circumstances. Portable models are an ideal solution without compromising the quality of communication. You can familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of the best of them right now.


Radio station with scrambler
A country: Russia (manufactured in China)
Average price: 13,800 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The gadget deserves attention both for its ergonomic appearance, minimal buttons for control, and technical potential. The UHF standard allows the use of license-free frequencies, while communication is clear and without disruption both outdoors and indoors. It is always possible to adjust the power of the radio within 8 W. Even a beginner can handle the provided software. Voice prompts will help speed up the process. There are only 16 working channels, thanks to the scrambler the quality and confidentiality of communication have been improved.

The functionality is generally standard for the category of portable devices. However, options such as a timer, scanning, accelerated connection to an emergency frequency, voice activation through a headset, and “hot” buttons increase the demand for mini-equipment. This is confirmed by numerous positive reviews. The Li-Pol battery capacity of 2000 mAh also leaves a good impression; it lasts for a day with intensive use. The energy saving mode helps you spend it more efficiently. The only relative disadvantage is the weight of 246 grams.

2 Baofeng UV-R5

The most efficient device for work and rest
Country: China
Average price: 1450 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The radio station belongs to the inexpensive price segment, but its functionality can satisfy the needs of many consumers. In addition, it can always be expanded with the help of special accessories that are purchased additionally. The 2-band portable device supports high-quality operation of all 129 memory channels. Popular optional features include scanning one or two channels at once, a conversation timer, and a keypad lock.

The shock-resistant body, backlit display, flashlight, and removable antenna are especially attractive for hunters, truckers, tourists - all those who lead an active lifestyle. As another significant advantage, owners point to the capacity of the included long-life battery. It is 1800 mAh, which ensures uninterrupted operation of the device for 12 hours. Among the disadvantages are the quick erasing of the buttons, the not very durable design of the clip, and the lack of Russian instructions.

1 "Terek RK-501"

High power model
A country: Russia (manufactured in China)
Average price: 12,700 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

This premium-class device, universal in functionality, is suitable for those who are constantly in a noisy environment or terrain and need a stable, high-quality communication device. This portable radio surpasses its analogues in terms of power (25 W), which can be adjusted in 3 levels. The specified information is displayed on the housing in the form of an indication. The model supports the UHF standard, providing stable communication at a distance of at least 15 km. At the same time, automatic ASQ noise reduction and powerful sound (1150 mW) guarantee excellent communication even in very noisy environments.

The case is protected from overheating by a special fan, which turns on when a certain temperature is reached. The owners in the reviews also include a highly efficient Li-Pol battery with a capacity of 4850 mAh as an advantage, so the device requires charging after 3 days with moderate daily use. The package contains everything necessary for this procedure. The disadvantages of the model are its fully assembled weight of 546 grams and high cost.