The most necessary things to make money through an affiliate program. The best affiliate programs for making money: a list of profitable programs and tips for working with affiliates

Every business needs growth and expansion. For example, if you own a factory, you modernize production and install more machines. What if you own an online store? Then the main task will be to increase the number of sales and find regular customers. To accomplish this, a system of affiliate programs was invented.

What is an affiliate program and what is its business model?

The main objective of the affiliate program is to bring a new client into the business. In return, the affiliate network member receives a reward, which can be fixed or depend on the amount of the invited client’s transaction.

A partnership offer in this context is called an offer. The one who wants to find clients is an advertiser, and the one who attracts clients is a webmaster. Affiliate programs exist because they adhere to the “win-win” principle, in which each party to the transaction wins - the advertiser receives sales, the webmaster receives a reward, and the affiliate network takes its commission on the transaction. Now you know what an affiliate program is. “And how to make money from it?” - a logical question will sound. We will give an answer to this regarding the role of the webmaster in this process.

Types of affiliate programs for earning money

The main task of a webmaster in any affiliate network is to attract traffic, that is, visitors. But with the same traffic, a webmaster can receive radically different income, depending on how he monetizes it (sells it for money). This happens due to the difference in types of payment for traffic. Here are the main ones:

  • payment for targeted transition (click on advertising);
  • payment for displaying an ad (often a promotional video);
  • payment for a purchase on the target site;
  • registration in the system;
  • installing an application, etc.

You can find out what type of partnership cooperation is suitable for your traffic channel exclusively by experimental means, testing various options for promotional materials, marketing strategies and advertising links (type of advertising - affiliate offer). The best affiliate programs always reward their webmasters with bonuses and try to provide maximum tools for their work. But don’t think that your personal manager in an affiliate program will do the work for you. After all, even the best affiliate programs can only direct the webmaster’s diligence in the right direction, but money will only be brought by one’s own efforts and constant work on mistakes.

Where to begin?

Webmasters who have just entered this business are looking for an affiliate program for beginners that would require them to have a minimum of knowledge and investment to start. One such affiliate program is Google AdSense. You can understand instantly what an AdSense affiliate program is - it is on almost any information website and is a network of contextual targeted advertising. To be fair, it must be said that the Yandex.Direct affiliate network is also a contextual advertising system, but it is more difficult to join due to the strict moderation of sites. But let’s return to the topic of AdSense, because we are still interested in the affiliate program for beginners.

First of all, you need to register and add your site to moderation, which will check it for compliance with basic requirements, which are very easy to comply with. The site must not violate the laws of your state, must not be spammy, contain viruses, etc. If you do not have a website, you can create a blog in a few clicks using WordPress Blog, Blogger, Wix services or in any convenient way, write several articles to the site and install AdSense advertising. Depending on the interests of the audience of your website (blog) and the topic of the resource, you can receive from 1 cent to several dollars (!) per click. You can withdraw funds by bank transfer, check or other method, but only after reaching $100 on your balance.

How to get more traffic?

When you have already gotten used to it and studied what an affiliate program is, you will definitely be interested in a logical question - where to get traffic? After all, the more traffic, the more money you can get. The Internet is built on the exchange of information, therefore, if you have the information the user needs, he will get to your resource and make money by clicking on an advertisement. But it's not that simple. Let's look at the main ways to get your content to your audience or, on the other hand, get your audience's money to you.

Today the main sources of traffic are:

  • search engines - Yandex, Google, and so on;
  • social networks (everyone knows Vkontakte and Facebook, but social networks are also YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Periscope, Twitch, Google+ and others);
  • mobile messengers (Telegram, Viber, Snapchat);
  • Browser bookmarks - oddly enough, if your site is good enough to use regularly, you will get your core of regular visitors;
  • email newsletters;
  • other ways.

The more masterfully you approach the construction of your traffic channels, the naturally larger the audience you will be able to reach.

We monetize traffic profitably

It was said earlier that with the same number of visitors on your resource, profit per visitor can vary by several orders of magnitude. This means that someone else can make the profit you missed. How it works:

  1. Let’s say person X has installed an AdSense pay-per-click advertising block on his website.
  2. Another person Y registered on the website of an online store’s affiliate program, where they pay $20 per completed order.
  3. Y orders advertising for his affiliate link in AdSense, which will be shown on your site.
  4. Y gets a customer for the store for $15.

It turns out that site owner X could earn $5 more than from contextual advertising, but this money was earned by Y. It seems obvious that if X used the store’s affiliate program, he would increase his profit, but this is not the case. After all, in order to earn this extra $5, Y set up an advertising campaign in detail, segmented the audience, tracked statistics and created promotional materials. In other words, this is complex and painstaking work. This activity is called traffic arbitrage, when you buy advertising traffic in one place and drive it to another, generating sales or requests, which arbitrators call a lead.

More and more readers of our blog are interested in the possibility of making money on affiliate programs without having their own website. This question is very relevant, because... it interests many people who want to start working on the Internet.

We have already talked about where to find. Today we will talk about 6 proven methods of promotion, used by many Internet entrepreneurs, to make money on affiliate programs.

1. Social networks are the first step to first results

Social networks are visited by thousands of people every day, which makes it possible to promote various affiliate programs and regularly earn money from it. We will describe 4 proven methods used specifically in social networks.

1.1 Postings in open groups.

This is perhaps the most common way to promote your referral link without investment. The operating principle is very simple:

  1. write several versions of selling and catchy text in advance;
  2. insert your affiliate link into each of them;
  3. Find groups on social networks where the wall or discussions are open to everyone;
  4. insert your text with an affiliate link.

Beware of account blocking when working through, use fake pages for posting.

There are plenty of open groups on Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook and other social networks, so the scope of work is quite extensive. However, doing these steps manually can take up too much of your time. Automatic programs come to the rescue, performing all these actions for you. In our course on making money on social networks, we talked about many methods of automatic and manual promotion. Each of them is tested and will help you achieve the desired result.

1.2 Sales through your group.

Creating your own group will only take a couple of minutes. Your main task is to constantly attract new subscribers and provide them with useful information. When the number of living participants reaches at least 1000 people, you can already post your links and recommend affiliate products or services to everyone. Developing a group is much easier than developing a website, so you shouldn’t have any particular difficulties here.

1.3 Direct sales.

You will be surprised, but direct sales through correspondence without telephone or Skype communication can bring good results. One of our team members at the very beginning of his activity using this method earned 20-50 dollars a day! Agree that for a beginner this is a very good intermediate result.

How do direct sales occur through correspondence on the Internet?

You start or buy yourself a new page. The page must be WOMEN'S! As practice shows, beautiful girls get answered much more often. Potential clients pay attention to such pages and are more receptive to such requests, which makes it possible to make a sale faster and more profitably. Be sure to add as many photos as possible, join thematic communities and start looking for potential buyers in them.

For example, if you sell the services of the Look Freedom team for website promotion or creation, then your target audience here is commercial groups. These are online stores selling clothes, shoes, accessories, household appliances, computers, etc. You simply contact the administrator and gently offer to use your services. This may seem too banal or simple to you, but many have managed to create a good business this way.

An example from life.

As an example, let’s tell a story about one freelancer. One of our friends, having barely learned the basics of website building, decided to try his hand at practice. For a very long time he looked for an opportunity to prove himself on remote work sites, but could not find a suitable project. Later, he followed our advice and began looking for customers directly through social networks.

The principle of operation was very simple. He created a page on behalf of an attractive girl and began browsing commercial groups. He did not immediately offer his services. First, I asked questions, found out on what platforms this company’s advertisements were placed, how delivery, payment, etc. took place. And when the conversation was at least partially related to the site, he wrote that he had a very good friend who could help with the development.

Because he communicated on behalf of a beautiful and attractive girl, the administrators believed him and asked him to leave the programmer’s contact information. In response to this, he reset his real page and continued communication as a performer.

The best part is that this method can be used to sell almost any product or service.

There are many similar examples. The main thing is to understand that in 30 minutes spent on VKontakte you will not immediately receive mountains of gold. It is necessary to regularly devote time to this technique, and then the first results will not take long to appear.

1.4 Advertising on social networks.

Unlike the options described above, you will have to invest money here. The best decision in this situation would be to advertise your group, because... It’s more profitable to try to promote several affiliate programs at once than to spend your time and money on just one. Fill it with useful content, photos and videos and you can start creating an advertising campaign.

There are two fastest ways to advance on social networks:

  • contextual advertising;
  • advertising in thematic public pages.

This is a very effective way to attract targeted traffic, because... people constantly see your ad, which increases the chance of clicking on it. In the future, we will tell you about the main principles of such promotion, but for now let’s move on to the next point.

Advertising in thematic groups is most often placed on the community wall. The customer pays for posting one or more posts for a certain period of time. This method is also very effective, but here you need to follow certain rules so that your advertising budget is not wasted:

  • check how active this group is. See how often news or new information is posted there, how often it is shared with friends or commented on. The more active the group is, the greater the chances of attracting quality traffic;
  • find out the number of “dead participants”, through a special application. This will help identify the percentage of blocked or deleted users who do not take any part in the life of the community;
  • find out prices in other thematic public pages and create an approximate amount of advertising budget for your topic. By analyzing the market, you can find not only a better offer, but also a more effective one.

2. Postings on thematic forums and blogs.

Let us immediately note that you should not take our advice as a call for SPAM. Careful and competent work on forums or thematic blogs will also allow you to attract your target audience. You shouldn’t immediately post your referral links or flashy text asking you to go to the site. Such methods have long been outdated, they irritate users and attract a lot of attention from moderators. Share your impressions of the product or service you are promoting, ask the opinions of other visitors, etc.

How much time do you spend on forums? Your rating is your key to success. Users are much more willing to trust more established consultants than newcomers. Unobtrusive advertising will generate more trust and people will be drawn to you.

3. Contextual advertising in Yandex and Google.

Not the cheapest, but one of the most effective ways to attract targeted traffic directly from search engines. For each click, money will be withdrawn from your account, so it is worth considering some features when using this method:

  • affiliate site conversion. When choosing a product or service, be sure to find out about its conversion rate, i.e. what is his ratio of purchases to visits?. How to calculate it and what will it mean? Everything is very simple. For example, 250 people followed your link in a day, but only 9 closed transactions. Then the conversion will be equal to 3.6%: (9 / 250) * 100% = 3.6%. Many affiliate program directories indicate website conversion, because... This is the most important indicator characterizing the effectiveness of its work. A good conversion rate of 10% is considered satisfactory, including when setting up contextual advertising. However, with various methods of promotion (for example, by sending mass letters), you can make good money at 3-7%. It is from this point that the calculation of the relevance of setting up contextual advertising and investing money in its budget is taken;
  • payback, i.e. How much does one transaction pay for the budget spent on it? For example, to make a sale your site must be visited 50 times. 1 transition (1 click) costs 10 cents. 50 clicks are $5, and the cost of an information product or service will cost $10-50. In this case, you can recoup your advertising budget several times;
  • correct setting. A well-tuned advertising campaign reduces the cost per click and helps increase the number of conversions.

The budget here can also be based on the number of impressions, but this method is ineffective in promoting affiliate programs.

If you don’t know how to set up contextual advertising, then contact a specialist from our team for help or you can try to do it yourself. The information on our website and a large number of lessons on the Internet will help you understand everything.

4. Teaser advertising.

Very often used in activities such as traffic arbitrage. The principle of posting ads is slightly different here. The moderator takes the picture and writes an attractive title or description for it. Next comes placement on thematic platforms where people may be interested in the affiliate product or service. Users go to this site, see your offer, click on it and go to the affiliate site. Money is spent according to the principle of contextual advertising: for impressions and for clicks.

The most important task is to select the right site. Otherwise, the spent budget may significantly exceed the income from such an advertising campaign.

5. E-mail newsletters.

Perhaps the most effective and popular way to promote information products. It is rapidly gaining popularity when running other businesses. Nowadays, many online entrepreneurs use email newsletter services to sell various goods or services.

The most important condition for conducting such activities is the availability of an email database of your target audience. By regularly sending emails with sales texts, you are guaranteed to attract targeted traffic to your affiliate site. With a high percentage of letter delivery, you guarantee yourself good earnings and further development.

Regularly study information on our blog, and then you will be aware of all the news related to e-mail marketing.

6. Cheap advertising platforms and axle boxes

Nowadays, advertising on the Internet continues to gain popularity. In order to provide cheap, and most importantly high-quality advertising services, services such as SearfEarner, Ojooo, Globus, etc. are created. The main task of such sites is not just to advertise a product or service, but also to enable each user to earn good money automatically or by performing simple actions.

For example, SearfEarner is an extension for your browser. You go through a quick registration on the company’s official website, download and install it. To make money, you just need to continue doing your business on the Internet and receive passive income from advertisements that regularly appear at the top of the window.

It appears for only 5-60 seconds, does not interfere with computer work and makes it possible to constantly increase your balance. The money you earn can be transferred to your account or included in your advertising budget when working with an affiliate program.

The cost of placing your ad is from 50 to 100 rubles per 1000 impressions. By writing an attractive title and a short, compelling description, you are guaranteed to be able to drive traffic to your affiliate site and make money on complete autopilot!

In our articles about making money on axle boxes and advertising platforms, we will describe this method of promotion in more detail. Here it is important to take into account some of the nuances of working with these services and wisely apply the knowledge gained on our blog.

Or maybe it’s still worth starting your own website?

Friends, creating your first Internet resource will not be difficult. Take a look at the Look Freedom team blog. It was created in 5 hours by people who had never done this before. The only thing that was required of us was to order hosting for 250 rubles. per month, pay 150 rubles for a domain name. and for the “header” (at the very top) the designer is 500 rubles. Total 900 rub.

Want to know how we did it? The tutorial will help anyone. Honestly, 72 hours is a very strong word. Yuri and I watched only 5 lessons dedicated to finalizing the selected template; in total, watching it took no more than 5 hours. And for another 5 hours we slowly applied the acquired knowledge and posted our first posts. Just 10 hours of your free time and you have your own website! Unbelievable but true!


Many citizens of our country have a desire to acquire a stable additional income. With the help of the Internet, you can make this dream come true in just a couple of hours. Today we will talk about the most profitable affiliate programs that allow you to earn money from selling or buying goods, developing websites and registering on various web resources.

How to choose an affiliate program

There are many ways to organize business cooperation between the manufacturer of a product and potential partners. In virtual reality, profitable affiliate programs serve such purposes. Their essence is that by advertising a certain resource, product or service, you receive a percentage of the income after their sale. Both owners of their own websites and ordinary Internet users can participate.

For beginners

Your first step is to choose a topic. Even the most profitable affiliate program will not bring you the long-awaited money if the product or service is not interesting to you, so you need to promote products that you like. It is necessary to check the reputation of the advertiser. An affiliate program for beginners must meet the following criteria:

  • Offer high quality products or services.
  • Have good marketing support.
  • Provide all partners with special accounts on the website where you can track the number of transitions, movement of funds and other parameters.
  • Offer at least 15% commission on the transaction. Otherwise, the costs of promoting the project will not be recouped.
  • Have a schedule for payments and withdrawals of rewards.

For webmasters

Website owners mainly work with partners using the CPA model. The essence of such cooperation is that, having seen the advertisement, the visitor goes to a specific web resource and performs certain actions there. After this, the webmaster receives money from the advertiser into his account. A popular affiliate program for webmasters is Admitad. It is an aggregator of profitable offers from various companies, and the webmaster himself chooses the suitable ones.

Without creating your own website

It is not necessary to acquire a web resource to start making money on the Internet. Affiliate programs for making money without your own website in 80% of cases involve promoting goods or services through social networks, email newsletters, and direct sales. Posting information about products in your own or someone else's group attracts the attention of potential customers. But, as in the case of email newsletters, it is important to write the offer correctly. If direct communication with clients does not appeal to you, then you can make money in the following ways:

  • participating in the referral system of online stores, copywriting exchanges and other resources;
  • trading forex;
  • collaborating with various bookmakers;
  • by posting video ads on your channel (suitable for YouTube bloggers).

The best affiliate programs

In RuNet, most webmasters prefer to cooperate with Admitad. You just need to add your site (website, social network group or video channel), go through moderation, and then submit applications to employers. The best affiliate programs for making money are concentrated in different business segments, differing both in topics and in the amount of bonuses received from referrals.

Copywriting exchanges

Creating unique content in itself can generate high income. If we are talking about working on the stock exchange, then income from referrals is considered more profitable. With it you can cover the resource’s commission deductions for conducting transactions or receive net profit from other people’s orders. You can attract potential referrals on various thematic forums and in social networking groups. Many copywriting exchanges offer a larger commission for new customers.

Website development

If you are going to open your own web resource to make a profit, then a rational step would be to choose a topic in a certain direction. For example, if you want to cooperate with women's clothing stores, then the site should be dedicated to the selection of wardrobe items. The content of the web resource should be interesting for visitors.

Website creation can take a different direction. A webmaster or an ordinary user begins to collaborate with some virtual designer, receiving money from attracting people who create websites or landing pages using this platform. The level of earnings is determined by what package of services referrals decide to connect to.

Affiliate program for YouTube

Monetizing popular channels is always easier than making a profit for beginners. Almost every YouTube affiliate program requires the blogger to have at least 300 subscribers and a certain number of views per month. The Air system is distinguished by its loyalty to beginners. With its help you can earn up to 70% of your total income. With the Quiz Group media network you will receive 80% of the profits. Withdrawal of money from both affiliate programs occurs in rubles.

Online stores and trading platforms

The most profitable affiliate programs are related to the sale of clothing, electronics and cosmetics. More than 2 million Internet users from Russia buy things regularly. You too can profit from virtual orders. The most profitable affiliate programs of online stores for webmasters are offered by Admitad, and for ordinary users - by LetyShop.


All kinds of analyzers of car races and greyhound racing are an excellent chance to make higher profits from bets. 1xBet is a popular affiliate program for bookmakers. On its pages, users will be able to place bets not only on sports competitions, but also on all kinds of TV shows and political events. The bookmaker receives 10% of the commission from each visitor.

CPA affiliate programs

These systems involve the transfer of payment for any action, i.e. the visitor must go to the site and purchase a product. CPA affiliate programs are an ideal tool for making money without a website. If you post links on social networks on time or send them to your friends, you can receive up to 30% of the cost of purchased products. Among such systems, Seven Offers and ePN are considered the most famous.

Traffic arbitrage programs

CPA marketing will require the webmaster to invest effort and own funds. Affiliate programs for traffic arbitrage are needed in order to increase profits from such actions. The webmaster must determine which advertising will help him attract the target audience for a specific web resource or online store. It is important to consider the age, gender and location of potential customers.

Information products

This method of earning money is suitable for people with their own website or a well-promoted VKontakte group. Affiliate programs for information products by topic should coincide with the direction of your project. Then sales of books or audio courses will be high, as will your profit. On average, the author of an information product is willing to pay a fee of 30-40% of the money earned through your project.

TOP affiliate programs

Both viewing product catalogs and displaying advertisements to a specific audience can bring in money. The basis of such cooperation is the principles of network marketing. But not all advertisers are willing to pay their partners to promote their products. We recommend that you study the rating of affiliate programs based on the results of online surveys and the opinions of webmasters. It includes proven companies offering cooperation on favorable terms.

  1. LetyShop. Reliable and large service for receiving cashback in Russia. Collaborates with 1000 online stores.
  2. EPN. Designed to make a profit from AliExpress.
  3. BinPartner. Service direction for earning money from binary options.
  4. BetAdvert. Offers to buy sports forecasts. If you manage to attract a new partner, then you receive 50% of the income.
  5. AllMayki. In this online store you can develop your own designer items. If someone buys them, they will send you 3% of the profit.
  6. Qcomment. A popular exchange for issuing tasks. For a new artist you will receive 10% of his earnings, and for a new customer 20% of each order. You can earn money by clicking and writing comments.
  7. PrivateFX. Designed for those involved in Forex trading. You receive $100 for a new active client, 5% for investments in binary options and 10% for referral investments in PAMM accounts.


The Aliexpress affiliate program is free. You do not need to invest money, but attract referrals who will place orders on the trading platform through this system. Another way to make a profit is to send links to friends to a product on AliExpress. After the item is purchased, you will be paid in rubles. It is 10-12% of the product price without delivery.

Cashback service Letyshops

If we consider the most profitable affiliate programs without creating your own website, then Letyshops will be in first place. With it, you will receive interest on your friends' purchases at ASOS, Ozon, Aliexpress, Eldorado, etc. The Letyshops affiliate program applies not only to users in Russia, but also to some CIS countries. The advantages of the service include:

  • Speed ​​of money accrual. Immediately after placing an order, 15% of your referral’s cashback will be credited to your account.
  • Automatic currency conversion at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation into rubles.
  • Various promotions that temporarily increase the amount of cashback and profits of partners.
  • Funds can be withdrawn to Webmoney, QIWI, your own card, Yandex.Money and mobile phone number.


The company is a leader among systems for making money from binary options. Not only webmasters who place the system banner on their website are attracted to cooperation with Binpartner. Ordinary users can also interact with the project, attracting referrals through forums, social networks and video portals. Statistically, binary options affiliate programs make the largest payouts. In the case of Binpartner, you receive 4% of options purchased by traders and 5% of their profits. The advantages of the system include:

  • high chances of earning more than $1000 per month with the active involvement of traders;
  • a convenient personal account where you can see when profits are accrued;
  • the opportunity to receive promotional materials that match the theme of your site;
  • The minimum payout amount is $10.

Air Affiliate Program

This media network is suitable for beginners and advanced video bloggers. The youtube air affiliate program offers you to build your business on ad views by your subscribers. The only disadvantage of the media network is the initial requirements for a blog. There must be at least 500 subscribers, and the number of views must exceed 10,000. The company withdraws money to WebMoney, PayPal, and credit cards. The reward amounts are as follows:

  • 70% if the channel is developing;
  • 75% with 500 thousand views per month;
  • 80% when the number of views exceeds 1 million;
  • 85% with 5 million views;
  • 90% if the channel is viewed by more than 10 million people per month.


The main advantage of the system is the huge number of advertisers. Admitad affiliate program with more than 1000 advertisers. Their list includes popular banks (Sberbank, Tinkoff), online game producers, and the largest online stores. To simplify the process of choosing a partner, the owners of the aggregator introduced a rating. After studying it, you can find out:

  • what products are in great demand;
  • payment terms;
  • the maximum amount of earnings in cooperation.


Aimed at earning income from the sale of all kinds of goods. A webmaster can add an affiliate online store to the system and start receiving interest on its sales. The Apishops affiliate program is especially popular among marketers and contextual advertising specialists. They receive a large commission for promoting clients to the service.

Video: which affiliate programs are the most profitable

Hello, dear readers! Are you already in the New Year's mood? The holidays are very soon. The main problem that all Russians face during this period is how not to spend all the money on New Year’s Eve and live to see the advance payment? There is no need to deny yourself anything! I have prepared a review in which I collected the best CPA affiliate programs. Now you can earn money without interrupting your holiday feast! Interesting? Then continue reading and delving into it!

There is a huge selection of affiliate networks on the Internet. Why have CPAs become so popular? The main advantage of this type of affiliate program is that they are universal. It is in CPA that you will find the best offers for any audience. You have ample opportunities to increase your income by honing your traffic-driving skills. For experienced professionals, such affiliate networks have become not just a part-time job, but an entire business.

CPA networks operate according to the cost per action scheme, that is, “pay for action.” Most often, the following conditions are assumed to be met:

  1. following a link;
  2. registration on the site;
  3. filling out a form;
  4. purchasing goods or online courses;
  5. downloading a paid or free application;
  6. applying for a loan or issuing a bank card;
  7. registration of insurance.

The webmaster, who has registered on the service as a partner, must select and bring the target audience to perform the required actions. How to do this? Imagine walking through the city and seeing a man dressed as a teddy bear handing out flyers and luring passers-by to a toy store! Common situation? And how! Well, exactly the same thing happens online. I described tools for attracting traffic in detail in a previous article about. Don’t be lazy to read, because in making money online, like in war, all means are fair!

Have you figured out strategy and tactics? Then the only thing left is to choose a “battlefield”. I studied several Runet directories and a number of foreign sources, personally registered with a couple of aggregators and asked friends for their opinions before presenting to you my rating of CPA networks. The list turned out to be impressive.

  • Leadbit is an international partner service that has been operating for several years. Key areas of cooperation are beauty, health, weight loss products, enlargers and economizers. Payments in the system are made for applications processed by the Call Center.

For each commercial offer, advertisers pay money. For one attracted lead, the webmaster is transferred from 5 to 10 US dollars. To increase profits, users can connect to several offers, use contextual advertising and promotion on social networks.

The optimal option for withdrawing earned funds is to a Webmoney ruble wallet

  • — the affiliate program will not be a revelation for many, because it has been operating since 2016 and has become popular all over the world.

The program implements offers in the field of beauty and health and occupies top positions in the field of nutra.

Just recently was significantly updated. And these updates have benefited both manufacturers and partners.

Judge for yourself, the number of offers has almost quadrupled, and now there are about 2,000 of them. The choice is huge: products for weight loss, treatment of arthritis, to combat acne, age-related changes and general skin health, to improve potency in men and much more. more.

So, if you have somewhere to get traffic from, then you can easily find the optimal offer for one or more product categories to direct it to.

Due to the increase in the number of offers, the call center was also expanded. So now you don’t have to wait long for approval, the call process is much faster.

The geography has also expanded. And now the affiliate program is represented in more than 100 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, and of course in the CIS. This cannot but rejoice, because, as we know, the popularity of any product comes in waves, sometimes increasing or decreasing in one region or another. And if Ukraine has not yet been hit by a tsunami of interest in miraculous dietary supplements for restoring hair structure, then in Russia this wave is already declining.

Therefore, for experienced arbitrageurs, expanding geo, of course, will only benefit you and help you earn even more. works only with proven products with a positive reputation, which are known throughout the world and do not raise doubts. In addition, we have our own production.

Developers are constantly improving the interface, increasing the quality of link conversions, and working on pre-monetization of traffic in order to create the best working conditions for their partners. Support works 24/7, and a personal manager is always in touch via Telegram, Skype or email.

On the website you will find ready-made cases for working with, which are also available to subscribers of the telegram channel, as well as a bunch of positive reviews from advertisers.

A convenient platform for analyzing data and receiving reports in any context, withdrawing funds twice a day without delay.

So, if you want to make money, have your finger on the pulse and want to get the most out of your traffic with minimal intervention, then this is the affiliate network for you.

  • AdmitAd– I have described this network more than once and consider it the best. Although in the CPA Inform rating it scored only 6.3 points out of 10. Admitad appeared in 2010, and 7 years of work were not in vain. There are a bunch of tools here to increase the conversion of your traffic - product feeds, promotional codes, widgets and much more. Instant withdrawals without commission with a minimum wage of only 300 rubles, an individual approach to each partner. There is a mobile application. You can find out more in the article. I highly recommend and assure you, no one paid me for this.
  • – the owners of this site spared no expense on creativity, because the name stands for Kiss My Ads. A very daring slogan, what do you think? Immediately after registering in the system, you receive a personal manager and 24-hour support service.

There are more than a thousand active offers here, and these are not only goods, but also various services, games, entertainment, innovations, in general, everything your heart desires. Payments are made upon request, the minimum amount is 2000 rubles, a huge selection of wallets, including Yandex.Money, PayPal, WebMoney, Qiwi, and others. In addition, you can transfer earnings to a bank card. Among the tools presented are the ability to park domains, create subaccounts to divide traffic into streams, and an API. Everything you need for complete happiness. My rating is 10 out of 10!

  •– this aggregator has been operating since 2010. Specializes in banking and financial offers. The site has its own system of user statuses from beginner to Platinum. You receive payments depending on your status - a couple of times a week or upon request. The higher the status, the more interesting offers you can receive. Beginners can improve their knowledge at the CPA school, which is on the website. In your personal account, you can view statistics in any convenient form - by offers, by days, by search queries, etc.

Average rates:

  • offers more than 1000 offers, most of which are product offers, but there are also other categories - finance, education, goods by mail, gambling (games), subscriptions. Everything you need for productive work is already here - exclusive offers, round-the-clock technical support, individual approach to partners, API, convenient personal account and progressive statistics.
  • is a CPA marketing agency that will be convenient for both advertisers and webmasters to work with. They develop their own products and promise large royalties for them. About 10 new offers are created every month. They have many call centers in different countries that help in obtaining order confirmation. Draws for cash prizes, Apple gadgets and cars are regularly held between active partners. Payments are made 3-4 times a day directly to the partner’s wallet. The site maintains a blog, which is updated a couple of times a week. There are good information materials, features and cases here. For the convenience of webmasters, you can download a mobile application with support for Android and iOS.

You are allowed to use various traffic sources: your own websites, contextual advertising services, social networks, teaser networks, and many other sources. As with all other affiliate programs, there are strict requirements for spam and pornography. Violators are subject to penalties in the form of withholding funds or blocking an account.

  • Where is the elephant? – the affiliate network cooperates with a large number of Russian and foreign online stores. Recently it has become increasingly popular and is gaining a leading position. The best tools for partners are collected here - return and redirection of traffic in case of termination of the affiliate program, 5 different subids for analyzing traffic conversion and receiving reports, uploading in XML format, the ability to use direct and affiliate links, a large number of connected payment systems. Network users are increasingly leaving positive reviews and have a positive impact on the affiliate’s rating.
  • CPAelectro– an interesting service for those who can drive traffic to offers in the field of gambling and binary options. Payments every day. Good technical support, training in the secrets of the skill, ready-made landing pages. Users praise it for its reliability. If there are delays in payments, they are small. There is no deception, you can really make good money. I would like to add a little more tools here, such as trafficback, for example, and you can aim for the top. I hope that the site creators will hear me!
  • CPApagetti– another lovers of creativity with proven recipes on how to make money on CPA. The program started in 2014 and in a short time has changed a lot for the better. The creators regularly replenish the user experience with advanced tools. A simple, intuitive interface, work all over the world, a large number of product offers, a flexible system of cooperation, instant daily payments without commission to the most popular wallets and bank cards. Personal managers will always help and advise. Join the system and grow with it.
  • Leadtrade. A good advertising network that contains a sufficient number of offers in all known areas from entertainment to finance. Choosing a priority one will not be difficult for you. Suitable for arbitrageurs. Permitted sources include your own websites, banner and teaser networks, contextual advertising, and social networks. Among the advantages, I would like to note that there is no shame in using doorways. All high-tech tools are at your service. On the main page there is an image of Comrade Rockefeller, who, like a machine gun, shoots quotes on the topic of success, business and personal growth. Very motivating, isn't it?

It’s not just that I asked you about the New Year’s mood at the beginning of the article. What's the best way to lift it? Of course, white fluffy snow! And if it’s snow on the slopes of the mountains, then you can’t think of anything better! What am I talking about? Moreover, on the LeadTrade website they are currently giving away a trip to the Alps! Join now and start working. Even 1 lead gives you the right to participate in the competition!

I really wanted to make the TOP 100, but, as always, I didn’t have enough time. I think that this brief review is enough to make your choice. If your colleagues are still undecided, be sure to give them a link to my article. Let them read and think about it, because all affiliate programs have different tastes and colors. I wish all readers fruitful work and stable payments! See you again, friends!

    • 1. Referral programs
    • 2. Earning money from clicks
    • 3. Earning money from views
    • 4. Earnings from sales
  • 4. Conclusion

First, let's define the concept Affiliate programs (affiliate), maybe this concept is unfamiliar to someone.

There are many online stores on the Internet where sellers offer goods and certain services. But if the site is not promoted enough, then few people may know about it.

Therefore, it is necessary to actively attract buyers in order for purchases to be made from the seller. And often sellers cooperate with people who are engaged in attracting buyers to the seller’s websites.

These people sell products or services to a certain company and become an affiliate of that company, and their earnings are a percentage of sales. The very cooperation between the seller and the buyer is called an affiliate program.

Participation in affiliate programs is beneficial for both the seller and the affiliate. The seller’s number of buyers increases, which brings profit for him, and the partner’s earnings from a percentage of sales increase.

1. How to make money on affiliate programs - where to start

In order for affiliate programs to start generating good profits, it is necessary. The site will contain information about the products or services of the seller whose affiliate you are.

Thus, by distributing your site, you can attract more and more buyers. This way you can achieve real earnings that generate passive income. Without your own information resource, you can also earn money by placing advertisements on message boards, various forums, blogs and social networks. But in this way, building a business that brings in a stable income will most likely be very difficult.

2. Affiliate programs for earning money - how to choose

In order to earn money from affiliate programs, you need to choose the right affiliate program. When choosing an affiliate program, you need to pay attention, first of all, to the product itself being sold. It is necessary to consider whether there is a demand for this product and what target audience it is aimed at.

The name of the product itself is important. The name should attract the buyer's attention and reflect the essence of the product itself.

Also, when choosing an affiliate program, you need to pay attention to the seller’s page. Is the page made in a hurry and unprofessionally, or does it contain all the necessary information about the product, brightly and colorfully made by a professional designer.

The next thing you need to pay attention to is how to pay for the work done. Will payments be made daily or monthly? It is important to clarify with the seller which payment system the payments will be made to.

3. Earnings from affiliate programs, main types

1. Referral programs

2. Earning money from clicks

By advertising a product, you attract people to your site who must click on the link. This method is the most suitable for most people, since there is no need to register and purchase a product. You only get paid for clicks.

3. Earning money from views

4. Earnings from sales

You can earn a lot of money on affiliate programs where you need to sell goods. This is the most complex type of affiliate program. Not only do you need to attract a buyer to the seller’s website, you need to sell the product itself, which is why such affiliate programs are the most highly paid.

4. Conclusion

Affiliate programs provide many opportunities to earn money. How and in what way to earn money is up to you. The main thing to remember is that no matter what method you choose, in any case you need to make a lot of effort.

12 Ways to Make Money with Affiliate Programs - video