Guide to using SpeedFan. Adjusting the rotation speed of coolers using Speedfan

Often, users don’t even know that they can control the speed of fans if they are connected directly to the motherboard. The excellent SpeedFan program allows you to do this and more. The main advantage of the program is its wide functionality and the ability to use it for free.

In this manual we will show you how to use the SpeedFan program. We will talk using the latest version of SpeedFan 4.52 as an example, but in our experience you can easily use previous versions of the program, since there are not many differences there. We’ll also look at how to configure the SpeedFan program to make it easier to use in the future.

First of all, you need to download and configure the program for comfortable use. The first thing we included in the process of setting up the program was changing the interface language, since most users prefer the Russian interface language.

Official site:

In the interface of the SpeedFan 4.52 program, six tabs are available to the user.

  • Indicators— the main program window with the necessary settings (component temperature, fan speed, voltage, CPU load).
  • Frequencies- ability to control processor frequencies.
  • Information— here you can see information about RAM.
  • Exotic— values ​​of all sensors for all computer components.
  • S.M.A.R.T— here you can look at the health of your computer’s hard drives.
  • Charts- overview of fan speed, temperature and voltage in graphical form for each component.

Before moving on to the next step, you need to check some settings. Because by default the motherboard controls the fan speed. If we want to allow the ability to change the fan speed manually, then you need to go to:

  1. Indicators > Configuration > Temperatures and look at the name of the chipset sensor in the column Chip.
  2. Next, open the settings tab Additionally and select the desired chipset.
  3. In which we change the property value PWM1 mode, PWM2 mode, PWM3 mode on Manual, Manual PWM Control or Software Controlled.

Through the SpeedFan program you can increase the speed of all coolers that are directly connected to the motherboard. Increasing the cooler speed may be necessary if your computer or laptop is overheating.

In this way you can reduce the speed of the cooler through SpeedFan. This will reduce the speed of the fans when they make noise on the computer and you don’t know what to do. If you need to reduce the cooler speed, set the Pwm1 value to less than 100%, since at a value of 100 there will be a maximum fan speed.

A more complex method is to separately set the sensor temperature at which the fan speed will increase to maximum and separately set the minimum temperature.

And also increasing the minimum speed value can significantly reduce, and thereby increase its lifespan.

SpeedFan doesn't see fans

Often users encounter a problem when the SpeedFan program does not see one cooler on the computer, or does not see the processor cooling fan on the laptop at all. What to do first in this case:

  • If the problem is on the computer, then be sure to check that all fans are turned on directly to the motherboard, since if you supply power directly from the power supply, then you will not be able to programmatically control the speeds.
  • Next, if you are using a laptop, then in Bios look for items related to automatic fan adjustment. Need to find CPU Fan Control, CPU Q-Fan Control or even CPU Smart Fan Control and disable them by setting the value Disabled.

After these steps, the problem when the SpeedFan program does not see the fan on the laptop will be solved. And also, there are very old motherboards that do not support changing the fan speed at all.


The SpeedFan program has truly excellent functionality and offers powerful tools for monitoring the temperature of components. But as a bonus there is additional functionality, such as the ability to monitor temperature graphs or even check the status of the hard drive. More powerful programs can be found in the article.

In this article, we showed how to use the SpeedFan 4.52 program and how to configure it correctly. Although at the time of writing the current version of the program was 4.52, in previous versions the main functionality works similarly. And also suddenly your SpeedFan does not see the fan or refuses to change the value at all, then we recommend that you take a closer look at the problem above.

For temperature monitoring of the main components of the computer and for adjusting the rotation speed of the processor cooler and other fans installed in the computer. But before you start using the program, you need to install the Russian language in the program and make settings for the program.

How to change language in SpeedFan

First, you need to configure the interface in SpeedFan and make it in Russian, and to do this, launch the program and close the additional window called Hint by clicking on the Close button. Then in the program window you need to click on the Configure button.

Program for increasing the speed of the SpeedFan cooler with an English interface

A window called Configure will open. In this window, you need to go to the Options tab.

SpeedFan crack on the Options tab

On this tab, in the Language item, you need to select Russian from the pop-up list and click on the OK button located at the bottom of the program window. After this, the window called Configure will close, and the program interface will already be displayed in Russian.

How to set up the SpeedFan program

Now you need to configure SpeedFan correctly, and to do this, open the Configuration window again and go to the Options tab.

Recommended program settings

On this tab, you can check the boxes Run minimized and Minimize when closing, so that when you start and close the program, it will immediately minimize and hide in the tray. You can also check the box next to Full fan speed on exit, since when you restart the computer, more energy is consumed and the computer heats up more. If you check the static icon box, then just the program icon will be displayed in the tray instead of the temperature readings from the sensors. By clicking on the OK button, all settings will be applied.

In SpeedFan how to change the fan speed

Using this program, you can adjust the fan speed in automatic or manual mode. In order for the program for adjusting the cooler speed to work in automatic mode, you must first set the minimum and maximum temperature conditions at which the fans will spin slowly or at full power.

SpeedFan fan speed setting

Open the Configuration window and on the Speeds tab you will see how many fans and on which devices this program can regulate the fan speed. On this tab, click on the desired fan and at the bottom of the window, check the Auto Change box. Do this with those fans that you want to regulate.

Setting temperature conditions for fan operation

Then we go to the Temperature tab and see that there are many sensors indicating temperature, but not all devices have fans installed. On this tab, click on the device for which you set Autochange on the Speed ​​tab and at the bottom of the window set the temperature limits in the Desired and Alarm items. If the temperature is below the set Desired, the fans will spin slowly, and if the temperature is higher than the set Alarm, the fans will start spinning at full speed. Thus, set the temperature conditions for all the fans that you want to regulate, and when everything is ready, click OK and the configuration window will close.

In SpeedFan, the fan speed temperature controller operates in automatic mode

For the specified parameters to start working, you need to check the box next to Auto fan speed in the program window.


In this video called SpeedFan how to use the video explains how to change the rotation speed of the cooler depending on the temperature.

For many users of personal computers or laptops, programs that can monitor the status of the device and change some system settings are sometimes a salvation when working. The Speedfan program is precisely the program that allows you to simultaneously monitor the state of the system and change several parameters.

Of course, users love the Speedfan application because of the ability to quickly change the speed of any fan installed in the system, which is why they choose this program. But for all functions to work correctly, the program itself must be configured correctly. Setting up Speedfan can be done in a few minutes, the main thing is to follow all the tips.

In the system configurations, the user will need to make several changes or check that nothing is broken and everything works according to the documentation. The first thing you need to do is set the temperatures (minimum and maximum) and select for each part of the system unit the fan that is responsible for it.
Usually the program does everything on its own, but it is necessary to set an alarm when the temperature is exceeded, otherwise some parts may fail. In addition, you can change the name of any device, which is sometimes very convenient.

Fan settings

After choosing the temperature limits, you can configure the coolers themselves, for which the program is responsible. Speedfan allows you to choose which fans to show in the menu and which not. Therefore, the user can speed up or slow down only the coolers he needs.
Once again, the program makes it possible to change the name of each fan so that you can more easily navigate them when setting the speed.

Setting speeds

Setting speeds in the program menu is quite simple, but in the parameters themselves you need to tinker a little so as not to confuse anything. For each fan, you must set the minimum allowed speed and the maximum allowed speed. In addition, it is worth selecting the automatic speed control option so that you don’t have to think about manual settings.

Appearance and operation

Naturally, the customization of the Speedfan program will be incomplete if the user does not touch the appearance. Here you can select the font for the text, the color for the window and text, the program language and some other properties.
The user can select the operating mode of the program when minimizing and the speed delta (it is necessary to set only with full knowledge of the matter, otherwise the operation of all fans can be disrupted).

In general, setting up Speedfan takes no more than five minutes. You just have to remember that you only need to make small changes; without additional knowledge, you can reset all the settings not only in the program, but throughout the entire system.

SpeedFan— бeсплaтнaя прoгрaммa, прeднaзнaчeннaя вo (избeжaниe упрaвлeния скoрoстями вeнтилятoрoв, a тaкжe для кoнтрoля зa тeмпeрaтурaми и нaпряжeниями в кoмпьютeрax с мaтeринскими плaтaми, имeющими aппaрaтныe дaтчики. Прoгрaммa тaкжe мoжeт oтoбрaжaть инфoрмaцию S.M.A.R.T. и тeмпeрaтуру жёсткoгo дискa, eсли дaннaя вoзмoжнoсть пoддeрживaeтся винчeстeрoм. Тaкжe имeются вoзмoжнoсти FSB changes for some components and support for SCSI drives. But the main feature of this program is that it can change fan speeds depending on the temperature. current temperatures (this method is not supported by all sensors). This reduces noise and energy consumption.

This guide is for any version of SpeedFan.

Setting up the program

Press the button " Configure».
Here we have the first tab – “ Temperatures", displaying the sensors installed on the motherboard and the current temperatures with standard parameters.

Let's start setting up

You can see that all available temperature values ​​that the SpeedFan fog can detect are displayed. The “Chip” column indicates the sensor chip. In this case, you and I have three different chips: one W83782D and two LM75. We can tell the difference between the two LM75s because of their different addresses ($48 and $49). The LM75 chips, in this case, are essentially clones created by the W83782D, and we won’t pay much attention to them, because all temperatures are available directly through the W83782D. Yes, this is not always true. Winbond chips can be configured in such a way that they will actually bury (save) the real temperature received from the main sensor. In this case, you need to work on something with the LM75. So, choose the desired temperature. Approximately (to say), we chose TEMP02.

Select " Desired" (Desired) and " Alarming"(Warning) temperature values ​​unanimously agree with our wishes. Please note that we say: “wishes.” You are free to set any values. But the uneducated should rush to extremes and set the values, roughly speaking, around 15 degrees. This will not bring the desired result.
You see exactly, we first have to choose the temperature, over time we can choose its parameters. That's all, you can rename the name of the temperature (using the mouse alias by pressing “F2”). The new name will be more clearly displayed in the main window.

We have renamed TEMP1 and TEMP2 to CPU1 and CPU0.

It turns out that we have finished renaming and setting parameters in (types of each temperature. Since in our case the highest liquidus in the system is the “Case” temperature, we decided to reflect it in no tasks (checkbox " Show In Traybar»).
About this time we must hide in the main window the temperatures that are unused. In our case, these indicators are LM75. Not every system has unused sensors, but it also happens that there are unconnected sensors on the motherboard that report incorrect values ​​(in particular, 127 or something like that).

Uncheck those temperatures that you feel are not useful or have the wrong values.

There is now a way to organize the temperatures displayed in the main window. Until now, what we have to do is drain the drag&drop to move them to the source or down.

So, the first part of the setup was successfully completed, and the authors of these lines achieved the following result:

Fan settings

In the same manner as in the case of temperatures, we can rename the names of the fans...

... turn off unused ones from the main window...

... and organize.

Ordering speeds

These are the default parameters for the interests of this system. You can set home minimums ( Minimum value) and maximum ( Maximum value) power values ​​for each fan.

Don't forget that not every motherboard has internal reserves to control fan speeds. This, first of all, depends on what sensors may be installed on it and detected by the SpeedFan program. In this case, the same applies to temperatures, voltages and fans. Unimportant (= unimportant) each sensor chip can control all these parameters. SpeedFan displays all the information available to it.

(as) as usual, we can rename...

... remove unused ones from the main window (W83782D has 4 PWM, but you are unlikely to use them to this day) ...

... and organize.

We won't discuss voltage settings here. Ant. describe there, because They can also, by analogy with other parameters, be renamed, hidden and rearranged.

Assigning speeds to temperatures

Now the main window looks much better than when the program was first launched. The flame icons have disappeared, and unnecessary values ​​no longer clutter the window :)

So we still have CPU0 speed and CPU1 pressure of 100%.
It is necessary to reduce the fan speed.
Please note that you will not be able to change all speeds. This depends on the sensors and controllers installed on your motherboard.
So, in this case, we have the W83782D, we have the ability to change many parameters.

Going again twenty-five to the settings panel, we can see exactly the temperature of CPU0 is associated with all available speeds, two of which have flags, and the other two are conspicuous by their absence. This happens because we hid such speeds from the main window and the program, assuming that we did not need these speeds, unconsciously unchecked them.

Each PWM can raise or lower the speed of one fan.
Speculatively, each fan can affect any temperature.
Then we tell the program that the speed of CPU0 and the speed of CPU1 (which are related to PWM2 and PWM1) both affect the temperature of CPU0. This means that SpeedFan will try to intensify. Ant. slow down both of these fans when the temperature of CPU0 is very high and try to slow them down when the temperature drops.

This is how we formed the CPU0 temperature until now.
But it is unimportant (=unimportant) what actually happens in this system.
At this point, the temperature of CPU0 changes under the influence of the speed (fan) of CPU0 and the heat of CPU1 changes under the influence of the speed of CPU1.

We change the configuration adequately.

There is one more temperature that our sisters would like to control: the "Case" temperature.
This heat changes virtually under the influence of both fans. Yes, you and I can easily tell the program about this.

Automatic speed option

As you can see, when the “ Automatic Fan Speed", agility does not change automatically. Therefore, we return to the “ tab Speeds» settings panel.

We select the fan speed we need and put a tick in the “ Automatically varied» (Automatic recycling). This needs to be done for all coolers whose speeds are planned to be compared automatically.
Now the speeds of the fans we need will change depending on the temperatures we set in the "tab" Temperatures».

By default, SpeedFan can change each speed from up to 100%.
In the main program window, uncheck the “ Automatic Fan Speed» (Automatic fan speed control), SpeedFan will stop mechanically controlling the speeds.

Setting the desired speeds

The fans in our system were quite quiet previously at 65% power ( Minimum Value). This is good because it still runs at 5700 rpm. Another ventilator is noisier. Therefore, the value of its power is good to differ somewhat from the first.

90% power ( Maximum Value) the second cooler is full to cool the central processor to an acceptable temperature. Around 100% the noise level becomes quite high.

With these settings, the program will dynamically change the speed of the first fan from 65 to 100%, and the speed of the second - from 65 to 90%.

Please note that if " Alarming"(Warning) liquidus has been reached, SpeedFan will set the fan speed to 100% in addition to what we have set so far.

Here we describe the basic settings that you need to make for the successful operation of the program.

Question from a user

Good afternoon.

After playing one computer game for 40-50 minutes (note: the name has been cut out), the processor temperature rises to 70-80 degrees (Celsius). I changed the thermal paste, cleaned it from dust - the result was the same.

So I’m thinking, is it possible to increase the rotation speed of the cooler on the processor to the maximum (otherwise, in my opinion, it rotates poorly)? Temperature without processor load - 40°C. By the way, is this possible due to the heat? Otherwise, it’s about 33-36°C outside our window...

Arthur, Saransk

Good day!

Of course, the temperature of the components and the load on the cooling system greatly depend on the temperature of the room in which the computer is located (therefore, overheating is most often encountered in the hot summer months). The fact that your temperature reaches 80 degrees is not normal (although some laptop manufacturers allow such heating).

Of course, you can try setting the cooler rotation settings to maximum (if this is not already the case), but I would still recommend taking a set of measures (you can learn about them from the article on measuring and monitoring the temperature of the processor, video card, HDD -).

By the way, the other side of the coin also often arises: coolers spin at maximum and create a lot of noise (while the user does not load the computer with anything at all, and they could spin much slower and quieter).

Below I will look at how you can adjust their rotation speed and what to pay attention to. So...

Increasing/decreasing the rotation speed of coolers

In general, on a modern computer (laptop), the rotation speed of the coolers is set by the motherboard, based on data from temperature sensors (i.e., the higher it is, the faster the coolers begin to rotate) and loading data. Parameters from which the mat is based. The board can usually be set in the BIOS.

How is the rotation speed of a cooler measured?

It is measured in revolutions per minute. This indicator is designated as rpm(by the way, it measures all mechanical devices, for example, hard drives).

As for the cooler, the optimal rotation speed is usually about 1000-3000 rpm. But this is a very average value, and it is impossible to say exactly which one should be set. This parameter greatly depends on the type of cooler you have, what it is used for, the room temperature, the type of radiator, etc.

Ways to regulate the rotation speed:


A free multifunctional utility that allows you to control the temperature of computer components, as well as monitor the operation of coolers. By the way, this program “sees” almost all coolers installed in the system (in most cases).

In addition, you can dynamically change the rotation speed of PC fans, depending on the temperature of the components. The program saves all changed values, operation statistics, etc., into a separate log file. Based on them, you can see graphs of temperature changes and fan speeds.

SpeedFan works in all popular Windows 7, 8, 10 (32|64 bits), supports Russian language (to select it, click the "Configure" button, then the "Options" tab, see the screenshot below).

Main window and appearance of the SpeedFan program

After installing and launching the SpeedFan utility, the Readings tab should appear in front of you (this is the main window of the program - see the screenshot below). In my screenshot, I conditionally divided the window into several areas to comment and show what is responsible for what.

  1. Block 1 - the "CPU Usage" field indicates the load on the processor and its cores. Nearby are also the “Minimize” and “Configure” buttons, designed to minimize the program and configure it (respectively). There is also a checkbox in this field “Automatic fan speed” - its purpose is to automatically regulate the temperature (I’ll talk about this below);
  2. Block 2 - here is a list of detected cooler rotation speed sensors. Please note that they all have different names (SysFan, CPU Fan, etc.) and opposite each has its own meaning rpm (i.e. rotation speed per minute). Some sensors show rpm at zeros - these are “junk” values ​​(you can ignore them *). By the way, the names contain abbreviations that some may not understand (I’ll decipher them just in case): CPU0 Fan - fan on the processor (i.e. a sensor from a cooler plugged into the CPU_Fan connector on the motherboard); Aux Fun, PWR Fun, etc. - the rpm of the fans connected to these connectors on the motherboard is similarly shown. board;
  3. Block 3 - the temperature of the components is shown here: GPU - video card, CPU - processor, HDD - hard drive. By the way, there are also “garbage” values ​​here that you shouldn’t pay attention to (Temp 1, 2, etc.). By the way, it’s convenient to take the temperature using AIDA64 (and other special utilities), about them here:
  4. Block 4 - but this block allows you to reduce/increase the rotation speed of coolers (set as a percentage. By changing the percentages in the columns Speed01, Speed02- you need to look at which cooler has changed speed (i.e. what is responsible for what).

Important! The list of some indicators in SpeedFan will not always coincide with the cooler it is signed with. The thing is that some computer assemblers connect (for one reason or another), for example, a processor cooler not into the CPU Fan socket. Therefore, I recommend gradually changing the values ​​in the program and looking at changes in the rotation speed and temperature of the components (even better, open the roof of the system side and visually see how the fan rotation speed changes).

Setting the fan speed in SpeedFan

Option 1

  1. As an example, it will try to adjust the rotation speed of the processor fan. To do this, you need to pay attention to the column "CPU 0 Fan" - this is where the rpm indicator should be displayed;
  2. Next, change the values ​​in the columns “Pwm1”, “Pwm2”, etc., one by one. When the value has been changed, wait a while and see if show has changed rpm, And temperature (see screenshot below);
  3. When you find the right one Pwm- adjust the cooler rotation speed to the optimal number of revolutions (about the processor temperature I , I also recommend for review) .

Option 2

If you want the smart operating mode to be enabled (i.e. so that the program dynamically changes the rotation speed, depending on the processor temperature ), then you need to do the following (see screenshot below):

  1. open program configuration (note: "Configure" button) , then open the "Speeds" tab;
  2. then select the line that is responsible for the cooler you need (you must first find it experimentally, as recommended in option 1, see just above in the article) ;
  3. now in the “Minimum” and “Maximum” columns, set the desired percentage values ​​and check the “Auto-change” box;
  4. In the main program window, check the box next to "Auto fan speed". Actually, this is how the rotation speed of coolers is regulated.

Addition! It is also advisable to go to the “Temperatures” tab and find the processor temperature sensor. In its settings, set the desired temperature that the program will maintain and the alarm temperature. If the processor heats up to this alarming temperature, then SpeedFan will start spinning up the cooler at full power (up to 100%)!

For those who do not have SpeedFan

Setting up automatic adjustment of cooler rotation in the BIOS

The SpeedFan utility does not always work correctly. The fact is that the BIOS has special functions responsible for automatically adjusting the rotation speed of coolers. They can be called differently in each BIOS version, for example, Q-Fan, Fan Monitor, Fan Optomize, CPU Fan Control etc. And I’ll immediately note that they do not always work correctly, at least SpeedFan allows you to very accurately and subtly adjust the operation of the coolers, so that they perform the task and do not interfere with the user ☺.

To disable these modes (the photo below shows Q-Fan and CPU Smart Fan Control), you need to enter the BIOS and set these functions to Disable. By the way, after this the coolers will operate at maximum power and may become very noisy (this will happen until you adjust their operation in SpeedFan).

Hotkeys to enter the BIOS menu, Boot Menu, restore from a hidden partition -

That's all for today, good luck to everyone and optimal fan operation...