Fatal mistake. Fatal error in AutoCAD and how to solve it What does a fatal error exception mean?

One of the most difficult situations to correct is the occurrence of “FATAL ERROR”. There are an insanely many reasons for this, even despite the explanations for it, it is incredibly difficult to immediately identify the culprit scenario. The text basically looks like this: “FATAL ERROR (or in Russian - FATAL ERROR) Unhandled e0434352h Exception at 00000000”, this text will indicate the error code and address.

In Russian it is “Unhandled exception e0434352h at address awe1940dp.”

To solve this, you can use the following recommendations:

1. Interference with the operation of antiviruses or damage to the Windows .NET Framework

Antivirus software includes not only user-installed programs, but also built-in defenders and firewalls of the operating system.

  1. Disable all antivirus software.
  2. Perform uninstallation and subsequent reinstallation of the Windows .NET Framework platform. To do this you will need to do the following:

  1. Uninstall the AutoCAD software and restart your computer.
  2. Install again, reboot again and run as administrator.

2. Error opening DWG database

"DWG TrueView™" is a program that allows you to view files with the ".dwg" extension and contains the "TrueConvert" module to convert them to work with previous versions of "AutoCAD".

To correct the situation, you will need to do the following:

  1. Launch the above component and open the Options section.
  2. Expand the Support File Search Path node on the Files tab and click Add.
  3. Select Browse and navigate to the DBX folder to install the Object Enabler.

Error with text Unhandled e06d7363h Exception

A fatal error in AutoCAD with this text is one of the most common.

Below are the four main methods used to fix

1. There is an incorrect version of the file in the DLL

If, when working with the program, when opening the “File” tab, an error appears and the application closes, then this is exactly the case, and the problem lies in the “Microsoft DLL”, namely in “MFC80U.dll”.

2. Not enough memory

The fact is that if any file (in this software it is acad.exe) uses more than 2 GB of memory, the system automatically closes it.

Therefore, if 2 GB of memory is not enough, you should increase the amount of allocated memory, but taking into account that in 32-bit operating systems the maximum amount of allocated memory cannot exceed 3 GB.

This is done as follows:

  1. For Win Vista/7/8/10:

  1. For Win XP:

Open System Properties and go to the Advanced tab.

  • open the “Operating system boot” section and then “Settings”;
  • in the “Operating System Boot” area, select “Change”;
  • in the “boot.ini” that opens (save a backup copy before changing), copy the line “multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect" and place it under the original line.

IMPORTANT. The text of “boot.ini” may vary, so copy exactly from the file, and not the text given in the article.

  • in the copied line after “Professional” add 3GB and duplicate it again after the quotes, closing it with a slash “/” on both sides;
  • save the document in the same extension, restart your computer and select “3GB” at startup.

If 3 GB of memory is not enough, then you should switch to a 64-bit operating system.

3. FNPLicensingService is disabled

This service, in simple terms, is responsible for the legality of running executable files, checking them for licensing, and is usually included in Adobe products.

If the service is disabled, try starting it again by opening the “Services” section (command “services.msc”). In the service properties it is possible to set the startup type to automatic mode.

4. The digital signature verification service does not work correctly

Typically, a similar situation arises during installation, asking for confirmation of a digital signature; in order to avoid this, you should disable this functionality.

Press "WIN + R" or the "Start" menu - "Run" and enter the command "acsignopt".

The “Digital Signature Verification Options” window will open, where you need to uncheck the “Verify digital signatures and display special icons” checkbox.

All four of these options apply to the “unhandled e0434352h exception”.

Additional causes and options for correcting fatal errors

1. Autocad crashes when printing a document

To fix it, delete the folders “A:\Users\UZVER\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk” and “A:\Users\UZVER\AppData\Local\Autodesk” and then reinstall AutoCAD.

2. Changing the value of keys in the registry

Open the registry editor “Run” + “regedit” command.

Go to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R0.0\ACAD-8000:409\WebServices\CommunicationCenter" where "R0.0" is your software version.

In the two parameters “LastUpdateTimeHiWord” and “LastUpdateTimeLoWord” change the value to 8 zeros.

3. The video card is not certified

An unlikely but possible reason.

Make sure your video card drivers are up to date and update to the latest version.

Check to see if your graphics card is certified to work with Autodesk products.

You can check this on the official website in the “Services” section, where you can also download proven versions of drivers for certain companies (AMD or Nvidia) and video card models.

4. Display driver failure

This failure is caused by the density or the set hatch size, which leads to incorrect operation of the driver.

To begin with, you can use the method from the method above and update the software drivers.

Next, you should change the value of the “HPMAXLINES” variable, which regulates the maximum number of hatch lines. The default value is “1,000,000”; try testing the program by removing, for example, one “0” at a time.

5. Excessive value of the SETVIEW variable

The "SETTINGVIEW" system variable controls the appearance of arcs, circles, splines, etc. And if the zoom percentage is set to a high percentage, this can ultimately lead to a slowdown in the drawing regeneration process and a crash.

So, these eleven options listed are not an exhaustive list; some users are helped by, at first glance, absolutely banal solutions, for example:

  • reinstalling the software and running with an administrator account;
  • deleting updates “KB2859537” and “KB2872339”;
  • attributing problems to insufficient computer power (video card capacity, RAM) with an upgrade;
  • launch in compatibility mode, etc.

In this regard, when faced with a “fatal error” message in Autocad, you should not panic, there are solutions, and as you can see from everything described above, there are many of them.

This article will describe several ways to solve problems associated with the AutoCAD program.

We will talk about errors that appear when starting AutoCAD, when saving a drawing, or even when trying to print a document on a printer connected over the network.

Namely, about an error leading to emergency closure of the program:

Fatal error unhandled e06d7363h exception at fd76bccdh

FATAL ERROR: Unhandled e0434f4dh Exception at 7c81eb33h

Unhandled exception at address 7c81eb33h

They look a little different, but they are equally infuriating.

These error messages indicate that the program was damaged during installation. For example, during installation, some files were blocked by antivirus, Windows Defender, or digital signature verification service. Therefore, it is recommended to disable the antivirus when installing the program and close all other applications that may interfere with the installation process.

Now let's move on to actually solving the problem.

Method 1

In the first case, consider the error that occurs when printing a document on a network printer:

Fatal error unhandled e06d7363hexception at fd76bccdh

To get rid of it, you can try deleting the folders:

C:\Users\USRNAME\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk and C:\Users\USRNAME\AppData\Local\Autodesk

And reinstall AutoCAD.

Method 2

The next thing that can help fix this error is reinstalling the software:

NetFramework 1.1

The best thing to do is to remove all versions of NetFramework from the system and re-run the AutoCAD installation. During installation, the installer itself will reinstall NetFramework to a more suitable AutoCAD.

Method 3

At the beginning of the article it was already mentioned that during installation the installer may be interfered with by the digital signature verification service. So you will need to turn it off.

For this:

  1. Open the Run dialog box, you can run it either from Start or by pressing a keyboard shortcut WIn + R.
  2. Enter the command acsignoptand press Enter.

3. In the “Digital signature verification settings” window that appears, uncheck the box next to “Verify digital signatures and display special icons.”

4. Click OK to close the window. Completely uninstall and reinstall AutoCAD.

Check functionality. If the error still appears, then move on to the next method.

Method 4

In the fourth method, you will need to change a couple of values ​​in the registry.

  1. Launch Registry Editor.
  2. Go to the following path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R18.0\ACAD-8000:409\WebServices\CommunicationCenter

Note! The path may be slightly different, namely the meaning R18.0 may be different depending on the AutoCAD version. For example R19.0, there is nothing wrong with that, feel free to move on.

4. Change the values ​​of both keys to 00000000 (eight zeros).

Note! To edit the registry you need administrator rights.

“Fatal” - how is that? We often hear this word in different contexts, so its meaning is not always clear. Today we will clarify the meaning of the adverb and some phrases with it.

"Fatum" is fate

Indeed, from the Latin “fatum” is fate. Therefore, you can easily establish what is fatal is:

  1. Something mysterious, fatally determining a person’s life.
  2. Something that suggests tragedy, perhaps death.

But don’t be afraid, most often we are not talking about death, but rather about predestination. For example, you can hear from commentators at team sports matches: “This mistake by the goalkeeper turned out to be fatal for the team.” After all, the audience understands: the goalkeeper did not cause a fatal illness for all his teammates, and they did not die after the match. In this case, the goalkeeper's mistake is fatal, because it predetermined the result of the match and turned out to be fateful. "Fatal" is something that cannot have a happy ending.

Fatalism and voluntarism

Surprisingly, what is associated with fate is not endowed with a positive meaning by a person.

There are mutually exclusive systems - fatalism and voluntarism. With fatalism, everything is clear - this is a worldview that believes: there is no freedom in the world, and everything is subordinated to a single plan of fate. Moreover, be that as it may, a fatalist is not necessarily a pessimist. These are people who believe in fate, who believe that they will definitely be lucky, at least some of them. Another thing is that they are rarely lucky, but that doesn’t matter. In most cases, fatalism involves a fair amount of pessimism and doom. People usually remember fatalism when a person is rolling down an inclined plane.

What about “voluntarism”? The term is familiar to Soviet and Russian viewers from the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus” by L. Gaidai. But few people know what it means. And the concept presupposes the following belief: the main driving force in the world is the freedom of man or God (or what replaces Him). And I would like to say that voluntarism, in contrast to fatalism, is optimistic, but, remembering the thinkers who adhered to this doctrine (F. Nietzsche, A. Schopenhauer), somehow my tongue cannot be turned. The main difference between fatalism and voluntarism lies in the following: some believe that there is no freedom, while others believe that there is nothing but freedom. One way or another, “fatal” is something that will definitely not end well for a person.

Martin Eden as an example of tragic fate

Jack London's novel is an eternal work; it tells the story of a man's battle with fate and life. The bad thing about this work is that the author had a certain ideological attitude: love is the main driving force in the world. And while the hero of London thought that Ruth loved him, he overcame himself and developed. After all, Martin Eden is a genius. But as soon as the main character realized that Ruth was a dummy, he immediately wilted. For those who have not read, we will not reveal all the cards, but let’s say: the meeting with Ruth predetermined the fatal outcome (what this means is clear from the context, and if it is not clear, then read Jack London) of the fate of Martin Eden.

The author's fateful mistake

Jack London is an eternal author, that is, he will be read as long as the English language and people capable of translating from it exist, but he also made a mistake, which cost his hero dearly. The astute reader will understand what is at stake. Jack London believed: the most important thing in life is love, and when a person is deprived of love, then he has no reason to live. Martin Eden became a victim of precisely this attitude. And this quite fits the definition of “fatal mistake” - this is what predetermined the fate of the hero, played a cruel joke on him. Jack London's system-forming belief about love devalued Martin Eden's entire struggle for the right to be himself.

A fatal error may appear when starting AutoCAD. It blocks the start of work and you cannot use the program to create drawings.

In this article we will look at the reasons for its occurrence and suggest ways to eliminate this error.

Fatal access error

If, when you launch AutoCAD, you see a window like the one shown in the screenshot, you need to run the program as an administrator if you are working under a user account without administrator rights.

Right-click the program shortcut and click “Run as administrator.”

Fatal error when locking system files

A fatal error may look different.

If you see this window in front of you, it means that the program was installed incorrectly, or the system files were blocked by the antivirus.

There are several ways to solve this problem.

1. Delete the folders located at: C:\Users\USRNAME\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk and C:\Users\USRNAME\AppData\Local\Autodesk. After this, reinstall the program.

2. Press Win+R and type “acsignopt” at the command line. In the window that opens, uncheck the “Verify digital signatures and display special icons” checkbox. The fact is that the digital signature service may block the installation of the program.

3. Press Win+R and type “regedit” at the command line.

Find the branch HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R21.0\ACAD-0001:419\WebServices\CommunicationCenter.

The folder names "R21.0" and "ACAD-0001:419" may differ in your version. There is no fundamental difference in content; choose the folder that is displayed in your registry (for example, R19.0, not R21.0).

Select the “LastUpdateTimeHiWord” file and, calling the context menu, click “Edit”.

In the “value” field, enter eight zeros (as in the screenshot).

Do the same for the "LastUpdateTimeLoWord" file.

Other AutoCAD errors and their solutions

On our website you can find solutions to other common errors associated with working in AutoCAD.

Error 1606 in AutoCAD

Error 1606 occurs when installing a program. Its elimination involves making changes to the registry.

Error 1406 in AutoCAD

This problem also occurs during installation. It indicates an error in accessing installation files.

Error copying to clipboard in AutoCAD

In some cases, AutoCAD cannot copy objects. The solution to this problem is described in the article.

We looked at eliminating a fatal error in AutoCAD. Do you have your own way of treating such headaches? Please share them in the comments.