Advertise a VKontakte group. Promoting a VKontakte group - complete instructions

Hello, dear subscribers of my blog, and also greetings to everyone who just happened to come across my blog. Today is December 30th, the end of the current year. On the eve of the new year, I would like to have time to publish one more article this past year.

Plus, on top of everything else, I would like to please you that in the new year of 2016 I am again resuming my competitions with cash prizes. For example, the “Crossword Marathon” and many other competitions, until I start shooting all the competitions. Do you mind?? Okay, in general, I’ll give you a little hint - if you want to increase your chances of winning such competitions, then you just need to become a subscriber to my blog and keep abreast of new articles. Since subscribers are the first to know about the release of new articles, competitions, marathons, etc. At the end of this article you will learn how to properly subscribe and become a blog subscriber.

Well, today’s article will talk about how to promote a group in contact. I think you will agree that in our modern age of widespread use of the Internet and social networks, the question of how to promote a group in contact is quite relevant. After all, the goals of this event can be different: promotion and sale of goods and services, making money by advertising in the group, promoting your website - getting traffic from the group, direct communication with the company’s clients, entertainment and hobbies, and much more.

In general, of course, it is worth noting that promotion methods for each direction are individual. Next, we will look at the main methods of promoting VKontakte public pages.

First, decide what effect you want to achieve from promotion; the chosen method determines whether your group will be relevant and in demand for a long time. And, of course, posts in your group should be informative and not contrary to the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Let's consider the “white” and “gray” methods of promoting a VKontakte group, as well as the results of certain methods.

“White” promotion of groups

1) Click “Tell friends” under the group avatar from your personal account: This is my group by the way, I suggest you join

With this action, all your friends and subscribers will see in their news feed a link to the group with your comment on it.

2) Another way to attract subscribers, which is very popular at the moment, is to hold competitions with valuable prizes, the main condition of which is participation in the group and reposting an entry from the group to your page. The result of this method is a large number of reposts on the pages of active participants. The more expensive the prizes, the more they will attract people and, accordingly, there will be more subscribers. Here's an example:

3) Paid targeted advertising on the social network itself, while you choose the audience, the number of impressions and many other parameters. Payment in this case is per ad click or per 1000 impressions. When you click under the group picture “Advertise Community”:

All settings are described very clearly, so you will not have any difficulties when launching advertising in this way. You can also order advertising in Google AdWords or Yandex.Direct, but to achieve the maximum effect with this method of promotion it will take quite a bit of money, since the cost per click, compared to advertising in the VKontakte account, is much higher, and the setup the project requires special knowledge of SEO, query semantics, high-frequency code, low-frequency zone and other things! Taking this opportunity, I would like to invite you to read an article that many have asked me to talk about:

4) Mutual reposts in groups with similar topics, with this method there is an “exchange” of participants who are interested in the topic of the group.

5) Purchasing posts (advertising) in giant groups with over a million members. Hundreds of thousands of users will see your post, and even if 1% of this entire mass is interested, that’s already thousands of new subscribers! Although this method is the most expensive.

6) If you don’t want to deal with group promotion yourself, you can use the services of SMM agencies. Now there are many similar companies, prices and terms are different for everyone, as well as the results of their work. If you want to choose this method of promotion, before choosing an agency, I advise you to carefully study reviews about it on the Internet or try to find their client who would impartially talk about the effect of working with this company.

“Grey” methods of promoting VKontakte groups

Next, we will look at several “gray” methods of promotion, but keep in mind that the result of using these methods can be very different - from the presence of a large number of “dogs” in the group to blocking the group and, accordingly, its owner. Use these methods at your own risk! Let's look at how to promote a group in contact using gray methods.

1) Increasing subscribers to the group; with an increase in the number of participants, the group rises in search results. It should be taken into account that the group title must be composed correctly.

There are many services for cheating, both paid and free (Likest, OLike, Turboliker, etc.). The advantage is that you will get participants for pennies, compared to their “white” counterparts, but you need to be prepared for the fact that there may not be any effect from such promotion at all.

2) Using bots for the services described above, for example Pr-Bot ( Cheating in this case occurs automatically.

However, you need to be aware that your account or group may be blocked at any time. Well, if you get impudent and “twist” to the fullest, then you are practically guaranteed to be blocked!

3) Another “gray” way of promotion is buying members for the group. Such services provide special services where people (offers) receive rewards for completing tasks. In this case, the number of blocked group members and the risk of blocking may be less than with cheating using the methods described above.

4) Now let’s look at the use of special programs for sending “SPAM”. Spam can go into the comments of groups on the walls of groups where they are open. An example of such a program is PosterPro ( /).

It was created to search and inform the audience you need about your products and services, has ample opportunities for posting and at the same time the cost of a Pro version subscription is only 20 (twenty) rubles per month!

The program searches for thematic groups according to specified parameters, automatically places posts with images in them, and automatically adds pictures to the group albums. It has a flexible system for setting up mailings with several sending modes. There is also a function for undomizing the text of a sent article and automatic bypass of VKontakte captcha.

Main program window:

Media files:

Group parser:

In any case, no matter which of the “gray” methods of promoting a VKontakte group you choose, be prepared for the consequences!

Stages of promotion of a VKontakte group

Now let's look at how to promote a VKontakte group step by step. What to do first and what to put off until later. So, first we need to create a group, if you already have one, then you can skip this point.

To create a new group, go to the “My Groups” section on your VKontakte page and click the “Create Community” button.

Enter a name, select the type of community and click “Create a community”:

After the group has been set up, a proper name and description has been added, and there are several unique posts in the group, you can begin promoting the group so that as many people as possible know about it.

To promote a group:

You need to start small, first “Tell your friends” in the news feed. Next, you can ask people you know well in private messages to make several reposts from your group. Then it will not be considered SPAM.

Now friends and friends of friends have learned about the existence of your group and you should take care of new interesting and informative articles, preferably accompanied by drawings, and all this should be within the chosen theme of the group.

After this, the first few or even dozens of new members will appear in the group, and if you take care of constantly updating the content, the influx of people will be constant, although small. I can also recommend you to read the following articles:

So, concluding today’s article - How to promote a group in contact, I would like to add a few words. If your group is dedicated to selling goods or services, this, of course, is not enough, and you should start promoting the group to the masses, preferably using one of the “white” methods of promotion. Well, if the group is entertaining and you constantly publish “Humor” there from various sources, as well as interesting information, then rest assured that slowly but surely the people themselves will begin to catch up, and promotion will cost no special financial costs. Below I am attaching a video to this article - how to promote a group on Konatkt.

As you can see, promoting a VKontakte group is not so difficult, the main thing is to choose the right strategy depending on the topic. I would like to congratulate you on the upcoming New Year 2016, I wish you success in all your endeavors, health to you and your loved ones. As I promised at the beginning of the article, now I would like to remind you of how to properly subscribe to the blog. I provide you with the link below, which clearly explains everything and shows how to become a blog subscriber.

V. If you have any questions regarding the topic of today’s article, you can ask them in the comments. That's all for today. See you all next year, dear friends.

The number of accounts registered on VKontakte is rapidly approaching 500 million, the number of groups has exceeded 156 million. Every minute 50 new communities are registered on the social network. It’s easy to get lost among such diversity, but you can still make a group in VK a working business tool.

Setting a goal

First you need to understand what exactly the VKontakte group is for. We immediately reject the formulations “everyone has it and I need it too” or “let it be” - any tool should work. There are four main purposes for creating a group:

  1. to increase traffic to the site;
  2. for selling a product or service;
  3. to make money by advertising;
  4. for entertainment and relaxation (interest groups).

SMM gurus cannot come to a definite answer about what is best for business promotion; everyone has their own positive experience. Therefore, it is worth understanding how a page differs from a group and what exactly your business needs from its presence on VKontakte.

Group or public page?

To understand exactly what you need, answer a few questions.

  1. Who will have publishing rights? In a group, all participants can post on the wall, but only admins can post on a public page. If you want to have a monopoly right to post news, pictures, videos, polls and other materials, then register a public page. If you want anyone to be able to post content, you need a group. By the way, this function can be disabled in a group if necessary.
  2. Who will see the content posted on the community wall? Everything that is posted on a public page can be seen by everyone, even people who are not registered in VK. When promoting a product or service, this is a definite plus. But in a group you can limit access to materials. If a group is closed, then posts in it can only be read by group members. Publications in an open group are visible to everyone.
  3. The ability to invite people to join the community. You can invite 40 of your friends a day to the group for free, but the public page does not have this opportunity.
  4. Privacy of community members. Public pages appear in the “Interesting Pages” block if the participant visits them frequently. But the list of groups a person belongs to can be customized. Why is this necessary? It is unlikely that anyone will want to advertise their participation in communities dedicated to some health problems, for example, infertility treatment. So if your business is related to solving personal or intimate problems of clients, then it is better to create a group rather than a public page.

The group can be made open or closed. In a closed group, only members will be able to read it, but this option is unlikely to be suitable for promoting a business.


The success of your promotion directly depends on what you name your community. The name is one of the tools for promoting a group on VK. VKontakte has its own search engine and the correct name ensures that the group will be well indexed. Moreover, Yandex and Google also perfectly index the names of VK groups.

6 ways to come up with a working name

  1. When choosing a name, you should remember one main rule - the name of the group must contain the keywords by which you are promoting. How to choose them correctly will be discussed below.
  2. Monitor your competitors, they may come up with an interesting idea.
  3. Create suspense.
  4. Name the group the same as your company.
  5. Brainstorm - write down all the names that come to mind, even the most ridiculous and strange ones. Then filter out those that already exist, that contradict the specifics of the business, or that you simply don’t like for some reason.
  6. Name a group based on the interests of the people who will unite in it: “Typical Programmer”, “Knitting Club” or “Excel Academy” are quite suitable.


The settings for the group and public page are almost identical. It’s always worth remembering that the effectiveness of promoting a group on VK depends on the correct settings.

When describing the community (1), you should not post “War and Peace”, 10 sentences are enough, no one will read more anyway. You should not neglect this point, otherwise you risk remaining the only subscriber. The page will be automatically assigned a digital address; it can be changed to something beautiful and memorable, for example, the name of a company or public (2).

If you want to attract traffic to the site, then its address must be entered in the appropriate line (3). In the “location” column, be sure to indicate the company address (4).

From the list, select the functions that are useful to you and configure access. You can select editors and page administrators. For an online store, it is worth connecting “products”, this will help promote the group on VKontakte.

The “community messages” function is useful, it’s better to enable it. If subscribers or group members want to write to you, they will not have to look for the administrator’s contacts and write him personal messages. All messages will be addressed to the community, and any administrator can respond to them.


What you will fill the group wall with depends only on your capabilities and imagination. But you need to remember that all content should be based on three principles:

  1. correspond to the business theme;
  2. contribute to the achievement of the group's goals;
  3. be interesting to the participants.

Canteen No. 100 from Astrakhan was able to promote the group on VK thanks to posts that were unusual in style. All of them are dedicated to food in one way or another and gain thousands of views in just a few days.

At the same time, posts must be unique and filled with keywords in order to be noticed by search robots.

The most common question that arises among those who decide to promote on VKontakte is how many posts per day should you make? VKontakte allows you to post 50 messages per day in a group.

But don’t be alarmed, in fact, there is no need to come up with so much content to promote and promote a business group. This is exactly the case when the quality of posts is more important than quantity.

Make a content plan for the month. To begin with, you can limit yourself to 3-4 posts per week. Even though your goal is to sell, you shouldn’t make exclusively commercial posts. The specificity of the VK audience is that they come here to have fun, so some of your content should be entertaining in nature, at least at the initial stage, when you are gaining subscribers.

  • company's news
  • information about goods and services
  • story about new products
  • stock

What kind of entertainment content can there be in a business group?

  • Polls
  • Voting
  • Competitions and giveaways
  • Thematic news
  • Useful tips (for example, on the page of a dental clinic, advice on how to choose the right toothpaste would be quite appropriate)
  • Interesting facts (an online store of household appliances can write on its page about the invention of an electric kettle or about the smallest vacuum cleaner in the world)
  • Photos and pictures

And we remember: everything that attracts the attention of users helps promote the VKontakte group.

What must be in a group?

  • Photo albums with high-quality photographs of your products. It is best to make several albums, grouping products according to some criteria

Each photo must indicate the product parameters and price.

And this is what the wrong album design looks like. To get all the necessary information, group members have to ask questions.

  • Video recordings. It is advisable that they are relevant to your business, but some of them can be just for entertainment.
  • Discussions, questions and answers, wishes.

Posts must be supplemented with a picture, photograph or video. And in order for your group to be indexed by search engines, you need to optimize it with SEO.

You can promote your VKontakte group for free or for money.

Free promotion of VKontakte group


We have already talked about the fact that the name of the community must contain a keyword or key phrase (words in the text to which search engine robots react; it is thanks to keywords that links appear in search results). It is better not to use high-frequency (HF) and highly competitive (VC) requests; it will be quite difficult to get traffic from them. It is better to focus on mid- and low-frequency queries. The frequency of requests is easily checked in You don’t need to take a lot of keywords; 3-4 are enough for one group. If you decide to use more keywords, search robots will simply consider the group irrelevant and will not include it in the search results.

For the “Step aerobics in Yekaterinburg” group, we’ll take the following as keywords: step aerobics in Yekaterinburg, proper cardio training, weight loss aerobics, step aerobics.

There are two main concepts in SEO - title and description. It is thanks to these meta tags that search robots evaluate the page. Title is the name of your group, so it should contain a keyword or phrase. Description– description of the group or public page. And if for users we advised writing no more than 10 sentences, because no one will read long texts, then for search engines the description should be even shorter - only 160-170 characters. Therefore, try to succinctly outline in the very first sentence of the group description why it is needed, not forgetting the key phrases.

In our example, the title consists of a keyword phrase. In describing the group, we use the key “proper cardio training.”

Where else can you write down key phrases and words:

  • in the address of the group page
  • in community status
  • in the names of discussion topics
  • in the titles of photo albums

In this case, it is better to use different key phrases and words, and not just the key that is in your title.

With posts, everything is simple - post unique texts with keywords of different frequencies. And remember – you are writing posts for people, not robots. If your group is interesting, then users will subscribe to it, visit it more often, like, discuss and repost messages. All this helps ranking in search engines and promoting the group on VK.

This is what the page looks like:

Cross posting

Every company and every business has partners. And they probably have groups or communities on VK. Agree to exchange posts - this will help attract new subscribers to the group.

Invitation to the VK group

This option only works for groups; you cannot invite people to become a subscriber to a public page. To get started, invite all your friends to join the group. It is worth remembering that you can send no more than 50 friend requests to networks, and too active invitations to friends can lead to blocking of your personal page.



The more interesting the content on your page is for group members, the more reposts you will receive. Which publications are most often reposted:

  • A competition where one of the conditions for participation is reposting. Usually the prize is your own products (cake, cheese basket, designer decoration) or tickets to an interesting event.
  • Lifehack. If it's a really cool tip that makes life easier, they'll definitely share it.
  • Expert commentary on a topical issue.
  • Short sale at very attractive prices.
  • Posts with freebies, for example, with a promotional code.

Paid promotion of a VKontakte group

Posting links in other groups

  1. Find an active and popular group and agree with the administrator to place an advertising post with a link to your page. You can buy a repost of a post, message, recording or photo from your wall.
  2. VK has an official advertising exchange where you can find communities and placement rates suitable for your advertising. The exchange is available in the advertising account.

Targeted advertising

  • Geographical characteristics (country, city, district, street).
  • Demographic characteristics (gender, age, education, marital status).
  • Behavior and interests (what groups and communities he belongs to).
  • bank cards;
  • through payment systems;
  • via terminals;
  • non-cash transfer.
  • participants (total number, new participants and those who left the group, geography, demographic characteristics);
  • daily attendance;
  • reach (subscribers and the total number of people who visited the page or saw your posts from friends and other groups);
  • number of views (page and its sections);
  • activity (likes, comments, reposts).

Any of these indicators can be improved. With a small reach of subscribers and low activity, it is worth working on the quantity and quality of posts. If the full coverage indicators are not encouraging, you need to post links to the group in other communities. To increase the number of unique visitors, you can run a contest to encourage subscribers to visit your page more often.

  • advertising budget;
  • cost of circulation;
  • cost of a new participant;
  • visitors who entered the group from advertising;
  • visitors who joined the group from an advertisement.

Let's remember the goals we set when creating the group. Information about traffic to the site from Vkontakte will be provided by any analytical service that you use: Yandex.Metrica, Google Analitics, Callibri, etc. You can track which transitions resulted in sales in.

Communication with customers and sales to group members

There are products that are sold well through the “VKontakte” group: women’s, children’s and youth clothing, hobby goods (patchwork, felting, drawing, design, etc.), certain types of cosmetics (pharmacy, Japanese/Korean) and much more.

In order for sales to proceed, it is important to quickly respond to a potential client, because he will not be on the social network forever. What if you are not “in contact” at that moment? It's OK. In order not to check messages in the group every 5 minutes, you can use a multi-widget. It is installed on your website and can receive messages from customers not only from the website, but also from any popular social network or instant messenger. If you, for example, are on the road, you can set up a multi-widget so that messages from VK and the website come to you in Telegram. Get the multi-widget for free for 14 days

To understand offhand whether sales will go through the VKontakte group, ask yourself 2 questions:

  1. Does my product evoke emotions in (virtually) every person?
  2. Are there many forums, blogs, communities and social media discussions on my topic online?

If you answered yes, it is very possible to increase sales through social networks.

What if the answers are “no”? Use social networks to unite your clients/supporters and notify them of important events. Or attract new clients through a few touches: expert articles, social projects, interesting competitions and sweepstakes. Tens of thousands of VKontakte groups are successfully promoting themselves. If they could do it, then so can you.

Thanks to Yulia Ivanova for additions and clarifications to the article

Not long ago we wrote an article about promoting an Instagram account. Quite detailed, where they explained all 10 ways to promote on Instagram. The next couple of days we answered questions about when there would be the same article about promotion in contact. Since procrastination is not our cup of tea, here is the material for you.


According to our tradition, we will start with facts and end with concrete actions. Judging by the latest information provided by VKontakte, it can once again be confirmed that quite a few companies should start their development there. Although personally, we have now shifted our focus towards Facebook. But we will also discuss and raise this topic, although next time.

You understood everything correctly. 64.4 million unique users log into VKontaket monthly. Just imagine this figure!

Well, as they say, to completely finish you off, here’s another picture:

And then you understood everything correctly. VKontakte is in first place in terms of traffic and leaves behind projects such as Youtube, Yandex and Google.

By the way, remember there used to be a myth that mostly schoolchildren use VKontakte (by the way, I don’t know a country where 80% of Internet users are schoolchildren). And according to this, advertising in it is useless. At all. Well, because schoolchildren don’t have money for shopping. And again we dispel the myth.

Do you think this is old information? No. If you noticed, the study was conducted in 2017 with the participation of the best analytical agencies in the world. Therefore, I think it is worth trusting.

The agony of choice

Well, with the fact that there are people in VK, there are a lot of them and they can buy, I think we figured it out. Now let's look at how and what you can advertise on VK. By the way, I advise you to read about business promotion on social networks in general; it definitely won’t be superfluous. Let's start with the main types of sites that we can use for our military operations:

  • Personal page of a person;
  • Group;
  • Public page;
  • Event.

Personal page

Strictly speaking, the personal page of a specific person. But if earlier everyone was cunning and designed a page for their business (and not as a real person) and added them as friends, now this method of promotion is practically dead. The page will be constantly frozen, blocked and, ultimately, banned.

Since, firstly, it is now prohibited to create a page without a real name (in special cases they even ask for a scan of your passport). Secondly, they began to be banned quite often for increased activity, especially if these are young pages. In general, one hemorrhoids. Do you need it? So it’s better to use your personal one for its intended purpose.

Group or public page

But for promoting a business, either a group or a public page (public) is suitable. Almost the same, with minor differences.

Groups are mainly aimed at communicating with people, while publics, in turn, are aimed at informing people. Without going into details, in 99 cases out of 100, you need a public page. Trust us.

By the way! Now a group can be transferred quickly and free of charge to a public one, and vice versa. You can do this in “community settings” or write to the site’s technical support.


Events are naturally created to hold any kind of event. These could be master classes, concerts, seminars, or, for example, an opening. When creating them, you must indicate when they start and when they end. Therefore, you need to know the date, time and even a specific place.

Again, in practice, if you plan to notify about the opening of your business, for example, then it is better to do this immediately through a public page. Since you advertise, people will join the event, which will sooner or later take place, and you will not be able to transfer people to your main group. They will remain there forever.

Types of advertising in VK

Okay, let's say you created a community. Or even perhaps you decided not to attract people as subscribers to the group, but immediately lead them to your website or to your company through advertising.

By the way, many people forget about this; everyone thinks that they need to attract subscribers to the group, when they can immediately advertise and attract people to their business. Think about how it will be more profitable for you.

Decided? If not, write in the comments and we will help you with advice on how to do it better. Still, let’s continue, how to invite people and promote business?! This is the most important thing, otherwise it will turn out to be something like “The restaurant was opened, but they forgot to make a door.” But before that, a few terms that I will use and maybe you don’t know:

  • Fake - a page completely created and filled by a program, with an imitation of the real one;
  • Brutus - abandoned accounts of people who have lost access to them. New access is obtained by hacking;
  • Dogs - pages that were blocked for , which are waiting for access to be restored or completely deleted;
  • Repost - when you share someone else's post on your page without changing the authorship.


Invite friends

This is not advertising, but one of the types of promotion, so I’ll tell you more. In this case, there are two options for events, although I would call the second one no longer working. Although, if you work on a very small scale, then why not.

Option 1

If you have a group, you can invite your friends to join it. There are only limits to this. You can send no more than 40 invitations per day.

If you have a public, then you, as a member of the public, can tell your friends about it by clicking “Tell” in it.

Option 2

Remember I talked about personal pages? One of the tricks is to buy fake accounts and add people with the criteria you need as friends (possibly with then inviting them to your group). Naturally, because of the limits, you need not 1 or 2 fakes, but hundreds. This is why special programs or services are used (for example Bosslike). If someone thinks that this is a cheap form of advertising, then let's do the math.

  1. One hundred brutal or fake accounts - 700 rubles (100 pieces for 7 rubles);
  2. One hundred proxies for each account - 3,000 rubles (100 pieces for 30 rubles);
  3. Program - 1,000 rubles monthly.

The total is about 5 thousand rubles monthly. And you still need to learn how to use this and update the bots, because they will be banned constantly. Therefore, I recommend not even bothering, but doing the next type of advertising.

Targeted advertising

I’ll say right away that I won’t go into detail about it in this article. This is just a whole science. But we will definitely reveal it on our blog, it’s no good keeping secrets for such a good person like you. I'll just tell you why she's so wonderful.

If you know your target audience, you can create an ad specifically for them. Gender, age, place of residence, preferences, interests - all this is indicated by VKontakte users. And it is by these criteria that you can find them and show your advertising. Engaged girls from 18 to 22 who have an iPhone and have a birthday in 2 weeks? Easily! Find them and make them an offer they can't refuse.

By the way, you can pay for it in two ways:

  1. For impressions;
  2. For clicks (transfers to a group or website).

When it comes to setting up targeted advertising, VK is the most complex, but also the most flexible social network. I know that you want to set everything up yourself and I’m not trying to dissuade you. Just be prepared that it will take quite a long time.

Lifehack! If you set up targeted advertising on VK yourself, I highly recommend the Getuniq service. The first is that moderation is much faster and easier. Secondly, it’s a good bonus when replenishing your advertising budget. But about that, shh! 😉

Our agency does not have an SMM direction, so we can safely recommend our social media partner.

Buying posts in other groups

One of the oldest types of advertising on VKontakte. You buy an advertising post in another, already promoted public page, with a link to your public page or website. If you are really lazy, then for an additional fee they can usually just repost from your group.

The post is released and removed from the group at the time you specify. The usual conditions are 1/23, that is, for one hour the post is in first place in the group and then another 23 hours in the feed, moving down as the content is published, then it is deleted.

To order and place posts, you can use either the official VKontakte exchange, or special platforms (for example, Sociate) or even negotiate directly with community owners. In the latter case, save 10-15% of the cost of the post, but at the same time you take a risk. No one knows whether a post will be published or not, whether it will stay on the feed for a certain time or not.

In this regard, the exchange/platforms help a lot, since everything is checked there automatically. The owner did not fulfill the conditions (in large groups there are several admins and they can be “stupid”) and your money is returned to you.


A pretty good way of promotion and promotion if you need to promote an event or meeting. You create an event, specify a start and end date, and start inviting people to it. Only not in the same way as we considered in the first example, but you invite people from other groups.

The main feature of this method is that you can set and assign different communities as the organizer. It is this method that information business people use, for example, when they conduct a webinar. They buy invitations from various groups in which their target audience sits.

But again, you need to negotiate with the group so that they make you an admin for a while and you invite them (again, not for free). By the way, VK network administrators periodically ban communities forever for inviting. Therefore, it becomes more and more difficult to reach an agreement.


One of the gray methods of promotion. It works on the principle of multi-steps, which were discussed in “Inviting Friends”. You also buy fake accounts, which also begin to be added as friends according to the criteria you need. The main difference is that you do not subsequently invite them to the group, since such accounts have a repost from your group (or several) in their pinned post (a pinned post at the very top of the page’s news feed).

When going to look at the page of the account that applied to be added, a person sees this repost and goes to see (if interested) what kind of group it is that is so actively reposted. And he’s already deciding whether to subscribe or not.


What will you answer me if I ask these questions:

  • The most famous poet of Russia? Most likely, Pushkin.
  • Most famous fruit? Most likely an apple.

And now: the fastest legal promotion on VKontakte? Competitions! But here it is true. For those who don’t know, a competition is when a person takes a certain action (in VK this is usually a repost), joins your group and waits for a prize to be drawn.

Whenever someone creates a community to promote a business, the first thing they do is immediately launch a competition. There are still almost no subscribers in the community, except for the creator’s friends, and the competition has already been launched. As a rule, there are such communities as “Free (Your City)” or “Competitions (Your City)” to help, in which there is already a fairly large audience willing to take part in one or another competition.

In fact, this is highly doubtful. Because you hope not only to increase the number of participants in the group, but also to sell them something later. But in reality it turns out that after the competition they leave the group en masse and don’t buy anything because they are freeloaders.

Mutual PR

They are exchanges of reposts. It's quite simple. You repost to your group, and another page/company reposts to your page. As they say, “it was smooth on paper, but they forgot about the ravines.”

Because the implementation is not easy:

  1. You need to find a group with plus or minus the same number of participants;
  2. It should be similar in content, target audience, etc. to yours;
  3. The statistics should be the same (plus or minus);
  4. There must be an adequate owner/administrator.

If all the stars align, you can do a couple of mutual PRs, which should (theoretically) give you an increase in subscribers.

Opinion leaders

Conventionally, all users can be divided into those who follow and those who are followed. So opinion leaders are those who are followed. In simple terms, these are stars, famous personalities, experts, bloggers. If they like it, then their fans/subscribers are more likely to pay attention to you too. We partially discussed the principle of working with them when we wrote what native advertising is. But, as they say, I dug and found it.

Again, the obvious disadvantage is that there are very few local opinion leaders, urban ones. Finding a star who has all of Russia as friends is easy, but finding a star who has your city as friends is almost impossible.

Personal invitations

You take it and write a tasty text invitation to potential clients to join your group. Or, if you decide to immediately attract people to the company, then talk about your super promotion, for example.

I want to warn you right away that you won’t be able to write a lot; you will simply be banned for being too active with strangers. Therefore, either do it through fakes, or do it small and targeted. Well, ideally, start communication not with a direct sale, but first warm up the client with a small dialogue.

Where would we be without them?

And by tradition, tips, tricks, etc. for promoting business in contact:

  1. There is no best time to publish; you need to understand exactly what time your client is on social networks;
  2. Don't post at exactly the same time. At 12.00 and plus or minus five minutes from this time. It is better to set 12.17 and other uneven times. This way you won't get mixed up with other news;
  3. Post at different times to reach different people;
  4. Indicate links to social networks on all your other sites. Let people switch and once again confirm that you are a reliable company;
  5. You can give a discount/gift to everyone who is your subscriber. You can write about this both in the group itself and in the office/shopping area;
  6. If you don’t have enough standard statistics from VKontakte, use, for example, the “Deserter” application, which will help you track who joined or left the group and when;
  7. Competition is, of course, good, but rather primitive. Use gamification. For example, the “Battleship” or “Cars” competition.
  8. Use hashtags (VK also watches them, albeit a little). You can be a little tricky and use trending ones. And the application in VK itself will help you with this - Top VKontakte hashtags.

Briefly about the main thing

What to choose if almost all methods have so many disadvantages? You definitely need to realize that free promotion in contact is practically a myth, since the screws are tightened. And if earlier (5-6 years ago) it was still possible to get out, now you either invest money in official advertising or use gray methods. In which case you should always be prepared that your community can be taken and blocked at any moment, once and for all.

Therefore, if you order from another company to increase the number of clients through social networks, then always specify what methods they will use to attract people to you. And look suspiciously if they charge little but bring a lot of subscribers. Believe me, something is wrong here. These are either fakes, or not the target clients, or just magic...

There are many ways to advertise for free, let’s look at the most popular ones. The first method is to send messages containing information about the group to potentially interested users. We do this in the following way: we write the advertising text indicating a link to the group.

Selecting the target audience– social network users who will be interested in your community. To do this, go to the “People” tab, select the age range, indicate the country and city of residence, as well as other search parameters. After that, open the “Work” tab and write “MLM”. Now all that remains is to send messages or friend requests to users with an advertising message.

There are some rules for writing advertising: it should not be intrusive or look like outright spam. Otherwise, users can complain to the social media administration. network, which will lead to temporary blocking of VKontakte (for “suspicious activity”).

Viral Marketing

This method eliminates the possibility of blocking. It consists of holding relay races, competitions and all kinds of promotions for users. All kinds of sweepstakes are very effective, which assume that users are interested in reposting your group on their page. If the community is dedicated to selling goods or services, a free item can be set as a win.

Advertising in groups of similar topics

Cooperation with administrators of other groups is an opportunity to promote yourself by exchanging advertising posts. First, you need to find promising communities on similar topics. If we don’t want to pay for advertising, then we choose groups with an average number of subscribers that are in the process of promotion.

Criteria for selecting partners:

  • We pay attention to the activity of group subscribers. For example, even if there are a lot of subscribers in a community, but there are practically no likes, comments and discussions, then most likely most of them are fake. There will be no positive effect from cooperation with such a community.
  • We select groups with frequent content updates. This indicates that the administrator is active and that users see posts and information in their news.
  • Preference should be given only to communities with similar topics. If an advertisement is placed in a group that is not related to the specifics of your community, it will be perceived as spam and the likelihood that users will be interested in the ad is minimized.

Comments and getting attention

This method is still popular and will allow you to advertise your community and attract a small number of subscribers. We look for more popular groups, read the rules or contact the administrator with a request to post comments on posts.

If the public does not prohibit placing links in comments, then you can start placing advertisements. This should only be done for those posts in which it is appropriate. Some communities allow you to post photos, audio or videos in discussions or on the wall, under which you can leave a link to your group.

Internet resources and other social networks

No one has canceled the use of other sites, forums and social networks to advertise their group. The main rule is the relevance of advertising. That is, it makes sense to post it only on resources of a suitable topic in the same way as in other groups on VKontakte.

With the active use of the above advertising methods, you can achieve good success when promoting a VKontakte group. In turn, this will allow you to increase the speed of promoting your goods and services and attract potential buyers.

The VKontakte group is not only a place for communication and a pleasant pastime. Many users create pages in order to sell goods and make money from published advertising. In order for a community to become popular, it needs to be promoted. This article is about how to promote a group on VK.

Where to begin

The first step to promoting a community is to optimize it. It is necessary to raise the position of the page on the site. Before promoting a group on VK, you need to choose the right name. It must contain a key phrase.

To select phrases, you can use the Google Adwords and Yandex Wordstat tools. The key phrase should also be included in the group address. This will make the community popular and attract visitors from search engines. The description text should attract the attention of users. In a few lines it is necessary to briefly and clearly state what the community is about, who it is aimed at, etc.


How to promote a group on VK yourself? To do this, you need to add interesting posts to the community. Having valuable information will allow the user to succeed. If you write only useful notes and distribute them through friends, the community will be replenished with new subscribers every week. A social network can be called word of mouth, through which interesting information is transmitted to users.

When creating texts for publication, a number of nuances should be taken into account. Posts should not only be useful, but also short. You need to write concisely and on topic. Long notes can bore users. Automatic community filling services will be good helpers.

There are several effective methods for promoting a page. All of them are divided into 2 groups: paid and free options. Every user can promote the community, regardless of available funds. Free promotion methods require a lot of skill, but you won’t be able to do without them.

Before publishing posts, you need to think about who the group owner will do this for. It is necessary to study competitors and target audience. This will highlight topics that interest potential subscribers.

Sending out invitations

In parallel with the publication of useful information, you can invite specific users to join the community. How to promote a group? To do this, you need to open the “People” section and select from the list those who are suitable for the creator of the community based on place of residence, age and gender. You need to check the box next to “Currently on the site”. This will protect the user from sending invitations to inactive people.

When searching for potential subscribers, it is recommended to use a filter. Don't send faceless invitations. In a personal message you need to write what the community is about and what interesting a specific reader can find in it. You cannot send identical invitations. Otherwise, the social network will consider the messages as spam and block the account.

The user can invite no more than 40 people per day to the group. In order to ensure your own safety, it is recommended to avoid reaching the limit.

Mutual advertising

The conditions for publishing a link to a group in other communities may vary. Most often, administrators offer to exchange subscribers. How to promote a group on VK yourself? The user needs to write a message to the owner of an interesting community with a proposal to publish a note. In exchange, you will have to copy someone else's post to the group.

It is recommended to carefully monitor the effectiveness of the exchange. You need to count the number of likes and new subscribers. If the user is dissatisfied with the result, he can create another note or agree on mutual advertising with another community.

Before posting comments in groups yourself, you must carefully read the rules. Many administrators prohibit leaving texts with links in communities. The account of the user who violated the rules is blacklisted by the group, so there is no point in taking risks.

Holding a competition

This event will increase the attendance and activity of participants. Holding competitions cannot be called a free way to attract subscribers, because the user will have to purchase prizes. However, these costs are trifles compared to advertising costs. There are a huge number of options for holding a competition. Participants can join the group, like and share the news with friends.

These simple steps increase your audience reach. The popularity of the competition can be influenced by interesting gifts, fairness of the event, attractive text of the post, and transparent rules.

How quickly you can promote a VKontakte group: paid promotion methods

These methods seem simple, but require a serious approach. In case of failure, the creator of the group will lose not only subscribers, but also the funds invested in promotion. The most common way to promote a community is contextual advertising. It allows you to show ads to other people, thereby attracting new subscribers to the group. Using this mechanism, you can find an audience interested in the information offered.

How to promote a group on VK using contextual advertising? The user needs to create their first record. To do this, you need to open the “Community Advertising” section, select an attractive picture, write a catchy title and compose the text. By enabling the "Targeting" option, the user will be able to configure the ad to be shown to people of a certain gender, age, marital status, etc. Proper setup is the key to the effectiveness of this tool.

Advertising in a popular group

A large community becomes a platform for publishing advertisements. The cost of advertising is determined by the administration of the group. This is a very effective way to promote a page, since the user is guaranteed to find subscribers interested in the topic of the community. To understand how to promote a group on VK, you need to open the “Advertising Exchange” section.