Check your computer for cryptocurrency miners. Bitcoin Miner is a virus that hunts for your hardware

Computer security is a rather complex issue. And few users are able to quickly and efficiently provide this process to their operating system. Quite often, situations arise in which a computer becomes infected with viruses. And, of course, they have to be removed. Today we will learn how to find and eliminate a miner virus. It is worth noting right away that this is not the easiest process. After all, our current infection has a somewhat non-standard purpose and origin. Let's try to deal with the problem presented to us as quickly as possible.

What it is

Before we even understand what we will be dealing with. After all, this will already help to somehow tune in to eliminate the infection. Sometimes it is much more logical and easier to simply reinstall the operating system. But in our case, this is not entirely true.

The point is that the miner virus is a kind of Trojan. It penetrates the operating system, loads the computer's processor, and also begins to use all computer resources for its work. Due to this, the creators of the virus receive so-called “bitcoins” - electronic currency that can be converted into real money.

In addition, some users say that our current Trojan is capable of working like any other infection on a computer - stealing data, destroying the operating system, and also facilitating the penetration of other viruses into the system. Sometimes this is true. But the main purpose of our current infection is the illegal enrichment of a hacker at the expense of the resources of the user’s computer.

Manifestations on the computer

So we found out what a miner virus is. How to detect this infection on your computer? There are several options for the development of events. The first one is to simply pay attention to the behavior of the operating system. Often, it is the manifestation of the miner that reveals the fact of infection.

What happens to the computer during this period of time? Firstly, it starts to “slow down”. And work very, very slowly. This is the first sign that you have a miner virus. However, if infected with any Trojan, the operating system will start to work slowly.

Secondly, it is worth paying attention to the processes in the computer. If you open the task manager, you will notice that lines appear in the corresponding tab that load the computer quite heavily. And these are not necessarily some kind of suspicious processes. Quite often, the miner is encrypted with software that has already been installed previously. For example, and so on.

Thirdly, you may notice that even with applications disabled, as well as directly when the system is rebooted, the central processor still remains at maximum load. From 90 to 99%. By the way, the video card can start to work very loudly, or rather, heat up. All this indicates that you will have to think about how to find the miner virus and get rid of it.


But to be honest, manifestations of the Trojan alone are not enough to be accurate. Additional content is used very often. And in general, you need to be able to prepare to remove a computer infection. So that you don’t regret what you did later.

First, save all the data that is important to you to some removable storage device. This will avoid unexpected losses. If there are no important documents, you can skip this step.

Next, stock up on an anti-virus system, as well as additional content for scanning your computer. You can use Dr.Web or NOD32 according to users). And as additional software - SpyHunter, CCleaner and Dr.Web CureIT. You can do without it, but then it is not a fact that you will be able to eliminate the miner virus. How to find and remove it 100%?

Among other things, it would be a good idea to have an installation disk of your operating system on hand. Just in case. And have a few hours of free time. After all, treating a computer is not such a quick process. Let's start it as soon as possible.

So that there are no mistakes

And the process begins with the fact that we need to eliminate all situations in which the operating system may not show us the miner virus. What needs to be done for this? Close all applications running in the background. Don't forget that the fewer programs you run, the better.

Why? After all, the miner, as already mentioned, really likes to register in various applications and masquerade as them. And such a step will allow you to see the infection in time. It is advisable to leave only Windows Update and antivirus running. Close all and background programs. They can be launched only after the end of the fight against the virus.


Now you can try to remove the miner virus. How can I check for its presence on my computer? Firstly, it has already been said - by manifestations in the operating system. And secondly, any modern antivirus will see this infection. Do a deep dive and then look at the result.

All potentially dangerous files need to be “cured”. Any antivirus has a special button for this. However, in the case of a miner, quite often this technique does not work. You just have to remove all threats. In principle, if you have encountered viruses, then this process will not surprise you. Nothing complicated, right?

Removing threats

How to find a miner virus and remove it? Think carefully about why you started making changes to your operating system. Maybe you installed some software?

Most likely, this is true. Therefore, in order to finally get rid of the virus, you will have to find the malicious application and get rid of it. Typically, miner distributors include torrents (especially the latest version of UTorrent), download managers and some online games. In particular, GameNet products. Using the control panel, uninstall all such applications and only then continue to fight the infection.

Terminating processes

Next you will have to work with the Windows Task Manager. Call this service and look at the "Processes" tab. The miner virus will definitely be shown here. How can I check which line exactly refers to it? For example, look at how many computer resources a particular task consumes. If the figure is more than 5% (provided the main application is turned off) or more than 20% when the mode is turned on, this is our infection.

What should I do? End the process. Just highlight the desired line, and then click on the right mouse button. In the list that appears, select “Finish”. Agree to the warning (it says that unsaved application data will be lost) and confirm your actions.

Control stripping

How to remove miner virus? Now that almost all possible steps have been completed, it is worth turning to the help of additional software. We are talking about SpyHunter, CCleaner and Dr.Web CureIT. The first and last application should be launched one by one and set to scan the system. After issuing the results, just like in the case of an antivirus, all dangerous objects are disinfected or deleted. In principle, after using CureIT, the miner virus usually disappears.

But to be more confident, it’s worth doing a little work with your computer’s registry. Launch CCleaner, and then click on “Analysis” in the lower right corner of the window. Please note that in the settings (left panel of the program) all partitions of the hard drive, as well as browsers and background applications (if possible), should be marked in the scan. After the process is completed, click on “Cleanup”. That's all. Reboot the computer and look at the result. Now we know how to remove the miner virus. In some cases, if the operating system has not been cured, a complete reinstallation of the computer and formatting of the hard drive will be required.

If your computer starts to slow down and your electricity bills suddenly increase several times, you may have become a victim of hackers engaged in hidden (black) mining.

Hidden mining: how to detect and can the problem be fixed?

To engage in cryptocurrency mining (mining), an ordinary user needs several things: high-power computer equipment, the availability of special software for mining, a reliable server for distributing subscriptions between members of the mining community and, of course, self-confidence. But it's not that simple. Every day the Bitcoin mining process becomes more complicated, and competition between miners is growing.

Electricity costs are a topic for another day. Already today, one transaction consumes one and a half times more electricity than the average American family consumes per day. And according to expert forecasts, in three years the cost of producing the most popular digital currency will be comparable to the annual electricity consumption of a country like Denmark.

Tighter conditions have completely taken Bitcoin miners with home computers out of the game, but they still have the opportunity to make money on alternative coins - the so-called. altcoins. For this reason, some “entrepreneurial” programmers are looking for ways to earn digital cash using other people's computer power.

Crypto mining on someone else's hump: how hackers do it

In any type of human activity, there are those who work honestly and those who try to profit at the expense of others. And the mining world was no exception. Some people don’t pay for electricity by running a cable to a transformer, others use smuggled Chinese video cards. But another way of “playing without rules” is more common - using other people’s computers for mining without the knowledge of their owners.

Thus, in the fall of 2017, specialists from the Kaspersky Center uncovered two large-scale mining networks - with 4 thousand and 5 thousand units of equipment. As it turned out, the owners of the infected computers had no idea about their participation in the extraction of virtual coins, but the creators of the malicious program replenished their wallets with thousands of dollars every month.

Most often, black miners use Litecoin, Feathercoin and Monero - types of cryptocurrencies that do not require heavy-duty equipment. Therefore, the victims are mainly users of ordinary home and gaming computers.

Types of black mining

Let's look at two types of illegal cryptocurrency mining that attackers use.

  1. Hidden browser mining

Surely you know that visiting unknown Internet resources can harm your computer. This rule also applies in our case. It is enough to go to a page in which the fraudulent code is written, and your laptop or computer will instantly become an integral part of someone’s system for generating virtual coins.

Today, not only unknown sites can become a breeding ground for infection, but also, as it turned out not so long ago, completely respected resources. In September of this year, a scandal occurred related to the official website of a large Ukrainian media holding, whose visitors became unwitting Monero miners. A similar accusation was later brought against the well-known TV channel ShowTime (USA).

  1. Virus miners

The first information about virus miners dates back to 2011. Since that time, they have continued to attack the equipment of ordinary users in different countries of the world. You can become infected by following the link from the e-mile. High-power computers, mainly gaming ones, are at risk.

In general, viruses are more dangerous compared to browser-based mining, since they more actively use the power of computer equipment. At the same time, hundreds of thousands of users around the world become their victims.

How to check hidden mining?

The first and most obvious sign of a computer infection is slowdown. If the equipment works fine most of the time and starts to slow down only on one site, it is possible that black miners have entered your computer through the browser. The most dangerous sites in this regard are those that require a long time for the user to stay on - torrent trackers, resources for computer games and watching movies. Very often, gamers with powerful processors and video cards are subject to virus attacks. Another symptom of infection is a sharp increase in electricity consumption.

The main difficulty in checking for hidden mining is that antivirus programs identify it not as a virus, but as potentially dangerous software. After all, in fact, miners only steal the resources of someone else’s computer, but cannot cause technical failures or breakdowns. This is also important to understand.

Hidden mining virus programs

We list the main malware that is important for users to know about in order to increase the security of their equipment.

  1. Miner Bitcoin (Trojan). Typically, people load their computers at about 18-20% capacity, while the Bitcoin Miner increases this figure to 80 and sometimes up to 100%. In addition to illegally using resources, spyware steals personal information and can even give attackers access to your wallets. This type of Trojan is distributed primarily through Skype; it can also be picked up by downloading photos or Word documents.
  2. EpicScale. This program was discovered by uTorrent visitors. Responding to well-founded accusations, the company's owners stated that they send the funds received in this way... to charity. At the same time, users did not receive an explanation as to why they “forgot” to inform them in time about their participation in this “charity event.” It is noteworthy that it is impossible to get rid of EpicScale completely; after removal, the executive files of the virus software remain on the computer. Later, a similar scandal erupted around the Pirate Bay torrent tracker.
  3. JS/Coin Miner. A malicious program that allows you to mine cryptocurrency through the browsers of other people's computers by introducing special scripts. Users of online video viewing portals and gaming sites are at particular risk. Such sites are CPU intensive, so in most cases JS/CoinMiner goes undetected. To detect a fraudulent script, you need to check whether it is in the list of miner scripts.

How to block hidden browser mining

Today, there are several effective ways to protect against attacks by black miners on your browser:

  1. Edit the hosts file.
  2. Install the NoCoin browser extension and the Anti-Web Miner utility.
  3. Disable JavaScript in your browser using No Script.
  4. Add anti-mining uBlock and AdBlock.

But if everything is quite clear with JavaScript and utilities, then the hosts edition needs a more detailed consideration. Below we provide instructions on how to do this:

After these simple steps, your browser will receive reliable protection against infection.

Protection against hidden virus mining: precautions

Basic protection rules: do not follow dubious links, do not download unlicensed products; Do not activate keys from unknown sources.

And now a few more important rules for working safely with a computer:

  1. It is not enough to simply install an antivirus; you need to systematically update it.
  2. Create an account for yourself in Windows and log in through it every day. Since administrator rights are required to install any software, the risk of accidentally downloading and running a malicious program is eliminated.
  3. For Apple technology, the best solution would be to install a function that allows downloading software only from the AppStore.
  4. At the first sign of slowdown, launch the “task manager” and check if there is a program on your computer that is using it at its maximum capacity (80-100%). Even if you don’t find it, don’t rush to calm down, because there are viruses that use less power.
  5. Install special utilities that provide protection against viruses and report updates to the registry. The best option is to simultaneously install Request Policy Continued and uMatrix, and for those who use Google Chrome, in addition to them, the Antiminer blocker.

Miner virus - what every modern PC user should know about it. The fact is that in any field of human activity there are people who want to receive illegal income from it. This is especially true for new, unexplored and popular destinations. A logical consequence of the popularity of mining was the creation of malware that makes it possible to mine cryptocurrency using other people’s computers without the knowledge of their owners.

What is a hidden miner and how to detect it on a PC

A hidden miner is not an ordinary virus, but a complex program that uses your computer to mine cryptocurrencies.

Black or hidden mining refers to the extraction of digital currency by third parties through the use of the power of other people's PCs. To do this, virus miners are introduced into computers, and we will now tell you what they are.

Equipment is infected through downloading and installing files, unauthorized remote access, and sometimes through direct injection. Next, the PC is connected to the scammer, and the earned coins are sent to his wallet.

Spyware is installed in silent mode, and crypto mining is disguised as the operation of an OS service or does not show itself at all. The new generation of virus miners have the ability to remain unnoticed: when the load increases, they turn off so as not to slow down the computer and not reveal their presence.

At first glance, such software does not cause any particular harm to either the computer or its owner (with the exception of increased electricity bills). In fact, the presence of a shadow miner harms the operating system, “eats” the power of the PC, affects productivity, and most importantly, it can open access to personal data, including information about payment transactions and e-wallet passwords.

The most common hidden miner is Bitcoin miner, developed as a single tool for mining various cryptocurrencies on other people's computers. It consists of an unlimited number of nodes and loads the equipment at 90-100%. The mining process is accompanied by noticeable noise from the video card cooler. Bitcoin miner is simple in technical terms, cannot disguise itself and can be easily detected in the task manager, but there are also more “cunning” mining viruses:

  • Bad Miner;
  • Epic Scale
  • Miner Gate.

How to find and remove a miner virus on your computer

In most cases, you can find out about the presence of a miner on your computer by opening the task manager.

To detect a miner on a PC or laptop, you need to use one of the following methods:

  • test the operation of the device under normal load conditions (try opening tabs in the browser or basic programs);
  • run a game that increases the load on the processor and video card, then analyze the indicators;
  • run AIDA64 to check the PC load before closing background programs and after
  • conduct a comparative analysis of the information received.

Some viruses disable the Task Manager a few minutes after it starts working, while others disable themselves when the user enters it. If some time after launching the “Dispatcher” the window does not appear, this is a reason to think about it.

There are quite effective programs for monitoring the state of a PC that can detect a miner virus. One of the most popular is AnVirTask Manager.

Preparing to remove the miner

It is better to use software to find hidden miners.

You need to back up the information on your computer and save it to hardware media. It is not necessary that data will be lost during the removal of the virus miner, but it is better to be on the safe side. You should not duplicate absolutely all files, because then the virus will get onto the media. It makes sense to use auxiliary software like Spy Hanter and Cleaner, which will increase the chances of completely removing the bot.

Since miner viruses are Trojans, they can have a negative impact on the operating system. Sometimes after they are removed, the computer starts to work incorrectly. Taking this into account, it is better to stock up on a disk with the OS installation file.

Before starting the search, you should close all background programs. Since hidden miners are often disguised as different software, disabling it will simplify the task of identifying viruses.

Removing the miner virus

Use an antivirus program to remove virus miners from your hard drive.

When deep cleaning your PC, an antivirus program may detect a virus, but it is unlikely to be able to remove it. Usually this has to be done manually.

Practice shows that most often malware can be picked up on torrent trackers when downloading unlicensed games, movies or other files. If the moment of downloading coincides with the onset of strange behavior on the computer, you can try to find the virus manually. In this case, you must first get rid of the suspicious program and only then proceed to uninstall Stealth mining.

If you're lucky and the virus turns out to be relatively simple, it won't be difficult to remove. To do this, open the “Task Manager” using the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Del). If in the list that opens there is a task that uses the power of the processor or video card by 20% or more, this is probably a miner virus. It should be deleted after agreeing to the loss of unsaved data.

Unfortunately, you cannot get rid of most modern virus bots in this simple way. If the attempt does not bring results, you should move on to another option:

  • check your PC for malware, and if it is detected, reboot;
  • go to the BIOS menu to control bypassing the operating system: immediately when you turn on the computer, press F2 or Delete (depending on the firmware, but you can press both buttons at once), and then go to the Advanced Boot Options tab;
  • select Safe Mode from the long list;
  • log in through your personal account;
  • launch the browser and log into the network;
  • download an anti-spyware program that will help you get rid of the miner virus forever.

It is better to protect yourself from miners than to remove them from an infected computer. To do this you need to use an antivirus.

In Windows 10, there is no way to enter the Advanced Boot Options menu during a reboot, so the procedure is as follows:

  • press the Win + R combination and enter msconfig$ in the window that appears
  • select the “System Configuration” tab;
  • In the “Boot” tab, select the required Safe Mode and restart the PC.

Next we proceed according to the above scheme. Anti-spyware programs, as a rule, remove Trojans automatically, and as a bonus, they correct browser settings and remove unnecessary entries from the OS. The Anti-Malware and Malwarebytes sites can be helpful when removing spyware.

Many of those who have encountered this problem recommend the Curelt program. Judging by the reviews, it effectively copes with any malware.

How to protect yourself from shadow mining

In the current conditions, when new viruses appear for every antivirus software update, no one can guarantee protection. You can reduce the risk of infection by visiting only trusted sites, regularly installing antivirus updates, and checking your PC for hidden miners.

Bitcoin virus is a Trojan horse that hijacks devices to mine Bitcoins using GPU and CPU. This cyber infection is also known as Bitcoin miner, Bitcoin mining or simply BitcoinMiner virus. Despite the variety of names, the purpose of malware remains the same - to make money illegally.

For those who have not yet heard this term, Bitcoin is a virtual currency that appeared in 2008. However, it was launched more widely only in 2011. Bitcoins have already reached a turnover of more than 16 million as of August 1, 2017.

It's no surprise that even the most reputable companies endorse this currency. However, this currency is not created through a central monetary agency, but through computers that perform CPU-intensive cryptographic calculations. Therefore, cybercriminals are always looking for new ways to take advantage of this opportunity by creating new versions of Bitcoin malware.

Bitcoin miner virus has several versions. The most famous of them are called CPU Miner and Vnlgp Miner. Unfortunately, you will hardly notice when your computer is infected with this. According to experts, this malware tries to hide by trying to work only when the user is not using their computer.

However, you may notice a Bitcoin virus by checking the speed of your PC. It is known that the CPU usage of a machine increases significantly when this virus enters it, so do not ignore such changes. Moreover, the Trojan horse can also open a backdoor or download other malware.

If you notice system slowdowns or other suspicious activity, you should make sure that your computer is not infected. If you suspect something strange, you should check your computer using or. The security software will remove the Bitcoin virus and stop its malicious activities.

Evolution of Bitcoin virus: malicious actions of ransomware variant

Bitcoin ransomware is a specific version of Bitcoin virus that can infiltrate a computer without the user's approval and then encrypt each of his/her files. This threat was noticed after the entire network of one medical center in the United States was encrypted. However, it can also affect ordinary home users, leaving them without files.

Once the Bitcoin ransomware has finished encrypting the victim's files, it displays a warning message asking them to pay a ransom of 1.5 Bitcoin. Please DO NOT pay as you will not receive anything in the end! Keep in mind that you are dealing with scammers who can take your money from you and leave you without the special code needed to decrypt your encrypted files.

In this case, you should perform Bitcoin virus removal using and try to decrypt your files using these tools: Photorec and R-studio. Keep in mind that dealing with cybercriminals is never a good option!

At the end of July 2017, it was reported that cryptocurrency mining malware had infected 25% of computer users in Russia. However, some sources report that this cyber infection may have penetrated 30% of Russian computers.

According to official data, most of the vulnerable devices run Windows OS. While Mac computers and iPhones were not significantly affected by the virus.

Information about the Bitcoin mining virus was published on the Internet. However, security experts and antivirus software vendors say the scale of the attack has been exaggerated. Experts agree that there have been a few problems with this malware in the past, but not as many as there are now.

A representative from Kaspersky, which is one of the main Russian antivirus providers, claims that if such a huge attack had been carried out, they would have noticed it. However, since the beginning of the year, only 6% of their customers have been affected by BitcoinMiner.

Ways of contracting an infection

According to security experts, Bitcoin virus spreads mainly through the Skype network, but it has also been spotted on other social networks, so beware of it. Typically, this virus relies on a spam message that states something like “this is my favorite picture of you” and attaches a malicious file. Of course, the virus tries to convince victims to download the file.

If you want to avoid this, stay away from such messages. Once the victim uploads the “photo,” it not only allows malicious threats to enter the machine, but also allows the virus to connect the PC to a remote control server.

Once infiltrated and activated, the virus turns the infected machine into a Bitcoin generator. However, it could also be designed to steal banking details, record keystrokes, or download even more malware onto the target PC. This is why you should remove Bitcoin virus as soon as it enters your computer.

Explanation - how to remove Bitcoin virus

If you think your computer is infected with malware, you should scan it with updated security software such as or. If your device is infected, the tool you choose will remove the Bitcoin virus immediately.

These programs should also help you remove Bitcoin virus from your system. However, sometimes viruses that are classified as ransomware block antivirus software to prevent themselves from being removed. If you are dealing with such an issue right now, follow the guide below.

CPU Miner is a virus that belongs to the subclass of adware. This virus is automatically installed on your computer, after which it changes the start page of your browser and installs all kinds of advertising ads into it. Due to the presence of malware in the system registry, getting rid of CPU Miner is a difficult task. In most cases, this virus enters the system when downloading free software, all kinds of torrents, unofficial patches for computer games and other content from unreliable sites. The creators of these portals begin monetizing the content by wrapping the virus in a download file. A downloader is a special software that transfers downloaded content to you, while at the same time installing viruses that change the home page, install ads in the browser, install various redirects, and the like. CPU Miner belongs to the list of such programs.

How to remove CPU Miner

Cleaning up CPU Miner involves getting rid of all browser add-ons with the name CPU Miner, all registry keys that are associated with this virus, and every virus file on the computer.
Typically, removing an add-on in browsers with the name CPU Miner has an effect either before restarting the browser or before rebooting the system. The virus program repairs itself. You can remove all extensions and add-ons in browsers, remove it using the Add or Remove Programs function, find the program on your computer and get rid of them yourself. The work will be useless. However, only experienced computer users with extensive experience can clean the registry. If you make any mistake in the registry, you will need to reinstall the OS or it will be able to work, but errors will appear on an ongoing basis. Because of this, we advise only fairly experienced users to clean the registry themselves; moreover, you clean the registry at your own peril and risk. For this reason, we recommend automatic removal of CPU Miner using a utility called Spyhunter 4, created by Enigma software.

Remove CPU Miner automatically

Why spyhunter?

  • Will clear all add-ons and extensions in the browser called CPU Miner.
  • Will delete registry keys that are associated with CPU Miner and destroy only them. Your registry will not be damaged, the OS will work normally.
  • This utility will clean CPU Miner virus from your computer.
  • It will improve the functioning of the computer, it will start working better.
  • Removes other malware and viruses from your computer.
  • It will protect your computer from future threats.

Step-by-step instructions for manually removing CPU Miner

We repeat that you carry out this operation at your own peril and risk. Each PC has its own operating system with many differences. Of course, the main registry keys, files, folders are the same, but if, for example, your computer has some program in which the registry key contains the word CPU Miner (a fairly common case), and this program uses certain system services - in most cases after removing them, your system will no longer start because the system registry has become corrupted.

Step 1. Make a restore point.

Be sure to create a restore point. You will not be able to restore the system if a restore point is not created.

  1. Right-click on “Computer”, then select “Properties”.
  2. The “System Protection” button, then the last button at the bottom right “Create”.
  3. enter a name for the recovery point, and then click “Create”.

Step 2. Remove the program from the PC.

  1. You need to log into “My Computer”, then click on “Delete or change a program” (this menu is located at the top).
  2. We look for “CPU Miner” in the drop-down list and click delete on the right.

Step 3: Remove browser add-ons and extensions.

Each browser has its own button to open a list of extensions.

Google chrome

Internet explorer

Go to Tools - Configure add-ons. Find CPU Miner and remove it.

Mozilla Firefox

Go to the menu (top right), click Add-ons, look for CPU Miner and click Delete

Step 4. Clear the system registry from CPU Miner.

  1. Press win+R, a line will appear, write regedit in it, the registry will open.
  2. Then we look for malware. Press Ctrl+F, type CPU Miner and press enter.
  3. The found key will appear - delete it.
  4. We search further using the F3 key. Thus, we delete everything that the search gave us, then a message will be displayed that nothing could be found.

We reboot the computer. After reboot, if the system failed to boot:

  1. When the screen is black, press f8 and f9 as quickly as possible to enter safe mode.
  2. in the menu, select safe mode and after loading it, we restore the system Start - Accessories - System Tools - System Restore - select the previously created restore point and begin restoring the system.
  3. Sometimes it happens that safe mode does not start. In this case, you need to select line No. 1 in the menu, then restore the system based on the prompts.

When there is only one virus, these actions may be enough. But viruses are often grouped together: they are able to restore one another if one of them survives. For example, by the time this article was written, the CPU Miner virus had a large number of modifications. We recommend getting rid of swetim automatically with the spyhunter 4 program. Thanks to this utility, you will cure your computer of this virus, as well as others that you may not know about. In addition, the CPU Miner virus, penetrating onto a computer, can collect many similar viruses.

Is it worth removing such viruses?

Naturally, you can use the computer with annoying banners, this is not critical. However, the virus can open the way for other viruses from the manufacturer. Moreover, the viruses themselves are updated and improved. Thus, the malicious program not only displays ads, but can also easily store confidential data: credit cards, social networks, email passwords and other information that you type on a computer with a virus. This is certainly much more serious than browser ads.