Simple tips on how to make a folder invisible. Create an invisible folder on your computer

Sometimes you need to hide a file or folder from prying eyes on your desktop: from children, wife or husband, or bosses. Our instructions have 4 ways to do this in 1 minute.

Method 1: popular

Create a folder

First, create a regular folder. This can be done on your desktop or any other place where it is convenient for you. Right-click in the free area → “New” → “Folder”. You can put any name.

Making the icon transparent

Right-click on the new folder and open Properties.

On the Settings tab, click the Change Icon button.

Find the transparent icon in the list of available icons, select it and click OK. You can also download it separately and specify the path to it.

In the folder properties window, click “Apply”, “OK”.

Now the folder has become transparent, only the name remains.

Hiding the folder name

Right-click on the folder - Rename. While holding down the Alt key on the numeric pad of the keyboard (right), enter the code 0160. This is a non-breaking space character. Release Alt and press Enter. If that doesn’t work, try replacing the code with 255, or holding down the Fn button on the laptop together with Alt.

Some laptop models do not have a numeric keypad. In such cases, type a non-breaking space in Word using the key combination Ctrl + Shift + Space. Copy and paste into the folder name.

Method 2: alternative

On my Windows 10 virtual machine, I didn’t want to install a hidden icon for a folder. It was possible to make it only for a shortcut to a folder, but it was indicated by an arrow in the corner. So I found an additional way to make the folder invisible.

In the folder properties, check the “Hidden” option.

In Explorer, open the “View” tab and check the “Hidden elements” checkbox.

This option can also be changed through the Control Panel:

Open Control Panel. It is located in Pusk. Find it through the search or right-click on the Start icon - Control Panel.

Select Appearance and Personalization.

On the “View” tab, at the very end of the list, select the “Do not show hidden files, folders and drives” option.

Click "Apply" - "OK".

Method 3: simple

If you don’t want to mess around with the OS settings, use the free program Free Hide Folder, which can be downloaded from the official website: It hides the folder completely: it cannot be found even through a search.

After installation and launch, the program will prompt you to enter a password with confirmation. The next step will ask for a registration code; you can skip it with the “Skip” button.

To hide a folder, add it to the program using the “Add” button. A warning will appear about creating a backup copy of data to access the folder in case you uninstall and reinstall the program, so as not to lose access to it, click “Backup”. Click "OK" and the folder will disappear.

To access the folder in the program, click on the Unhide button.

Method 4: genius

Another unusual way to hide a folder is inside a picture. Before you begin, make a copy of your important files so you don't lose them if something goes wrong.

For example, let's take a folder with important data and a photo with a secret cat.

This is a photo with a secret cat.

Make an archive of the secret folder (zip or rar format).

Create a folder, the closer to the root of the disk, the easier it is. For me it is C:\setupik\ . Move the created archive and photo of the cat inside this folder.

Open a command prompt: press Win + R, type cmd and click OK.

Use the cd command to navigate to the created folder. Like this: cd c:\setupik\ .

Enter the command COPY /B kot.jpg + secret.rar secret-img.jpg . Change the file names to your own: the first is a photo of a cat, the second is an archive with a hidden folder, the third is a new file with a secret picture.

After running the command, open the created secret-img.jpg file. You will see the same picture with a cat. But if you open this file using an archiver or change the extension to rar or zip, you will see hidden files. Magic!

How to find a hidden folder

In the first case, a folder with an invisible icon and name will become visible if you select it. This can be done with the key combination Ctrl + A (select all) or manually select the entire desktop area.

In the case of a hidden folder using an attribute, you can find it when you enable the display of hidden files and folders through the control panel. That is, you need to repeat the described steps in reverse order.

You can also access a hidden folder if you write down its path somewhere. For example: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\My hidden folder. Paste this path into Explorer and the desired folder will open.

As you can see, there is a chance that your hidden folder will be accidentally found. Therefore, it is better to remove it from the desktop somewhere away. And the most reliable way is to put a password on the folder. When archiving a folder in WinRar, the options will allow you to set a password and hide file names.

So, everyone knows that the Windows system is a multitasking operating system, in which new features “creep out” with each new release. Thus, the system prohibits the creation of files with certain names. But today we will talk about a computer folder. Before discussing how to make an invisible folder on the desktop, let's discuss what a folder is.

What does "folder" mean?

Almost every person has seen a real paper folder. As a rule, various files and important papers are stored in it so that they, in turn, do not get lost. In addition, folders help to somehow organize and systematize the necessary “important pieces of paper.”

On a computer, all data is stored in files. In order for everything that is stored on the computer to be somehow found and organized, system developers came up with folders. That is, a computer folder is a storage area for files and other folders. Various formats can be located inside: from a simple “exe file” to the coolest and most weighty graphic format. This is a simple and convenient method of storing information. In addition, any personal information of the user can be easily found in this simple way.

Why hide data

Nobody likes it when ill-wishers crawl around their computer, and even more so when someone rummages through your personal data.

In addition, perhaps you have files that are too personal, not for prying eyes, so to speak. For example, a personal diary in electronic format, where each day is a separate file.

Of course, in this case, you need to create a folder and “stuff” daily entries there. But how can you make sure that no one but you can discover the daddy and everything that lies in it? Of course, hide it! People usually wonder how to make an invisible folder on their desktop when they need to store information somewhere close. At the same time, without worrying that it will be opened and viewed by someone.

So, now we will try to figure out how to make an invisible folder on the desktop on Windows 7. The fact is that with the release of newer and newer versions of operating systems, the principles of various “secrets” change somewhat. That is why there has been dissatisfaction with the “seven” among users for quite a long time after the good old XP. However, we even got used to it. Now let's get down to business.

Getting started with the "seven"

To solve the question of how to make an invisible folder on the desktop, you first need to create it. For those who are not yet in the know, you need to go to the desktop, then right-click and go to "New" - "Folder". Created? Now let's name it. By default the name will be "New Folder".

Now, in renaming mode, hold down Alt and alternately type the combination 2 5 5. You need to type it on the right numeric keypad. In order to decide how to make an invisible folder on the laptop desktop, make sure that you additionally have this panel (on some models it is completely absent). Let's look at what happened - there is no name, but the icon itself is still visible.

Hiding the icon

Now that we don't see the folder name, we need to hide the icon. To do this, go to the properties of the hidden folder. For those who have just begun their acquaintance with the computer: right-click on the required folder and find “Properties” there. Now you need to change the icon. Find the inscription “change icon” and look for a transparent “skin” in the list that opens. After that, click on “Ok” and see what comes of it. A so-called “black hole” has formed on the desktop. Only you know that you can throw files inside as if into a void. In this case, the entered data will be reliably protected from unwanted eyes. This is how you can simply answer the question of how to make an invisible folder on your desktop.

What about Windows 8?

Quite recently, a new version of the Windows operating system with license plate 8 was released. To be honest, even the transition from the usual XP to the “seven” was not as difficult as this creation. The fact is that there are a lot of changes in this “OS”, which brings a lot of inconvenience to users. So we have to once again rack our brains over how to make an invisible folder on the desktop on Windows 8. So let’s get down to studying the issue.

Games with hidden folders, especially on the new G8, are only suitable for those who have a basic understanding of what the command line is. We will use it to hide our folder. Create a new folder on your desktop and give it a name. Now go to the folder properties and copy the entire path to the folder, including the name itself. Now you need to open the system command line. This is done either through “Start” - “Run”, or by pressing the Win + R keys. When the required command line appears in front of you, enter: attrib + h + r + s (after the space you should specify the full path to your folder). After this, the required folder will be hidden. This is the most successful and easiest method that does not require any additional programs.

If you are a frequent PC user and share it with someone else, you may need to hide some files from prying eyes. Instead of a password that is forgotten or lost, there is a more accessible, easier way - to hide the data. Whatever is in the file - video, text or photo - may require secrecy. Are you interested in how to make an invisible folder on a flash drive, on the PC itself, netbook, tablet? Due to the fact that people use different computers and versions of Windows, there are different ways to hide a collection of files.

How to make a folder invisible in Windows

Using a standard set of Windows tools, you can remember how to create an invisible folder and hide the necessary data there. Procedure:

  1. A standard desktop/logical drive folder is created.
  2. Before entering the name, press Alt, enter the combination 255 or 0160 (using the keys with individual numbers on the right side of the keyboard). Num Lock must be turned on when entering numbers.
  3. Release Alt, press Enter. The file name will be empty.
  4. Right-click on the icon and select “Properties”.
  5. Go to Settings, then click on Change Icon. Scroll to find a blank sign, select it, click OK.
  6. Click "Apply"/"Ok".

Did you complete all the steps in this order? After the entire procedure, the files should become hidden: remember their location, then you will not lose important data. You will achieve the desired result (check how to make a folder invisible), hide your information from prying eyes, and will not flinch in panic when someone opens your gadget.

How to hide a folder

Netbooks, laptops, and desktop PCs have been equipped with Windows XP and Windows 7 for the last ten years. These systems have their own special characteristics. Despite the limited internal reserves of a netbook compared to a desktop computer, even on such a gadget there is an option to create hidden folders in Windows 7. Since not all devices are equipped with a key block on the right, you have to get sophisticated and look for another way:

  1. Hold down the Alt key together with Fn.
  2. Instead of numbers we use k,l,u,j,i,o,m,7,8,9. The letter corresponds to a serial number.
  3. Next, we do it by analogy with a PC.

How to make folder name invisible

Windows 8 users are also interested in creating an invisible document for their files. Computers have one way to carry out this procedure, but netbooks and laptops have another additional option. When entering a name on a laptop:

  1. Right-click to open the menu and look for “Insert unicode control character.”
  2. In the open window, we allow the writing of Arabic characters.
  3. Instead of the Arabic character, press space.

How to get a hidden folder back

You have already learned how to create an invisible folder on your desktop. Now the question has arisen: how to restore it? This method is simple and has several stages of implementation:

  1. Open the disk/desktop where the hidden document is located.
  2. In the upper right window, in the “Arrange” section, select “Search Options...”.
  3. In the open window, go to the “View” tab, check “show hidden files...”.
  4. Click "Apply"/"Ok".

How to see hidden folders

So, you have hidden the necessary documents, but the time comes when you need to return everything to its original state. How to view hidden folders or restore them? In order to display hidden files on Windows 10 and other OS variations, you will have to do a number of other operations:

  1. Go to “My Computer”, select the service menu at the top (if it’s not there, press Alt).
  2. Go to the “Properties” section.
  3. Select "View".
  4. “Advanced settings” / “Display system contents”.
  5. Uncheck the “Hide protected system files” checkbox.

How to make a hidden folder visible

You've already learned how to hide the icon, and now it's time to learn how to return it to its previous state. There is a simple way to enable visibility. Go to Start, then open the “Run” dialog tab, enter “attrib -h -r -s “C:\invisible” (invisible is the name, and C:\ is its location). Press Enter and the necessary information appears. Don’t forget the main parameters – name, location.

Video: how to make a folder invisible on the desktop

The question of how to securely hide data may be of interest to everyone. This applies not only to PCs, but to gadgets running on Android. You know about ways to hide information on a PC, but how to make an invisible folder without a name on a phone or tablet? Those who like to tinker with someone else's gadget should not see what you don't want. Watch the video, hide your secrets and don’t worry that hidden information will become visible to prying eyes.

Are there files on your computer that no one should see but you? Even if not now, confidential information may appear later, so it is useful for you to learn how to make an invisible folder that will be difficult for other users to access.

To hide information, we will use both built-in Windows tools and special programs that can hide various data from prying eyes. This is much cooler than hiding VKontakte friends; here you will feel like a real special agent whose goal is to protect important data.

How to make an invisible folder

Hiding name and shortcut

Let's start with a simple but effective way to hide a directory - change its name and label to an empty space. If you've never done this before, you'll be surprised how easy it is:

The folder has not disappeared anywhere, it is in the same place where you left it. But you won't see either the name or the icon on the screen. You can detect it: select all the objects on the screen, and the empty space will be highlighted like other shortcuts.

The method is good, but not the safest. Therefore, let's look at the options more abruptly, so that it is impossible to detect files by simply selecting them.

Changing Attributes

In the properties of any folder you will find the “Hidden” attribute. Sounds good, let's see how it works in practice.

This is a standard method of hiding in the Windows environment, but it has one undoubted disadvantage: if you go into the settings again and turn on the display of hidden objects, the attribute in the properties becomes meaningless. The directory will be visible to everyone, only the label will be transparent.

To avoid this, change the attributes through the command line, in which you need to enter a command like attrib +s +h C:\Secret, where “C:\Secret” is the path to the directory you want to hide.

The information will be hidden so that even you will not be able to find it. To display the files in Windows Explorer again, enter the same command, but replace the “+” with “-”: attrib -s -h C:\Secret. The data will become visible as if it was never hidden.

This is the coolest way when it comes to built-in Windows features. But there is also special software, let’s see what can be done with it.

Using third party software

I’ll tell you about one program that I tested personally – Free Hide Folder. It is free, weighs less than 1 MB, takes up almost no disk space, and is password protected.

To restore visibility, open Free Hide Folder, enter your password and click “Unhide”. The files will appear in Windows Explorer again. By the way, if you accidentally delete Free Hide Folder, you will no longer be able to access the hidden folder, so just in case, make a backup copy of your data.

If you need a more powerful program, then pay attention to Hide Folders. The only disadvantage of this utility is that it is paid. But it perfectly hides everything the user asks for.

Bonus: photo with secret data

Are you tired of hiding information yet? Then here's another cool way. Turn any photo into a place to store secret information. You will need:

  • Any photo.
  • A folder with secret data that needs to be kept away from prying eyes.
  • Installed WinRAR archiver.

Now be careful, this is not as simple as changing attributes in properties:

Hello everyone, dear users! In today's post we will look at a rather interesting topic, in my opinion: . The question immediately arises: for what purpose is an invisible folder created and in what cases can it be created?

I will tell you that an invisible folder is created with the purpose of hiding important information on the computer from other users. In general, of course, I would say this method is the easiest for hiding your files from other users.

For maximum and reliable protection of your data, an account is usually created for users who work on the same computer. Accordingly, the account is pre-protected with a password, and the level of access for users when working on a computer is set. If you are an active reader of this blog, then you probably know that in one of the previous articles, I discussed the topic in detail:

The article outlined all the main nuances when creating an account. I recommend that you read this article for a more complete understanding of such basics as system administrator and advanced users.

Also, for additional protection of your files, you can encrypt them by performing an encryption operation. You can find out how to encrypt data in my article.

In today's article, I invite you to consider one of the simplest ways to protect your files. It is worth noting that for novice users who have not encountered a similar process of protecting their files, this article will be very interesting and relevant. Indeed, in some cases, users who have some experience in working with a computer hide files in this particular way, knowing that other novice users do not have sufficient skills and knowledge when working on a computer.

How to create an invisible folder?

So how to create an invisible folder? But in fact, everything is quite simple; I will briefly explain what we will have to do for this. First, you will need to create a folder, then use simple commands to make it invisible. Secondly, all that remains is to move the files to this folder.

1.Create a folder on the desktop by right-clicking on a free part of the screen and select “Create - folder” from the context menu.

2. Now you will need to rename the name of the folder, or rather, remove the inscription “New folder”. In the previous article, I already told you how to do this using a real example, so I recommend that you read it.

3. In the next step, you will need to change the folder image, or rather, replace the standard folder image with an invisible folder. This is done very simply. To do this, right-click on the created folder and select “Properties” in the context menu. In the window that opens, go to the “Settings” section and in the “Folder Icons” section, click “Change Icon.”

4. Now all you have to do is select the image of the invisible folder and click “OK”. As a result, the folder created on the desktop will disappear. Next, copy your files to this folder.

Thus, your files are now hidden from other users.

The second method, which we will consider, allows you to hide a folder by assigning the “hidden” attribute to the folder. In this case, we will not change the icon for the folder, but thanks to some settings we will simply hide the folder. In general, in the operating system, many files have the hidden attribute, which means that they are not visible to users. After all, it happens that sometimes the user deletes system files by mistake, which subsequently causes the Windows system to fail to boot. In our case, you can hide the folder as follows.

Go to the properties of the created folder again and in the “General” tab you will need to check the “Hidden” attribute and click “OK”.

As a result, the folder created earlier on the desktop will disappear. Accordingly, the question arises of how we can copy files to a hidden folder, since not only other users, but also ourselves, will not see it at the moment. There are several ways to access a hidden folder, or more precisely, to see a previously created folder.

First way: Open My Computer and in the top left menu, click Organize. Select the appropriate option from the drop-down list.

Now in the new window that opens, go to the “View” tab and activate the option responsible for showing hidden files. Thus, after the above described operation, the hidden folder will be displayed on the desktop and all you have to do is copy or move your files and documents. Then, deactivate the file hiding option again.

Second way is the simplest and allows you to display hidden files and folders on your computer in one click using a hot key on your keyboard. If the Total Commander program is installed on your personal computer, then you just need to press the key combination Ctrl + H and hidden folders and files will be shown. Pressing the hotkeys again will hide these folders and files.

Concluding today’s article entitled how to create an invisible folder, I would like to say once again that the methods discussed for hiding folders do not guarantee you high reliability of protecting your data. After all, hiding the created folder occurs visually, and this in turn suggests that a person with knowledge when working on a computer, even at a low level, can very easily detect your hidden folder. In this article I have given you, let’s say, the simplest way in which a folder can be made invisible.

Currently, many different simple programs and utilities are distributed on the Internet, thanks to which you can make a folder invisible in two clicks.

I can’t tell you anything about the essence of such programs, since I have not resorted to using them, especially since I am not a supporter of installing any little-known programs. After all, by downloading a program from the Internet, you, first of all, risk your computer, or rather its performance.

I already know that such programs can hide viruses and malicious codes that tend to infect and cause serious damage to the entire operating system as a whole. And then users begin to have questions:

I have already covered these issues in previous articles; I recommend that you read them if you have not read them before. Well, dear users, I hope today’s article has brought you additional knowledge that you can already consolidate in practice.

That's all I have for today. See you in the next lesson =>