“Simple Internet” Beeline - description of the tariff. Tariff "Simple" from Beeline

When charging services, the obtained values ​​are rounded to 2 decimal places, the error is no more than 0.02% of the total write-off amount. The non-chargeable volume of transmitted/received data at the beginning of each session is 1 KB. The volume of transmitted/received data during the billing period (30 days/month) is rounded up to the nearest 1 KB. The subscriber has access to data transfer rates using GPRS/EDGE technology not exceeding 256 kbit/s, 3G technology (UMTS/HSDPA/HSPA+/HSPA/HSUPA) up to 42 Mbit/s and 4G technology (LTE FDD) up to 100 Mbit/s when receiving data (up to 50 Mbit/s - when transferring data). The indicated data transfer rates are not guaranteed throughout the entire territory and depend on the terrain, density of surrounding buildings, network congestion, modem modification, type of base station and other external factors. In the service area of ​​the Beeline network in Russia (with the exception of the Far Eastern region), the specified tariff parameters apply for any 2G/3G/4G sessions. On the territory of the Far Eastern region in the coverage area of ​​the Beeline network, the cost of 1 MB of transmitted and received data is 5.45 ₽ The Far Eastern region of the Beeline network includes the following constituent entities of the Russian Federation: Primorsky Territory, Kamchatka Territory, Amur Region, Sakhalin Region, Irkutsk Region, Khabarovsk Territory , Magadan region, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Republic of Buryatia, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Trans-Baikal Territory, Jewish Autonomous Region. When traveling within Russia and international roaming, data transfer is paid according to the tariffs for roaming services. The tariff plan gives the subscriber the opportunity to use mobile data services based on GPRS/EDGE/UMTS /HSDPA technologies - when traveling around Russia in the Beeline network (across the entire Beeline network, with the exception of the territory of the Republic of Tyva), when traveling around Russia and internationally roaming (in the networks of operators - partners of Beeline, with whom an agreement on GPRS roaming has been concluded). To use the mobile data service based on GPRS technology in international roaming, the subscriber must have the International Communications service enabled. Communication services when traveling around Russia are provided automatically. The volume of data transmitted/received during a session when traveling in Russia and international roaming is rounded in accordance with the conditions in force in the subscriber’s network; when traveling in Russia on the Beeline network - according to the rules of the home network.

If the phone number is not used for 90 days, a subscription fee of 5.5 ₽/day will be charged to the account. The subscription fee stops being charged if the available balance is exhausted or the use of the telephone number is resumed.

When connecting to the “Simple Internet” tariff plan and purchasing Beeline 4G modems or Beeline 4G routers in dealer showrooms from July 1, 2016, the cost of a 4G modem will be 2,590 rubles, a 4G router will be 3,290 rubles including VAT. The price includes the cost of the first month of Internet - 1791 ₽ Limited offer.

One of the tariffs that provides favorable conditions for accessing the network is the “Simple Internet” tariff plan. It is designed for Internet use and is not suitable for making calls. It is the basic tariff for tablets and USB modems.

Description of the "Simple Internet" tariff

This tariff is intended for connection on tablets and modems. In addition to network access, this tariff plan provides the ability to send SMS messages.

Tariffing of services

The cost of transition is 0 rubles.

To reduce the cost of Internet services, you can connect one of the options in the “Highway” line - you just need to select the appropriate amount of traffic. For Highway services, including 8, 12, 20 GB of Internet traffic, unlimited nightly access to the network is provided, valid from one in the morning to eight in the morning. In addition, when you connect the “Highway” function (except for 1 GB), the “Beeline TV” option is provided as a gift, which works without a monthly fee.


How to activate the "Simple Internet" tariff?

To switch to this tariff package you should:

  • Dial combination *110*600# and click on the call key;
  • Call back the number;
  • Contact the nearest branch of your mobile operator.

If the previous tariff package change was made more than a month ago, then no money will be debited for the switch.

When purchasing a modem at dealerships, a SIM card with the required tariff and Internet access (with the “Highway 20 GB” service activated for the first month) are provided free of charge. After a month, the subscriber will need to connect this option with the required amount of traffic independently.

This Beeline tariff provides for prepayment of the services provided. "Simple Internet" does not have a subscription fee. In addition, the benefits of the plan include free connection to it. It was specially created in the interests of active users, since it is very beneficial for subscribers who communicate a lot on the Internet and have high requirements for data transfer speed, and this service provides for the 4g standard (speed is 50 Mbit/sec.).


Switching to a tariff plan is free. Very convenient pricing. With the amount of traffic consumed 20 MB/day. the client's costs will be 3 rubles. and 30 kopecks. But the service stipulates that after using more megabytes of data, the fee will no longer be charged for a full day.

And if the user did not use the Internet and did not send SMS, then there is no fee at all. The simple tariff plan fully lives up to its name. The user pays per megabyte until he reaches 20 Mb. Then traffic becomes free until midnight.

The Simple Internet service is designed for the use of modems. If the client bought a 4g router and a 4g modem while connecting to this plan, then he will not have a speed limit after fully using the allocated traffic, that is, the client will no longer need to specially connect for further use of high-speed Internet "Auto speed renewal"..

The transfer speed can reach 100 Mbit per second. There is a threshold for the amount of traffic consumed during a month, which is no more than 2 GB, after which Beeline limits the speed to no more than 64 Kbps.

Tariff plan "Simple Internet" provides the ability to send and receive SMS to all phones in the Russian Federation (the only exception is Crimea).

Beeline also offers 4 profitable packages:

  1. “Highway 5 GB” with a tariff of 495 rubles/month. (5 GB of traffic);
  2. “Highway 10 GB” tariff is 890 rubles/month;
  3. “Highway 20 GB” – 1290 rub. per month.

Thus, when using only “Simple Internet” for a month, the costs become significant, but if you purchase packages, the tariff becomes attractive.

The coverage area of ​​Beeline's "Simple Tariff Plan" regions in Russia: Murmansk, St. Petersburg, Arkhangelsk, Novgorod, Kaliningrad, Pskov, Vologda and Petrozavodsk. Outgoing SMS to international phones and CIS countries costs 3.45 rubles. All incoming SMS messages are completely free.

Disconnection and connection to the tariff

You can disable it in the following ways:

  1. in your personal account;
  2. using a mobile application;
  3. will be disabled if the user connects to another Beeline tariff.

The following connection methods are available:

  1. using your Personal Account;
  2. through a mobile application;
  3. make a call to the toll-free number 0674601;
  4. dial *110*600#; ;
  5. connect by personally coming to Beeline’s mobile office.


Tariffing is also available in national roaming, and you don’t need to connect specifically, just after a user calls from the roaming zone it will work automatically. If access to the global network is required abroad, the client will need to activate the service "International roaming"..

What is the cheapest Beeline tariff? All the operator’s clients have asked this question more than once. Of course, there is no cheapest one. But some have very favorable prices, which were developed based on the needs of each person.

Some subscribers practically do not use communication services, therefore, they do not need either SMS packages or unlimited Internet. Someone, on the contrary, actively communicates and, if possible, uses all possible bonuses. The Beeline operator tries to find its own individual approach to each client.

For those who call only on business

For subscribers who practically do not use communication services and make extremely short calls, the cheapest tariff is “Per Second”.

This is the operator's only tariff plan that provides per-second billing for local calls. For a second of conversation, 5 kopecks are charged - quite a bit for those who make only short calls. Calls within Russia are also profitable - 3.90 rubles. per minute of conversation. The big advantage is that the cost is the same for outgoing calls to phones of all operators.

If you call only to Beeline

Subscribers who call only Beeline phones will undoubtedly appreciate it.

This tariff plan allows the operator’s subscribers to make profitable calls to Beeline numbers: the fee is charged only for the first minute of the call and amounts to 1.3 rubles. In fact this means that the cost of the entire conversation will cost a little more than a ruble. It's hard to imagine cheaper cellular communications. In addition, subscribers are automatically connected to the services “I have a contact” and a package for 100 SMS. But such conditions will seem beneficial only to those who do not call numbers of other operators: a minute of conversation with them will cost 2.3 rubles.

International calls

Some subscribers specifically get a separate Beeline SIM card and transfer it to in order to make profitable calls abroad.

On this tariff plan, you can use the “Calls within the tariff” option and make free calls to Beeline numbers that have switched to “Welcome!” Calls to any cell phones in your home area will cost 1.7 rubles. per minute of conversation, and throughout Russia - 2.5 rubles.

“Welcome” would not stand out in any way if it were not for the cheap rates for calls to other countries. For example, you can call Beeline numbers in Armenia, Kazakhstan or Kyrgyzstan for only 3.5 rubles. per minute, and for communication with China, 3 rubles per minute will be debited from the phone account. Subscribers are automatically connected to the “Calls within the tariff” and “Stay in the know+” services.


Of course, when talking about the operator’s favorable tariffs, one cannot forget about the “EVERYTHING!” line.

This line includes tariffs, and. They are all similar and include a specific set of services and are suitable for subscribers who actively use calls, SMS messages and the Internet.

For the amount indicated in the name of the tariff, the subscriber receives per month:

  • Free calls to Beeline numbers in Russia;
  • A certain number of minutes for calls to all operators in the home area;
  • Free SMS package. The terms of the package depend on the selected tariff. This can be 300 messages in your home area, and 500 in your region to mobile subscribers of any operators + throughout the country to Beeline phones.
  • Free Internet traffic or unlimited. The conditions for providing the Internet also depend on the tariff you choose.

On all tariffs of the “EVERYTHING!” line, except for “EVERYTHING for 300”, both prepaid and postpaid payment systems are available.

Mobile operator Beeline has created a range of convenient and varied tariff plans. One of these is “Simple Internet”. You will find a detailed description of the “Simple Internet” 4G tariff from Beeline in this article. Also read on our information portal a description and useful information about them.

How can I activate this tariff plan?

All owners of a modem or router receive this tariff by default. You can also connect it yourself using your personal account on the official website, or a mobile application for smartphones and tablets.

After connecting to Simple Internet, you have the opportunity to switch to any tariff from the Highway line. After purchasing a router or modem with a SIM card, this tariff plan will be active for one month.


Simple Internet Beeline for 4g Wi-Fi router is not called Simple for nothing. Don't expect a lot of traffic from it, etc. The essence of the tariff plan is as follows:

  • each 1MB costs 3.3 rubles;
  • unlimited speed;
  • works without connecting to a third-party service package.

How to connect?

Connection to this tariff plan is carried out through your Personal Account on the official website, mobile application or USSD command. Link for your personal account - . In the top right corner you can select your region. To install the application, use the Play Market, App Store or Windows Store, depending on the platform of your mobile device. To connect to a tariff plan using the USSD command, use the combination *110*600#. You can also activate this tariff using the number 0674601.

Additional features

You can also use SMS messages. All incoming SMS will be free, and outgoing SMS within the Beeline network will cost 1.95 rubles each. Messages sent to numbers of foreign operators will cost 3.45 rubles per message. Also read on our information portal step-by-step instructions about this and other devices.