A program for creating New Year calendars with photographs. How to create a calendar on your computer

Microsoft Word has a large set of document templates of different types. With the release of each new version of the program, this set expands. Those users who find this not enough can download new ones from the official website of the program ( ).

One of the groups of templates presented in Word is calendars. After adding them to the document, of course, you will need to edit them and adjust them to your own needs. We will tell you exactly how to do all this in this article.

1. Open Word and go to the menu "File", where you need to click on the button "Create".

Note: In the latest versions of MS Word, when you start the program (not a finished and previously saved document), the section we need immediately opens "Create". This is where we will look for a suitable template.

2. In order not to spend a long time searching for all the calendar templates available in the program, especially since many of them are stored on the Internet, just write in the search bar "Calendar" and press “ENTER”.

    Advice: Besides the word "Calendar", in the search you can also specify the year for which you need a calendar.

3. The list, in parallel with the built-in templates, will also show those that are on the Microsoft Office website.

Select the calendar template you like among them, click “Create” (“Download”) and wait until it is downloaded from the Internet. It can take some time.

4. The calendar will open in a new document.

Note: The elements presented in a calendar template can be edited just like any other text, changing the font, formatting, and other settings.

Some template calendars available in Word automatically “adjust” to any year you specify, drawing the necessary data from the Internet. However, some of them will have to be changed manually, which we will discuss in detail below. Manual changes are also necessary for calendars for past years, of which there are also many in the program.

Note: Some calendars presented in templates open not in Word, but in Excel. The instructions described in this article below apply only to Word templates.

Editing a template calendar

As you understand, if the calendar does not automatically adjust to the year you need, you will have to make it current and correct manually. The work, of course, is painstaking and lengthy, but it is clearly worth it, because as a result you will receive a unique calendar created by yourself.

1. If the calendar shows a year, change it to current, next, or whatever calendar you want to create for.

2. Take a regular (paper) calendar for the current year or the year for which you are creating a calendar. If you don't have a calendar at hand, open it on the Internet or on your mobile phone. You can also refer to the calendar on your computer if that is more convenient for you.

3. And now the most difficult, or rather, the longest - starting from January, change the dates in all months in accordance with the days of the week and, accordingly, the calendar you are focusing on.

    Advice: To quickly navigate through dates in the calendar, highlight the first one (1st day). Delete or change to the required one, or place the cursor in an empty cell where the number 1 should be, enter it. Next, move through the next cells using the key "TAB". The number set there will stand out, and in its place you can immediately put the correct date.

In our example, instead of the highlighted number 1 (the first of February), 5 will be set, corresponding to the first Friday of February 2016.

Note: Switch between months using the key "TAB", unfortunately, it won’t work, so you’ll have to do it with the mouse.

4. Having changed all the dates in the calendar according to the year you have chosen, you can proceed to change the calendar design style. If necessary, you can change the font, its size and other elements. Use our instructions.

Note: Most calendars are presented in the form of solid tables, the sizes of which can be changed - just pull the corner (lower right) marker in the desired direction. Also, this table can be moved (plus sign in the square in the upper left corner of the calendar). You can read about what else you can do with the table, and therefore with the calendar located inside it, in our article.

You can make your calendar more colorful using the tool “Page Color”, which changes its background.

5. Finally, when you have completed all the necessary or desired manipulations to change the template calendar, do not forget to save the document.

6. Be sure to print the calendar you created.

That's all, now you know how to make a calendar in Word. Despite the fact that we used a ready-made template, after all the manipulations and editing, you can end up with a truly unique calendar that you won’t be embarrassed to hang up at home or at work.

Nowadays it is very easy to buy a calendar for the next year at the market or in a store. Their choice is quite large: pocket-sized and wall-mounted, in the form of a notepad or flip-flop; colors, designs and the paper itself also differ. But if you want it to be unique, for example, with photographs of loved ones or friends, with marked dates that are important to you, in the right size, then you can do everything yourself.

In this article we will learn how to make a calendar in Word, using for these purposes one of the ready-made templates, which we will change a little so that the result pleases you or the other person to whom you present your work.

Open the Microsoft Word editor, this is best done through Start or the corresponding shortcut on the Desktop. I have 2010 installed, in other versions the menu appearance may be slightly different, but the principle of creation will be the same. Select "File" at the top and "New" on the left. Scroll down the list that opens a little and click on the item “Calendars”.

Then you need to decide on a template. The calendar will be placed on a sheet of portrait or landscape orientation, shown in full or just one month, and the like. If you want the calendar to be for a specific year, then use the search bar.

If you did not find the desired year through the search, then you can do it differently. For example, the dates and days of the week are completely the same in 2007 and 2018. So, look for it for 2007, and then simply change this number to the desired one.

Once you decide on the look, select the template you want. It will open on the right in the preview area. There will also be a “Download” button - click on it. After the download is complete, the selected calendar will open in Word. Here you can work with it like with any other document: change color, size, background, etc.

If you have Word 2016 installed, then by going to “File” at the top and selecting “Create”, the window will look like this. In line "Search for patterns" you can find a suitable one on the Internet, or click on the word “Calendars”.

If necessary, select the appropriate year through the search, select the template and download it.

You can view all available calendar options on the official Microsoft Office website: https://templates.office.com/ru-ru/Calendars. By clicking on the link, a page with templates will open. At the bottom of each thumbnail it will say Word, Power Point, Excel, this is the editor in which it will open (that is, it was created in it). Choose one of the calendars made in Word and click on it.

Now you need to download the file - click on the appropriate button.

After that, go to the Downloads folder on your computer and open the document you just downloaded. My name was strange, you can see in the screenshot - a set of letters and numbers.

Now you need to exit Protected View mode. Click on the button.

The calendar will open in the familiar Word and you can work with it like with any other document. If you don’t need any blocks with pictures, select them one by one and delete them by clicking “Delete”.

Change the year. If there are several pages in the calendar that you have chosen, for example, 12 or 6, then you need to change it on each one separately.

Since it was created using a table, to make it easier to work, turn on the visibility of non-printable characters. There is a special button on the Home tab.

It is also convenient to display a grid to see the borders of the table. Place the cursor next to any date, and on the tab "Working with tables"– “Designer” select “Borders” and the desired item in the drop-down list.

If you want to change the width and height of cells for dates, months, or days of the week, then it is convenient to do this on the “Layout” tab. Select cells and enter specific values ​​for them in the appropriate fields.

If you have chosen a template in which the dates and days of the week do not correspond to the appropriate year, you need to change the numbers in the cells. Put italics in the cell, delete the old value and write a new one. To navigate, use the “Tab” button (located on the left side of the keyboard, it has arrows in different directions). It will automatically move the italics to the next cell and you can type the number.

If a value was entered in the adjacent cell, it will be automatically highlighted and all you have to do is print a new one.

After you change the cell sizes, change the numbers, table sizes, you can turn off non-printing characters and, on the “Layout” tab, remove the selection from the item.

Let's move on to changing the appearance of the calendar. In the article Formatting in Word, read how to change the font and size of letters, make it italic or bold, change color and more.

Choose a different font for the months. First, select it, and then look for the one you need in the list.

Change date size. Select them one by one each month and choose the appropriate value.

In the same way, increase or decrease the names of the days of the week, change the font for them.

If you chose a simple template, fill the page with color. On the tab "Page layout" Click on the arrow on the “Page Color” button and select the appropriate one from the list.

Instead of a solid color, you can set a picture as the background for the calendar. I described how to put a picture as a background in Word in the corresponding article.

You need to choose an image for the background carefully so that all dates are visible on it. Or, on the Home tab, change the text color for numbers, months, and days of the week.

To highlight the month name, fill this cell with color. Select it, and in the quick access menu, click on the paint bucket, then click on the appropriate option.

This is the calendar I managed to create in Word while writing this article. You can add a photo of your loved ones to it, then it will be an interesting gift. Insert the inscriptions, I have it at the top left.

Photo Editor - Calendar Design is needed to create desktop and wall calendars with various photographs and designs for any year and then print them. Also in the photo editor you can create pocket numbers with any design at the request of the customer. Working with the program is so easy that no special knowledge in the field of design and design is required.

The program has the ability to highlight holidays and their original design. You can create an original production calendar for office workers. For entrepreneurs, you can create an advertisement for your own business, in which you can indicate your contact information for communication, it will turn out to be a kind of business card-calendar. The interface is simple and unpretentious; in the center there is a window in which the calendars themselves are created for every taste and color. At the top there is a menu for working and editing.

In the editor you can create calendars in various languages ​​and create them yourself, although on a computer they will be an excellent souvenir gift for friends and acquaintances. To work, you can use all kinds of templates built into the program itself. You can work on creating your own design.

Main features Calendar design for creating and editing

★ Creation of any type and design.
★ Use of ready-made templates and inscriptions.
★ Setting up holiday dates, editing them, and colorful design.
★ Creation for any year and month.
★ Selection of color templates for inscriptions.
★ Use your photos when designing.
★ Creation of Orthodox and other thematic calendars and templates.
★ Selection of masks and collages according to the client’s choice.

✔ A utility with a simple interface;
✔ Large selection of templates;
✔ Many ready-made pictures and inscriptions;
✔ Russian-language menu;
✔ Quick step-by-step creation of any type;
✔ Doesn't slow down your PC and doesn't use a lot of memory.

✘ Shareware photo editor;
✘ Works only with the Windows operating system installed.


How to use the photo editor?

This editor is convenient and easy to use and create your own colorful, different from others. To download “Calendar Design” you can use our website. The utility has been tested by antiviruses and will not cause any problems during installation. The editor uses masks to overlay several types of images. You can also use collages with many personal photographs and pictures taken from the Internet. The inscriptions can be varied depending on your wishes to use a variety of fonts and letter styles.

After downloading the program, you need to open it and click on the new project button. After opening the window, if you need to create one for a year, then select the item “create a calendar for 12 months.” After that, select a ready-made template that suits your taste and click continue. We set the date and date from which our numeric will begin, and configure the parameters for printing it. After setting all the parameters, click ready, and our masterpiece goes to print; you can also export it to other programs for further processing and save it on your computer.

Greetings to all visitors!

If earlier you had to use standard calendars, then with the development of computer technology, you can make your own calendar, with your own holidays (for example, to celebrate the birthdays of relatives, anniversaries and celebrations), your own design, your own size, etc.

In general, do everything the way you need (so as not to forget anything and congratulate everyone on time!). Agree, it would be convenient to know in advance where and what holidays and plans await you?!

In general, there are quite a lot of ways to make your own calendar, and not all of them are suitable for a person who has little knowledge of a PC. In this article I will provide several step-by-step instructions (in different programs) for creating your own colorful calendar (I think that anyone who wants to can figure it out).

By the way, if you want to know the exact weather forecast, you might be interested in an article with recommendations and reviews of weather sites -

Using the Calendar Design program

The most convenient program for “cooking up” a calendar for yourself. Judge for yourself:

  • There are a variety of calendar formats available to you: pocket, flip, desk. The time interval is also adjustable: for a month, for a year, for a quarter;
  • The program contains dozens of a wide variety of templates: each template can be modified to suit your requirements;
  • you can add any of your dates to the calendar: birthdays, vacations, important life events. Each such date can be highlighted with a special color, and even a picture;
  • You can print calendars on paper of various formats (almost all types of printers are supported).

Perhaps the only negative is that the free version has a problem with saving in some formats. To summarize, in general, for solving our problem, the program is indispensable, one of the best of its kind. I’ll look in detail at how to make your own calendar in it.

  1. After installation from the program launch, you will see a welcome window with the option to start either a new project or open a ready-made one. In my example, I will choose new.

  2. Next you need to select the calendar type. In general, here are all the types you might need: wall calendars (one of the most popular), desktop, pocket, one month, 12 months, calendar from scratch. For example, I chose the option of a wall calendar.

  3. Then dozens of different patterns will appear before you: green, blue, light, dark, with nature, with animals, antique, etc., etc. In general, you need to choose one of the proposed options - I don’t advise here (as you know: “taste and color - there are no comrades ...").

  4. The next step is choosing a photo for the calendar. Here you can put a photo of your pet, family photo, nature, etc.

  5. Then you need to set the year of the calendar (from which date to start counting - by the way, it is not at all necessary from the new year) and set the sheet format (the default is regular A4). After installation, click the “finish” button.

  6. Actually, your calendar is ready! All that's left to do is set up some more points that were promised at the beginning of the article ☺.

  7. Select holidays. To do this, you need to open the “Holidays” section in the top menu of the program and check the boxes which holidays to show on the calendar. For example, you can show not only official holidays, but also Orthodox holidays

  8. Tincture of decoration. If the calendar needs improvement, you can always add the inscriptions you need, highlight any of the dates, set up, for example, the lunar calendar, add a page, etc. To do this, use the “Calendar” settings section.

  9. The "Add" section will help you add an inscription, logo, photo to your calendar. An example is shown in the screenshot below.

All in all, a good and relatively simple way to create colorful and vibrant calendars (in my opinion ☻).

In Microsoft Word and Excel

Word and Excel are on every second home computer, which means that this method will be relevant and in demand. In addition, a calendar can be created quickly without downloading or installing additional software. I will consider all the steps step by step using Word and Excel 2016 as an example (so that there are not so many of them ☻).

Free analogues of Word and Excel -

Online way to create a calendar

There are now dozens of different sites on the Internet for creating a wide variety of calendars. I'll give you a few examples that I've come up with myself...

A simple site for creating a calendar, business card, envelope. It is very convenient to use: everything is done step by step, everything is in Russian. The service supports images in JPG and PNG formats, there is a collection of ready-made templates, beautiful fonts, etc. In general, it’s convenient, fast, and beautiful!

This site is notable for the fact that you can choose a theme and calendar template (for example, some holiday on February 23, March 8, etc.), then upload your photo to it and download it to yourself. I note that any of the templates can be changed quite a lot: add text, change the background, change some elements.

Well, then, after printing out such a calendar, it will become an excellent and original gift.

By the way, your uploaded photo will be automatically processed with the necessary filters and neatly blended into the color scheme of the selected template.

In general, there are a lot of such sites, and I won’t dwell on them all...

New Year's holidays are approaching. And this means that you need to slowly start thinking about what you can do to please your loved ones and friends. A calendar can be an excellent gift. Just not purchased at a store or kiosk, but made independently. From the article you will learn how to make a calendar on your computer quickly and easily using the special “Calendar Design” program, which can be downloaded from the link.

Getting started with the program

With a good Internet connection, installing the program will take you no more than five minutes. After its completion, you can launch “Calendar Design” and get started by selecting the “Calendar Design” option in the start menu New project».

Option one: create a calendar based on a template

The software will immediately prompt you to select the type of future calendar. In just a few clicks of the mouse, you can “design” a wall, desktop or pocket calendar, as well as calendars where each month will be placed on a separate page.

After selecting the calendar type, the program will offer to download one of the templates from the built-in catalog for work. Click on the option that best suits your idea, and in the next menu, configure the year, starting month and size of the future calendar.

Option two: preparing a calendar from scratch

When you select this option, the software will offer to determine the composition of the printed product. For example, it could be a calendar in the form of a poster for one or several years, a desk calendar, a calendar in the form of a book, etc.

At the next stage, indicate the location and type of the calendar grid and other components, as well as the path to the images with which you want to decorate your calendar.

Editing a calendar

In fact, immediately after this, the calendar can be printed. But if you are not happy with something about its appearance, then don’t rush - it’s better to continue working and improve the 2017 calendar on your computer in the editor. Let's look at exactly what can be done.

Firstly, it is available replacement background. As a new background, you can use any color from the standard palette, gradient, texture or picture from the program collections or from PC folders.

Secondly, the calendar can be add an inscription. For example, an explanation of the image, a quote or useful information. The appearance of the text can also be customized: select the font type, its size, color, etc.

Thirdly, you can supplement the composition with photographs or pictures and even make a collage out of them. If necessary, the quality and size of each image can be adjusted directly in the program.

You can also use the calendar decorate with clipart from software catalogs. All elements in the collection are divided into several thematic groups: flowers, animals, romance, cars, etc., thanks to this it will be quite easy to find suitable options.

Design of the calendar grid

If we are making a calendar on a computer and want to get really high-quality work as a result, then we should not forget about the design of the calendar grid. For example, you can use one of the templates from the software collection. The catalog contains preparations for different tastes.

If none of the proposed options suits you, go to the editor and configure everything manually. You can change every component: the names of months, working days and weekends, the design of dates, and also add a background for the blocks so that all the numbers are clearly visible.