A program for convenient uploading to the cloud. How to save files to the cloud

The Mail.Ru group of companies has its own cloud storage called “Mail.Ru Cloud”. During the beta testing period of the cloud service, Mail.Ru Cloud provided everyone who took part in testing cloud storage with 100 GB of disk space free of charge. Some users received 1 TB of storage during the promotion.

This entire large amount of disk storage remained forever with all users who registered with the file service during its beta testing. Currently, the amount of space provided to users is 8 GB.

The size of free space in cloud storage for those who managed to get 100 GB is comparable to the size of a small hard drive. Other cloud storage providers provide smaller amounts of data storage for free.

Provides 10 GB for free, provides 15 GB (including mail) of disk space, - 5 GB, - 2 GB (can be increased to 16 GB for free), and cloud storage provides 50 GB of disk space for free.

You can store your data in the Mail.Ru Cloud: documents, photos, videos and any other files. To log into the cloud storage, you use a web interface or a client application that will need to be installed on your computer or smartphone. Client applications are developed for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, as well as for mobile devices: Android and iOS. In this case, “mail.ru satellite” and “mail.ru defender” will not be installed.

Data uploaded to [email protected] is automatically synchronized with other devices. Files placed on your computer in the Mail.Ru Cloud folder (Mail.Ru Cloud) will immediately be synchronized and become accessible from other devices.

In order to use a cloud drive on Mail.Ru, you must have an email account in Mail.Ru. If you do not yet have a mailbox on this service, then you should create an electronic mailbox in the Mail.Ru mail service.

After logging in via email, a cloud drive window will open: “Mail.Ru Cloud”. The user receives 8 GB of free cloud storage space for free.

In order to increase your free disk space, you will be offered to purchase additional disk space.

To work from a computer, the Mail.Ru Cloud application was previously used. The files were placed simultaneously on disk and in the cloud. As a result of synchronization. changes in one place led to changes in another.

At the moment, instead of Mail.Ru Cloud, the Disk-O: application is used. Disk-O displays files located in the cloud, and works with them on the computer. Now, files do not take up space on your computer.

Installing the Mail.Ru Cloud application

To install the Mail.Ru Cloud application on your computer, you will need to click on the “Install on computer” button. In the window that opens, select the client application for your operating system: Windows, Mac or Linux.

After downloading the Mail.Ru Cloud client program (Mail.Ru Cloud) to your computer, this application will need to be installed on your computer.

In the first window of the installation wizard, click on the “Next” button.

In the “Select installation folder” window, you can leave the default folder for installing the Mail.Ru Cloud client program, or select a different location to install the program. Then you need to click on the “Next” button.

In the “Everything is ready to install” window, click on the “Install” button.

After installing the Mail.Ru Cloud client on your computer, the final window of the installation wizard opens, in which you need to click on the “Finish” button.

In the Mail.Ru Cloud program window, you will need to enter your account information: your email address and password. Then you should agree to the terms of the license agreement, and then click on the “Login” button.

In the next window of the Mail.Ru Cloud program, you will need to select a folder on your computer to synchronize with the cloud drive, and then click on the “Continue” button.

Review Cloud Mail.Ru

At the very top of the web page window there are buttons “Download”, “Create”, “Delete”, “Get link”, “Configure access”, “More”.

Using the “Download” button, files are uploaded to cloud storage. When downloading via the web interface, the file size should not exceed 2 GB (the same limit applies when downloading a file to a computer disk) with a free plan.

After clicking on the “Configure access” button, a window will open with folders that can be opened for public access.

On the left are the following sections: “Connect a tariff” with information about the amount of used disk space, “Cloud”, “Help Desk”, a form with suggestions for downloading applications for various devices.

In the central part of the window, files placed in the file storage are located. Above is the control panel with buttons.

After clicking on the “Create” button, you can create a new folder, document, table, presentation. Mail.Ru Cloud integrates the company's free cloud services: Word Online, Excel Online, PowerPoint Online.

If you mark a file in the storage and then click on the “Download” button, then the downloading of this file to your computer will immediately begin.

You can delete unnecessary files from the cloud using the “Delete” button.

Using the "More" button you can copy, rename, or move the file.

On the right side of the panel there are two buttons: for changing the appearance of the storage, and for setting parameters for sorting files.

In order to provide general access, or vice versa, to block access to a file, you must first select the file, and then perform the necessary actions on the right side of the storage window.

If you want to stop other users from accessing this file, then to do this, you will need to click on the “Remove link” link.

In order for the “Delete”, “Get link” and “More” buttons to become active, you will need to select the file with which you need to perform some action.

For security reasons, all files are located in the cloud. are scanned by Kaspersky Anti-Virus.

You can edit files directly from the cloud: tables (in “xls” format), test Word documents (in “doc” and “docx” formats), presentations (in “ppt” format), photographs and images.

Using the Screenshot tool, you can take screenshots of the entire screen or a specific area, and then edit the taken screenshot.

You can manage the Mail.Ru Cloud application from the notification area (tray), where the client program icon is located.

The Cloud-O application icon is located in the notification area, the application is displayed in Explorer, from where you can work with files directly.

Conclusions of the article

Cloud storage The Mail.Ru cloud offers all users of the Mail.Ru service disk space in its “cloud”, which can be used to store data.

Cloud services are a new trend in Internet technologies. A cloud is any remote resource that helps save, create, and transfer files. In this article we will look at the cloud from Mail.ru. So, what is cloud storage and how to work with it, read the article.

What is the mail.ru cloud

The mail.ru cloud is a service where you can store and manage data. Using mail.ru the user can store, check files, download them, transfer to another user. All actions take place on the Internet. One of the advantages of such a service is that it is free and accessible. That is, each user can get this additional space for storing documents on the Internet.

Essentially, it is a hard drive, the same one that is installed on your computer or laptop. The difference is the use of the Cloud on different devices, the main thing is to have access to the Internet. From the service, the user can send a link to his friend or partner to the material, and he will be able to download, watch a video, or a document.

Let’s summarize why the service is needed:

  • For storing files and folders.
  • For working with documents and files on any gadget. The main thing is to have Internet access.
  • For fast file transfer between users.

You can upload any files to the Cloud and download from it from any device, and you can also view, transfer or download them from any device. You can upload anything: books, documents, videos, pictures.

At the same time, you can configure access to documents. You can set a mode when only you can see the files, you can set public access to some materials, that is, such files can be viewed Internet users and other users will be able to download them. If access is open, a link will be generated that can be passed to the user to view the file or download it.

How to use Cloud from mail.ru

We figured out what the Cloud is, now let’s figure out the process of working in this service. In order to start working with the service, you must complete the following steps:

Now you can use the virtual disk. In order to upload files larger than 2 GB from your computer, you need install Cloud disk to your computer. It can be installed on both a computer with Windows, IOS, and Android.

Let's figure out how to install Cloud on a computer:

  • Let's go to the Cloud. On the left side there will be a blue form “Install the Cloud on your smartphone”. Here you can select any device from all those offered on which you want to install. We are looking at a computer.
  • Now click on “PC Application”.
  • A form will appear in which you need to select your operating system.

After downloading, you need to open the file and make the settings:

  • Click “Launch”.
  • Select the program language. In our case, Russian, click “Ok”.
  • The Installation Wizard will launch. Click “Next”.
  • Now you need to select the folder in which the program files will be installed. Select “Browse”, click on the desired folder, click “Next”.
  • We agree that a shortcut will be created on the desktop. Click “Next”.
  • After that, click “Install”.

Cloud Mail.ru

After installation Setup Wizard will notify you that the installation process was successful. All you have to do is click on the “Finish” button. After this, you can open the Cloud from your computer.

How to upload and download documents from the mail ru service

We figured out how to use the Cloud. Now you need to figure out the process of uploading material to the Cloud. To begin with, try to transfer only one document there. Move files possible via Cloud on the Internet or use an installed disk on your computer. If you decide to transfer documents to the Cloud installed on your computer:

  • Select the required document.
  • Click “Copy”
  • Go to the downloaded disk. Click "Insert".

You don’t have to make copies, or rather, you can do it much faster. Let's catch required file and move it to the Cloud. You don't need to do anything else, the document will be copied.

Now let's look at it file upload option from a computer to a Cloud that is not installed on the computer:

The video will be downloaded to your computer.

if you need to transfer video or documents to another user, you need to follow these steps:

Files are deleted as easily as they are downloaded. You need to select the desired file and click “Delete”. Do not forget clean out the Trash as well, since all deleted files are moved there.

So, we looked at a service such as Cloud Mail.ru. Here you can watch and save videos, pictures, documents. You can also create files in any text editor. When you register for the first time, you will be presented with a 100 GB Cloud. If you need more space, you can connect to a new tariff. You can check the contents of the disk from any gadget.

Among the methods of storing information, storing them in cloud storage has become popular. This opportunity is offered by large search engines to owners of email accounts and other sites. People who work online will be interested in learning how to send files to the cloud and how to download files from the cloud to their computer.

Data storage

By registering a mailbox, the user will be able to:

  • Upload any elements to an online disk and share them with other users.
  • Create and distribute information into personal folders.
  • Set who can work with folders and files.
  • Interact with saved elements (delete or move within the storage, rename).
  • Create and save backup copies of content.

The need for the transition from local servers for storing information to virtual ones is now, according to IBM forecasts, steadily growing. Most RuNet users use storage services from Yandex, Mail or Google.

Other popular services include:

  • Dropbox.
  • Nextcloud.
  • SpiderOak.
  • IDrive.
  • Mega.
  • OneDrive (from Microsoft).
  • iCloud.
  • pCloud.
  • ADrice.
  • Amazon Web Services.
  • MediaFire.

Each platform offers to increase the amount of virtual disk space. All saved information is contained in virtual storage and will be available to the user when he logs in to e-mail on any device. The disadvantage is limited space (up to 10 GB), but for a certain fee or increased mail verification the volume will be expanded.

How to send a file to the cloud

The conditions for using the disk vary depending on the specific service, but there are some general points.

Is this storage safe?

The advantages of this method are obvious:

  • There is no need to send or transfer information to a flash drive or hard drive. Risks are reduced, since the media may burn out or break, or you may not have a device with the original file at hand, and then access to the data will be lost. But the items in the cloud will be saved forever.
  • Many sites offer users to upload a file to the cloud for free.
  • Information can be transmitted to any user connected to the network. You just need to place it on a virtual disk and send the recipient a link to the item.
  • You can upload a file to the cloud or download it from any available device, using any browser or special mobile application.
  • You can upload data units of all popular formats.
  • The resource is convenient to use when working together on projects.

The service provides secure access to storage for several people simultaneously. Only users who know the authorization combination, are included in the restricted access list, or have received a URL will be able to upload or download the required object.

How to download files from the cloud

If you need to download an object from a specific device, you can do the following:

  • Go to your mail from it, put a tick next to the document you are interested in and click on "Download".
  • Open the received link, clicking on which the user will have access to the elements. Then you need to click on the download icon.

So, the cloud storage method is simple and safe. To post or save information, the user does not need to perform any complex manipulations; it is enough to open access by sending a URL to go to. The recipient needs to know how to download files from the cloud using a link.

Cloud Mail.Ru is a client of the cloud service of the same name, which will allow you to easily move and download files from the cloud. The main advantage of the service from Mail.Ru is that it provides users with as much as 100 GB of free space on the server completely free of charge. For comparison, in the same Yandex.Disk the user is allocated only 17 GB. At the same time, the data transfer speed in both services is approximately the same.

Other features of the application include the ability to work through a proxy. You can add a server address by calling the settings panel from the context menu of the program tray icon. To log in to the Mail.Ru Cloud, you can use the data from your mailbox. The service also has a web version, which you can use without installing the client on your computer.

Key Features and Functions

  • creates a virtual folder on your computer that makes it easy to move files between your hard drive and the cloud;
  • can start when Windows starts;
  • includes a tool for taking screenshots;
  • makes it possible to quickly upload screenshots to the server and share links to them with other users;
  • provides consistently high download speeds;
  • provides 100 GB of free server space completely free of charge.

Cloud Mail ru is a special program that allows you to store your personal information on the Internet. You can save photos and videos taken on your mobile device on it, and then view them from any device. The main condition is free access to the Internet (preferably a fast connection). Cloud Mail provides the user with about 25 GB of memory for free. Let's take a closer look at two ways to use the Mail ru cloud: download the program on the Internet or install it as an extension in the browser via email.

How to download the Mile cloud to your computer - installation

For devices with the operating system Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Android, iOS, Windows Phone, you can download the cloud program from this link. Let's step by step download and install the Mail ru cloud program on your computer:

  • Follow the link.
  • Press the green “Download” button and another window will open with the “Download as” command.

  • Click the small triangle next to the “Download” option, a list of operating systems for which the Mail ru cloud application exists will appear.
  • Click the desired operating system in the list.

  • A download window will open. Select the folder to save the application (remember the save path so that you can later find the program for later installation), click “Save”.

The Mail ru cloud application is already on your computer. Let's install this program:

  • Your downloaded files are displayed in the lower left corner of the browser, look for Mail ru Cloud, click on the small triangle next to the downloaded file (or open the downloaded file through “My Computer”, the path where your file is saved). Execute the “Open” command.

  • The installation of the application will start, follow the instructions. Select the program language “Russian”, “Ok”.

  • On the monitor screen you will see a new window “Welcome to the Cloud Mail ru Setup Wizard”, click “Next”.

  • “Select installation folder” - select your saving path using the “Browse” button, or agree with the default one (drive C). Click on “Next”.

  • The installation wizard asks “Where should the program create the shortcuts?” By default, the cloud can be opened through the “Start” key. If necessary, you can create a shortcut in any folder on your computer; to do this, click “Browse”, select the desired folder, “Next”.

  • Next, a window will appear with the following commands “Create a shortcut on the desktop”, “Run at startup”, “Set as home page”, opposite which the checkboxes will already be selected. We remove them where it is not relevant - for example, “Make Mail ru the home page” - this is the first page that you will see when you launch the browser. If this is not relevant, uncheck the box. Likewise, other options - think about whether you need them. Click “Next”.

  • A window will open with the final results of setting up the application, let’s view them. Click “Install” and then “Finish”. Installation on your computer is complete.

  • A window for logging into the program will open - if you have a Mail ru email, enter your address and password, if not, click “Registration”. We indicate our agreement with the license terms.

  • “Select a folder to synchronize with the cloud” - click “Browse” and select a folder on the computer in which the data will be copied to the installed cloud. Then “Continue”. If the system displays “The specified folder does not exist – should I create a new folder?”, click “Ok”.

  • Selective synchronization is also available in the Mail.ru cloud; if necessary, you can configure it (select a folder that will be copied to both the computer and the cloud). This way you can save more free space on your computer’s hard drive and save half of the information only in the Mail ru cloud. These folders can also be accessed through the mobile program or Cloud Mail.ru online (via email). Click “Finish” - your cloud is ready for use. After pressing this key, the Mail ru cloud shortcut will appear on your desktop.

How to download the Mile cloud to your computer if you have a Mail mailbox

If you have a mail account on mail ru (such abbreviations in the name of the mailbox are @mail.ru, @bk.ru, @inbox.ru, @list.ru, @mail.ua), then you already have a web version clouds Mile. RU. All that remains is to install it on your browser. To do this via email, follow these steps:

  • We go to our mail on the mail ru page - enter “mail ru” into the search engine, click “Login to mailbox”.

  • The login page will open, enter your password and your email, click “Login”.

  • Your mailbox window will expand to full screen. Above the list of incoming letters there is a “Cloud” tab, click on it.

  • Your Mile cloud will open, and the system will prompt you to install it on your computer (the message “Install Clouder” will appear in the upper right corner, click on it).

  • Execute the “Install” command in the open application window.

  • The application will ask you for permission to use some functions - “Install Clouder?”, confirm the installation, click “Install extension”.

  • It is checking and then adding the “Clouder” extension to your browser.

  • After installing the application, follow the instructions on the screen. A small cloud icon will appear on the taskbar in the browser - you can immediately save information when viewing pages on the Internet.

  • Click on the cloud icon in the upper right corner, an additional menu will appear - click on the gear (internal settings).

  • We log into the account, re-give permission to access user information (first name, last name, email address), access the directory structure in the Mail.Ru Cloud, upload files to the Mail.Ru Cloud, create directories in the Mail.Ru Cloud, create public links in the Mail.Ru Cloud, click “Allow”.

  • The web version of the Mail ru cloud is active on your computer. You can view the contents of the cloud through your mailbox, or through the cloud icon on the browser taskbar.
  • It is very convenient to use this cloud through the Myru mobile mail application (upload photos and videos from your phone, and then view them through a browser on your computer).

Note: All screenshots were taken in Google Chrom using the Windows 8 operating system as an example.

We looked at installing the Mail ru cloud application on a computer in order to save space on your hard drive, as well as installing a special cloud extension Clouder, which allows you to save information directly to the cloud and is also accessible from any device via Mail ru email.