I received a notification via registered mail, how can I find out? How to find out who a registered letter is from?

Everything is very simple - to track a registered letter from the Russian Post, you just need to know its unique identifier (➤ where to find it, read here) ✅ Next, you will only need one action, maximum one and a half :) ➤ Enter the postal identifier of the registered letter in the tracking form and click on the image “magnifying glasses” - we will happily and quickly do the rest for you.

In a maximum of 10 seconds ⏳ our robot will track the letter and show all the information on the screen.

How long does it take for a registered letter?

  • A very popular question - let's say right away that there is no exact answer to it. Delivery times for registered letters depend on many factors listed below:
  • Distance between transportation points. The letter can be delivered within 24 hours after sending if we are talking about sending it within the same city. Sending a registered letter usually takes no more than 2 days within the cities-subjects of the Federation, or by the administrative centers of the district district. If the destinations are located at long distances (from 1000 km or more), then it is more difficult to answer how long it takes for a registered letter?
  • Weather. Delivery times for registered letters (as well as any other RPO) of Russian Post are calculated based on average statistical data, which does not take into account possible deterioration of weather conditions. This is especially true in winter because... heavy snowfalls do not allow special mail transport to quickly cover the route.

Possible errors when filling out the form or when transferring data to the pochta.ru database. We know of cases where mistakes were made by the sender or the postal worker. Most often they are associated with an incorrectly filled address or a postal code that does not correspond to it. In such cases, registered mail may be sent via the wrong route.

You can find out the estimated delivery times for registered mail by calling the Russian Post hotline ➤link to page with phone number. Or use the calculator for calculating delivery times for letters on a special page of the Russian Post website: ➤https://www.pochta.ru/letters.

To find out how long a registered letter takes, enter the starting and final destinations, then the estimated weight of the letter or the number of sheets in it and the delivery method.

✅ Our online service provides the service of tracking Russian Post letters by track number - it is completely free, and the tracking process is faster ✈ than most similar sites.

➤ To track a letter by number, you need to enter it in a special window and click on the “tracking” button - we have this function performed by a “magic magnifying glass” :)

tracking letters by number

    How to track a Russian Post letter?
  • As we all know, the process of tracking letters on the official one (pochta.ru) is not the most convenient. And therefore, quite often many Russian Post clients have a question - how to track a letter? We will selflessly :) be happy to answer this question and help you track your letter. Tracking a letter is impossible without 2 components:
  • This is the track number assigned to the letter at the Russian Post office. If at this stage a question arises in your head - what is it? ➤ read the answer here.

A good, high-quality online email tracking service - don't worry, you've already found it :)

Enter the number into the window for tracking letters and click on the “magnifying glass” image - you see, tracking a letter is not as difficult as it seemed;)

How to track regular or registered mail by last name?

✅ There are often cases when site users were interested in the ability to track letters by last name. ➤ The good news is that we know all the existing ways to track a letter, but there is also unpleasant news - unfortunately, this is currently impossible to do by last name. If any of the Internet resources offers you tracking by last name, we do not recommend doing this. As you probably know, “demand creates supply” and sometimes people who are not as good as us :) try to make money on this. Under the pretext of tracking the letter, you will be asked to enter your last name, and then most likely send an SMS and believe me, it will not be free;). As a result, you will not receive the promised information on the letter, thank you for your attention - be careful and good luck;)

➤ So, let's try to quickly bring you up to date and tell you in a couple of sentences what a track number is - also known as a postal identifier. Oddly enough, none of these designations are used by the Russian Post in the check, which they kindly provide to you at the branch. ✅ RPO is exactly the official designation of this miracle number :) “RPO” stands for registered mail and it is this identifier that makes it possible to track your letter among thousands of others. As we already hinted above, you can find the tracking number of the letter in the cash register receipt, especially for you we took a photo of the Russian Post receipt and indicated the location of the track number with a hefty red arrow, good luck in the search;)

pochta ru track a letter by number

How to fill out an envelope?

    It would seem a common thing to fill out an envelope to send a letter, but it is important to do it correctly so that the letter is delivered as quickly as possible and to the right address. Not everything is so complicated, following our instructions you will become an expert :) in filling out envelopes, point by point:
  • It is necessary to indicate the sender/recipient addresses and their full names as clearly as possible
  • IN right bottom corner you must enter your contact information Sender
  • Fill in the upper left corner with the Recipient's data
    Filling out the envelope - what to include in your contacts:
  • Full “Last Name First Name Patronymic” of the recipient and sender. If the recipient/sender is an organization, you can indicate its short name.
  • Numbers: streets, houses and apartments (if it is an apartment building and not a private house)
  • Full names of the settlements of the sender and recipient of the envelope
  • Name of district, region, region or republic
  • If the envelope is sent to another country, you must indicate its full name
  • PO Box number - if the envelope needs to be delivered to a location other than the recipient's address.
  • Please fill in the postal codes of the recipient and the sender carefully; due to an error in one digit, the envelope may “go” to the wrong place.

Below is a sample of how to fill out an envelope correctly:

how to sign an envelope

Thank you very much for choosing our service - we appreciate it and are constantly working to improve the entire process of tracking Russian Post letters.

What should a person who has received a notice marked “Moscow GSP-7” (registered mail) know? Where it came from can be determined by the city next to the abbreviation, but what does the abbreviation SHG stand for and why is the sender not indicated in the notice? What does such a message contain and is it necessary to go to the post office to get it?
Let's tell you in order.

How does GSP-7 stand for?

GSP – city service post office. As the decoding of the abbreviation suggests, the organization is engaged in the delivery of official correspondence. Institutions, organizations and companies with a large daily volume of postal turnover use the services of city service mail. Notices, notifications, registered and valuable letters, parcels and parcels are delivered by special vehicles, and shipments are received in premises designated for these purposes in the presence of responsible persons.

“Moscow GSP-7” is one of the branches of the city service post office, serving buildings on the streets of Miklouho-Maclay (16, 16/10 buildings 10-24), Academician Volgin (12, 12/1, 12/2, 12/3 and 12/4) and Podolsk Cadets (15 and 15B). The post office index is 117997.

Consequently, the marker in the “Moscow GSP-7” (registered) notification means that the sender is a legal entity included in the city’s official mail system.

Who can be the sender?

Does the marking GSP-7 (registered mail) mean that this message was sent by a government agency? Not only federal departments are connected to the SHG system, but also legal entities that have entered into a corresponding agreement with Russian Post.

The sender can be either a government agency or a private organization using the city official mail service:

  • district courts;
  • Roskomnadzor;
  • insurance companies, for example, Ingosstrakh;
  • resource supply organizations (the abbreviation GSP-7 is present in Gazprom’s postal address).

It is impossible to understand from the label “GSP-7 Moscow” what this message contains. It may contain an order, warning or requirement from an authority, or information of a different nature. For example, Roskomnadzor, through registered letters, warns about the consideration of appeals regarding a possible violation of the law on personal data, and the courts send a subpoena. However, if the letter contains a notice from the court, the notice will be marked as “judicial.”

Where can I get the letter?

What else should be taken into account regarding the marking “Moscow GSP-7” (registered mail) - that this postal item is delivered personally into the hands of the addressee or his representative. The message will be issued at the post office whose address is indicated in the notice. You will need to present identification (the representative must also have a certified power of attorney) and sign for receipt.

If the addressee does not respond to the notice, the registered letter will be stored at the post office for 30 days - the period provided for by the rules for the provision of postal services. It is extended at the request of one of the parties to the correspondence.

A special procedure for delivery, storage and return applies to letters of the “judicial” category. Thus, a repeated notification with an invitation to visit the post office will be sent to the addressee three days after the initial notification. For other registered items, a secondary notification is sent after five days. A registered letter from the court is stored for only a week, after which it is sent back.
You need to treat the court letter responsibly - because the citizen did not come for it or refused to receive it, the consideration of the case on the merits in the court will not be postponed.

Is it possible to find out the sender on the Russian Post website?

It is impossible to find out from the label “GSP-7 Moscow” what kind of organization sent the letter. But the tracking system for postal shipments on the Russian Post website will allow you to find out using the track number (identifier number) specified in the notice. This number consists of 14 digits and is located under the barcode.

To find out the sender, you need to go to the official website of Russian Post and enter the ID number in the search bar in the upper right part of the main page or on the tracking service (where the active “Track” link will take you). After these steps the user will know:

  • name of the institution or organization that sent the message;
  • date and place of dispatch;
  • route traveled – sorting points through which correspondence was processed.

In this case, the service can only name the authority on whose behalf the message was sent. So, for example, recipients of a letter marked “judicial” learn that the sender is a district court, without specifying which one.

One fine (or not so fine) day you may find a notice in your mailbox with the codification “ZK” on it. At the same time, the text of the notice usually does not indicate either information about the sender or what kind of letter it is, but only information about the need to visit the post office and receive the specified correspondence. Who is the sender of this letter, and what is a ZK notice? Let's figure it out.

The “ZK” encoding is used in the postal circulation of Russian Post, and means that the letter is registered. Notices that notify the recipient that there is a registered letter awaiting him at the post office are encoded in a similar manner.

Instead of information about the sender of this letter, a number is usually indicated, and in the worst case, there is no information at all. As for other data available in the notice, there is an address where you can receive the mentioned registered letter, digital and bar codes, as well as several service symbols.

As a rule, such registered letters with ZK notification are sent by various state and municipal authorities. For example, this could be the Pension Fund, courts of various instances, the tax service, the bailiff service and other government agencies.

Also, in some cases, the sender of ZK letters can be legal entities - banks, insurance companies and other commercial organizations.

In most cases, ZK letters are registered letters from state and municipal authorities

From whom did the ZK notification about the registered letter come?

The most pressing question that interests people when they receive a notice with the codification “ZK” is what does the notice mean and who is the sender of the registered letter? It's no secret that some letters are simply useless (for example, various types of advertising mailings), and some letters are not worth receiving at all.

What methods exist for identifying the sender?

In the case of international mail, you can also use the sites track-trace.com (mail DHL, UPS, TNT, Fedex), 17track.net, globaltracktrace.ptc.post and other analogous resources;

What to do if you do not want to receive a letter from the ZK

A ZK letter usually remains in the mail for 7 or 30 days and is then returned to the sender. Registered letters from the court are kept for seven days (according to the appendix to FSUE Order No. 114-p), and all other letters are kept for 30 days.

At the same time, the court, having received its registered letter back, may consider that the recipient of the letter was still properly notified, and therefore may begin (continue) legal proceedings without you.

In some cases, Russian Post postmen completely ignore the existing rules, throwing the reserve into the recipient’s mailbox without any signature. Who signs for receipt and whether the sender is notified of the receipt of this letter is a mystery with several unknowns.


What does ZK mean? The ZK notification letter is usually a standard registered letter sent by state and municipal structures, as well as a number of legal entities. It is recommended to use the Russian Post resource to obtain information about the sender, and then act according to the current situation.

In contact with

Date of publication: 04/01/2018

There are three types of written correspondence delivered by Russian Post.

How do court notices and notices arrive?

Two types, namely valuable and registered letters, are handed over to the recipient personally against signature at post offices. The addressee is informed about the receipt of a letter addressed to him by means of a notice, which the postman delivers and places in the mailbox at the address indicated on the envelope.

The first question that arises in the head of a person who finds a notice in his mailbox: where or from whom did this letter come? How to find out this will be discussed further.

Most often, this kind of correspondence is sent to people from government services and bodies: from the traffic police, tax authorities, from bailiffs, from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The reason may be an unpaid fine for violating traffic rules or an administrative offense, a summons to court, outstanding debts on taxes, alimony, and more. Therefore, very often the possible sender can be determined by deduction. At the same time, you can find all your possible debts online using various services: on the Gosulugi portal, on the website of the traffic police or the FSSP. You can find out about possible debts by last name, first name and date of birth, by car number and PTS number, by TIN.

The easiest way to find out exactly where a registered letter came from is to go to the post office and pick up the postal item intended for you. The envelope will indicate the sender's first and last name or the name of the organization.

The second option is to call the post office or ask the post office employee in person. Of course, neither in the first nor in the second case the employee is obliged to provide you with any data.

The third way to find out who or where a registered letter came from is to find out the information using the identification number. Registered and valuable letters are registered postal items; accordingly, they are necessarily assigned an identification code consisting of 14 digits. This number is indicated in the notice under the barcode:

On the official website of the Russian Post, using the “Tracking” service, you can find out where the letter came from. In most cases, the service provides information not only regarding the movement of the letter, but also regarding who sent it.

In some cases, in the “From” column, only the sender’s index, his last name, or only his address may be indicated. It all depends on what data was entered by the postal employee at the time of registration of the shipment.

Notice marked judicial

Hello, I didn’t have time to receive anything judicial, judging by the Notifications, by the barcode information that was sent to the Sender on 01/18/17. Who is the sender now, how can I find out? January 27, 2017, 00:17 Elena,

Apparently, the 30-day period for storing a letter at the Post Office has passed? On the notice at the top below the barcode there is a 14-digit postal ID number. Go to the Russian Post website (tracking postal items) www.russianpost.ru/tracking20/, enter the 14-digit code.

The sender will be indicated on the newly opened page.

Thank you Anastasia, but there is NO Sender there, the entire path of the letter “back and forth” to the Sender is indicated there, and who he is.

1 tbsp. 113 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, persons participating in the case are notified or summoned to court: - by registered mail with return receipt requested; — a subpoena with notification of delivery; - by telephone message or telegram; - using other means of communication and delivery that ensure the recording of a judicial notice or summons and its delivery to the addressee. Persons participating in the case are required to inform the court about a change in their address during the proceedings. In the absence of such a message, a summons or other notice is sent to the last place of residence or location of the addressee known to the court and is considered delivered, even if the addressee no longer lives or is located at this address (Art.

118 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation)

How can I find out what kind of court notice it is?

Judicial SMS notifications in civil proceedings - what is it? Typically, notification of a hearing on a case is made in one of the following ways:

  1. notification by mail;
  2. by telegram;
  3. telephone message;
  4. SMS - message;
  5. any other method that allows you to confirm the fact of delivery.
  6. by fax;

Some citizens are surprised that such a notice is not sent by mail to representatives of the plaintiff and defendant - the debtor.

According to the law, the parties must notify them independently of the meeting.

What to do if you receive a court notice?

A court notice is a document that is a notification to citizens who are participants in a case or process about the date, place and time of a court hearing. In this article we will look at the procedure for receiving it and tell you what to do for those who have received a court notice.

arrives no later than 15 days before the start date of the court hearing.

If it is impossible to wait and you need to appear in court immediately, then notification is made by telephone or fax. A judicial act must necessarily contain data such as the name and address of the court, the date and place of the hearing, data on the case being considered in court and instructions for further actions of the citizen to whom this notice was sent.

Should I receive a court notice?

Should I receive a notification if I don’t owe anyone anything and I haven’t received any warnings?

Unexpectedly they brought it to my registered address via registered mail. must be brought to the place of registration and handed over to a family member (but only with his consent). You don’t just have to go for something, or rather, they still need to prove that you received it and did not come to the post office on purpose.

A court decision comes into force when it is in your hands.

How can I find out where a court notice came from?

Convicting a person in absentia is possible only in extreme situations. That is, they cannot start or end a meeting without making sure that you know about it.

But you didn’t receive a notification, which means you don’t know. But a court notice can come not only if you are guilty, you may be called as a witness or to a jury trial.

Russian Post, with all its shortcomings, continues to fulfill its responsibilities. Letters are delivered, parcels arrive, and postmen deliver notices. Sometimes people receive a notification that they do not understand, with the designation “ZK” on it, and information that a registered letter is waiting for them at the nearest post office.

Naturally, before you go to receive it, it is advisable to find out what these two letters mean.

How to decipher the meaning of "ZK"

So what does ZK encoding mean? In this case, everything is quite banal: this is a notification of a registered letter. That is, to receive such correspondence, you must personally visit the post office and provide an identification document to receive it.

The encrypted translation is clear. But who sent the registered letter ZK is not written on the notice. Naturally, the recipient's next desire is to find out. To do this, you can try the following options:

  1. Go to the official portal of the Russian Post, where you can enter the fourteen characters of the code located under the barcode into the search bar. The site will quickly provide information if domestic and correct encoding is used.
  2. If the correspondence was sent from abroad, then you can visit one of the alternative Internet resources, where you can repeat the above operation. For example, you can go to track-trace.com, 17track.net, and so on.
  3. Contact a post office representative by phone and ask the latter to read the information on the letter itself. Unfortunately, a positive result in this case is unlikely, since employees of such organizations rarely agree to fulfill such requests.
  4. Directly visit the required branch of the Russian Post, where, without putting your signature on the receipt, inspect the envelope, citing the fact that you want to make sure of its integrity.

After identifying the sender, you can decide what to do next.

Further plan of action

Before deciding on further actions, you need to know a few nuances:

  • Typically, such letters are sent by various government or financial institutions. That is, the envelope may contain information from the tax service, court, pension fund, credit organization, and so on;
  • Most of these senders believe that the information they sent reached the recipient and was read by him.

Then everything is simple - go get it with your passport and notification, or leave it at the post office. If a person does not want to pick up the envelope, then after a certain time it will be sent back to the sender. Typically, storage periods range from seven (for ship notices) to thirty (for other options) days. But, as already written above, the sending organization will consider that the person was familiar with the information - this should be taken into account when choosing their actions.