When you transfer while saving your number, your balance is preserved. How to change a mobile operator without changing your number - blog about information technology: software, hardware, Internet, services, tips

Tariffs of mobile operators are constantly changing - everyone strives to offer current and potential subscribers the most favorable terms of service. However, some people periodically have the desire to switch to another operator. One thing stops you - changing your number is fraught with many troubles. And since “mobile slavery” has already been abolished, the problems have become much less. Let's see how to switch to MegaFon while keeping your number.

MNP - transfer to MegaFon while maintaining the number

Complaints about the inability to change the operator while maintaining the number have been heard - not so long ago this service was introduced in connection with the requirements of Russian legislation. Since then subscribers can easily switch to MegaFon and other operators while maintaining their phone number. For some time the service was malfunctioning, the connection was not very stable. But today everything works like clockwork - accurately and without failures.

The procedure for saving your number is very important. It allows:

  • Do without the labor-intensive notification of your interlocutors about the number change;
  • Do not lose touch with clients and partners;
  • Get a more favorable tariff by switching to another operator.

While “mobile slavery” was in force, changing the number forced subscribers to notify their interlocutors about the change of number - corresponding services were developed specifically for this. But this was not enough, as serious confusion arose. In addition, these services require that you keep your old number active.

The worst situation was for subscribers who were engaged in their own business - in this situation, changing the phone number can lead to a real disaster. A client engaged in business simply does not have the opportunity to change his number, as he will lose all his clients, both existing and potential. Therefore, the opportunity to switch to MegaFon while keeping the number was received with appropriate enthusiasm.

Transition conditions

Before we tell you how to switch to MegaFon while keeping your number, we should talk about the conditions for the transition. They are not the most severe, in most cases you can ignore them. These are the conditions:

  • The current number with which you are going to switch to MegaFon must be registered in your name. If that's not the case, reassign the number to yourself by visiting your operator’s salon with the real owner of the number;
  • There is no debt on your phone - make sure you have a positive balance;
  • The number should not be blocked in any way (including judicial blocking) - you can check it in your “Personal Account”;
  • Your service number in the current region is interregional transfers are not carried out;
  • More than 60 days have passed since the last transfer while maintaining the number.

If the number is registered to you, you are in your region, your phone is working and there is no debt on it, you can safely switch to MegaFon while keeping the number.

Separately, you should warn those whose number is registered in their own name, but with old passport data - in this case they need to be updated by visiting the office of their current operator (not MegaFon).

Transition process

Let's see how to switch to MegaFon with your number. First you need to decide on a tariff plan. We recommend using one of the “All Inclusive” tariffs - here you will find packages of minutes, SMS and traffic for one or another subscription fee. MegaFon has prepared optimal offers for both low-speaking subscribers and the most active ones. Now let's look at the transition methods - there are two of them:

  • In the office - in order to switch to MegaFon while keeping your number, contact the nearest service office with your passport. Write an application to port the number, decide on the tariff plan, pay 100 rubles for the porting procedure. The application must indicate when you want to switch to the operator - as quickly as possible or on a specific date. After filling out the application, you will receive a temporary SIM card – on the specified date it will be linked to your old number, but will be serviced by MegaFon;
  • With free delivery - if you don’t want to go anywhere, you can switch to MegaFon and save your number right at home or at work. A specialist will come to you with a SIM card and the necessary documents and help you sign the application. The cost of the transition is paid directly to the specialist. After some time, the temporary SIM card will turn into a permanent one, with your current number. To call a specialist, fill out an online application on the MegaFon website.

Thus, switching to MegaFon while keeping your phone number is very easy - you just need a little fuss with documents and a little patience.

Filling out documents online with delivery of documents to your home or office is available only to subscribers in Moscow and the Moscow region.

The transition to MegaFon will occur on the eighth day after signing the documents. During this time, passport data will be verified, and specialists from both operators will carry out all the necessary procedures. You will receive SMS notifications about all transactions. On the ninth day, the old SIM card will become inactive, and your number will be completely transferred to the new operator. You can specify the transition period yourself - it ranges from 8 days to six months.

The issue of “mobile slavery” has become acutely felt in recent years and months. Previously, due to the unpopularity of mobile communication, this issue was not discussed, but now a cell phone is an integral part in the life of a modern person. However, having once connected to a certain operator, we remain with it even on unfavorable terms for us, because we do not know how to change the cellular operator. And all because of the notorious number, on which everything rests, because relatives, friends, colleagues, and clients know it by heart. What to do in this situation? How to change operator while keeping the number?

Changes in Russia

Previously, it was not possible to change the telecom operator while keeping the phone number. The changes came into force only in December 2013. And today this is the right of every user. However, each operator sets its own conditions for such a transition. It doesn’t hurt to sort through them and find out what’s what.

Let's start with Beeline

So, how to change operator while keeping the number? The Beeline company will gladly welcome everyone who has decided to switch to it from another operator. However, you will have to pay 100 rubles one-time. These funds will be debited from your account within the first three days of using the network. And now how to do it:

Not without conditions

Here, as in any other controversial case, there are conditions. For example, did you know that transferring to another operator still won’t work? Just as it won’t work to leave your old number if you previously lived in another subject of the Russian Federation. Here are a few more conditions that you need to know about in advance:

  1. Only its owner can transfer a number, or someone who can do so if they have the appropriate documents.
  2. You cannot change the operator while keeping your number if your number is blocked.
  3. Your balance with another operator must be positive or at least not negative. Your data that you left with the previous operator must be current. If you got married and changed your last name, then you first need to provide documents about this to your operator so that he makes the changes, and then go to a new one.
  4. At the time of the transition itself, your outgoing communications may be blocked for up to half an hour, and text messages and incoming calls may be unavailable for a time interval of 6 hours.

Contact MTS

The procedure for porting a number is identical for each operator, and the cost is the same everywhere. However, the MTS company clarifies that you can use a temporary number from the first minute you receive it in your hands. The SIM card will not yet have the number you want, but you can already evaluate the work of the new operator. Exactly one day before connection, you will receive a text notification to this temporary number that the next day at the specified time you can insert the card into any device and use it for its intended purpose. You won’t have to visit the company’s office twice, because the new number will be registered automatically. As for the conditions, they are similar to Beeline. In addition, at least two months must have passed since the last change of telecom operator. If at least one condition is violated, the company has the right to refuse you. As for tariffs, MTS has its own laws:

  • Initially, everyone is given a SIM card with the “Super MTS” tariff. The same tariff will remain after the number is transferred. To prevent this from happening, you can indicate the selected tariff in your application at the time of submission.
  • If at the time of writing your tariff application you were undecided or changed your mind while waiting, then you can easily change it in any available way. For example, through your personal account on the operator’s website.
  • Don't forget that some plans require an advance payment. Make sure that a certain amount is in your balance on the day of the transition.

Finally, Megafon

Another large operator is ready to accept a new client on similar terms. However, there are still some differences:

  1. Payment for number porting of 100 rubles must be made on the day of writing the application. Moreover, if you are denied a transfer, it will not be returned.
  2. More than 70 days must have passed since the last transition.
  3. Funds that remain in the account with the previous operator cannot be transferred.

Otherwise, the conditions are the same: there should be no debts, only the owner writes the application - and so on. That’s the whole answer to the question of how to change the operator while keeping the number.

If you are refused

There are times when an operator is forced to refuse his new client, even though it is unprofitable for him. This can happen if at least one condition is not met. For example, if there is a debt on the account or your data does not match. In all these cases, the problem is easily solved. You just need to eliminate the reason why the new operator is refusing you. Pay off the debt, visit the office of the previous operator so that he unblocks your number, present documents with your new data. After this, you will need to contact the office of the new operator again.


Long live room freedom! Now you know how to change your operator while keeping your number, and you can always choose the most convenient tariff and the best quality of communication and service.

Finally, mobile slavery has been abolished and anyone can quite simply switch to another operator while keeping their number if the old one does not suit them. For example, until recently, one of my friends was on Beeline, although he was not satisfied with the tariffs, but he could not switch to Megafon, MTS or Tele2, because he did not want to lose the number that he had been using for 7 years. Another friend switched to another operator with a more favorable tariff every 2-3 months and therefore changed his number. Accordingly, it was no longer possible to reach him on the old number. Fortunately, all this torment is over thanks to MNP technology, which we will tell you about in detail today.

MNP and phone number transfer

Quite a long time ago, already in 2012, the Communications Law was adopted in Russia, which preserved the subscriber’s right to keep the number when changing mobile operator. This is called Mobile Number Portability or MNP in abbreviated form. Until about 2017, the capabilities of MNP were not actively used, but recently this wave has been gaining momentum more and more.

Now you can easily switch from one mobile operator to another every three months, depending on your desires and needs. The main thing is that the data from the old contract coincides with what will be specified in the application for connection to the new operator.

How to change telecom operator while keeping your number

Main conditions for the transition:
— The agreement with the old operator is concluded in your name;
— You have no debts on your phone number;
— The data in the old contract coincides with those that you provide for concluding a new one.


Step 1. Go to the website of the new operator and leave a request to switch without changing your phone number. Here are the links for the main Russian mobile phone companies:

Megafon - mnp.megafon.ru MTS - mnp.mts.ru Beeline - mnp.beeline.ru Tele2 - mnp.tele2.ru

Step 2. Representatives of the selected company will contact you and tell you where you need to go to sign an application for porting a number, a new contract and pick up a SIM card. In some cases, a courier may come to you with a package of documents (Megafon, Beeline, Tinkoff Mobile). You must have your passport with you. In MTS you also need to pay 100 rubles for the transition. Other companies usually do not require this.

Step 3. It remains to wait a little. According to the current law, the transition while maintaining the number must occur no later than 8 calendar days after submitting the application, unless the subscriber himself wishes otherwise. Until this point, a temporary phone number is provided.

As soon as the old SIM card loses registration and turns off, insert a new one into the phone. After that, you need to deposit money into your account and use it.

Restrictions when porting a number

— When changing your passport, you will have to print out the old contract and go to the new operator with it.

— Transferring while maintaining the number can only be performed within one region.

— The first day after the transition, you may have limited SMS and outgoing calls.

More than four hundred thousand people expressed their desire to switch to another operator, while leaving their phone number. Rossvyaz recorded 446,256 applications. However, only half of them (259,939 people) successfully got rid of the shackles of mobile slavery.

In theory, the process is simple: you come to the office of the operator whose subscriber you plan to become, write an application, and sign an agreement. According to the law, no later than 8 days later the number will be transferred to another operator. The document usually even indicates the exact time of transition.

In fact, not everyone succeeds in changing operators the first time. What could be the catch? We found out what pitfalls can await you on the way to a new operator, and found answers to non-standard questions from subscribers.

I wasn't transferred, why?

There may be several reasons. Firstly, if the SIM card was issued not to you, but to friends or relatives. An application to port a number can only be submitted by the person to whom a specific number is registered. If another person does this, a notarized power of attorney for the representative is required.

Secondly, an error could have crept into the application - they made a mistake in the passport number or wrote Ezhikov instead of the last name Yozhikov (as written in the document). The problem is the same if you grew up and changed your passport or, for example, got married, changed your last name, but did not notify the operator.

Alena Yarushina, press secretary of the Motiv company:

When submitting an application, the subscriber’s passport data must completely match the subscriber’s passport data located in the database of the current operator. Therefore, carefully check each letter in the spelling of your last name, first name, patronymic. Pay special attention to the letters “E” and “E”. If you changed your passport, surname or place of residence (registration) and did not inform your operator about this, you will need to come to his office again before the change and make changes to the database.

How long will they carry?

In your application, you have the right to indicate the desired date for porting your number. The only legal restriction: the number cannot be transferred to the network before the eighth day for subscribers - individuals and the 29th day for subscribers - legal entities. If you did not indicate any date in the application, then the number is automatically transferred to the new operator’s network on the ninth or 30th day, respectively.

Will there be any communication interruptions?

According to the law, interruptions in outgoing communications when moving from one operator to another should not last more than 30 minutes, and incoming communications - more than 6 hours. In fact, the “technological break” in the provision of communication services to the subscriber is usually less. Be prepared that you will be “out of reach” for some time. For convenience, you can schedule a number transfer at night. But there is a catch - at night it is not so easy to top up your balance with a new operator - you will have 0 on your account (if you had money on the balance of your previous operator, it will not be automatically transferred).

However, some operators give gifts to transferred subscribers as a sign of hospitality. “Immediately after porting the number, new subscribers are activated. This will allow you not to be left without communication and make urgent calls before the first top-up. However, we still recommend that especially sociable subscribers plan to port their number during the daytime,” advises Alena Yarushina.

How to top up your balance after porting a number?

The abolition of mobile slavery has also added work to financial institutions. Previously, whether a phone number belonged to a cellular operator was determined by a directory of operators and DEF codes (the first three digits that made it possible to identify the operator). Now banks and payment systems also need to take into account the database of ported numbers. If mobile operators submit information about the transfer to this database in a timely manner, then it will be impossible to top up the account of the previous operator. In other words, if you changed operator X to operator Y, and then accidentally decided to top up your phone balance by transferring money to the old operator X, then your payment transaction will be denied.

Banks had to update their systems - this primarily affected online banking and mobile banking.

Press service of the Ural Bank of Sberbank of Russia:

Sberbank notes that the “mobile banking” service is currently being finalized. For now, users with a ported number to pay for mobile communications are recommended to indicate the operator directly in the Mobile Bank SMS command (for example, “MTS 200” to pay for their phone number or “MTS 9ХХХХХХХХ 200” to pay for any other number).

Regional banks also updated their banking software. Thus, a new menu item has appeared in all UBRD ATMs - “Payment when changing operator.” Changes have also occurred in the Internet bank: now subscribers who have changed operators, when making payments via the Internet in the “Mobile communications” section, need to select the item “Payment for communications when changing operators (MNP service - switching while maintaining the number)”

“When paying, the client needs to work a little - choose his new operator. But the payment will arrive without delay and exactly to the address,” says Konstantin Kotelnikov, head of the UBRD information technology directorate.

Cellular operators themselves advise that in the first few hours after porting a number, top up your balance directly at the sales and service offices of the new operator or using express payment cards.

I changed my mind. I stay!

If you suddenly decide to stay with your previous operator, then you can refuse the application only until 00:00 on the fifth day from the date of submission of the application.

Can I see everyone?

You can try at least all operators, alternately changing one for another: the number of transitions is not limited by law. The operator can be changed once every 70 days. This is due to internal procedure and interaction between operators. The transfer is possible only if the subscriber has no debts to the previous operator. And the previous operator can send information about the subscriber’s debt to the new operator within 30 to 60 days; another 10 days are given to pay off the debt. This is where the 70 days come from.

How are direct landline numbers transferred?

No way. Unfortunately, this is not possible now - only a federal number (9xx-xxx-xx-xx) is allowed to be transferred. It is also important to take into account that the number is transferred only within the region of the Federation in which it was registered with the current operator. That is, if you moved from Chelyabinsk to Yekaterinburg, then you will not be able to keep your Chelyabinsk number.

Who should I contact if any difficulties arise during the transfer?

The transfer is handled by the operator you plan to switch to. The current operator is only checking the possibility of transfer. This means that the subscriber must contact the new operator for all questions. This can be done with the help of subscribers - in real time the subscriber will be helped to resolve any issues, including those related to changing the operator.

So in Russia it became possible to change the operator without changing the number; see this article on how to do this.

And there are such people, probably since the advent of cellular communications in general and in Russia in particular. On December 1, 2013, the law on. This law obliges operators to provide subscribers with the opportunity to change operators while maintaining their number.

I’ll immediately make a small digression, due to the fact that now a number that previously belonged to one operator may now belong to another operator, situations may arise when you seem to be calling MTS, but dialing MegaFon and for such a call your phone balance is deducted 5-10 times more money than you planned. It is unpleasant. Old methods of determining whether a number belongs to a specific operator no longer give a 100% correct answer, so there is.

Let's return to the essence of the article, how to change the operator without changing the number?

Go to MegaFon. To transfer your number, in any case, you will need to contact a MegaFon communication salon, since to transfer you will need to conclude an agreement and receive a new SIM card to which your number will be linked. The transfer cost is 100 rubles and is non-refundable. An important point: the region of the number is preserved, that is, if you had MTS Moscow, then this number cannot become MegaFon of St. Petersburg, only MegaFon Moscow. The transferred number must be valid, registered in your name, with a positive balance, federal, not blocked, and at least 70 days have passed since the last transfer. There may be communication restrictions during the transfer. Funds from the old operator are not transferred to MegaFon, but you can pick them up by contacting the old telecom operator.

Go to MTS. The conditions for switching to MTS are slightly different. Compared to MegaFon, you can switch to MTS in 60 days from the date of the last switch. The transfer is carried out over several days in several stages, at each stage you will be informed about the current procedure.

Go to Beeline. I’ll just write down the specifics of transferring to Beeline. The number will be transferred no earlier than the ninth day from the date of application. It is possible to independently check the status of the application. On the Beeline SIM card (you will be given it at the time of submitting your application), dial the request: *444*1# call.

Go to Tele2. Compared to the others, there is a maximum period for consideration of an application for transfer (180 days), a minimum of 8 days.

Changing the operator without changing the number is quite simple.

As I understand it, to port your number you don’t even have to contact your previous operator, and paying 100 rubles to leave your number is, in my opinion, very inexpensive.

That's all, if you find any inaccuracies in the description or have an interesting story about number porting, I suggest you leave a comment in the form below, all comments will be considered.