Using Skype for dummies. Skype commands. Instructions for beginners. Step-by-step instructions: how to start using Skype

It has long and firmly entered the lives of many Internet users, helping to stay in touch with relatives and friends who are far away, conduct business negotiations without the need to travel thousands of kilometers by plane, and even study remotely. However, those who are just learning the basics of computer science often have questions about how to communicate on Skype. Let's try to understand this as simply and easily as possible.

What is needed to communicate via Skype?

So, in order to start communicating, it is necessary, in addition to actually installing the program on your computer, to have the following components:

  • decent internet speed;
  • webcams;
  • microphone;
  • speakers (or headphones).

Step-by-step instruction

It's easy to communicate on Skype, however, first you need to perform a number of actions that will allow you to fully use this program:

  • connect the devices indicated just above to the computer and, if necessary, install drivers for them;
  • download the program from the official website, selecting the version that matches your OS, and install it on your computer;
  • launch Skype and click on the link " Register a new user", go through the necessary procedure;
  • log into Skype, make the desired settings (for example, changing the language) and test the connected equipment. This can be done by calling Echo/Sound Test Service, and then analyzing the data regarding the quality of the connection, opening the corresponding tabs in turn. If there are any problems with the equipment, you can find out how to solve them from the communication quality manual;
  • find friends using the search bar and add them to your contact list by clicking the " button Add contact" After the person confirms the request, you can fully communicate with him. If you have a Facebook account, you can import friends from this network to Skype.

You can also make calls to regular phone numbers using Skype, for which there is a special button in the program. However, unlike calls between Skype subscribers, which are free, you will have to pay certain amounts for calls to telephone numbers (tariffs depend on the subscriber’s country), for which you need to pay in advance


You've probably ever had an emergency personal situation in which you needed advice from a loved one, when you just needed to communicate with your close friend who lives in a neighboring house, in another city or country. And not just communicate virtually, chatting or emailing, but see a familiar face, hear familiar intonations, a familiar soothing voice giving the right advice. Or if you are a boss and want to control a subordinate or simply consult with him face to face, and at the same time see your adviser and hear his voice. Or if you are a mother, you work, you want to hear the voice of your own son, but a call on a cell phone is too expensive, and via the Internet it would be cheaper.

Today this is not the author’s fantasy, but reality, and you can really talk and see your interlocutor, while information will be transmitted via the Internet. To do this, it is enough to have headphones, a webcam and a special Skype (or Skype) program. Today we will figure out what Skype is and how to use it.

What is Skype?

Skype (or Skype) is a program that allows you to communicate via the Internet with your colleagues, friends, and relatives around the world. The program was developed by Skype Limited. The program allows you to:

    Conduct individual correspondence, exchange messages with a work colleague, just like in other programs such as ICQ, QIP or Jabber.

    If you have a microphone and headphones, you can call a friend in a nearby city and just talk as if you were on the phone.

    If you have a webcam, microphone and headphones, then you can conduct a video conference, see the interlocutor, hear him and respond. You might say it's a video phone, but in reality the information is transmitted over the Internet, and you pay not for minutes, but for the number of megabytes sent and received.

The Skype program allows you to call your partner on a mobile phone, landline phone, or send SMS messages to a mobile phone. At the same time, you do not get up from your computer, choose a tariff that is favorable to you and pay less. Using Skype, you can call anywhere in the world, and calls from Skype to Skype will be completely free. If you have an urgent business trip and are unable to open Skype, you can forward calls and text messages.

The difference between Skype and other programs (the same ICQ, QIP or Jabber) is that you can chat with one person or with several dozen people at once whom you invite to your chat.

Just like in other programs, Skype allows you to send files, keep a notebook, receive news, go to other conferences whose topic is interesting to you, and also allows you to search for information without closing the program using the Google toolbar (the toolbar is customizable when installing the program).

The Skype developers have taken care of most users. The program works on the most famous platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Pocket PC.

How to use Skype?

First, you need to download the program for your platform from the program manufacturer’s website ( Run the installation file skypesetup.exe, then select your language, check the box that “accepts the terms of the license agreement.”

The Skype icon appears on the desktop. Before you start working with the program, check if you have a microphone, webcam, and headphones. Let's assume you have headphones and a microphone - that's enough to get started. Launch the program by double-clicking on the Skype icon, register, choose a nickname, set a photo, enter the personal data that you would like to be available for everyone to read.

Registration has ended and the main window has opened.

The main menu panel looks like: “File”, “Account”, “Call”, “Chats”, “View”, “Tools”, “Help”. Initially, all program settings are set to “default”, so we recommend that you start setting it up right away. Of course, you need to set up your microphone and webcam. To do this, you go to the “Tools” section, then select “Settings”, in the window that opens, in the “Sound Settings” subsection, set your audio device: assign the instrument for audio input, audio output, call, then select the “Save” button.

To find friends, go to the “Contacts” menu section, select “Search for Skype subscribers”, enter a name, email or nickname and search. You found the person you were looking for, and now, without closing the window, you can call him. To do this, right-click on the nickname of the person you found, select “Call” and wait for an answer.

If you need to call a cell phone or landline, then select the “Dial a number” tab, where you need to select the country and enter the number (without the country code). Then press the green key and wait for an answer - and you will definitely get through! To send an SMS to a person from the “Contacts” list, right-click and select “Send sms”.

Available payment methods include:

    Payment system Yandex-money:

    Diners, MasterCard or Visa credit cards:

    Moneybookers system using a credit card, debit card or bank account:

    Regular bank transfer.

All new functionality, updates, help, and tariffs for the Skype program can be found on the manufacturer’s website

We wish you successful communication! Now you can always be in touch with your work partners, close friends, and family.


2010-06-14 10:31:16 - Sergey

It's not good to copy other people's articles

2010-08-11 20:55:59 - Sophia

what if you only have headphones?

2010-09-21 19:58:40 - microb

Sophia. Just listen :)

2010-10-05 12:25:11 - Vericheva Ekaterina Maksimovna

How to install Skype?

2010-10-08 07:00:37 - Tanya

how much does it cost in rubles

2010-10-20 20:52:47 - Kalyan

How much does Skype and its services cost?

2010-10-20 23:51:19 - Olezhik

Okay, they'll definitely come up with something.

2010-10-27 08:04:40 - Alina Kalashnikova

hmm Skype is just terrible, there’s nothing clear there, I’d rather use

2010-10-28 13:25:04 - Shestak Oleg

Hello! Please tell me whether it is possible to communicate via Skype with several subscribers at once, if so, how? Thanks in advance for your answer.

2010-12-09 10:04:09 - Kerov Vladimir Genadevich

Can I install this Skype on a grave phone?

2010-12-09 23:40:21 - san4oz993

The Skype program is free, but the services are paid.

2010-12-19 23:10:23 - Ekaterina

is it possible to do this? so that it opens some time after turning it on, if possible, how? thank you in advance:)

2011-01-03 18:03:08 - Sergey Akharovitch Piryulyakin

You're all slow there

2011-01-05 23:23:21 - Alexander

find a friend by F, I city, year of birth??????

2011-01-12 20:34:26 - Ekaterina

Is it possible to communicate via Skype if I’m on a computer and the other person is on a phone?

2011-01-15 20:19:23 - Nikolay

this is the same as mail ru only the name is skype.

2011-02-04 13:28:55 - Lyudmila

I still don’t understand anything... if I have Skype (headphones, microphone, camera) and the other person has Skype, what should I do? 7 How to call, register, and find out that they are calling you?

2011-02-12 17:25:50 - Pichugin

Using Skype I can’t find Vladimin 10 2 1963 I’m contacting the robot, confirming that the settings on the account are correct, what’s wrong, I don’t understand?

2011-02-25 00:39:12 - Camilla

I know this is off topic, but tell me how to connect a webcam on a laptop? Please!!!

2011-02-27 16:23:01 - Filin Kirill Anatolyevich

Hello, I would like to clarify whether it is possible to communicate with other people via video conference and how? Please write either on the website or in the mail, here it is - [email protected]

2011-03-10 15:29:30 - Yura Belin

What are you talking about people???? What the hell is Skype! (Mail), this is a thing, it never lets you down... save your money.. ha:)

2011-03-29 16:16:23 -

Kerov Vladimir, why do you need Skype on your grave phone???))))) Most likely, you are unlikely to need it there..

2011-04-24 00:14:45 - Mikhail Chinese

I can't remember my password to log into SKYPE

2011-04-25 00:05:32 - VALERIY


2011-04-26 18:01:18 - Alexashka.

Well, guys, you give it. Mail, it doesn’t even hold a candle to SKYPE for sending large files.

2011-05-12 12:45:15 - Victoria Dmitrievna Kurashova 2011-05-14 16:44:33 - Victor Stadnik

Cool topic, SKYPE. Crimea, Donbass, Khabarovsk, Paris, video calls, no problems and it's free, I'm satisfied. Thanks SKYPE.

2011-05-27 16:09:15 - Fedya Pupkin

Interesting, but can’t I set up Skype for calls on Mabila? Or did the apsos pay so as not to waste?)

2011-06-13 21:27:49 - Elena

Thank you for the accessible (for those who are not very literate) information!

2011-06-14 09:22:11 - Furman Tetyana Yurivna

we can't use skype

2011-06-20 08:28:14 - Baluda Anri Petrovich

What if a VEB camera with a microphone and a speaker with a 3.5 mm jack

2011-08-04 09:05:09 - Kitten

Skype is a good thing. I’ve been in the game (online) for a long time, the guys and I decided that Skype will be our connection (it’s much better not to write in game chats, because private and clan members still read). We are in a group chat on Skype (there are 7 of us). A friend of mine is using Skype on her mobile phone. A second friend told me that she installed Skype on her phone. But the money seems to disappear through our fingers. Tell me how to install it on my phone? I still want to try it! But in the mail, I forget my password and login, I don’t even remember the last time I went there. If anyone has any ideas (or still know how to install it on a mobile phone), then look for me on Skype under the Skype login: - kitten222223 (and if you want to chat with me, write too, I love to chat!).

2011-09-11 04:27:36 - Lida

I understood everything except the cost)

2011-09-12 20:12:51 - shashki35ru

You have to pay for calls to mobiles and landlines

2011-09-19 14:21:05 - Valyushka

But if you have a microphone and not headphones, but rather one “ear”, which is also used on the phone, then you will be able to communicate x)?

2011-09-23 21:04:34 - igor 2011-10-09 17:11:06 - serge

How many Megabytes are there in a minute of Skype conversation?

2011-11-12 08:57:04 - MAKINA ALINA ANDREEVNA


2011-11-24 18:13:39 - Vanyok Makarov

Click on the plus (during a call, in the middle) and select “add interlocutor”

2011-12-07 22:24:19 - olga

who studied with a tutor on Skype, tell me, study for future use or is it better to see and hear the teacher with your own eyes, thank you

2012-01-05 19:20:39 - Teya Sharmanashvili (Karchava)

how to install skype on a grave phone?

2012-01-08 17:25:20 - Grachev Alexey Sergeevich

You can use Skype without a webcamape on your computer! and where does one pay for Skype services?

2012-01-18 16:31:50 -

and if you call from computer to computer throughout Russia, how much will it cost?

2012-02-19 18:30:42 - Elena

Without a web camera, you can pay at any terminal that is located in stores and on the streets!

2012-03-04 10:05:21 - nina

Thanks everyone! I thought I was the only one so stupid...

2012-03-10 11:53:41 - Sergey

people, tell me, is it possible to talk through a webcam in a counter strike?

2012-03-22 15:20:28 - Screamer

Some questions, but where are the answers?

2012-04-20 13:57:00 - Nastya

where are the answers?????

2012-05-21 05:08:11 - Shvetsova Alena Vladimirovna

how to install skype and how much it will cost in rubles

2013-05-07 23:36:55.319102 - minyakin konstantin evgenivit

how to call skype

2014-05-06 20:30:51.947109 - 2015-03-07 14:09:44.449982 - Aznorov Mikhail Aznorovich

Everyone asks questions, and no one answers the question. How can you master Skure in this manner?

Thanks to a simple program, seeing and hearing a person at a great distance has become very simple, although it once seemed like something impossible. Skype is the most worthy program for these purposes. The interface is designed in the most convenient way, so that even first-time users will figure out how to use Skype.

Skype is designed for conversations around the world. Its main functions are:

  1. Chat using instant messages
  2. Analogue of a telephone conversation
  3. Video calls

The advantages of Skype are obvious - stable communication during conversations, good quality images and free use of most functions. With the introduction of the latest updates, even group video conferences have become available for free. Undoubtedly, Skype has analogues, but it is especially popular and reliable. In addition to communicating on the Internet, you can call landlines and cell phones from Skype.

Skype does not make emergency calls (112, etc.).

Let's start getting acquainted

An obvious and logical step to understand how to use Skype is to visit the official website of this application. There you can study in more detail all the paid and free features of Skype, register your account and.

Let's start installing Skype on your computer. The process of getting acquainted with the program starts from the official website - downloading Skype, selecting the necessary parameters. Then run the exe file and follow the installation instructions. Here you may be offered additions to the program and additional settings.

Programs that are additionally installed with the main application may not always be useful to you, so carefully study this list and uncheck the boxes if you do not want them on your PC.

You can use Skype at any time, all you need is a good Internet connection. Once the installation is complete, you should see a blue and round Skype icon appear in both your Start panel and Desktop. Let's launch it.

On a blue background we see two fields: . Have you previously registered on the site? Enter your registration details here. If not, then there is a registration button to the right. There are no difficulties here, just follow the instructions and have a working and usable email address.

Scanning the interface

After clicking the “Login to Skype” button, the program itself will launch directly. We will be able to observe a window divided into two sectors. The left column will display a list of contacts, while there should only be one contact by default. On the right in the large field there will be popular contacts (those with whom you communicate most) and some kind of status feed of friends.

You can communicate via text messages immediately after you add any person you know who also uses Skype. To do this, there is a search bar above the contact field. You can enter your email address into it. your friend's email or login. In the results window we find the person we need and.

It is worth noting that neither the support team nor anyone else can or should ask for your account password. Adding suspicious contacts and communicating with them is dangerous for the integrity of your account.

What you need to make a call

We will look at how to talk on Skype a little later, until we decide what is needed for this:

  1. Headphones
  2. Microphone
  3. Webcam

Communicating on Skype only by text is boring, and that’s not what it was invented for. A video camera, microphone and headphones will allow you to call not only one person, but even a whole group. Several dozen users can simultaneously exchange text, data, documents and call each other.

First, let's study the settings of all those parts that were named in the previous paragraph. You won’t have to set up the headphones for a long time – just set the optimal volume level. There shouldn’t be any questions about how to use them either.

The most necessary element for communication is a microphone. There are no tricks to installing it either.

You need to install a webcam; if one voice is not enough, you need a picture. A useful Skype feature - video calling - allows you to do this. Quite modern devices can handle installation in a matter of minutes. Connect the webcam via a cord to the computer and the drivers will be found and downloaded by the computer itself.

In the Calls tab we can find Sound settings and Video. After installing the equipment on your computer, in these sections you need to make sure that Skype has selected the desired microphone and camera.

Making the first call

We select an interlocutor from our contact list and, if he is online, we begin communication. To call the user you need to click the Call button. To make a video call, click on the Video call button. When you hear the treasured beeps, like on a regular phone, you can rejoice - you have learned how to call on Skype.

It will not be possible to call a person who is not online, and the user may not pick up the phone on time. In this case, you should call again, but only after making sure that the subscriber is there and ready to communicate.

Calling a landline

As mentioned earlier, on Skype you can communicate not only with Internet users, but also call landline or mobile phones. This service is paid, but talking within the Skype network is free.

To talk from a computer in this situation, you need the same thing. Small instructions:

  1. Find the handset icon above the search field.
  2. The numeric keypad will open.
  3. Let's select the subscriber's country (where the national flag is).
  4. Let's dial the phone number.
  5. Click the Call or Send SMS button.

Please note that you can only call landlines by topping up your Skype account.

Living surrounded by the most modern technologies and services, it is difficult not to use them, especially if they make life easier. Every person should know how to use Skype. It is very useful. Previously, we did not see relatives from the far corners of our vast country for a very long time, now we can meet online with one click.

The important question for many people, how to use Skype, has a very simple answer. The process of using this messenger does not require special knowledge. Even 12 years ago, the developers of this program set themselves the goal of creating a functional type of software for cheap communication, taking into account that complex approaches to managing the program only reduces the number of its users. Since the task was to create a program for everyone, the menu, interface, everything had to be understandable even to a schoolchild. Thanks to this program, now the whole world communicates with each other by installing this software. To learn how to use Skype for free, it is important to understand what Skype is in general, and what requirements it imposes in order to be able to use its functions for free.

How to use Skype on a laptop or computer?

This program provides all its users with free communication if each of the communicating people has a stop. With its help, you can send various files, photos, text documents, and videos for free. It allows you to correspond in real time, as well as communicate in voice and video. The first and most important thing to do is to register for free with Skype.

Communication is possible with subscribers of this software located thousands of kilometers from each other. But it is not at all complicated, and does not require significant space in the system where it is installed. This application can be installed on a computer, laptop, or any gadget that has an OS and access to the Internet, the parameters of which allow you to use all the functions of this program most effectively.

Key features offered by Skype:

  • instant transmission of text messages;
  • the use of a microphone and headphones provides voice communication;
  • A video camera will allow you not only to conduct visual communication in real time, but also to make a conference call.

This application is designed for installation on almost all types of existing operating systems, allowing file exchange even between computers. Moreover, even having the question of how to use skype on tablet, computer or laptop, the answer will be practically no different. In addition, you can make calls to phones from Skype. True, here you will need to pay and top up your personal account in this system. This use of Skype is most often caused by necessity, which does not raise any complaints about the cost of calls.

The main question is how to use skype on computer, always requires that the program be already installed on the hardware itself. Only then can all its possibilities be considered.

  1. First, you need to download Skype from the official website by clicking on the link, which is done completely free of charge.
  2. When unpacking the resulting file, you must specify the location on the computer where the program will be stored, run the exe file, select the desired language in the window that opens, and decide whether the program needs to autorun or not.
  3. Now a Skype shortcut will appear at the bottom of the work area, which is used to log into the program. In order to use the application for the first time, it is advisable to immediately correctly connect all the necessary elements of the headset and video camera.
  4. The launch of the program will be marked by the requirement to register, where you need to select a login and password, and specify a mailbox for work.
  5. Next, the program’s working window will appear, in which there is a working area at the top where the program settings are controlled. They are initially installed by default. But in the process of work, everyone can use their own by entering this menu and working with its controls. First of all, the microphone is set up. In the “Tools” section, select “Sound Settings”, where the model of the already connected device is selected. Next – “Save”. To figure it out , how to use Skype video, it is enough, if you have the necessary accessories - a webcam, headphones and microphone, to make preliminary settings for the program, the first time you try to make a video call with the working system of the program. This option provides the ability to adjust image and sound quality. Moreover, the menu has additional settings for video that can be used by anyone who uses this program. If the camera is properly connected, the user's video should appear on the desktop. After completing all the setup operations, you must make a save. Otherwise the settings will not be applied.

By the way, question: how to use skype on laptop It practically disappears on its own. Everything in it will be identical, with the exception of the right to choose built-in or external audio speakers, as well as the camera. It's time to find your friends online. And here, to communicate with the interlocutor, it is important that he is online, since without this you will not be able to call.

Nowadays, people have the opportunity to use the dream of science fiction writers of the past - a video phone. Something similar is embodied in the form.

To start using this achievement of the human mind, you must first download the program. The easiest way to do this is on the official website ( The program is free, so you just need to choose the most convenient option: for your operating system, mobile phone, or even for your TV if it supports Skype.

Have you installed the program and registered and want to know what?

In order to contact the person you need, select “Add contact” in the “Contacts” menu. For a more convenient search, it is better to enter your Skype login or email address (provided that the interlocutor’s account is registered at this address). If you search only by first and last name, the program can return a huge number of people with the same first and last name. Therefore, you will have to search using additional criteria (city, photo, etc.). You can also import contacts from social networks and various services (Yandex, Facebok, Outlook and others). After finding the desired contact, click the “Add” button. After this action, a message will be sent to the person with your request to add him to your contact list. After he confirms your request, the contact link will appear in your list and you can communicate with each other.

Communication occurs in several ways. You can choose the most convenient one. The first way is video calls. Of course, they will require a webcam and microphone not only for you, but also for your interlocutor. In extreme cases, a microphone will be enough, but you won’t be able to see each other. To make a call, select the desired contact from the list. After this, two buttons will appear at the top: “Video call” and “Phone call”. All you have to do is select the one you need and start communicating.

Using the sequence of actions “Tools - Special Needs - Screen Reader Mode”, you can show your interlocutor what is happening on your computer monitor.

Don't forget that a video call requires a lot of data, so it can be quite expensive. However, you can call your mobile or home phone. If the phone number for the contact has already been entered, then simply click “Phone Call”. If the number does not exist yet, it is not difficult to add it. Near this button, select the menu and open “Add phone number”. You can also call a person who is not in your contacts. To do this, click the “Calls to phones” button on the left above the contact list. Then select your country and enter the phone number using the keyboard (if you are calling abroad, you may need a translator program).

Please note that calls to phones are a paid service, while calls through the program itself are free. To use the call service, you need to deposit money into your account and select the tariff that suits you. You can deposit money from your mobile phone, through the Webmoney or Yandex.Money payment systems, as well as using bank cards.

If you wish, you can also communicate using text messages in the style of ICQ or "". Using the “+” button, you can send files to your interlocutor, a list of your contacts, show your monitor, or even add additional interlocutors to your conversation.

Thus, with the help of Skype we get additional opportunities for communication.