Show instant notifications. SMS notification VK: how to set up, what to do

The modern generation can no longer imagine themselves being offline for a long time. We are constantly online. Connecting with people has become easier thanks to social media. In them, in particular, you can send a message to a person and track whether the user read it or not.

Even if the interlocutor is not online at the moment, you can be sure that he will know about the attempt to contact him and enter into correspondence. All thanks to the modern push notification function that appears on the screen of your smartphone or tablet.

Brief educational program

Push notifications are short pop-up notifications that appear on the device screen and report various changes, important events and updates. Push notifications have become extremely popular, because it makes it possible not to lose sight of anything important. The vast majority of the function is disabled and enabled at the user’s request. It can be configured both in the gadget as a whole and in individual applications in particular. This is a convenient way to be in quick contact with friends, relatives, colleagues and acquaintances.

Formulation of the problem

It is very difficult to imagine the modern world without VKontakte. Obviously, this social network has an application for iOS devices. Any application has problems, and VKontakte was no exception. Either the process of listening to music becomes difficult, or notifications about messages and publications stop appearing on the screen. The question of why notifications from the VKontakte application stop coming is worrying more and more modern people who use Apple products. There are a number of reasons why this situation may occur, and in each case there is a specific solution.

The question of why notifications do not arrive on the iPhone "VKontakte" is asked by many users. Most often, the alerts do not disappear at all. If the application is running, message notifications are still displayed on the screen. Complete silence occurs only when you minimize the application from processes. It was after this that many people stopped receiving notifications on their iPhones on VKontakte. The reason for this phenomenon will be explained below.

"VKontakte" has nothing to do with it

Although the problem is relevant at the moment, there have been no official comments from representatives of the popular social network on this issue. They are confident that no problems can arise from the application itself. Constant release of updates is aimed at ensuring that this problem does not occur.

Why did I stop receiving notifications on my iPhone VKontakte?

Most likely, the reason for false notifications lies in the server. In order for you to receive notifications about a variety of events on your page, you need to clearly and correctly configure both the gadget itself with the iOS operating system and your VKontakte account. Then everything will work correctly, and you will be able to be in prompt communication with your VK friends. So, if you have stopped receiving notifications on your iPhone on VKontakte, you should perform some manipulations with the device.

What do we have to do?

The developers are currently working on the bugs. You can try to return notifications to normal mode on your own. So far there are several tips from users of Apple devices, and these methods in most cases help resolve the issue. First, you need to make sure that the latest, most current versions of both VK and software are installed on your gadget.

  • The first way is to check if notifications are turned on at all. And you shouldn’t be indignant, because most often this is precisely the problem. The user accidentally refuses to receive notifications without reading the information in the pop-up window, or the failure occurs automatically. In any case, the first thing you need to do is check the settings. Open the notification item in them and look for VK in the list of installed applications.
  • If the corresponding option is active, go to the application itself and try the second method - check the VK settings. The reason that notifications on VKontakte stopped coming to the iPhone may lie in the application itself. In the push notification line we include everything that is necessary. To be sure, you can reboot the gadget.
  • If this does not return everything to its place, we use the third method. You need to log out (exit) from the VKontakte application and log in again. After this, it is better to reboot the device.
  • The fourth method is to delete the VKontakte application from your iPhone or iPad, and then after some time install it again in the AppStore.

If all these steps have been completed and notifications on iPhone "VKontakte" stopped coming again, the problem is still in the server. You can notify the application developers about existing problems through the support service or in reviews on the AppStore and wait for Vkontakte to be corrected.

VKontakte has the ability to receive notifications when a user or community has published a new entry. This way you will always know if a person or group is active.

Now I'll show you how it works and teach you how to turn on notifications.

Notifications about user entries

It should be noted that even if the user is your friend, notifications about new publications do not work (see). They need to be activated manually.

If a person posts a new post, you will receive a message about it. A pop-up window will appear in the lower left corner of the screen with a corresponding message. Also in the notifications section, there will be a note indicating that a new entry has appeared.

We have to get to the right person on the page. Now open the menu located just below his profile photo. And select the item from the list "Notify about posts".

You will now receive notifications about new posts. You can unsubscribe from updates here by selecting the item in the menu "Do not notify about posts".

How to enable notifications about new posts in a group

It works with communities in a similar way. Go to the desired group and open the menu. Select an item "Notify about posts".

Now in the notification block, you can see the latest posts in the community.

We unsubscribe by analogy.

Subscribe to updates from mobile

If you have a task to activate notifications from your mobile phone, you need to act in the same way. We go to the user’s page and open the menu located in the upper right corner of the screen. Then click “Notify about new posts”.

As you can see, the process is very similar.


This feature is especially relevant if you need to monitor the activity of a popular user. He is unlikely to approve your friend request. But by activating notifications, you can learn about his new posts.


In contact with

The functionality of the social network is designed in such a way that users feel comfortable. Notifications are provided so that the profile owner can receive information about ongoing changes and news. This is very convenient because it allows you to avoid constantly visiting your account to view updates. If VK notifications do not arrive, then the cause of such problems should be established.

Owners of Meizu, Xiaomi and Apple (iPads and iPhones) preferably contact technical support with problems. The reason is failures of push notifications responsible for iOS applications. Some owners of personal profiles have learned to troubleshoot problems themselves:

  • Log in to the system again.
  • Uninstall the application and install it again.

This method does not help everyone, but most managed to solve the issue this way. It is best to contact customer technical support to determine the true dysfunction and take steps to combat it.

VKontakte notifications stopped coming to Android

If VKontakte notifications do not arrive on mobile device, then you should check whether the function is enabled in the social network profile and on the device itself. To check the settings on Android:

  1. Go to the “On the Lock Screen” section.
  2. Activate the “Show notifications” option.

Most often, the system begins to work unstable after installing updates. It is recommended to manually recheck the settings each time so as not to remain unnotified. Standard updates disrupt settings, requiring additional manipulations from users. This issue will be resolved soon.

VKontakte notifications do not work on iPhone Post

There are notifications in the application itself, but the user does not receive them when the application is closed. This is not about shortcomings of the developers of the social network, but about incorrect settings of the mobile device. The reason is the server. Correct operation occurs only after all necessary adjustments have been made.

The developers are taking measures to eliminate existing problems. Among the main recommendations is the installation of current versions of the program. If all of the above adjustments fix the problem only temporarily, then the problem lies in the server.

Notifications do not arrive in VK in Safari

When you first log into a social network through a browser, you must agree to receive notifications, having previously indicated which of them will give notifications. For correct operation, you should use the latest version. It is recommended to enable automatic updates to ensure the system works correctly.

The reason is a system failure that was not initially foreseen. The solution to this issue is simple:

  1. Set the correct time zone and time. Incorrect data negatively affects the operation of notifications. To change the parameters, go to the “Settings”, “Auto-detection of time and time zone” section. Select the time zone and date. Reboot the mobile device.
  2. Enable the “Show Contents” function. Go to “Settings” in the “Protection and blocking” subsection. Select "Show content". In the “Notifications” section, check the connection of the device you are using. If necessary, activate the switch.
  3. Disable "Background Data Limitation". Go to the “Options” section and disable active restrictions. After this, notifications will arrive both when Wi-fi is turned on and when you have a mobile Internet connection.
  4. Turn off energy saving. If the battery is low, many mobile devices activate a power-saving mode. Some applications can be deactivated, including VKontakte.

If notifications stop coming, you should determine the reason and take appropriate measures. If one method does not work, then you should try others.

Why don’t I receive notifications in VK on my computer?

When using the social network on a PC, some account owners also experience problems. More often we are talking about malicious software that can be infected when opening an advertisement. It's best to play it safe by installing an antivirus.

  • In the “Settings” of the browser, go to the “Clear history” section.
  • Restart your PC and check the functionality of the application.

If the problem is not resolved, then you need to go to “Settings” in your personal profile, go to the “Alerts” subsection and check the notifications that are necessary from the proposed list.

How to make VK notifications arrive

First, you need to find out why notifications are not coming to VK, and then follow the steps described above. If this does not help solve the problem, it is recommended to clear the list of previously received alerts:

  1. Go to "Settings".
  2. Click "Clear Answers".
  3. Select the item that shows a magnifying glass.
  4. Clear history by specifying a time period.

You can ask the developers of the social network why notifications are not received in VK on your phone. Company employees will diagnose and take measures to eliminate the problem. If necessary, the user will receive step-by-step guidance in order to enable notifications.

If VKontakte notifications do not arrive on Android or iPhone, then there are reasons for this. First, you need to check whether notifications are connected, and then look at other causes of problems if notifications do not start arriving. Some users don't want to deal with all the intricacies, so they contact customer support directly. The developer promises to fix system crashes soon.

Today we will tell you how to turn off notifications in conversations in which many social network users participate. This information will be useful for those who like to chat in chats with a large number of participants, but are tired of constant notifications about new messages. And today you will learn how to remove notifications and new messages altogether.

If a large number of people are participating in the chat, and you are on VKontakte, but do not want to take part in the conversation at the moment because you are busy with other things, then you know how annoying or disturbing sound notifications about new messages can be. Today you will learn how to turn off notifications .

Disable notifications in conversations

So, now in VKontakte it is possible to turn off pop-up visual and audio notifications in chats where a large number of network users are sitting. To remove alerts, you need to click on the “Actions” button in the dialog. In the menu you will see the “Turn off notifications” function. Hover your mouse over this item and left-click on it. You can see new messages in the chat itself. Today you will learn not only how to remove notifications , but also how to turn them back on.

A chat in which you have disabled notifications about new messages will be marked with an icon with a crossed out speaker. You can see this icon when you scroll through the list of all dialogues, and also, if you enter this chat, you will see an icon next to the name of the conversation. As you can see, it's even easier than .

Turn on notifications in conversations

To re-enable sound notifications in Contact that a new chat message has arrived, you must again go to the “Actions” section, which is located in the upper right corner and select “Enable notifications”. But dialogues have improved not only in this, but also in displaying the search when you select an interlocutor. The size of user avatar thumbnails has also changed; dialogues are now displayed using a special icon.

How to turn off notifications for all messages

And now we will tell you what to do if you want to remove notifications about new messages completely. To prevent you from getting bored with the intrusive sound of messages or text notifications, you need to go to “My Settings” and select the “Alerts” section. In this section you will see: “Instant notifications on the site.” Just below are the items: “Show message text” and “Enable sound alerts”.

You will see check marks opposite the items. Uncheck the box next to the item that interests you. If you turn off sound notifications completely, you will no longer hear when you receive a new message. If you uncheck the box next to “Show message text,” new messages will no longer be displayed in the lower left corner. Check the boxes next to these two items or one of them.

Here you can also adjust notifications about other events. If you click on the “Notify about all events” link, a drop-down window will open in front of you in which you can completely or partially turn off notifications in Contact. You can set up alerts for things that interest you, such as messages, friend requests, replies in comments, likes, and more. This will make using VKontakte even more convenient.

It goes without saying that every modern person has an account on some social network and a mobile phone.

At the same time, it is very convenient to connect these things into a single chain in order to receive VK SMS alerts directly to your mobile device while on the road, on vacation or at work.

Using the SMS notification function, you can monitor incoming messages on the VK user profile, and also (for an additional fee) respond to incoming messages using return SMS.

This is certainly very convenient in a situation where there is no way to connect to the Internet, when only mobile communications are available.

SMS informing VK (notification via SMS) is an excellent and free way to constantly stay in touch, tracking account news, viewing incoming messages from friends and family anywhere in the world where mobile communications are available, even without access to the Internet.

SMS notification VK - this will be the topic of the next article on the site, because not every reader is able to independently configure this option in the VK user’s personal account. And it is for such people that the following information will be useful.

Setting up SMS notification for VK

1. First, log into your own account in Contact using secret data - Login to enter the system and Password.

2. Go to the “My Settings” section and go to the “Alerts” tab

3. Here we go down to the second sub-item – the “Notification via SMS” section and carefully study the available settings options. Here we check the box next to “Receive SMS alerts” and set the frequency of alerts.

(in the screenshot the “never notify” frequency is selected, but you will have to select some other option)

Note: if the reader wants SMS notifications immediately after new messages arrive, the optimal frequency would be the “Always notify” option. Otherwise, SMS messages will arrive much less frequently (once a week, a month, etc.).

By the way, SMS notifications are available only to users who have linked their phones to their personal VK pages!!!

If your phone number is not yet linked to your account page, we recommend starting the procedure by solving this problem, and only then setting up an SMS alert.

3. Set the time interval when we want to receive VK notifications, so that annoying SMS do not arrive on the phone during our night sleep, for example)))

4. The last step will be confirmation of your actions (changes) via SMS, which will be sent to the mobile phone number linked to the page.

Everything is simple here - the VK system will send you a message with a secret code, which you must enter in the empty field of the window and click “Save”.

5. You can find out how to respond to received notifications so that the answers reach your friends and comrades here on the VK website by following the corresponding link “More about SMS replies”.

We will not dwell on this option, because... the options can be very diverse, which does not fit well into the typical standard instructions.

We only note that such responses via SMS to VK alerts are paid, their cost depends on your mobile plan, tariff, as well as a host of other options and nuances. If necessary, the reader can independently study and use this opportunity.

In addition, any parameters you enter can be easily edited and edited later.

To put it simply, there is no need to be afraid of mistakes, because... all of them can be corrected in the future by optimally setting up notification of personal VK messages via SMS. Having received an SMS notification of incoming messages, you will always know when the expected message has been received and that your opponent is waiting for a return response.

Everything is simple and as convenient as possible!

Use it for your health and pleasure!