Search a word document using keyboard shortcuts. Microsoft Word Hot Key Combinations

Working in Microsoft Office will be much more efficient and faster if you know the keyboard shortcuts for, for example, highlighting text and underlining or undoing actions. This is much more convenient than, for example, selecting Undo from the Edit menu with the mouse. It will be much faster to just click ctrl+z. These hotkeys work not only in the MS Office program, but also in others, as well as in the Windows operating system itself.

These combinations work with all versions of Office products up to

Explanation: when designating, I use the “+” sign, which does not mean that you need to press it on the keyboard, you just need to press the keys before and after it.

So, when pressing the keyboard shortcuts:

Ctrl+O- Explorer will open, with which you can find and open a Microsoft Word document on your computer.

Ctrl+N- creating a new Microsoft Word document.

Ctrl+S or Shift+F12- saving a Microsoft Word document on your computer.

Ctrl+W- closing the document.

Alt+F4- exit Microsoft Word.

Ctrl+P- printing for this Microsoft Word document.

Ctrl+Z- undoes the last action in a Word document.

Ctrl+Y- returns the last undone action in a Word document.

Ctrl+A- all text in the Microsoft Word document will be highlighted.

Ctrl+X- the selected text will be cut out.

Ctrl+C- the selected text will be copied.

Ctrl+V- the selected text will be pasted.

Ctrl+B- the selected text will change to bold text.

Ctrl+I- the selected text will change to italics.

Ctrl+U- the selected text will be underlined.

Ctrl+H- find and replace text.

Сtrl+F2- document preview.

Ctrl+Shift+W- the selected text will be underlined without spaces.

Ctrl+Shift+D- the selected text will be underlined with a double line.

Сtrl+Shift+G– document statistics.

Ctrl+Shift+C- copying the selected text format.

If you place the cursor in front of a word and press the keys Ctrl+Shift+RIGHT ARROW then one word will be highlighted.

Shift+End- one line will be selected BEFORE the positioned cursor.

Shift+Home- one line will be selected AFTER the positioned cursor.

Shift+Pg Up- the text with the page up will be highlighted.

Shift+Pg Dn- the text with the page down will be highlighted.

Shift+F3– makes the selected text in capital letters.

Ctrl+]- the selected text will be enlarged (the font will become larger).

Ctrl+[- the selected text will shrink (the font will become smaller).

Ctrl+equal sign- the selected text will change to lower index.

Ctrl+ Shift+plus sign- the selected text will change to superscript.

Ctrl+Shift+K- the selected text will be changed to small capital letters.

Ctrl+L- the selected text in the word document will be aligned to the left.

Ctrl+R- selected text in a Microsoft word document will be aligned to the right.

Сtrl+E- the selected text in the Word document will be centered.

Ctrl+J- the selected text in the document will be aligned in width.

Ctrl+F- a search window will open (to search for text in the document).

While holding down the key Ctrl and scrolling the video with the mouse, the scale in the Microsoft Word document changes.

Alt+Shift+D- insert the current number, date and year.

Alt+Shift+T- insert current time.

Alt+Ctrl+L- insert numbering.

Alt+Ctrl+ minus sign- an em dash will be displayed in the Word document.

Alt+Ctrl+ period sign- an ellipsis will be set in the word document.

When working in a text editor, one of the most important conditions for dynamic work is the use of so-called hot keys, that is, the ability not to select a button or menu item with the mouse pointer, but to replace this method of issuing commands to the program by pressing certain keys. Eliminating the need to switch from keyboard to mouse significantly improves your work speed and eliminates distractions. Keyboard combinations in Word can be used for a variety of purposes, including for inserting special characters - for some of them there are system shortcuts that can be changed, and for all others you can program the keyboard yourself. It is very simple and does not require any special skills or knowledge. As a rule, a key combination in Word involves one, two or three modeling, command (ctrl, alt, shift) and one of the keys of the main or numeric block of the keyboard.

How to quickly find out the keyboard shortcut for some commands

You can see keyboard shortcuts in Word for some commands by hovering your mouse over the menu button and waiting a bit. After this, a “tip” will be shown with the name of the command, a combination of hot keys and a description of the command. For example, if you hover over the button with the letter “F” on the “Home” tab, a tooltip will appear with the following text: “Bold (Ctrl+B). Applying bold to selected text." The entry in parentheses shows that pressing two keys simultaneously - ctrl and B - will change the formatting of the selected text fragment. It is worth noting that when a letter is indicated, this means, of course, the Latin alphabet, so in this case you should press not the D/B key, but the B/I key.

The number of commands potentially used by the application user is so large that learning absolutely all the combinations is not necessary, and even impossible. In this article we will focus on the most popular commands, as well as how to program the keyboard yourself.

Em and en dash

Both short and em dashes in Word are inserted using a key combination with a certain working skill without any delay in typing.

These signs must be placed in Russian-language texts according to the rules of Russian spelling, while the em dash is used mainly in professional book layouts intended for printing on paper, but even in such files, layout designers often use the en dash - it all depends on the graphics of the text and the chosen font ( narrow font or poetic text with short lines do not require a long character). A dash differs from a hyphen in that it is placed between words, and not inside compound words. Its graphic difference from a hyphen is that, firstly, it is longer, and secondly, in most cases it is surrounded by spaces (with the exception of recording time and spatial segments, for example: “Train Samara-St. Petersburg” (the first character here is a dash, the second is a hyphen), “In 1985-1987 he served in the ranks of the Soviet army”).

System (preset) combinations for these characters are as follows:

Em dash in Word: key combination alt+ctrl+num-. (The plus sign does not need to be pressed - it is only needed when writing and means that the keys must be pressed simultaneously. Num- is the minus sign on the numeric keypad (located to the right of the alphabetical one). Check that this key block is turned on: the NumLock indicator should be lit , the block itself is turned on by a key with the same name.)

En dash in Word: key combination ctrl + num- .

The sequence of actions is simple. In order to insert an em dash or em dash in Word using a key combination, just place the cursor at the desired location and press the keys simultaneously. For both the short and em dashes in Word, the key combination can be changed - this is especially true for those who work on laptops whose keyboard requires additional actions to turn on the number pad. How to independently assign hot combinations is described in a special paragraph of this article.

Selecting text fragments

Selecting text in Word using a key combination rather than using the mouse is especially convenient in three cases: when you are processing or typing text on the keyboard and switching to the mouse is inconvenient, as this causes delays in work; when using a laptop to which a standard mouse is not connected, instead of which a touch panel is used, the precise operation of which requires a certain patience and skills; when you need to gradually and carefully highlight lines while reading or studying text.

Text is selected by simultaneously pressing the shift key and one of the arrow keys. Thus, the right arrow will highlight the fragment located to the right of the cursor, and the down arrow will highlight the part of the line to the right of the cursor and the line below the cursor. You can also use the arrows to deselect: if you selected an extra character using the right arrow, press the left arrow, and this character will again be unselected.

To select a line to the end without repeatedly pressing the right arrow, use the end key, and vice versa - the home key while pressing shift will select the entire part of the line from the beginning to the cursor.

You can use the shift key combination with page down or page up to select large sections of text. Alternating these arrow keys will allow you to make voluminous yet precise selections.

Select all

“Select all” in Word using a key combination is much faster than by scrolling through pages for a long time with the left mouse button pressed. Selecting all text (the contents of a file) is required, as a rule, to copy it to another file or to delete it, but no less often it is necessary to format the entire text (apply the same settings to all the contents of the document at once).

To “select all” in Word, the key combination you need is very simple: ctrl+A (the English letter A, located on the same key as the Russian F). There is no need to switch to Latin. To remember this combination, it is enough to understand that A is the first letter of the English word all (all).

This combination works not only in this text editor, but also in most other applications that involve working with text, for example, in browsers. If you need to copy the entire content of a web page, click on any area on the page and then press ctrl+A, all elements will be selected.

The same goes for working with tables. If you need to select all the cells, click on any area inside the table and press the keys, the entire table will be selected.

Non-breaking space

For professional text design, and even more so for book layout, it is often necessary that words or characters within a paragraph be placed on the same line of the paragraph, and not on adjacent ones. For example, first of all, this concerns the recording of initials: they should not be torn off from each other and from the surname: for example, the initials L.S. should not be torn off (located on the previous line) from Vygotsky, the name should be located on one line, and do not carry over to the next one. Secondly, the decoding of numerical signs and their abbreviations cannot be transferred to another line: for example, the number 1999 should not be separated from the year (a very common layout error, when the number is located at the end of one line, and the decoding (g.) is at the beginning next). Also, according to layout rules, you cannot separate a dash from the previous word (the line should not begin with a dash). However, a text editor can arrange characters in a line so that it is in these places - between initials or between a number and an abbreviation - that the line boundary passes.

In all these and in many other cases, at the problematic place where the line should not be broken, a sign should be placed that will combine the words into a formally single word that cannot be transferred to the next line. This is called a "non-breaking space". In Word, the key combination for it is ctrl+alt+space.

Often there is a need not so much for a non-breaking space, but for a space of a fixed size - for the neat design of paragraphs and for prohibiting long empty spaces between words when aligning text in width. In this case, the sign described above is also suitable, that is, for a short space in Word, the key combination ctrl+alt+space is also suitable. This technique is often used when designing headings or headers of a document, as well as when designing table cells.


One of the most common operations when working with Word documents is transferring fragments from one part of the document to another or to another document. It is much more convenient to initiate both the “copy” and “paste” commands in Word using key combinations than using the context menu. Select the required piece of text and press ctrl+C at the same time. What was selected will be placed by the program on the clipboard. Place the cursor in the place where you want to paste (in the same or another file) and press ctrl+V - the last fragment you copied will be pasted.

This keyboard shortcut for both commands is almost universal for all applications; it can be used both in browsers and in other text editors, and many graphic editors, for example, Adobe package programs, also support these hotkeys.

There are other key combinations in Word for these operations: Each of these options is convenient in its own way. The second of the described options can only be performed with the right hand - because of this, it seems preferable to many.

Search by document

One of the main advantages of working with an electronic text document is the ability to quickly search for a word or any combination of characters, including non-printable ones. This allows you to quickly navigate a new book when you need to quickly find or check information, and also significantly speeds up work with large amounts of text being edited or created. There is a button in the main menu to call the search window; however, as in other cases, it is more convenient to call it using the keyboard. Finding any character, combination of words or an individual word in Word using a key combination is certainly much faster than being distracted by the mouse and looking for the corresponding button in the menu.

So, to open a window with a document search line, press ctrl+F. In the search bar, enter the word you want to search for. Please note that the text editor is looking for a combination of characters, and not a lexical unit, that is, it will find, unlike an Internet search engine, only the form of the word that you entered.

This keyboard shortcut is also relevant for many programs: it can be used to search the page in browsers and in many other applications.


If your goals include not only searching, but also automatically replacing found combinations, press ctrl+G, and the search window will open on the desired tab. Autocorrect in Word using a keyboard shortcut is especially necessary when it comes to the same type of editing of a large document. For example, an erroneous spelling of a name needs to be changed throughout a document, or letters in initials need to be swapped.

You can also repeat the action by pressing the F4 key.

Are there keys for accent marks?

There is no key combination as such for the accent mark in Word.

Inserting an accent mark is a stumbling block for many Word users. Many fonts come with a variety of diacritics that are similar to accents, but many of them require additional formatting (for example, the accent may be inserted between letters instead of above them), and others have the wrong shape, size, etc. If in professional layout programs this problem is solved by adjusting the kerning, then here the issue of inserting an accent can be solved by assigning special hotkeys for the character you like and once selected.

For example, for the diameter sign in Word, the key combination is also set along the same path for all. They can be assigned to absolutely any symbol.

Assigning and changing keys

Keyboard combinations are assigned to characters in Word using the main menu. Go to the “Insert” tab and find the “Symbol” button on the left. Open it and select "More Symbols". A window will appear for inserting symbols, managing them, and assigning keyboard shortcuts to them.

Select a font, and then any character from the list of this font - left-click on it. At the bottom of the window you can see what system key combination this symbol has, if it exists: just search for the words “key combinations”. If you are not satisfied with it or if it is missing, you can assign keys for this symbol yourself.

Click on the “Keyboard Shortcuts” button and in the window that opens, find the “New Keyboard Shortcut” field. Place the cursor there and press the keys that you want to assign. These can be two or three keys, and one of them must be ctrl or alt, you can add shift to them (one of them, without ctrl or alt, cannot be used as a basic modeling key) and any other key. After clicking, a record of the names of these keys should appear in the field.

The Current Assignment entry will remind you what command is assigned to these keys. For example, as mentioned above, the combination ctrl+V is the system combination for the “paste” command. This always needs to be changed, but will it be convenient? Then the insert will need to be assigned a new combination. And in this case, the habit developed while working with your computer may fail you if you work on another machine.

You can also choose the accent mark you like in Word, the key combination is assigned in the same way, and then you won’t have to choose the right one among many similar signs again - you just need to remember the key combination once.

Special characters

On the Special Characters tab, you can see which keys are assigned to special punctuation characters that are not on your keyboard. These are, for example, a paragraph sign, an ellipsis, an em dash, an en dash, a non-breaking space, a non-breaking hyphen, a copyright symbol, a trademark, etc. For some of them, the system may not assume preset symbols, and their insertion is possible only by selecting a symbol with the mouse. For another part, the combination may not be entirely convenient (for example, the keys may be located far from each other on the keyboard, that is, they must be pressed with both hands) - in any case, any key combinations in Word can be reprogrammed.

Hotkeys not related to inserting characters

In addition to inserting or searching for specific characters, you can also assign keyboard shortcuts to almost any command. The need for this may arise primarily when you constantly use the same function and would like to optimize it. For example, when designing text documents, it is often necessary to change the size of characters (increase or decrease them), and using the mouse and menu button for this is extremely inconvenient.

In order to find out which key combination corresponds to a particular command, you need to go to the Word settings. Click on the Office button (the round button with the Microsoft Office logo in the upper left corner) and in the menu that opens at the bottom, find the “Word Options” button. Next, in the list on the left, find “Settings”. At the bottom of the window that opens, click “Keyboard shortcut: settings.”

To find the command you are interested in, you need to understand how the window that opens is organized. On the left there is a list with the names of the program tabs (main, insert, review, markup, etc.). If you select one of them, a list of commands corresponding to this tab will appear on the right. If you select one of them, you can find a description of each command below. For example: “Home” tab - Command: ShrinkFont - Description: “Reducing the size of the character in the selected fragment.” The corresponding keys are written in the “Keyboard shortcut” field: Ctrl+(. To change them to others (for example, to better remember or for some other purpose), place the cursor in the “New keyboard shortcut” field and press the desired one. Combination keys in Word for the selected command will change.

Thus, the Word application allows you to quickly find out which key combination is programmed by default, as well as change any combinations to your own and set shortcuts for those commands that were not initially assigned keys. Set up keyboard shortcuts gradually, as you work and as the need arises, and in this case there will be no problems with memorization and automation. If the need to use a command arises only from time to time, create a “cheat sheet” file with a list of preset and assigned keys.

We guarantee you that if you read this material and use this information in your work, using hot keys will reduce your working time significantly!

To simplify working with a computer, basic and frequently repeated actions were duplicated by the developers into keyboard shortcuts. So, working in a certain program and pressing a combination of hot keys, you will get a certain result. This could be opening a menu, copying data, and much more. Please note that there are constant shortcuts that are the same for all programs - a prime example is Ctrl+C, which means copying active data. And keyboard shortcuts that only work in a specific program.

Today we will look at the basic hotkey combinations for Microsoft Word. In our work we will use the 2010 version of the editor.

We control the program from the keyboard

For your convenience, all combinations considered will be divided into groups.

Pay attention to how the recording should be transcribed. The writing involves the designation of a separate key - a separate letter or control button. The "+" sign indicates that these buttons must be pressed together to get the result.

As an example, consider the following entry - closing the active window Alt+F4. This means that in order to close the currently active window, you should press the Alt and F4 keys on your keyboard.

General tasks

note. In the previous article, we discussed in detail how to convert pdf to word. You can use it for your own purposes.

We'll start by looking at the Word program's hotkeys, which are responsible for general management tasks.

  • To create a non-breaking space use CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR
  • To add a non-breaking hyphen - CTRL+HYPHEN
  • If you need to put bold style - CTRL+B
  • In turn, italic style is set - CTRL+I
  • Underline - CTRL+U
  • If you change font parameters, then reduce to the previous size - CTRL+SHIFT+<
  • Accordingly, increase to the next one - CTRL+SHIFT+>
  • If you need to decrease the current font by 1 value - CTRL+[
  • Enlarge - CTRL+]
  • To remove element formatting - CTRL+SPACEBAR
  • Copying the active object - CTRL+C
  • Deleting the active object - CTRL+X
  • And paste it - CTRL+V
  • To use paste special, press - CTRL+ALT+V
  • If you need to paste only formatting - CTRL+SHIFT+V
  • To undo the last action - CTRL+Z
  • And here is its repetition - CTRL+Y
  • To open the "Statistics" window - CTRL+SHIFT+G

Documents and web pages

note. inserted using the built-in editor.

Let's get acquainted with the functions of creating documents, viewing them and saving them. The following word hotkeys will help us with this.

  • If we have already worked with some document and want to create a new one of the same type - CTRL+N
  • If you need to open a document - CTRL+O
  • Closing a document - CTRL+W
  • If you need to split the document window - ALT+CTRL+S
  • To remove the created division, press - ALT+SHIFT+C
  • Save the document by pressing - CTRL+S

Find and replace in a document

note. All kinds can be downloaded from our website.

Microsoft word hotkeys will allow us to search a document using specified criteria and, if necessary, replace characters, words and sentences.

  • Finding information in a document - CTRL+F
  • Repeat the search using previously specified criteria - ALT+CTRL+Y
  • Replacement of characters is carried out using the keys - CTRL+H
  • Go to document elements - CTRL+G
  • To move between the last four places where changes were made, press - ALT+CTRL+Z
  • To open a list of search options, press - ALT+CTRL+HOME
  • If you need to move to the place of the previous change - CTRL+PAGE UP
  • And if to the next one - CTRL+PAGE DOWN

Document viewing modes

Hotkeys for the Word program can help us set up document viewing modes.

  • Activating markup mode - ALT+CTRL+P
  • Enabling structure mode - ALT+CTRL+O
  • Draft mode - ALT+CTRL+N

We work in the "Structure" mode

This mode makes it easier to work with a document that contains a large amount of information.

  • If you need to move a paragraph to a higher level - ALT+SHIFT+LEFT ARROW
  • In turn, to the lower one - ALT+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW
  • Make paragraph body text - CTRL+SHIFT+N
  • Move selected paragraphs up - ALT+SHIFT+UP ARROW
  • If you need to expand the text located under the heading - ALT+SHIFT+PLUS SIGN
  • To collapse it - ALT+SHIFT+MINUS SIGN
  • Expand or collapse all headings, or all text - ALT+SHIFT+A
  • Show/hide character formatting - Slash (/) on the numeric keypad
  • If you need to display all the text, or the first line of the main text - ALT+SHIFT+L
  • Show all headings that are formatted with the "Heading 1" style - ALT+SHIFT+1
  • Tab character - CTRL+TAB

Preview, Print

Once we've created a Word document and edited it, we can use the preview to get an idea of ​​how everything will look on paper. And then print it.

  • Send document for printing - CTRL+P
  • Close/open preview - ALT+CTRL+I
  • If viewing at a larger scale, use the arrow keys to move around the page.
  • If, when zooming out, you need to move to the previous or next page - PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN
  • Go to first page - CTRL+HOME
  • To the last one - CTRL+END

Document review

Microsoft Word allows you to review the current document.

  • To insert a note, press - ALT+CTRL+M
  • Enable/disable correction recording mode - CTRL+SHIFT+E
  • Close scan area - ALT+SHIFT+C

Works with footnotes and links

  • To mark a table of contents item, press - ALT+SHIFT+O
  • Mark the link table element - ALT+SHIFT+I
  • Mark the subject index - ALT+SHIFT+X
  • Add a regular footnote to the document - ALT+CTRL+F
  • Insert an endnote - ALT+CTRL+D

Video for the article:


Use hot keys - they will help reduce operating time.

Instructions for users - .

Allows you to create document navigation.

Why look for information on other sites if everything is collected here?

To improve your computer efficiency, you just need to know the most useful keyboard shortcuts Windows. You can find huge lists of “hot” keys on the Internet, but it’s hard to remember everything, and it’s not necessary.

In this IT lesson I will share with you those useful keyboard shortcuts that I use most often.

What are hotkeys?

First, let’s figure out what “hot key combinations” we are talking about.

Hotkeys or keyboard shortcut(aka shortcut keys) are combinations of simultaneously pressed buttons on the keyboard that allow you to quickly perform an action.

That is, by holding down two or three buttons on the keyboard, you replace several actions with the mouse, thereby significantly speeding up your work on the computer.

Where can I use keyboard shortcuts?

On different operating systems(Windows, Linux, Mac OS) different keyboard shortcuts are used, but some of them are identical.

In most programs hotkeys are also used. Some of them are standard for certain operations (creating a new document, printing), and some are unique for each individual program.

If you constantly use any program, be sure to familiarize yourself with its hot keys, this will help speed up your work several times!

Useful Windows Keyboard Shortcuts

And now the most useful Windows key combinations that I recommend remembering. All of these shortcuts use "modifier keys" ( Ctrl, Alt, Shift and key Windows):

Every computer user should know this!

All PC users should know these Windows key combinations; they work both with folders and files, and with text.

“Copy”, “Cut”, “Paste” keys:

  • Ctrl+C– copy to clipboard (the file, folder or text will remain in the current location).
  • Ctrl+X– cut to clipboard (the file, folder or text will be deleted from its current location).
  • Ctrl+V– paste from the clipboard (copied or cut files, folders or text will appear in the current location).

“Select All” and “Undo”:

To select all the contents of the current folder or all the contents of an open document:

  • Ctrl+A- select all.

I hope you already know about these hotkeys, but it wouldn’t hurt to repeat them.

But not everyone knows these combinations:

  • Ctrl+Z– cancel the previous action (including copying/moving files).
  • Ctrl+Y– repeat the undone action (i.e. the opposite of the previous key combination).

Working with documents opened in the program

Hotkeys that will save you both time and nerves. Why drag the mouse to the menu “ File", after clicking, look for the item " Create" or " new document"(in most programs the location and names of the items are different), when you can hold down two keys:

  • Ctrl + N– creating a new document in the program.

When you type text in Word, you need to save the document often so as not to lose it in case of various failures. But sometimes you are too lazy to pick up the mouse again, look for an icon on the taskbar, or an item in the menu; there is a simple replacement:

  • Ctrl+S– save the open document.

These key combinations work in office programs, browsers, and graphic editors; both in Windows and Linux.

Hotkeys for working with program windows

When you have many programs open, and each program also contains more than one document, it’s not difficult to get confused. But these hotkeys will help you quickly switch between programs.

  • Alt+Tab— switching between windows of running programs. Hold Alt and keep pressing Tab to move to other programs (see ).
  • Alt + Shift + Tab— scrolling through open programs in reverse order (the same Alt+Tab, but backwards) with a large list of open programs can be very convenient.
  • Ctrl+Tab– switching between bookmarks of an open window, switching between documents open in the program (for example, you can quickly switch between two open files in Word).
  • Win+1, Win+2…Win+0– switch between open programs by number on the taskbar. Launching programs pinned to the taskbar (we have already discussed in more detail).

These keyboard shortcuts will help you quickly close unnecessary documents.

  • Alt+F4– closes the active program.
  • Ctrl+F4– closing one document or tab in the program (the program itself continues to work).

Have a lot of programs open, but need to quickly see your desktop? Please:

  • Win+D– minimize all windows and show the desktop (pressing again returns all windows to their place!).

Let's start with the keys that do not need a combination, pressing which individually performs some operation.

  • F1– in most programs it calls help system(“Help” or “Help”)
  • Backspacego back in the Explorer window and in browsers (the previous open folder or the previous page of the site).
  • Tab– each time you press activates another element program window for keyboard control (open a new browser window and press the Tab key several times, watching where the blinking cursor or highlight moves). In text editors, pressing TAB indents text at a standard distance - very convenient, but more on that in one of the future IT lessons.
  • Esccloses dialog boxes, various menus and some programs. Also, undoes completed actions(if you get lost in open program windows and are afraid to accidentally change settings, then press ESC until you return to the main window).
  • Win– opens and closes menu "".

I have already mentioned some of the listed combinations in previous IT lessons, so as not to overwhelm you today with a huge list of new combinations.

Keyboard shortcuts book

Want to learn more hotkeys? Then leave a useful comment and receive a book as a gift"Magic Keyboard Shortcuts"! You can read more about the book.

Word is the most common text editor for personal computers. It is used by both beginners and professionals. For comfortable and fast work in Word, there is a keyboard shortcut for saving a document, also called “hot keys,” which allows you to perform certain actions at once, without looking up from the keyboard. This article explains how to save a document in Word using a keyboard shortcut.

Normal save (quick)

You can save a document in Word of any version using the combination Ctrl+S. This "shortcut" executes the "Save" command. However, there are software packages on the Internet in which this combination does not work. In this case, you need to configure it yourself.

Keyboard shortcut Shift + F12 also saves the document in Word. This combination is guaranteed to work in all software packages and versions of all release years. This method may also be more convenient for left-handers.

Saving by selecting a file path (“save as”)

"Hot key" F12 is responsible for performing the “save as” action in Word. Unlike Shift + F12, this command opens a window asking for the save location, document name, and preferred format. This button is needed if you need to create a separate copy of the text, change the format, or save the file somewhere else.

In addition to the specified combinations, you can set new ones, customized for yourself. In Settings, select a keyboard shortcut setting. In the “Keyboard Settings” window that pops up, in the category settings, select “File Tab”, and in it – “FileSave” and “FileSaveAs” for “save” and “save as”, respectively. Now dial the desired button or combination.

I hope that this article was useful and helped you solve your problem or simply improve your Word skills.