Mail registration create a mailbox. Email - where you can create it, how to register a mailbox and choose the best of the free Email services

Although every second person in our country uses the Internet, not everyone knows how to create their own e-mail. This is not surprising, of course, the process is quite simple, but people simply do not know all the advantages and benefits of email. Some people simply cannot decide where to start an email account, because the range is quite large, and each service has its own pros and cons.

From this article you will learn how to create your own e-mail without anyone's help using the best email services that are available on the Internet. After reading, you will be able to decide where it is easier to create an email, where it is more convenient, and also learn about the characteristics of some of the services. Maybe you’ll even register everywhere, test your email for a while, and then make your choice.

How to create your email for free

To get started, you should contact Yandex. No one doubts the popularity of this search engine, which means it can be trusted. Mail is not the only service that Yandex offers us, so pay attention to all the useful features, maybe you will find something interesting for yourself. Yandex conducts research and constantly updates the design and structure of mail.

Create an e-mail on Yandex

You can hesitate for a long time between choosing an email, but no one will beat Yandex in one thing. Convenience and intuitive clarity are the main advantages of the service. All the necessary elements are at hand, no need to do routine work every time you want to find something. Once you start your email, you won't want to delete it. There is nothing superfluous, everything is structured and clean, order reigns everywhere.

Let's start creating your email

This concludes the registration, if you want to learn how to create an email on other services, then read on. Registration will not differ in anything critical, but it is still worth paying attention to it.

How to correctly create an e-mail on

The time has come for another search engine that provides the opportunity to create your own e-mail. In addition, there is also Gmail and Rambler, but for some reason they are in less demand than this one. Gmail is actively used in educational institutions, and if you are a member of one, then you need to create an email there. But the mandatory entry of a mobile phone discourages many users.

Rambler does not guarantee that all data will be saved. It was repeatedly intended to be sold, developed, or completely remade, so we’ll focus on

Modern man simply needs email. In our world, a lot of business is done online, which is why we need means for communication, and what could be better than reliable and convenient email. Along with registration, you receive reliable protection of your data and messages, anti-virus scanning, and the ability to share videos, photos and other files.

How many emails do you have in total?

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Email Nowadays, it has become the main and most common means of communication between people, regardless of whether it is personal correspondence or communication between business partners.

Many people do not accept social networks, Skype or chat, because they have been using email for many years and are accustomed to its functionality, besides register by email faster and easier. There is also another reason. For example, on social networks you often need to respond to a message immediately, while an email message can wait. Most often, the person who sent you the message by mail does not expect an immediate response.

You can create one account just for communication, but you can also create several accounts - for payment systems, social networks, etc. However, it often happens that a person forgets the password to one of his accounts, and this can seriously fray his nerves, especially if the matter is important. . That is why we have written an article for you on how to register a mailbox, how to use it, how to change its password, etc. After all, creating a mailbox is very simple, but the functionality differs on different browsers, and sometimes you can easily get confused.

Finally, an important factor is the security of the information stored in your mail. Attackers sometimes hack your email and steal all the passwords associated with that email or something that can compromise you. At the same time, we note that hacking occurs automatically, so absolutely everyone is at risk.

Also very annoying is the various spam that pours into your mail in a continuous stream, as well as advertising in various browsers. You can see how to remove it using the example of the Google Chrome browser in the article:

If your service does not have good spam cutting, then working with correspondence will resemble the seven circles of hell. That's why here we will not only tell you how to create an email, but also analyze the most commonly used email systems. All of them, of course, are free. In the end, you decide for yourself which site to open your mailbox on. We hope that this information will be extremely useful and informative for you.

How to register (create) an email and what you need to remember when registering

Registering a mailbox is not a complicated procedure; we will first look at it in general terms, without reference to any specific mail aggregator.

Here are the following points:

  1. First of all, it's getting more and more difficult lately come up with an original name for your account, because tens and even hundreds of millions of people have already chosen names that are the most popular. And “exotic” has long since sold out with a bang, so you’ll have to strain your imagination to come up with something truly original, but at the same time quite simply memorable.
  2. In addition, you need to provide a password. Many people are averse to complex passwords because they are easy to forget. Therefore, when registering mail, very simple passwords are used, such as date of birth or even “1234567”. Often, users use the same password for all services, as well as for all their accounts on social networks, on all forums, blogs, but this only simplifies the task for attackers.
  3. Almost all email sites use a mobile phone number user in order to send a code there in case you need to restore access to your account. As we have already said, this number is indicated by you during registration, and if your mobile number has changed, you can add a new number in special profile settings. Older system– using a security question and answer to it, for example, mother’s maiden name, favorite car brand, etc. But most users believe that the option with a password in SMS is simpler. Therefore, we advise you to provide your mobile phone number once you have decided to open your mailbox (although this to some extent contributes to the disclosure of your privacy). Using this number, for example, they can find out your installation data (but only if the request comes from the competent authorities). However, if you do not have tax arrears, you have nothing to fear, and the convenience of recovering your account password via a message on your mobile will be your priority. But be careful. This applies only to professional companies in the Internet business, because only they do not see the point in selling your money to spammers and other “bad people”.

Remember that a simple password exposes you to unnecessary risk because:

  • Any email is valuable to a hacker, because he can sell it to spammers at a good price. In the end, it will all end with your account being blocked. How is a password cracked? Using an automatic selection system using a database of the most popular combinations or special dictionaries.
  • If a hacker scans the contents of your “soap”, he will be able to find your pages on social networks, as well as payment systems, will be able to find your money on forums and much more. He can sell all this to the same spammers.
  • If an attacker is unable to hack the password to pages on social networks or payment systems, he can request its recovery, but the account is most often tied to the hacked account.
  • Remember that the login and password are the entrance to your email, so the hacker automatically gains access to the services of systems such as Yandex, Google, etc. And there are a lot of services in these search engines, these are both personal services and for business (, business, disk), there are similar ones in the Yandex search engine .
  • Finally, it may even come to blackmail; they may demand a ransom in exchange for data stored on your email. There can be only one payment method - through a paid SMS message.
  • Very rarely, mail can be hacked on request from enemies and ill-wishers. These could be business competitors or personal enemies, so the only way out is to come up with the most complex and long password possible. In this case, it is better to indicate in the menu that its restoration occurs only via SMS sent to your mobile number. You must indicate this phone number when registering your mailbox. In order not to forget a complex password, we recommend that you use a password keeper KeepPass. You can also set a password on your computer or mail folder. There is a special program for this TrueCrypt.

Which Email service to choose to create a mailbox and how to do it

Here we will list only the most basic sites that are massive, have a good reputation and a reliable security system. After that, you yourself will decide on which site to create an email.

Naturally, each of these services is free, but there are differences in some indicators. The main ones are:

  1. Low barrier to entry(in other words, different ease of use of the account);
  2. Service functionality;
  3. Size(or storage space provided by the service);
  4. Anti-burglary system or a system for restoring access to your account. This also implies the presence of an antivirus and protection against fraudsters (you can use browser extensions such as or). It is also very important that working with e-mail is strictly confidential, because otherwise letters addressed to you may be intercepted on the way to your mail server. Therefore, make sure that the online email service operates using the HTTPS protocol (i.e., a site that encrypts transmitted information).
  5. Availability of effective spam cutter.

These are the criteria for choosing a service on which to register a mailbox. Now let's move on to a brief description of the free email sites that are taking part in the tender today. At the same time, we immediately note that the order of sites in the list is completely arbitrary and has nothing to do with the rating.

Gmail email

Gmail (also known as Google mail or Gmail). This site has seriously established itself in the global free email market, not to mention the RuNet market. And although it began its work only in 2005 (the full-functional version was released in 2009), even in such a short period of time this monster won the hearts of tens of millions of users.

Moreover, some users of other systems, such as Rambler, Yandex or, also switch to Google mail. Now let's look at everything in order.

  • Gmail registration. To sign up for Gmail email, visit the official website this will open the Gmail website in a nearby browser window. In the upper right corner you need to click the blue button “ Create an account" Well, then just fill out your personal information.
  • How to use. After you have been able to create Google mail, you are provided with 15 gigabytes of free space where your correspondence will be stored. In fact, this is more than enough for letters for many years, but remember that this amount of memory must be shared with the service Google Drive.
  • In addition, the Google Mail interface is very convenient, one might say, ahead of its competitors, and it is updated from time to time by Google programmers. You can easily group letters into folders, create special shortcuts, and organize them in order to easily track your correspondence history.
  • Once again about safety. When you decide to create Google mail, remember that access to the online service must be carried out via the HTTPS protocol. This is very easy to determine. The address bar should indicate "https://" instead of "http://". If the security of your correspondence and information stored in your email is very important to you, we recommend switching to two-step authorization. Now no one will be able to log into your account without the password in the SMS that will be sent to your mobile phone. The only way to hack such a system is to log into your computer or browser, which has already auto-saved your password.
  • Google spam cutter. This program works just fine, only in rare cases, when sending a message to a mailbox from the hosting (that is, domain mail), it may end up in the “ Spam" However, Google filters will help you set up rules according to which the message will be automatically retrieved from the " Spam" and redirect to the folder " Inbox" These filters can serve other purposes as well, so do your research on them.

Yandex Mail

This service arose somewhat later than, but it is more popular among users because its interface is easy to use. Also, this interface is well thought out and quickly responds to your commands. Finally, having decided to create Yandex mail, you can customize the account for yourself. It will also be easy to work with letters and filter them. A particularly good idea from the Yandex interface developers was timeline, where you can study mail only for a certain time (for example, only for one month in a certain year, etc.).

In addition, there is a built-in translator, as well as a program for sending free SMS notifications (you just need to indicate the phone number of the person to whom the notification is addressed). In conclusion– You will be able to create a free email for a domain (for example, [email protected] ).

Finally, Yandex mail shares space for correspondence with a cloud storage site called Yandex Disk. The box has a size limit of up to 20 gigabytes of memory (sometimes half as much, it all depends on the conditions you fulfill for registering with Ya.Disk).

Security on Yandex mail is also excellent— again, HTTPS is used, and there is also an option to activate the E-mail login mode only after you enter the confirmation code from SMS.

The anti-spam system, called on Yandex " SpamDefense", showed one of the best results among all the services that we analyze in this article. However, we recommend that you check the folder “ Spam» before clearing it, as legitimate information can sometimes end up here. However, this rule is valid for other mailers as well. mail

This is one of the very first services in the Russian-speaking space. A few years ago it was seriously modernized, so it has become a serious competitor to younger services. If you decide to open a mailbox at, you will not go wrong . Working with emails and managing your account is very efficient and simple. In one interface window you can read letters received in all your mailboxes. Agree, this is very convenient! - mail service

After was updated, the security system became much more reliable. Of course, the good old HTTPS protocol is used here too. Emails are scanned by Kaspersky antivirus. It is best to also indicate this when registering, although it is only used to recover your password. However, security can be strengthened if you go to the “Password and Security” tab.

The mailbox volume on this service is dimensionless, but initially only 10 gigabytes of memory for letters will be available to you. As the mail fills up, the size will automatically increase by 1-2 gigabytes. Remember that this system also has a service Cloud It has its own free disk space of 25 gigabytes, although it is tightly coupled with email.

Spam cutting is not very effective here, so we recommend doing it to a Google or Yandex mailbox, where spam protection is more effective. However, developers plan to improve spam cutting.

Email from

This service has not been very popular lately and not everyone can know how to create an email in But this is almost the very first email site on the RuNet, which also recently underwent a major modernization. However, as a result, the functionality of such a site turned out to be as meager as it was, and the main improvement concerned mainly the interface, which became easier to use. There were also many complaints regarding the stability of the system, as well as the ineffective operation of the spam cutter.

Security, unfortunately, on Rambler is not reliable. And although the HTTPS protocol is used here, the browser constantly indicates that working with this node is unsafe. The size of the box is only 2 gigabytes, and all other nuances remained at the level of the end of the twentieth century.

Now Rambler developers are only retaining old users instead of finding new ones. After all, it’s easier, because many old clients are already accustomed to this interface and functionality, but they may not know about the new options. Opening a mailbox in Rambler would not be the best idea. mail

Previously called Hotmail. Nobody knows why this rebranding happened, except that many began to associate Hotmail with a hot dog! The interface is extremely easy to use, but the settings system is made in an unusual way, although you can figure it out over time.

Outlook mailbox has a good security system, which is not surprising considering the company's budget. At first, the box size is limited to five gigabytes, but they can be increased as needed. Cloud storage on Outlook is called OneDrive, its size is 15 gigabytes. You can purchase a Windows license, and then you will be provided with 25 gigabyte cloud storage.

Self-tapping and virus checking on Outlook are also at the same level, in no way inferior to the same Google or Yandex.

Yahoo mail

Yahoo mail is a foreign service created one of the first. Yahoo mail email address is distinguished by its extraordinary generosity, because you are immediately provided with a whole terabyte (!!!) of memory in the mail. The security system is good, HTTPS protocol is observed. You will also like the interface, because there are several design options.

However, Yahoo also has its own nuances. For example, if you do not use your account for six months, the system automatically deletes your account. So, it’s up to you to decide, it will not be possible to recover the data.

Free services and temporary emails

There are also so-called temporary accounts. It’s very easy to create such an email, but it takes a while to “ life» ranges from a few minutes to a month. As a rule, such boxes are used to prevent “ shine» and maintain the confidentiality of correspondence. One of the advantages of temporary accounts is the ability to avoid hacking and spammers, since in such a short period of time no one will simply have time to harm you.

Abroad, there are dozens of special services for creating temporary websites (You can read how to create a website yourself in the article:) and emails.

In such systems there is no need to indicate your real data; you can register under a fictitious name, with a fictitious address, etc. However, there are many scam servers out there, so to avoid getting into trouble, we recommend looking at a few examples of proven and reliable temporary email systems. is in great demand on the RuNet market.. Mail for such a service " lives» only 120 minutes. And in order to save your time, this system automatically generates addresses. The site is interesting because it does not require a password at all, but you can only receive and read letters, but without the ability to write a response.

Finally, the project is also of interest. You can set how long this address will be valid for (there are options from an hour to a month). The only caveat is that you must indicate your real address.

And now a few words about safety. Although free services comply with all network security standards, in order to keep them safe, you must follow some rules. For example, use a long password, do not save suspicious files on your computer, and never click on unknown links. If the account access recovery system requires an answer to a security question, you must remember it.

Today on the Internet you can come across a large number of advertisements where hackers offer to hack someone else's email account for a certain reward. In fact, these are simple scammers who use Trojans and phishing links to hack. Any website has weaknesses, but these are the ones that administrators and developers monitor. Therefore, the myth that any email is vulnerable to hacking remains a myth.

How to make your email easier?

So, you were able to create an email. How to log into mail? It would seem that everything is very simple, but you need to pay attention to several important nuances. After all, sometimes it is very difficult to find answers to the simplest questions. After all, the majority takes this for granted, and there are no discussions on such topics on forums for the reason that it is simply indecent to discuss such basic things. Therefore, “just in case,” we will consider this issue in more detail.

It is very important that you do not fall for the bait of so-called phishers (or fishermen), who replace the sites you need with fakes. Having accepted them as the original, you can tell these scammers your username and password through a special login form. Moreover, this rule applies not only to logging into email, but also to logging onto any sites on the Internet where you are asked to log in, that is, enter your username and password (for example, the same forums). When working with letters via the web interface, remember the following nuances:

  1. To log in to your email account, create a bookmark in your browser and log in only through it each time. It is better to do this even if you have been sent a letter from the mail service with a link to follow. After all, such a link may also turn out to be a fake, and you simply “ you'll grab it» viruses.
  2. You can also apply tab pinned to the browser panel. Make sure that the tab has an open web interface for your email. In Google, this is easy to do: move the mouse cursor to the tab and right-click on it. In the menu that appears, you need to select “ Pin a tab", after which the tab will be reduced in width and will be moved to the far left position. Once you close and reopen your browser, the tab will automatically open and you will always have quick access to your email.
  3. If you do not have a bookmark for a particular service in your browser (for example, the cache was unsuccessfully cleared (how to clear the cache in a browser, read the article: " ", the OS was restored from an image, etc.), open the browser and find the official website of this service . All you need to do is write “login to Google mail” in the search engine, and the first link will take you to the required site. Then all that remains is to create a bookmark in the browser or install a shortcut on the desktop. This can be done by left-clicking on the icon located on the left in the address bar, and then pressing Win + D on the keyboard. Now release the mouse button.
  4. To make working with your account even easier, use (however, in this case you will need to specify the login and password for the “email”). These extensions will monitor all messages arriving in your inbox and notify you about it in various ways (for example, via SMS).
  5. When working with large volumes of letters or with a large number of accounts, we advise you to use an email client program. For example, you can select " Client M2", which is built into the Opera browser. True, there are other options, like “ The bat» or Outlook. Both of these options require additional payment. A free extension that is very popular is a program developed by the Firefox browser. It's called Mozilla Thunderbird.

Disadvantages and advantages of using email

To register a mailbox, it is not enough to know only the technical process itself. You need to understand the advantages and disadvantages of email.

Advantages and disadvantages

So, among the main advantages of using mail are:

  1. The ability not to respond to a letter immediately, like on social networks.
  2. The ability to distribute correspondence into groups, separate folders, and topics.
  3. An extremely convenient and intuitive interface (this applies to all the services we analyzed);
  4. Availability of a large amount of memory, sorting letters by period.
  5. Does not require payment.
  6. Your data is protected and remains confidential. Naturally, this is only possible if certain rules are observed.
  7. The presence of an effective spam cutter (but its effectiveness is relative; above we described which services it is good for and which it is not so good).
  8. The ability to receive an SMS message when a new message appears in your inbox.
  9. Availability of antivirus.
  10. The ability to use mail both from a computer or laptop, and from a mobile phone.

Email also has its disadvantages:

  1. It is necessary to come up with a complex, and most importantly, original password, which guarantees the security of the mailbox. This password is difficult to remember. And sometimes it's just hard to come up with.
  2. There is always a chance that your mailbox will be hacked (when you click on “phishing” links, download files with viruses, etc.).
  3. As a rule, spam cutting does not work effectively on all services. Therefore, you risk receiving spam in your inbox. Who knows what the threat is, because such letters often contain suspicious links and viruses, as well as a lot of “nasty” advertising.


It's time to take stock. So, where to open a mailbox, what are the advantages of this or that service, for what purposes are they suitable?

  1. We recommend using Google mail (Gmail), Yandex or These services are the best offer based on a combination of factors, namely: a convenient and simple interface, a large mailbox size (10-20 gigabytes plus the cloud), an excellent security system, reliable antiviruses, effective spam cutting, sorting letters by period (on Yandex) or by topic (Google).
  2. Such services can be used for any purpose: to communicate with relatives and friends who are far away (for example, abroad); to communicate with business partners, exchange documents electronically, send business offers, advertise your goods or services, and resolve other business issues with people remote from you (with foreign corporations).
  3. Another option for using email is SEO, etc. For example, if your customer is in another country, he can send you a task by email, and you will complete it remotely, then sending the finished text.
  4. Each of the recommended sites suggests creating email on multiple accounts. So, through one of them you can communicate on business issues, and through the other you can conduct only personal correspondence, etc.

Don't want to share your real email address? Tired of endless spam in your inbox? Temporary mail for 10 minutes will be the solution to these problems.

Our reliable and free service allows you to create a quick temporary email anonymously and without registration. Temporary mailboxes have a short lifespan - from 10 minutes to 10 days. Use them when registering on websites, create several accounts on social networks and don’t worry about security and anonymity.

Who needs a service for creating temporary mail and why?

There are many advantages of the service. You yourself know about them or guess, since you are on our website.

But it would not be superfluous to clarify that temporary mail is extremely necessary:

    If you work in the field of SMM (social media marketing), to create several accounts on social networks.

    If you don’t want to “shine” your real Email address on various Internet resources.

    If you want to remain anonymous on the Internet, but access to some sites and services requires registration.

    If you do not want to receive spam and annoying mailings to your main mailbox.

    If there is a need to correspond with the respondent while remaining anonymous.


Thanks to temporary mail, you can remain anonymous always and everywhere. For example, you want to register on some forum or portal, but you don’t want to reveal your real Email address. Then Crazymailing is perfect for you.

Spam protection

By creating accounts on various sites, there is a potential risk of becoming a victim of an attack by hackers who can instantly steal your personal data and use it to your detriment without your knowledge. There is nothing easier than introducing a virus through a letter to your computer or mobile phone, even if you have a good antivirus. A temporary mailbox minimizes the risk of losing personal data and ensures the security of your computer and mobile device. Temporary mail will be the best solution to this problem, which will protect you as much as possible from unwanted spam while maintaining complete anonymity.

Forwarding letters to a real email address

We have provided the ability to send a letter from a temporary address to your real mailbox. This option is useful for users who want to receive letters from different sites without showing their real email address.

Chrome browser app

Install the application in your browser and use temporary email addresses without going to the site itself. Just click on the Crazymailing icon in the upper right corner of the browser, and in a second a window will appear with a new temporary Email address. In the same window you will receive notifications about received letters.


Temporary mail can not only receive letters, but also send them! No one except you can view the contents of letters! Your safety is under control.

1 account and 10 Email addresses!

Log in to the website through a social network convenient for you (Facebook, Vkontakte, Google+, Twitter, etc.) and get access to manage up to 10 temporary email addresses. Delete old ones and add new ones, extend the period of activity of mailboxes, redirect letters to your main mailbox - customization exclusively for your needs!

By the way, the service is absolutely free! Use it!

Email is an analogue of a real mailbox, existing on the Internet in electronic form. To create your own mail on the Internet, it is first advisable to decide which service you want to use. You can register an email with various global companies, ranging from Yandex, Google and, to services from private websites and hosting.

How to create an Email from Google?

The world-famous company Google provides users with a lot of tools for working on the Internet. One of them is an electronic mailbox that combines free file storage, a lightweight dialer and a host of other services. To sign up for Gmail from Google:

  • follow the link to the account creation page;
  • fill in all the fields provided: first and last name, desired mailbox address, password, date of birth and phone number;
  • Click “Next Step” and go to the page with the rules;
  • read them, agree with the information by clicking on the button below the list;
  • a new page opens with congratulations and a notification about the creation of a new mailbox;
  • It is not necessary to enter your phone number when registering. However, in emergency cases, it will allow you to recover your password or confirm your affiliation with a specific user;
  • if during registration the browser offers to save your login and password, you can agree if you do not want to enter them every time you log in (the login form will be filled in automatically);
  • after that, you can immediately proceed to use all the Google services listed at the top of the page, or study useful articles on account management.

How to create an Email from Yandex?

To use mail from the largest Russian Internet resource, you need to create an account in the Yandex system. To do this:

  • indicate the required personal data;
  • come up with a login and password (the login cannot be changed after registration is completed, the password cannot be changed at any time);
  • enter the phone number (if you do not want to do this, click “No phone”);
  • if you choose to enter without a phone, you will need to come up with a security question and an answer to it (only you should know this information);
  • accept the user agreement by checking the box next to it;
  • Click on the “Register” button;
  • the system redirects us to a page notifying us of successful account creation;
  • Yandex mail is ready, you can use it.

Create an Email on Mail.Ru

In almost the same way, an electronic mailbox is created on the Russian entertainment and mail portal Here the user selects the domain part for his login. How it looks – see the picture below:

  • register using the link, fill out the same lines (last name, first name, login-password);
  • It is not necessary to indicate the city and gender;
  • the phone will be used to receive a verification code;
  • replacing this data, like Yandex, is allowed with a security question;
  • We press the green registration button, we get another email box.

Why do you need to have multiple email accounts? It's simple - they may be needed for different purposes. For example, it is convenient to create a separate email for purchases or interesting subscriptions from sites, and another for work or personal correspondence. This will allow you to receive less spam, sort information, and have access to it when you want it. Among other things, several different emails with different passwords will reliably protect your personal data.

About, how to create an email(E-mail). Why did I decide to write this article? I won’t tell you what E-mail is and why it is needed, those days have already passed. It seems that everything is very simple, I went in and registered and that’s all, but that wasn’t the case. People often ask me how to create an email, tell me what to click where.

To be honest, such questions make me a little angry, is it really that difficult? I have friends who do not have an email and therefore cannot register on many sites (Vadim, hello! :)) But creating an email is difficult, and also lazy. So I decided to tell you step by step and with pictures how to create an email on

I use email from both Yandex and Google, but to be honest, I like email from Google better and its interface is more convenient. So let’s look at the example of mail from Google, aka Gmail .

Follow the link and pay attention to the right side of the page. As you can see, there is a form in which you can enter your password with your login and log in to your email box. But this is Later, we don’t have an email yet, and we need to create one. To do this, click on the red button in the upper right corner “Create an account”.

After clicking on this button, we are taken to a page where we just need to remember the registration form. I’ll remember it as an example, and you enter your real data.

Well, here it seems to me that everything is clear. Where “Create a username” come up with a name for yourself in English letters, maybe numbers. If such an address already exists, the system will warn you about it. As for the password, you should come up with a long and complex one. I immediately advise you to write it down somewhere so as not to forget. By the way, you don't have to enter your phone number. When you remember everything correctly, click “Next”.

A new page will appear with some useful text and an offer to upload a photo for your profile. But this is not necessary, so feel free to click “Next” .

All is ready! The service will congratulate us on registration and offer to go to our mailbox. Click “Go to Gmail service”.

After clicking on this blue button, you will be taken to your personal Gmail account where you can read the letters that come to you and send email. As I said, everything is very simple!

As you can see, everything is still very simple in the interface itself. You will already have 4 incoming letters, these are letters from Google. To read a letter, just click on it, and to write a letter, click “Write”.

How to sign in to email from Google?

If you close the page with your mail, you will most likely need to log in to it again. To do this, go to the same address and in the form about which I already wrote, enter your email address and password that we specified during registration.

You can also check the box "Remain in the system", so that you don’t have to enter the password again later. Well, all that remains is to click on the “Login” button.

All! Now you are a happy owner of e-mail, you can receive and send letters as much as you want. Good luck!

Also on the site:

How to create an email (E-mail)? Using Gmail as an example. updated: September 12, 2012 by: admin