Rambler mail: instructions for creating and setting up an electronic mailbox. How to use rambler mail - registration, login and setup

Every PC user must have a registered email address, if not for correspondence, then at least for. Rambler is a post office that once occupied a leading position. Today, the popularity of this service has noticeably dropped, but the service continues to actively develop.

Today we will take a closer look at the process of registering and logging into Rambler mail, and will also look at the main causes of the problem associated with logging into Rambler mail.

Registration in Rambler

To begin creating a new Rambler mail account, go to the registration page.

In the window that opens, you will need to fill out a standard form by entering your full name, gender, location, as well as the phone number and code that will be sent to it. If earlier the telephone input could be disabled optionally, now this column is required to be filled out.

Once you confirm your registration by entering the code from SMS, registration will be completed. To open your email account, click on your name in the upper right area of ​​the window.

An additional menu will be displayed on the screen, which will display the number of incoming letters, clicking on which the system will open a page with them, as well as the “Log Out” button, which allows you to end the session with your mail account in the browser.

Login to Rambler

Login to the Rambler post is carried out from the main page of the service. After going to it, in the upper right corner of the browser, click on the button "To come in" .

Why can't I log into Rambler mail?

1. Incorrect entry of email address and password. The most likely reason why you cannot log into Rambler mail. If one of these parameters is entered incorrectly, the message “Incorrect email or password” will be displayed on the screen when you try to log in.

Please note that if you do not remember your password, click on the “Forgot your password?” button below to go to the recovery page. If you don’t remember the exact email address, then the task becomes more complicated, because... You won't be able to remember your email using Rambler's built-in tools. Here you will be able to help other accounts to which your email is linked, as well as friends and colleagues to whom you have previously sent emails.

2. Your email account has been blocked. A similar situation occurs when you do not log into your email account for a long time, as a result of which it is blocked by the system. As a rule, after logging in, the account is unfrozen, but if this does not happen, contact Rambler support for help.

3. The mail account has been deleted. If, when logging into your mailbox, you encounter the message “The mailbox does not exist,” double-check that the email address you entered is correct. If you are completely sure that it is correct, then your email account has probably been deleted. Unfortunately, deleted email accounts cannot be restored.

4. Outdated browser version or conflicting settings. If you can't access your email, it may be your browser's fault. First of all, launch any other web browser on your computer and try to log into your account through it.

If logging into Rambler was successful, you should update the problematic browser, and then check the settings that may lead to problems logging in; for example, some browser add-ons can change network settings, which is why mail cannot work correctly.

5. Problems on Rambler's side. Recently, more and more users have begun to notice problems with Rambler. Unfortunately, in this situation, you can only wait for the problems to be resolved. To know the exact time frame for establishing the service, as well as the reasons for mail inoperability, please contact

Media portal Rambler.ru enjoys enormous popularity both in Russia and in other CIS countries. Due to the fact that all kinds of sections and services are combined here on one page, using Rambler is absolutely easy and quite accessible even to people who are not versed in the world of computer technology and the IT industry. Today we will talk about such a simple procedure as setting up Rambler mail, namely, how to create a mailbox on the service, how to work with it, how to create letters and respond to emails, etc.

The Rambler portal is located at rambler.ru. Here you can find news and the latest events in the field of finance, real estate or travel. In addition, on Rambler you can watch thematic videos in a streaming service, a horoscope, weather forecast, online radio, a TV program, a TOP-100 catalog of web resources, where you can get acquainted with the best sites on any topic, and a lot of other stuff. All this is available directly on the portal home page. But we will only touch on working with mail, since each section of the portal requires special attention and time.

To log in to the mail service, go to Rambler home page and click on the "Mail" menu button, or go to this link.

A login form for the Rambler mail service appears in front of us. Right here, by entering the appropriate mailbox name and password, you can log in to your mail and start working with it right away. If you don't have a mailbox, we suggest you register first.

Registration on Rambler

On the mail login form, click the “Register” button at the bottom. This will start the process of creating a new rambler mailbox on the service.

You can access any of Rambler’s services either through the account of any social network (VK, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Mail.ru, Google, Twitter, etc.), or through the account of Rambler itself. When you log into the service through a social network account, you thereby link your social network login to the Rambler&Co service. The login procedure is a little faster, but there are doubts about the security of this procedure. After all, the Rambler login data will be stored on the social network server, and if the authentication means fall into third-party hands, the security of the Rambler login data will also be a big question mark. Therefore, we will resort to the old-fashioned method of creating a regular Rambler&Co account, specifying the login and password to log in to your email. By the way, after completing the registration procedure, using the same credentials you can easily access any other Rambler service, which is very convenient, as it will save you from the need for multiple registrations. So, let's register. To do this, you need to enter the required data in the appropriate fields, namely: first name, last name, login, preferred domain, password, date of birth, gender and mobile phone. You will have to enter the correct phone number, since upon registration an SMS message confirming registration will be sent to the specified number.

When a valid phone number is entered, click the “Send code” button on the right and wait for an SMS with the password.

The message will include a confirmation number.

Enter it in the “SMS confirmation code” field and click the “Register” button.

If everything is done correctly, a small green text field appears on the screen with the inscription: “User registered,” after which you will immediately be taken to your personal profile page.

Now you can go to your mailbox and work with electronic correspondence. By the way, after registering, you should receive your first email confirming registration. You can read it directly on the server. Open the mailbox by clicking on the “Mail” button in the top menu, or by selecting the “Mail” button on the left side of the work area.

We get to the Rambler Mail server. By default, the Inbox folder opens. As you can see, there is one unread letter in it. Open it by selecting a message from the list.

The message opens literally instantly. Let's get acquainted with its contents. The initial setup of Rambler mail is complete.

How to write a new letter in Rambler mail?

So, let's get started with the service itself. The first question that arises for the vast majority of users is how to create a new letter? The answer is simple - for this, use the “Write” button in the upper left corner of the main form of the Rambler mail service. Click on it.

We see a standard form for creating a new email message. In the “To” field, enter the name of the email recipient of the letter. In the “Subject” field we set the context of the message, i.e. the topic that our letter is devoted to. Finally, in the central text block we enter the body of the letter, writing the very essence of our message.

How to add an attachment to a letter?

As we all know, you can add attachments to an email: pictures, videos, music and any other interactive content. To make an attachment, click the “Attach File” button located under the “Subject” field.

After this, you just need to specify the path to the attached file and click the “Open” button, which will serve as confirmation of your choice.

After completing all the specified steps to configure Rambler mail, the attachment will be added.

To delete an attachment, click the "Delete" button to the right of the attached file name.

How to format a letter in Rambler mail?

To design messages in Rambler, there is a whole panel with which you can change the font, set its size, highlight a fragment in italics or bold, make alignment or add a numbered/unnumbered list or a smiley. It is worth saying that such panels are present in all email services without exception, but in Rambler it is especially convenient and practical.

All actions performed using the design panel are carried out intuitively and incredibly simply. With its help, you can add grace and creativity to your writing.

How to reply to a letter?

If you receive an email, it is logical to write a response (unless the email was sent by one of the robots, and such an email does not require a response). Replying to a message couldn't be easier. We scroll with the mouse to the very bottom of the message, and find the “Reply” button under the body of the letter. If you receive a letter from a group of respondents, you can send a response to them all at once by selecting the “Reply all” option.

Click on one of these buttons.

A subform appears asking you to enter the content of your response. When the response letter is written, click the graphic “Send” button with the arrow located at the top.

Next to it is the “Send to everyone” button. If there is only one recipient, it is inactive. If you previously selected the “Reply all” option, you can use that as an alternative.

How to forward a letter to another recipient (forward)?

How to change the password on your Rambler mailbox?

Sometimes it becomes necessary to change your account password to a more suitable one. This may be your own decision if you become concerned about the security of your work information, or you find out that your account has been hacked and correspondence has fallen into third hands. The developers themselves strongly recommend making passwords strong, including service characters, and their length must be at least 12-16 characters. We join these recommendations. But let's say the mailbox hasn't been hacked and you simply want to change the password ahead of time to prevent a potential hack in the future. How to do it?

We log into our account, as usual, by entering the name of the Rambler account and its password.

If the login was successful, go to your account settings and select “Password”.

To the right of it is the “Change” button - let’s use it.

A standard form for changing your password opens. Here we are asked to enter the current password, come up with a new one and confirm it, as well as enter characters from the pattern key (captcha). Let's heed this advice. When everything is ready, click the “Save” button.

At this point, the Rambler mail setup is complete, and you can again work with the mail service as normal.

How to change your password if you cannot access your Rambler mailbox?

Sometimes, as a result of your email account being hacked, it is not possible to log into your mailbox. This can also happen if you simply forgot your password and cannot remember it. How then? Let's use the password recovery procedure.

We go to the mailbox login form, write its name in the appropriate field, select the desired domain, and click the “Remember password” button at the bottom.

We get to the recovery form. As a first step, enter the exact name of the mailbox and the security pattern. Click “Next”.

On the next form, enter your current phone number and a new password you created. When everything is ready, click the “Send code” button.

After a few seconds, your phone should receive a confirmation code for the operation you have chosen. Paste it from the SMS into the appropriate field and click the “Save” button.

Now everything is ready - the password has been changed.

Now a few words about the client settings (where would we be without them). Although the number of Rambler mail settings is not amazing in its variety and range, at worst the parameters should be enough to make working with the client more pleasant and relaxed. All settings are hidden behind the gear button in the lower right corner of the folder selection panel.

On the main tab, you can set a personalized name for correspondence sent from Rambler. If you use an alias, you can enter it here and the recipient will see your alias in the “From” field. You can also specify another mailbox to which you want to receive replies to outgoing messages. This can be not only a mailbox on Rambler, but also on Gmail, Yandex Mail, Outlook or any other mail server. Read below about how to attach mailboxes of other services to Rambler.

You can also specify a message in the signature field, which will be automatically placed at the end of each letter if you want to end the text concisely and respectably.

Just below you can activate or disable hotkeys (you can familiarize yourself with a set of prepared hotkeys here). Proven fact: if you get used to working with a keyboard, then all operations will be performed much more quickly and accurately. Therefore, if you work a lot with mail, hotkeys will come in handy.

On the right side of the first tab, you can change the client’s color scheme to a more preferable one. There are about a dozen different colors to choose from to suit every taste: from pastel tones to azure and marble.

Here you can see how much of the mailbox is being used, and how much space is still free. By the way, the maximum volume of a Rambler box is 2 GB. Before the client interface changed in 2012, the box size could be increased manually, but with rebranding this option disappeared, and the maximum box size became strictly 2 gigabytes. Now, if the volume of your correspondence is approaching the maximum, you should worry about clearing your mailbox in a timely manner, otherwise the mail will simply stop arriving.

On the next tab “Folders” you can manage directories, both those present in the client by default, and new ones added manually. If the folders already in the system are not enough for you, you can easily add a few more just on this tab.

The next tab is responsible for adding other mailboxes to the service. In fact. you can connect the mailbox of any other service to Rambler. All you need to know is the address of the IMAP/POP3 server to receive correspondence, as well as the port number for it (in other words, the gateway). You can get this information from the support page for the service you want to use, but you'll have to dig a little deeper into the reference manual.

The next section of settings is filter tuning. Thanks to its flexibility and ease of use, you can easily place selected categories of emails in spam, mark them as read, or delete them altogether. To prevent your mailbox from becoming overcrowded, you should play a little with setting up the filters, and you will save yourself from headaches later. Very convenient interface and the filtering mechanism itself.

Another section involves setting up an answering machine. If you're going on vacation or want to take time off from work, compose an automatically sent email with a specific subject and content. This will not mislead your manager about your absence and will help maintain work connections and good relationships with colleagues.

The next option, located in the “Email programs” category, gives you access to the Rambler service for other email applications (The Bat!, Thunderbird, Outlook, etc.). Here are all the necessary settings that need to be specified in a third-party email client to access mail on Rambler. If you want to use one of the third-party applications to access your emails, check the “I want access” checkbox at the top.

The last section of the settings will allow you to enable sound alerts for the most common actions in the application, namely receiving a new letter, sending it and crashing. The sounds are all standard, you can’t change them. You can only disable or enable each individual alert individually, which essentially makes our already meager selection completely minimalist.

The address book

It's time to talk a little about the Contacts feature. Rambler has an address book where you can add your recipients so that you always have a database of addresses with whom you often contact at your fingertips. To access your contacts, click the person icon to the right of the button to write a new letter.

Here are collected all the email addresses with which you corresponded on Rambler. Contacts that occurred, but which you did not manually enter into your address book, fall into the “Automatic” section. The remaining recipients are added to the “Your contacts” category. To add a contact to the list, click the “New Contact” button.

You can also import addresses from several mail services into the Rambler address book: Yandex, Mail.ru and Qip.ru. This minimizes the time spent manually adding addresses.

Spam filtering

The Rambler client has an anti-spam function built into it. Although it does not work very efficiently, the developers periodically add new addresses to the blacklist database, which helps the service filter. Also, if you yourself want to mark one of the letters as spam, you can easily move it to the appropriate folder using the top menu.

In addition, you can mark the letter as unclaimed and without moving, as a result of which the sender's address will be added to the spammers list after verification.

To sort letters by a given criterion, you need to click on the column header and select the sort order: ascending or descending. The sorting mechanism is quite flexible and allows you to easily handle a large volume of correspondence without any difficulties.

Rambler-mail - mobile version

Official page of the application in the Google Play store - link.

Official page of the application in the App store - link.

In fact, the mobile program completely replicates the capabilities and functions of its PC counterpart. Here you can register, log in through any of the presented social networks, and many other bright and necessary features. True, the interface is a little sparse. It would be possible to give it more liveliness and bright colors, but that’s up to your taste. Perhaps conservatism and a strictly business approach are valued by developers more than style and a sense of novelty.

We install the program like any other mobile application (it’s practically called “Mail rambler.ru”)

Logging into your email is simple and quick by entering your username and password in the fields provided for this purpose and clicking the “Login” button.

As a result of the manipulations performed, we find ourselves in the Inbox folder. All messages we have received are displayed here. In the upper right corner there is a search button, which will certainly come in handy if you need to find something using a contextual query.

To move to another folder, click on the button with three horizontal lines in the top left row of the header.

Navigating through folders is easy and completely intuitive.

To write a new letter in the mobile version of Rambler mail, click on the round blue pencil icon in the lower right part of the display.

Then everything is as usual: enter the recipient’s address, indicate in the “Copy” field the possible recipient whom you want to add to the list of recipients, come up with a subject and compose the text of the letter itself. By the way, in the “To” field you can pull up the recipient from your phone’s contact list using the “plus” button - a very convenient and relevant feature. Next, we can attach attachments or send the letter in finished form by clicking the button specially designed for this.

Understanding all the features of the mobile version of Rambler Mail is not difficult - they are all clearly visible. The interface of the program is very simple and unpretentious.

That's all we wanted to tell you about such an interesting topic as setting up Rambler mail. A little later we will publish detailed instructions on how to work with Yandex mail. The opportunities there are very similar, but they also have their own nuances.

Rambler is a well-known email client that continues to hold high positions in terms of the number of active users. The client has a beautiful redesign, improved security options and free registration. Read this article to learn how to create an email account and troubleshoot login problems.

It's hard to believe, but Rambler appeared in 1996. Back then it was a simple search engine, which, as it developed, began to acquire new services, including mail. Today Rambler is one of the most popular services that has received a completely new design.

Registration on Rambler.

Registering on Rambler is very simple. To begin, by launching, you need to go to the Rambler main page and select the button in the upper right corner "To come in" .

The service will prompt you to enter your existing login and password, but... We don’t have them yet, select the button "Register" .

Now you need to come up with and enter a password twice. A password is considered secure if it consists of at least eight characters and also contains upper and lowercase Latin letters, numbers and symbols.

All you have to do is provide personal information such as date of birth, gender, mobile phone number and a confirmation code that will come in the form of an SMS message. The entered number will ensure reliable computer security, because... will notify you of major changes to your profile.

If you do not want to enter a phone number, select "I don't have a mobile phone number" and then it is necessary to indicate the security question and the answer to it.

After filling out all the fields, complete the account creation by clicking the button "Register" .

Login to Rambler mail.

Go to the Rambler main page and select the button in the upper right corner "To come in" . Enter the created login and password. Typically, your browser will prompt you to save this data so you don't waste time entering the same data next time.

In addition, to quickly access your email, we recommend adding the site to your browser bookmarks.

The mail interface is quite simple. On the left side there are folders with letters: “Inbox”, “Sent”, “Drafts”, etc. Letters from the selected folder are displayed slightly to the right, and an open letter is displayed to the right.

Pay attention to the very last item on the left side of the page, which is called "Add other boxes" . By selecting this item, you can connect additional email addresses from other email services: Mail.ru, Yandex, etc. This way, from one site you can send and receive emails from all your existing email addresses.

Problem logging into Rambler mail.

In some cases, users need to check emails. Most often this problem occurs for the following reasons:

1. Incorrect login and password. When entering your email address and password, make sure the correct keyboard layout is enabled and the Caps Lock key is disabled. In addition, enter your username and password manually without pasting data from the clipboard.

2. You don't remember your password. A common situation for users is when a difficult password is created and safely forgotten the next time they try to log in to their email. To create a new password, use the access recovery service at this link.

3. The mail account has been blocked. If you did not log into Rambler mail for a long period of time, the system could block it. To restore access to mail, contact support, where you need to explain the essence of the problem. As a rule, the support service responds quickly, so your mailbox will soon be active again.

4. The box has been deleted. If when you try to log in to your mail you see a message "The box does not exist" , then it may have been deleted. Deleted mailboxes cannot be restored, so you will have to go through the registration procedure again.

5. An old version of the browser is installed on the computer. Older versions of web browsers may not meet the requirements of Rambler Mail, so update your browser to the latest version.

Electronic 1st mailboxis an indispensable attribute of modern Internet user. And this time we want to tell you about such a popular service, how Rambler mail: login, mail, login in which you carry out without any problems,registration is fast and painless , password recovery in case of something is elementary, andThe interface is very convenient. And with everythingWe will understand these nuances right now. Welcome to Rambler.

ambler mail: log in to mail and check incoming messages leniya

Mail service Rambler appeared in the open spacesRuNet one of the first, and we are very pleased we'll tell you how it works Rambler mail: login to mailRambler is carried out easy and simple as from your personal computer, so and from someone else's computer and whether from a mobile device.And we will talk about all these methods in more detail.

The first action that startsyour acquaintance with the rambler is, of course, registration.Go to the main page, With which originates mail rambler: mail, login,and all further actions will take place here:mail.rambler.ru . Now we begin the registration procedure.

    To create your personal mail on Rambler, click on the “Registration” window.

    Enter your information in order:

  • surname;

    unique login (you can independently select the appropriate domain from the list);

    a password consisting of at least 8 characters (including letters and numbers);

    confirmation of your password;

    phone number(it will be useful to you in case you lose your password, as well as to confirm registration);

    Click “Get code” and after receiving it, select the “Register” option.

    Your mailbox is created, and you can start sending emails, view your inbox, set up filters, and create your own folders.

    Login to Rambler mail - my page

    We have created an account with you and we have a personal rambler mail. You can log in to your mail by entering your username and password, and you can check this action immediately. Close your account by clicking the "Log Out" button. Don't forget to select " Remember email" upon exiting.

    For subsequent login enter your password or click “Log in using social networks”. Now you have entered your mail and can fully appreciate all its advantages and benefits. Now this is your personal account in which you can work at your discretion. Upload an avatar so that recipients can immediately understand that the letter came from you, come up with a signature, indicating, for example, your position or the name of your company.

    The choice of signature and photo for your avatar depends on the purpose for which your mail is intended. For work communications, choose a more conservative photo and formal caption. And in case of personal use, you can choose another photo with a signature. After all, Rambler is not only mail, but also news, dating, games and so on.

    By the way, if you need email access at all times, there is mobile version with a free application and the ability to collect mail from other mailboxes. Thus, if you have rambler mail, mail allows you to log into your second email account without any problems. The main thing is to log into your personal email, do not forget to indicate the login and password that you entered during the “Registration” procedure.

    How to log into Rambler mail from someone else's computer?

    Sometimes it happens that you need to check your email outside the home or use a work colleague’s computer. If you remember the password, there will be no difficulties. Go to the official website of Rambler, select Rambler mail, login to mail is my page. After logging into your mailbox, you can check your mail, send a letter, or carry out any manipulations related to the mail service.

    If you lose your password, you can recover it:

    Select the “Remember Password” function and proceed to the two-step password recovery procedure.

    Enter your login and characters from the picture.

    An SMS message with a code will be sent to your mobile number specified during registration.

    Enter the code and create a new password.

There is another way in which you can log into your email. without password and login. To do this, you need to log in using social networks: Facebook, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, etc. You can open your mail without specifying a password if, when setting up your profile, you linked your mailbox to another mail service or social network . After authorization, the system will automatically redirect you to the mail server.

Mail Rambler: login to your personal account

We have already told you about the main ways to open the Rambler mail mail server: my page, which is entered using a password, social networks or a password recovery service. Now we want to tell you about setting up an email client on Android.

If you have an iPhone, then installing rambler mail and logging into it will look a little different.

    Adding a new account.

    If there are no configured entries,open Mailand select “Other”.

    If you have accounts in Mail, go to “Settings”, select “Mail, addresses, calendars”, click “Add” - “Other”"New account."


Registering an account on Rambler

Account, ID, account, user profile- these are practically synonyms.

To authorize and access all services and applications, you need to create an account on Rambler. Authorized users will have access to all personal services. Including Rambler mail. If you already have an account on your computer, tablet or phone to access Rambler projects, then you can use the corresponding email address to log in. You can log in using email addresses from social network accounts.

Otherwise, create a new address by clicking on the link - Registration .

How to create an account on Rambler?

If you registered on RAMBLER&Co projects, log in under your name. Connect your social network account to pre-fill out the form and access RAMBLER&Co projects in one click.

Register your email.

Or page - Registration - website rambler.ru

To register on Rambler, you must fill out a form.

In which you indicate your first name, last name, date of birth and gender, select a login from the proposed options or enter your own, and also create a password. The selected login and password will be the key to your account on Rambler/mail and other services.

Verifying your Rambler account via SMS

Enter your mobile phone number (to use some services, entering your phone number is required). You will also need it if you forget your password. And click the button - Get code

Enter the confirmation code received in the SMS message
and click - Register

If you are unable to provide your mobile phone number, please enter your security question and answer to recover your password.

On the page - Profile, you can add email addresses, mobile phone numbers and specify a security question and answer to it.
This may be required to restore access to your account.
To enter your mailbox, click - Mail

And go to the page - Inbox your mailbox - [email protected] on Rambler_mail

Checking your mailbox on Rambler / mail

On any page of the Rambler media portal, click on the item - Login.

Enter your email address, password and click - Login

From folder - Inbox, Pressing - Write

Write and send a letter to your email address rambler.ru

In folder Inbox, click on the line - First message.

And read the letter you sent to yourself.
Your email address on rambler.ru is working.

Username is the mailbox name(before the - @ symbol) .
As username, for Rambler account , you can use any email address. For example Yandex, Hotmail or Gmail.

Other mailboxes- you can collect mail from all your mailboxes in one place.

One account for all Rambler services

Rambler / Mail automatically connects to various Rambler applications and services

Whether you use Windows, iOS, or Android devices, or switch between all three, your account stores everything you need on the device you use.

All these services are compatible with your Rambler account

It doesn’t matter whether you use all Rambler services at once or just some of them, thanks to your account you will have access to your settings, photos, files and other important materials on any device.

News- a complete picture of the most important events in Russia and the world

Mail- easy access to any of your mailboxes.

Finance- exchange rates, financial and economic news.

Search- fast search and personalized results.