Why tags in contact do not work. How to effectively use VKontakte hashtags

Hashtags are popular tools that make it easier to navigate pages on VKontakte and other social networks.

In this article we will take a closer look at what they are, why they are important, and how to make hashtags in contact.

What are hashtags

Hashtags– these are tags that authors of public pages and personal pages on social networks use to tag posts. They are beneficial to both owners and users. Hashtags are characterized by:

  1. They group posts on a social network according to a specific criterion. Example: if a person saw photos of cats on VK with the hashtag “cat”, then if he clicks on it, he will be able to see other photos of these cute animals.
  2. A large proportion of social network users find their appearance attractive. This item is not for everyone. But people see romance in clicking on a link in a post and looking at similar pictures. Just magic.
  3. Hashtags can also be created using mobile devices, which is convenient. You can improve your group from anywhere.

Hashtags– this is modernity. They are used in a huge number of areas, and without them it is impossible to imagine either promotion on social networks or normal navigation within the group.

Why do we need hashtags at all?

Hashtags are optional, but desirable. After all, they are convenient, the list of their advantages is long:

  1. They allow the user to quickly find similar posts. It is enough to make just one click both using your phone and when using a computer.
  2. Hashtags make it possible to quickly promote a group among users who are looking for interesting posts. Moreover, it is free, and therefore if you use hashtags wisely, it will be much easier for you to promote the posts you need to the masses. However, many people use too many tags, which makes the posts completely unattractive. Remember that moderation is good in everything. If you do not follow it, then all attempts to promote the group using hashtags will be in vain.
  3. Hashtags make group navigation easier. For this purpose, a special variety is used, which will be described below. You can create categories like “our products”, “prices”, “reviews” and others. Use your imagination.

In general, it’s a convenient thing. At first glance, there are few advantages, but this disadvantage is compensated by the significance of the advantages listed above.

Where can hashtags be used?

Hashtags can be used in a huge number of areas. We will now list where they can be used.

  1. Competitions. Everything is simple here - you need to make a specific post tagging the competition, and then you can identify the participants using the hashtag. In general, there is a huge scope for imagination, everyone comes up with their own ideas. Very often, competitions are created by people themselves and not only in groups. Various promotions are held regularly. For example, a photo in childhood, where you need to post a photo of yourself at 5-10 years old and put a certain hashtag.
  2. Marketing. Hashtags are becoming an excellent way to promote any product.

You can use hashtags in the most original ways. They contain incredible potential that you just have to unlock. Hashtags are literally used everywhere.

How to make VKontakte hashtags

Achieving this task is not difficult. But understand what your goals are. If you want to promote a specific post within a social network, then put a hash in front of the phrase you want to use. It should look like #winter is coming. There are no spaces between the hash mark and the word in a correctly constructed hashtag. There are no gaps inside the key itself.

If you are making a hashtag for the purpose of navigating through the group, then in this case, after the word itself, put the @ sign and write the name of the group, which is displayed in the address. The “products” category in the bestsmart group looks like #products@bestsmart. The hashtag uses both Cyrillic and Latin alphabet.

Even something as simple as hashtags has certain subtleties that must be taken into account in order to work with them as effectively as possible. Let's look at them in more detail.

  1. Don't use too many hashtags. They have a distinctive style and therefore stand out from the background of ordinary letters. The social network writes hashtags in an underlined font and also colors them in blue. The letters are black, and when there are a lot of links after a post, it just dazzles your eyes.
  2. Don't use too general words. They won't help you find your post, photo, or page. He will simply get lost among similar ones.
  3. Use phrases that are very popular and play on it. There are special services that allow you to find out the currently most popular hashtags. At the same time, find the golden mean, otherwise you will violate the previous recommendation. The popularity of a hashtag is good, but it should only be recognized by your target audience. Otherwise, even if the post is seen, they are unlikely to pay special attention to it.
  4. Put hashtags at the end of the post, otherwise no one will read it. We wrote a couple of sentences, and only then put a grid with the word.


So, we figured out what hashtags are and how to make them. Let's summarize a little.

  1. A hashtag is a handy tool to use. But do it wisely.
  2. To create it, you need to decide on the goal. The more detailed it is expressed (that is, what you want from the target audience, in what time frame), the better. Having a vision makes it easier to evaluate current actions.
  3. The hashtag template for popularizing a post is #title.
  4. Template for group navigation #name@groupname.
  5. There should be no spaces in the hashtag.

Great news for those who like to use hashtags in their posts on social networks. The largest social network in Russia, VKontakte, has added the TOP of popular hashtags.

Now you don't need to spend a lot of time tracking popular trends on social networks. The tool may be especially interesting for journalists and various kinds of SMM specialists. Of course, the appearance of TOP raises a lot of questions. Such as, for example, the frequency of its updating, calculation methods, and opportunities to combat cheating. Over time this will become known.

To see the TOP popular hashtags on VKontakte, you need to open the “My News” - “Search” tab. You can then view publications by date or popularity.

TOP trending topics based on hashtags first appeared on the Twitter home page in 2009. A similar service appeared on Facebook in 2011. And now it’s the end of 2015 and the TOP popular hashtags have finally appeared on the VKontakte social network.

To date, this is perhaps the most important innovation made since the departure of Pavel Durov. The rating has been launched so far only in Russia, but after testing it will be implemented in other countries. It is not yet known whether each country will have independent ratings or whether it will be a common TOP for all.

TOP popular hashtags on VKontakte 2016

As you know, in 2016 the social network VKontakte changed its usual design. Now in order to get to popular hashtags you need to go to the “News” section, select “Search” in the menu on the right and just below you will see “Current Topics”. By clicking on one of them, you will see all posts with this hashtag ordered by the date of their publication. By switching the “Interesting first” toggle switch, you will see posts with the most likes.

First, let's try to answer the question, what is hashtag?

It is the “Grid” symbol translated from English - Hash, A tag is a label, a label.

In order to use a hashtag, you need to write # before the keywords, for example like this. This keyword will automatically become an active link once published. By clicking on this link we will see all posts with this tag in the news feed of the social network. It is worth noting that hashtags consisting of several words should be written either together or with an underscore (examples below).

How to use VKontakte hashtags and why

Typically, hashtags are used for convenient and quick navigation on a social network, as well as for promoting your product or service. You have noticed them more than once in the news of groups and public pages, or in a friend’s personal news, that’s right, you can use hashtags:

  1. On your personal page on your wall (in the “What’s new with you?” field)
  2. In the group where we are an administrator on the wall (in the “Write a message” field)
  3. On a public page where we are also an administrator.

Thanks to this, in one feed we will see all the publications that interest us in one place, for example, such as #Elections_on_Mars or #WorldLiterball Championship.

Search by VKontakte hashtags

Searching for hashtags is carried out as follows - if we don’t have the “Tag” of interest at hand, then we enter it in the search, to do this, click on the top menu of VKontakte “Communications”, then click on the submenu “News” and enter the one we want in the search bar #hashtag, for example #beard and what we see:

Converting words into hashtags makes online life easier. The “#” sign is read in Russian as a hashtag, in English as hashtag. How to create a hashtag is easy to figure out. Example: a person writes an article about phones and puts #iPhone. It is easier for Internet users to find a note. Hashtags are used for advertising and brand promotion on social networks and blogs.

What is a hashtag

The existence of the hashtag first became known from Twitter, where an interesting poll was conducted: what if we grouped all the topics into one with a separate icon? Many users liked this offer. To understand what a hashtag is, you need to know what it looks like. A distinctive feature is the hash sign #, which must be inserted before words or phrases. The process of writing key phrases for an article takes little time, allowing you to promote products and brands for free.

Why are hashtags needed?

The need for hashtags is a matter of convenience. The combination of several words, a single phrase is comfortable. This improves organic search by helping you find the information you need faster by joining together when discussing the same topic. If you type the hashtag #HurrayFriday in the search for a social network, it will immediately become clear what the hashtag is for. Example: clicking on #HurrayFriday will display joyful pictures and phrases from posts about the end of the work week.

How it works

An improved hyperlink - a hashtag - saves you when you need to find the right word. Without sorting topics across different services, the Internet would be a mess. How a hashtag works: if it is written, an anchor is set, a link is created, and all users can easily find something that interests them. Hashtag - what is it? The automatically generated link is convenient for finding people ready to discuss the topic. Using the hashtag icon, you can create groups, subscribe to updates, and express your mood.

How to make a hashtag

When creating a hashtag, you need to take a group of words and highlight the main topic they belong to. Rules:

  1. If whole phrases are needed, they are entered without spaces. You can use both the Cyrillic and Latin alphabet.
  2. Any language is suitable for writing, but it is better when it is basic or accessible to the audience reading the author.
  3. You can improve the perception of an entire phrase by writing each individual word with a capital letter.
  4. Underscores can be used instead of spaces.
  5. The correct spelling of a hashtag looks like this: a # tag is attached to the word.
  6. How to use hashtags: It is important to use keyword selection - finding out in advance what people are looking for on the search network.

On Instagram

The world-famous social network aimed at distributing pictures, photographs, and videos is used by many. Instagram hashtags play an important role. Here the notations quickly sort numerous photos into groups and work as a separate filter. If you are interested in how to make hashtags on Instagram, then it is worth remembering the main rule - how accurate the word/phrase is, the more interested the visitors who searched for it will be. Examples:

  • Before posting a photo of necessary purchases, you just need to insert the phrase #to-do list.
  • By clicking on a similar hashtag in your post or that of your friends, you can see other people’s to-do lists.

The maximum number of Instagram hashtags is 30. One of the most popular Instagram hashtags is considered to be #tbt. It was invented to refer to actions performed on Thursday. Using hashtags, you can find out what's new in apps. Among the new ones, #vscocam or #vsco stands out: both designations mean that the published photo was edited using a special application for iPhone and Android.


You can make it easier to find a topic of interest on VKontakte if you write #topic in the search bar. If you click on other people's hashtags, all posts on the specified topic will be displayed. To understand for yourself how to make hashtags on VKontakte, you need to add the formula to the message or under the photo/video: #topic (#cool). The best option would be to select the exact phrase (#coolcat). Grouping words using VK hashtags gives impetus to the rapid development of discussions, and the topic becomes more popular.

In Facebook

To figure out how to put a hashtag on Facebook, you need to select a general category for phrases of interest and put a hash symbol in front. Want to discuss or read news about Zuckerberg? You can publish a post “The founder of the social network Facebook is #Markzuckerberg.” Signs after the hash mark are unacceptable; all words are written together. Advertising promotion of a social network page is the main goal of introducing hashtags among Facebook users. Easy search guarantees quick turn-up of comments.

In Odnoklassniki

The search for topics of the same name was carried out by Odnoklassniki users using tags. Tag – a keyword that should be specified in the “Add Keywords” window. It has become much easier: you just need to type the hash sign on the keyboard with the query you are interested in: #travel. How to make a hashtag in Odnoklassniki? It's simple: achieving promotion of a social page or group is much easier if you use the most popular hashtags.

On YouTube

The main YouTube hashtags have the same principle of marketing impact. The meaning is the same as in reposts with likes: the video is given popularity, this contributes to business development. A hashtag can be easily added to the video description. If you need to find lyric videos about love, then #prolove will do. Where and how to put hashtags on YouTube? You can add a hash sign before a word in the comments under the video or in the description. It is worth using popular hashtags. They may also be present in the video title, but are not yet displayed as links.

Search by hashtags

How to quickly search using the hashtag of the desired topic or photo? When you see the desired topic in any message, for example, #music, you need to click on this link and all posts and news marked “music” will be visible. It’s easy to find popular options, especially those located on search engines and social networks. Nuances:

  • You can add a phrase yourself, and if the topic interests users, others will use it.
  • Various forums support the tagging function, which will help you create hashtags in many places of communication and in any sequence (attach them before or after a sentence).


The social network “Vkontakte” introduced a very convenient functionality of “hashtags” - special tags that now simplify the search for all posts on a similar topic. Initially, the “hashtags” function was not particularly popular and was known to few people. However, now no self-respecting community can do without this functionality in its posts.

It is very easy to recognize “hashtags” in appearance - they look like links with hash symbols (#) at the very beginning of the link, when clicked, users go to search for those posts that will also be tagged with this “hashtag”.

How to write hashtags correctly?

On May 16, 2011, the first “hashtag” was created and it was called “#vkontaktetestiruethashtagi”. At that time, “hashtags” could still be created by composing them only from Latin letters. However, today it is already possible to create “hashtags” in Russian.
The most important rule of “hashtags” that remains unchanged is that there should be no spaces between words. And if you need to separate words, then it is best to use the underscore “_” lower or upper case.

The scope where “hashtags” can be used is almost limitless:
– in commercial communities, they can be used to sort messages into various groups of services and goods;
– in entertainment publics - according to the criteria of the importance of messages and much more. There are also city and regional “hashtags”, by clicking on which you can find out about all the news and events that are related to your city.

Types of hashtags on VKontakte

1. Working throughout VK;
2. Working exclusively in the community.

The answer to this question is simple. Come up with a keyword or phrase that you can use to describe your post, and this keyword should be “generalized.” For example, in our case we will use the hashtag # Music or even # Cool_music (#Coolmusic).

What is good about using a generalized hashtag? Using this tag, even those users who have never heard of it will find your community inside VKontakte. That is, we can conclude that the use of hashtags affects the promotion of public pages and groups on the social network. This tool can complement your .

That is, the larger the promoted group or public, the higher the post with a popular hashtag will be in the VKontakte search.

How to make a VKontakte hashtag within a community?

There are two options:

1) Come up with a unique hashtag that is not used on the social network.

For example, # Cool_Cool_music applies exclusively within my community. It’s unlikely that anyone would think of using such an unpopular tag for their posts. Therefore, when users click on a hashtag, they will only see posts from my Group.

Noooo, however, if someone comes up with such a hashtag, then it will work not only in my community, but throughout the entire VKontakte social network.

2) After the hashtag, write the abbreviated name of the community via @:

Example: # Music@cool_music,
Where cool_music– this is the name of the group from the page address http://vk.com/cool_music.
If, instead of a beautiful name, you have something like club77777777 written, then use this identifier after @.

How many hashtags can you put in one post?

Let me note that you can install as many “lattices” as you want. However, according to statistics, it is better to put no more than 2-3 tags in one post. Otherwise, instead of beautiful hashtags, you will have a bunch of various incomprehensible keywords.