Why doesn't my fingerprint work after the update? Why does Touch ID not work after repair?

Touch ID is an excellent technology developed by Apple, which allows you to increase the security of user data on the company's devices. Apple has built a fingerprint scanner into the Home button on iPhone and iPad, which allows you to identify the real user of the device without having to enter a password. At the same time, identification is used not only to unlock the device, but also when logging into various applications, paying for purchases in online stores and in a host of other situations.

But no technology is perfect, including Touch ID. Users may encounter an error the next time they try to use the fingerprint scanner “Crash. Touch ID setup cannot be completed. Go back and try again". In English, this error sounds like this: "Failed." Unable to complete Touch ID setup". When faced with a problem like this, it will take some effort to fix it, and in this article we will look at the main ways to do this.

Updating fingerprints in Touch ID

Quite often, the error “Cannot complete Touch ID setup” occurs after updating your device. Apple regularly releases new firmware versions for iPhone and iPad, but their installation does not always go without errors and problems. If you are having trouble with Touch ID after downloading and installing new software, try the following:

After completing all the steps described above, the “Unable to complete Touch ID setup” error should no longer bother you.

What to do if updating your fingerprints doesn't help?

If you followed the instructions described above, but did not succeed in getting rid of the problem in question, there are a few more tips on how to fix the error:

If none of the above methods helped fix the situation, you can try to wait until Apple releases a new firmware version and install it, it is possible that this will fix the problem. Another way is this.

It is worth noting that if you contact an official Apple service center with this problem, you will receive the answer that this is a hardware malfunction. If the phone is under warranty, Apple will repair the device free of charge (replace the Home button) or exchange it for a new one. That is why it is not recommended to try to disassemble the device yourself and try to “fix the Home button cable”, which is what various “craftsmen” recommend doing when the error “Cannot complete Touch ID setup” occurs.

With the release of the iPhone 5s, Apple developers introduced a new Touch Id feature - a device that reads fingerprints. With its help, users of Apple gadgets can easily make purchases in the App Store, unlock their phones, etc. Very often on forums you can find topics about a failed Touch Id.

In this article we will try to figure out why Touch ID does not work on iPhone 5s/6/6s and how to fix it?

To begin with, it should be noted that if the device began to fail after a recent update, you will most likely have to do a system rollback and return to the previous version of iOS.

If this method does not help you, you should resort to the options outlined below for fixing Touch ID.

Touch ID stopped working on iPhone 6/6s/5/5s

Mechanical repair of Touch Id is a last resort

What to do if Touch Id does not respond to any actions? In this case, if the Touch ID has failed as a result of a software failure, a hard reboot of the system should help. To do this, hold down the Home and Power keys and hold until the device reboots.

If this problem was software in nature, a reboot will solve the problem. If there was a physical impact on the phone, you will have to contact a service center, where a qualified technician will be able to diagnose and, if necessary, fix the problem.

Touch ID doesn't work on iPhone 6 - repair it yourself

If minor malfunctions in the Touch Id device periodically occur, Apple developers advise reconfiguring, in other words, making a new fingerprint and getting rid of the old fingerprint.

It is recommended to do this periodically so that the fingerprint data in the device is fresh, because Human skin on the hands is constantly exposed to various factors, and therefore the print may change slightly.

In order to make a new fingerprint, you need to go to “Settings”, then select “Touch Id and password”. Remove old prints. After that, click “Add fingerprint” and perform the necessary actions in accordance with the instructions.

Touch ID stopped working in the App Store on iPhone 5s/6/6s/5

Basically, the cause of this problem is also slightly modified fingerprints, as a result of which the system cannot recognize them, but sometimes there are cases when the problem lies in incorrectly installed software.

There are also complaints on the forums about a glitch when the App Store does not see Touch Id. How to fix this?

  1. Go to the gadget Settings and look for “Touch Id and password”;
  2. Find the section “Using Touch Id” and disable “App Store, iTunes Store”;
  3. Reboot the iOS device;
  4. We return to the Touch Id settings and enable “App Store, iTunes Store”.

After these steps there should be no problem.

Problems with iPhone 6. Touch ID does not work in winter, in cold weather

There are many complaints about the poor performance of Touch Id during the cold season. It is very simple to explain the reason for this problem - as a result of the cold, our fingerprint is slightly modified, which is why the system cannot recognize it.

Frequently updating your fingerprint or creating a “cold” fingerprint will help you solve this problem. Scan your fingerprint while out in the cold. However, it is believed that these methods help only partly, however, if there is an urgent need for this function in the cold, it is worth a try.

Touch Id does not work on iPhone 6/6s/5s/5 due to exposure to water and dirt

Touch ID setup fails or fails to complete after updating iOS? This guide contains the most common Touch ID problems and their solutions to help you.

If problems with Touch ID started immediately after updating to a new version of iOS, you may need to roll back the version. While you have a chance or stay with the problem until the next update comes out. We have seen that some iOS updates introduce bugs and subsequent ones fix it.

While it may seem like a problem with Touch ID, there's a reason why your iPhone asks for a passcode more often after updating. If you haven't used your passcode in six days, and haven't entered Touch ID to unlock your phone in eight hours, you'll be prompted to enter your passcode. This is an Apple policy and is for your safety.

How to fix the problem of unable to activate Touch ID on iPhone?

Whether your Touch ID settings weren't set up correctly to begin with, or you think it's becoming unreliable over time, there are all sorts of reasons why Touch ID on your iPhone or iPad might not be able to recognize your fingerprint as well as it used to, or as well as it should. . Sometimes in such cases it is best to start over.

Unlock your iPhone or iPad and set up Touch ID again to fix most issues. Before doing this, make sure there is no dirt or sweat on the Touch ID sensor and dry your hands.

Step 1: Settings → Scroll down and tap on Touch ID & Password.

Step 2: Then enter your password and turn off iPhone Unlock and iTunes & App Store features.

Step 3: Press the Home button to return to the Home screen, and then restart your iPhone by pressing the Power off button.

Step 4: Settings → Scroll down and tap on Touch ID & Password. Enter your password.

Step 5: Turn on iPhone Unlock and iTunes & App Store features.

If you are unable to complete the Touch iD setup using the above method, please enable the "Open with finger" feature. To do this, follow the steps below:

Step 1. Go to Settings → General.

Step 2: Click Accessibility.

Step 3: Select Home.

Step 4: Turn on “Open with finger.”

After that, restart your phone and check if the “Touch ID setup cannot be completed” error is fixed.

Recalibrating the Touch ID sensor

The easiest way to fix Touch ID errors is to recreate your fingerprint on your iPhone. iOS updates have done a lot of work over the last year, fixing most Touch ID errors including "Touch ID setup can't be completed," and there are general performance improvements on iOS 8 and above.

This may help if your fingerprints have changed slightly over the last few months due to wear, dry skin, etc. To do this you need to follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Launch the Settings app and open Touch ID & Passcode, enter your password when prompted.

Step 2: Select the fingerprint you are having trouble with, then click the Remove Fingerprint button.

Step 3. Click the “Add fingerprint...” button to begin rescanning the removed finger.

Step 4: Place your finger on the Touch ID sensor in different ways - from right to left, from top to bottom, and from side to side - until the fingerprint icon is completely colored.

Step 5: When asked to adjust your grip, scan the edges of that finger until the fingerprint icon is fully colored.

Note: Scan the front, back, and sides of this finger in the manner in which you think you will apply it to unlock if the grip is not the most comfortable.

Step 6: Click the Continue button when the process is complete to save your fingerprint.

Lock your device and make sure the fingerprint works; Congratulations if everything worked out! If not, reboot your device according to the instructions below and check if the problem is resolved.

Force a device restart

The next option is a forced reboot. Hold down the Power and Home buttons simultaneously for about 10 seconds and release when you see the Apple logo. These instructions are intended for owners of iPhone 6 and previous models.

For owners of iPhone 7 and 7 Plus, you need to hold down the “Power” and “Volume Down” buttons, and for new iPhone X phones. First, press volume up, then volume down and hold the “Power” button for 10 seconds. Otherwise the process is the same.

After rebooting, your fingerprint should work fine.

If after following these steps to recalibrate Touch ID, you still can't unlock your iOS device with your fingerprint, there might be something else going on besides iOS bugs. Take these troubleshooting steps:

Wipe the Touch ID sensor with a microfiber cloth to remove fingerprints and dirt.

Use another finger; Perhaps the finger you are trying to use does not have a clearly visible imprint.

Note: According to reviews, many iPhone owners have encountered the problem “Touch iD setup cannot be completed.” Official Apple support says that this is a hardware problem and that you should either replace the Home button (or screen + Home button) or the entire phone.


If the Touch ID issue continues to plague your device, you should either wait for the next iOS update or you should contact Apple for help. Also, if your iPhone is still under warranty, contact an official Apple service.

What password can be called the most reliable and at the same time constantly accessible to the owner of the equipment? Fingerprint. The new Touch ID uses a fingerprint sensor as a means of identification. This method allows you to quickly connect to another Apple device and at the same time be confident in the security of the stored data.

Of course, the question immediately arises: Touch ID - what is it? The device itself, the technology or, in general, the phone model? Apple Touch ID is a technology that involves the use of a sensor that recognizes the user's unique fingerprint pattern. The unlocking process is simple: just place your finger on the Home button. The installed sensor reads the received data from absolutely any angle and in any way the iPad is positioned.

The iPad mini 3 unlock button is made of sapphire glass, which is enclosed in a stainless steel ring. Each part: the ring detects touch, and the glass part transmits fingerprint data to the sensor. The reading program performs a comparative analysis and signals compliance. It is noteworthy that the Touch ID sensor performs the entire operation within a fraction of a second.

Advantages of the technology:

  • Speed ​​of response and minimum number of required operations.
  • Security of confidential information (thanks to the specific architecture of the A7 processor).
  • User information security (the password and fingerprint used cannot be copied or transferred in any way, and is also not available to the OS and applications).
  • Authorization in applications (Touch ID technology is already integrated to simplify the process of confirming actions or signatures).
  • Using a fingerprint, you can confirm the purchase and iTunes - using Touch ID technology will eliminate the need to enter payment data and passwords.

How to enable and configure Touch ID?

Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to put a single checkmark to implement the functions of the technology. Then a logical question arises: how to enable Touch ID?

Initial setup

First of all, you should deal with the initial setup. She :

  1. Before starting the process, thoroughly wipe the button and fingers.
  2. Enter a four-digit password that you have created, which the program will use without recognizing the fingerprint (the request is also possible after a reboot, two days after the last unlocking of the device, or to access functions).
  3. Holding the device as if you normally press “Home”, place your finger on the button (a light touch is enough) and hold until there is a slight vibration or until the system signals that you can remove your finger.
  4. After the initial recognition is completed, the system asks you to change the position of the pad - this is necessary to complete the scanning. Now you need to attach the edges of the fingertip.

If the device is activated, then the initial setup can be done through the main menu: by going to “Settings”, select “Touch ID and password”, then “Fingerprints”. The system itself will offer to go through the described registration process and about fingerprints.

Activation methods

If you can't set up Touch ID, you can use the sensor for purchases and password entry. To unlock an iPhone using technology, just wake it up from sleep mode by pressing the “Power” or “Home” buttons, and then place your finger on the “Home” button. To use the sensor as an account identifier, you need to go to the settings section, then select “Touch ID and password” and activate “iTunes Store, App Store”. When downloading content, the system will inform you that you need a fingerprint on your iPad or other device.

Authorization using a scanner is activated separately, in the settings. Below are the relevant Steps to activate Touch ID on iPhone 5s, iPhone 6 Plus with iOS 8 and iPhone 6 in the updated free 1Password app:

  1. Open “Settings” (tab located on the bottom panel of the program).
  2. Select the “Security” section.
  3. Scroll to the tab with the name of the technology.
  4. Switch the toggle switch to the “On” position.

Now the entrance to the program is available after pressing the fingertip against the sensor for a second!

Non-working function: defective or improper operation?

Undoubtedly, but what should you do if Touch ID stops working or does not work initially? There may be several reasons for this:

  • Household reasons (incomplete coverage of the button with the fingertip, contamination of the sensor, and even others). It should be noted that most of the complaints about Touch ID not working well fall precisely under this and the next category.
  • Just a glitch in the recognition program. In this case, it is better to register a different fingerprint.
  • There is, unfortunately, such an option as marriage. An indicator of such a situation is the lack of effect from rebooting the device and a scanning error. Moreover, it doesn’t matter whether the defect was made at the production stage or by a rogue seller who assembled one iPhone out of two without taking into account the binding of the Touch ID sensor to “its” processor, the phone will still have to be taken to a service center.

With customization of the functionality, the functions in each application are more than covered by convenience, speed of operation and optimization of purchasing processes. Although the possibility of a marriage that could bring trouble cannot be ruled out.

The first Apple smartphone with a Touch ID fingerprint scanner was the iPhone 5s, which entered the market back in 2013. Since then, the Apple corporation has managed to develop and begin to implement the second generation of the fingerprint module, which is characterized by increased recognition speed and increased reliability. However, problems may arise with any generation of Touch ID, so the editors website I decided to tell you about five ways to fix a poorly working fingerprint scanner in iPhone and iPad.

Activate Touch ID in iOS Settings

Before you start looking for the reason for the fingerprint scanner not working in the iPhone and iPad, you should make sure that it is enabled in the settings of the iOS operating system. To do this, you need to launch the “Settings” application, and then go to the “Touch ID and passcode” section and activate the toggle switches opposite all the parameters associated with this module. If they are already turned on, then they can be turned off and turned on again in order to eliminate the possibility of some kind of bug.

Clean the module from dirt and dust

Since Touch ID scans your finger, you should always keep it clean. Of course, you shouldn’t overdo it when cleaning it, but dirt and dust can cause poor performance of the entire module and lead to incorrect fingerprint recognition. You can clean Touch ID from dust and dirt using a special solution for cleaning electronics. It should be sprayed onto a microfiber cloth and thoroughly clean the entire module for a few minutes, and then test its operation.

Update your iOS operating system to the latest version

Despite the fact that the iPhone and iPad are among the most reliable mobile devices in the world, some failures and glitches may occur in the operation of the iOS operating system. As a result, the Touch ID module may not work entirely correctly on certain firmware versions. This problem is solved by updating the device to the latest version of iOS, which probably does not have software problems with Touch ID.

Finger position when scanning

In some cases, unlocking iPhone and iPad using Touch ID may not occur for the simple reason that the fingerprint scanner cannot scan. To help him do this, you should place your fingertips all over the fingerprint scanner. Additionally, Touch ID takes a while to scan, so don't remove your finger from the scanner too quickly.

Adding more fingerprints

All iPhones and iPads can add up to five fingerprints, which can be used to unlock the device. Apple does not impose any restrictions on this, so the same finger can be scanned several times, thereby increasing the chances of successfully unlocking the device with its help.

If all the described methods for solving Touch ID problems did not help, then you should think about visiting a service center. It often happens that the fingerprint modules in the iPhone and iPad fail and the only way to solve the problem is to visit the ASC. Please note that Touch ID can only be repaired or replaced at authorized service centers that are able to “link” a new fingerprint scanner to the old hardware.

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