Why is there no search for channels on tricolor TV. Why doesn't Tricolor show? "Tricolor" does not show after payment. Free Tricolor channels are not shown. This number will be useful to us in the future.

In Russia, the largest digital television provider is Tricolor. Most subscribers are familiar with the situation in which a message about no signal appears on the TV screen. Message "No signal" should not be a reason for serious worries and worries. The inability to watch a channel in most cases is actually caused by a lack of signal, and the reasons for this situation are intuitive and can be eliminated by the subscriber independently.

What are the reasons

First you need to understand causes, causing problems with signal transmission. All problems in which the dish signal disappears can be divided into two large groups:

  • TV may write an error message due to external reasons that do not depend on the subscriber’s receiving equipment;
  • TV is capable of writing an error message due to internal reasons that are caused by equipment malfunctions or related to settings failures.

External causes that can cause problems with signal transmission include external influences in the form of wind, snow, rain, when, under the influence of which, the TV begins to show poorly. This group includes the need to carry out all restoration work in case of accidents, when the signal begins to disappear and the Tricolor stops showing. The signal begins to disappear during periodic maintenance work by the operator.

First steps if there is no signal

Problems may not be related to the operation of the satellite dish, since in some cases the message may be shown by the TV itself. It is necessary to find out the reason why the TV channel stopped working. To find out the influence of the TV settings, you need to use the Tricolor TV remote control press"OK" button. If the general list of channels is not displayed on the screen, then the TV settings have failed. To eliminate this, you need to re-configure the TV by selecting the input for connecting the satellite receiver.

It is recommended to disconnect the signal receiver from the power supply for about 1 minute. Turn on the receiver again and wait until it enters operating mode. Check that the message about no signal has disappeared on the desired channel.

If the situation has not changed, then you need to check the number of channels on which the “No Signal” entry appeared. If the error message is not displayed on all channels, but is shown only on one channel, then it is enough to update the list of TV channels. To do this you need to do a number of simple actions:

  • select the “Menu” item and press the “OK” confirmation item;
  • Reply “Yes” and “OK” to the warning message about updating channels.

Updating channels may take a long time, so don't worry. Once the update is complete, a window will appear on the screen indicating the total number of channels found. You need to save the settings.

If the message "No Signal" appears on all channels, then the reason must be search in the operation of the equipment.

Why is there no signal on Tricolor TV

To solve the problem of no signal, it is necessary to perform a number of actions, the implementation of which will give 100% result:

Before finding out whether there are technical problems with the equipment, it is worth checking for natural causes in the form of a lack of broadcasting channels. It is likely that preventative work is currently being carried out. According to the functional responsibilities, the operator is obliged to inform the subscriber about planned maintenance work several days before the start of work. Most subscribers ignore incoming messages or the information does not reach them for certain reasons.

Check information about the event preventive works you can:

Problems of this nature are usually resolved within 10-20 hours. Information about the occurrence of an unforeseen situation must be posted on the official website of the provider.

Absence messages about preventive maintenance and unforeseen situations means that the root cause must be looked for elsewhere.

Technical problems

You need to check the cable connection from the receiver. For this necessary:

  • check if there are breaks or damage on the cable;
  • check the tightness of the contact threads

You need to find out if there are breaks or any damage on the cable. Visual inspection may reveal obvious damage. If there are none, it is recommended to use a tester and check for hidden problems.

If problems are identified, the cable must be replaced. If it is not possible to completely replace the cable, you can eliminate the break and connect the cable parts. This requires a special connector and two F connectors. You need to do the following actions:

  • cut the cable where the break is detected;
  • strip the braid;
  • screw the connectors onto the cable;
  • secure firmly with a connector;
  • strengthen the connection by wrapping a layer of electrical tape over it.

If no damage is detected in the cable, then it is necessary to check the tightness of the F-contact threads.

No signal may be caused by a faulty receiver. To check the device, just connect it to a working antenna. To do this, you can contact your friends or relatives, neighbors who have the Tricolor. If a signal appears, then the cause of the breakdown must be sought in antenna.

A negative test result in the form of no signal indicates a breakdown of the receiver. In most cases, the tuner responsible for receiving the Tricolor signal fails. In this case, the receiver must be taken to a service center for repair.

Antenna malfunction

Very often, antenna malfunction occurs as a consequence of exposure to unfavorable natural conditions such as strong winds and heavy rainfall. In this case, as a rule, the side connections that hold the antenna in a certain direction become loose. Even a deviation of the antenna by 1-2 degrees leads to the fact that the satellite signal passes by it and problems occur in viewing Tricolor TV channels. For elimination problems needed:

  • prepare wrenches for tightening the nuts;
  • inspect the place, identifying possible sources of danger;
  • stretch all antenna connections;
  • tune the antenna by pointing the antenna in a certain direction until a clear signal is received.

When trying to change direction, each position must be fixed for 3-5 seconds. It is recommended to use the help of an assistant when setting up, so when setting up a specific rotation to receive a signal, you need to check its quality. The signal quality can be checked by calling up the banner by pressing F1 on the information channel. A scale of signal quality and strength is displayed at the bottom left of the screen. To be able to view a stable and high-quality image of a TV channel, both scales must reach 70%. When a good signal is received, you can stop working.

If it is impossible to set up the antenna yourself, you must seek the help of a specialist by calling him to your home. The technician will configure the antenna using the horizontal scanning method.

Converter problem

In most cases, the cause of the “No Signal” message is a broken converter. The difficulty of diagnosing lies in the fact that it is very difficult for the subscriber to determine whether the error in receiving a signal is the result of a broken converter or whether it was influenced by other factors. It is impossible to visually determine whether the converter is broken.

For checks you need to do the following:

The subscriber will most likely not be able to solve a problem of this nature on his own and will have to seek the help of a specialist.

What you should pay attention to

Don’t panic when a “No Signal” message appears on your TV screen. It is not recommended to randomly press the remote control buttons repeatedly while trying to achieve a result. Try to calmly analyze the situation and try to find out the cause of possible problems.

Remember, that when trying to search and update channels, you cannot disconnect the signal receiver from the power supply. Otherwise, the equipment may be damaged.

You should not waste time and effort trying to fix a technical problem yourself. In most cases, it is much easier and faster to contact a specialized service center than to do the work to eliminate the causes yourself. Service specialists are able to work in a fairly short time frame and will carry out all the necessary work on liquidation Reasons for no signal:

  • equipment setup;
  • replacement of faulty equipment;
  • software update.

All Tricolor TV subscribers know that if their paid period has expired, then there are 10 basic channels left that they can constantly watch. But if Tricolor TV does not show a package of basic channels (the message “no signal” appears), what should you do? In this case, clients immediately have many questions; many do not know how to solve the problem and whether it can be done on their own.

First you need to carry out all the diagnostics of the equipment. There are situations when the whole problem is a loose cable, and in this case you can solve it all yourself and without outside help.

How to check the functionality of the entire system?

To begin with, you can use the most standard method - reboot the receiving device. To do this, you need to turn off and then turn on the electricity. It is advisable to do this for 5-10 minutes. In this case, all channels may recover on their own.

The second step is to check whether the main information channel Tricolor TV is working. It must work constantly. But what to do if this channel has stopped broadcasting and shows the message “no signal”? Why might this happen?

Perhaps the settings have gone wrong and because of this the channel does not show. In this case, you can reset the settings to factory settings. This may help restore the signal and the channels will show again.

What to do if you don't know how to restore factory settings? Tricolor TV recommends doing this in almost all problematic situations, so every subscriber should know how to do it. To reset settings to factory settings you need to:

  • open the main menu of the TV;
  • find the “Settings” item;
  • enter your Tricolor TV PIN code (it should be indicated on the back of your smart card);
  • select “Factory settings”;
  • confirm your choice by pressing the “OK” key;
  • Then you will see a warning about resetting the settings; you should confirm it again.

After all these steps, the receiver will reboot and the settings will return to factory settings. Perhaps resetting the settings will help fix the problem, and instead of the “no signal” message, you will again be able to watch your favorite TV channels in HD format.

Now you need to re-tune the channels using automatic search. Tricolor TV will independently find the required package, and you will only need to save the installed TV channels. If your paid period is not valid at this moment, then most likely Tricolor TV will remove all free channels to the end of the list. For many they start at about 101 channels.

The information channel works, but the basic ones do not work

Why does the information channel work, but the basic ones do not show (you can only see the message “no signal”, and what should you do in this case? This situation is possible if the subscriber has not confirmed his data or if the smart card is installed incorrectly and the receiver does not see it.

If the problem arose due to unconfirmed data, then it must be confirmed. You can make confirmation in several ways:

  • call the company’s call center and ask the operator to do this;
  • do this yourself in your “Personal Account” on the official website of Tricolor TV.

In addition, the message “no signal” may indicate that the receiver does not see the smart card. You can check this in the menu by going to the section called “Conditional Access”. Then you need to go to the DRE module. The ID card number will be indicated there and it must match the number of the card installed in the receiver. If the number is not displayed, it means that the receiver does not see the smart card. In this case, you need to contact the customer support center and replace the card.

Basic package price changes

The appearance of the message “no signal” or “no access to watch channels” may appear due to changes in prices for the company’s services.

The fact is that since 2015, Tricolor TV has changed the data on HD tariff packages. This means that if you previously had the “Optimum”, “Super-Optimum” and “Maximum HD” service package connected, then you will have a new tariff installed - “Single”.

In addition, Tricolor TV has removed all tariff divisions and price gradations. Now you cannot choose a service package as before for 600, 900 and 1200 rubles. At the moment there is only one package of HD TV channels for 1200 rubles. This price applies to both new and old equipment.

But there is a slight difference. If you do not want to pay the entire amount for the package at once, you can pay it in installments. For six months of watching TV channels in HD quality, you will need to pay 600 rubles, and 9 months – 900 rubles.

Also, since 2015, Tricolor TV does not guarantee that if a subscriber has not paid for the package, then 10 basic channels will work in HD quality. Previously, this was clearly stated in the documents, but now Tricolor TV has removed this clause on tariff packages from the contract. Thus, if you do not pay on time in the amount of 1,200 rubles for watching TV channels in HD format, then instead of a “picture” the message “no signal” will appear on your TV screen.

Software update problem This is another problem why your basic channels may stop working.

If you do not update the software on time, this may lead to a malfunction of the channels.

    if the basic TV channels of Tricolor TV do not work, CONSEQUENTLY ONE CONCLUSION: - Tricolor TV is a very greedy organization, it’s not for nothing that N. Mikhalkov says that the problem in Russia is not feeding the poor, but THAT THE RICH CAN’T GET FUCKED!! !

    Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated July 13, 2015 No. 257-FZ “On Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Mass Media” and the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Communications”” Is there no such law for Tricolor TV?

    GS 8306 payment for the year was confirmed on April 22, and on May 9 everything was turned off and ruined the holiday. Thank you! And the same to them for our money. I found myself in a remote village without an information channel, but with 2 “film screening” channels. I don’t understand everything at all.

    ID 331308013296. Single package paid for, already 3rd week, from May 15, 2017, encrypted channel on the screen!! Federal channels do not work.
    Impossible to get through by phone!! Finally, create a normal call center, whose operators can be reached by phone and get normal advice!!!
    And so - you get money for services not provided, you’ve got a great job!

One of the most popular satellite broadcasting operators in Russia is Tricolor TV. Naturally, the problem of how to update the list of channels on Tricolor is relevant for many users. It is not surprising, because some programs disappear into oblivion, others come to take their place. Therefore, you need to monitor the situation and try to regularly update the list of channels so as not to lose your favorite programs.

The losses are due to the fact that television companies cannot find a common language with those who broadcast them, so cooperation simply stops. In addition, many programs disappear after a new firmware version has been installed on the TV. Then the receiver messes up all the settings and you have to search manually.

How to update Tricolor TV channels yourself?

First of all, you need to try to automatically search for channels. Perhaps the lists were not restored before simply because not all updates were installed after flashing, or there was a glitch in the system. So, to search for channels and test this theory, you need to take the following steps:

    Enter the menu;

    Select the “Settings” section;

    Enter the access code. It is the standard "0000";

    Launch "Automatic Search".

If all is well, the list will quickly be restored, although not in the same form as it was. Therefore, it will have to be reduced by removing unnecessary channels. If the instructions did not give any results, or Tricolor did not find all the channels that were there before, then the problem has not gone away, and the obvious solution will not work for it. You will have to use the manual configuration method. In this case, the algorithm of actions becomes more complicated, but nevertheless remains clear:

    Enter the “Menu” panel;

    Select the “Settings” section;

    Enter the already known PIN code “0000”;

    Go to the “Manual Search” section;

    Enter parameters - frequency, polarization, flow speed;

    Click on “Find”.

By the way, it is impossible to update channels on Tricolor TV manually if you do not know the broadcast parameters. To obtain this information, you must first go to the provider’s official website and look at the data for 2017. Once the procedure is completed, you can optionally sort the channels and create favorite lists according to your interests.

What to do if the list is empty after updating

It often happens that even if the channels are updated perfectly, at one point the TV will simply stop showing them. First, you need to conduct a search again, checking if the settings are lost. If even after this nothing works, then the reason must be looked for elsewhere. Most often the problem is either in the receiver, the cable, or the antenna.

Here are the most common factors that cause TV channels to disappear:

    Weather conditions: snow, rain, icing, strong wind, etc.;

    Unreliable antenna mounting;

    Breakage of some part;

    Frayed cable.

Naturally, these are not all the problems that can cause the lack of video. But in any case, it is better to contact a specialist who will find the cause of the breakdown and fix it, than to try to do everything yourself and only worsen the situation.

How to update the channel list on new software for Tricolor TV

The problems may be related to new software. It was released on September 20, 2016, for DRS 8300, GS 8300M, GS 8300. Once you install it, you no longer have to think about how to update channels on Tricolor TV yourself, because the procedure is very simple and practically no different from the standard.

If both scales are filled to at least 70%, and the Info Channel still displays the message “No Signal,” return the receiver settings to the factory settings.

To do this, press the “Menu” button, then “Settings” or “Settings” or “Applications”, select “Factory settings” and press the “OK” button. After confirming the reset, the receiver will reboot and the Initial Setup Wizard will be launched. In the Installation Wizard, specify the satellite TV operator and select the region where your equipment will be installed, if it is in the drop-down list. If after this the channels are not found (or not all channels are found), you need to re-configure the antenna to receive a signal from the satellite.

If it was not possible to configure the successor, then

You need to adjust the antenna for more reliable signal reception. You can do this yourself or contact

  • On one/several channels, the “Tricolor TV Info Channel” shows

Check the strength of the received signal from the antenna

To do this, on the Tricolor TV Info Channel, double-click the red function button on the receiver’s remote control (“F1”, “i” or “INFO”; if necessary, also press the green button on the remote control). An expanded information banner window will open. In the window that appears, two scales will be displayed at the bottom - signal strength and signal quality. For stable signal reception from the satellite, the scales must be filled to at least 70% (visually - three-quarters).

1. Both scales are 70% full or more

If the Infochannel shows, but the image is missing only on some channels of the paid service, this may be due to a change in the channel broadcast parameters to optimize satellite capacities. In such situations, channels with old broadcast parameters may be stored in the channel list on your receiver. You need to update the channel list. To update the channel list, press the “Menu” button on the receiver’s remote control and in the “Main Menu” select “Search for Tricolor TV channels.”

2. One or both scales are less than 70% filled

You need to adjust the antenna for more reliable signal reception. You can do this yourself or contact

  • The screen displays "Empty list"

Check the strength of the received signal from the antenna.

To do this, press the red function button on the receiver’s remote control twice (“F1”, “i” or “INFO”; if necessary, also press the green button on the remote control). An expanded information banner window will open. In the window that appears, two scales will be displayed at the bottom - signal strength and signal quality. For stable signal reception from the satellite, the scales must be filled to at least 70% (visually - three-quarters).

1. Both scales are 70% full or more

Press the “Menu” button on the remote control and select “Search for Tricolor TV channels.” Then click the “OK” button and confirm the start of the channel search. Wait until the search for TV and radio channels is completed (an information message should appear on the screen) and save the found TV channels.

2. One or both scales are less than 70% filled

Reset the receiver settings to factory settings.

To do this, press the “Menu” button, then “Settings” or “Settings or “Applications”, select “Factory settings” and press the “Ok” button. After confirming the reset, the receiver will reboot and the Initial Setup Wizard will be launched. In the Installation Wizard, specify the satellite TV operator and select the region where your equipment will be installed, if it is in the drop-down list. If after this the channels are not found (or not all channels are found), you need to re-configure the antenna to receive a signal from the satellite.

If it still doesn’t show, then you need to adjust the antenna for more reliable signal reception. You can do this yourself or contact.

Interruptions in satellite television broadcasting are always an unpleasant thing. But if you can somehow tolerate slight interference in the image or freezing sound, then it’s difficult to come to terms with the complete lack of access to TV. What to do if a Tricolor subscriber has lost the signal on all channels? Should I call a professional, or can I do it on my own? Let's try to figure it out.

Primary diagnosis

If you find a message about no signal when you turn on the TV, do not panic. First you need to assess the scale of the problem that has arisen. To do this, scroll through a couple of dozen connected channels, including the Tricolor TV Infochannel. If there is no broadcast on any frequency, including the information channel, there are obvious problems with the equipment. To find out their reasons, you should check the signal quality at the receiver.

Checking the signal quality

To find out whether information from the antenna is reaching the TV, you need to press one of the following keys on the remote control:

  • INFO.

The choice of button depends on the remote control model. In some cases, to confirm the transition to the information section, you will need to additionally press the green key on the remote control.

After this, an information window will appear on the screen with two scales displaying the level of the incoming signal and its quality. The subscriber's actions to resolve the problem will depend on the readings of these scales. For normal broadcasting, their readings must be at least 80%.

Procedure for insufficient signal

If at least one of the scales is filled to 70% or less, and at the same time Tricolor writes “no signal” on all channels, the reasons may be as follows:

  • physical damage to equipment;
  • poor antenna tuning;
  • changing weather conditions.

However, the last reason, if the antenna is installed and configured correctly, should not have a significant impact on the quality of broadcasting. Although, in the northern regions, there are often cases when, after a strong snowstorm, the antenna dish is filled with snow, as a result of which it cannot receive data. But before you go outside or climb onto the roof, you should check the equipment in your apartment.

Checking the physical connection

The satellite signal arriving at the antenna may be lost on the way to the television receiver. This may be caused by damaged wires or connectors, a dropped or cracked cable plug, a loose connector on the set-top box, etc. Therefore, first of all, you should inspect all the equipment in the apartment and reconnect all wires. It is better to turn off the receiver itself at this time.

If problems are detected, parts that have become unusable are replaced. To do this, you may have to contact Tricolor technical support. If everything is fine with the physical connection, you will have to reconfigure the antenna.

Antenna setup

It is most convenient to set up a satellite dish with an assistant. One person rises to the antenna and turns it towards the satellite, the other monitors the position of the signal indicators on the TV screen.

Rotate the plate carefully, about 6-10 degrees at a time. There should be a pause of 10-20 seconds between position changes. Naturally, before tuning, you should clear the surface of the plate from snow, leaves and other debris, if any. Extra items can significantly affect the quality of work.

Adjustments should be made until both scales reach their maximum values. Of course, it won’t be 100%, but it’s worth at least reaching 90. In this case, the operation of the receiver will not deteriorate when the weather changes.

Procedure for normal signal

If the Tricolor TV does not have a signal on all channels, but its level and quality indicators are at a decent level (more than 80%), the cause of the problem lies in the receiver itself. To normalize broadcasting, you should try rolling back its settings to factory settings.

Resetting your TV set-top box

To do this, you need to go to its menu. In it, select the “Applications” item, or, on earlier equipment models, the “Settings” or “Settings” item. In the menu that appears, select the line “Factory settings” and click OK. Some set-top box models may require a PIN code to perform a rollback operation. If the subscriber has not set his own code, enter 0000 in the request field.

After all these operations, the set-top box will reboot. During the reboot, the settings will be reset to factory settings. Then the receiver will need to be configured in the same way as after the first turn on. Signs will appear on the TV screen where you will need to set the current date, subscriber region and other parameters. Upon completion of the setup, the set-top box should automatically carry out. The subscriber will only need to save what is found using the OK button on the remote control. After this, broadcasting should resume.

Important! If rolling back the receiver settings did not help, you will still have to re-tune the antenna to the satellite. This can be done either independently or with the involvement of specialists from Tricolor TV.

If the Info channel is working

There are situations in which the message about the absence of a signal does not appear on all channels. At a minimum, the Tricolor information channel continues to operate. Here, of course, the first thing to do is also check the signal level on the television receiver. If the values ​​of both or at least one of the scales are lower than recommended, the antenna is adjusted.

If everything is fine with the signal level, the cause of the problem may be the channel list settings. Tricolor periodically updates the broadcast parameters of its programs in order to optimize the load on the equipment. At the same time, in set-top boxes the channels remain with the old parameters.

Updating the channel list will help here. To do this, select the “Search for Tricolor channels” item in the set-top box menu. The search procedure takes about a minute, after which a list of updated channels appears on the screen. You need to save them and check the broadcast on them.