Why search does not work on Windows 10. Restoring the search field in the start menu

Sometimes it happens that search in Windows 10 refuses to work or does not work correctly. If anyone has Cortana, then it may also not work together with search or work in an unclear way. Obviously, search in Windows 10 is very necessary for comfortable work, because with its help we find many settings, of which there are a lot in Windows 10, files, folders. We will look at many ways, or rather step-by-step steps, when Windows 10 search does not work.

Windows 10 search not working

Step 1: Restart your computer

Sometimes it is very easy to solve this problem by restarting the computer, or rather the system as a whole. If the problem remains after restarting the computer, then read below and follow the steps in order until the problem is resolved.

Step 2: Delete the old indexed database

To solve these problems, we must open the Windows 10 indexing options and delete the old search database.

  • Open a command prompt and run the command control /name Microsoft.IndexingOptions to open indexing options.
  • In the window that appears, click on " Additionally", then in the new window click on the button " Rebuild". This way, Windows 10 will delete the current indexed database and generate a new one. To be sure, restart your PC.

Step 3: End the Cortana process

Many people will not find this item useful, but I know many users who specifically install English-language Windows 10 and use Cortana. Remember, cortana is not available in Russian versions of Windows; to reduce your time, proceed to the next step. And we will continue if anyone has this Cortana function. Simply end the cortana process in the task manager.

  • Open Task Manager Ctrl+Alt+Del.
  • Search for Cortana's name.
  • Right-click on the process and select End task from the menu.

Step 4. Windows 10 search not working? Restart Explorer

Sometimes it is very useful to restart Windows Explorer, especially when, for example, shortcuts from the desktop have disappeared. In this case, restarting Explorer will help us start using working search.

  • Open Task Manager Ctrl+Shift+Esc.
  • Find Conductor in the list and click restart.

Step 5: Use the Windows troubleshooter to restore indexing services

Windows 10 has troubleshooting features for all known issues. We'll use this option.

  • Open control Panel.

  • Type in the control panel search bar Elimination.
  • Choose from the offer Troubleshooting Windows Search Service Problems.

  • Click the line below Additionally to run with admin rights.

  • Click on Run as administrator.

  • Select the problem that you are having with search in Windows 10, usually it is Files not appearing in search results.

Step 6. Set the Windows search service startup parameters and restart it

Sometimes the system forgets to load the necessary services at startup, this is due to the large number of processes being launched. Let's check and restart the search service in Windows 10.

  • Press a combination of buttons Windows+R and enter in the line services.msc.

  • Find a service Windows Search and right-click on it and select Properties.

  • Select startup type. Automatic (delayed start) or auto. Depending on your preference and click apply.

  • Go back to services, find windows search.
  • Right click on it and Restart.

Step 7: Change the page file size

Oddly enough, one user under the nickname GTR24V increased the paging file on the system disk, which led to the correct operation of the “search” in Windows 10. The obvious thing is that according to recommendations on the Internet on many sites they say that if there is more than 8 GB of RAM, then You need to disable the swap file. This is not at all true, a swap file is needed in any case, even a minimal one, see.

  • Press the key combination win+R and write in the line sysdm.cpl.

  • Go to the tab Additionally and press options.
  • In the window that appears, click tab Additionally And Change.
  • Uncheck Automatically select check the box Specify size and specify any size for checking. Minimum 16 MB.

Step 8. Disable the button click encryption option in Zemana AntiLogger Free

There is also an interesting situation with the encryption protection program Zemana AntiLogger Free. If the Encrypt button presses feature is enabled, search in Windows 10 may not work. If there are similar programs, then look at the settings, and I’ll look at an example with Zemana AntiLogger.

  • Open the program and turn off item with button encryption.

With the advent of Windows 10, there have been some interesting changes. One of them is the search field accessible from the taskbar.

The search box in Windows 10 is available not only as a button, a search engine from the taskbar, but also as a function by pressing the Windows key.

In this way you can, in a very quick way, find an interesting program, game, or search on the Internet.

Unfortunately, many features and solutions in Windows 10, as well as the search bar, often do not work, like to get corrupted and appear in errors.

The same applies to the start button. Sometimes you can find a simple solution, and sometimes you have to rummage through the registry, Explorer, and Windows 10 settings.

The search field in start on Windows 10 does not work

If you have such a problem, for example, you can’t access the search bar, it doesn’t work, etc. — let's try to solve them.

Of course, the simplest and most basic way is to restart your computer and see if the errors remain after the reboot.

If yes, then go to search services. To use this tool, press the Win + R keyboard shortcut and then type services.msc and press Enter.

Now find the service called “Windows Search”. After discovering this service, right-click on it and go to “properties”.

In the new window, opposite the “Startup type” line, click on the drop-down panel, select the “Automatic” option, then at the bottom click “apply” and OK

After these changes, reboot your laptop or computer and the search button should start working properly.

Windows 10 start search field not working

What should you do if search doesn't work in the start menu, or even worse, if the start button doesn't even launch?

There is a solution. This will be useful, especially if the system reported “Fatal error. Start Menu and Cortana don't work. We will try to resolve this issue the next time you log in."

If you have problems accessing the start button, you will have to use the Command Prompt.

Run it in administrator mode, enter the following command:

Sfc /scannow

Now press the Enter key. Scanning will begin. Wait until it finishes, after which the question about launching the start menu should be cleared. Good luck.

Category: Uncategorized

Installed a new Windows 10 system, but search in it does not work? It’s not surprising, the next product from Microsoft is full of shortcomings. But you shouldn’t blame it: firstly, any software in the first stages produces a lot of errors due to its run-in, and secondly, such a problem is easy to fix. Moreover, search is a new feature. You don’t even need to have special programming skills, just go through a few simple steps.

Search has already become a favorite among Windows 10 users. This is a great feature that helps you find the item you need in a short time. This applies to both Windows 10 settings and any files on the computer. Voice search is also already working, which does not force you to type words on the keyboard. Everything would be fine, but every update sometimes promises new problems. It's all about software incompatibility of some components of Windows 10. If the search fails, let's start fixing it.


To solve a similar problem when the search does not work, you need to edit the Windows 10 registry. There is nothing wrong with the name registry - it is just a specific data store. By correcting registry values, you can adjust the operation of Windows 10. Naturally, for comfortable work you need to finely adapt the operating system to your needs. And the registry allows this. So, let's start implementing:

  • Open the registry using the Win + R key combination.
  • This combination opens a special window.
  • In this window, go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Search.
  • You need to find the name SetupCompletedSuccesfuly.

  • You can change values ​​in the registry, so you should replace 0 in the right-click parameter with 1.
  • Next we go to the branch: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SOFTWARE\ Microsoft \Windows Search\FileChangeClientConfigs.
  • Therefore, we find the line FileChangeClientConfigs at the address and rename it FileChangeClientConfigsBak.

After completing all the steps, you need to restart Windows 10. Such a simple trick, after which the search works again.

Is it safe

Please remember that any changes to your computer should be done with caution. Unfortunately, the incompleteness of Windows 10 forces the user to quickly adjust their system to changes. There's nothing to be done; a lot of time will pass before developers completely finish adapting their applications to the new axis.

Therefore, every time a problem occurs, you need to correct something. Should I worry too much about changes in system files? In fact, the registry with values ​​can be corrected back. As a last resort, re-installing will help. This procedure will also clean up the malicious software and, possibly, produce a new build that is more successful than what was previously installed on the machine.
Whether something works or doesn’t work, in any case, you should never panic, since any changes can be reversed. Even an untrained person can take advantage of online resources that publish a lot of information on setting up operating systems. Our project is no exception to the list of sites to help. It is enough to read articles on topics of interest to begin to understand how a computer works. And no search can resist users.

The Windows operating system provides several ways to search for files and folders. You can use the search box in the Start menu to search for files, folders, programs, and email messages on your computer. But when I try to search for something in the Start menu, the search field is missing.

There are several options to return everything to its place.

First option

The easiest way is to try to return the search field using Windows. Open Control Panel - Programs and Features. Select a tab "Turn Windows features on or off". Finding the component Windows Search. If the component is not selected, check the box.

Click OK. Now we check whether the service is enabled or not Windows Search. To do this, open Control Panel - Administration - Services. Checking the service mode Windows Search. Must stand Automatically.

Second option

Apply. To do this, in the Start menu - Run, enter the command gpedit.msc and OK. Now we are looking for User Configuration - Administrative Templates - Start Menu and Taskbar. In the right half of the window, look for the item Remove “Search” link from the “Start” menu. Let's check the value of this parameter. Must be Not specified.

Third option

This option will be useful for those users who have a version of Windows other than Pro, Enterprise and Ultimate. Only these versions support Local Group Policy Editor.

Open the registry editor: Press the Win key + R and enter the command regedit And OK. Finding the section


if there is a parameter in this section NoFind- it must be removed.