Why does a white screen appear when I turn on Skype? Skype problems: white screen. Reinstalling Skype with factory reset

“When launching Skype, there is no login and password entry field”

This kind of bullshit arises unexpectedly, as always. It worked, Skype worked, and then bam (!) and an empty window on startup. You don’t need to enter a login or password, and even if it started automatically without asking for data, the window is still empty.

So there is no need to panic. For those who are worried about their contact list or messages on Skype, I can reassure you that they will not disappear (unless you try very hard).

What is the reason? As it turned out, the stable operation of new versions of Skype (starting from 5.5) depends on Internet Explorer (IE) and the Windows Scripting Engine. Authorization in Skype requires access to JavaScript and execution of ActiveX. On some systems with certain IE settings, these tasks do not perform properly, causing Skype login issues.

What can be done in this situation? I will describe several possible options.
Here's what worked for me personally:

  • Exit Skype (right-click Skype in the tray > Exit). Make sure that the skype.exe process is completely terminated in Windows Task Manager. If necessary, close the process if it is still active
  • Open the folder C:\Program Files\ or C:\Program Files (x86)\ (if you have a 64-bit system)
  • Find the Skype folder and the Phone folder in it
  • Right click on Skype.exe and select Send to Desktop (create a Skype shortcut on your desktop)
  • Now, right-click on the shortcut you just created, go to Properties and select the Shortcut tab
  • The Target field will be "C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" (or (x86) if you have 64 bit Windows)
  • Click in this field. After the quotes on the right side, put a space and write /legacylogin
  • Now the text in the Target field will be “C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe” /legacylogin
  • Click OK to save the settings. Launch Skype using this shortcut

The /legacylogin key should launch Skype through the old login window, which does not require IE components.

As for the global error correction, here are the possible options:

1 - The problem is solved by running an earlier version of Skype - from 5.3. and earlier (logical from the above);

2 - Delete Skype, then START -> RUN (enter the command) regsvr32 jscript.dll and press OK. A window will appear where we click again OK. Then go back to the START menu -> RUN and enter the following command: regsvr32 vbscript.dll and press OK. After that, install Skype.

3 — Re-registering libraries for Windows 7 64x:

a) Click START .
b) In the search field, enter "command line" .
c) In the list of results, right-click on the item "Command line" and select a team "Run as administrator" «.
d) Type the following command and press ENTER.

cd windows\SysWOW64
regsvr32 vbscript.dll
regsvr32 jscript.dll

regsvr32 jscript9.dll

Restart the system.

4 - You can try updating IE to the latest version using Windows Update or uninstalling IE and installing it again. You can also try resetting IE settings to factory defaults. Or, on the contrary, roll back, for example from version 9 to version 8.

5 - You may have to combine these methods to achieve results.

In general, good luck in bringing Skype back to normal.

One of the possible problems when using the Skype messenger is a white screen at startup, without any errors or entries. Moreover, there is not even an authorization form. In other words, the problem does not arise after entering the login, but when trying to start it. The only thing the user can see is the menu bar. How to solve such a problem? But many people use the messenger when building a business, making presentations, etc.

Causes and their elimination

There may be several factors causing such problems. These include an incorrectly functioning version of the application on the PC, the presence of viruses, conflicts with other software on the PC, and even the Internet Explorer browser. To fix the problem, you can resort to several methods.

Restoring Internet Explorer manufacturer settings

It may seem strange that for its function, in order to meet the requirements of users, Skype uses the reserves of the IE browser. When it does not work correctly on the desktop, the user sees a white screen instead of the application. FIG 1

Therefore, you can try resetting IE settings. For this purpose you need:

  • close all additional IE tabs, as well as Windows Explorer, while leaving the main browser tab;
  • in the upper right corner, click on the gear icon and go to the “Browser Properties” section (in some PCs, “Browser Properties”); FIGURE 2
  • in the window that opens, select the “Advanced” command and press the “Reset” key; FIGURE 3
  • In the pop-up window, confirm the last action “Reset” again. FIGURE 4

Checking that IE is working correctly

If this method does not bring positive results, you can run a system health check. If any damage to system files is detected, it will fix them. To carry out this procedure you must:

  • run the option with privileged rights (in the case of Windows 10, right-click on the “Start” key and select “Command Prompt (Administrator)” in the menu that opens; in a lower version, open the search bar and enter the CMD query, right-click on the result and select “Run on behalf of the administrator"); FIG 5 and 6
  • When a terminal window is displayed on the screen, you need to run a system file check using the sfc /scannow command.

The system scanning process is quite time-consuming, so the desktop needs to work for up to several hours. At the end of the verification process, when Windows has eliminated all damage, all that remains is to restart the PC and check that Skype is working correctly.

Reinstalling the messenger

A possible reason why a blank screen appears when you start to launch the application is that it is not functioning correctly. In such a situation, you can restart it. To do this:

  • stopping the application by resorting to the Windows Task Manager; FIG 7
  • opening the “Run” window by pressing the Win+R button combination on the keyboard;
  • enter the command “%APPDATA%\” in the field that opens and click on the “OK” option. FIG 8

Next, find the Skype folder. If saving chat dialogues and other data is not categorically important to you, simply delete it. Otherwise, just rename the folder. FIG 9 We remove the application using the Windows Uninstall and Change Programs service. Then we perform the standard algorithm of actions for installing the application. FIG 10

So, let's launch the application. If the launch is successful, close the program and transfer the main.db file from the renamed folder to the newly created Skype directory. In other words, we will restore correspondence.

If the launch is unsuccessful, delete the new Skype folder, while returning the old one to its former name. And we continue to look for the cause of the problem. FIG 11

System Restore

In the Windows operating system, developers have provided an option that is designed to help return the PC's performance to the starting point when it was correct. To do this you need to do:

  • Login to the “Control Panel”;
  • moving to the “Restoration” department; FIG 12
  • select, in the window that appears, the command “Start system recovery”; FIGURE 13
  • selecting the point among the highlighted available rollback points when the messenger was functioning correctly.

Create a new shortcut

  • close the program by right-clicking on the tray shortcut;
  • in the context menu, select the command “Exit Skype”; FIGURE 14
  • right-click in the free space of the screen and go to the “Create” command, then “Shortcut”; FIGURE 15
  • in the window that appears, specify the location of the executive file of the downloaded application, to do this, click on the “Browse” option; FIGURE 16
  • in the explorer that opens, find this file at the link C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone;
  • select the file with a mouse click and click “OK”; FIGURE 17
  • click on “Next”; FIGURE 18
  • complete the procedure by clicking on “Finish”. FIGURE 19

Now try logging into the application using the new shortcut.

Using the LoginCleanup file

This method allows you to delete all user files from the PC using the LoginCleanup file. To do this you need to do:

  • downloading this file;
  • unzipping the archive and launching the attached document (File).

This file will automatically close the program and perform a cleanup, after which it will also automatically launch it. All you have to do is check the application for damage.

Other ways to fix the problem

Sometimes the reason that when you try to launch the messenger, the screen appears like a white sheet is unregistered Internet Explorer files in the Windows registry.

Performing system file registration

First, you should close the application and browser. Next, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • press the Win+R key combination on your keyboard to open the “Run” window;
  • sequentially enter the text “regsvr32…..” into the window, each time instead of ellipses, add: ...Ole32.dll; ...Inseng.dll; ...Oleaut32.dll; ...Mssip32.dll;...Urlmon.dll;
  • After each entry, press the “Ok” key. FIGURE 20

Reinstalling IE

If, after all the procedures performed, you still cannot log into the application, you do not even have the opportunity to enter your password and login, how to react in this case?

You can temporarily disable Skype and Internet Explorer. It is important to understand that in this case the application will not be able to provide access to the main page, as well as to some other minor options. However, logging into your account, making calls, and correspondence is possible.

In order to disconnect Skype from Internet Explorer, you need to:

  • remove an application shortcut on the desktop;
  • using Explorer, follow the link C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone;
  • right-click on the Skype.exe document and select “Create shortcut”; FIGURE 21

One of the problems that Skype users may encounter is a white screen upon startup. The worst part is that the user cannot even try to log into their account. Let's find out what causes this phenomenon and what ways to correct this problem exist.

One of the reasons why a white screen might appear when launching Skype is that the Internet connection is interrupted while Skype is loading. But there can be a lot of reasons for the break itself: from problems on the provider’s side to modem problems, or short circuits in local networks.

Accordingly, the solution is either to find out the reasons from the provider, or to repair the breakdown on site.

IE faults

As you know, Skype uses the Internet Explorer browser as its engine. Namely, problems with this browser can cause a white window to appear when entering the program. In order to fix this, first of all you need to try resetting IE settings.

Close Skype and launch IE. Go to the settings section by clicking on the gear located in the upper right corner of the browser. In the list that appears, select “Internet Options”.

In the window that opens, go to the “Advanced” tab. Click on the “Reset” button.

Then, another window opens, in which you should check the box next to “Delete personal settings”. We do this and click on the “Reset” button.

After this, you can launch Skype and check its functionality.

If these steps do not help, close Skype and IE. By pressing the Win+R key combination on the keyboard, we call up the “Run” window.

We sequentially enter the following commands into this window:

  • regsvr32 Ole32.dll
  • regsvr32Inseng.dll
  • regsvr32 Oleaut32.dll
  • regsvr32 Mssip32.dll
  • regsvr32 Urlmon.dll.

After entering each individual command from the list presented, click on the “OK” button.

The fact is that the white screen problem occurs when one of these IE files, for some reason, is not registered in the Windows system registry. This is how registration is carried out.

But, in this case, you can do it differently - reinstall Internet Explorer.

If none of the above manipulations with the browser produce results, and the screen in Skype is still white, then you can temporarily disable the connection between Skype and Internet Explorer. At the same time, the main page and some other minor functions will not be available in Skype, but, on the other hand, you will be able to log into your account, make calls, and correspond without any problems, getting rid of the white screen.

In order to disconnect Skype from IE, remove the Skype shortcut on the desktop. Next, using Explorer, go to the address C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone, right-click on the Skype.exe file, and select “Create shortcut”.

After creating the shortcut, return to the Desktop, right-click on the shortcut, and select “Properties”.

In the “Shortcut” tab of the window that opens, look for the “Object” field. We add the value “/legacylogin” without quotes to the expression that is already in the field. Click on the “OK” button.

Now, when you click on this shortcut, a version of Skype that is not associated with the Internet Explorer browser will be launched.

Reinstalling Skype with factory reset

A universal way to fix problems with Skype is to reinstall the application and reset the settings. Of course, this does not guarantee 100% elimination of the problem, but, nevertheless, it is a way out for solving the problem with many types of malfunctions, including when a white screen occurs when launching Skype.

Let's launch the program. If the launch was successful and there is no white screen, then close the application again and move the main.db file from the renamed folder to the newly formed Skype directory. Therefore, we will return the correspondence. Otherwise, we simply delete the new Skype folder and return the old folder to its previous name. We continue to look for the reason for the white screen elsewhere.

As you can see, the reasons for the white screen on Skype can be completely different. But, if this is not a banal disconnection during a connection, then with a high probability we can assume that the root cause of the problem should be sought in the functionality of the Internet Explorer browser.

Almost every Internet user has Skype installed. Many applications have been developed for this program, such as various kinds of answering machines and many other amenities. And, of course, it cannot do without viruses. But that’s not what we’re going to talk about now.

Lately, we have been hearing from our acquaintances and friends the following words: Skype does not start, I cannot add contacts to Skype, or even worse, after updating Skype there is a white window and there are no fields for entering login and password.

Now let’s try to figure out why this happens and how to get rid of it. This is a common Skype “bug” that has not yet been fixed. What causes problems for users.

Stable and uninterrupted operation. Skype versions start with version 5.6.

The operation of these versions of Skype directly depends on Internet Explorer And Windows Scripting Engine. To log into Skype, you need access to JavaScript and completing tasks ActiveX. Due to the fact that on some installed Windows systems, Internet Explorer settings are not installed properly, these functions are not performed.

This is why all sorts of problems occur when logging into Skype and adding contacts.

I can't log into Skype

This action will help you log into Skype. But this is a temporary solution for authorization in Skype.

1) Exit the program (right-click on Skype at the bottom of the tray and exit). If necessary, end the Skype process if it is active.

2) Go to drive C: folder Program Files, we find Skype folder and go to the folder Phone.

Click on Skype and then right-click: send /desktop (create shortcut). A second shortcut will be created on the desktop. Click on the created shortcut, then right-click properties.

In the window that appears, in the line “ C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe“, WE ENTER the following command, SEPARATED BY A SPACE /legacylogin and click apply.

Now you can log into Skype by launching it through the created shortcut. Skype will launch in the old window (Skype version) and does not require Internet Explorer settings.

How to fix white window when launching Skype

1) In exceptional cases, it is possible to correct the problem using automatic actions using " Fix it" You can download it here: (For Windows 8 Fix does not work). After downloading, run and follow the installation wizard. Unfortunately, this method does not always help.

2) Reset Internet Explorer settings. Launch the browser. Click Tools, then Browser (browser) properties.

Sometimes on older computers you encounter an unpleasant situation when, upon opening a program, you see only a blank screen. More precisely, white window when launching Skype, in which nothing is displayed at all. Let's try to figure out what is the cause of this error, and also consider options for eliminating it.

Reasons for the error

Paradoxically, the problem is not with Skype. It lies in the Internet Explorer modules it uses. Essentially, by opening the account login window, we are loading an HTML page in an IE window. Through this page, the program contacts the remote server and authorizes you as its user with a login and password.


If you have this problem even though the Internet is generally working, then the reason why Skype shows a white screen at startup is Internet Explorer. To combat the white screen, you can apply the following measures:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" /legacylogin

For 32-bit systems, the address must use the folder Program Files. To log into Skype, double-click this shortcut and enter your username and password in the window that opens.