The Play Market asks you to go to Google. The smartphone writes: “You need to sign in to your Google account” in the Play Market. What to do

It can be called a huge portal where you can download everything, from “fresh” music to books by world classics.

But in order to start using the service, you need to register. So, when you launch the application for the first time, a window will immediately open. Here we will be given the option to add an existing Google account, or register a new one. Many people have mail on, and if you are one of these users, you can use it. Otherwise, we will need to complete full registration, which we will now go through step by step.

So, after choosing " Create a new account", a list of columns opens in front of us, where we will enter all the data that the application requires from us. You will need to choose a username - choose one that is easy to remember and that you like (you need to do it in English). Next, click the arrow in the right corner. Here you will need to create your password, which we will need when downloading materials from Google Play. The password, as you understand, must be strong.

After we entered a new password, and in the second column we entered it again for confirmation. Click the arrow in the upper right corner again. Here you will need to provide a number of additional data. Most importantly, enter your mobile phone number correctly, because if you lose your account password, you can recover it using an SMS message that will be sent to the specified number.

So, after completing all the above steps, a window will open in front of us in which we will be asked to register on the Google+ social network. If you do not want to spend time on this, you can skip registration by clicking on the “Not now” sign. Next, an agreement will open in front of us, we get acquainted with it, check the box to confirm registration, and then enter the code that appears.

The main registration ends here. However, after this a window will appear in which we can link our bank card to the account. Why is this necessary? There are paid materials on Google Play, and if we confirm our card, we can pay for all materials without any problems. If you don’t want to do this now, click “Skip.” In any case, you can later go into the program settings and link the card. After skipping this column, we will be asked to synchronize our Google Play account with our Android device. This is not necessary, and you can also synchronize after registration is completed.

After this, we again click the arrow in the upper right corner, and the main page of the service opens in front of us. From now on, we are a Play Market user and can download any material we like.

Since Android is the brainchild of Google, you can only enter the application store with a Gmail account. First, let's look at account registration.

We have created an account. This can be done either in advance or from your phone or tablet when you turn it on for the first time. Everything is very simple there - this is done while setting up the phone. You need to connect to Wi-Fi or mobile network, then click " register an account» and follow the instructions on the screen. If the mail is ready in advance, just enter your data and that’s it.

Market settings

Automatic app updates and alerts

To save traffic and device memory, you need to immediately set the auto-update of applications only throughWi-Fi, always (that is, via the mobile network too) or never.

It is also important to set up notifications on your device. You can choose to receive notifications about updates, promotions, offers, or upcoming games that might interest you.

Parental control

If the phone was given to a child, it would be appropriate to set restrictions on content from the app store. This can be done using parental controls. The very first thing the device will ask when you enable the function is pin. So, you can rest assured that no one will change the settings without your knowledge. You will then be able to select the valid age limit Play Market content.

Market settings

Entering a PIN code

Age restrictions

Instant launch

In the modern version of Android and the Play Market, an instant launch function has appeared, which allows determine before installation whether you like the app or not. In my opinion, this is a very useful feature that you may find useful. And it turns on quite simply - you just need to check the “on” box on the corresponding item in the settings.

Our site continues to talk about errors that users may encounter when working with the Play Market online store. Some time ago we analyzed the RH-01 error, today we will analyze another error that sometimes makes itself felt.

The error itself sounds like this: “You need to sign in to your Google account,” the user can see it when he opens the Google Play Market application. And this is how the error looks on the screen of a smartphone or tablet:

The traditional question is what to do? We offer several solutions. About each of them - in more detail.

Reboot your device

The first thing you should do is restart your smartphone or tablet. And don’t laugh, because this simplest action helps in many cases.

If after rebooting you see the same error when connecting to the Play Market, then try another possible solution.

Remove your Google account from your device

Everything is simple here - delete your Google account that is linked to the device, then log in again. Just don’t forget your account login and password, otherwise the synchronized data may be lost.

Go to settings, find the “Accounts” section.

Select your Google account (there may be several of them on your device).

Call up the menu and click “Delete account” to delete it.

After that, open the Play Market and enter the data again. How to do this, we.

Delete data and cache for Play Market

Deleting data and cache for the Play Market application may also help. To remove them, you need to do the following.

Go to settings, find the “Applications” section.

Find it in Play Market applications, click on it.

Click "Erase data" and "Clear cache" (alternately).

Please note that in this case, the account will be deauthorized in the Play Market, and the data from it will have to be re-entered.

Uninstall Google Play updates

This step should be taken only if nothing helps at all. Why? Some users complain that after uninstalling updates they cannot launch the Play Market at all, so you perform all actions at your own peril and risk. Moreover, as practice shows, in most cases this solution does not help users in any way.

You already know how to get into the Play Market application settings. In the Play Market settings, click “Uninstall updates”.

In this case, the updates will be removed.

The Android operating system is by no means infallible. Many smartphones based on it from time to time produce a variety of errors, unnerving the user. Perhaps one of the most serious errors is related to the Play Market. For some owners of portable gadgets, it suddenly stops functioning, although it worked perfectly before. Today's article will try to help you bring Google Play back to life.

It is necessary to understand that the client himself Play Market is a regular application - it is not part of the operating system, as some people might think. In this regard, no one is immune from the fact that the client fails. The reasons for this can be completely different.

This program is updated regularly. If you prohibit this process, then soon your client will become obsolete. Partly for some people the Play Market does not work precisely for this reason. Although most often there is still a way to update the application, as a result of which the client’s functionality is restored quite quickly.

But most often the problems are caused by the state of the operating system itself. Some internal processes are interfering with Google Play, which is why a message with an error number is displayed on the screen. It is curious that this number most often means nothing even to an experienced professional who regularly repairs smartphones. In any case, you can get the Play Market to work if you use our guide.

First of all, reboot your device. In many cases, this simple action solves the problem. Proceed to the following steps only if there are no visible changes after the reboot.

Reset Play Market application settings

As mentioned above, the client Google Play is an ordinary application that is preinstalled by the device manufacturer. Therefore, no one will forbid you to reset the client settings if it stops working. This process is no different from resetting any other program. Namely, you need to do the following:

Step 1. Go to " Settings».

Step 2. Go to the section " Applications" It may also be called " Application Manager».

Step 3. Find Play Store in the list and click on it.

Step 4. In the settings window that appears, click on the buttons " Erase data" And " Clear cache».

Usually this method solves the problem. But in some cases even this does not help.

Uninstalling Play Market updates

If the Play Market does not open for you even after deleting all its settings, then you need to try to get rid of all program updates, returning it to its original state. To do this, you need to go to the client settings window described above. In it you should click on the button “ Uninstall updates».

After some time, the operating system will eliminate all updates that the Google Play client received. As a result, it will become exactly the same as you launched it immediately after purchasing the smartphone, when you just entered the data from your Google account.

Working with Google Play services

The functioning of the Play Market and many other pre-installed applications directly depends on the state of the program " Google Play Services" You will not see its icon in the menu or on the desktop. However, this program launches simultaneously when the smartphone is turned on - it takes up a fairly large amount of RAM. If you have problems not only with the Play Market, but also with some other applications, then you can try clearing the Google Play Services settings. To do this, perform the following steps, some of which have already been described above:

Step 1. Go to " Settings».

Step 2. Go to the section called " Application Manager" or " Applications».

Step 3. Click on the program called " Google Play Services».

Step 4. Click on the button Clear cache».

Check the functionality of the Play Market. It is possible that the problem has been resolved.

Working with Google Services Framework

Sometimes problems with the Play Market can arise due to unstable operation of a separate process Google Services Framework. In fact, it cannot be considered a separate program, but you can still find it in the Application Manager. So, here you go:

Step 1. Visit " Settings».

Step 2. Go to " Applications" or " Application Manager", depending on the smartphone model.

Step 3. Go to the " All» and click on Google Services Framework.

Step 4. Here click on the buttons " Erase data" And " Clear cache».

That's all. This may well help, although the likelihood of this is not very high.

Other services

In the same “Application Manager” you can find other services on which the operation of the Play Market directly depends. If any of these services are disabled or unstable, you will not be able to download the application, and sometimes you will not even get to Google Play.

Go to the service settings page " Google Accounts", located in the " tab All" Please note that this service is not disabled. If this is indeed the case, then click the " Turn on».

In the same way, check " Download Manager" If it is disabled, then click on the " Turn on».

A malicious application, popularly called a virus, could disable some of these services. That's why we recommend that you read this article about the best antiviruses for Android .

Removing a Google account and restoring it

If all the methods discussed above do not help, then more serious measures will have to be taken. For example, you can try deleting your Google account and then creating a new one. In some cases this really helps.

Here we will not describe in detail the methods for deleting and creating an account. We have already written about what needs to be done for this. Just follow the following links:

Removing applications that block the Play Market

There are special applications that completely block the functioning of the Play Market. If you suspect any of the programs of this, then remove it. In particular, you should eliminate or at least disable Freedom. This app allows you to make in-app purchases for free, but in return it does not allow you to use Google Play. Before deleting a program, do not forget to click on the “” button in its menu. Stop».

But everything won’t end at Freedom’s removal. After this you will have to configure the file hosts. To access it you need get root rights. If you have them, then install a file manager that can penetrate deep into the system. It could be ES Explorer or less susceptible to advertising Root Browser. Next, launch the file manager and go to the path /system/etc/.

Find the file hosts(it's one of the few that doesn't have an extension) and click on it.

In the case of Root Browser, you will be offered different file types. Select " Text Document».

Select the application with which you will edit this file. This can be absolutely any text editor. In our case, the choice fell on “ Documentation».

Leave in the file only the line that you see in the screenshot. If it is missing, then write it down.

Full reset

If the above steps did not help, then you will have to do a full reset. Our separate article contains detailed instructions describing all your actions necessary to perform a full reset.

Attention: this way you will lose all user files. Therefore, it will not be superfluous creating a backup copy, so that you can then return music, photos, contacts and documents to your smartphone.

This method does not help only in absolutely incredible cases. If the Play Market was functioning after purchasing the smartphone, then its functionality will be restored now.

Internet connection and time

Finally, let’s mention a couple more reasons why the Play Market does not start on Android. The first is, no matter how trivial it may sound, the lack of an Internet connection. Check your mobile balance. Also check your internet browser to see if it loads different sites. You can also connect to a Wi-Fi network, usually with its help the Play Market always works.

Another cause of problems with Google Play is incorrectly configured time. Be sure to set your time zone, otherwise Play Market will complain about it. You can also check the box next to the items “ Network time zone" And " Network date and time", in this case the settings will be made automatically.

How to register in the Play Market? This question arises for many users who purchased their first Android tablet or smartphone. And this is not surprising. After all, without the Play Market it is almost impossible to fully work with an Android device. In this material we will tell you step by step how to register in the Play Market on a tablet or phone with the Android operating system.

The first thing you need to do is launch the Play Market application. To do this, click on the “Menu” button.

After this, a list of installed programs will open in front of you; here you need to find and open the Play Market. If the Play Market program is on your desktop, you can launch it without going to the list of all programs.

Since you are not yet registered in the Play Market, a window will open in front of you asking you to add a Google account. In this case, the user is offered two options: add an existing account or create a new one.

If you already have an account with Google (if you registered with Gmail or any other service from Google), then click on the “Existing” button. Next, the system will require you to enter your Google email and password.

After entering this data, the Play Market will be loaded using your account. But, since you are interested in how to register in the Play Market, then most likely you do not have a Google account. In this case, click on the “New” button.

After clicking on the “New” button, the registration process for a new user will begin. The first thing you will need to do is enter your first and last name. After entering this data, we proceed to the next step of registering in the Play Market, to do this, click on the arrow pointing to the right.

The next registration step is choosing a username. Try to choose a name that is easy for you to remember. If you select a name that is already taken by another user, the system will notify you about this and offer you to choose another name. After entering the username, click on the right arrow and proceed to the next stage of registration in the Play Market.

Next, you need to enter the password that will be used to log into your account. Here you need to show your imagination and choose a password that is strong enough and easy to remember. If you have chosen an insufficiently strong password, the system will not allow you to proceed to the next stage of registration in the Play Market.

The next step will ask you to join Google+ and other Google services. This is not a mandatory step, so in order to avoid wasting time on this, click on the “Not Now” button and skip this step. If you wish, you can use these services later.

Next, you will need to enter information to recover your account in case you forget your password. Here you need to select a security question, an answer to this question, and also enter an additional email address. The choice of a security question must be approached as responsibly as the choice of a password. Because the security of your account depends on it.

After that, you will be asked to turn your web history on or off, and also subscribe to the Google Play newsletter. You can customize these functions to your liking.

That's it, registration in the Play Market is almost done. At the last stage, we need to enter the text that will be displayed in the picture. This is necessary for Google to make sure that you are a real user and not a program that registers accounts automatically.

After entering the text from the image, registration in the Play Market will be completed. You will have to wait a while for Google to save your data, after which you can log into the Play Store.