Plugins for creating a notification panel in WordPress. Plugins for creating a notification panel in WordPress Pull-out sidebar for wordpress

Using the plugin – WPFront Notification Bar, you can add a notification bar to your website, at the top or bottom of your WordPress site. The panel can display any text and a button with a link to any page; you can add HTML code. You can customize your colors for the notification panel; you can choose the location of the panel, at the top or bottom of the site. You can lock the panel so that when you scroll the page, the panel is always visible on the screen. You can select on which pages the panel will be displayed and on which it will not, etc.

You can install the plugin directly from the WordPress admin panel. Go to the tab: Plugins – Add new, enter the name of the plugin in the search form, press Enter, install and activate the plugin.

After installing and activating the plugin, go to the page: WPFront – Notification Bar to configure the plugin.


– Enabled, check the box here to enable the notification panel.

– Position, select where the panel will be displayed, Top – at the top, Bottom – at the bottom.

– Fixed at Position, if you check this box, the panel will always be visible on the screen, even when scrolling the page.

– Display on Scroll, if you check this box, the panel will appear when you scroll the page.

– Scroll Offset, here you can specify how many pixels the page should be scrolled before the notification panel appears.

– Bar Height, you can specify the height of the bar here in pixels.

– Position Offset, here you can set the distance from the top of the site to the panel.

– Display After, you can set the time after which the panel will appear, does not work for the function – Display on Scroll.

– Animation Duration, you can set the duration of the animation when the panel moves onto the screen.

– Display Close Button, check the box to show the button with a cross to close the panel.

– Auto Close After, you can specify after how many seconds the panel will close automatically, does not work for the function – Display on Scroll.

– Display Shadow, show the shadow for the panel.

– Display Reopen Button, if you check the box, then after closing the panel, a button to open the panel will be displayed in the corner of the screen.

– Keep Closed, if you check the box, then when you close the panel on one page, the panel will no longer be displayed on other pages.

– Keep Closed For, here you can specify how many days the panel will not be shown for the user who closed the panel.


– Message Text, enter the text here that will be displayed in the notification, you can add HTML code.

– Process Shortcode, check the box so that you can add shortcodes to notifications.

– Display Button, check the box to display the button in the panel.

– Button Text, enter the text for the button here.

– Button Action, enter the link for the button here. Open URL in new tab/window – the link will open in a new window. No follow link – the link will not be indexed.

– Close Bar on Button Click, close the bar by pressing the button.


– Start Date & Time, you can specify the date and time when the panel will begin to be displayed.

– End Date & Time, you can specify the date and time when the panel closes.

– Display on Pages, select on which pages the panel will be shown. All pages – on all pages. Include in following pages – mark the pages on which the panel will be shown. Exclude in following pages – exclude pages.

– Display for User Roles, here you can select for which user roles the panel will be shown. All users – for everyone, All logged in users – only for authorized users, Guest users – only for guests, For following user roles – check the roles.


– Bar Color, select colors for the bar.

– Message Text Color, specify a color for the text in the panel.

– Button Color, select colors for the button, you can specify two colors to display a gradient.

– Button Text Color, color for the text in the button.

– Reopen Button Color, color for the button to open the panel.

– Close Button Color, select colors for the close button of the panel.

– Custom CSS, you can set your own CSS styles for the panel, but this is not necessary.

At the end save your changes.

Notification bar at the top or bottom of your WordPress site updated: July 25, 2018 by: Ilya Zhuravlev

Surely you have often come across on website pages retractable panels of various types and locations that speak at the top, bottom, right or left fully automatically, at a given time interval, or activated by clicking. As a rule, such panels contain some additional information, some important and some not so important, that is hidden from the user’s eyes for the time being. For example, subscription forms, social network widgets, links, tags, contact information, etc., etc., in short, anything.
There are a huge number of ready-made solutions for implementing sliding panels in javascript, modules and plugins for various CMSs, individual jQuery plugins, but very few that caught my eye were completely working methods in pure CSS.

I’ve been wanting to do something like this for a long time, the mechanism for using hidden checkboxes is well known and understandable, but somehow I never got around to it. And so, having stumbled upon one in the dusty storerooms of CodePen, I decided to experiment and produce my own version of a retractable top panel in pure CSS, quite working, slightly modified and adapted for our brother, and this is what happened)).

We looked at the example, compared it with the original, and now, who needs it, let’s figure out together how this whole thing works. I remind you once again, no js, ​​only pristine html and the “magic” of css will do all the work.

HTML Layout

It consists of three main elements: a basic container, a block with content and a button to open/close the panel.

Post any content here.....

As you can see, the panel design contains a type=" " flag, which is hidden and inactive by default. Using a tag

and when the sliding panel is activated, the content block and the button are moved down by a distance corresponding to the height of the panel.

Now, let's create the styles of our sliding panel, first, set the dimensions of the base container, determine the background color and its initial location. In CSS we will create a, in which we will write all the properties we need.
Our panel is retractable, which means we need to hide it, this is done very simply. Set fixed positioning position: fixed; , stretch to the full width of the page width: 100%; , we do not specify the height (height:) of the panel, in this case, the panel will automatically adjust to the size of the content, and using transform: translateY(-100%); , push our panel beyond the top edge of the page.

. top- panel ( background: #39464e; position: fixed; top: 0 ; width: 100%; padding: 0 ; - webkit- box- sizing: border- box; - moz- box- sizing: border- box; box- sizing: border- box; - webkit- transform: translateY(- 100% ) ; - moz- transform: translateY(- 100% ) ;

Top-panel ( background: #39464e; position: fixed; top: 0; width: 100%; padding: 0; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box- sizing: border-box; -webkit-transform: translateY(-100%); -moz-transform: translateY(-100%);

The panel message block is located inside the base container and is assigned a specific class class="message" , it is in it that we specify the properties for all elements located inside this side, color and font family, image sizes, etc...
You can, of course, easily do without this additional block by placing the message directly in the base container, but this loses the flexibility of possible panel settings.
The message is displayed strictly in the center and stretched to the specified width max-width: 980px; , the value is arbitrary, you can choose completely different sizes.

/* Message block */ .message ( color: #fff; font-weight: 300; position: relative; padding: 2em; margin: 0 auto; max-width: 980px ) /* Level 1 heading */ .message h1 ( color: #fff ) /* Level 2 header */ .message h2 ( color: #888 )

Next, we will define all the necessary styles for our panel switch. To begin with, let’s hide the type="checkbox" flag from the users’ eyes, without much further ado, in the html tag Let's write the hidden attribute, which determines whether the object should be displayed in the browser window or not.

Open ( position: absolute; clip: rect(0 0 0 0); opacity: 0; )


/* Panel switch */ label. btn ( display: block; position: absolute; right: 25px; top: 100%; /*bottom: -35px;*/ cursor: pointer; background: #2bbbad; border- radius: 0 0 3px 3px; padding: 8px 16px ; color: #fff; font-size: 100%; text- align: center; - webkit- font- smoothing: pointer; 0 , 0 , 0.16 ) , 0 2px 10px 0 rgba(0 , 0 , 0 , 0.12 ) ; z-index: 9999 ) /* Switch on hover */ label. btn: hover ( - webkit- transition: 0. 35s; - moz- transition: 0. 35s; transition: 0. 35s; box- shadow: 0 5px 11px 0 rgba(0 , 0 , 0 , 0.18 ) , 0 4px 15px 0 rgba(0 , 0 , 0 , 0.15 ) ) /* Switch arrow down */ label. btn: after ( content: "\f078" ; font: normal 18px/ 1 FontAwesome; text- decoration: inherit )

/* Panel switch */ label.btn ( display: block; position: absolute; right: 25px; top: 100%; /*bottom: -35px;*/ cursor: pointer; background: #2bbbad; border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; color: #fff; line-height: 1em; -webkit-font-smoothing: cursor: 0 2px 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16), 0 2px 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); z-index: 9999 ) /* Hover toggle */ label.btn:hover ( - webkit-transition: 0.35s; -moz-transition: 0.35s; box-shadow: 0 5px 11px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.18), 0 4px 15px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0 , 0.15) ) /* Down switch arrow */ label.btn:after ( content: "\f078"; font: normal 18px/1 FontAwesome; text-decoration: inherit )

The switch arrows are taken from the FontAwesome font-icon package; accordingly, the style file for this set must first be connected to the page:

< link href= "" rel="stylesheet" >

You can use another kind of switch, such as matching text or html symbol.
By default, I defined three states for the switch: when the panel is closed - down arrow, when the panel is open - up arrow, and of course a slight hover effect when hovering.

We activate our panel and change the state of the switch using the pseudo-class:checked .
Using the box-shadow property, I added a light shadow to the bottom edge of the active panel, and using transition, I set a simple transition effect between two states of the panel (open and closed).

. open: checked ~ . top-panel ( box- shadow: 0 2px 5px 0 rgba(0 , 0 , 0 , 0.16 ) , 0 2px 10px 0 rgba(0 , 0 , 0 , 0.12 ) ; - webkit- transform: translateY(0 ) ; - moz - transform: translateY(0) ; transform: translateY(0) ; - webkit- transition: 0. 35s; - moz- transition: 0. 35s) open: not(: checked) ~ . top-panel ( - webkit- transition: 0. 35s; - moz- transition: 0. 35s; transition: 0. 35s ) /* Switch color when clicked */. open: checked ~ . top-panel > label. btn ( background: #dd6149 ) /* Switch arrow up*/. open: checked ~ . top-panel > label. btn: after ( content: "\f077" ; font: normal 18px/ 1 FontAwesome )

Open:checked ~ .top-panel ( box-shadow: 0 2px 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16), 0 2px 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); -webkit-transform: translateY( 0); -moz-transform: translateY(0); -webkit-transition: 0.35s; transition: 0.35s ) .open:not(:checked) ~ .top-panel ( -webkit-transition: 0.35s; -moz-transition: 0.35s; transition: 0.35s ) /* Switch color when clicked */ .open:checked ~ .top-panel > label.btn ( background: #dd6149 ) /* Up switch arrow*/ .open:checked ~ .top-panel > label.btn:after ( content: "\f077"; font: normal 18px/1 FontAwesome )

To change font sizes when viewed on different screens of user devices, I used @media media queries. Considering modern realities, I think it’s not at all superfluous to add:

@media only screen and (max-width: 400px) (body (font-size: 90%)) @media only screen and (max-width: 800px) (body (font-size: 100%)) @media only screen and (min-width: 1100px) ( body ( font-size: 120% ) )

@media only screen and (max-width: 400px) ( body ( font-size: 90% ) ) @media only screen and (max-width: 800px) ( body ( font-size: 100% ) ) @media only screen and (min-width: 1100px) ( body ( font-size: 120% ) )

That's probably all! The panel that slides out from above is ready for use; all that remains is to fill it with content. Once again, look at the live example, download the archive with the source code, feel free to experiment with various parameters and create, create, create...

With all respect, Andrew

Floating elements, blocks for the screen as you scroll, typically have a higher click through and conversion rate than static objects. This is why many websites use floating elements across their site. We have seen elements like header bar, footer bar, newsletter sidebar widget, etc. In the past, we showed you, . In this article, we'll show you how to create a sticky floating widget sidebar in WordPress so you can make your email newsletter stand out.

Note: This works for all types of sidebar widgets, not just your email. You can use it for promotions, featured posts, Flickr photos, Google calendar, and basically anything else you like.

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the Q2W3 Fixed Widget plugin. After activating the plugin, go to appearance » widgets and click on the widget you want to make sticky. The plugin adds an option fixedwidget to all your widgets. Check the window fixedwidget and save the changes. Go to your personal site and scroll down. Yours fixedwidget will now be a sticky floating widget.

Plugin fixedwidget comes with options to customize the positioning of the main widgets. Go to View » options fixedwidget to configure the plugin. On this page, you can set fields, add your own HTML IDs, and even disable fixed widgets on phones and tablets.

A sticky floating sidebar can be used to increase overall user loyalty. You can have multiple fixed widgets in your sidebar. However, they can be easily irritated and this can have a negative impact too. Keep a balance in your design so that you don't irritate your users.

Would you like to display a notification bar on your site for your readers? Then a dashboard for WordPress can help you. Below we present you with a range of different WordPress plugins, describing how each of them can help you grab the attention of your readers with their style.

6 Notification Bar Plugins for WordPress:

1. WordPress Notification Bar

WordPress Notification– This simple yet eye-catching plugin gives you a variety of options to suit your individual needs. Once you install this plugin, you can customize the settings to change the color of messages, hyperlinks, buttons, or whatever you want, be it an eye-catching red discount offer on a product or some element that fits into the design of your site , with a link to your newsletter landing page. You can even attach a bar to the top of your site if you want, and it will scroll through your readers' posts if you want.

2. Easy Heads Up Bar

Heads Up Bar– This plugin works similarly to the WordPress Notification plugin described above, but with a few key differences in the admin panel options.

The first important difference with this notification bar is that it allows you to set which pages of your site it will appear on. For example, if you want to see it on your home page and not on content pages, you can choose to simply place it on the home page. This function also works in the opposite direction, that is, it makes it possible to see the panel on pages with content, and not on the main page. You can of course display it on all pages if you like.

The second major difference is that this plugin allows you to set timers for how long the panel will be on your site from a “start point”, which can be set in advance, and also set an “end point”, which will automatically remove the panel at a given time. time.

The third important difference is the ability to create multiple panels that will be shown in random order. The plugin allows you to automatically display messages between different dates.

Here you can see an example of it working:

3.Quick Notice Bar

Quick Notice Bar– This plugin is one of the most popular ones as it can automatically create a notification bar upon re-installation and has various options. So if you want something simple that just gets the job done, then this is the plugin for you. One notable thing about this plugin is that it can change the font size, style, and color. You can also change the panel color yourself, just like in the two plugins above, by using the gradient editor to select and then copy and paste a new background color.

Here you can see an example of it working:

4. The Hello Bar

Hello Bar– This plugin is very similar to the WordPress Notification Plugin we reviewed above, with a few exceptions. First you will need to register on the hello bar website to be able to work with this plugin. Like several others, Hello Bar allows you to post any message or ad with endless color and font options. But what really sets this plugin apart from others is the ability to easily track clicks made and test different messages.

Here you can see an example of it working:

5. Viper Bar

Viper Bar– This plugin from Viper Chill has the most features of all the major notification panel plugins. You can:

  • Change the appearance by changing the color, background, transparency, and text color settings.
  • Embed selected forms into your email newsletter or your RSS feed.
  • Collect statistics about your forms, such as number of impressions, form submissions, and conversions selected.
  • Set cookies to allow users to hide the panel after they have already seen it. This is a very useful feature if you select the panel to scroll the page with the user, which of course can be very annoying and distracting. You can also pin the panel to the top of the page.
  • Do various tests to optimize the results of your work with this panel.

Here you can see an example of it working:

6.News Ticker

News Ticker– This plugin is different from all the ones listed above as it provides an animated banner. It can display images, quotes, dates, and post titles that can slide in and out to make way for the next one. This plugin can be embedded anywhere in your header, highlighting your most recent, popular, or specific posts using a post ID. You can set any number of entries to display in the stream.

Unfortunately, we couldn't show you an example of how it works because we simply don't have enough space for it in our title. This may happen to you too, so try to choose a WordPress theme that will work well with it.

If you want to place this article or part of it on your website, you can do this by placing a link to our website on it.

Today we’ll talk about a very interesting plugin for WordPress, which adds not only functionality to the site, but also improves its appearance - about the plugin TheThe Sliding Panels. The plugin adds small panels to the site, when clicked they move out. You can insert anything you want into the field of these panels.

Download the plugin TheThe Sliding Panels can be found from the official website

There are several similar plugins, but the distinguishing features of this one are that it is completely free to distribute, easy to install and configure, and has excellent performance and functionality.

For example, there is a plugin JQuery slick form 1.2— it’s free, functional, but installing it is a very complicated process, but here — you press a couple of buttons and you’re done!

Installing the TheThe Sliding Panels plugin

Installing this plugin occurs in the same way as most plugins - in the search field for the plugin, enter the name of the plugin and search. After searching, click install and activate the plugin.

Setting up TheThe Sliding Panels plugin

After installing and activating this plugin, on the control panel of your WordPress site on the left, an additional line will appear where it says TheTheFly . If we move the cursor, we will have a submenu with two lines: the first line is general information about the plugin and so on, the second is the same line where we will configure the plugin:

The settings are very simple - first we select the place where our panels will be displayed - top, bottom, right, left or the panel will be a pop-up window:

I think you won’t have any difficulties at the stage of setting up the plugin, don’t forget to press the button after each change of settings "Update Settings". So, we've set it up - let's move on to filling our panels with useful content.

Where to write text or insert code in TheThe Sliding Panels plugin

To insert text or some code, or anything else, for example, a menu, you need to go to the widgets of your site. This is done very easily: open the site’s admin panel, click on the left side of the console "Appearance""Widgets". This plugin creates several columns - depending on the location of the panels:

  • Top Sliding Panel
  • Left Sliding Panel
  • BottomSliding Panel
  • Right Sliding Panel.

Select a panel and drag widgets there from the standard set of WordPress site widgets. This could be text, code, a recent posts widget, a search widget, and much more. After you select what you need, click save and enjoy the update of your site!

Attention: this plugin may conflict with some others that use the JQuery library - if the pages of your site “float”, then this plugin will not suit you.