PC crashes to blue screen. Types of debugging information. Installing OS updates

You can find out the cause of a BSOD by looking at its contents. On a blue background, the reporting data for the system error is indicated in a certain order. At the bottom of the screen, a separate line usually contains the name of the file that caused the failure and the path to it. The only problem is that most often, immediately after the blue screen appears, an automatic reboot follows, and the user is unable to read the information.

To read and decrypt the blue screen, right-click on the “My Computer” icon and select “Properties”. On the Advanced tab, under Startup and Recovery, select Options. Uncheck the box next to “Perform automatic reboot.” If a critical error occurs, the computer will no longer restart automatically, and you will be able to see a blue screen with information about problems.

Information about the system state is saved in a memory dump. This file is saved by default in the C:\Windows\Minidump folder.

Determining the cause of the error

Pay attention to the detailed description of the error on the blue screen. It looks like a phrase in capital Latin letters. In this case, words can be separated by an underscore: PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA. The following is technical information describing the addresses that caused the system to stop, for example 0x8872A990, 0x804F35D8, etc. And after this comes the name of the file that caused the error.

Rewrite the information indicated on the blue screen. You can send them to Microsoft technical support by entering them in the appropriate field on the company's official website.

Remember what applications you downloaded recently, after which the blue screen began to appear. Perhaps the computer configuration is too weak for their normal operation, and the blue screen protects the system from various failures, such as processor overheating, memory errors, etc. It also wouldn't hurt to check your system for viruses.

Use the free BlueScreenView utility to help decipher the blue screen. Download the Bluescreenview.exe file from the developer’s website and run it. Select Advanced Options from the Option menu and specify the path to the memory dump folder. Click Refresh on the toolbar. The program will indicate dump files sorted by date. Explore them all. Those that could cause an error and lead to the crash of the operating system will be marked in red.

BSoD or Blue Screen of Death in Windows can appear for various reasons. Starting from a failure in a separate program, ending with the breakdown of important equipment. If you've seen BSoD only once, it's too early to sound the alarm. But if the failure is regular, it means there is some problem with the computer. And you need to pay attention to the information that is shown in the error.

You were quietly working at your computer and saw the “Blue Screen of Death” in Windows 7. What to do in this case? There is no need to immediately restart your PC. Look at the error code. From it you will understand what is “broken.” And you can eliminate the cause of the failure.

When the BSoD appears, pay attention to the sections:

  • "The problem seems to be caused." The file that caused the failure is indicated there;
  • Below is the name of the error;
  • "Technical Information". Technical information. The error number must be written after the word “STOP”. For example, "0x0000007E" or "0xC0000135";
  • Next comes the driver name and error address.

Reasons for the error

Remember what happened before the Blue Screen of Death occurred. This way you can figure out what to do about it. For example, you connected a new device, installed a program, updated the system, or downloaded unlicensed drivers for Windows. If it was after this that problems began, then you have found the culprit. You can also determine the cause by looking at the error codes.

Here's what causes the crash:

  • Hardware faults. The hard drive, RAM, network card, video adapter may be damaged;

The problem may be caused by a faulty hard drive.

  • An incompatible device or equipment is connected. Let's say you decide to install new RAM cards or attach an external hard drive. And after that, Windows began to crash into BSoD;
  • Software conflict, in particular drivers;
  • BIOS failures or bad firmware;
  • Overheat;
  • Updating Windows or individual services. Along with this, you can download a huge number of errors. Even licensed programs are not immune from them. If BSoD appears after a system update, simply roll back the system. And wait until the update is fixed and optimized;
  • Contact between wires and internal equipment. For example, the cable got caught in the cooler blades;
  • , which damaged important files;

  • User actions. Someone tried to "overclock" the computer. Or deleted system data.

Error codes

To understand how to get rid of the problem, you need to look at the error codes. Blue Screen of Death provides the information you need. But the list of such numbers is huge. After all, anything can break. And it is not clear what to do in this case. Here are the most common failures:

  • “0x0000000X”, where “X” (“X”) are numbers from 1 to 5. Relevant for Windows Server 2003 and Win XP with SP. Appears when installing some antiviruses. To fix everything, download the “KB887742” update from the Update Center or from the official Microsoft website;
  • “0x0000000A” and “0x0000000X”, where “X” is equal to numbers from 6 to 9. The driver is damaged. Or there are incompatible programs/hardware;
  • “0x0000000X”, where “X” can be numbers from 13 to 19. The codes mean that there is no communication with the memory board. Or the connection to the hard drive on which the swap partition is located is lost;
  • “0x0000001F” and “0x0000000X”, where “X” are numbers from 20 to 23. Error when reading/writing information. Appears in FAT file systems. The cause may be a broken hard drive or severe data fragmentation. Blue Screen of Death with this code also occurs due to incompatible antiviruses and firewalls;
  • "0x00000024". The same thing, but for the NTFS file system;
  • “0x0000000X”, where “X” are numbers from 28 to 35. Problem with drivers or RAM;
  • "0x0000000B", "0x0000000C", "0x0000000D". Associated with software failures for the Sound Blaster Live sound card;
  • "0x00000051". Occurs when the system cannot read a registry element. This happens when the system or equipment is damaged;
  • "0x00000057". There is something wrong with the network card;

Death screen example

  • "0x00000069". Incorrect system installation or incorrect configuration;
  • "0x00000073". Part of the registry is damaged. Or there is not enough free memory;
  • "0x0000007E". May appear when updating Windows. For some reason the update caused a failure. To eliminate it, you need to roll back the system;
  • "0x0000008E". RAM failure. Or the RAM modules are incompatible with each other;
  • "0x000000FE". Critical failure in the USB controller;
  • "0x00000104". Problem with the video adapter driver or BIOS firmware;
  • "0x1000007E", "0x1000008E" or "0xC000009A". The Windows system kernel does not have enough resources for stable operation. Free up RAM and local memory;
  • "0x80070570". The system is not installed correctly. The problem may be in the installer itself;
  • "0xC0000135" and "0xC0000218". Important dynamic libraries are damaged or missing. BSoD shows which object is unavailable;
  • "0xC0000221." Problem with driver or library;
  • "0xDEADDEAD". The user himself initiated an emergency stop of the system.

The list is quite long. It has hundreds of different rooms. You can enter the failure code in the search engine to find out detailed information. Or look it up on the website “bsodstop.ru” (tab “BSoD: description of errors”). There are also instructions that describe what to do in each situation.

If the same failures occur with different objects (the codes are the same, but the file names are not), most likely the problem is not in the system, but in the hard drive. Back up your important data as soon as possible. If they end up in a damaged sector, it will be difficult to restore them.

View the code if the system reboots

How can I find out the failure number if the computer restarts when a BSoD appears? And you simply don’t have time to read the message.

Blue screen codes can be viewed in dumps. They are located in the Windows\Minidump system directory. To open these files, you need the BlueScreenView program. Find it on the Internet, install it and open it. It will scan the dumps and display a list of them. Files that contain information about the failure will be marked in red.

BlueScreenView window

How to fix the error

Equipment broke down

If the equipment breaks down, it is unlikely to be repaired at home. But sometimes it’s enough to turn it off and on again. Let's say the error codes make it clear that there is no access to RAM. Here's what to do:

  • Turn off the computer's power. Don't just press the "Off" button, but remove the plug from the socket;
  • Open the cover of the system unit;
  • Find the RAM boards there;

  • Carefully remove them from the nest. You need to pull back the latch that holds them;
  • Push them back in;
  • Turn on your computer and check if everything works.

The same can be done with a hard drive, a video adapter, and a sound card. But if you are unfamiliar with the internal workings of a computer, it is better to leave it to the professionals. You should not remove all the parts from the system unit one by one.

If it doesn’t help, it means the equipment has become unusable. It needs to be changed.

Disabling external devices

Very often, BSoD appears when hard drives or other external devices are connected to the computer. How to fix the Blue Screen of Death in this case? Turn off the equipment. Try inserting it into a different port. See how it appears in Device Manager. Check to see if there is an exclamation mark next to the model name. Update your drivers.

Perhaps the problem is not with the computer, but with the port controller. If it is faulty, it must be turned off.

Problems with the file system or hard drive

Run scan and repair of the system disk. For this:

  • Right-click on it;
  • Item “Properties”;

Go to “Properties”

  • “Service” tab;
  • “Check” button;

Click on “Run check”

  • Check all the boxes. In particular, you need the “Repair bad sectors” option;

Check the box next to “Repair bad sectors”

  • "Start" button;
  • The service will warn you that it will start checking the next time the system starts;
  • Restart your computer;
  • It will begin disk recovery. This may take a long time. Don't interrupt the process.

Software glitch

Here's how to remove the Blue Screen of Death if the problem is in the system itself or programs installed on it:

  • Uninstall everything you installed immediately before the crash;
  • If it doesn't help, make a backup;
  • Go to Start - Programs - Accessories - System Tools;
  • Press " ";

  • In the window that opens, check “Select a restore point”;
  • If necessary, check the box “Show all restore points”;
  • They show the time when the backup was made and what happened (installation, deletion, update);

Restore points

  • Select a suitable point and confirm;
  • Do not turn off your computer until the recovery is complete.

The system will roll back. It will return to the state it was in before the errors appeared.

Other options

  • Scan the system with a good antivirus;
  • Clean the hard drive from debris. Remove unnecessary files. But don't touch system data. You can use the built-in Windows services (Start - Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Disk Cleanup) or install programs for this: for example, CCleaner;

CCleaner program

  • It makes sense to fix registry errors. But you shouldn't do it manually. Use Registry Fix, Registry Boot and the like;
  • If you have an installation disk with the system, try reinstalling it or restoring damaged files;
  • Update all drivers. Download the latest updates.

If a Blue Screen appears when you turn it on

If the Blue Screen of Death appears immediately after turning on the computer, you will not be able to log into the system. And it will be difficult to fix anything. Therefore, you need to start the PC from a boot disk or drive. If you don't have one, use the Windows installation CD. A free program from DrWeb - “Live Disk” is also suitable. It can be downloaded from freedrweb.com:

  1. When you start the PC (on the very first “frame”), a key will be indicated that must be pressed to open the settings (“PRESS TO ENTER SETUP”). This is usually F1, F2, F5 or Del;
  2. Click on it. The BIOS options will open. In them, all control is tied to the keyboard;
  3. Go to the “Boot” tab;
  4. “Boot Device Priority” item;
  5. There will be a loading order. Put first the device from which you plan to download data (disk or drive);
  6. Open the “Save” section, select the “Save and reset” option;
  7. Now the computer will start from the external media (don't forget to insert it);
  8. If this is a boot disk or CD with Win distributions, try reinstalling them;
  9. Live Disk also has tools for resuscitating the system;
  10. After recovery, change the boot order again to start from the hard drive.

This will work if the problem is due to a software glitch. But it will not help in case of equipment failure

You need to take care of your system and computer, even if there are no problems. Regularly check the disk for errors, remove unnecessary junk from it, and clean the registry. Don't try to improve your PC's performance if you don't know how to do it. If you take precautions and monitor the state of the system, the Blue Screen of Death is unlikely to bother you.

You can handle some problems yourself. But if BSoD appears due to hardware failure, it will have to be replaced.

Quite often, many people experience problems associated with personal computers. The blue screen that appears after turning off and on the computer is especially annoying. This screen reports a specific error. To understand what kind of error you have encountered, you can enter the hexadecimal code in the Microsoft database that is displayed in the message. Chances are that you will receive some advice on how to solve your problem. So, let's say you experience a blue screen of death. What to do? First, you need to figure out what errors can cause it to appear.

Reasons for the error

Most often, basic hardware problems are associated with the HDD not working correctly. Problems with memory and processor can also cause a blue screen. Software errors are usually caused by viruses, rootkits, or drivers that were not installed entirely correctly. What can cause a blue screen of death to appear? The reasons mainly lie in hardware errors. A large number of personal computer hardware components can cause this error due to malfunction. It is worth considering the main components that cause malfunctions.

What to do if problems arise due to the HDD

The hard drive is one of the most important elements of every personal computer. It stores a large amount of data and the operating system itself. Very often, the Blue Screen of Death appears due to damaged sectors or due to defects that may be present on the hard drive. They contribute to damage to the operating system itself, thus affecting its performance. Problems may be related to the read head - this problem occurs mainly when the HDD reaches five years of age. Based on statistical data, problems in this situation arise due to overheating of the disk. So, blue screen of death: what to do if the problem is in the hard drive?

In order to get rid of problems, you need to use special software. They can move idle sectors to an HDD location that is not in use. In addition, if the damage to the hard drive is too great, it can be replaced with a new one. In this case, you will also need to reinstall the operating system. In this situation, you need to copy all your important documents to an external drive so that they are not damaged by the error that causes the Blue Screen of Death. What to do if the hard drive is not to blame for the problem? It is worth paying attention to memory.

Errors with memory and processor

The causes of problems may also be related to PC memory. For a blue screen to appear, it only takes one module to fail. The cause of this damage is mainly overclocking, which uses more voltage than necessary. In addition, elements of the electrical circuit can fail under the influence of heat. Poor quality parts can also cause an error that results in a Blue Screen of Death. What to do in this case? To overcome the problem, you should reduce the input voltage supplied to the memory chips. This should be done in the BIOS. If after this the problem continues to occur, then you should consider buying a new memory module. The processor can also cause a blue screen if it fails. In order to get rid of this problem, you should immediately change the part.

Software errors

The cause of a blue screen may be driver malfunctions or viruses. In the first case, they simply need to be reinstalled. If this does not help, then you should find those programs that are optimally suited to your computer. If errors occur due to malicious programs, you should seek help from a special utility - an antivirus.


Don't despair if you get a blue screen. You just need to find the cause and eliminate it. Microsoft databases can help in her search. Good luck in solving problems with your personal computer.

Good afternoon.

Although, he’s probably not that kind, since you’re reading this article... In general, the blue screen of death is not a pleasant pleasure, especially if you spent two hours creating a document, but autosave was turned off and you didn’t have time to save anything... Here you can turn gray if it’s a coursework and you have to hand it in the next day. In this article I want to talk about step-by-step restoration of your computer if you are tormented by a blue screen with enviable regularity...

And so, let's go...

Probably, you need to start with the fact that if you see a “blue screen”, this means Windows has completed its work with a critical error, i.e. There was a very serious failure. Sometimes it is quite difficult to get rid of it, and only reinstalling Windows and drivers helps. But first, let's try to do without it!

Eliminating the blue screen of death

1) Setting up your computer so it doesn’t reboot during a blue screen.

By default, Windows OS, after a blue screen appears, goes to reboot automatically without asking you. There is not always enough time to record an error. Therefore, the first thing we will do is to prevent Windows from rebooting automatically. Below we will show how to do this in Windows 7, 8.

Open the computer control panel and go to the "System and Security" section.

Here we are interested in the boot and recovery options.

In the center of the window, under the “system failure” heading, there is an option “perform automatic reboot”. Uncheck this box so that the system does not reboot and gives you the opportunity to take a photo or write down the error number on paper.

2) The error code is the key to solving the error

A blue screen of death has appeared in front of you (by the way, in English it is called BSOD). You need to write down the error code.

Where is he? The screenshot below shows the line that will help determine the cause. In my case, the error is like "0x0000004e". I write it down on a piece of paper and go look for it...

I suggest using the website http://bsodstop.ru/ - all the most common error codes are here. By the way, mine was found too. To solve it, they recommend that I identify the faulty driver and replace it. The wish, of course, is good, but there are no recommendations on how to do it (we'll look at it below)... This way you can find out the reason, or at least get very close to it.

3) How can I find out the driver that caused the blue screen?

In order to determine which driver caused the failure, you will need the BlueScreenView utility.

It's quite simple to use. After launch, it will automatically find and show errors that were recorded by the system and reflected in the dump.

Below is a screenshot of the program's operation. Errors when a blue screen occurred, date and time are shown at the top. Select the desired date and see not only the error code on the right, but also the name of the file that caused the error is shown at the bottom!

In this screenshot, the file "ati2dvag.dll" somehow did not suit Windows. Most likely you need to install newer or older drivers on the video card and the error will disappear by itself.

Similarly, step by step, you will be able to identify the error code and file that is causing the crash. And then you can try to replace the drivers on your own and return the system to its previous stable operation.

What to do if nothing helps?

1. The first thing we try to do when a blue screen appears is to press some keys on the keyboard (at least that’s what the computer itself recommends). 99% that nothing will work out for you and you will have to press the reset button. Well, if there is nothing else left, click...

2. I recommend testing the entire computer and RAM in particular. Very often a blue screen occurs because of it. By the way, wipe its contacts with a regular eraser, blow off dust from the system unit, and clean everything. Perhaps due to poor contact of the RAM connectors with the slot where it is inserted and a failure occurred. Very often this procedure helps.

3. Pay attention to when the blue screen appears. If you see it once every six months or a year, does it make sense to look for reasons? If it starts to appear after every Windows boot, pay attention to the drivers, especially those you recently updated. Most often, problems arise due to video card drivers. Be sure to update them, or install a more stable version, if this is the case.

4. If the computer displays a blue screen immediately at the moment Windows boots, and not immediately after it (as in step 2), then most likely the system files of the OS itself have been corrupted. To restore, you can even use standard system recovery utilities using checkpoints.

5. Try to go into safe mode - perhaps from there you will be able to remove the faulty driver and restore the system to functionality. After this, the best option would be to try to restore your Windows system using the boot disk from which you installed it. To do this, start the installation, and during it select not “install”, but “restore” or “update” (depending on the OS version, the wording will be different).

6. By the way, I personally noted that in newer operating systems blue screens occur much less often. If your PC meets the specifications for installing Windows 7, 8 on it, install it. I think there will be fewer mistakes overall.

7. If none of the previously suggested solutions helped you, I’m afraid that only reinstalling the system will improve the situation (and then only if there are no hardware problems). Before this operation, you can copy all the necessary data to flash drives (booting using a Live CD, not from your hard drive) and calmly reinstall Windows.




What is BSoD

BSoD - Blue Sceen of Death, blue screen of death. Appears in the most critical situations, when closing a faulty program is impossible.

The Windows operating system has several layers of running programs. We see only the top one - open program windows and running services. These are what the Task Manager shows. When one of the programs makes an error that it is not able to process and work around, it, as many users say, “crashes.” You can start it again and continue working.

Software modules running at a lower level (drivers) will not be able to restart in the event of an error. The Windows operating system tries to protect the user from many errors, but this does not always work and it capitulates, showing a sad face or a set of characters on the computer screen.

You need to understand that drivers are an intermediary between the software and hardware of a computer. Both drivers can fail (programmers are people too, they may not take something into account or make a mistake), as well as the hardware part of the computer.

Symptoms of BSoD

1. The appearance of a blue screen with strange symbols or a sad emoticon.

In 99% of cases, the computer reboots on its own due to a critical error (BSoD), but there can be a worse situation: problems with the power supply or motherboard. If you have a desktop PC, check to see if there are any bulges anywhere.

Reasons for a blue screen

1. Overheating. Overheating of the video card or processor leads to the blue screen of death.

By the way, in Windows XP, when the video card overheated, a BSoD always occurred; in Vista and newer, the video driver simply rebooted. If you see the message “The video driver has stopped responding and has been restored,” then this is an overheating of the video card:

The newer Windows, the better the protection against failures. Let's hope that in some Windows XV, instead of a blue screen, we will see an error notification that does not interfere with work.

2. RAM failure. You can, but in order not to hit the mark, first read on - perhaps the cause of your blue screen of death is something else.

If you installed new RAM in your computer and get frequent BSoDs, replace it at the store with a working one. There are no other ways to overcome blue screens of death when replacing RAM.

3. Failure of other hardware. Maybe the voltage in the power supply “sags”. Maybe there is a loss of contact somewhere. Maybe your computer doesn't like the full moon. There are many reasons, one can guess endlessly.

If, after you have analyzed the minidump (more on this below) and eliminated errors, the blue screen does not go away, you should replace all components one by one. You can’t just go ahead and determine the cause of BSoD if the error codes are different every time.

4. Overclocking. If you are an advanced overclocker, then you know what overclocking a computer has to do with BSoD. If not, don't overclock your computer.

5. Driver(s) failure. The cause of BSoD is not necessarily a hardware problem. Unstable drivers are a frequent guest on user computers. How to identify a faulty driver will be discussed next.

6. Viruses. Be sure to check your computer with some or .

I never tire of being amazed at the self-confidence of users who say “ I have no viruses and no antivirus either! I have a straight hand/I only use trusted sites/sometimes I check with a one-time antivirus and that’s why everything is fine!". Leaving aside the debate about how you can live without an antivirus, think about it: if a person sees BSoD, he has This is no longer a normal situation. How can you say that there are no viruses and this is not the cause of the blue screen?

Also, do not think that if you have an antivirus installed with the latest databases, there cannot be viruses. Check with others to completely rule out the possibility.

7. Antiviruses. It's funny (and sad) that antiviruses can cause crashes. Remove your antivirus temporarily. Have blue screens of death stopped appearing? Install a new one so that blue screens do not appear due to reason No. 6.

8. Windows updates. Developers at Microsoft sometimes test updates poorly. Because of this, some people completely disable Windows Update and sit without updates, although this is not an option. Control Panel - Programs and Features - View installed updates- right click - Delete according to the updates installed recently, then check the operation of Windows. Has everything returned to normal? Just don't install updates for a couple of weeks - usually during this time some kind of corrective update for the update comes out and everything becomes fine.

9. Programs crash. This happens, but rarely. If you see BSoD during a game or when running a specific program, I advise you to check your computer for overheating, because most programs are not capable of causing a blue screen, with the exception of those installing drivers into the system (antiviruses, virtual disk emulators, game protection systems like PunkBuster, accounting programs that work with digital keys).

10. Hard disk file system errors. It won't be amiss

Let's find out the cause of BSoD

As you can see, there are quite a lot of reasons and there is no point in guessing. Fortunately, the Blue Screen of Death contains clues as to why Windows suddenly started to crash. Among the incomprehensible text there will be error codes containing a direct indication of what caused the failure.

Most often you are BSoD you won't see, since the default Windows settings enable restarting the computer in case of critical errors.

You can disable automatic restart of Windows like this: Control Panel - System - Advanced System Settings - Options- check/uncheck the boxes as in the screenshot below:

Pay attention to the “Small memory dump” item - check it too.

Google the error code from the Windows Log

The “Write event to system log” checkbox is checked by default, which means error codes will be in the Windows Log.

Go to Control Panel - Administration - Event Viewer - System- and look for a line in the list that coincides in time with the appearance of a blue screen or restarting the computer:

Look for the error code (in the screenshot above it is 0x0000009f) in Google and read the first few sites in the results, follow the recommendations that have helped others. If a driver is specified (a word ending .sys, then it’s generally great - the likely culprit was found immediately, you need to install a driver for this device of an older/newer version. If there is no clear and clear indication on the Internet of the cause of BSoD for the specified error code, read my instructions further.

If there is nothing in the Windows Log, wait for the blue screen to appear and look for the error there:

Just search Google for information on the error code and follow the recommendations.

Analyze the minidump

Unfortunately, if the problem is a faulty driver, this is not always shown on the blue screen. The error code is also not always informative. You need to analyze the minidump file that is created when a BSoD occurs and contains information about the failure, in particular which drivers reported the error. There are two programs for minidump analysis: Windows Debugging Tools and BlueScreenView. Unfortunately, the first one is too complicated for novice users, although it gives a more informative result. In 99% of cases, the second, simple and free BlueScreenView is enough.

The BlueScreenView installer is available at this link.

After starting the program, you will see a window in which at the top there will be minidumps created by the system and information about them, at the bottom - a list of drivers. Failed drivers will be indicated in yellow.

Example No. 1 - the video card is to blame

A blue screen appears with the text ATTEMPTED_WRITE_TO_READONLY_MEMORY. Let's look at the minidump:

The ATTEMPTED_WRITE_TO_READONLY_MEMORY error, judging by googling, is caused by some driver. The likely culprit in this case is nv4_disp.sys. There are others, but they are part of the system and are statistically unlikely to be the cause. A Google search showed that nv4_disp.sys is a video card driver from nVidia. Three steps:

1. Check the video card for overheating.

2. Installing an older video card driver (new if the old one is installed). This is done with any drivers, not just video cards.

3. Installing the video card in another computer.

4. If a blue screen appears on another computer, take the video card to a service center. If the warranty is still valid, you can replace it with a working one free of charge.

5. Doesn't the blue screen appear on another computer? Try installing a different power supply on yours - this may be the reason.

6. Doesn't help? Reinstall Windows completely.

7. If this does not help, take it to the service center for diagnostics.

Example No. 2 - the culprit is not at all what was expected

A blue screen with the message PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA is associated with many problems:

If the likely faulty driver was ntfs.sys, then I would recommend checking the hard drive for errors, and also replacing the cable that goes from the hard drive to the motherboard. In this case, BlueScreenView points to the USB port driver and this could be true, but where I took the dump from as an example, the person’s motherboard is at fault - the capacitors on it are swollen. The solution is to pick up the system unit and head to the service center.

Example No. 3 - the antivirus is to blame

I found this minidump on the Internet:

The culprit was SRTSP.SYS, an antivirus component from Norton. Solved by removing it.

Example No. 4 - “broken” RAM

A blue screen with MEMORY_MANAGEMENT is a sign that the RAM is unusable:

BlueScreenView points to the likely culprit - ntoskrnl.exe. This is the Windows kernel and cannot be the cause of the BSOD. In 99% of cases, the cause of a blue screen with the MEMORY_MANAGEMENT error is “broken” RAM. We'll have to change it.

Results of the analysis of examples

1. BlueScreenView indicates a failure in the driver, and the hardware with which the driver interacts may be to blame.

2. You can determine whether the failure is in the driver or the hardware by searching through both the drivers and the hardware. Install old drivers (for example, those included on the disk), download new ones.