Primary server Yandex smtp iphone. Setting up email on iPhone

A brand new iPhone feels a little incomplete without an email account set up. What makes the iPhone a great smartphone also makes it a great communicator. You can easily and easily set up your email. The device has a standard email application, “Mail,” ready to help you. But if you need help with your email, there are plenty of other email apps available.

Let's set up your first email account on your new iPhone.

Follow the guide below.

Adding an account in the Mail application

Regardless of your email provider - Google, Yandex, Mail, Yahoo, Outlook, Exchange, iCloud or Aol account, iOS makes it very easy to add these accounts in the app settings. Once you add these accounts, you can start syncing supported services such as email, calendar marks, contacts, notes and more.

Step 1: Open the Settings app and select the Mail app tab.

Step 2: Click on the Accounts panel and select Add Account.

Step 3: Then select the service of your choice from the list. In this case, I will show this using an example with Google services.

Step 4: You will then be asked to enter your email address and password. If you have 2-factor authentication enabled, you will also be redirected to the appropriate page.

Step 5: Once your account is linked to your device, you will be asked to activate all the services offered. The email will be checked automatically. Optionally, you can enable calendar and account contact synchronization.

Once this is done, simply open the Mail app and wait a while for new messages to arrive.

Set the frequency of checking email messages

One of the biggest problems with the Mail app with a Google account is that it doesn't support push notifications. That is, you will not receive an email notification of a new message at the same second. It's possible that your default settings are set to manual checking, meaning you won't even see any new messages in your email until you open the Mail app.

Let's fix this unfortunate situation.

In the "Mail" tab in the "Settings" application, select the desired Google account, and then click on the "Receive new messages" panel.

If receiving email as often as possible is important to you, then select the 15 minutes option, which is the most frequent option for checking email. That is, the Mail application will check your account for incoming messages every 15 minutes. Which can reduce the operating time of your device on a single battery charge. Alternatively, you can select the option to check your email every 1 hour.

Best appsto view email fromthird partydevelopers

Mail app provides only basic services. Plus there is a problem with push notifications. Third-party email clients solve both of these problems. Adding a Gmail account to these apps is usually as simple as logging in with your account information.

Gmail: The official Gmail app for iOS works quite well, especially after its latest update. The application uses a material design approach. The app is still web based, but it gets the job done. It's also fast and, best of all, it supports push notifications from Gmail services.

Microsoft Outlook: One of the best email apps for iOS developed by Microsoft. The Microsoft Outlook application works perfectly with an account from Gmail services and, of course, with Outlook accounts. Push notifications are supported, but this is an additional feature that makes using the app even more interesting. Really important emails are sent and shown in a special list called “Focused list”. This is a really interesting solution to the problem of cluttered email inboxes. Outlook also comes with an impressive set of in-app calendar features, plus support for file sharing services such as Dropbox.

Adding an account and setting up mail on iPhone is done in two ways - automatically and manually. Which method is more convenient is up to the user to decide.

For users of popular email services, the Apple device can independently carry out the setup in automatic mode. You just need to enter your email address and password. This is done in the following sequence:

  1. In the “Settings” of the iPhone, a submenu of accounts opens, where the “Add account” option is selected. In earlier versions of the operating system, this button is located in the “Mail” section.
  2. In the list that opens, click the service whose account the user is going to add. If its name is not in the list, select the “Other” line, where the service is entered manually.
  3. Enter the postal address and enter the password for it. Clicking the corresponding button starts checking the added information.
  4. Email account details can optionally be displayed on the phone. After setting the display parameters, the procedure is completed by clicking the “Save” button.

Russian sector

If the owner of an iPhone prefers Russian space services, the standard application makes it possible to do this as well. In the already mentioned Mail settings section on iPhone – “Other”, the following steps are taken:

  1. In the “New account” item, fill in the information lines. The “name” can be anything; recipients of letters will see it as the author of the message. The “E-mail” field is filled in with the address of an existing mailbox. Enter the “Password” to access this mailbox and enter the corresponding domain in the “Description” section -, or the domain of any other Russian service.
  2. Identification starts. When it passes, click “Save” and use of the service becomes available. If you still cannot receive and send letters, you will need to go through a few more steps.
  3. In the menu of the created account, select “Outgoing mail server”. To specify the primary server, sequentially press SMTP – “Not configured” – “Host name”. The last item is filled in in the form “”, where “example” is the name of the service being configured. By selecting “Save”, the primary server is
  4. By clicking it, you should enable “Use SSL” in the options. The port value is set to 465.
  5. After saving the changes and returning to the account menu, you need to go to the “Advanced” section. SSL is also enabled here. The port value is set to 993.

Thus, you can add an account for the Russian sector, regardless of affiliation.

Selection of options

Almost always, the user does not need to manually enter parameters. If automatic regulation does not work, you may need to request the necessary information from the mail service.

The user will need to enter:

  • protocol (IMAP, POP);
  • port number of the incoming server (IMAP standard – 143 and 993, POP – 110 and 995);
  • encryption option (SSL, TLS);
  • outgoing port number (standard: 25, 587, 465).

This information will need to be obtained from the email service that the user plans to add to his iPhone. Other data required for manual entry should already be familiar and no special handling is required.

When accessing mail from multiple devices, it is preferable to choose IMAP. In this case, the data is stored by the mail server, so regardless of the access method, the user sees the full contents of the mailbox. If POP is used, messages received on one device will no longer be visible on the other.

Other additions to settings

According to the preference of the iPhone owner, it is possible to select the mailbox checking mode.

In the “Downloading data” section of the account, you can choose the items “Manual”, “Push”, “Sampling”.

The first option assigns the function of downloading mail to the user himself. Every time you need to read a letter on your iPhone, you will have to activate message updating directly in the application.

“Push” notifies you of the receipt of new messages in real time, which is essential when waiting for important letters. In this case, increased energy consumption reduces the battery life of the smartphone. Also, “Push” does not synchronize with all servers.

“Sampling” combines the advantages of the two previous behavior models. There is automatic downloading - it turns on only when the device is charging and a Wi-Fi connection is established. There is a manual download that is enabled immediately upon entering the application, without the need to access it directly. And there is an interval mode in which mail is downloaded from the server at specified intervals. The shorter these intervals, the faster the battery charge is consumed.

Box liquidation

Removing any of the email accounts added there from your phone is even easier than adding it. It should be taken into account that all data associated with the deleted account will be lost.

  1. In “Settings”, select the “Mail, Addresses, Calendars” submenu, just like before binding an email address. In the list that opens, click the address intended for deletion.
  2. At the bottom of the screen, the user sees the “Delete account” option. But even by clicking on it, you still have the opportunity to change your mind - the system will ask for confirmation “Delete from iPhone.” If the decision is irrevocable, it is confirmed and all information associated with the box disappears.

The iPhone's focus on maximum convenience allows you to freely add and delete email accounts. But the user needs to be careful not to lose useful information when eliminating an extra box. Once deleted, this information can no longer be restored.

Despite the development of the Internet, e-mail has not gone away since its inception and is still necessary. This material describes setting up Yandex mail on iPhone.


Communication via email is very successful and to this day cannot be replaced by any other method of interaction. Mail is used for work and to communicate with family. It has migrated even to the most modern and advanced devices.

Setting up Yandex mail on iPhone

Yandex is a fairly popular postal service in Russia - a kind of domestic Google. A large audience of users has been using its products, including mail, for a long period of time.

After purchasing a new device, such as an iPhone, there is a need to connect your already favorite mailbox in order to save all the necessary data and not lose many years of correspondence. It is also quite convenient to use email on a smartphone due to its constant availability, because such a gadget is always at hand, which means your mailbox is always with you.

There are several different ways to set up Yandex mail on iPhone. There are options for full-fledged work with outgoing and incoming mail, as well as for receiving email from a Yandex mailbox.

Setting up incoming mail using the forwarding method

The one on the iPhone 6, as well as on other models in the series, is identical. The first and easiest way to set it up is to forward it to another mailbox, for example iCloud, which is already connected to your smartphone. To do this, you need to visit the Yandex.Mail website, go to settings and find the “Create rules” item. There you can specify what kind of mail will be forwarded (for example, messages from a certain circle of people or with a certain topic). Next, select the “Forward to address” option and indicate the mailbox that is already connected to your phone.

Full connection to the Mail client on iOS

Setting up Yandex iPhone is somewhat more complicated. For full operation, you will need to connect the box directly to the iOS client.

Setting up Yandex mail on the iPhone 5s, as on other modern models with iOS 9 installed, is done in the same way. To do this, go to the "Settings" of your device, go to the "Mail" item. At the top of the display there will be an option to “Add a new account.” From the entire list, select "Mail". The first problem you will encounter is the absence of “Yandex” among the options for selecting a mailbox, so go down, select “Other” and fill out the fields provided.

  • Name - enter any name you like.
  • Email address (e-mail) is your mailbox registered with Yandex.
  • Password for your mailbox.
  • Description - describe the box. For example, work, personal, and so on. Sometimes the domain name is indicated here, in our case it is

This should be enough for the box to work, but it may not, so you will need to fill in some of the data manually.

  • The host name is
  • Username is your Yandex email address.
  • Password.

To configure POP, the same data is used, only POP is specified instead of IMAP.

Now, if necessary, you can configure ports for two servers. To do this, find an already connected mailbox in the settings, go to the SMTP settings, and then to the node. Here you need to perform two tasks: the first is to enable SSL, the second is to register port 465. Usually all this data is registered automatically, and manual configuration is not required, but if suddenly this does not happen, then now you are ready to independently specify the necessary data and get the mail to work.

Setting up Yandex mail on iPhone 6 using the official application

The last and easiest option for comfortable and full-fledged work with Yandex mail is to use an application developed by the company that created the mail service. In the AppStore you can find an email client that was developed with a special interface and convenient authorization (you just need to enter your login and password).

The application also has one big plus - support for push notifications, that is, messages from the server. As soon as a letter arrives in your inbox, you will immediately know about it. The standard one cannot do this and checks mail through sampling (checking occurs in a certain, specified period of time).

Instead of a conclusion (other possible options)

This material describes the main, optimal options for setting up Yandex mail on an iPhone. But there are also a lot of applications for this in the AppStore. In some, the installation process is the same as in the official application, and there should be no problems.

Detailed instructions for setting up any mail on iPhone.

The standard iPhone Mail app is as good as most third-party email clients. Many users actually like “Mail” more than its analogues due to its simplicity. This instruction showed how to add any mailbox to the Mail application on iPhone. In addition, we considered the possibility of adding additional boxes.

How to set up your first email on iPhone

Mail» and select your mail service.

Important! If you use mail from Mail.Ru, Yandex, or another service that is not on the list, then scroll through the instructions below - they tell you in detail how to set up any mail on your iPhone.

Step 2. Enter the username and password for your mail account.

Step 3. If the data is entered correctly, the last page for setting up mail on iPhone will open in front of you. On it, the application will offer to synchronize various content stored in the email service, for example, contacts or calendars, with your smartphone. Uncheck or, conversely, check the boxes on the required items.

Ready! Your emails will instantly appear in the Mail app.

How to set up Yandex mail, Mail.Ru and other services

By default, the Mail app on iPhone offers to set up mail for only a few services: Gmail, iCloud, Exchange, Yahoo!, Aol, and Outlook. However, any email service can be added to the application.

Step 1. Launch the standard application " Mail" and select " Other", which is at the bottom of the list.

Step 2. On the page that opens, select “ New account».

Step 3. On the next page you need to specify:

  • Name- your name, it will be displayed in the automatically generated signature when sending letters.
  • Email- mailbox address.
  • Password- mailbox password.
  • Description- this field is filled in automatically, but you can enter any information in it to make it easier to identify your mailbox.

When all fields are filled in, click " Further».

Step 4. At the last stage of setting up mail for any service on iPhone, all you have to do is press the “ Save».

Ready! You have successfully configured your email service on iPhone, even if it was not in the standard list.

How to set up mail on iPhone for the second and subsequent mailboxes

Most modern users have more than one mailbox. Luckily, adding new email to iPhone is very easy.

Step 1. Go to menu " Settings» → « Passwords and accounts" and select " Add an account».

Step 2. In the list that opens, select the desired email service or the “Other” item (similar to the previous instructions).

Step 3. Enter your username and password for your account.

Greetings, owner of a wonderful gadget or gadgets based on the iOS operating system (iPhone, iPad), excellent in every sense of the word. Today I will tell you (and show you in the video) how to set up mail on your iPhone or iPad. In fact, the process of setting up mail on both of these devices is identical, there is no difference.

Now let's return directly to the topic - setting up mail on Apple devices iPhone and iPad is a fairly simple procedure, of course, provided that you know how to set it up.

What difficulties will any iPhone and iPad user encounter when setting up mail?:

  • Difficulty adding Russian mail servers. It’s a completely natural fact that iOS (iPhone, iPad) was primarily created for foreign users, so the settings are set only for popular foreign mail servers;
  • IMAP problems. I don’t know what this is connected with, but no matter how much I tried to set up receiving and sending mail via IMAP (as Apple recommends), nothing worked for me, so I had to set it up via the POP protocol, which is what will be used to set up mail on iPhone devices and iPad.

So, let's move on to setting up various mail servers on iPhone and iPad, let's look at three services: Gmail (service from Goolge), Yandex (mail) and (mail).


Setting up Gmail on an iPad or iPhone is as easy as shelling pears, because... Almost all the settings for this mail server are already available in iOS, Just need to fill in some details:

Because Gmail settings are already in iOS, then you don’t need to do any more actions. Let's move on to more complex settings, namely Yandex and Mail settings.


Setting up Yandex mail is done as follows:

After the settings are completed, click the “Save” button. Now you can use Yandex mail without any problems.

Setting up a mailbox is almost the same as setting up Yandex mail:

  • Go to or iPad;
  • Select the item “Mail, addresses, calendars”;
  • Next, you need (in order to start the process of creating a new account) select “Add account”;
  • In the menu that opens, select the “Other” item from all possible options;
  • Next, you need to select “New Account”;
  • Enter all the data and click the “Next” button;
  • You should get an error, don’t be alarmed - this is normal;
  • Select POP;
  • In the “Incoming Server...” field, in the “Node name” line, enter the text “”; in the “Name...” field, write the address of your mailbox without “”, i.e. only the first part of the address before, the dog, the “@” sign;
  • In the “Password” field, enter the password for your mailbox;
  • In the “Outgoing mail server” field in the “User name” line, remove the second part of the address up to the “@” sign.

That's all for today, I hope that now you know how to set up mail on iPad or iPhone. Share this short material on social networks.