Translation from jipeg and pdf. JPG to PDF converter. A selection of free programs

Converting jpg to pdf in the form of single photographs does not make any sense, since viewing individual images is much more convenient. Converting jpg to pdf makes sense when creating a multi-page album, then all the photos will be in one pdf file. We will next look at several ways to create a pdf file from a jpeg picture, which will help us create both pdf from one picture and entire albums.

First of all, if you want to convert jpg to pdf, you need to review everything installed on your computer that can help solve this problem. For example, Corel PHOTO-PAINT can easily open any image and save it in pdf format. CorelDRAW can also help, but with more effort. To open it, you will need to create a sheet of a suitable format, and then use the “Import” command to open and insert the image. Then all that remains is to save this image in pdf format. Don't forget about programs such as Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop, which also cope with this task with ease.

Many people now have a program installed on their computers, such as, which creates pdf files from any documents sent for printing. It also suits us and will help us convert jpg to pdf. To do this, you need to open the image in and send it to print, selecting a virtual printer. By the way, many modern photo viewers can also create PDF files from pictures.

You can find many more options for creating pdf files from images in jpeg format, but next we will consider options that will allow you to create one pdf file containing several images. This is where your imagination can run wild a little. For example, if you need to somehow sign the images and design them beautifully, you can even use a text editor such as Word or the graphics editor CorelDRAW. On each new page you will need to insert a new image and format it, and then simply save it in pdf format. If your text editor does not allow you to save in pdf format, you can send the entire file for printing via a virtual printer. You can also use specialized software to create PDF files from scratch. For example, in programs such as and you can create a new document and fill it with content, and save it in pdf format. The disadvantage of the design option is that there will be difficulties with the image formats that will need to fit into the size of the created sheet.

Some virtual pdf printers, such as PDFCreator, support lazy printing. This function allows you to send many separate files for printing, which can be combined into one file in the virtual printer menu and create one large PDF file.

Some companies have even developed specialized software for these purposes that allows you to convert jpg to pdf. Moreover, such programs can both create single-page pdfs and complex multi-page files. Here is just a small list of such programs: JPEG to PDF, JPG To PDF Converter.

But these are not all the options. There are many different services that can convert jpg to pdf online. Those. you need to find such a service, upload your image and get the finished pdf.

Scan of a multi-page document. Combining JPG files into one PDF

How to combine several jpg files into one pdf document? The first time I asked myself this question was when I needed to send a scan of a multi-page document. What's the problem with sending multiple jpg files? It was important that the recipient viewed the files in a specific sequence and did not get confused by them.

Later, I used this skill to create PDF brochures from image files. Well, you may have your own goals and objectives in which this skill will help you.

Hello, dear reader of the blog Olga Alexandrova is with you. And in this publication, under the heading “With a computer at your fingertips,” I will tell you how I solved for myself the problem of combining several jpg files into one pdf document.

When we scan a multi-page document, the scanner usually makes a separate jpg file for each page. And if you, for example, have 10 pages, then as a result you will receive 10 jpg files.

When you create a pdf document based on these files, you yourself can arrange the pages in the correct order. And your recipient will simply leaf through it, as if you had given him a photocopy stapled with a stapler.

And for those who remain, I will continue.

And I have a gift for you - a small and free program Scan2Pdf (click to download - volume 1.05 MB).

Using this program, you can combine ready-made jpg files into one pdf document, or scan directly into a pdf file.

How to combine ready-made jpg files into one pdf document.

Open the Scan2Pdf program (I assume that you have already downloaded and installed it). The program is very simple. This is what the program window looks like.

Click on the button or through the menu select the item File - Load Image from file and indicate the first file that we want to put into pdf. An image of the contents of this file will appear in the program. In the same way, select the second file, then the third, etc. how much do you need.

When all the necessary files are loaded into the program, press the button or select File - Save to PDF from the menu. Specify the name of the saved pdf file and where to put it. That's all!

To scan directly to a pdf file in the Scan2Pdf program, respectively, press the button with the scanner icon or through the Scan menu.

Like this. Simple, convenient and fast! Enjoy!

P.S. By the way, the program supports other graphic file formats (not only jpg) for combining into pdf

1. Select one image to convert.
2. Press the button Convert.

7. Enjoy it for your health

1. Select one ZIP file containing images to convert.
2. Press the button Convert.
3. The file is sent to our server and the conversion begins immediately.
4. The conversion speed depends on the file size, the speed of your Internet connection and the available resources on our servers.
5. When the conversion is complete, the file returns to the same browser window (do not close your browser).
6. If conversion is not possible, the reason will be indicated in red.
7. Enjoy it for your health

Select an image to convertOnly JPG/JPEG/PNG/BMP/GIF/TIF/TIFF files are supported

Conversion in progress

This may take a few minutes

This page only allows conversion JPG JPEG PNG BMP GIF TIF TIFF V PDF.

  • To convert MS Word (DOC DOCX) to PDF, use the Word to PDF link.
  • To extract text from a PDF document, use the PDF to TXT link.
  • To convert DOC DOCX DOT DOTX RTF ODT MHT HTM HTML TXT to FB2, use the link Documents in FB2.
  • To convert JPG JPEG JFIF PNG BMP GIF TIF ICO to other formats, use the Convert image link.
  • To convert PDF to MS Word (DOC, DOCX), use the link Convert PDF to Word.
  • To convert PDF to JPG, use the Convert PDF to JPG link.
  • To convert DJVU to PDF, use the link Convert DJVU to PDF.
  • To recognize text in PDF or images, use the Recognize PDF or image link.

Select ZIP archive to convertOnly ZIP files are supported

The PDF format is written in PortScript and is one of the Adobe products. Reading PDF files is possible using Acrobat Reader. The program supports options that allow you to edit and work with these files.
JPEG is a compression format that allows you to save an image, for example - digital. This is the format in which most digital cameras save images. There are several ways to transfer from one format to another and vice versa.

Translation of documents: how to convert jpg to pdf.

How can we convert jpg to pdf? There are several popular programs that allow you to convert images stored in JPEG format to PDF format.
Using the program Adobe Acrobat Professional it simply creates a new PDF document. To do this, you need to select all the files you need in the window that opens, from which a common PDF document will be created.
Adobe Acrobat Distiller - This program can easily save the desired JPEG document in PDF format.
Photoshop CS3- another program that allows you to perform all the necessary actions: with this program you can scan an image, edit it, retouch it and save it as a PDF.
JPEG2PDF- a small program that is used to convert JPEG images into a PDF document.

First, download the program and install it on your computer. All JPEG images required for conversion are collected into a common file. If the JPEG images in the PDF file being created will be arranged in a certain order, then these images need to be numbered accordingly. Next, launch the program and click on the “AddFolder” button. Load JPEG files into the window that appears, use Explorer to find this folder and click “OK”. In the window we will see a list of all JPEG images. In the menu you can specify keywords, author's name, title and set compression parameters. We select the folder in which the files will be placed and use Explorer to determine where the created folder with the converted images will be stored. After the conversion is completed, we see the finished document in the specified folder.

How to convert JPG to PDF in reverse: converting PDF to JPEG using a graphics editor

We understand how to convert JPG to PDF, but how to convert PDF to JPEG? In the case of reverse conversion, the following method is suitable: first, open the PDF document, which must be scaled so that the entire part of the file to be translated is on the screen. To convert PDF to JPEG you need to press the key combination Alt+PrtScn .
Then open any graphic editor, for example, Paint. In it, select “Edit” - “Paste”.
An image of the document converted to JPEG will appear on the screen. Using the Paint option, cut off all unnecessary parts and save the resulting file as a JPEG.
Converting a document to JPEG entails significant compression, which can negatively affect its quality characteristics.

Have you scanned a document and received a whole set of pictures instead of one file? Or did you download a five hundred page book from the Internet and see the same thing? What if you still need to work with the document or send it to someone? Common situation? Solving the problem is quite simple. There are several methods to combine all documents into one.

There are several ways to combine pictures into one document.

  • Can be used on a computer download and install the graphic editor. Plus: it’s always at hand, which, you see, is convenient when you frequently work with scanned pages. Disadvantage: the program will require free space on your computer. And if there is so little of it?
  • Can take advantage of free services, of which there are dozens on the Internet. Plus: they don’t take up space on your computer. Minus: Internet required.

Let's look at how to work with both.

Software method for combining images


Portable software in English copes well with IPG/IPEG images.

  1. Download and run the program.
  2. Click Add Files and select IPG/IPEG files. They will appear on the left.
  3. Select settings:
  • “Move Sel Up and Move Sel Down” - set in order;
  • “Single PDF File named” - give a name;
  • Multiple PDF files - we make one image in PDF;
  • “Shrink Over-Sized Image to Page Area” and “Enlarge Small Image to Page Area” – to reduce or enlarge the image.

4. Save Output - check the box and indicate the location.

PDF Tools

You can install it on your computer or use the online service:

  1. At the top of the window “Create a new PDF document from:” - “Images. Convert image to PDF" - "Start".
  2. “Add files” - “Open” - “Next”.
  3. Set the desired image settings. "Further". "Further".
  4. Choose where the document will be saved and give it a name.
  5. "Process" or "Run Viewer" and then "Process".
  6. Once the process is complete, “Finish.”


  • Installs as a virtual printer and works with many formats and programs. Therefore, you can create a PDF both from the program and from the document you are working with. If you need to use several computers on a local network, the program can be installed on a server. It is easy to install and use and supports Russian language.
  • Open: “Printer” - “Settings”.
  • Edit: "Basic Settings 1", "Basic Settings 2". "Save".

How to make one document from several images in PDF Creator.

  1. “PDFCreator - PDF Print Monitor” - drag and drop pictures into a window or through the explorer.
  2. Select PDFCreator as the temporary default printer. "Accept".
  3. Fill in the data on the document and set the settings, if necessary.
  4. After the conversion, “Save” the document in Explorer.

Online services for converting JPG files

Many are no different in functionality from downloaded programs. And they have many additional options. There are many such free services in Russian, but they have their own characteristics.


  • The service is suitable if you need to combine into a document no more than 20 files.
  • And also the server can convert to DOC, DOCX, TEXT, JPG, PNG.
  • The editor will automatically set the required scale and optimize each image.

  1. To download files, click “Download” and select the required files in the window that appears. "Open". After which the conversion process will start. Or, first select the files, and then drag them to the "Drag files here" field.
  2. Click “Shared File” and select a save location in the window. "Save". The document is ready.
  3. “Clear” to remove files from the service.

Small pdf

  • Works with TIFF, BMP, JPG, GIF and PNG formats.
  • Suitable for all OS: Windows, Mac, Linux.
  • In order to avoid creating a load on the computer processor, the conversion process takes place in the Cloud.
  • You can combine a large number of images.

How to merge files?

  1. To add images, just like in the previous service, you can use the “Drag image here” or “Select file” buttons. If necessary, you can add pictures “Add more pictures”.
  2. On the lower icons:
  • set the format to A 4, letter (US);
  • orientation “Portrait”, “Landscape”, “Auto”;
  • margins: “No margins”, “Narrow margins”, “Wide margins”.

3. Click “Create PDF now”.

4. After conversion, the message “Oops!” appears. Oops! We have placed all your pictures in a PDF file! And that’s great!”, under it we select the method of saving.

  • The first icon “Save file”: save it in a folder on your computer.
  • Second icon with icon. We point “Save” at it. V ".
  • The third icon is “Save to Google Drive”.
  • The fourth icon “To JPG” converts the document into pictures.
  • The fifth “eSign” icon is “Sign PDF”, where you can set the name of the resulting document.

The service also provides other tools that will open when you click on Tools at the top.


The service allows combine a large number of images, But adds 20 pieces at a time. That is, by uploading 20 pictures and clicking “Add files and drag here,” you can add 20 more. And so on.

How to convert?

  1. There are several ways to add IPG or IPEG images:
  • "From Google Drive."
  • "From Dropbox"
  • through the conductor.

Or drag and drop pictures using the Drag & Drop mechanism.

  1. "Convert files".
  2. In the window that appears, save by selecting a location:
  • “Download PDF file” - on your computer.
  • “Save to Google Drive.”
  • "Save to Dropbox."


Simple service. It has several disadvantages:

  • each picture must be added separately;
  • converts 10 documents at a time.

How does it work?

  1. “Select file” - only one image will be added. Select the desired quantity from 1 to 10.
  2. "Forward".
  3. After conversion, “Download file” is at the bottom left.
  4. Save it to a folder.

Mobile app

To organize your photos, Google Play offers the "Fast PDF Converter" application. In a few clicks, the application will create an album from them.

  1. Click “Create PDF from images”, select the storage location for the images by checking them.
  2. “Add files” - “Create”.