Data transfer. Data transfer 1s 8.3 data transfer between similar configurations


On a personal computer (hereinafter referred to as computer 1), on which the 1C platform with the required database is installed, launch 1C, select the desired database and click on “Configurator”. If this is your first time accessing the 1C database on computer 1, after launching the platform, an empty window will open on the screen, in which, except for the menu, there will be nothing else. Select the “Open configuration” option from the menu. After just a few minutes, a red window called “Configuration” will appear on the left with a complex structure of its constituent elements.

Upload a copy of the 1C databases to computer 2. To do this, launch 1C and select the “Save configuration to file” option in the menu. Transfer it to computer 2, placing it in any location you choose: it will later be used to make a database.

Add a database. If this is the first launch of 1C on computer 2, then the platform itself will do everything for you: when you launch it, a window will appear with the following message: “There is no configuration in the list. Add?”, then click “Yes”. After this, select the “Create a new infobase” option, indicating that it should be without configuration. Then select the directory prepared for the database and click “Configurator”. After a minute (sometimes less), a red “Configuration” window will appear on the monitor screen, in which various configuration elements will be presented in the form of a tree diagram. Download a copy of it by clicking “Load configuration from file” or “Load infobase”.

After loading, the 1C platform will offer a configuration update: to do this, select “Update database configuration”.


Remember, if at the time of copying information from computer 1 someone is working with 1C on this PC, some files will not be copied.

Helpful advice

This method of copying a database is partially flawed because it can copy the configuration, but not the existing reports, fonts and other settings.

The software developer 1C announced in 2011 that the new version will not support the configuration in edition 1.6. In this regard, there was a need to convert the 1C database to edition 2.0. How to do this?


Install the latest version of the 1C platform on your personal platform. Launch the software. Open the database list section. If it is empty, click "Add...". Check the box next to “Adding to an existing infobase.” This section allows you to create an information base in this version of 1C, which is located on this computer, on the 1C:Enterprise server or on the local network. Click Next.

Enter for the database, select the location of the infobase (on this PC, on a local network, on a 1C server or on a web server). It is advisable to place the database to be added on this personal computer, so select this item. Click "Next".

Select the directory in which the infobase is located. Click the "Open" and "Next" button. In the window that appears, leave everything unchanged, i.e. The authentication option and startup mode are selected as automatic, the connection speed is normal. Check that the version of 1C: Enterprise is the latest. If you need to change any parameters, click the “Back” button. After filling in all the data, click the “Done” button.

And we show you how to use it to GREATLY simplify solving your problems.

Today we will look at how to set up and make a simple transfer of directories and initial balances in just 10-15 minutes.

And this is mass and regular task, which is almost inevitable for most new configurations launched.

Therefore, call your colleagues, it will also be very useful for them.

Especially if they have already seen CD 3 and managed to get scared :)

Yes, when you see her for the first time, it’s not clear at all.

But in reality, everything is VERY simple. So simple that you will even be bored later :)

What exactly is in today's videos

These are 4 videos on data exchange via universal EnterpriseData exchange format.

In addition, we will show an example improvements to standard exchange rules in 1C:Data Conversion 3.0

Total duration – 34 minutes. Content:

  • Setting up exchange using the example of 1C:Accounting 8 and 1C:ERP
  • How to download standard rules and a universal exchange format in Data Conversion 3.0
  • Transferring the metadata structure to CD 3.0
  • How to perform your first data exchange
  • Finalization of the rules conversion
  • How to load new rules without changing the configuration ( without removal from support)

note, that when solving this problem, the loading rules change only in the receiving configuration. And the source configuration works according to standard rules.

If a similar problem were solved in Data Conversion 2.0, then changes would have to be made to the rules of both the source and the destination.

These video tutorials are relevant for BSP edition 2.3.2(for any build older than

If you are using an older version of BSP,0, make an “adjustment” for the changed interface and expanded functionality. To do this, repeat the example from the video yourself.

Video 1:
Loading exchange rules between standard configurations into Data Conversion 3.0

In this lesson, we will perform preparatory steps when making changes to the rules of exchange between standard configurations:

  • Loading the exchange format structure into the CD (
  • Creating a conversion
  • Uploading rule files from a standard configuration
  • Unloading the exchange manager module

Video 2:
Refinement of exchange rules in CD 3.0

In this lesson we will show how to fill in object details when loading data.

The problem will be solved - when loading objects from the source configuration, set the comment “Loaded from BP 3.0”.

To solve the problem you will need to enter changes in object conversion rules, in the “Before recording received data” event.

The developed rules will be saved as external processing for further use.

Video 3:
Setting up universal exchange between standard configurations

In this tutorial we will show you how to set up a new exchange between standard ones.

The settings will be made in the source configuration and then loaded into the destination configuration.

Also in this video we will show how without changing the configuration upload new exchange rules.

Video 4:
Transferring opening balances using exchange rules

In this lesson we will show a typical functionality for transferring initial balances.


Yes, exchanges via txt / dbf / ole, etc. have the right to exist. In some special cases, such as connecting to a web server or transferring an external application from a ready-made format.

However, for standard exchanges – standard methods are both faster and much simpler.

And if someone reinvents the wheel, when there is a ready-made universal solution - it’s like writing on your forehead “I don’t know the instrument, I don’t want to study it, I’ll build crutches for your money” .


We want to show that Data Conversion 3.0 is not difficult.

Unusual - yes. Not everything is immediately clear - yes. There are very controversial moments - yes.

But with the help of ready-made instructions and videos, you can master it in literally 1-2 weeks.

This chapter discusses the transfer of data directly from the source information base to 1C: Accounting 8. This method of transfer is considered the main one.

If for some reason the main method of data transfer cannot be used, for example, when transferring from basic versions, it is recommended to use the method of transferring data from an upload file. Loading data from a file is discussed in detail in the chapter.

If changes were made to the standard configuration of the source infobase, then you need to read the paragraph “Transferring data from non-standard configurations” in the chapter “Auxiliary transfer techniques”.

Data transfer directly from the source infobase is carried out in stages. Before starting the transfer, you must make sure that the source infobase is closed and there are no users working in it.

Stage 1: Backup

Let's back up the original infobase.

Let's launch 1C:Accounting 8.

Additional settings in the infobase 1C: Accounting 8 not required. Accounting settings for correct data transfer are installed in the infobase by default.

You must use the transition assistant (menu Service – Transfer of data from information databases 1C:Enterprise 7.7).

Step 1: Selecting a data download option

Let's select an item Load data from the infobase.

If you want to go back to the beginning and change the data transfer option, click the button To the begining.

Button Complete used to close the form.

If you are using the basic version, the data transfer is complete. You should press the button Complete to close the form.

If errors occur during the transfer, then follow the link Information about errors that occurred An informational error message opens. After eliminating the error, you need to repeat the data transfer (button Repeat).

Transferring various data is a very significant action in any accounting system on the 1C platform. Before exporting the directory to another database, it is necessary to make a backup copy, because the changes made are considered irreversible.

The most popular and at the same time fairly simple way to transfer a directory to 1C 8.3 is to process information data in XML form.

To perform this task, you will need to use the upload/download processing file for 8.2 or for 1C 8.3. This method is universal and the most optimal, suitable for almost any installed configuration.

Uploading data

To do this, you will first need to go to the program interface and perform a number of actions:

1. Fill in the “File name” field. Using this path, an information data file will subsequently be created for loading into the database.

2. In the “Data for downloading” table area, select the information from the directory that you want to download from the existing database.

3. After this, when the necessary objects are selected, apply a selection on the right side of the tables.

4. After completing the installation of all required settings, export the directory.

Loading data into the directory

To transfer directories to 1C, you will need to perform a number of actions:

1. Start processing in the database where you want to load information data, and use the “Load” tab.

2. Then select the previously uploaded file and use the “Load Data” command.

After completing this action, migration of the directory from one database to another is considered completely completed.