Switching chrome tabs. Quick (hot) keys in the Google Chrome browser. What are tabs for and how does it help you work in the browser?

Let's look at several ways to switch between tabs in the Google Chrome browser.

Switching tabs using the mouse

This is the simplest and most common method of switching between tabs in our favorite browser. To switch to a specific tab, simply point the mouse at it and press the right button. That's all, there is absolutely nothing complicated about it.

Switch keys using a keyboard shortcut

This is the second way to switch. It is used extremely rarely, since it is much easier to do this with a computer mouse. But in some situations, for example, when the mouse does not work or is not there, this option can be very useful. Clamp CTRL+TAB and it will move to the next tab from left to right. If you run out of tabs, you will return to the very first tab.

To switch to the previous tab use the keyboard shortcut SHIFT+CTRL+TAB.

How to return a closed tab toChrome?

If you accidentally closed the desired tab, you can return it. To return a closed tab in Chrome, click Shift + Ctrl + T. Another way is to open a new tab and right-click on it and select “ Open closed tab”.

Google Chrome is one of the most popular browsers in the whole world. One of the main reasons for its popularity is Google Chrome hotkeys.

They save time and increase productivity. These indicators are especially relevant for those who use a browser for work.

General commands

The Google Chrome browser has common commands that work in other applications.

Commands: ctrl+c (copy), ctrl+v (paste), ctrl+a (select all), ctrl+x (delete selected part), ctrl+z (undo previous action) will help in any text editor, be it a comment to a video or message on a social network.

The browser allows you to add tabs to bookmarks for quick access. To do this you will need the combination ctrl+d. Also, if you decide to bookmark more than one page, use the keyboard shortcut ctrl+shift+d.

Google Chrome hotkeys ctrl+shift+n open a new page in incognito mode. If you need to go to the downloads or history section, press the ctrl+j and ctrl+h keys respectively.

Google Chrome keyboard shortcuts

And to search for any information on the page, use ctrl+f. A box will open at the top of the browser. Enter the word or phrase you are looking for. Chrome will show all possible options.

To increase or decrease the page size, use the ctrl++ and ctrl+- shortcut keys. To return the screen to its previous format, type ctrl+0.

And to switch to full screen mode, press F11. In addition, pressing the adjacent F12 key will open the page code. You can exit the mode or close a new window by pressing Esc.

p.s.: don’t forget to bookmark this information (Ctrl+D), it will definitely come in handy!))

What are quick, or in other words, hot keys? This is a keyboard shortcut that allows you to perform various actions on your computer. That is, using hotkeys you can simplify your work in Chrome and perform certain actions much faster and more conveniently. That is why we decided to collect for you the most necessary key combinations that will make using the Google Chrome browser much more efficient.

In this article we will show shortcut keys for two operating systems: Windows and Mac OS.

Let's start, of course, with everyone's favorite Windows OS:

  • Ctrl+T- Open a new tab in the browser
  • Ctrl + N- Open a new tab in a separate window.
  • Ctrl + click- This combination opens the link in a new tab in the background.
  • Ctrl + Shift + N- To open a new browser window in incognito mode.
  • Ctrl + Shift + click- Allows you to open a link in a new tab and immediately go to that tab.
  • Ctrl+W- This combination closes the tab (or pop-up window) in which you are located.
  • Ctrl+Tab- Used to switch between tabs.
  • Ctrl+1 ,2,3 – Also switches tabs. Where 1,2,3 is the tab number. You can also use the combination Ctrl+Page Up (switch tab back), Ctrl+Page UP (switch forward) to switch.
  • Ctrl + Shift + T- Restores the tab that was last closed. This way you can restore the last 10 closed tabs one by one.
  • Ctrl+S- This function saves the page you are on.
  • Ctrl+L- Go to the address bar.
  • Alt+Enter- Open the URL in a new tab.
  • Ctrl+P- Opens a window to print the current page.
  • F5 or Ctrl+R- Used to quickly refresh the current page.
  • Ctrl+F5 or Shift + F5- Force refresh the page. That is, with the cache cleared.
  • Esc- Stop loading the page.
  • Ctrl + plus And Ctrl + minus- Zooming in and out of the page.
  • Ctrl + 0- Reset the page scale, that is, return it to its original position.
  • Space- Scroll the page down (scroll)
  • Home- Go to the top of the page.
  • End- Go to the very end of the page.
  • Shift + mouse wheel- Move to the page left/right if it does not fit the entire screen.
  • Ctrl+F- Search in the Google Chrome browser.
  • Ctrl+U- View the source code of the page you are currently on.
  • Ctrl+D- Add the current page to bookmarks.
  • Ctrl + Shift + D- Adds all pages open in all tabs to bookmarks (creates a new bookmarks folder).
  • F11- Enables full-screen mode in the browser without buttons and all tools.
  • Ctrl + Shift + B- Enable/disable the bookmarks bar.
  • Ctrl+H- Go to your browsing history.
  • Ctrl + Shift + J- Open developer tools.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Delete- Clear browser history.
  • Ctrl + Shift + M- allows you to switch between all your accounts that you are logged into.
  • Alt+F or F10- Go to the browser settings page.
  • Shift+Esc- Open task manager in Chrome.

Now let's look at the hotkeys that you can use to quickly control and work in the Google Chrome browser on your MacBook (Mac OS):

  • +N- Open a new window in the browser.
  • +T- Open a new tab.
  • +Shift+W- Close the window you are in.
  • + R- Refresh the page.
  • +F- Open a search window in the browser.
  • +Shift+N- Open a window in incognito mode.
  • + click- Open the selected link in a new tab and set it to background mode.
  • + Shift + click- Open the selected link in a new tab and navigate to it.
  • Shift + click- Open the selected link in a new browser window.
  • +M- Minimize a window.
  • +S- Quick page saving.
  • +P- Print the selected page.
  • +Shift+T- Recover recently closed tabs.
  • Option + + And Option + + - Navigation through tabs.
  • +W- Close the active tab or pop-up window.
  • + Option + U- View the source code of this page.
  • +D- Add a bookmark to the page we are on.
  • +Shift+D- Add all currently open pages to bookmarks.
  • + L- To highlight the Url written in the browser line.
  • +Enter- Opens the URL in a new tab.
  • +Shift+B- Activates and disables the bookmarks bar.
  • + Option + B- Calls up the task manager.
  • + , - Quick transition to settings.
  • + Y- Go to the page with your browsing history.
  • +Shift+J- Go to the downloads page.
  • +Shift+Delete- In order to clear the history of the premises.
  • +Shift+F- Go to full screen mode.
  • + plus And + minus- This action changes the scale of the page (increases and reduces).
  • + 0 - Sets the standard scale for the page..
  • Space- Scroll the page to the bottom.
  • Fn+- Return to the top of the page.
  • Fn+- Moves to the bottom of the page.
  • + L- Go to the address bar.
  • +Shift+M- Switch user account in Chrome.
  • + Option + I- Open a window with developer tools.

We'll probably end here. These may not be all the shortcut keys that are available in the Google Chrome browser, but they are certainly the most necessary. Sometimes it can be difficult to do without them, because they not only reduce the time it takes to perform any action, but are also very useful in some situations. For example, when the mouse does not work, these combinations are very helpful and allow you to fully use the capabilities of the browser and the Internet.