Difference between a smartphone and an iPhone: characteristic features. What is the difference between a smartphone and an iPhone and which is better?

What is the difference between a regular phone and a smartphone? It's like comparing a bicycle to a motorcycle - the operating principle is similar, but the capabilities are radically different.

Phones vs smartphones

Few modern users will need a simple phone to communicate. After all, a “smart” smartphone allows you to partially replace a computer. Indeed, why carry a large laptop with you if you can quickly view incoming mail and test files from the large screen of your smartphone? The user can install different applications, expanding its functionality in the desired direction. Do this in the simple phone menu

impossible. Also, the smartphone has a significantly larger multimedia arsenal. It has a much better camera, and the tools for playing music or video files are not comparable to the capabilities of a regular phone.

Wi-Fi and GPS are essential attributes of a smartphone, and the same goes for multitasking.

Although, a small proportion of push-button phones, which continue to be produced specifically for lovers of “retro” models, have greatly caught up with their “smart” competitors. They are equipped with a good camera, memory card slots, a Wi-Fi module, and have a long-lasting battery, but, of course, they are not able to compete with smartphones in terms of performance.

Often, simple mobile phones are more popular among older people who do not need modern bells and whistles. The main thing is that by pressing a button you can call where you need to, and everything else is from the evil one. This is a fairly large market segment, and such models will certainly continue to exist in the near future.

iPhones vs smartphones

iPhone is a special smartphone. It compares favorably with other gadgets, and even the name of this device has become a household name. Many people associate it with luxury, a product for the elite.

By pioneering multi-touch displays, Apple revolutionized the world of mobile technology. By and large, it was the iPhone that laid the foundation for the development of smartphones, and set a certain bar that competing manufacturers still measure up to today. A computer company with a 40-year history managed to create a successful product with a full production cycle. And she was right, because... The widely promoted iPhones have been bringing the lion's share of the company's profits for years.
iPhones are captivating, first of all, with their unique ecosystem, which is radically different from all analogues. This is due to the fact that the manufacturer creates not only the mechanics, but also the software part of the phone. The iPhone operating system, precisely tailored to the capabilities of the hardware, is rightfully considered the most stable of all those currently on the market. In most tests, the iPhone's performance and speed are second to none, even when compared to more technically advanced models from competing brands.

The iPhone provides an unprecedentedly high level of protection against hacking, since the system is closed and the owner has no opportunity to influence its operation in any way. Yes, many users make a jailbreak that breaks the factory access lock, thereby depriving themselves of powerful protection and the ability to update the system for free, for which they actually paid a lot of money. And all this for the sake of installing a couple of programs that are not presented in the company’s application store, is this wise - a rhetorical question?

Another advantage of the Apple smartphone is the length of its software support. So, for example, the currently current iOS 9 platform successfully works even on the iPhone 4, released six years ago (previous models simply technically will no longer be able to handle it). Also, iPhones of any series are distinguished by impeccable build quality.
Along with the purchase of a gadget, each user gets access to the company’s content store. Rest assured, the programs presented in it (both paid and free) are probably safe for your device and will work without failures. All software is carefully checked by company specialists to ensure compliance with strict requirements. And every developer is honored to be included in the ratings of this largest content store.

Also, the year before last, a secure contactless payment system – Apple Pay – was presented and is being successfully implemented around the world. This eliminates the need to carry cards with you; just scan your fingerprint to confirm the transaction. At the same time, the confidentiality of the buyer is fully respected.


Every year, the release of a new iPhone is a real event in the mobile environment, to which the eyes of millions of users are riveted.

No gadget in the world is subject to so many high demands and expectations. Only it is examined almost under a microscope, praised or criticized to the nines.

Many accuse Apple of the unreasonably high cost of its devices. However, the price tags of competitors are only slightly inferior to apple flagships. Yes, you have to pay for excellent product quality, long-term after-sales service and a big name.

You shouldn’t criticize iPhones for the closed system, because it is the “main feature” of the gadget. Thanks to this, the high performance indicators produced by iPhones during comparative testing are achieved.

If you are an advanced user and want to customize your smartphone at your own discretion (and most importantly, you know how to do it), then perhaps this phone is simply not for you. In fact, the dominant part of users do not want to spend time learning all the settings. They just want to turn on their smartphone and start using it, downloading the necessary content from a verified, safe source - and Apple offers them this.


  • To summarize, we can say with confidence that the iPhone continues to deservedly remain among the market leaders. This smartphone provides its users with:
  • quick initial setup;
  • a unique operating system and uninterrupted operation of the gadget;
  • access to verified safe content in the company’s app store;
  • constantly receiving system updates designed to improve its performance;
  • protection from viruses and access by unauthorized persons to all types of personal information of the client (thanks to a fingerprint scanner and signal encryption during conversations);
  • global support at all stages of purchase and operation;

> high quality materials and excellent assembly.

What is the difference between a smartphone and an iPhone?

Every year various gadgets become more advanced and accessible. Today, the iPhone and smartphone have become such. These mobile devices not only receive calls, but also provide their owner with access to the Internet and allow them to work with mail and various documents. But before making a purchase, many simply do not understand the differences between these two devices and which one is better to choose. Telling them that an iPhone is also a smartphone will confuse the user even more.

Smartphone, translated from English (smartphone) is a “smart phone”. And indeed, you can say this about it, since it combines the functions of a telephone and a computer. The smartphone runs on the Android operating system, which was developed by Google. The most prestigious and popular among them are Prestigio smartphones, and on the website www.moyo.ua/telecommunications/smart/prestigio you can learn about their main technical characteristics.

iPhone(iPhone) is a phone with a touch screen, which, like a smartphone, allows you to use the Internet, read books, listen to music, watch videos and many other additional functions. The iPhone belongs to a series of smartphones manufactured by Apple.

After we learned what an iPhone is and what a smartphone is, now let’s figure out how they differ from each other, besides the fact that they are produced by different companies. The iPhone was designed and created under the leadership of Steve Jobs, and that says a lot. Smartphones are produced by various companies, none of which claims authorship.

Main differences:

  • Operating system;
  • Mobile Row;
  • Appearance;
  • Memory size;
  • Price.

The most important difference between these devices is the iOS operating system, which is used only in Apple products, and therefore only the iPhone has it. Smartphones run on Android. The advantage of this is that iOS is more advanced, but the disadvantage is that it will no longer be possible to install it on another phone or tablet. What distinguishes an iPhone from a smartphone is the company logo - a “bitten apple”, which a smartphone does not have. The non-removable battery in iPhones is considered a disadvantage, while in smartphones it can be removed without the help of service center specialists.

The materials used to assemble the iPhone (aluminum, plastic, glass) are of the highest quality and make up the iPhone’s solid body. The build quality of Apple products is not questioned either. The price of these gadgets may also influence your choice. Apple products, which have no competitors in terms of popularity, are, of course, more expensive. But in the end, it turned out that the iPhone is the same smartphone, only with its own characteristics.

Articles and Lifehacks

For fans of the mobile world, the difference between an iPhone and a smartphone is obvious and does not need explanation. But for those who treat their gadget as a consumer, everything is not so clear.

In order not to look like a Neanderthal from Khatsapetovka in the eyes of the elite, you need to know the difference like the back of your hand. But jokes are jokes, but still?

Is iPhone a class of devices or a proper name?

If we approach the issue literally, then there are no differences between these two concepts: one includes the other.

iPhone is the Russified name of the trademark of the iPhone line of smartphones produced since 2007.

However, today it is no longer just a brand, but something like a subculture, or even a cult with its admirers, idols and, of course, haters.

The term “smartphone” itself has a much longer history. It appeared in 2000, when the R380s phone model was released.

It can be considered a prototype of modern devices only to a certain extent, since, although it had a touch screen, it did not allow the installation of third-party applications due to the closed Symbian OS 5.1 operating system.

Approximately from this moment, the rivalry between this class of mobile devices and the so-called communicators began, which ultimately led to their merger.

And today, by smartphone we mean a mobile phone with a touch screen and the functionality of a pocket computer.

So are there still differences?

In reality, there are, and very significant ones. But, oddly enough, they concern not the hardware, but the hardware used in the gadget. Today there are only three “live” operating systems left:

For fans of green... no, not a snake at all, but a droid, it is much easier in this regard - their operating system is much more democratic and transparent, which is why it is good.

The user has freedom of maneuver, but, as always in such cases, pays for it with comfort. The same picture as in the epic confrontation between desktop Windows and Linux. By the way, Android is created precisely on the basis of the latter.

And therefore, no matter how much iPhones are scolded, no matter how they are branded “accomplices of the enslavers of humanity,” “devils of the Matrix” and other epithets dear to the hearts of cyberpunk fans, their popularity is limited by one single factor: the price of new models. Everything else falls under the “green grapes” category.

Thus, if there are differences between these two concepts, they are not class or external, but rather ideological. Both types of gadgets perform the same tasks, but they do it in different ways.

Now anyone who wants to purchase a “smart” phone that will not only receive calls, but also have Internet access, as well as many other additional functions, is faced with a choice: whether to buy a smartphone or an iPhone. In fact, the iPhone is a smartphone; its only difference from similar devices is that it was produced by Apple. Of course, there are other features that distinguish gadgets from each other. We will consider them further.

A little history

In 2007, Apple first introduced the world to its first iPhone. This is a super new product and today it is significantly different from the first mobile phone, find out what it was like. For that time, the functionality, as well as the appearance of the gadget, was revolutionary and was technically ahead of devices from other manufacturers by several years. The developer called the gadget a smartphone, in other words, a “smart” phone. In addition to the fact that it was possible to make and answer calls, it received additional functions such as the ability to watch movies on it and listen to music from the network.

Of course, the iPhone almost immediately gained well-deserved popularity among consumers. This could not go unnoticed by other manufacturers, who soon took advantage of Google's Android operating system to release their own models that could compete with the iPhone in functionality.

What are smartphones and iPhones?

Thus, the first difference between a smartphone and an iPhone is that the devices run on different operating systems. However, do not forget that an Apple gadget is a type of smartphone, so it will be difficult to find significant differences between the devices.

The iPhone is a type of smartphone from the manufacturer Apple. Today there are five generations of this gadget, several variants of the same model. It runs on the iOS operating system and has all the functions that are typical for devices of this class.

Distinctive features of a smartphone and iPhone

If we talk about the technical differences between a smartphone and an iPhone, it should be noted that it has a non-removable battery. On the one hand, this raises concerns among consumers that they may need to frequently contact the service center. But in fact, users rarely resort to the services of specialists, since any technical problems rarely arise with a gadget that is of high quality. In addition, its additional strength is provided by the one-piece body.

Speaking about what other differences between a smartphone and an iPhone exist, let’s note the brand name, a bitten off apple on the back panel. Of course, such a logo is a symbol of Apple, and no other manufacturer dares to try it. In addition, the iPhone does not have a memory card slot. However, if you have a damaged memory card and want to download all the contents to your phone, then first read the article on how Manufacturers wisely decided that users would have enough built-in memory, which in some models can reach up to 64 GB.

The Apple device only works on iOS. Smartphones from other manufacturers may have different operating systems.

It’s impossible to say unequivocally which is better, a smartphone or an iPhone. Do not forget that the iPhone is just a type of such device. Hence, it is equipped with the same features as gadgets from other manufacturers. This also applies to pre-installed programs on the iPhone; before you start using them, you will have to rack your brains a little. For example, in order to figure it out you will have to use a little Internet. But no one doubts the quality of Apple devices, which influences the higher cost of the device. For many users, the iPhone is a kind of status symbol. Which smartphone to choose is a matter for everyone to decide for themselves.

If you are planning to buy an iPhone on the secondary market, and have never dealt with Apple equipment before, don’t be lazy and study the visual differences between Apple smartphone models. This way you will immediately understand which iPhone is in front of you and not a single seller will fool you.

Most often, confusion arises with the so-called “esques” that come out after global smartphone updates. They have a very similar appearance to the previous model.

Let's start with the most common models on our market, which every third person uses. Earlier devices are not as common.

iPhone 5/ iPhone 5s/ iPhone SE

Many Internet sites are literally filled with these iPhones with a 4-inch display diagonal. Outwardly, it is quite easy to distinguish them, but you need to know what to look for. It is on such devices that scammers try to deceive buyers by passing off an older iPhone 5 as an iPhone 5s or an “esque” as an iPhone SE.

The screen size, dimensions, color and weight of the devices are almost the same. Of course, the iPhone 5 was not sold in gold, and the 5s in rose gold, but the craftsmen from Gorbushka will be able to install a case of any color on the desired model, so you shouldn’t rely on color.

Storage capacity: iPhone 5 16/32/64 GB, iPhone 5s 16/32/64 GB, iPhone SE 16/32/64/128 GB.

Model number: iPhone 5 A1428, A1429, A1442, iPhone 5s A1453, A1457, A1518, A1528, A1530, A1533, iPhone SE A1723, A1662, A1724.

How to distinguish iPhone 5 and iPhone 5s

The main difference between the iPhone 5 is the lack of a Touch ID sensor. The Home button has an icon and does not recognize fingerprints. This is visible both externally and by the absence of the Touch ID section in the settings.

Another significant point will be the flash on the back of the device. The older model has a round flash, while the iPhone 5s has an oval flash with two LEDs.

How to distinguish iPhone 5s and iPhone SE

Even experienced Apple equipment owners often get caught in this situation. Externally, the models are practically indistinguishable.

Some people see more chamfered edges on the ends of the SE model, but the changes are difficult to notice even in a direct comparison, so don't get your hopes up.

The main indicator for us is the marking on the back cover. The new iPhone has the “SE” index there. Keeping in mind the possibility of replacing the case, do not forget to check the model number in the settings of the device itself.

iPhone 5c

The bright plastic body immediately distinguishes the more affordable smartphone from the three previous models.

Storage capacity: 8/16/32 GB.

Model number: A1456, A1507, A1516, A1529, A1532.

iPhone 6/ iPhone 6s

Here lies another potential scam site. Often they try to pass off the “six” as an “esque” and add an extra 8-10 thousand to the price of the device.

The models can be distinguished from each other by the back cover. The newer iPhone 6s has an “S” symbol on the back, and the iPhone 6s line also has a rose gold color.

Again, we don’t trust the appearance alone, we check the model number in the settings and the presence of 3D Touch on the iPhone 6s (you need to press hard on the application icons to call up the additional menu).

Storage capacity: iPhone 6 16/64/128 GB, iPhone 6S 16/32/64/128 GB.

Model number: iPhone 6 A1549, A1586, A1589, iPhone 6S A1633, A1688, A1700.

iPhone 6 Plus/ iPhone 6s Plus

Apple phablets have the largest display in the Apple line with a diagonal of 5.5 inches. The body is larger than the regular 6/6s (158.1 x 77.8 x 7.1 mm versus 138.1 x 67 x 6.9 mm).

The models differ from each other, just like the previous ones, by the markings on the back panel.

Storage capacity: iPhone 6 Plus 16/64/128 GB, iPhone 6s Plus 16/32/64/128 GB.

Model number: iPhone 6 Plus A1522, A1524, A1593, iPhone 6S Plus A1634, A1687, A1699.

iPhone 7/ iPhone 7 Plus

Last year, Apple demonstrated the iPhone 7, and there were quite a few visual differences. There is no 3.5 mm headphone jack on the bottom end of the case. From the back, the models can be recognized by the size of the camera module and antenna stripes on the top and bottom.

The iPhone 7 color line includes three new colors: onyx black, matte black and red.

Storage capacity: 32/128/256 GB.

Model number: iPhone 7 A1660, A1778, A1779, iPhone 7 Plus A1661, A1784, A1785.

Remember that iPhone cases are easy to change, and China has long been producing different covers in the style of new models for older iPhones. Visual differences will only help you get your bearings, but to accurately identify the model, look for its number on the back cover, box and in the iOS settings ( Settings – General – About this device).